Head fahivets decoding. Posadov's instruction of an engineer from the emergency organization. Preparatory stage of everyday life

In addition, the VET specialists are not only responsible for constantly monitoring the implementation of projects by various subcontractors, but also for conducting the necessary briefing on how to work on the farms. PTO practitioners, coordinating with planning records and accounting, carry out separate audits for applications and plans, and compile the call documentation. To obov'yazkіv vіddіlu enter:

  • maintenance of the technical shape of the robotic equipment;
  • storage of technical knowledge;
  • analysis of technical and economic indicators of work;
  • planning schedule for repair installation;
  • zdijsnennya control over dotrimannyam normative vitrate materials;
  • timely filing of applications for required materials What are the details of the installation.

Some of the most experienced practitioners of the most recent work are being trained by PTO engineers.

Virobnicho-technical work in everyday life

The zamovnik submits the entire package of technical documentation for re-verification of the validity of the koshtoris in the working chairs. Pratsіvniki vіddіlu carry out analysis and, as a rule, respect, draw up їх for transfer to the deputy. After adjusting all the differences, an agreement or a contract is laid down, which are described in terms of contractual prices.

Koshtoris є nevid'єmnim addendum to the contract for a contract, in which the wareness of pennies is indicated, the term vikonannya robs that mind of their choice. If the agreement is laid down, then the voucher will be transferred to the deputy’s representative, all design documentation. Vaughn is registered and is confirmed by the head engineer "at the manufacturing".
Okrіm tehnіchnії їdokumentatsії zamovnik podє y іnshі papers (on vіdvedennija іnshі іnshі) for registration of a package of documents for the permission to vikonannya robіt.


In addition, the PTO engineer takes part in the commission from the building of the finished object into operation. Also, on the new one, it was laid the vіdpovidalnіst for vіdpovіdnіst of the front roses to the real windows. As soon as the project is implemented, it is necessary to include additional financing, or to carry out new types of work, an obstruction engineer, and all the necessary developments.

Yakі rights may be an engineer of the industrial and technical department An engineer of the vіddilu may have the right to give instructions to the workers with the method of scoring their functional shoes. Also, you can control all the stages of carrying out weekly and virobnic work (ownership of vikonanny, compliance with the norms and rules, the level of quality).

Virobnicho-technical work.


VET in their robots is required: - by the AT statute; - normative legal documents for food life on the territory Russian Federation; - Orders, orders of the military AT; - core and methodical materials that regulate the production planning, operational management of the production; - cim Regulations. 2. The main tasks of the VET Safeguarding the timely storage of everyday objects in operation.

Saving the cost of undertaking for the account of an effective investment of capital investments, rozrobіya zahodіv shkodo skorochennya vitratny part of the BIS. Organization of rhythmic work and work of workers, children and businesses in general. Promotion of organizational and technical level of electrical installation manufacturing.

Structure of the emergency organization

After the processing of all sets and the design of the design on materials and slabs (selected cast-iron concrete, reinforcement, concrete, design and other), the plant will be able to place the slab on the slabs and structures on the backwaters-spreaders, firms post-workers. Before the cob of everyday life, I saw a magazine on the object, typing, lacing and numbering, with a signed signature and a signet. In addition, a log of the form of robots will be zapovnyuєtsya for the control of vykonanyh obsagіv.
For the rest of the month, the recruitment of active workers from line ITPs, subcontracting organizations is to be accepted. Chernetki vіdsotkіv povnіnі buti pervіrenі and vіzovanі vіzovani representative tehnoglyadіv zamovnik. Only after that it is necessary to process documents. The engineer of the virobnicheskogo vіddіl zdіisnyuєє reverіvіnі vіdpovidnostі percentіv koshtoris.

Regulations on Virobnicho-Technical Viddil (PTO)

Approved technical documentation is seen on a weekly basis by subcontracting organizations, with which contracts are laid down for this scheme. Engineers in charge of preparing a project for vikonannya robit (PPR), technological maps, a project for the organization of everyday life (POS) for obtaining licenses for this type of activity. The next stage is the engineering training. Tse obsyagi, as if planning to vikonati for a month. Linear ITP fold sets of robots, for any verification and technical work at the buddy draw up applications for material values, deciphering the work of the paperwork for vikonavtsy, analysis of the viability of buildings with viconrobs of applications for design and technical documentation, normative documents.

PTO engineer. what kind of profession? What are the instructions for a PTO engineer?

Tse commercial proposition, koshtoris, that I passed the examination in the organization, that I have a license for that other package, the necessary participation in the tender. Virobnicho-technical worker in everyday life takes part in river and non-planned inventory management, getting information from listing with the State Administration, deputy heads and subcontractors. To carry out an expert examination of third-party organizations, as well as transferred licenses, draw up materials before participating in competitions, together with the firm’s lawyer, form the necessary materials before participating in the Arbitration Courts.
Preparing materials within the framework of the oblіkovoї policy of management, taking part in the selection committees, technical councils, selection and analysis of the surpluses of the contracts on the objects of everyday life and other current moments.
Function of technical supervision of everyday life: - in-line control of obsyagiv and the quality of vikonanyh robit, for їх vіdpovіdnіstyu zadverzhenіy koshtoriznіy documentation, working chairs, budіvelnymi norms, standards, norms of safety engineering, vimogаrіpаtsionalіy; - re-verification of the final decision, the development of the project's finalization; - control of one's own assignment works for the deputy and control authorities; - rozrobka zahodіv shkodo zdoshevlennya budіvnitstvа and pogodzhennya zmіni zmіni project decisions from the deputy and design organizations; - vyrіshennya in-line meals for some vikonannya robit, scho blaming the walk of everyday life. 4. Putting objects into operation: - preparation of documentation for the completion of objects for the acceptance committee; - Control of one's own assignment is the responsibility of the deputy (signing of assets).

The structure of the virobnicho-technical department of the life organization

Zagalni ambush Virobnicho-technical service (PTO) є independent structural subdivision of BAT "Promin" (AT) and is ordered without intermediary to the intercessor of the general director of virobnichoi activity. PTO is created, reorganized and liquidated by the order of the General Director of AT. The head of the VET works without intermediary care for the work of the worker. A person with the highest technical knowledge for the specialty is assigned to the station of the head of the PTO, as he confirms the profile of the activity of the AT, with the certificate of work of at least 5 years at the electrical assembly worker at the engineering and technical settlements. Assigned to the landing by the head of the PTO AT, the transfer and zvіlnennya zdіysnyuyutsya by the general director for the weather and the fussing of the intercessor of the general director for virobnichoї diyalnosti.
the Statute of undertaking; - Normative legal documents for the food of everyday life on the territory of the Russian Federation; - Orders, orders for the organization of business; - Kerіvnimi and methodical materials that regulate the production planning, operational management of the production; - cim Regulations. 2. The main tasks of the TVET: - Organization of everyday life and reconstruction, preparation of manufacturing; - Safeguarding your own building of objects of everyday life in operation; - economy of expenses for the cost of arranging an effective investment of capital deposits, rozrobіya zakhodіv shkodo skorochennya vitratnoї part of the BIS; - Organization of rhythmic work and work of workers, workers and enterprises in general; - Promotion of organizational and technical production; — Pogodzhennya rіchnykh obsyagіv robіt іz deputies, general contractors and subcontractors organizations. 3. Structure of VET.
A review, the completion of that design of the rozrakhunkiv, the carrying out of the necessary arrangements for the completion of the design task, based on the information taken from the designee for the design. Vikonu graphic part of the project, that yogo reproduction is viable to the extent of the design and estimate documentation. 11. Razrakhovu vartist of design work and preparation of documentation for payment.

Energetic gallery, the sphere of everyday life of objects and roads, the system of housing and communal services may be on the verge of the promotion of folding and various objects. In the development and implementation of such projects, dozens of fakhivtsiv of various profiles take the part. One of the most important basic skills of a long-time lancer of practitioners is a PTO engineer. Depending on the maisternosti, respect and viability, the reliability of the working processes, the cost of the implementation of the plans, and the quality of the finished result are most often deposited.

Deciphering the abbreviation that accompanies the name of the profession "engineer" sounds like "virobnicho-technical worker". The presence of which directly at the warehouse is low in the organization of the energy, production, life, housing and communal profile and obov'yazkovoy. The key role of the organization of the work of such a person is played by an engineer, who is also called a “koshtorisnik”.

In order to take a vіdpovіdalnu posada from a great company, it is necessary to confirm the low vimóg. Before this change, it is necessary to include the university education of a technical type, the completion of work for 3 years in a similar settlement, the knowledge and skills of the graduates with the improvement of the specifics of a particular area. Until the rest of the paragraph, especially zhorstki vimogi, because. A professional in the living room of everyday life is not able to clearly win his shoes on a project related to energy. To start a career, it is sufficient to complete a medium-special mortgage of a technical profile. A lot of organizations accept young unqualified professionals.

Obov'yazkovі pobazhannya to the applicant:

  • presence infamous knowledge- Information about the plan of legal norms of the organization of the process of production, the position of labor legislation. Orientation at the structure of business, ambush protection of work, anti-burning security, methods of reducing industrial risks;
  • the presence of profile skills is an understanding of the features of the life of the singing gallery of a particular project. It is necessary to fold, keep and make changes to the documentation of the technical, design-koshtoris, government type. Knowing the methods of assessing the quality of the vicons of robots, understanding the minds, dotrimannya such play an important role for the building of the finished object;
  • Individual quality - the readiness to oversee the order of the great ceramics, to control the work of the right. Validity, respect, pedantry, mathematical warehouse of reason. Navit an insignificant pardon of the practitioner of the building to bring to the sight of schedules or serious financial expenses;
  • readiness to the highest level of stress.

On the landing of an engineer, call the head of your future officer or chief engineer, and small firms often hire a director. For all the similarities of the specifics of the robots and spivrobitniks in companies of different galuses and planting instructions, they can seriously interfere with each other, fallow with the features of the sphere.

Head of the practitioner

Independently in the sphere of activity of the spіvrobіtnik yogo diї directing to ensure the stable functioning of the processes connected with the technical side of the creation and development of the object. Concomitant and additional evaluation results may be specific. According to the type of delivery, it is possible to lay down a shift of the head and functions of the PTO engineer.

Basic tasks of the work of a professional:

  • rozpodіl zavdan sred svrobіtnіv, vstanovlennya sphere vіdpovіdalnosti for dermal participant of the project near the pіdzvіtnіy galuzі;
  • folding plans, keeping control over their vikonannyam, rechecking the quality of vikonannyh work;
  • request, otrimannya, opratsyuvannya materials chi documentation, necessary uninterrupted interruption of the manufacturing process;
  • organization of cooperation with other partners of the company and third-party institutions with the method of maintaining the schedule of viconnance;
  • filing the interests of a specific organization in the bodies that review and regulate their technical activities, the provision of strict or conflict food.

The rights and obligations of a PTO engineer are rich in why lie in the position of the yogo service, the sphere of activity, equal to that vocational training. The stench of obov'yazkovo is prescribed at the head office of the special planting instructions. The document becomes the main instrument that regulates the practitioner's activity.

Posadovі obov'yazki near budіvelnіy sphere

On a daily basis, the presence of a PTO engineer is required at all stages of work in the implementation of the project, beginning already at the planning stage. Quite often fahіvets works with already built objects, confirming their conformity to the declared characteristics, safety, functionality.

Relocation of the universal garden shoes of the PTO engineer at the buddy galuzi:

  • harvesting, re-verification, correction of costs at the planning stage with the improvement of possible additives of non-transferable vitrates;
  • spіvrobіtnik zdіisnyuє tekhnіchny obljad protyazh budіvelno-assembly robіt on p_dzvіtny ob'єktі;
  • monitoring of the obligation and quality of the performance, assessment of the reliability of the achieved results in plans, armchairs, technical documentation;
  • security guarantees of safe work carried out, inspections for the compliance of the object with the established norms, indications, vimog until the protection of the practice;
  • the folding of the graphs and their correction is viable until the attained results or minds that have changed;
  • zdіysnennya vzaєmodії mіzh zamovnik and vikonavtsy, as it is necessary;
  • carrying out reconciliation before it, how to put the object into operation. The scope of the engineer's competence includes the acceptance of the finished case, the assessment of the reliability of the chairs and the koshtoris, the execution of the supporting technical documentation, the compilation of the letters about the vikonan's work.

As it is written in the planting instructions and according to the type of object, the PTO engineer is obliged to take part in the folding of the design armchair, to select materials, to make recommendations on how to change the structures. When faced with the plans of the terms of the wines, we can analyze the approach, know the ways to improve the situation, so that we can take the wines of the goiter.

Residential and communal areas

The area of ​​​​work of a spivrobitnik directly can be universal or narrowly straightened. A professional of such a profile can be oriented at the specifics of the life support of new objects, care for the correct operation of the industrial services of living life and their communications in the suburban area.

Obov'yazki PTO engineer at ZhKG:

  • zvіtuvati and vіdpovіdat for the selection of thermal points and the heat loss of objects, yakі be listed on the balance sheet of a particular state;
  • at the warehouse of special commissions, or especially equip the booths, assess their technical camp, accept new repairs of objects;
  • spіvpratsyuvati with points of heat supply and at a glance, design organizations;
  • follow the work of contractors in your own business, take part in the obsession with the object of legal documentation;
  • to control the management of the air and adjust the appearance.

To the fahіvtsya of such a profile, there are usually less zhorstki vimogi, nizh pracіvniki budіvelnoї chi energy sphere. For the cob kar'єri enough for the mother of the middle-special or I'm looking for technical education. We are waiting for the work to be done, we want to see the 1st day.

How to become a PTO engineer

For the cob of work behind the fah, it is necessary to get lighting in the technical room. Most of the time, it is possible for a technical school to lay a foundation for a secondary-special profile.

Tse allow you to know the specifics of the organization of work on different types of objects, in addition to raising the residual vibrator of the galusian activity. So that the future will get the temple of the settlement and pay well for the settlement of the need for university technical education with a knack in one of the profiles: everyday life, energy, then.

Salary for the profession "conductive VET engineer"

Indicators of income in the sphere are strongly dependent on the level of knowledge of fahivtsya, the completion of one’s work, the opposite profile, and the region. At the cob stage, the salary of a simple PTO engineer will be from 18 to 25 thousand. ruble The world has a set of dosvіdu tsey pokaznik zdatny zrostati vdvіchі. Fahіvtsі z vіdmіnmi vyzkospravovannymi znaniem can rozrakhovuvat zbіlshennya dovoіv up to 75-100 thousand. ruble At the plan of the quarry, the developments sound at the horizontal plane - with the increasing knowledge of the practitioner of the wines, we recognize the recognition of more significant and expensive objects.

The profession of a PTO engineer may be on the verge of a high rіvenl vіdpovіdalnosti, to this, in addition to pracіvnіkіv hung suvorimi. The pardon, admitted by the spivrobitnik, can lead not only to financial losses, but also to human sacrifices. Without such factors it is impossible to correctly design a new object, create something and put it into operation.

PTO engineer (OPP)- how such a settlement gained its popularity on everyday objects, if we could get to all the documentation (viconavchos, permits, koshtorisnoy and others.) We tried to do it. If we want to, we may die at once, not so already we have become zhorstkishimi, even more normative and technical documentation (SNiPi, GOST, VSN and etc.) have been lost from the hours of our didusives, and even exalted ones.

It's just that the vimogi have tried to replicate the same quality of their acceptance on the objects, tobto. whining at the side of Zamovnik, Budіvelny control (technical supervision). Previously, all the documentation was robbed as best they could, the Zamovnik asked, and sometimes the blessings of the master, so that the stink would be like the documentation was built.
If the higher appointments were made before documentation, the emergency and installation organizations got staff of PTO engineers (for other organizations - engineers of the OPP). PTO - virobnicho-technical work, OPP - vyddil preparation of virobnitstva.

Are you a PTO engineer? We have a proposition for you! You can become a freelancer and work at a quiet office. Look at our vacancy for a long-term or permanent job:

Obov'yazyki PTO engineer

All paper tyaganina to pass into the obov'yazkіv majstrіv, vykonrobіv, іnzhenerіv OP, dispatchers and іn posad to go into obov'yazkіv іv ptо. I schob rozіbratisya at direct obov'yazkah, I wrote tsyu statyu.

Below I will describe briefly how and by whom the engineer of the PTO and OPP is responsible for working on the objects of everyday life. And you can read the report from the assistant.

1. Completion of permissive documentation.

Here it is so possible to understand - a complete set, tobto. not rozrobka її on the object, but the complete set of allowable documentation. Adzhe more allowable documents in the form of Zamovnik. This certificate of admission, allowed to work, allowed to work in the security zone of engineering communications and other. PB, TB or accounting), copies of certificates from OP, PB, qualifications of certificates for working and engineering and technical personnel are seen and credited to the OP. Obov'yazok іnzhener PTO on the object - form all the necessary documentation to a single folder, add a register to it, flash it and show it to the Zamovnik, and finally let it work at the stage.
Vbrannya-tolerances - the documentation is also allowed. Їх to become an organization, as you can see, allowed, tobto. If there are fires, gas-safety, high-altitude robots and stench carried out on the territory of the organization-Zamovnik, then this is the type of Zamovnik. Walk and sign the permit-permit is guilty of vikonannya robit dilnitsy, tobto. maister, foreman chi viconrob. If you see a work permit for the driver of the crane, AGP, crane-manipulator, then the dispatcher of the Contractor, responsible for the technique, or the head mechanic, is to blame.
Instructions for the protection of the practice to carry out a viconrob / head of the deli, the axis of guilt and is responsible for sending the logs to the working staff.

2. Organizational and technological documentation

- Tse obov'yazok _ PTO engineer, but yakscho tse spelled out in the employment contract. In rich budіvelnih organizations є 1-2 specialists (deeply in the field of work), they are engaged in the development of PPR and PPRk. If not in the skin organization and fakhivtsi, it’s better to entrust such a robot to the fakhivtsy at your gallery (design organizations, as they know more about the technology of vikonanny budіvelno-assembly robots).
PPR, PPRk - ce organizational and technological documentation, descripting not only the technological process of vikonnannya works, but also technical and economic indicators, which can only develop LMS (koshtorisno-contractual agreement).
PPR is a project of vikonannya robit rozroblyaetsya dermal object independently from obsyagiv. It is made up of PZ and technological maps on the basis of visual / stage work, calendar schedule, construction plan, scheme of the flow of technology and in.
PPR іz zastosuvannyam SS (earlier PPRk - the project of vikonannya works with cranes, and now, іz zaprovadzhennym at the action of new FNP, - PPR іz zastosuvannyam SS - the project vikonannya robit podyomnimi spores) can only expand the fakhіvtsyu, trained in the field of industrial safety FNP safety of the OPF, on which the PS are vikoristovuyutsya.
Vykhodyachi z p. 160 FNP on the PS is vyplyvaє, scho PPR vykonuetsya on all kinds of work, including those on the robots of the PS, which vikouyutsya - all in one.

3. Vikonavcho-technical documentation

Keeping vikonavchoi dokumentatsii - ce direct obov'yazok engineer PTO. Vіdpovіdalnі for vykonannya robіt protyag the last working day goiter to keep the information about the vikonan work and until the end of the working day they make a big call from the head of the department. For this sound, the PTO engineer to make notes in the secret journal, storing all the necessary acts, protocols, and if necessary, inform the head of the department about the need for a call to the specialists of the laboratories.
One more important detail - these are passports, certificates for materials delivered to the object, possession, details, may be handed over to the PTO engineer on the same day, if the stench arrived. From these documents, the acts of the input control are compiled, the journal of the input control is completed. So it is in the process of carrying out the work with the victorious workers for the sake of blame for the need for the vikonann work, coming after the robots, as it is necessary to obstezhit. At the same time, the PTO engineer will arrange all the necessary documentation for them.
Vikonavchi schemes - stinks of geodesic schemes, all have geodesic signs and robits and schemes of the goiter of geodesy. So, on the right, with the worker's control of the Contractor - the distribution of the main journal is not the responsibility of the log of the conduct of the workman's control, it is not guilty to enter into the bindings of the PTO engineer, the direct binding of the engineer of the IC (Budivelny control).

4. Complete documentation

- Tse obov'yazyok koshtorisnikiv SDN and navіt add nothing here.
As soon as they guessed the complete documentation, then we can see the signature of both acts KS-2, KS-3 and the journal KS-6a at the Zamovnik, Zamovnik’s Budivelny control, it’s easier to see the signature “vikonannya”. Vikonannya (percentage) - tse obsyag roboti have a penny vyrazhennі, obyag that yakіst yakіh podtverdzheno vykonavchy documentation.

5. Flow documentation

Calls - vedennya and their systematization can be included in the bindings of the PTO engineer, and the selection of these data - the bindings of the chief of the dealer.
Storage of assets KS-2, KS-3 can be dealt with by the SDO for the warehousing engineer of the PTO magazine KS-6a.
Information about the order of the order is stored by the PTO engineer for the voucher for the adoption of the order.
Directly different information to Rostekhnaglyad, registration of flashy and special journals - a direct binding of the Zamovnik of the budіvel object, to see the journals of the goiters of the Zamovnik already numbered and laced with a title page and signed with a signature.

Virobnicho-technical worker ensured uninterrupted work of all necessary structures in virobnitstv. The special station includes the main types of activity, the task of the whole production.

In charge of technical control is engaged in the recognition and basics of the activity of the organization. This is an independent structural subdivision, which is under the order of a cerebrate or a person, like a substitute. This structure has to manage all the work in the enterprise.

The main activity of PTO is to be enforced prior to legislation, fixed by normative and legal acts. Also, one of the main criteria for ceramics was given by the materials for the management methodology. Virobnicho-technical office deals with documents of organization and order, which is fixed at the ceremonial position of skin administration.

Zgіnoye with the mandate, by the Kerivnik of the Organiza, Yaki Maji Vidpovіdati to the decorous legislation of the Federal Federal Administrative Offenses of the federal federal, the chiefs are recognized as the same on the singing of the same order of the vibration viddil, the function of the Democratic. All documentation from this supply is included before the transfer of the main one.

Відділ технічного контролю здійснює свою роботу згідно з перспективно-поточним плануванням на певний термін та поєднує узгоджені заходи при вирішенні службових моментів, колегіально обговорює їх, несе особисту відповідальність за своєчасне виконання працівниками своїх функціональних обов'язків та контролює процес виконання доручень, даних начальником відділу.

Use special planting instructions that are hardened by the stone of the skin organization. The stench regulates the degree of qualifications, obov'yazkіv and functions, the rights of entrepreneurs.

VET can be a great boss. The person, recognized on the tsyu posad, is guilty of the mother of the future illumine (professional). It can be technical, engineering or engineering and economical. Also required work experience operational management on concrete settlements - kerіvna chi іnzhenerno-tekhnіchna. The minimum experience is due to but not less than 5 years.

The chief to pass in front of the test at the foreman's vіddіl. The functions of yoga are similar to those of the foot. The chief is obliged to carry a special responsibility for his own responsibility for his own work, laying on the new one, and for the most obvious sense of obedience to the work of all the structures of the PTO.

Virobnicho-tekhnіchniy vіddіl ocholyuє kerіvnik, аky vikonuє funktіnіє administrаіnnya, sho іn є sdvorennya scheduling, proper organіzіu raboty vіrobnitstvа, control over vykonannyam prakіvіnі їїh functional ob'yazkіv, prinyattya ії її vykonannya. especially follow for the rozpodil the hand of the spіvrobіtnikіv yogo vіddіlu, and navit proponuє kerіvnik pripriєmstva make changes to the robot, as it is necessary to correct the instructions from the vikonnі posadovy obov'yazkіv pratsivnіv.

At that hour, if the chief for any reason, the intercessor vikonu yogo functions in other situations, at the order of the clerk of admission to the office of the chief at the foreman-technical officer, he may be appointed to competence. plant yoga. PTO, budova and chinne camp obov'yazkovo moyut but tverdzhenі kerіvnik podpriєmstva.

In serious companies, as if they are rigorously acquiring high standards, applicants for the planting of a PTO engineer are expected to achieve high standards. Tse place can take fahivets іz profile with a holy light that maє dosvіd work z danї specіlnostі not less than 3-5 years. Tsі vysokі vimogi not zabaganki robodavtsa, the stench of the mind of tієyu vіdpovіdnіstyu, yak rely on tіїgo fahivtsya.

Most often, it’s better to lie down like a safe fermentation process, and safer to be quiet, like comrades arrive and set up, turned by this company. It is especially important in such a place, like everyday life, de dotrimanny technology - a guarantee of reliability, security and durability of objects that are being built. That is why it is important that the PTO engineer, knowing all the subtle technological processes of this production and zooming, will ensure their safety, more precisely, that scrupulous vikonnannya, even if it happens to lie in the first line of the product, which is vibrating. Vminnya sort out in project documentation, evaluate the validity of both normatives and standards, knowledge of these normatives and standards, as well as methodical and instructive galuzevyh documents are also necessary for TVET.

What to enter before obov'yazkіv engineer PTO

Of course, the skin of a particular working area of ​​the township may be subject to a change, the stench is issued by the township instruction, for any practitioner, to accept the planting engineer of the PTO, to know and sign at his working day.

Yakshcho vin, for example, pracyuvatime in, to yogo gardening obov'yazkiv, zokrema, includes:
- technical observation of the vikonannyam budіvelno-assembly work;
- re-verification of the reliability of the obsyagіv and the design of the approved design documentation and the work chair, as well as the basic norms of the day and the rules, state and Galuzev standards, technical minds, norms of protection of work;
- improvement of operational power to replace vicoristing materials and change design solutions without harm and security of budding facilities;
- conducting and control over koshtorisnoy documentation on objects;
- budіvelnyh robіt and reverification of the validity of the completed objects of koshtorisnoy documentation;
- the use of koshtorisnih vitrates from the patrons;
- Virіshennya sprinh nutrition with subcontracting organizations;
- re-verification of koshtorisnyh rosrachunkivs for the form KS2 at subcontracting companies;
- maintenance of stellar documentation;
- participation in technical acceptance of objects.

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