The author's sheet is changed for the project. Pogodzhennya change in project documentation. The procedure for the change of documents from the deputy and the representative office of the deputy




GOST 2.503-90
(ST REV 1631-79, ST REV 4405-83)




edinathat theme of design documentation


Unified system of design documentation.
Rules of making modifications


(CTROAR 1631 -7 9,
ROAR 4405 -8 3)

Entry date 01.01.9 1

This standard establishes the rules for making changes to design, technological and program documents (hereinafter referred to as documents). 1 This standard is expanded on technological documents, expanded in different ways to the Unified System of Technological Documentation (ESTD).


1.1. Under the change of the document, it becomes clear whether it is corrected, whether it is turned on, or whether additional data is given to the entire document. 1.2. Make changes to the documents at different times, so that the stench does not damage the interchangeability of the viroba with the virobs prepared earlier *2. 2 Here and given by the sign "*" points are indicated, before which comments are given in the addendum 1. 1.3. Be it a change in a document that calls for a change in other documents, you are guilty of immediately accompanying the changes made to all mutual documents. 1.4. If a document that is being changed, on version 3, enters the document warehouse of other types, then it is to blame for the possibility of making changes to the documents of the existing types, assigned to the cards of the form of documents according to GOST 2.501, or to the card to the form of documents to the form of documents according to GOST 3.120. If I want to change the document for one change to be unacceptable, then the change that changes is due to the release of a new document with new designations *. 3 According to the choice of standards, whether the products are made in accordance with the design, technological and software documentation. 1.5. Changes of documents at all stages of the life cycle should be submitted on the basis of information about the change (II) (addition 2). Information about the change of the document is indicated in the main document of the document and (or) in the archival registration of changes (addition 3). It is allowed to make changes to the design documents of the last stage (the last batch), the choice of a single and additional design, as well as technological documents, which are developed at the stages of the "forward project" and "the last stage (the last of the final draft)" and without release ІІ on the basis of the journal change (addition 2) for the preparation of a sample only on one enterprise. Changes to the magazine for candidates that are invested in the Ministry of Defense are to be carried out at the appropriate time from the deputy 1 (representation of the deputy). 1 Under the deputy head, the management of the Ministry of Defence, for the purpose of which, the development of documents and the production of gifts are carried out, or for the protection of which, the orders of the people's sovereign recognition are made. It is allowed not to include in the documents the changes of the people's gift recognition, the change in the change of standards and the technical minds on the materials and the variety, if in the changed standard (technical minds) the brand (range) of the smart designation of the material (their zonal characteristics) is taken the parameters that signify this interchangeability, must be given to the authorities of this document, until the documents are revisited (issue of new originals) or until the transfer of the originals to another company *. 1.6. To submit and make changes to the originals, changing documents may only have the right to organize - the master of the originals of these documents. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) 1.7. Notices at the notification of the obov'yazkovy for all the subdivisions of the enterprise, which issued an announcement, as well as the enterprises, which should change the documentation. 1.8. Necessary amendments of documents, due to the introduction of pardon changes for earlier issuances of II, are due to be issued by new II. 1.9. If it is necessary to change the information indicated in columns II (crime of the column "Change Change"), an additional notice (DI) is issued before the new one (addition 4). 1.10. For copies of documents that are at the disposal of the clerk, it is allowed to make changes on the basis of the front view (ПІ) (addition 5). I may have the right to issue as an organization-trimach of the originals, so as an organization-trimach of certified copies or duplicates of the categorical documents, if necessary: ​​and correct the pardon in the document, as it is possible to call for marriage; revise the proponated changes and I have the choice; virobiti technological preparation of virobnitstva. When such pardons are made, it is allowed to make negainoly up to the copies that are in the clerk’s office, the necessary corrections for the signature of the major issues with the forthcoming issue of the First Chi II. (Changed edition, Change. #1 ) 1.11. If it is necessary to change the information assigned in columns ПІ (crime of the column "Change Change"), an additional notice (DPI) is allowed to be issued before the new one (addition 6). 1.12. Propositions about the change (PR) (addendum 7) are recommended to draw up on the admission - to the clerk of the insured copies or duplicates on forms II and send them for further processing to the clerk of the originals. On the basis of the PR, it is not allowed to change the documentation and carry out additional processing. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) 1.13. Organiza - the power of the Origіnalev in the All -in PI PI, the ninsa pydprimani, the last ї ї ї ї ї їhobovіd nibos, the senile Zmin, and the senior vіdhilenna, and the embroidery of the reasons for the reasons for the reasons, were (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) 1.14. The procedure for changing the date of change from the deputy (representation of the deputy) was laid down with the addendum 8. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) 1.1 5. Rules for appearance II, DI, PI, DP and PR for filing with an addendum 9.


2.1. Make changes to documents in handwritten, typewritten or automated way. (Changed edition, Change. #1 ) 2.2. Making changes to the documents to be carried out: confirmation; cleaning (zmivka); zafarbovuvannya white color; introduction of new data; replacement of leaves of any document; the supply of new supplementary documents and (or) documents; vinyatok okremyh arkushіv document*. (Changed edition, Change. #1 ) 2.3. Following the introduction of amendments to the relevant dues and accessories for microfilming (GOST 13.1.002), and duplicates and copies confirming their recognition for GOST 2.102 *. 2.4. The introduction of changes to the crossed lines, signs, writings, okremikh words and rows is shaped by a strong thin line with the new information put down in the middle proximity to the crossed. When changing parts of the image, outline it with a strong thin line, which establishes a closed contour, and cross like a cross with strong thin lines. I am changing the drawing of the image on the free field of the document. The new image of the changed house can be seen on a large scale without turning. Signify the crossings and the new images of the dilyanka just like wine elements. Above the new images they say: "Replacement of the re-baptized". As soon as all the images are changed (looking, cut or cut), then they re-cross it and wrap it again. Above the newly cherished images, for consumption, they write, for example: “Looking angry”, “Looking from below”. It is allowed to make changes to the image and to the contour that is being changed, with short strokes to apply a new contour to the same image *. 2.5. I will change in a copy of the document in paper form, the old document in electronic form, change (reissue) the entire document with a cover letter or okremikh arkushiv (storinok), as well as adding or excluding okremy arkushiv. It is allowed to make changes to these documents in a handwritten or typewritten way. Replacement (reissue) of copies of the document in the paper form, contents of the electronic document, is subject to the periodicity, which is established by the organization *. (Changed edition, Change. #1 ) 2.6. Changes to be made to the original documents in electronic form, produce to change the relevant details and attributes (GOST 2.104). When changing the original of an electronic document, the version of that document is changed. (Changed edition, Change. #1 ) 2.7. Change, designate Arabic numerals by serial numbers (1, 2, 3 then). One ordinal number of changes is given to all changes, which should be entered into the document for one reminder. It must be specified for the entire document, regardless of how many hundred x vins of typing *.


3.1. ІІ put on one chilka of documents. One ІІ is put on a piece of documents for the mind and one-hour change of all documents that are changed. For electronic documents II create a skin document*. (Changed edition, Change. #1 ) 3.2. Skin II is due to the mother of the designation, which is formed from the code of enterprise, which issued the II, and in the order of the registration number *. 3.2.1. Code of subsidiarity-retailer for designation II, issued for technological documentation, is GOST 3.1201. 3.2.2. The serial registration number of the designation II is installed at the boundaries of the enterprise. 3.2.3. It is allowed to the designation II to add the date of issue to the II, to add a hyphen, for example ABV G.1 6-2004; K.1 37-2004. It is allowed for paper documents to designate the river with two remaining digits. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) 3.3. Notification about the change and, if necessary, issue a notice to the complete set. If so, for all IIs that are included in the kit, the same term is to be blamed for the change. Skin II in the set is assigned one registration number with the addition of a fractional number, in the number book of which the serial number II in the set is indicated, in the banner - blatant number II, for example, ABCD.1 36.2/6; K.281.1/4-2004. (Changed edition, Change. #1 ) 3.4. 3.4. ІІ vykonuyut at papers that (or) electronic form. (Changed edition, Change. #1 )



Puncti 1.2; 1.4. a) If the interchangeability of the change and change is damaged, with the change made earlier, do not make changes to the rest of the documents, but issue new documents with new designations or, one by one, design documents are converted into groups according to GOST 2.113. On the basis of a single selection and on the last stage (the last batch), it is allowed not to issue design documents with new designations, so that no more than the lower ones can be included in one document. b) For software programs under interchangeability, there is a need to understand the complexity of programs and technical tools, in the middle of which the software programs were changed. Clause 1.5. a) Changes to the copy of the operational and repair design documents transferred to the deputy or to the owner shall be carried out according to GOST 2.603, and in the copy of the program documents transferred to the owner - according to GOST 19.603. b) Changes made to the original, indicate: in the table of changes in the main letter according to GOST 2.104 - i (or) in the Republic of Latvia (addition 3) for design documents; in the block of changes made according to GOST 3.1103 - for technological documents; valid to GOST 19.603 - for program documents or in the change registration list (LR) (addition 3). For documents that cannot be LR, the table of changes (block of changes) is written on arches (sheets): to the first (header) new original prepared as a whole instead of the old one; changed; issued replacements; I'll add it again. For documents that make LR, the LR is returned, and the table of changes (block for making changes) is filled in only on the sheets that issued replacements and added again, if so, with the automated method of making changes, only LRs are remembered. When replacing all sheets with the original, with the manual method of making changes, only the LR is replaced, and with the automated method, the LR and the table and the change, for obviousness, on the leather arcuate original. c) In the tables and changes in design documents (GOST 2.104) indicate: in the column "Ism." - Serial number of the document change. When replacing the original with a new one, the chergovy serial number should be affixed, deviating from the remaining number of the change assigned to the replaced original; at the column “Arkush” on the sheets issued by the deputy of the replacements, - “Deputy”; on the arches, I added them again, - "Nov". When changing all sheets of the reference: 1) when changing manually, the first (header) sheet should be marked with “All”; 2) with an automated method of making changes to the table of changes, for її obviousness, fill in the skin sheet, in your column "Arkush" indicate "Deputy". In other cases, the column "List" is christened; at the column “No. doc pom. » - designation II, in case of which the code of admission, which, having released II, is allowed not to be affixed; at the column "Pidp." - Signature of the individual, vouching for the correctness of the change made; in the column "Date" - the date of the change. Changes in technological documents (GOST 3.1103) have been introduced to the block in the same way as the main writing of design documents. d) ІІ about the annulment of those documents are allowed after re-verification of the possibility of including their inclusion in other documents. On all annulled arches, the original and control copy and in paper form should be stamped with the stamp “Cancellation, replacement ... remembrance ... vid......... r.” If the annulment is carried out without replacement, the word "replaced" at the stamp is crossed. It is allowed when canceling all archival documents from a document that has been seen in a type of graphical way, or copies of documents, bound in an album, the stamp “Cancellation, replacements ... remembrance ... vid ... r.” put only on the titular and first (headline) arches. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) Clause 2.2. Changes in copies to be made by replacing old copies with new ones, taken from the originals, corrected for clarification. In times of inadequacy, change copies, it is allowed to correct them with black ink, ink or paste according to the rules established for dozhinniks. Making changes to a copy of the cleaning is not allowed. About the need to correct copies, indicate at the column “Change change” the note: “Copies correct”. Changes in control copies in paper form (for their availability) to be confirmed immediately after the changes are made to the originals. It is allowed to replace control copies of paper forms with new ones. At the time of replacing the control copy on it, write behind the butt: “Replacement with a new control copy, and zm. 2 and notification ABVG.8 37-2004” and put down the signature of the original individual from the designated date to replace the copy. The replaced control copy is allowed to be saved in the field with a new one. The change of the control copy of the electronic document is made by the method of copying the electronic original after making all the necessary changes in the details and attributes. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) Points 2.3 and 2.4. If there is not enough time to make changes and if it is possible to damage a clear image and correct the hour, or it is impossible to viconate to a microfilm, then prepare a new original with the correction of the changes made and save a lot of money. e. Points 2.4 and 2.5. When adding a new arch of the document, it is allowed to give it the number of the front arch of the document with the addition of the black small letter of the Russian alphabet or through the dot of the Arabic numeral, for example 3a or 3.1. When tsimu on the first (headline) arcush change Zagalna kіlkіst leaves. For text documents, which should be replaced in the main text, it is allowed when adding a new paragraph (section, subsection, subsection), tables, graphic material to give them the number of the front paragraph (section, subsection, subsection), tables, graphic material with the addition of a small amount Russian alphabet; in case of annulling an item (divided, updated, sub-item), tables, graphic material, take the numbers of the next paragraphs (divided, updated, sub-item), table, graphic materials. For consumption, replace four sides of copies of documents, made using the method of double-sided photocopying, replace more pages. Clause 2.7. When making a change in a handwritten way, there was a skin change, including the number of the white of the month, corrected by cleaning (zmivkoy) or stuffed with white color, beyond the borders of the image or the text, put the ordinal number of the change in the amount of a diameter of 6-1 2 mm, at the square of the 6-8 side mm or in the shackles of that kind of stake (square, shackle) to carry out a strong thin line to the changed plot. It is allowed to enter a circle (square, arch) with a number and change to draw a spear of lines to the plots, and change of them is carried out under one number. It is allowed to enter a stake (square, shackle) with a number, change the line to the plot, do not draw it. When making changes to text documents (at the text part of the documents), the lines in the stake; (square, shackle) I do not carry out the change number. Clause 3.1. When folding one ІІ per piece of documents, it is necessary that these documents have the same callers. Clause 3.2. If necessary, the designation of the II can be formed from the code of admission, which is marked with a dot to the code (number) of the transfer of admission, which releases the II and the dot of the serial registration number, for example, ABVG.42.1 07; K.05.49. Registration numbers are allowed to be assigned within the borders of the subdivision of the enterprise, which is issued II. In times, even if II is not allowed to be called to the callers, then the order assigned to him by the designation is allowed to be established by the enterprise itself, which is allowed by II.



1. Information about thatchange

1.1. ІІ vykonuyut on forms 1 and 1a on arches format A5, A4, A3 according to GOST 2.301 or GOST 2.004. 1.2. The last column of information about the change In II indicates: in column 1 - a short name of the enterprise, which is to be notified. It is allowed not to fill in the column; at column 1 a - the number or the short name of the subdivision of the enterprise, which issuing ІІ; at column 2 - designation II; at column 3 - the designation of the amended document (documents); at column 4 - the date of assignment II to the technical documentation service (STD) of the enterprise; at column 5 - the date (if necessary, the hour of completion), until the time when the due date is paid and changes are made to the documents or the due documents are canceled, as well as sending a copy of the notification to the current subscribers. Dodatkovі explanation to the filling of the graph of divs. 1.3); in columns 6, 7 - additional information on the court of warehouse II; at column 8 - order sheet number II. For example, II is made up of one arch, the column is not filled; at column 9 - the number of arkushivs II; at column 10 - the specific reason for that change; column 11 - code of the reason for the change (codes for the reasons for the change are indicated in the table). The code is allowed, why not change it. And here the count is christened; at column 12 - specific statements about how to choose a replacement and replacements (including spare parts). (Supplementary explanation before completing the graph of div. 1.3);

Beforee reasons change

Reason for change

Change reason code

Introducing the improvement and thoroughness:
as a result of standardization and unification
Implementation and change of standards and technical minds
For the results, try
Vіdpratsyuvannya dokumentіv zі zmіnoyu litera
Usunennya pardons
Polypshennyya yakosti
Wimogi's deputy
Scheme completion
Complete electrical installation
Change of technological equipment
Change of minds of the workers
Introduction of new technological processes (operations)
Replacement and similar preparation
Changing the norms of vitrati materials
Notes: 1. Single digits are allowed to add zero, for example 01; 02 etc. 2. If necessary, at the discretion of the admission, other reasons for changing that code may be indicated. at column 13 - for the vodskі numbers of variances, serial numbers, zamovlenya or the date of the change of the variance. If it is necessary to make changes to the copy of operational documents that are found with the deputy (GOST 2.603), indicate in the column: “It is necessary to issue a bulletin”, and if it is necessary to create documents for the insurance fund - “Documents are microfilm”. For the presence of statements about the promotion, the count is christened. (Additional explanation of how to fill in the graph of div. p. 1.3); in column 1 4 - the designation of documents, in which there are changes in the document. For design documents, data on the design status are given in the map form (GOST 2.501), and for technological documents - in the map design (GOST 3.1201). (Additional explanation of how to fill in the graph of div. p. 1.3); at column 15 - subscribers, which should be sent to II;

(first mule and great leaf)

Notes: 1. II vykonut on arches of the format A5, A4 or A 3 according to GOST 2.301 or GOST 2.004 with vertical and horizontal roztashuvannya of the arch. It is allowed to pass the next sheet II on any other formats. 2. Rosemary Count II appoints the organization that let it go. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1)

(advancing leaves)

Column 16 has the number of sheets of supplements. For the presence of supplements, the column is confirmed. (Additional explanation of how to fill in the signature stamp of div. p. 1.3); at column 1 7 - chergovy serial number і change. (Additional explanation of how to fill in the graph of div. p. 1.3); at column 18 - zmist change. (Additional explanation of how to fill in the graph of div. p. 1.3); in columns 1 9-2 2 - the function (settlement) of the osib, yaki sign ІІ, їх name, signature and date of signing. Signatures of the formed II, the norms of the troller and the representative of the deputy (for this reason) and obov'yazkovymi. (Additional explanation of how to complete column div. p. 1.3); at column 23 - the signature of the individual who made the change to the document (documents), that date of the change. (Additional explanation of how to fill in the graph of div. p. 1.3). 1.3. Additional explanations of how to fill in column ІІ Column 5. The date is given in the necessary terms for making changes and at the time of filing at the enterprise and documents and powers for the ІІ ІІ ІІІІ other enterprises, at which the terms of the terms for making the change and at the choice of passage. Column 1 2 . In case of further changes, which are changed, indicated in this column, we will consider it in full, or often prepared, if not implemented, virobi, vikonan for documents before making changes in them according to this II. At the graph, give a hint, for example: “Do not break” - so change does not fit on the design and does not pour into the back of the wall; “Do not win” - in case of inadmissibility, that wink and chi impossibility to add a ticket; “Vikoristovuvati” or “Vikoristovuvati for 5 sets” - having accepted the vikoristan, they chained it without adjusting the changes made; “Additional” or “Vikoristovuvaty with additional drilling 2nd grade. Ø 3.5 N 12 ”- as if it could have been beaten up with an additional charge: “Change in the box is insured” or “Zadіlu is not maє” - as if it was zadіl and zrobi and zrobleniya with the improvement of the carried-out change I chi zadіl in the day; “Additionally: in ABV D - from the third set; in the coolant of the ZK - from the first set; in A KLM - zadіl vykoristovuvati ”- just like statements about zadіl are not unambiguous for all enterprises. Column 13. At the graph, give instructions, for example: “ABVG’s undertaking is carried out at the time of the selection of the 007” - so and the varib is prepared overnight at the dekilkoh undertakings; “The term for the implementation and change in the future is established by the organization” - as the organization that releases II, cannot establish the presence and the camp of joining the virobiv, technological equipment and other virobnichie minds on other preparations, facilitating (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) For presence on the schedule of technological preparation of manufacturing (CCI), at the graph give permission for this schedule, for example "For the schedule of the CCI". As in column 12 ІІ (“Insight about the dorobok”) it is written: “Does not appear”, “Change in the box is insured” or “Zadіlu is not maє”, then the column is christened. Column 1 4. If changes are not seen before the documents, in which the document is changed, for example, if the letters of the documents are changed, then at the schedule, scribble the note “On the stasis of the news is not seen” or the column is proclaimed. Column 16. If there are additions to the stench, for example, copies of the changed documents with the changes made to them, the necessary revisions and explanations, which confirm the validity of the changes that should be made, and so on. column 17

When folding II on a piece of documents, if the same changes can be made, in case of rozbіzhnosti and ordinal numbers in changing documents in column 18, a table is folded, and column 17 is crossed, for example:

Graphs 17 and 18. Zastosuvannya zminіn to documents, scho mіstât text, splitting on graphs, with the method of optimіzії recording zmіtu text and zmenі, dopovnuєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє tsikh kolіv zastosovuvat tablesаі or blocks information, which seems to be logically spread out in the specified information, for example: “Izm.”; "Designated"; "Sheet"; "Row"; "Count". When blocks of information are blocked, by analogy with the principle of encouragement, adopted in the forms of documents of the ESTD, with the method of prompt recall of information from electronic communication, it is necessary to add significant characters, accepted at the enterprise. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) Column 18. a) In the column, indicate the change of the change in the plot (graphic, text, etc.) in that it looks like the guilt is due to the change after the change to the original document. b) When issuing ІІ for a copy of the document, change it according to the skin document with a horizontal line. c) For the feasibility of an ambiguous change of mind, changes made and changes to the original to be cleared (zmivkoy), the need to issue a bulletin according to GOST 2.603 or GOST 19.6 03, direct the change of the change after the change was made with the “vintage” butions over them. d) It is necessary to carry out the change and in the original to change (zmіvkoy) over the change dіlіanki place the following inscription: schemes, and changes in tabular documents, etc.) suggest changing data and new data (div. butt). e) When canceling a document, write in the box next to it, for example, “ABV G.ХХХХХХ.018 cancel”. Column 17 with whom to christen. f) It is allowed for general national recognition when assigned to a set of documents in the black letter, indicating the designation, for example, of the specification of the virus, without re-evaluating the designation of all the specifications of the warehouse parts of this type of document, which are included before them, behind the butt: “In ABCD.ХХХ5 specifications of warehouse parts and in the robu, and in the documents that are included in them, at the column “Lit.” the main writing of the prostitute ter "About 1". In order to change all documents in the table of changes, indicate the serial number of the document change.

G) If the replacement of the annulled document was followed by a document with a different designation, then the column should be written, for example: “ABVG.ХХХ XXX.380 anuluvati”. Notes e. “Replaced by document ABCD.XXXXXX.936”. h) When replacing the underlay with a new one with the same designations at the graph, when writing a note about the change, it is recommended to give a copy of the changes made, for example:

І) With a large number of documents that are being replaced, it is also recommended for those appointed to give a table, for example:

K) If in connection with the release of the second issue, new ones (or) were stopped earlier, the documents were expanded (for example, when new types were introduced or the changes were made to the specifications), then after the change and change, give a note about the release or the stop of such documents: : 1. Issued documents ABCD.ХХХХХХ.171 and АВВГ.ХХХХХХ.18 ". When you enter and have a warehouse unit, a set or a complex in the application, give permission only for a new release and a new specification to be introduced and the number of documents without re-opening is included to it. k) With the correct duplicates of that (or) copies of the second in the column, make a note: “Correct duplicates”. “Copies to correct” or “Duplicates of that copy to correct”. For a short orientation, it is allowed to make a change (graphic and textual) of the signs, summed from the change part of the document. l) When completing the graph, the following omissions are allowed:

2) replace the image in the switched-on view, expand and re-write to give different textual statements, for example: “Expand A-A re-cross”, “Vid B re-cross”, “Look at the re-translation of the cross”; 3) do not repeat the text of the paragraph, which is included in the technical code on the chair of the document, which may include the numbering of the paragraphs, do not repeat, but in the column give a definitive note, for example: “Item 5 is added”; 4) when changing a part of the text, do not direct the front and forward text, replacing it with specks, for example:

H) However, changes that are repeated in one document on one or more arches, are indicated once with specific explanations, for example:

O), if the II of the II is not about the same piddrimanism, it is allowed to be the newcomer to Viklda to the serpent of the serpent іi report to the nye -naked document by the notes of the nurses, the chornins of the pasteu is not the same. sooner released ІІ. On addition to the 2nd copy, in the її upper right part, for example, “Addendum to ABVG.38-2004” or “Additional to K.153-2004” was written. o) In case of temporal redundancy in dії annulment or changing copies of ІІ copies of documents for preparing them and splitting without correcting the changes, which are worn, give an insertion near the column in the text, which I enclose with the terms of the documents and on the copy of these copies: A BV E.ХХХХХХ.887, i zm. 5, below the “Cancellation” stamp, write and affix the stamp “Remove the duty on version No. 37” or “Stop only for the preparation of spare parts”. Graphs 19-22 in the columns they indicate: the name of an uzgodzhuyuchy individual; output number of the sheet (by telegrams) about the weather; the date of the weather, b) For the placement of the weather and confirming signatures before II, fold, if necessary, the title page, which is the first sheet II. The title page includes the main number II. For design documentation, the title page is folded according to GOST 2.105. On the titular arch ІІ it is indicated: on field 1 - the name of the ministry and chi of the department, the system of which the organization enters, which ІІ laid down. Field completion 1 neobov'azkove; (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) on field 3 - near the left part of the settlement and the signature of the individual, with which it was announced the 2nd type of organization of the substitute (spozhivacha), in the right part - the settlement and the signature of the individual, which was confirmed by the 2nd type of organization - raz the worker (and vygotovlyuvacha). Right-handed in the skin signature put down the name of the person who signed the document and the date of the first signing; on field 5 - the sign of the second and change of the її document, for example: "Notice ABVG.41-2004 about the change and ABV G.ХХХХХХ.001 ТУ". On this field it is also allowed to indicate the serial number and change the document and its name. If it is necessary for the ІІ ІІ pіdlyagaє uzgodzhennu z dekіlkom landowners, then their signatures should be placed either in the left part of field 3 (one signature under field 6), or in the left part of field 6. Signature and retailers should not be placed at the right part of field 2, 6. remember. If a part of the signatures of the retailers and osib, for some reason, but it was used, ІІ is not placed on the first sheet, then they can be transferred to another sheet, with the inscription in the right corner of the other sheet, for example: “Continuation of the title page from the speech ABVG.41- 2004". For technological documentation, the title page is folded according to GOST 3.1105, with which fields 1, 2, 3, 4 are filled in similarly to fields 1, 3, 5, 6 of the title page for design documentation. Fields 5, 6 and the main entries are not filled in. Column 2 3. When making an automated change, the column shall contain the details of the individual who made the change to the electronic document and the date of the change. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1)

2. Zhurn al change

2.1. The change journal (hereinafter referred to as the journal) is stamped on form 2. 2.2. Back to the journal In the journal it is indicated: in column 1 - the serial number and change for this journal, the title for all changes at the same time in one document; column 2 - the date of the entry in the journal; schedule 3 - the designation of the amended document; at column 4 - otrimannya and change of її dilyanka (graphic, textual, etc.) and give instructions about victorious mule and additional payment. If necessary, it is allowed to paste and place a copy of the amended documents in front of you. If so, column 4 should indicate “Div. addendum..."; column 5 - plant, name, signature of the official notes, date of signing and annual signature of the deputy (representative of the deputy) for his presence. column 6 - statement of changes made to the original; column 7 - statement of changes made 2.3. Changes to the journal 2.3.1. Following the journal, according to paragraph 1.5 of this standard, carry out changes in design documents before the assignment "O 1" on the variant of an additional one and a single variant of a one-time preparation with the letter "I". 2.3.2. Keeping a journal 2.3. 2.1. Keep a journal of skin virobu okremo. It is allowed, with a small amount of documents per sample, to keep one journal per sample. It is allowed to keep a journal of changes in electronic form. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) Sheets (sides) of the skin magazine are well leveled and numbered in order. On the back side of the remaining sheet, they dig up a large number of leaves (sides) from the journal, sing the signature of the individual, vouching for the species of the journal, from the appointed hour of the signature. 2.3. 2.3. The magazine is filled with ink, ink or black and blue color paste. The record and the next work are clear and understandable. First ceremonies and re-baptisms are confirmed with a signature. The skin journal is given a serial registration number. 2.3.3. Bringing in healthnіy according to the journal in a copy of documents 2. 3.3.1. Making changes to a copy of documents is carried out without intermediary and collating copies or replacing them. Change in the copy of documents to include ink, ink or black color paste. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) Entering and changing a copy of that document after the journal is counted in the same way, like making a change to the original, when in the table that change is specified for GOST 2.104: in the column "Ism." - the serial registration number of the change for the magazine with the letter “Ж”, for example, “2Ж”; at the column "Document No." - Registration number of the journal; column "Sheet" - christened. Similarly, fill in the graph for the block for making changes for GOST 3.110 3 i graph LR. Changes to make copies of documents that are known to this enterprise, and in the "DESIGNER'S COPY" or "EK ZEM PLYAR TECHNOLOGA" for all and currently insured. All copies and documents, in the same way, were made and changes for the journal, after the preparation and testing of the last piece (the last batch) of the copy, replaced by new copies taken from the originals, and straightened out without issuance ІІ in the standard 5. 2.3.4. Making changes to the original documents without release of notification 2.3.4. one . Change in the original documents, vykonany without release II, due to be included on the basis of the entry in the journal. Make changes in the original documents by cleaning (shifting) and issuing new originals according to the rules established by the section. 2 days from the standard. With this table of changes, the block for making changes or LR is not filled in and the order number of the change is not put down.


Notes. 1. The magazine is wound on arches in A4 or A3 format according to GOST 2.301. 2. Razmіri count to the magazine appoints an organization - yogo koristuvach. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) When replacing in the process of making changes to the original, the inventory number of the original is saved with the same designation. When making such a change for the journal, the original documents are subject to repeated normative control and are selected by the normative controller on the field for filing these documents.



1. The change registration sheet (LR) follows form 3.


Change registration sheet

Numbers of sheets (sides)

Usy arkushiv (sideways) at the document.

Entry number of the supporting document. that date




Notes: 1. LR can be wound on arches in A4 format according to GOST 2.301 or according to GOST 2.004 with vertical or horizontal rotting of the sheet. 2. For text documents, and are created in a different way, the form L R can be changed in order to be able to design typographical buds. 3. Expand the graph of the Republic of Latvia to install the document's rozrobnik. 4. The main writing of the LR for design documents according to GOST 2.104, for technological documents - according to GOST 3.11 03. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) 2. LR is transmitted for text documents up to GOST 2.105, includes the number of sheets (sides) of the document and is placed on the remaining sheet of the document. It is allowed to transfer LR for other types of documents, transfer of GOST 2.102 (for design documents) and GOST 3.11 02 (for technological documents). 3. LR, as a rule, is submitted for maintenance and repair documents, seen in a different way. It is allowed for repairs, on the basis of which the operational and repair documentation is stored and the changes made to it during the operation process are not transferred to the repair, the LR is not transferred. 4. Fill in the LR graph 4.1. Columns "Z m.", "Document No.", "Pidp." і "Date" will be filled in the same way as the columns of the table of changes for GOST 2.104 and the columns of the block for making changes for GOST 3.1103. 4.2. In the columns “Numbers of arches (sides of c) changed, replaced, new, annulled” indicate the numbers of arches (sides of c) in the form of changes, changes, additions and annulments for cim II. When revisiting the entire document, the column “Numbers of sheets (country and c) of replacements” should indicate “All”. 4.3. Count "Usogo arkushiv (sideways) at the document." fill in at the same time the column “Numbers of sheets (sides) of new” and (or) “Numbers of sheets (sides) of annulled”, in other cases, the column is recreated. 4.4. Column “Input No. of the supremacy document. і date» zapovnyuyut when making changes to the operational and repair documents in accordance with the rules established by GOST 2.603. In other cases, the count is christened, otherwise the LR is not passed. 5. When replacing all archival documents in the Republic of Lithuania, the numbers of changes and other data that are made before all changes made to the document are not confirmed.



1. Additional notices (DI) are folded on forms 1 and 1a of supplement 2 and are folded on one ІІ at the drop, before paragraph 1.9 of this standard. 2. The designation DI is folded from the designation II, to which it is folded, and the code "DI", for example, the designation II-A BVG.17-2004, the designation of the supplementary and the introduction to the new one - ABVG.17-2004 DІ. 3. On the original and copies of II, before which DI was released, at the upper right part of the first (headline) hundred ІІ, above frame II, indicate, for example, “Diy tel z ABVG.17-2004 DI”. 4. Fill in column DI: columns 1, 1a, 4, 8, 9, 19-22 fill in the same way, as in II; in column 2 indicate the value of DI; in column 18, indicate the change and change that should be entered in II, as it did not change in the other column DI; other graphs are not completed. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1)(Amendment, ІKS 4-2007)



one . The front and back (ПІ) are written on forms 1 and 1a of the supplement 2 and are folded onto one document, at the same time, according to paragraph 1.10 of the second standard. It is allowed to store one single PI per piece of documents, for understanding and carrying out single changes in them and in one term. If so, it’s important that these documents have the same calling subscribers. 2. ПІ vykonuyut at vіdpovіdnostі and z p. 3.4 of the standard. 3. PІ dіє at vyrobnitstvі to yogo repayment ІІ, re-registration in ІІ, completion of the term dії і chi cancellation. 4. One document is allowed one hour more than four PIs. 5. ПІ means zgіdno z p. 3.2 of the standard with the addition of the code "ПІ", for example, АВВГ.34-2004 ПІ, K.89-2004 ПІ. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) 6. Registration of PI 6.1. If PІ pіdlyagaє repaid ІІ, then yogo draw up the same way, like ІІ, for vinnyatka column 2, 5-7, 17, 23. In column 5 indicate the date, before the onset of which the due is due, the record was made in the copies or the copy was changed, when necessary, submitting copies and PІ for other businesses. Column 6 indicates the meaning of PI. In column 7, indicate the date, until dії ПІ. Columns 2, 17 and 23 are not completed. 6.2. If PІ is to be re-registered in II, then it is to be re-registered in the same way as II, for a wink column 1, 1a, 2, 4, 4a, 5, 5a, 6, 7, 1 2, 1 2a, 1 3, 13a, 17 , 1 9-2 2, 23. In column 4a indicate the date of delivery of the PI in the STD of the enterprise, which issued the PI. In column 5a indicate the date, until now, it is necessary to carry out a final entry in copies or change copies of documents, and also, if necessary, send a copy of the PI to other enterprises. Column 6 indicates the meaning of PI. In column 7, indicate the date, until dії ПІ. At column 12a, give a statement about the choice of the green light and the changes and the risks for the issued first admission. At column 13a, give statements about the promotion and change in the choice of the released first admission. Columns 19 -2 2 are duplicated over the names for insertion in them of the function (plant) special, how to sign the PI, their names, signatures and dates of signing. Signatures of the clave of the PI, the normative controller and the representative of the deputy (for yogo presence) є obov'yazkovymi. Columns 1, 1a, 2, 4, 5, 1 2, 13, 17, 23 are not filled in. 6.3. At the current date, assigned to column 7, even though the PI was not redeemed on ІІ, it was not re-registered in ІІ and was not canceled, the PI was attached. 7. On the copies of the document, before which the ПІ was released, which should be left to the clerk, on the margin for filing, to scribble the record, or simply put a stamp, for example, “Act tv elen z ABVG.58-2004 PI” (“Diї telen z K.7 2 -2004П І”) with the signature of the individual who made this entry, and indicate the date of the entry. Copies of documents for the last batch (confirmed batch) and for a single and additional batch are allowed and can be changed for the PI with the final and marks in the table of changes for GOST 2.104 (for the graph of the column "І zm.") and in block 3 (10 zmіn) behind the graph 16), without a note, or with the stamp "Dijs ...". (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) 8. When issuing a document, or replacing it with a document with new designations according to PІ, these new documents are not to be vrakhovyut anywhere, and on the field for filing such documents, a record is made, or a stamp is affixed, for example, “Dijsno z ABVG.37-2004 PІ” or “Dijsniy s К.24-2004 ПІ». (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) 9. The originals of the PІ, issued at the undertaking - the holder of copies of documents, hang to the undertaking - the holder of the original documents for review. If the organization-trimach of the Vlasniks accepts the PI, then it hangs to the enterprise-holder of copies of documents in copy II, in order to instruct about the redemption of PI or a copy of PI, re-registered in II. If the organization-trimach of the originals does not accept the letter of PI, then it will tell you about yoga. In this case, the organization-trimach copies of the cancellation of the PІ іnshim PІ or the PІ are attached to the date of the present date, indicated in column 7 PІ. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) ten . Repayment of PI notification about change 10. 1 . When issuing ІІ about the redemption of the PI, the amount of any of them should be paid to the original, in column 18 ІІ it should be indicated, for example: “Pay off ABV G. 18-2004 PI with the changes made to the original”. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) 1 0.2. When issuing ІІ about the redemption of that ПІ, the sum of which is not required to be paid to the original, as well as about the redemption of the ПІ, issued by the organization-librarian of copies, in column 18 II, make the necessary sum of changes, and in the final text, indicate, for example: ABV G.83-2004 ПІ”. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) eleven . In case of reissuing the PI in the II, the schedule of the original PI will be replaced with the validity and addendum 2. 1 2. Cancellation of the PI is carried out by issuing the ІІ or by issuing the new PI. 12.1. When issuing ІІ about the annulment of that PI, at column 18 ІІ, delete the entry, for example, “ABV G.86-2004 PI annull” or “K.49-2004 PI annull” with this column 17, cross out. Vіdomostі about tse ІІ do not make a copy of the original document. 12. 2. As soon as the released PІ in column 18 received a pardon, then a new PІ under other designations is released. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1)(Amendment, ІKS 4-2007)



one . Dodatkove forward svo_shchennya (DPI) vykonuyut on forms 1 and 1a of the addendum 2 and fold on one PI at the time, before paragraph 1.11 of the standard. 2. The designation of DPІ is folded from the designation of PІ, to which it is stored, and the code "DPI" is replaced by the code "PI", for example, the designation of PІ - ABVG.32-8 9ПІ, the designation of DPI to the new one - ABV G.32ДПІ. 3. On the originals and copies of the ПІ, before which the DPI was released, at the upper legal part of the first (header) sheet of the ПІ above the frame of the ПІ, for example, "Dії tele z ABVG.32-8 9ДПИ" is indicated. 4. Filling in the column DPI: graphs 1, 1a, 4, 8, 9, 19 -2 2 are filled in the same way as in PI; column 6 indicate the meaning of DPI; in column 18, indicate the change that should be entered in the PI, as it did not change in the other column of the DP; Reshta graph not zapovnyuyut. (Amendment, ІKS 4-2007)



1. Propositions about the change (PR) are drawn up on the form x 1 and 1a of application 2. 2. PR is assigned the designation zgidno z p. 3. With the help of the possibility of choosing a PR for re-registration in II, їх it’s the same way, like PI, it’s possible to addendum 5, with the improvement of the upcoming additions: I proponated the reason for that change and the virobnicho-technical chn_ of the statement is added to the supra-list to PR; column 6 indicate the meaning of PR; in duplicated columns 19-22 indicate the nature of the work (plant), the name of the person who signs their PR, their signature and the date of the signature. According to dpi sі stowage of the PR, normocon troller and representative of the deputy, for yogo visibility, obov'yazkovі. 4. Yakshcho, at the Zv'yazku with a rings with a vip of the dannya pr, viniki the non -Chikіni Originaliv і Zmіnyuvani document is aboard the new document, then the sobshinal of the sobshin, the sobshin. must be submitted to the original, if there is a request, signature and date in the main letter, do not submit, and the draft of the original on the receiving end - the copyists of the copies must be submitted on the field of the letter in the same way as the rules, we will insert for filling the main letter. It is allowed to put down the designation of the PR on the field for submission to the original project, with which the project of this original undertaking - the master of the originals, hangs. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) 5. The organization - the master of the originals can revoke the PR for re-registration in II, if it can be revised, if necessary, supplemented it is executed in accordance with the rules of registration II. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1)(Amendment, ІKS 4-2007)




(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) one . The solemn order of the weather and the change of documents 5 of the deputy is guilty is carried out for the relevant regulatory documentation. 5 At this addendum, documents are examined that have been approved (used) by the deputy (deputy of the deputy), as well as documents that have not been confirmed (expected) by him, but for which they should lead (have) staged a virob to the deputy. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) 2. Usі ІІ аnd ПІ irrespective of zmіst zaproponovannyh zmіn owe but uzgodzhenі s representatives zamovnika on pіdpriєmstvah - utrimuvachah originalіv. 3. ІІ and ПІ before submission for the sake of submitting to the deputy's fir-tree at the undertaking-sovereignty of the originals, they must be issued with all the necessary signatures, as the weather permits. 4. PІ and P P of the reception - the clerk of the copies before sending the clerk - the holder of the originals to the due date with the representative of the successor in the commissariat - the clerk of the copies. 5. To represent the representative of the deputy from II and II for the needs of the technical examination (call for testing), how to establish the dotality and the need to make changes. If the representative of the deputy is not protected by proponing it with changes, then it’s about giving the lining of the crowns. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1)



1. All registrations II, DI, PI, DPI and PR with addendums, for their presence, are transferred to the technical documentation service (STD) of the enterprise. At the same time, the STD transmits the originals, issued at the link from the replacement or supplementing the sheets of the changed documents, as well as re-introducing or replacing the original. 2. When accepting originals II, DI, PI, DPI and PR, the following is checked: the presence of the signature of the individual, which viroblyayet n ormocontrol; preparation of all sheets of documents; availability of newly issued and replaced documents; attachment of їх for saving that reproduction. 3. Usi II, pi that is visible at the Donna Pidpromstvi, pydlyagayu renovasi in the nesting of the nasal about the serpent, ahead dodatkіv x before them put down the designation according to the book of registration. In projects of original documents, which are submitted to the PR, in accordance with paragraph 4 of appendix 7, the designation of the PR is not affixed. 4. On one copy of copies II and II, on the front side of all sheets, put the stamp “Control copy”. 5. On the basis of II and II, add the necessary information about them to change the appearance data to the inventory book of the originals and the card to the appearance of the documents in terms of appearance and compliance with GOST 2.501. 6. Keeping the registration book 6.1. The registration book is recognized for registration II, PІ and PR and is conducted within the borders of business. 6.2. The registration book is maintained by Form 4. 6.3. Books of registration and ІІ, ПІ and PR are kept, as a rule, for design and technological documents. It is allowed to keep one registration book for design and technological documents. 6.4. ІІ, ПІ and PR are registered in okremi books, with which registration books are kept okremo for documents issued by this organization and excluding other businesses. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1) 6. 5. At the register of registration, indicate: at the column "Date" - the date of entry II, ПІ and PR at the STD of entry; at the column “Kim of releases”: for ІІ, PІ and PR of this enterprise - code (number) and a short name of the release, which issued it; for ІІ and PІ іnshih enterprises - we gave a short name of the enterprise, which was approved for this enterprise for the preparation of that appearance of virobivs;

The book of registration and the story, the previous story and the propositions about the change

at the column “Done in the STD” - the signature of the copy of the STD, which accepted II, II and PR and the date of their withdrawal; at the column "Primіtka" - different signs; for example: for the term II - the hour of acceptance of the II in the STD, for the PI - the assignment to the designation of the II, which extinguished the ПІ, etc. In the second column for ІІ and PІ it is indicated that it is different from DІ and DPI; the columns “Change number”, “Change code” and “Term and change” shall be filled in the same way, as the same as in columns II; The rest of the graphs should be filled in with their names. 7. Arkush to the appearance of an earlier warning. 7.1. The sheet of the form of the announcements and the forward notice (then - the sheet of the form) is assigned to the form of distribution of copies of the ІІ th to the first subscribers of the documents, which are changed for the data of the ІІ or PІ, that the pіdrozdіlam of the given enterprise, and also for the form of the payment for the given change undertakings. 7.2. The sheet of form is to be marked after form 5 and to be put on the basis of II or PІ and cards for the form of documents and subscriber cards according to GOST 2.501 or for cards for the form of documentary status according to GOST 3.1201.

Sheet of the form of the commemoration and the front comprehension

7.3. At the sheet of the form, indicate: at the heading - the designation II or ПІ і the designation of the change of the document; in the columns “Misseznakhodzhennya” and “Kіlk. copy" - Depending on subscribers of certified copies of documents and the number of copies of copies that are registered with the subscriber. The signature of the STD recorder, which, having filled in the data of the graph and the heading of the arcuate image, and the date of filling, must be indicated lower than the last entries; in the graph " »- Signature of the letter of the letter to the letter and the omitted ІІ or PI, or the letter of the STD, which the clave was described in accordance with paragraph 9. and the date; at the column “No. and date of description” - serial numbers of descriptions and dates of their presentation; at the column “I was corrected” - the signature of the individual, how to change (replacement, correction, annulment) copies of documents on this undertaking is valid until the 2nd, and the date of the change. 8. Description of the previous steps and advances (further - description) 8. 1. Description of supporting documents up to copies (there are duplicates there) II or PI and additional copies (or duplicates) of documents to them, which are distributed to other businesses. 8.2. The description is folded behind the form 6.

Description of the reminder and the previous reminder

8.3. Filling in all the columns of the description must be dubiously up to their names assigned to the form.


1. Broken down and introduced by the Sovereign Committee of the SRSR for the management of product quality and standardsRETAILERSP. A. Shalaev, B. S. Mendrikov(Kerivnik those); S. S. Borushek, B. Ya. Kabakov, V. G. Martinov, K. N. Nichkov 2. OF APPROVALS AND INTRODUCTIONS BY THE DIA DECOR OF THE SRSR Sovereign Committee for Managementand quality of products and standards of 26.04.90 No. 1031 3. (Turn-offs, Rev. No. 1)4. VZAMIN GOST 2.503-74, GOST 2.505-82, GOST 2.506-845. POSILOCHNI REGULATORY AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS

Item number, appendices

GOST 2.004-88 Appendices 2, 3
GOST 2.102-68 2.3, addition e 3
GOST 2.104-2006 2.6, Addendum 1, 3, 5
GOST 2.105 -7 9 Donations to me 2, 3
GOST 2.113-75 Addendum 1
GOST 2.301-68 Donations to me 2, 3
GOST 2.501-88 1.4, additions 2, 9
GOST 2.603-68 Appendices 1, 2, 3
GOST 3.1102-8 1 Addendum 3
GOST 3.11 03-82 Addendum 1, 2, 3, 5
GOST 3.1105-8 4 Addendum 2
GOST 3.1201-85 1.4, 3.2.1, supplement 2, 9
GOST 13.1.002-2003 2.3
GOST 19.603-7 8 Donations to me 1, 2
(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1)
  • Decree 31 On making changes and additions to the decision of the Ministry of Pratsi Russian Federation dated 29 chernya 1994 N 51 "About the normative procedure for the release of vitrates with the direction of practical work, organization and installations for the installation of assembly, labor, work, everyday work, for the course of advancement of qualifications, as well as for the roughness and rose nature of the work, for the work in the field of work in the work method , for permanent work on the way on the territory of the Russian Federation"

Commercial appearance of electrical energy The commercial form of electrical energy (sweating) is the process of reducing the amount of electrical energy with the method of inter-freezing for the supply of electrical energy and the exhaustion, as well as for the impact of the appointed supply of services;

GOST 21.101-97 Basic support for design and operational documentation

Entered date 1998-04-01

7 Rules for making changes to working documentation seen by the deputy

7.1 Replacing a working document, previously seen by the deputy, whether it be corrected, revised, or added to a new one, without changing the recognition of that document. The designation of the document is allowed to be changed only once, if various documents a pardon was assigned to the same designation, or a pardon was allowed in the document's designation.

7.2 Make changes to the original document. Changes are not allowed to be made before the revision.

7.3 Copies of arches (changes, supplementary and issued substitutes for replacement arches) working documentation is to be submitted to organizations that have previously sent copies of documents, immediately with copies of the official data of the main set of working chairs, clarified up to 7.5.

7.4 Allowed for changes

Dozvіl zatverdzhuє kerіvnik organіzatsії - rozrobnika document or for yogo assignments іnsha posadova persona.

7.4.2 Submitting for the removal of the original documents for the introduction of changes before them є allowed.

7.4.3 Changes to the skin document (for example, the main set of work chairs, specifications of the equipment, types and materials) are issued with a permit.

It is allowed to become one blatantly allowed to change, which is entered at once in the dekilka of documents, so that changes are mutually agreed upon, or the same for all documents that are changed.

7.5 Making changes

7.5.1 Changes to the original documents must be made to the confirmation or by cleaning (zmivkoy). Under whom to protect the physical camp of the worker.

7.5.2 After making changes to the image, letters, numbers, signs may be clear, the width of the lines, the amount of light should be thin. Mayut but vikonnі for the rules, peredbacheni vіdpovіdnimi standards ЄSKD and the system of standards "Reprografіya".

7.5.3 Changes in rozmіry, words, signs, write thinly. cross with strong thin lines and instruct to put down new data.

7.5.4 When changing the image (part of the image), it should be outlined with a strong thin line, which establishes a closed contour, and crossed like a cross with strong thin lines.

The new image of the changed plot is to be hung on the free field of the sheet or to the other sheet without turning.

7.5.5 We change, cancel and assign a designation to the additional plots of the image, which is added up from the serial number of the title change of the document and through the point of the serial number of the change (annulled, supplementary) plot of the image in the boundaries of this arch. With any new image of the changed plot, give a sign of changing the replaced image.

As soon as a new image of a changed house is placed on a different archway, then the change sign is assigned to it and the tables of the change of the archway are not insured.

7.5.6 The number of skin changes, including the number of changes corrected by cleaning (zmivkoy), beyond the borders of the image, apply at the parallelogram the sign of the change is clearly visible up to Figure 15.

Malyunok 15

From the parallelogram, draw a superficial thin line to the changed plot.

7.5.7 Closely spread one kind of one change of size, words, signs, write thinly. outline with a strong thin line, which establishes a closed contour, without crossing, it is possible to figure 16.

Malyunok 16

7.5.8 If the new image of the changed carousel is placed on a different archway, then the number of the archway must be indicated in the replaced image, on which the new image can be seen until Figure 17.

Malyunok 17

7.5.9 Above the new image of the changed plot, place at the parallelogram the sign of the change of the replaced image, and with the parallelogram say: "Replacement of the re-crossed".

If the new image of the changed house is placed on a different archway, then with a parallelogram it is indicated: "Replacement of the crossed on the archway (the number of the archway, on which the image is replaced)" is evident up to Figure 18.

Malyunok 18

7.5.10 As a new image of the changed lot, they are placed on the replaced one, they are covered with wine lines with the signs of the change, apparently up to Figure 19.

Malyunok 19

Above the additional images, change the designation of the parallelogram, and with the parallelogram, indicate: "Additional" is valid until Figure 20.

Malyunok 20

7.5.11 When canceling the image (part of the image), when the change is recognized, indicate: "Cancelled".

7.5.12 If there is not enough space for making changes, or if the clarity of the image can be damaged when corrected, then a new original is prepared with the correction of changes to be made, and take it from the front.

If you replace or add one or more arches to the original, then they take the inventory number of the original.

When replacing all arches, the original will be given a new inventory number.

7.5.13 When making changes to the arches to the main set of working seats at the top of the working seats, the set on the arches of the headrooms at the column "Primіtka" must be specified:

a) when making the first change - "Izm. 1".

When making offensive changes - additional black numbers of changes, water-creaming of their front speckles with a clod.

Butt - Change. one; 2; 3

b) on replacement sheets with the change number - "(Replacement)".

Butt - Change. 1 (Deputy)

c) on annulled arches with the change number - "Annulled".

Butt - Change. 1 (Cancellations)

d) on additional arches with the change number - "(New)"

Butt - Change. 1 (New)

7.5.14 If the main set of working chairs includes additional arches, then they should be given black order numbers and recorded at the end of the working chair of the second type of the main set.

In case of shortage of time at the office of the working chair for recording additional sheets, the transfer of the first one from the additional sheets is carried out. In case of any need for working chairs, placed in the "Zalniye Danikh", to break the record:

"Prodovzhennya vіdomosti div. on the archway (number of the archway)", and above the vіdomіstyu on the additional archway place the heading: "Vіdom_st of the working chair of the main set (Prodovzhennya)".

The numbers and names of the canceled lists at the top of the working chairs shall be crossed.

When changing the name of the sheets, make additional changes up to the "Name" column.

7.5.15 When changing the main number of arches of the document on the first arch to the main line, make additional changes to the column "Lists".

7.5.16 In the event of additional and annulled earlier documents that are submitted, make corrections to the list of necessary and additional documents in the relevant main set of working chairs.

7.5.17 On the eve of the seperation of additional work chairs and cancellation before the end of the main sets of work chairs, make corrections to the main sets of work chairs.

7.5.18 Changes made to the original are indicated in the table of changes included in the main text.

The table for changing the position is allowed with the main inscription (above it or left hand in it) for the same form.

7.5.19 In the table of changes, assign:

a) at the column "Ism." - Sequence number of document change;

b) at the column "Number of chiefs." - the number of image-carriers that change on this arch in the middle of the black change;

c) at the column "Arkush" - on the arches, which issued the replacements, - "Deputy", on the arches, added again, - "New."

When replacing all the arches of the original (with the serial number of the change of the document) on the first arch at the column "Arkush" indicate "All". With this table, changes on other arches cannot be overwritten by the original.

In other cases, put a dash in the column "Sheet";

d) at the column "No. Doc." - Appointment allowed;

e) at the column "Pidp." - the signature of the individual, vouching for the correctness of the change made (the signature of the individual, vouching for normative control, to be put on the field for filing the arkush);

f) in the column "Date" - the date of the change.

7.5.20 At the table of changes, do not cancel the corrections made at the top of the data sheet at the link with the changes made to the sheets of the main set of documents that are added.

7.5.21 When making changes to text documents, it is recommended to check the change registry table. The table of registration of changes is placed on the title arch of the text document.

7.5.22 Significant changes in text documents should be made in one of the following ways:

a) replacement of all okremih arkushiv of the document;

b) issuance of new supplementary arches.

When changing the originals of text documents, it is allowed, when adding a new arch, to give it the number of the front arch with the addition of the black Arabic numeral, vodokremlyuyuchi її in the front dot.

Butt - 3.1

At this fall on the first arkush, the total number of arkushs is changed.

In text documents, which is important to replace the capital text, it is allowed, when adding a new paragraph, to assign the number of the previous paragraph to the addition of the black small letter of the Russian alphabet, and when canceling the paragraph, take the numbers of the upcoming paragraphs.

7.5.23 When canceling or replacing a document, all cancellations and replacements of the original archipelago are crossed like a cross with strong thin lines and stamped.

5.1 Having removed the original design and estimate documentation in the archives on the basis of permission to make changes, the virobnichiy was to make all the changes that were assigned at the permission. At the stamp of the change on all sheets of documentation, the head and chief engineer of the office are signed. The head of the group is a senior vikonovets instructing the change with a stamp. ГІП is signed at the stamp of the change of the arch of the gold medals.

5.2 Changes made to the original documents, indicate in the table of changes, placement in the main text, and in case of failure of the month at the column "Sheet"- Lіvoruch to the stamp on the free place as a primitka.


Amendment 1 introduced - l1-5; ten; twenty; 16-18

l.17 replaced;

l.25 annulled.

When changing the arch to the original, in the table of changes in the first row, it is allowed to make a record only about the remaining change of the same arch (forward changes are not indicated)

5.3 Changes are designated by serial numbers (1, 2, 3 then). One ordinal number of changes is given to all changes, which are to be entered before the document for one permission. Yogo is required for the entire document, regardless of the fact, on the skіlki arches of the vins.

When changes are made to the documents, the numbering of the change boxes on the skin archway starts from 1.1 or 2.1 (the first digit is the number of the change, the other number is the serial number of the case). Without stitched numbering.

5.4 Changes to the original documents to be added to zakreslyuvannya, zmіvkoy (zmivkoy) or zafarbovuvannyam white color, under which the electronic archive is responsible for saving the scanned file of the changed document. Under whom to protect the physical camp of the worker.

5.5 Replacing a document, which has been written in an automated way, is replaced by replacing (re-issuing) the entire document by closing it, or by adding or turning off the last arches.

It is allowed to make changes to this document in a handwritten way according to GOST R 21.1101-2009 (clauses and DSTU B A.2.4-4:2009 (clause 8.5.2-8.5.11).

At the time of making changes to the archway of the ceremonial data in the column “Primіtka”, it is not allowed to go beyond the tables.


5.6 When making changes to the arches to the main set of working chairs at the top of the working chairs, the first set on the arches of the headrooms at the “Primіtka” column should be specified:

a) when making the first change - “Ism. 1”, advancing changes - additional black numbers and changes, water-creaming them in the front with a dot with a coma;


b) on replacement arches with the change number - “(Replacement)”;


Change. 1 (Deputy)

c) on annulled arches under the number of the change - "Cancellation";


Change. 1 (Cancellations)

d) on additional arches with the change number - “(New)”;


Change. 1 (New)

5.7 If the main set of working chairs includes additional arches, they are assigned a black serial number and recorded at the top of the working chair in the same basic set.

Numbers and names of the canceled lists of the working chairs christen . In case of shortage of time at the office of the working chair for recording additional sheets, the transfer of the first one from the additional sheets is carried out. In case of any need for a working chair, placed in "Sweet tribute", rob the record: " Prodovzhennya vіdomostі div. on arkush (arkush number)", and a heading is placed above the entry on the supplementary arch: "Vіdomіst working chair of the main set (Prodovzhennya)".

At the time of change of the name of the sheets, enter the correct changes to the column "Name". Correction at the column "Name" is not insured as a worker of change, but it’s safe to be like a servant change on the chair itself

If the sheet has been changed (the name of the chair has been changed), the column “name” should indicate the new name of the chair (without the chair)

At the column "application" - change 1 (stop).

5.8 When changes are made to the documents that are added, in addition to the number of documents added and canceled earlier, to make corrections to the “Documents are being added” division of the necessary and supplementary documents in the basic set of working chairs - similar to clause 5.6.


When replacing the necessary documents in the working chairs, make corrections to the official distribution of the necessary documents that are added.

5.9 Change tables have:

a) at the column "Ism." - Sequence number of document change;

b) at the column “Kilk. account" - the number of caravans of the image, which are changed, on this archway in the middle of the black change;

c) at the column “Sheet” - on the arcs, which were replaced by the replacements, - “Deputy”, on the arcs, added again, - “New.”

d) at the column "Document No." - Appointment allowed;

e) at the column "Pidl." – the signature of the individual, vouching for the correctness of the change made (the signature of the spivrobitnik, which victories the normative control, to be put on the field for filing the sheet);

f) in the column "Date" - the date of the change.

When replacing all the arches of the original (with the serial number of the change of the document) on the first arch at the column "Arkush" indicate "All". With this table, changes on other arches cannot be overwritten by the original. In other cases, put a dash in the column “Sheet” (put “Deputy” to help the Zamovnik).

5.10 At the tables, change on the arches of the golden danichs don't lie corrected, made at the vіdomosti zagalnyh danih v zvyazku z vіdnannymi zmіn to arkushіv the main set of the documents that are added.

When changing the total number of leaves of the plot, the changes are not affixed.


5.11 Significant changes in text documents should be made using one of the following methods:

Replacing all the okremih arches of the document;

Release of new supplementary arches.

When changing the originals of text documents, it is allowed, when adding a new arch, to give it the number of the front arch with the addition of the black Arabic numeral, vodokremlyuyuchi її in the front dot.

Butt - 3.1

At this fall on the first arkush, the total number of arkushs is changed.

For textual documents, which should be replaced in the main sentence text, it is allowed, when adding a new paragraph, to add the number of the previous paragraph with the addition of the black small letter of the Russian alphabet, and when canceling the paragraph, take the numbers of the coming paragraphs.

5.12 When making changes to text documents, the table of changes should be filled in on arcs (arches):


To the first (head) new original, prepared as a whole to replace the old one;


The released deputy of the replacements;

I'll add it again.

For registration of changes in a text document in full (including in other documents) on the title arch when changes are made, place the change registration table behind the form pointed to the little 5.1.

Rice. 5.1 Table of registration of changes (title page)


1 Changes in the columns of the registration table are:

At the column "Ism." – ordinal number of the change in the volume document;

At the column "Pidp." – signature of the individual, vouching for the correctness of the change made;

In the column "Date" - the date of the change.

2 If necessary, the number of rows can be increased.

3 For the presence in the volume (document) of the lining, the table of changes made is also placed on the lining.

5.13 In case of annulment or replacement of the arches of the original document, all annulled arches shall be stamped with the stamp “Cancellation”. (As a list of replacements, indicate which sheet is replaced: vim.1 (deputy))

5.14 When changes are made to a large number of changes in the seats, as well as in other priming steps, they comply with GOST R 21.1101-2009 (DSTU B A.2.4-4:2009), it is allowed to replace the original chair on a new chair, vikonan in an automated way. At the changed seat, all the front and the rest of the change on the seat are taken care of and may be issued in accordance with the designated DSTU (GOST). At the replaced armchair, the rest of the camp is left without a designated worker.

5.15 Arkush don’t swear by the zamіnі danih. Spend some physical toll for a wine. At the time of the physical payment, or spend a sheet of hard data

it is allowed to copy the electronic version of the original.

5.16 Change all the documentation of the document by replacing the entire document. The front koshtoris is annulled, with which the name of the new koshtoris with the sign "New."


Vіdomіst of feasible and additional documents

* Note. The column “Primіtka” shall indicate the serial number of the change of documentation.

5.17 The archive contains the rest of the armchair with the index "Deputy." and all front chairs with the very same designation and the stamp of "Cancellation". Any changes made to the original working documentation are included in an electronic copy of the project, which is stored in the archives of the institute.

5.18 On the arcade of the wild data after the wild vkazіvok (or be it a free city), the reason for the introduction of the skin change is indicated. (Dіlyanka change not

put down).

The reason for the change is not the point of outrageous remarks.

5.19 Expanded reference sheets (OL), specifications are given to the archive for a sheet of detailed data to a set of working documentation. (Z PSO)

The introduction of changes to the OL is due in accordance with the orderly order (div. p. 4.1 - 4.5 of the first STP). Changes need to be made with a cross of baptism. zaboronyaetsya in the OL, make changes with a sign "stop." .

On the arcade of ceremonial tributes, the Table "Voice of available and supplementary documents" in the field "Reference" indicates the serial number of the change of documentation on the arcade of ceremonial commendations (div. butt). On the return sheets, the serial number of the change of the sheet of the last data is also indicated, for the mindfulness of the data on the return sheets of more early changes.

If earlier changes were made in the OL and were corrected to the Zamovnik, then in the stamp of the OL the serial number of the change of the initial sheet is left out, with which PSO the serial number of the change of the sheet of the official data is indicated.


*Note: Change 3 - the serial number behind the arch of the gold medals (for the OL, earlier the change was made).

Making changes to the past examination of project documentationyou may need it through various reasons. Under some circumstances, a re-expert work on the project was carried out in some cases. The information and nuances of making changes to the design documentation and the conducted examination are different, we can see in this article.

Change to design documentation and re-examination

Making corrections to the design documentation after the positive summary of the experts is rejected is a situation that is often reported. So, paragraph 7 of Art. 52 of the Mistobudivny Code expressly orders to make changes to the project before the project, as in the process of forgetting there were inconsistencies in the parameters in the theoretical data of the project documentation. Otherwise, the differences in data for the project and the parameters of the actually prompted object cannot be allowed to issue documents for the future.

Vіdpovіdno up to paragraph 15 of Art. 48 of the Code, after making corrections to the project documentation until the confirmation of the zabudovnik, the deputy may send the project for examination. Prote n. 3 Art. 49 to avenge the deeds of the blame and install that an expert work on project documents is not necessary for the times, for example:

  • the project documentation was corrected, it was already undergoing an examination and it took a positive resolution for the bags;
  • the amendments made before the draft did not interfere with the design and other characteristics of the reliability and safety of the object;
  • koriguvannya the project did not lead to an increase in the cost of life.

About the same, only a little bit more kuta, the dawn goes in paragraph 44 Decree to the Order of 05.03.2007 No. 145. In these norms, Decide to punish suddenly directing the modified design documentation for expert analysis, as it took away the positive expert amendments earlier, as it was earlier . , what to add to the constructive superiority and safety of the object of cappulation.

Under paragraph 44 of Decree No. 145, the deputy or the forgetful person is left with a choice about passing a re-examination of the drafted project, as the essence of the modification allows a re-examination not to pass. Tobto, at tsimu vipadku zamovnik or zabudovnik can be vlasniy bazhannyam pass an examination of project documentation in the course of time.

When is a re-examination of project documentation necessary?

An expert analysis of the project documentation is carried out in order to ensure that the otrimati allowed for the life of the object and, in fact, the life of the lawmakers and bureaucratic powers.

But there are situations, if after passing expert opinion repeated examination is required.

Do you not know your rights?

  1. For us, this situation is blamed for a different negative experience for the project. Meta with this option of conducting a repeated expert analysis of the project is obvious - removing a positive resolution for issuing a permit to work. Therefore, the deputies zatsіkavlenі yaknaishvidshy vsіhdnyh vsіh nebhіdnih edits to the design documentation, nemenyh for laudatory vysnovku ekspertіv.
  2. The need for a re-examination through changes in the design documentation at the sight of:
    • vibration of additive branches;
    • koriguvannya chi suttєvih dopovnen;
    • significant changes in the project.

In this rank, it is clear that at any time it is necessary to carry out one more examination of the project documentation through the introduction of changes before it. Only in the first variant of the change are the impressions, the admiration of the previous pardons or inaccuracies, which caused a negative review of the examination. In another way, the amendments are voluntary, enlightened by some kind of formal conditions for the project, connected with the objective obstruction of theoretical data in the practical everyday life of a particular object.

Changes that need to be added to the security of the facility

Then, the most important food, as it is necessary for a forgetful person or a deputy, to make corrections in the design documentation that has passed a positive examination: what are the technical decisions to be made, what to add to the constructive reliability and safety of the object? In fact, it is necessary to carry out one more expert analysis of project documentation.

Order No. 624 of the Ministry of Region of Russia dated 12/30/2009 approved the Perelik vidiv robit, which should be added to the security of the objects of captivity. Document to complete reports and volumes. See the robot subdivided into 3 divisions:

  • from engineering studies;
  • preparation of project documentation;
  • from everyday life, reconstruction and overhaul.

In addition, a significant part of the work within the framework of its division was divided into subdivisions. So, for example, preparatory work for everyday life, reconstruction and overhaul (clause 2 of section 3 Perelika) includes 4 subdivisions:

  • dismantling / dismantling of budіvel, sіn, perekrittіv, skhodіv toshcho;
  • life of timchasovyh roads, maidanchikiv, engineering merezh and spores;
  • budovu rake subcrane stakes and foundations of stationary cranes;
  • installation and dismantling of inventory and internal lines, process fittings.

Such a report does not allow for any doubts about the accountability of the amendments made to the draft to the correction, which will add to the safety of the object of captivity, and therefore the need to conduct one more examination of the project.

The procedure for conducting a re-examination

Vіdpovіdno up to paragraph 44 of Decree No. 145, re-examination can be carried out without limiting the number of times (2 and more). In the event of a skin examination, a skin examination is carried out in accordance with the procedure prescribed by law for conducting a primary skin examination. Tim is estimated by experts for an hour:

  • that part of the project documents, to which amendments were made;
  • the summation of the modified part of the project with the decision of the project documentation, for which an expert analysis was carried out earlier.

In this way, for the re-examination, the deputy can submit a package of documents according to the list, assigned to paragraph 13 of the Regulations, approved by Resolution No. 145, including:

  1. Application for examination.
  2. Project documentation, as I have taken a positive review of the expertise earlier.
  3. A copy of the positive sign.
  4. Task for making adjustments to the design documentation.
  5. Dovіdku about the introduction of amendments to the draft.

It is necessary for the mother to take into account that the project can be reviewed for a re-examination in full, as from the moment of the first re-examination before the legislation, amendments were made, so that the results of the state examination are pending.

Making changes for the negative examination of project documentation

If the design documentation took away the results of the work of the experts of the negative visnovok, then paragraph 10 of Art. 49 of the Mistobudivny Code, 2 options are suggested:

  1. Return to the Ministry of the Region for the court and try to slander the results of the expert visnovka.
  2. Pass a re-examination after the adoption of all the appointments of nedolіkіv.

In practice, however, the experts rarely pardon, and the judge's view is not cheap and long-term, it is easier to make amendments to the draft for respect and pass the examination again. Under the current Regulation on the examination, confirmed by Decree No. 145, it is possible to avenge the norm, as it allows not to turn the applicant's documents for examination at the paper's sight, in order to take into account the respect that caused the negative visa, it is possible without turning the documentation. At any point in the adoption of a short time, the applicant is given a sing term, after the completion of any fault, he is guilty of submitting to the expert organization that part of the project documentation, as he found out the change and the finalization of the description of the amendments.

In this manner, the design documentation was corrected and the re-examination was carried out, both in the obligatory order, and for the memorial service. In any case, it is important not to miss the moment, correctly evaluate the changes made to the design documents, and conduct a re-examination, as the law requires, otherwise, great difficulties can be documentary zbudovanogo object.

GOST R 21.1101-2013 Main considerations for design and operational documentation

The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation have been established federal law dated December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ "On technical regulation", and the rules for setting national standards in the Russian Federation - GOST R 1.0-2004 "Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions"

Vіdomostі about the standard GOST R 21.1101-2013

  • DISCOVERED by Joint-Stock Partnership "Center for Methodology and Standardization in Life" (VAT "CNS")
  • INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee TC 465 "Budіvnitstvo"
  • OF APPROVALS AND INTRODUCTIONS TO DII By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated 11 March 2013. No. 156-ST from 01.01.2014
  • At this standard, the norms of the Mistobudivny Code of the Russian Federation, dated December 29, 2004, No. 190-FZ, are implemented
  • VZAMIN GOST R 21.1101-2009

3.2 Fast

GOST R 21.1101-2013 "Basic considerations for design and operational documentation" is short:

DE- electronic document;
ESKD- single system of design documentation; CAD system (system) automated design;
SPDS- system of project documentation for everyday life;
SED- System (s) of electronic document processing.

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