The shape of the product line. Documentation of the appearance of the work of the workers. Rozrahunok vitrat ta vypusku


    Zagalnі position with the shape of practice………………………………………………….….….3

    1. Regulation of labor relations………………………………………………....3

      The shape of the number of workers and the working hours………………………………….4

      Indicators of the growth and payment of labor…………………………………………………..5

    Organization of payment for services………………………………………………………………...6

    1. Tariff system……………………………………………………………………….…8

      Fund for the payment of labor………………………………………………………………………...9

    The procedure for earning money to pay for the cost…………………………………………..11

    Analytical appearance of bills for wages……………………………………………….14

    Synthetic form of payment for the cost of rozrakhunkiv for her…………………………………..15

    Rozrahunok that appearance utriman that payment from wages………………………………18

    Control over the recruitment fund for payment of labor ……………………………………...19


List of written literature……………………………………………………….….22


p align="justify"> The process of being a pіdpriєmnitskoї іyalnostі, especially the preparation of products, comrades, vikonannya robіt і nadannya servіts, pov'yazaniya s vitraty not only speeches, but also lively practice, which is the most important element of vitrat vitrat. The value of the price of practice is vimiryuєtsya is more important than the number of hours given. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the obligation to pay the work to the skin doctor for the necessary expenses and insurance fees for the payment of the work of the doctor. Іsnuyut pevnі vomogi to form and control over the payment of pratsі.

Salary is a part of the cost of a suspensory product, expressed in a penny form and it is seen by workers and servicemen to a large extent and the quality of the work they have stained.

Vikonuyuchi important function control over dotrimannym to the principle of rozpodіlu pratsі, oblіk is responsible for ensuring the vikonannya of such tasks: the formation of data about the number of practices in the business and the practice hour; displaying external information about working hours and product output; grouping of data on external information and formation of analytical and synthetic indicators of wages and wages and rozrakhunkiv with workers and servicemen; folded zvіtnostі about vykonanny plan pratsі; control over the camp and the vicissitudes of labor resources of the enterprise, the hiring of workers for the productivity of work, the maintenance of the planned salary fund for the types of payments and categories of personnel, and the compensation for rozpodіl zarobitnoi ї pay.

The basis of the organization of the appearance of work and wages is: classification of the personnel of the entrepreneurs; signs and indications of the operation; tariff system and forms of payment for workers and service workers; grouping wages by types of payments.

The classification of personnel is the basis for organizing the appearance of the number of workers and the number of working hours. Signs and displays of technological displays give information that is victorious for the appearance of the worker-workers. The tariff system and forms of payment for work are the basis for rozrakhunkiv іz zarobіtnoї pay. The grouping of wages for the types of payments to serve as the basis for the organization of analytical and synthetic appearance and the folding of zvіtnostі about vikonannya plan z pratsі.

At the foreman’s of those other government processes, like vicorist, the bones of practice are stained with objects of practice, and he himself takes care of the practice.

    Zagalni ambushed in the guise of practice.

1.1. Regulation of labor permits.

At the gate ahead of Nini systems organized, to pay the prazi is Vozhno Dvydin Zavdannya: one side, the submarine of the submarines of the values ​​of the values ​​of the rights of the forms of the forms of Pay Rosimi, the regime of the Roboti regime, and forgotten by the mechanism of the sorcerer, for the help of the establishment of a lower level of payment for labor, payment for the other categories of personnel, the maximum three-value working day. At zv'yazkah zberіgaєtsya tsentralіzovanе regulіvannya trudnosin, vstanovlyuє norms, obov'yazkovі dermal organization independently in view of the type of activity and organizational and legal form (Code of Laws on Pratsyu of the Russian Federation). To lay down the price and to the appearance of the cost and її payment. Vіn maє buti suvoro dokumentirovanim, stovіrnim and richly in what odnomanіtny on the whole territory of the country.

Vihodyachi z tsogo, the personnel of the organization are distinguished by the following signs:

    spheres of occupational work - personnel of the industrial and non-viral spheres. Prior to selection, the staff should be assigned the practitioners of the main, additional and other structural subdivisions, which will determine the most important types of activity of the organization. How should the cultivator organizations of practitioners, yak take part in the process product selection vykonannya robіt that nadannya servitov, scho cheruyut tsim process or serve yogo. Prior to the non-viral staff are brought to the workers of the organization, employed in the non-viral sphere.

    professionally-qualified and other signs - plumbers, turners, milling machines, fitters, mechanical engineers, designers, accounting, economics, etc. The qualification of workers is the initial official when they are assigned ranks: what is the qualification, then the highest rank is assigned to the worker.

For proper legislation, a working hour is worth an hour, by stretching such a hire, the worker wins his obligations, assigned to the labor contract and the rules of the internal order.

1.2. Appearance of the number of workers and in the practiced hour.

This appearance is carried out based on the original documents. When you enter the practice for a skin practitioner, a special card is issued for a unified form T-2. Vіdomosti about the number of days of work and years, about the variation and other data are taken from tables, orders, reports, vіdomosti virobіtku, rosrakhunkovyh and payment vіdomosti and special cards pratіvnіv, yakі are systematized by the singing rank.

The report card is kept at the organization's subdivisions. With this help, take care of the information about the practice of the hour and the absence of other reasons for the year and day, be more careful about going to work, before the arrival of the rules, the camp of labor discipline.

Absences of chi zapiznennya pratsyuvati z important reasons are made out by such documents: leaflets of timchasovoi non-practice, dovіdkami vykonanny state and hromadskih obov'yazkіv. The documents are given to the timekeepers, and after the badges in the timesheet are transferred to the accounting department for the accountants from the practitioners.

Substandard work, allowed in the prescribed manner, is fixed on the lists by the masters and controlled by the time sheet. An hour of downtime is due for leaflets about simple, like signing the administration of a structural subdivision.

Internal downtime for reasons to be insured on the basis of photographs of working areas and other evidence of downtime. The numbers are determined by the data acquisition, typical for the sunny period, are victorious in the analysis of indications in practice for revealing the reasons that give rise to unproductive time spent working at the enterprise.

Vitrati working hours are grouped behind singing signs: an hour of payment, an hour of non-payment of payments, and an hour of non-payment of non-payment. Vedinniye groups of groups: vidpraztovs an hour at the timy of a timid day, a jam of a year old, a robot at the Vikhіdni that holy Dnі, Service of Vidreznyzhni, Silіsni, intravye, a nadiyazhny, a murmur at the ribs at the ribs at the ribbon , don’t go to work in the wake of temporal incompetence, a happy birthday for mothers-anniversaries, workers and workers, employed in health care work, absenteeism, and late work.

Indicators for the duration of the month are grouped from the timesheets and characterize the labor resources for the undertaking. The stench is necessary for control over the vicarious workforce in terms of work, liquidation of downtime, short work breaks, the adoption of other unproductive work hours and the ordering of information from work.

Also, at certain undertakings, victorious priyomi and rational appearance of the year of birth are celebrated. At the report cards, they show less inspiration from the normal minds of the robot.

      Pokazniki vyrobіtku and pay pracі.

Before the most important indications, which are required to pay for the payment of labor, there are norms of labor, which characterize the variation of products. The norm of practice is the norm of the rate, the hour, the service, the number, as it is established for the practitioners, according to the attained level of technology, technology, organization of the production and practice.

Norma virobіtku vmіryuyut vstanovleny obsjag roboti, scho pіdlyagaє vykonannyu in a single working hour; Different types of norms change - norms of service, standardization of tasks.

The norm of a working day is the value of the working day's profits, set up to the last unit of work.

The shape of vikonannya norms of practice at the other stages of the manufacturing process is the basis for the appointment of obligatory vikonakh robit, due payment for the labor of the virobnichoi brigade.

The shape of the vibration is necessary for the safety of data collection about the details and the finished products, the finished products and the rejected varieties. It is necessary to choose the correct system for the appearance of the vibration, as well as primary documents for the design of the virobitka.

The system is the shape of the deposit in terms of organization and standardization of practice, technological process, stosuvannya of rational methods in the collection of information, in the form of a system of payment for work and the method of acquiring work. The axis of the number of options for the appearance of vibration, which can be put into practice:

    at the mass virobnitstv, the laborers of the workers on the rich farms should be organized by the brigades, like a singing cycle of robots. The acceptance of products is carried out according to the final operation. Ale buvaє i operational system in the shape of a virobitka;

    in serial productions, that income is registered in rich vipadaks in a change report-dress. Deyakі pіdpriєmstva zam_nіh raportіv аbo at poddnanny z them zastosovuyut system of route cards, scho vіdkrivayutsya on the skin lot of parts or vuzol parts. The stinks are registered by the picking service and they supervise the second batch of details until the completion of their preparation;

    in single and random serial productions, one-time documents are often victorious - outfits, as if they are fixed by a brigade of singing robots. Acts of undertaking such collections stop the monthly accumulation of documents at the sight of special documents in the future, but the flow of documents is fast.

In the subjects of the state of the state of other galuses of material production, specific systems are formed in the form of a vicarious hour; often the stench is surrounded by danim, necessary to pay for the work.

    Organization of payment for services.

Under the payment of labor, it is taken into account that the penny form is part of the labor of the workers in the production of the product, vikonannі robit that nadannya servic, as it should be at the special police officer. Payment for the practice of a skin practitioner should be deposited in the form of a labor contribution and as a cost of practice.

  • However, the change in the norms for workers up to the age of 18 is not guilty of leading to a reduction in their wages.
  • Razpodіl brigades for the equal production of products for change
  • Variation method
  • The shape of the number of personnel and the working hour. The shape of the vibration of robots
  • The appearance of a virobotka is a collection of ways to make a baby girl, and documenting data about her. The shape of the skin approach is organized stalely according to the nature of the production, technological minds, and the organization of the practice.

    Іsnuє chotiri ways to shape the virobitka:

    1. Operational.

    2. For the final operation.

    3. For final products.

    4. Inventory.

    Operational The method of transferring products after skin technological operations. This system is characterized by a large number of primary documents (individual recruitment for a work order, route lists). They win on unique robots, they have high-qualified robots. The great number of primary documents and the high level of laboriousness of accounting work called out the need to use computer technology in this business.

    For the final operation. Tsya system zastosovuetsya at the assembly line. The shape of the test is carried out according to the type that went through the entire assembly line, data are fixed in one primary document (the appearance of the test on the conveyor), however, with the same variation in the cost of skin surgery, there will be differences and the payment of the operator will be paid for the difference in the conveyor.

    For final products. Tsya system vikoristovuєtsya in quiet minds, devibration is fixed behind the building in the warehouse of products or products are transferred to other workshops for further processing. For the system vibration- tse oskanik to the team, but not to a specific practitioner. Pratsіvniki are united in brigades, they see specifically the leader and the vibration is fixed at the brigade's brigades.

    For the purposes of the system of guilt, it is necessary to distribute a wage earning among the members of the brigade. This rozpodіl is carried out in two stages:

    1. The tariff rate of the employee is determined based on the applicable hour and the tariff rate of the weatherman of the highest grade.

    The wage income, which is the difference between the wages of the brigade and the tariff salary of the brigade, is subdivided from the improvement of the coefficient of labor participation (KTU):

    Coefficient of labor participationє subjective indicator, wine was requested from the method of assessment of the contribution of the skin practitioner under the hour of the typing work. After earning a brigade worker's income, the accounting department turns over to the brigade for affixing KTU, then dress it up again to get to the accounting office for earning an individual worker's income. I create the design of folding in appearance.

    Inventory (rozrachunkovy). Foundations for the shape of the movement of details and nap_vfabrikatіv for the data of the planning and distribution bureau (PRB). From time to time, an inventory of stocks of alcoholic beverages may be carried out. Tsya system is widely expanded in machine-building, prote control functions in the form of practical daily, and the variation is fixed in the workplace.

    For whatever system, all primary documents in the form of a virobitka are fixed in natural displays. Documents are stored in one clerk, they are signed by workers in the office of technical control, the head of the shop, the head of the manufacturing office, the head of the workforce and wages. Then the documents in the form of a random transfer are transferred to the billing center, and call to accounting. Undertaking may have the right to create primary documents in the form of a random order for a form that is convenient for a new one, or to set up typical ones.

    An important part of the gloomy service of the management of the harvesting is the registration of the harvesting pods. For a complete selection of algorithms in MRP and APS \ MES planning, the necessary form of production, the movement of materials and components, the form of unfinished production at the warehouses and in warehouses, as well as the form of straight lines, necessary for the production. Qi zavdannya easily verse Clobbi.

    Vikoristovuyuchi appearance on virobnitstvі, you can otrimati on such requests:

    • What are the signs for the launch of the campaign at the same time?
    • How is the detail-operation contagious at the same time for skin treatment on the vein?
    • What happens at the same time to any work center?
    • De, if she was shown a school in a certain number?

    The appearance of the process of variation can be created both on a computer (PC or laptop under Windows), and on an Android mobile device (smartphone or tablet).

    Addendum Clobbi.Manufacture of appointments for setting up that registration of information, how to shape the process of manufacturing online.

    Koristuvachі programs otrimuyut handy tool, which always know under the hand, which allows:

    • Promptly take care of tasks
    • Take away information about the camp of harvesting and harvesting tasks
    • Look over chairs, technological processes, norms
    • In the real time mode, register the fact of the cob and the end of the meeting
    • Register downtime due to designated reasons for downtime
    • Bachiti history under route sheets
    • Vіdstezhuvati vnutritsekhovy process of preparation.

    The moment the cob and the completion of the skin operation must be fixed at Clobbi. For what is the most common method: manually affixing the badge about the cob/completion of typing in the replacement plant or route archway, for the help of bar-coding technology, then.

    Registration of the completion of the operation of transferring the introduction of information about the actual operation of the operation - the number of completed DSE, the number of parts for technological needs, the correctness and residual shlyub.

    In addition, registration of the relocation of DSE parties between work centers and production subdivisions, as well as downtime at work centers, is being arranged.

    Watch video instructions:

    Registration of specimens

    Online-registration of manufacturing pods through the Clobbi.Manufacture mobile add-on

    Registration of search results for Clobbi service via PC

    Virobnicheskoy appearance of material flows in virobnichestvo

    Clobbi zastosovuєtsya documentary appearance in the collection. By registering information about the production process, you will automatically secure the release of excess materials from the unfinished production process, as well as changing the appearance of the production process and other production processes.

    Traditionally, at the enterprises, one type of one is the main form of three types:

    • the appearance of vibrations in the appearance of vibrations and transmissions between the varieties of beverage products (DSI);
    • appearance of costs for the write-off of syrovin, materials, components;
    • payment to workers to the main manufacturing workers and to the production of products/products/DSE.

    The main production documents є:

    • The act of deletion of the details-operations with the fixation of a row of write-offs
    • Invoice for moving
    • Documents of registration and repair of the slubu

    When you start online-registration, the collections of assigned documents will be automatically generated by the service.

    The shape of the generation is created for the support of the basic document, which is the act of generation, which will include a few functions: fixing the generation of the details of operations, and writing off materials / inputs of the accumulation, and raising the normative cost of the tax. In this order, pardons are included, postscripts and inconsistency of different appearances one to one.

    The work with the act of virobitku is victorious in the kіlka stages:

    • Formation of the document header;
    • Forming rows in a random way;
    • Molding rows written off;
    • Pidbir zalishkiv, vikonannya zamin;
    • Document splitting.

    It is necessary to start the shape of the manufacturing process from the acts of the production of the harvested products, to obtain the mechanical processing according to the TP, to prepare, to store the products.

    For moving between workshops, the documents "Invoice for moving DSE" must be issued. The work with them is similar to the work with the documents "Vimoga-consignment note" for the type of materials and components.

    If the process of fixing the vibration of parts, other nodes and transfers to the storage warehouses is launched, you can start the shape of the vibration, at the warehouses themselves. As a result of the registration in the Clobbi service, the records about the finished product will appear in the filing cabinet of the warehouse release.

    From the other side, the process of virobnitstva can be rehabilitated. And here the documents “Act on the management of the hose” and the “Act on the residual hose” are drawn up.

    Ready products and all those that we choose to offer to customers must be transferred to the warehouse of finished products, having issued the document “Building products at the SGP”.

    Marvel at the video of the virobnichesky appearance:

    Molding of the actives of the ballot and the actives of the slub

    Transfer of DSE between children. Production building at SGP

    Analysis of the work centers (3D workshop) with the improvement of product development

    In order to ensure sufficient rapidity of response on the podia in the test cases, it is necessary to be able to take up-to-date information about the test situation in the test cases.

    The Clobbi service has available tools for tabular and visual representation of work centers with the vibrations that are viewed on them in real time.

    Zavdyaki operational appearance on the working areas, tabular and visual representation of the working centers, all the subdivisions of the air handling units can be displayed on the dispatcher's monitor at the handy for a safe look.

    A 3D workshop is available for visual control of the production of food products:

    For the skin working center, the 3-color indicator will become a note with more detailed information about the RC station and about the robot, which is displayed on the new one at the current moment.

    The main sub-“fact” in the production is the cob and the completion of the processing of the batch of dermal DSE, as well as the cob is simple and the reason for the simple work center.

    The skin of the working center of representations at the sight of a photograph or a 3D model, the order of any sorting of the indicator of the bottom, as well as a note with detailed information about the camp of the working center.

    For sorting and selection of work centers according to different parameters, a tabular list of work centers will be available:

    Shape of the process of manufacturing - Analysis of the leftovers of unfinished manufacturing

    All plans have columns "Plan" and "Fact". Columns "Fact" are automatically filled in every hour of rozrahunkіv vykonannya vіdpovіdnyh plans, which are based on the data of the sizing form and file cabinets from the surplus of unfinished scheduling (WIP). Manually enter the actual amount of the plans is not required. Krіm filling the column "Fact", whose analysis prepares analytical data on the demand for in-line surpluses of work in progress from the point of view of their stagnation in the event of future plans for future periods.

    Watch the video:

    Analysis of the stock of work in progress (WIP)

    Viroblennya - tse show, scho win in the number of single products, like a bula was viroblen for a song hour or one practitioner.

    How is vibration manifested

    Virobitok is a direct indicator of the productivity of work. I use three main methods of designing, and at the same time: natural, penny and labor.

    The first variant may, at the end of the day, have released the agreement on the production, whether it was prepared or sold, on the average number of manufacturers, without any delay in the manufacturing process. Tsya technique zastosovna is less until quiet undertakings, yakі vypuskayut production naming.

    As the organization is engaged in the release of various products, it is impossible to produce up to one single unit of the world, to the extent possible by the variant method. At to this particular type virobіtok - the price of the penny equivalent of all manufactured goods to the quantity of pracіvnikіv.

    It is worthwhile to use the labor method to designate the work, respectfully, to evaluate the productivity of the labor force of the okremi brigades, the workforce or the workers. The indicator is measured in normo-years. With this insurance, the product is not only ready, but the work is not completed. The value of this show is that which helps to evaluate the efficiency of the organization of work and the rationality of the work force.

    Norm of variation

    Virobitok - tse ostentatious, scho vyznaєtsya for the pіdbags of the singing period. Tim is not less, they also use standards, they signify the standard of justice. Go about the normative vibration. In order to designate this show, it is necessary to increase the trivality of the period of the number of workers, which is in the process of selection. The result is divided by an hour, which is based on the standards for the selection of a single product. In this rank, the maximum result is designated, which can be attained in the undertaking.

    Virobit analysis

    Viroblennya is the most important indicator of the work of business. In order to work out on the basis of such developments, it is necessary to conduct a relativistic analysis. Win can be used in the offensive:

    • the dynamics of the indicator by the hour (on the basis of data for the period of time, it is possible to show trends in the work of the business, as well as to make forecasts for the future situation);
    • factorial analysis (which means that officials are most likely to contribute to the productivity of work and variation, which gives the opportunity to correct the work further);
    • the specified rate of growth and growth (showing the rate of increase in the growth rate for different periods, which allows more reports to be made between periods with unsatisfactory performances).

    Indicators of vibration

    Viroblennya, as an indication of the productivity of the practice, is regularly repaid to assess the functioning of the enterprise. In order to determine the value, it is necessary to choose the following statements:

    • obsyag produktsії in natural or variant virazhennі (moreover, you can take the value of the indicator for the fact, or it can be planned, in order to develop the normative virobitok);
    • the number of practitioners, yakі zadіyanі without intermediary in the recruitment process (to give the possibility to evaluate the efficiency of their work, and also to determine the direct rationalization of the personnel warehouse);
    • the valority of the work of the production of products (indispensable in times, as it is required to evaluate the output of the products for one hour).

    How to conduct an obl_k virobitka

    Viroblennya - kіlkіsne vrazhennya produktіvі pratsі. Oskіlki tsey pokaznik played an important role in the analysis of the work of business, it is necessary as a rank to conduct yoga. This is especially important in vipadkah, if the system of payment for work is stagnant, so that you can lay aside the ostentatious work. Vedennya of this appearance gives the following possibilities:

    • availability at the order of data about the results of the activity of the skin practitioner;
    • a fair distribution of the salary payment, depending on the amount until the show (including defective products);
    • ensuring control over the quality of the quantity of viroblen products released from the workshop to materials and raw resources);
    • the designation of "higher places" that compose the flow of alcoholic beverages between workshops and production facilities.

    What is the cost modern systems shape, then a hundredfold bending of the largest width was like this:

    • vodpovidno to along with the vikonnannya of the singing obyagu roboti;
    • vodpovidno to the so-called "route card";
    • assessment of the indicator from the final results of the work.

    Riven virobitku

    Viroblennya - the whole quantity of finished products (so in some cases vuzles and alcoholic beverages are vandalized), as if the bula was viroblen by one single working force or for a single hour. Krіm tsgogo, so razrіznyayut pokaznikіv pokaznіv іvnya vyrobіtku:

    • the average turnover for the year - is determined by the rozpodіl obyagu production, prepared for the period, for the number of man-years of work in the shop;
    • the average number of hours per day - without intermediary overlaps with the front indicator (it is determined by the way of multiplying the value per year for the number of working days or change);
    • The production of one worker - depends on the production targets, prepared for a month (or be it another sunny period), up to the average number of workers.

    What can be thrown into vibration

    Viroblennya - ce kіlkіst produktsії, prepared in one hour. Varto signify that this indicator is not stable and can be fallow due to a number of factors:

    • implementation of new technologies, which operations can be lifted up and down: from one side, it is necessary to bring the process of production to rationalization, and from the other side - we can call for a pull for the period of development;
    • pouring into the team of new practitioners, which will take an hour for adaptation and familiarity with the process of manufacturing;
    • the stagnation of syrovinnyh resources, which earlier do not vikorate (here the viroblenia can also change by one hour);
    • serial production to produce natural kolivan tsy pokaznik.


    Vibration can be considered as one of the key indications, even wines, in fact, it is an indication of the productivity of work. This value gives the natural chi financial indicators the ability to evaluate the results of the work. Particularly important is this ostentatious display for businesses, de victorious in the system of payment for work, and even wine gives the opportunity to fairly share penny resources between employers.

    Depending on the nature of production, the system for organizing payment for work, the method of controlling the quality of products in the industry, such forms of primary physical documents are formed, which are formed for the appearance of production and work for them: an order for a work order, an itinerary sheet (map), a report on the selection of a ticket for a change, a change in the appearance of a worker, an act on the hiring of vicons, a rationing of the weatherman, a dress book and so on.

    Qi documents are guilty of revenge and such requisites: place of work (workshop, dealership, widdle toshcho); rozrakhunk period (rіk, міsyац, number): prizvische, ім'я, according to the father; personnel number and category of the worker; code for the appearance of vitrati (virib, zamovlennya, rahunok, statya vitrati) and the category of work; the amount of work, the hourly rate and the cost per unit of work, the amount of earnings, the amount of the normo-year for the work.

    Unification of the forms of documents for the payment of wages by the Decree to the State Statistics Committee of Russia N 1 is not transferred. The necessary forms of the organization are responsible for rozrobiti and confirm independently, vicorist accumulation of dosvid work given species activities. Decree was ordered to submit only a report-attire about the work of a wake-up machine (mechanism) for the form N ECM-4.

    Oblik Vobrovtka, vibir of the first form of the primary document to lick the bangoh reasons: the species of the Dianosti, the individuals of technology Vobronitvva, the organizing system, the systems control of that is an an anchistry product, the vibration residents of the Taroi, Vagami, likillers, and likillers.

    When developing the forms of outfits for work, you can take the old forms of outfits as a basis, since now they are not worn for zastosuvannya, but you can also use the accumulation of additional work and enterprises of different galuzy of industry, for example, a report about the formation of a brigade (form N T-17), a report about payment for a change (form N T-22), a report about the work (accumulation) (form N T-28), a report on the appearance of a work (for a variety of jobs) (form N T-30), an order for a work order (form N T- 40) and in. In everyday life, trades, additional and other choices for brigades of practitioners, the “Outfit for the work of the worker” was previously won for the form N 414-APK.

    In case of independent development of the necessary forms, the organization is guilty of reaching the first documents, published by federal law dated 21.11.1996 N 129-FZ "About accounting form" Bogachenko V.M., Kirilova N.A.. Accounting oblіk: Pіdruchnik/V.M. Bogachenko, N.O. Kirilova. - View. 6th, reworked. that dod. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2005.

    All assigned primary documents are updated with the improvement of technological cards, financial and pricing, with the improvement of the production programs for the workshop (dealer) and the schedule of the work and the brigade of the worker is seen on the cob of work.

    Dress up for the work of a worker, sound like a master (a viconrobe or a head of a trainee) today, or on singing period(As a rule, up to one month). At such a choice, the sounds are assigned: the place of work (workshop, business, service), name, initiator of the worker, name of the worker, rank of work, the norm of the hour and the cost of one work.

    When filling in the brigade squad, the names of all employees of the brigade, their personnel numbers (like stink) and discharge are indicated. For the brigade along with the earnings of the skin worker, the sound is proportional to the total number of work, the hour, the order of the work and the costs set for it.

    When the initial documents are drawn up regarding the appearance of the manufactured products (they work, the hired servants), data on the established norms for the hour, the norms for the rate, and the cost of the cost are put down. All these norms can be periodically rozdrukovat on the computer and are made out at the sight of good friends and even in the outfits they can not be shown.

    Often at a glance, a table is presented along with a table like a report card for a skin care practitioner. However, the report card for the appearance of the working hour may not be turned on until the form is taken, but it can be filled in completely.

    After the appointment, the master closes the line and writes down to the new number of accepted votes, or else he works, indicating the hour, the total amount of payment of the cost and the additional payment, the cipher of the appearance of the windshield, on which the salary is paid, the salary is paid.

    There, decedently, call out enlarged, complex norms of prices, as well as rich (accumulative) primary documents (for a day, a decade, two days, a month, for a cycle of operation chi robit) instead of one-time and one-day bills.

    Warehouse of the necessary primary documents and їх зміst suttєvo lie down in view of the payment of labor.

    In the first documents, according to the appearance of the production of products, and the performance of the last work for the summer period, there is also an hour, the establishment of the norm for the completion of the obligation of work. The actual hour, spent on the day of work, for the winter period is charged for the data of the report card to the appearance of the working day.

    Vykoristannya chi іnshoy ї type of primary documents from the appearance of the manufactured products should be deposited also in the specifics of the manufacturing process and the type of activity.

    So, for example, in workshops with a drіbnoseriynym and іndіvіdualny character of virobnitstva in case of development and repair robots for the appearance of vikoristovuyutsya accumulative, or razovі, vbrannya. Acceptance of prepared products (vicons) is carried out by the master, foreman or inspector in charge of technical control and is certified by their signatures on relevant documents.

    With the serial nature of the variability, the appearance of the variability of products is often created for additional route maps (archives), as they are formed on the basis of technological maps adopted for this variant.

    The route map can be drawn up not only as a document for the appearance of the manufactured products, but also for the purpose of raising wages. Every now and then, the necessary showings are given. Route maps, chime in, are written down by the experts of the dispatching service who have added a batch of details. The route system in the form of a change can be stopped by the train with a report about the change for change.

    With the brigade organization, it works for the minds of the streaming and large-scale production, the shape of the production is carried out at the end of the reception of the products of the end operation.

    The shape of the production of products from this method is changing among the trainees, who have to pay the workers of the brigade for the products, accepted the end of the operation, according to the latest total prices of all the actually completed operations assigned to the brigade.

    The fact of the Priymann to serve as a document of actual Viconnia Vikonicho Zavdannya to the brigade of the Vicoristovanny Kilkosti Products, the Kintsevo Operations for the Starry Mysyan, the insertion of the worship of the Writing, and the Viroblangennya Vyroblennya for the Sumarny Ruzovs. For this document, the total amount of wages is charged, and the wages of the brigade are necessary.

    The appearance of the products of the skin brigade member is carried out by the master and foreman. Rozpodіl zagalnoї sumi zarobіtnoї ї pay mizh okremymi brigade members can zdіysnyuvatisya proportionally to vіdpratsovanogo hour, їx tariff rates or koefіtsієntіv labor participation.

    At wake-up organizations for the appearance of the maiden robit and wages, dress up for work (according to the chords), outfit-books, report cards and acts about the dress.

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