Do-it-yourself watering. How to build a modern watering system? Features of the design and installation of the irrigation system (110 photos). Watering can be hoarse

We all love fresh fruits and vegetables that grow on our backyards and summer cottages. But it is impossible to grow them without regular watering. Such a possibility can be provided by an irrigation system at the dachas from plastic pipes. Why itself from plastic ones? This is an inexpensive material, which you can mount with your own hands, without stagnation for any bulky electromechanical attachments and tools. In addition, plastic pipes, according to their main characteristics, turn over metal pipes.

Іsnuyut different options shaping the irrigation system, leather with some minor features and principles of integrity.

This is the best way of growing, when water is supplied to the roslin from the dzherel along the digging furrows. The whole system is located on the surface of the soil, that nourishment, which is worth it, how to grow watering at the dacha with your own hands, is practically not worth it. Water is poured into the soil without intermediary charge from the roslins. For this method of watering the root, some of the sour is spared, so it’s not necessary to do so.


Water heals the growths, reaching up to them at the sight of powdered streaks. This kind of sawing is done with the help of special doschuvachiv, installed at the singing places of the deli. Rozpriskuvachі can be static or wrapping. Such watering does not harm the structure of the soil, which is alright and deeply soothing. In addition, the above-ground parts of the growths grow in the water, which promotes their growth. As a short time, it is possible to indicate the unevenness of spraying water for an hour of watering with a strong wind. The problem can be blamed on the lack of sufficient pressure in the mains.

drip irrigation

The most rational and prudent way of growing, with the operation of which, the water flows without interruption to the root of the growth along the dotted line, connected with the irrigation pipe. Such irrigation is possible to induce from the storage tank, as there is water in the main pipeline during the day. The access is taken again to the root, and the structure of the soil does not suffer.

Nedolіk drip system - ymovіrnіst frequent zasmіchennya trumpet through falling into the її open particles of soil and raznogo smіttya.

Internal irrigation

The watering system at the dacha is made of plastic pipes, laying in the middle of the soil ball, at a depth of about 30 cm. The system is good for greenhouses and stationary plantings, where regular re-digging is not required. Vtіm, you can lay the trumpets once, but even if you want to roztashuvannya visadzhuvati odnorosliny. Internal watering allows the summer resident to fluff up the surface of the soil. In the same way, it is pleasantly signified to be sour to the root.

Open the pipelines and you can see, to that at the entrance to the irrigation pipe it is necessary to convey the presence of the filter.

Advantages of plastic pipes

Call for the installation of polypropylene pipes and HDPE pipes for watering in the country. If you choose to work between the designated options, then it is recommended that you use polyethylene pipes, since their installation is more simple, and the pipes themselves may be blamed for their durability and reliability. Pererakhuyemoly their main advantages, zavdyaks like plastic pipes won popularity and vdyachnist among summer residents:

  • The inner walls of the pipes have a vignon smoothness, which includes the seals in the middle of the pipeline. Tim himself achieves the best throughput building with smaller diameters of the pipes themselves;
  • The materiality of the walls of the pipes ensures the safety of the virobivs of winding up at the same time pouring on them a lot of important gardening equipment;
  • Plastic virobi dogovichnishі, nizh їх metalі analogues;
  • Plastic is inert in terms of maturity to an aggressive medium, such as soil, so pipelines can be laid in the middle of a soil ball;
  • HDPE pipes do not collapse when ;
  • Installation of polyethylene pipes for watering at the dacha is even easier for the vikonati. There is no need to zastosovuvat elektroobladnannya or kakіs foldable tools for zadnannya dіlyanok magistralі and vrіzannya dodatkovyh elementіv.

How to mount, the world rose in the okremіy statti with a video-butt.

If you want to talk like a bully, then different options for this preparation are described on our website.

And about the correct addition of compost pits.

Automatic and manual watering

Do-it-yourself watering system at the dacha can be formed with the possibility of manual, automatic or automatic brewing.

Manually carving is the simplest. The system is folded in this way from the pressure pipeline, to which one or two flexible hoses are connected. Watering is carried out manually. Chergovist nadhodzhennya lead in hoses zdіysnyuєtsya for the help of vіdkrittya kolovih faucets.

Drinking automatic system can be operated manually by the supply of water to the main main. Dali system rozpodіlyaє water through the pipes independently, as well as regulate the onslaught and water flow.

Porada: At some point, from the automatic watering system, you can switch to automatic watering without interrupting the shut-off valve for supplying water.

Watering system country houses With automatic care, I will automate the process of growing a lot more. People may not be at the dacha, but at the same time they will grow up in tasks for an hour, strictly singing a kіlkіstyu drive. Sensors, yakі vіdpovіdat for vimiryuvannya temperature and vologostі, vchasno give a command to pripinennya watering at times lowering the temperature or raising the vіdvіschennya soil vіgnostі to normal іvnya.

Irrigation system installation

For laying the irrigation system, polyethylene or polypropylene pipelines with a diameter of 20-40 mm can be used (calculate the main main line with a larger diameter, and the main line with a smaller diameter). Installation of HDPE pipes with system elements is required for additional compression fittings. Such a robot does not require the presence of tools. Polypropylene chips stick to the help of a soldering iron, so the presence of electricity in the country house is obov'yazkovaya. Obidva raznovidi pipes can be sufficient hardness and durability, allowing the operation of the irrigation system without dismantling for the winter period.

Let's look at how to lay pipes in the country for watering correctly. Such a gasket can be either surface or clay:

1. Surface mounting transferring the distribution of all pipelines to lie on the surface soil. Such a system can be selected easily, and in case of breakdowns, you can install it manually. Ale є th nedolіki. On the surface of the rotting of the pipes, there is an increase in the fluctuation of the current. It’s also becoming more foldable to change clothes like a dilyanka. That th pipeline for the evildoers can become an easy zdobichchyu, as if you’re at the dacha, there’s less than a light.

2. Glibinny montage plastic pipes for watering in the country. We shorten this variant, to the same yogo we will look at the report:

Selected with your own hands from plastic pipes, the system for watering for a long time will secure your plot with water, relieving you of monotonous and routine manual work.

How to irrigate at the dachas from plastic pipes?

Winds and hoses when irrigating the dacha city are stagnated at the bottom. Often, the rulers of the villagers in the country estates vvazhayut for the better to make their life easier by obshtuvavshi system roshennya. I immediately supply the installation of the city water supply, which is recognized for supplying water to the beds and її rozpodіlu there.

We will tell you about those who pipe for watering at the dacha, rather than choose for a spore system that is soundless. When submitting our articles, we conducted a selection of popular schemes and materials that should be used for automated irrigation. Given the technical characteristics and assessment of all zastosovuvanim raznovidam.

Growing beds and fruit trees at the dacha for additional pipes can be organized in kilkom ways. Vibirayuchi that chi іnsu system, nebhіdno vydshtovhuvatisya in the type of soil on the dilyantsі, zagalnyh climatic minds that bazhannya (or nebazhannya) spent their time for watering the city.

The manual method of laying the ground is laborious. Zamіska dacha is recognized for repair. It is not uncommon for city dwellers to ride it at weekends, so that they might work there. E tі, to whom it is more appropriate to spend an hour like this.

Ale, if you want more, just go for the mist. However, a small city, apple trees and currants in the country house are practical for the skin. І їх need watering.

The systems of piece-by-piece watering of a country house are divided into two types: automatic and automatic - the first to change control over the process of watering will be automatic, and the other part of the fate of a person

There are three types of non-manual watering systems according to the method of water supply:

  1. Krapelna superficial.
  2. Internally.
  3. Finishing (spraying).

The technology of creating a "piece board" is the widest. In order to install such a system on a summer cottage, it is necessary to install a sprat of rotary doschuvachiv and lead them to pipe water supply. However, water such a rozbrizkuvachi stained over richly.

Part of it just evaporates, not having reached the ground. This variety of dacha irrigation is mainly used for watering large lawns outside the area.

Two other options for automatic watering systems can be used to control the supply of water to the ground, or on a new direct line with the overgrowth that is being watered. For which vicorist perforated pipes, urns and ballerinas are used. A similar way of growing is more economical in terms of running water, but through the great length of water conduits, a road near an annex.

For an internal soil irrigation system, pipes with perforation can be buried in the ground at a depth of 20-30 cm, and for a surface pipe, they can be laid on the ground

For the power of watering in the country town, it takes a lot of time. Prote skilki forces will be saved. Pipes for such a system can be beaten both metal and plastic.

Їx vibіr is rich in why to lie in the technology of depositing the soil. The work of dirka for roshing in a steel bowl is still satisfied. W polymeric compounds found to serve polyethylene. Ale, if it’s cheap in a big place, then choose a PVC varto.

Tell me about those, how and from which pipes you chose the irrigation system for the country house. Possibly, you can provide information that will be relevant to the site. Write, be kind, comment in the blog, ask questions, ask questions, publish photos for the topic of the article.

The main guarantee that in the country house, city or in the garden there will be high-yielding fruits, yagid, vegetables that shvidky rist kvіtіv can be boldly called yakіsny watering. Among the widest options, one of the first places to enter is the system of spot watering. To the її main advantages one can see the accessibility and economy.

Kraplinny watering: handy and beautiful

Plus, it’s the same with traditional methods of watering from zastosuvannyam hoses and rozpilyuvachiv, drip irrigation for safe vdvіchi less water. Significantly, modern technologies make it possible to create a system for supplying water with a fully automated system. For which it is sufficient to enter into the program the block of watering by watering the required parameters, the hour and the period of water supply.

It is possible to cover the drip irrigation in your city with your own hands without special knowledge. It is necessary to learn more about the principles of robotic design for additional schemes and photos of statistics. Read also:

Varieties of speckled flour

Establish different systems of drip irrigation, with which among the many options you can see three of the most popular:

  1. Crimped hose. The main component is a pipe with thick walls, mostly polyethylene. Such pipes are protected on a vice up to 3 atmospheres, which makes it possible to supply water to hundreds of meters. At the end of the hose with the same period, the emitters or urticaria with rozrahunkom are sprayed on a specific water supply. As a rule, wine is col- lected between 1 and 2 liters per year. For the installation of such a system, vicorist plastic fittings are used. Also, the possibility of dismantling the structure for the winter season was given.
  2. Creepy line. A flexible tube with thin walls, the width of which is 0.12-0.6 mm, is connected directly to the main hose. Її the inner diameter of the larger swings should be 16 or 22mm. Installation and installation is carried out for additional fittings and connectors standard sizes 1/2 and 3/4 inches. Such lines can reach hundreds of meters and build up to 500 liters per year.
  3. Zovnіshnі mikrokrapelnitsy with concrete vitratoyu vody. Injectors and spray nozzles of various models can act in their capacities. The stench will take care of watering at the sight of drips or microstrumen. In other structures, the regulation of the intensity of watering was transferred. The place of roztashuvannya of nettles is the outer side of pipes and tubular vіdgaluzhennyah. It is also possible to mount on a special hose, on which it is possible to roztashovuvat at the necessary places the drippers from self-piercing fittings.

Kraplinny watering by self-priming without a pump

Water supply under gravity without a pump is one of the options for drip irrigation. Such a system transfers the presence of accumulative capacity. Їy may be a larger barrel or other reservoir. Accumulated water is reminiscent of tap water or natural water. Every now and then, the rain water stagnates, as it stood.

The special features of the system of dripping water are those that can smell living organisms and dry sprinkling with water and water.

In this order, the water is far from being water, and the surface of the tank is guilty of being resistant to corrosion and ruining. A barrel with plastic, synthetics or a galvanized hall - the best options for water intakes. Sob the barrel didn’t get leaves, or smittya, it’s the fault of the mother krishka.

Rozmіri barrels to lie in the vitraty of water resources. The volume may be sufficient for the necessary watering. According to the standards of living, cabbage will take 2.5 liters for harvest, potatoes - 2 liters, and bushes of tomatoes - 1.5 liters. As a result, the vlasnik of the dacha, or the city, will need to, in an individual order, invest in the extra vitrata up to the number of bushes of the plantation and trees. Knowing these data will become a good thing and the hour of choosing the system of expansion.

Watering zdіysnyuєtsya for rahunok vise water in the barrels raised above the ground

In order to secure the pressure of water in the system of 0.1-0.2 atmospheres, the tank is guilty of buty vlastovaniya at a height of 1-2 meters above the ground. It is important to take care of the purity of the water that comes out of the barrel. In order to prevent the hit of dirt that has accumulated in the hose, the evil opening should be spread 100 mm higher than the bottom of the tank. Such a design has the same necessary connections or another filter. Irrigation systems with self-priming are insured for a small pressure, because of which they need less than uncompensated nettles, compensated shards to increase the pressure of the water flow with a permanent pressure.

It is also planned to plant herbicides and dobriv, varto transfer to the system of okremy vuzol fertigation for the development of rare forms of preparations. After the skin procedure, the irrigation system will need cleaning. For whom it is necessary, so that the system, filled with clean water, proprated sprats of quills. The filter will also require periodic cleaning. Zdіysnyuvati її nebhіdno shotizhnya.

Rules for installation and supervision of the mottled coating system

Folding systems and watering at the dacha or garden plots should work at the singing sequence, following a number of simple rules:

  1. Fix the installation of the drainage system from the node to the water fence. Zhivlennya can be supplied from a water supply system, water reservoir, sverdloviny, a well or a special reservoir. When installing the water tank, it will be necessary to make sure that it has a 3/4 inch internal groove.
  2. In the presence of houses near the water and a chasm of great rosemary, it is necessary to transfer supplies or a disk filter.
  3. Farther, a shifting vuzol is being installed. At a new one, water is filled with chemicals and fertilizers, or to serve a life of speech. The fertigation unit is a reservoir, where the distribution of the appropriate preparations is carried out, which is brought to the irrigation system for an additional tube with a dispenser at the necessary place.
  4. For the installation of the main pipeline, plastic pipes with HDPE with a diameter of 32 mm or polypropylene pipes. In principle, it is appropriate to sound like a trumpet, like a sound to the might of the system.
  5. The next stage is the installation of a rozpodіlchoї merezhi. Microtubes or watering drip lines are laid out on zroshuvannyh plots.

The installation process requires fittings: connectors and fittings, tees and coils.

Adding fines to the system of spotting

Creating a system of drip irrigation with your own hands, varto protect the deak nuances:

  1. Lay the main pipe at a slope of 90 degrees to the rows of beds. Tse zrobit zruchnym pіdklyuchennya razgaluzhen.
  2. To get rid of the muddy system and watering, an additional plug is installed on the end of the pipe and the pipeline itself. It is necessary to take into account in the process of cleaning the irrigation main.
  3. Having screwed up the opening in the pipe of the line design, the first one needs to wind the start - proofreader, on which one it is strong to put on the line. It is necessary to muffle the very line on the protileous end, in order to achieve tightness and mother ability to wash and blow through її dіlyanka, which was laughed at. It’s possible to do it for the help of a torn-up stitch of a ring with a width of 1 cm, as if it’s a big lie on the її kinets.

Vikoristanny polypropylene pipes

Nobody cares about arranging drip irrigation with your own hands from polypropylene pipes. The Danish version of drip irrigation with plastic pipes can be overwhelmed. Qi pipe mіtsnі, elastic and characterized by low shіlnistyu. Polypropylene pipes are used to finish the pipes until they hit the hydraulic nature and temperature drops.

Such additives allow the walls of polypropylene pipes to be covered with non-shock genim under the influx of ultraviolet changes. The pipe does not succumb, as the water in the system froze, the cream is completely filled. In addition, do-it-yourself drip irrigation from polypropylene pipes with your own hands can be cheaper, lower from HDPE, oscilki vartist komplektuchih pіd zvaryuvannya nizhcha, nizh zbіrnі designsії on razblennі.

Scheme of drip irrigation from polypropylene pipes

Pipes from this material are suitable for the folding of the main pipeline and for the rozpodіlny line with drippers. In the rest of the day, you can open the door at the necessary places. The diameter is chosen practically when installing the system again.

Obviously, when working with plastic pipes, there are some minuses:

  1. Vykoristannya special soldering iron.
  2. The system cannot be taken apart for the winter period, or for cleaning.
  3. In porous HDPE, polypropylene pipes, there may be less resistance to freezing water in the structure. Therefore, it is necessary to blow the entire system before winter after an auxiliary compressor.

Varieties of red lines

As we undertook to sporudit watering with our own hands at the dacha or in the city, it is necessary to choose the right watering line. Selecting the type of string extension will be designated by specific minds at the dealership. Use three main lines:

  • with a labyrinth;
  • chin type;
  • emitters.

The type of capital stitch is indicated on the marking

At the first drop on the surface of the tube, there is an element - a labyrinth. Such a structural feature allows you to improve the water flow at the stovbur line and to arrange the flow of water through the opening. It's a pity, the labyrinth's roztashuvannya must be brought up to the point that in the process of laying the line there is a great insecurity of yoga mischief.

Open in stitches of the slotted type for winding, the water is vibrated by a laser with a gap of 20 to 100 cm. In the middle of the day, the maze will be built to avoid the turbulence of the water. Strіchku need to install the maze on the mountain. Tse spryaє equal exit lead through the open. This is the easiest option to organize watering, which does not require significant watering. The only thing to keep in mind when choosing a narrow type is the need for yakіsnіy filtration.

The appearance of the rice of the mother-of-pearl looks - the presence of additional openings, budding with flat nettles, savage in the middle. The sensation lies in the fact that the droplets are spread on the inner, and not the outer surface of the wall, the result in the middle of the line is blamed for turbulent water flow. Zavdyaki youmu sees self-cleaning urticaria.

So, when choosing an important line, there is a tovshchina of the wall. If it is planned to lay under the ground, then the width of the line can become 0.2 mm. At the time of lining the drip irrigation on the surface of the earth, there is a pipe made from a lesser tovshchina wall.

Self-installation of the drip system

Below is a diagram of how household minds can independently choose the drip irrigation on the garden plots. The butt of the camp is equipped with irrigation of a plot of land with an area of ​​150 m2 with 10 rows of hanging half-unit, the length of which is 12 meters.

For a self-contained system, you need a red line of the headdress 110-140m. When roztashuvannі emiterіv or perforation through 30cm throughput capacity of the system becomes close to 4 liters per year. Orientation pressure without a victorious pump - 0.1 atmosphere, to support such a tank of the irrigation system, it is necessary to place it 1 meter above the ground. It is impossible to create a pressure on the water in one atmosphere, for that one in the fall needed to lift the tank with water to a height of ten meters. As a result of the insufficient pressure, the throughput of the building falls twice - up to 1.3 liters per year. As a result, the hour of watering will increase in the afternoon.

Kraplinny watering the half moon - the right decision

The last scheme for making do-it-yourself drip irrigation:

  1. Bring the valve to the fitting of the tank, after which put the filter.
  2. For the help of a happy mufti, a separate pipe is connected and laid perpendicular to the beds for irrigation. Even if the area is less than 300m2, the pipe is 32mm. The pipe itself must be laid parallel to the horizon, and the irrigation lines - with a chink. The end of the trumpet on the protilezhny boat of the delyanka should be closed for additional plugs, which is important, or install a valve to make it easier to prophylactically wash.
  3. On the opposite side of the seminica beds, it is necessary to drill the pipe, turn the fittings with gaskets or install the taps. Stay safe except for skin care and watering as needed. It is also possible to blow a pipe, back to back, with start-connectors.
  4. Uzdovzh usієї beds polunitsі lay emіternі strіchki. One of the ends of the tube should be put on the fitting, and the other should be plugged.
  5. In case of zastosuvanni zagalnoy nettles for watering a lot of bushes, they should come to her rozgaluzhuvachi-minfoldi at the sight of tubules and lay their root plantings.

Butt of the installation of drip irrigation in the central water supply system

Such capacities to stick out for a long time

The first step is to cover the drip irrigation in the central water supply line, following the choice of how the structure is connected to the water supply. It is possible to connect directly to the valve or connect to the auxiliary storage tank.

The pressure at the municipal water supply system should be set at the norm of 4 atmospheres, but, zvazhayuchi on yoga haircuts and water hammers, this figure can fluctuate between vіd 2 to 7.5. Varying the fact that for drip irrigation, lines with a low working vice (about 0.2-1.5 atmospheres) sound, in order to break the system through a strong water pressure, put a gearbox between the tap and the central pipe, which lowers the vice.

Another way to reduce the pressure to the required numbers is to increase the accumulative capacity, like a bypass valve. It is filled with water up to the installed level, which is a control valve that regulates the supply of water. The water is taken from the system by self-fueling through the fitting at the bottom of the tank. At the time of the installation of the irrigation system with your own hands, as a bypass valve, you can change the standard valve from the toilet tank.

The filter for drip irrigation is a necessary element of the system

Pokrokov's instruction for one of the simplest options for laying drip irrigation in dachas or in the city:

  1. Selecting a filtering university. Wine is made up of 2 filters, and itself: a mud filter and a filter for fine cleaning. Between themselves, the filters are closed by a muff, the conduits are twisted, after which the entire vuzol is attached to the main hose.
  2. A hose with a diameter of 20 mm is laid on the central path. It is necessary to cut through all the beds of yoga, for this the succession of okremikh vіdrіzkіv is established.
  3. Take off the hose shmatki you need to connect between yourself through tees with one outlet 15mm for a distant branch.
  4. To the treyniks, the red lines are added, as you can fix them behind the help of metal clamps. When finished, the line must be twisted and fixed with plastic clamps, and the hose must be connected behind an additional adapter 20-15.

Installation of a drip system from pump stoppages

The pump can be used in the drip irrigation system, or for filling the irrigation tank, or for increasing the pressure in the system itself. At the first stage, the scheme of work may not be applied to watering in the water supply system. When you need a water level sensor in the tank, which turns on the pump in the world.

The sensor can be built with your own hands, having attached the end cap to the valve in the toilet bowl. However, the activation of that pump shutdown is not due to a one-time “dirty” contact of the vimikacha, which can lead the pump out of tune. The control scheme can be supplemented with a timer, which is sold at the electrical goods store. All the food is simply broken, as soon as the pumping station is ready.

For the capacity of the water supply, watering is organized for an additional pump

At the time of pumping the pump with the method of lifting the vice at the great vitra water system of the drip irrigation, it is possible to switch the reducer or special compensating drippers in the pipeline, which vitrimuє the vice, created by the pump. At the same time, it is important to choose a pump, which will ensure the need for water supply with a deakim supply. Read also.

Reading hour ≈ 3 hours

The fact that the growth of a different kind of culture that grows on summer cottages will require regular watering does not sound doubtful to anyone. Insha river, how to do it so that watering does not turn over on a visceral pulling of water from a barrel to a garden bed? Here, as it seems, you need to use your mind before the problem. Better than everything, the ideal solution was to create a do-it-yourself watering system for the plot.

What can be the method of watering the plot?

Sob there you didn’t foresee and didn’t plan, but for the devil’s time, you’re unlikely to get a bike, because there are only three main ones to see the watering of the lot:

  • doschuvannya;
  • drip irrigation;
  • intra-ground watering.

Doshchuvannya more relevant then, if you look at the flower bed or the lawn. Self-driving automatic watering systems themselves are based on this method, which is why they use the simplest types of lawn watering systems, so you can work with your hands, to which these structures are made up of pumps, hoses and sprinklers.

If so, you need to know about garden trees and towns, if it will be effective for sprinkling watering or a micro-sprinkling system. In general, the drip irrigation system of hand-held vikonann can provide you with great savings. Only in order to create, it’s necessary to start preparing robots even before that period, when the hour of spring-field work comes, so like winter. Hocha tse th is not so important.

Well, how about going about bagatoric livestock, like the method of subsoil irrigation, for additional pipes or porous hoses - to show yourself what you need.

Taking into account the popularity and relevance of drip irrigation systems, we recommend that you on our website learn more about the photo and video lessons about how to create a do-it-yourself irrigation system.

How to build a drip irrigation system independently?

Like and be-like everyday life, rozpochinat the process of creating a system of expansion is necessary from a well-thought-out planning.

1. Also, create a plan for a summer cottage and designate a zone that will require watering (beds or beds).

2. Then, think over a plan for the placement of the main pipelines, shut-off valves, hoses and other drippers, with the improvement of space, where your lot is located. For example, yakscho є clearly out of the way, it means that the trumpets are horizontally dispersed, and the hoses are under the chin.

3. Do not forget that the watering system for the city was created by self-taught, you can transfer multiple waters and that decontamination. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all the possible places, as well as to add a number of important elements (retainers, rozgaluzhuvachiv), including plugs and taps.

4. Let's not make you think about the type of victorious possession and trade brand that you would like to win over. I realized that there might be a fall in the end of your irrigation system.

5. To facilitate the laying of pipelines, it is better to use plastic virobi. First, the stench is richly cheap, but in a different way, lighter, lower metal counterparts. Until then, such trumpets do not enter into contact, without any aggressive elements having added and do not give in to rust, which will significantly increase their terms of service.

Dripping is considered one of the most common ways to plant beds near greenhouses to the critical soil. How to build a system of drip irrigation with your own hands to scatter the rich vlasnik in greenhouses, even if such a way of watering the roslin is economically viable and efficient. This is explained by the fact that the Russians win the necessary vologda practically without the involvement of people.

Methods for installing a drip irrigation system and do-it-yourself options are described in this article.

How to build a drip irrigation system with your own hands

It is possible to do this with your own hands, but it’s better to buy a ready-made structure and pick it up on the spot.

How to choose a structure with your own hands will be described below, but we will try to figure it out, how to prepare the work, it is necessary to carry out so that it functions without failure.

Territory preparation

Before that, as if it were a good thing, it is necessary to prepare a caravan. At our point of view, the installation of irrigation in the greenhouse is considered, for this we take it as a butt for the construction of a closed soil (Figure 1).

Automatically expand the transfer of the reservoir for the storage of water and spread the row along the beds. It is important that it is necessary to mount the structure on the ready-made beds, and it is not recommended to change it. Of course, it is possible to increase the number and size of the beds, but at times you may need to carry out folding again.

Figure 1. Preparation of the site before installation of the coating system

Strіchki are laid out on the beds so that the nettles of the boulder were the main growths. Plugs are installed at the ends of the pipes, which prevent water inflows. The stench may be conscious, so that under the hour of cleaning the system, the water can be lowered quickly.

Installed capacity

The place for saving water is guilty of roztashovuvatisya on the cob of life. It is necessary to put it on the bottom (about 2 meters above the surface soil), so that the water, under the force of gravity, reaches the pipes (Figure 2).

Malyunok 2. Installed tanks for water storage

Even if there is not enough space for the tank in the place, it can be installed outside the structure, laying pipes on the ground. ale in to this particular type for the winter, it is necessary to lower the water by obov'yazkovo, so that the tank does not go bad when it freezes.

Starter installation

In ready-made sets, the necessary elements (crym of the tank) are supplied at the complex. At the station, you just need to connect the hose to the capacity, install the starter on the tank and program it to automatically turn on and off for the auxiliary sensor.

The starter is connected to the tank, drilled into the main pipe with a diameter of approximately 14 mm. The same attachment launches water and sips it for consumption. If you don’t buy ready-to-eat virib, but just one part, seriously rob the starter. Vіn is obliged to do it with a strain, in order to provide water for all the growths, for this, when buying shoes, it is necessary to insure the number of beds and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe place itself.

Yak rozrahuvat kraplinny watering on your plot

So that the design for laying the ground exactly matched the size of your greenhouse, it is necessary to precisely expand the length of the line and its size.

For whom it is necessary to grow a dozen beds. For example, if you have є 10 beds of 15 meters of planting, you need to buy three more than 150 meters of stitches. The reserve is necessary for the adoption of possible costs during installation. Plugs are installed on the ends of the leather stitching, and fine filters are installed on the tank with water, so that the hoses do not smirk at the smitty, squeaking with excess growth.

Yak himself zrobiti kraplinny watering

As if you yourself wanted to irrigate the greenhouse near the greenhouse without great financial windfalls, I would suggest to you, put it lower.

Z plyashok

For small budіvel vіdmіnno go self-contained structures h plastic discs.

To start watering yourself at the dacha or in the greenhouse for this method, it is necessary to vicorate this Pokrokov instructions(Figure 3):

  1. Uzdovzh beds lay out a hose and drill open. The hose can be laid out both on the ground and under the ground. The remaining method is more suitable for the construction of a closed ground.
  2. For skin growth, a plastic plate with openings is installed at the lower part.
  3. At the neck of the skin flap, insert a medical urticaria, as if to come to the hose.

Malyunok 3

Such a design is to ensure the constant supply of water without intermediary to the root of the growth. But for whom it is necessary, so that they have a stable pressure of water, the capacity is installed on a daily basis, and the main pipe is supplied with a starter.

The video shows how it is possible to create a similar construction from plastic plates.

3 medical urticaria

Such irrigation near the greenhouse is possible even for the help of medical urticaria. The principle is left to itself, which is when installing the structure with the balloons (Figure 4).

A flexible hose is laid out along all the old beds, which is to come to the main pipe and pipe that tank to collect water. Open the drilled hoses, insert drippers with special valves into the pits, water flows through the pits to the roses.

Malyunok 4

The main feature of such a system is that the water does not reach the root, but on the surface of the soil, moreover, the number of drips can be whatever.

Automatic drip irrigation

Automation of the introduction of water makes it easier to keep an eye on the roslins;

For installation of a similar design, a controller is installed on the battery, which works on an autonomous battery. The tank, at its side, is connected to the water supply, and if the wines are empty, it automatically refills. Also, the automation of the transmission of the installed sensors, yakі start and vimikatimute the laying of the soil in an hour.

How to grow sprinkling watering near the greenhouse

Choose a system of point adjustment yourself - a whole lot more feasible. For whom it is necessary to buy a ready-made set and simply install yoga on the spot.

Note: At the moment, the most popular varieties are Dusya and AquaDusya. The rest is automated for the most part, even though the first time is important for downtime and is suitable for small greenhouses.

In order to carry out the installation correctly, it is necessary to follow up on the relevant recommendations:

  • Complete the installation plan and schematically place the roztashuvannya hoses and drips;
  • Install a capacitance for driving over the surface soil, to increase a stable grip on the pipes;
  • Lay out on the beds pipes or flexible hoses for supplying water;
  • Install the starter and electronic sensors on the main pipe and water reservoir to automate watering.

At the final stage, the structure is ready to be tested in the general order, to check whether water flows normally and whether the hoses do not leak.

View of the central water supply system

If there is a water pipeline in your business, automatic watering near the greenhouse is not important. For which it is sufficient to connect a container for saving water to the central water supply and install a special sensor, which is like a tank.

A similar design allows you to practically automatically automate watering, but remember that for the winter all the elements should be dried and tidied up.

How to use drip irrigation system for greenhouses

The principle of operation of similar structures at the greenhouse is simple. Water is constantly collected from a special tank and hoses are placed under a vice at the pipe.

Open at all hoses, insert drippers into yak. Through them, water seeps out in small specks, and it drains from the ground. This very method of ensuring the safety of water is considered the most successful, because all growers without blame will need a lot of water. However, it is not possible to override the construction of the structure with respect: the valves, hoses and drippers need to be periodically re-turned to clear the clog or a malfunction.

Greenhouses often grow not only vegetables, fruits and greens, but room roslini in mountain dwellers, which also requires watering (Figure 5).

Figure 5

In this situation, the system will become viable for a number of reasons. First, you can install not only on the ground, but also on vertical racks. In a different way, the design allows you to bring the tubes to the skin miner and grower.

How to choose a drip irrigation for a greenhouse

Successful development of the soil is rich in why to lie in the form of a system. Sob to buy in a right way garniy virib, animal respect for sprat important parameters(Figure 6):

  • The pressure of the pump is one of its functions: in the case of pumps, the pumps do not only start the system itself, but create the necessary pressure.
  • The walls of the hoses are to blame, but they are mitzmi, so that the water does not break through during the process of exploitation.
  • Sensors are to blame but simple to manage: depending on the reliability of operation.

Figure 6. Tools for choosing a system with your own hands

As a rule, yakіsnі virobi cost more expensively, but oskolki їhnya ekspluatatsіya trovaє rokami, ekonomiti on such pridbanny not varto.

How to choose a drip line for watering

The key role of vikoristannya of such a wide line is a flexible hose, which is laid out in the beds and led up to the roslin.

Buying respectfully look at the line. Vaughn can be finished with mitznoy, but at the same hour with a gnat, so that zlomy were settling on it, through yakі the whole system in the future can get out of tune.

The technology of choosing such blasting structures is shown in the video.

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