How to properly sip on cold portions. Mirobi with cold portions. Polymer and ceramic floristry

cold porcelain- Cheap, most flexible and available material for molding. Pratsiuvati with him is absolutely safe, while not obov'yazkovo mothers especially learn and know - such creativity gives the strength to inspire a little child. You do not need to shop in stores especially for creating a unique embellishment or other speech with your own hands. You can also prepare cold porcelana at home.

At a glance, the cold porcelana looks like plasticine or clay, but after the constant hanging, the speech is absolutely solid. Under the hour of filming, you can vicorist, be it accessories, embellish, namistini, dribny beads, gudzik, gіlki or kvіti that have dried up, as well as fabrics, be it structures. The surface of the cold portions can be covered with lacquer, furbowed or covered with beads, glints, squeaks, etc.

The history of the appearance of cold portions

The first years of the 19th century appeared the first versions of this material. Behind the dating records, it became clear that the Argentines were to blame for the cold portion, but there is no exact information about the trip. There are more reports about the Russian maister Peter Ivanov, who worked at the imperial factory for the preparation of porcels and on the cob of the 19th century mastruva in unique objects from a special class of porcels. From the documents of the Petersburg Porcelain Factory, having created the first decorative flowers from cold portions, they were used for embellishing special bottles of perfumes, as they were delivered to the imperial homeland.

Establish and earlier the facts that confirm the basis of this material. Chinese treatises on sculpture and art describe the impersonal varieties of stucco molding from cold servings, wines are called otherwise. But all the same, the recipe is identical to the one, as zastosovuvav Petro Ivanov.

Mixed cold portions: peculiarities and nuances of victoria

From this material, it looks like a truly beautiful combination, but the stench requires the correct approach of the vikoristan. For them, there are pleasant months, there are no direct sleepy changes and vology. Cold porcelain is the same polymer clay, it’s good to choose a vologist, sour and indulge in your original color under the influx of sony light.

In rooms, like decorating objects from cold portions, it is necessary to reach the optimum temperature for the new mode. So, even if it is less than 10º C, the structure gradually collapses through the crystallization of particles of water, which is carried out at the warehouse of such a portion. The high temperature is also harmful - the wine is just dry and roaring. Continue the term of virobivation with cold portions and add lacquer coating. The stench to protect the water and save the color, the glare of the surface shape.

What can you drink from cold portions

With this material, you can create everything that is worthwhile - from various embellishments for women to cute accessories for interiors:

A lot of rukodilok is embellished by miners room roslin otherwise they create a whole composition at once from a cold portion.

Dishes, decorations with such stucco molding, will become the right rodinka of the kitchen interior.

Different frames, vases, stands, ceiling lamps, candlesticks, vikonans from cold portions, to dilute the primal interior, to add a touch of individuality to it.

Hairpins, hoops, bijouterie and other woman's attributes, decorated with quilts from cold portions, look charming.

Thematic compositions made of this material, figurines of animals, houses, garlands of flowers and greenery will definitely become a unique decor for the interior.

Together with your little one, you can make heroes from your favorite cartoons or fairy tale characters, like embellishing a child's room.

In addition, you can create a miracle gift for dear people.

Cold Portselyan: cooked in home minds

Polymer clay is easy to prepare. The easiest traditional recipe is corn or rice starch, PVA glue, baby blue cream and glycerin. The proportions are like this:

  • 1:1 bottles of starch and glue;
  • 1:2 tablespoons of cream and glycerin.

Ingredients are resolutely mixed and left for 15-20 quills, until the mass takes on a consistency that is ideal for lathering. It is categorically not possible to put the prepared sum in the fridge, or save it for over 2 years at room temperature. It is necessary to stick to the eye, smearing all the material.

Deyakі add sumish citric acid, as pratsyuє for the principle of conservation, scho continue the term zberіgannya vrobіv.

Recipes are being developed from zastosuvannyam water. However, similar warehouses seem to be unpredictable and tendentious. Under the influx of sour podrazniki, water enters into a reaction with other storage polymer clay, through which the shape of the virobi can change, the minerality decreases, and a third-party unacceptable smell can also appear.

To give a singing color to the virobu, often vicorist to the crade kharchov barvniki. Ale and after the completion of the work and the total hanging of the viroba (through doba) the surface of yoga can also be farbowed.

Tools for lіlennya

  • knives and rocking chair;
  • toothpicks chi stacks;
  • wire cutters and tweezers;
  • decorative cosmetics;
  • farbi and penzli;
  • vologi servets;
  • small doshka and mittens;
  • glue for mounting and thin dr_t.

Sakuri flower: meister class from cold portions

It is easier for the "sculptors" of the Pochatkivtsy to make a cold order, for example, sakura.

Krok 1. A part of the workpiece is filled with white, and a part is covered with a lower erysipelas color. From skin sticky sticks (probably pellets). A white bar can be trohi tonovshchі tinted. Harvested z'ednuemo on a dozhina and narizaemo on small squares.

Krok 2. Sticky pelyustki. Imagine them robimo erysipelas, edges - white. We glue the PVA pellets, and in the middle with a toothpick or with a knitting needle, a small opening, where we put the stem.

Krok 3. The buds are ready to grow to a bowl-leaf from a green base and sit on a stem from a dart. Such a gіlka is obliged to come, mute sakura, which ideally repeats її budova.

Krok 4. For the purpose of the scheme, we work hard for a sprat of wood, let it dry again, after which it is twisted into a single composition for an additional dart.


Cold porcelain is the most affordable, cheap and most compliant material for molding today. The work with a cold portion is absolutely safe and does not require any special skills and knowledge, you can get involved in such creativity little kid. You can prepare the material in your home minds, so you don’t need to go to the shops and shukati, especially for instilling your dreams, the joys of mysticism, to create a unique embellishment or an interior object with your own hands.

In your own way old-fashioned look cold porcelana conjures clay or plasticine, but after hanging in the veins, we become more and more firm. When sticking with it, you can vicorist whether it’s a type of embellishment, whether it’s accessories, like a pearl bead and namistin, turtles, gudzikiv, a little chick or dried flowers, to textiles, be it a structure - a thread or a ganchirochok, which is left out of knitting, embroidery or sewing clothes. The surface of the viroba in the technique of cold portioning can be stuffed, covered with other materials (sand, beads), varnished.

The history of the creation of cold portions

The history of this material for molding takes its cob from the first years of the 19th century, at the same time records are dated about the first time. Zgіdno z danimi, cold porcelana was found by the Argentines, but there are no exact reports about this trip and the history of this wine walker. There is more information about the Russian master Ivanov Peter, who worked at the imperial porcelain factory and already on the cob of the 19th century, creating unique varieties from a special porter. As if to believe the archival documents of the St. Petersburg plant, Petro Ulyanovich himself created the first letters from cold portions. The stench was used to decorate perfume bottles and perfumed water, as it was supplied to the emperor of that motherland.

Ale є th more early prove the basis of this material. In Chinese treatises on art, that sculpture, without a faceless description of the film and cold portions, is also called wine otherwise, the proteo-recipe of yoga is absolutely similar to that of Ivanov Petro.

Features of the cold portions

The choice of this material is superbly beautiful, but not less powerful. Take care of them or install them far from the vіd vіd vіd vologi i direct sonyachnykh izmenіv. It is necessary to understand that the porcelain is cold - the whole polymeric clay, as it is good to take the water and sourness, to infuse the color in the infusion of the sleepy light. Wazi with stucco, flowers and other embellishments with cold portions cannot be put on display, or you can order it from a dzherel water.

In applications, where the objects of this material are known, the temperature regime that is optimal for them is to blame. If it gets colder than 10º C, then the structure will collapse, the fragments of the water particles near the warehouse will crystallize. High temperatures so destroy the cold porcelana itself - it just hangs and expands.

It is possible to continue the “life” of virobs from cold portions with the help of lacquer coatings. The stench is not superfluous to protect the vіd volog, and it will help to save the form, the color and glare of the surface.

What can you do with cold portions

With this material you can stick to everything - in the form of women's embellishment to small objects in the interior. Even hairpins look original, embellished with squares of this material. For children, together with children, you can make fun of fairy tale characters, heroes of their favorite cartoons, like embellishing your room.

The richly creative gentlemen are embellished by the miners of the room trees with stucco molding from cold portions, frames, lamps and vases.

Garlands of flowers, greenery, figurines of creatures or houses, thematic compositions with cold portions will become a unique embellishment of the interior. Krim tsgogo, you can create an original and inexpensive gift for friends and relatives.

How to cook cold porcelana in home minds

Preparing polymer clay for molding is easy. The simplest recipe for cold portions is cerise or corn starch, PVA glue, glycerin and the best baby cream in proportions 1: 1 (flasks of glue and starch) and 2: 1 (tablespoons of glycerin and cream).

Ingredients need to be thoroughly mixed and left out by 10-20 quills. The stench freezes, and the masa will take on that consistency, which is ideal for freezing. It is not possible at the same time to place the preparation of the material in the refrigerator, or save it at room temperature for more than 2 years. You need to eat and drink the whole amount of the prepared material.

Deyaki maistri add citric acid to the mass. Varieties from such portions are saved richly, shards of acid create a preservation effect.

You can try to apply the recipes from mixed water, but if so, it will look like trends and not long-term ones. Water under the influx of the ranks of officials enters the reaction with other ingredients in the warehouse of polymer clay, as a result, an unacceptable smell may be produced, the shape of the virus may change, and that її mіtsnіst significantly decreases.

To change the color, the most common vicorist are kharchov barvniki, kreyda. Ale and the surface of souvenirs from cold portions can be made after the final hanging, not earlier, lower through the doba after the end of the film.

Cold porcelain is the price of mass, which is ideal for molding virobiv and kvіtіv. Let's try with our own hands to make cold cakes. Today's master class will be dedicated to the creation of a hoop with the lower kvits, and to itself with erysipelas orchids.

How to cook a porcelain, so that it doesn’t crackle with the year and doesn’t stick to your hands? Lower guiding the perfect recipe varіnnya.

For robots you need:

  1. Farba oleina chervona, white, green and yellow
  2. Farba of acrylic chervona
  3. Pastel is dry green and red
  4. Floristic Drіt
  5. PVA glue
  6. Mold leaf orchids small
  7. Penzlik
  8. Dumbel
  9. knives
  10. hair hoop
  11. Floristic clay

Vikonanny roboti

Vіdrіzhte two pieces of dart with a length of about 6 cm. Mix a small piece of floristic clay with olive farboa white color. Form a bag with a diameter of 1 cm. Spread a loop on the dart with PVA glue and put it on a new white bag of clay. With the thin side of the knife, grind 4 vertical graves on the kults, which are tinted in the center. To make one more such blank for a bud on another piece of dart. Another workpiece can be trochi with a smaller diameter.

Scratch the pastel crade with a knife green color. Moisten the powder, scho viishov, dry soft penzlik and fertilize the base of the buds with green pastella until the stench has dried up.

In the same way, fill the tops of the buds with a pastel of a red color.

Mix a small piece of clay from a green olive farboa. Put a piece of green clay on a bud with a bud, spread it with glue, and gently stretch the clay all over the dart with circular rukhami. Fill the lower end of the dart (about 1 cm) without clay. Roll the drіt between your fingers to smooth out the unevenness. Start with another bud just like that.

Now take a bag of clay with a diameter of about 2.5 cm. Chervonoy farby needs zowsimi trohi, sob viyshov lower erysipelas color. Vіdіrvіt іn іn erysipelas clay а small shmаtochоkі form z new dovg pellust 1.5 cm high. Give it a light texture with the help of a small mold orchid.

Put the pellet on the bottom and lightly press down on it in the middle with circular ruffles behind the help of a small dyumbel, so that the pellet will come out slightly bent in the middle. Grow three such pellets.

Lay them, as shown in the photo, glue them at the center with glue.

Now add two upper pellets. The stench of the mother is rounded in shape and the trochs are bigger for the lower pellets. Spread the lower pellets in the center with glue and add the upper pellets, press down the gluing place with a dowel. There are three such preparations for orchids. The stench can be of the same size, or one of the blanks can be made three more for the others.

Take a small piece of clay and mix it with a small amount of red olive farby, sob wiyshov horny-red color. Cut a piece of clay into a thin layer and cut with new manicure scissors the core for an orchid of such a shape, like in the photo.

Lay the core on the bottom and work it with a dowel in the center, bend the tarts from the bottom uphill.

Glue the core to the center of the orchid. Other orchids should also grow hearts.

Take the buds, put them in order one by one and twist the ends of the stalk at once. The length of the twisted part can be 1 cm. Apply the buds with the twisted side of the dart to the bagged place on the hoops, where the place can be put on the beast, that bottom of the hoop is smeared with glue. Now put the animal on the dry green clay and stick around the hoop so that the clay comes to its lower side. The buds are guilty of viyti hіba sho tied with clay to the hoop.

Dock, if the orchids dry out a little and you can easily pick them up with your hands. Now smear with glue the right-handed hoop in the form of buds, stick it with a small amount of erysipelas clay, smear the wedge with glue and glue it on the new orchid.

Bottom view:

Type of beast:

Attach the other two orchids in the same way - levoruch in the first slip. Next, mix a small piece of clay with yellow farboa, form oval “grains” of 4 mm curls from it. In the center of the core of the orchids, smear with glue and place vertically into the skin core, one oval piece of yellow clay each. On the skin yellow shmatochka dig vertically with a knife.

Why is the porcelana so cold? This material, which is supposed to be plasticine and is harder after drying. Cold porcelain otherwise, as they call it, clay, which is self-hardening, is the ideal syrovina for the molding of various vibrations, on the other hand, it does not get overwhelmed with fingertips, and all virobi look even more realistic. Vikoristovuyuchi cold porcelyanu, you can create masterpieces from the world of creatures or quilts, as well as embellish items of homemade taste. Until then, one best to take with children. At this article, we will tell you, as if from a cold portion, you need to kill. Here you will find a lot of cicadas for masters, as well as options for freshmen, like in the master class “Cook with cold portions with your own hands”.


  • Cold porcelain;
  • Acrylic farby in different colors;
  • Forms for pellets and leaflets;
  • Rizny tool;
  • Zeleny Drіt;
  • PVA glue;
  • Knives;
  • Penzlik;
  • Shmatochki;
  • Vologi servets;
  • Culinary paper.

Respect! Reference materials for all statistics.

Trojan Lesson

Troyanda is one of the simplest vouchers for making, and therefore the first option for making cobs. Otzhe, let's get creative, and the master-class of trojans.

Krok 1

We will show you how to make a troyanda, and how to add farba to porcelain, you can create the one that is like you. Take a piece of dart, bend one of the yogo ends at the loop. Pinch off a small part of the portion and fill in the whole loop.

Krok 2

Now let's take care of the pellets. We download a small bag and put it on a culinary paper.

Rozkochuёmo hand bag into a thin plate.

Nadaёmo pelyustki fluffy form. For whom it is necessary to spread a pellet on the fingers for an additional stack. Vitonchuemo the edges of the pelyustka, pressing on them. Let's sweat it out from the paddles of the chovnik, pressing into the middle.

Krіpimo skin pelyustok to the base of the trojandi to do it schіlno.

Krok 3

We continue to creak the pellets of the doti, the docks of the bud will not become pishnim. The upper edge of the skin flap is visible, as shown in the photo, giving a natural look.

Let's leave the ticket to dry in the booth at room temperature. Drіt can be wrapped with a green color stitch. The axis of such a miracle troyanda we have viyshla. For a bazhannya, you can make a bouquet of flowers and give someone a holy gift.


Such quotes, like brothers, will delight you, whether it’s time to rock your subtlety, subtlety and lowerness.

Krok 1

For the cob, it is necessary to crush a cold porcelain with yellow farboa and form a bag. Put one bag on the bed and flatten it with a stack.

Krok 2

Zmіshaєmo cold porcelyanu with buzkovy farboy, rozimnemo, rozkochuemo in the layer. For additional help, form robimo pelyustki. For the help of a round stack, the edges of the pellusts are ripped apart, timidly shirking them. Attach the pellets to the dart until the yellow center.

Krok 3

Zmishaemo porcelain from green farboi, rozkochuemo in layer and for the help of special molds viruzhemo sepals. On the drіt we planted we took away the elements and attached them to the bud.

Krok 4

Rozfarbovuemo with acrylic farbs the middle of the bud. Let's dry.

In order to grow buds that have not cracked, it is necessary to fill the dart with porcelain, look for additional molds of pellets and create a bud. Robimo brothers of other colors for the same scheme.

Vykoristovuyuchi special form, robimo leaves from green porcellany, applied furrows, krіpimo to the dart. For tonuvannya middle vikoristovuemo farba. We complete the creation of a bouquet of yoga decorations at the mountaineer. Drіt is recommended to be inserted into a floristic sponge, stashed on the day of the mountaineer. Our virib is ready!

Poppies for poppies

Krok 1

Mix porcelain from red farboi. Take a small piece and, having crushed the yoga, form a tricot. Drill the veins. For one poppy, 5-6 such blanks are needed.

Krok 2

Take a tray of fresh eggs and put some pellusts at the room. Fill in the elements to catch.

Krok 3

Now, for additional glue, robimo a bud, step by step gluing 1 pellet at a time.

Krok 4

After that, they formed a bud, take a penzel and a black farba and a small core of poppy seeds, rushing from the center to the edge and navpaki.

The axis, without any special mastery, can make such a fine ticket, like a check on his sack, with his own hands. With this poppy you can embellish a frame for photographs, as well as vicorist like a screenshot for other speeches or details.

The creation of sakuri flowers

One more recipe for sculptors-pochatkivtsiv.

Krok 1

We take a cold portion, some of it is farbuyemo in a lower erysipelas color, and some of it is white. We form bars. A white bar of the trohi of the comrade zabarvlenogo and zadnati їх mizh himself so, as shown in the little one. Narizati on straight cuts of the same size.

Krok 2

Let's start licking pelyustki. The basis of the pellust can be erysipelas, and the edges, apparently, are white. We glue the pellets between ourselves for the help of PVA glue. For the help of a toothpick, there is a small opening in the middle for a stalk-droth.

Evgenia Smirnova

Send light into the depths of the human heart - the axis of recognition of the artist


Busy creativity is handed over to the robot with various materials. With sticky figurines, for example, cream of clay, you can whip up a cold portion, mothers on the right are richly simpler. This plastic warehouse is lower, which guarantees savings in the presence of negligence in ready-made molds. Quite often, from cold portions, fine details are prepared, which require a relay operation.

Why is the porcelana so cold

Glycerin, corn starch, PVA glue and oliya were used as the main ingredients, without which it is important to show the preparation of this type of porcellany. Current recipes know the changes in the warehouse. We have found a single warehouse for slurry on the cob of the past century in distant Argentina. A handful of wines were created by preparing small figurines from impersonal details. Artistic cold-porcelaining is more popular among grown-ups and children because of the supra-divine simplicity of working with it.

How to make a cold porcelian with your own hands

The strength of soft malleable sums for creativity lies in the ability to cook them in the minds of the home. You can make a cold porcelain with your own hands without any special effort and expenses. Pokrokov's instructions to differ, but it is more important to take revenge on the same steps and ingredients. The recipe for cold portioning in the minds of the home can take such a turn as a brew, or you can do without it. Є ways to cook in a micro-furnace oven, but the stench is more laborious.

The initial master-class for pochatk_vts_v

To learn how to make beautiful figurines, it will take an hour, but to prepare a cold porcelana, you can easily make new ones, as if you hadn’t been engaged in making virobs before. Masa get ready for the upcoming components:

  • corn starch;
  • soda kharchova;
  • water;
  • roslin oil.

The largest extension of the cooking method looks like this:

  1. Take the same amount of soda and starch, move among yourself at the pan.
  2. Gradually add water to dry warehouses. The proportions may be 2:1.
  3. Pour in some olis.
  4. Put the warehouse on a mild fire and, without interruption, bring it to the point of burning. Portselyan is guilty of a rich consistency.
  5. Turning the stove on, cover a saucepan with porcelain, soaked in front with a towel.
  6. Having reached a reasonable temperature, wash the material with your hands to ensure uniformity.

Recipe for cold portions without cooking

Cook chi not cook? Whose food is the axis! Maistrins, who cook cold porcelana with their own hands, are divided into two categories: the first for cooking, and the others against it. For the consistency, that power of authority is practically non-existent. Cold porcelana without cooking is also plastic and easy to prepare. Among the required ingredients:

  • starch - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vaseline - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • soda kharchova;
  • PVA glue.

The algorithm is:

  1. Take vitertium dry dishes and wispte in new starch. You can take corn and potatoes.
  2. Having lightly melted vaseline in a water bath, add yogo to a dry ingredient.
  3. Sip some soda. Reluctantly keep the future of the portelian in mind, so that the adopted breast will disappear.
  4. Then add glue on a teaspoon to reach the softness of the warehouse.
  5. Before the robot, smear the washed material with vaseline until uniform.

How to cook potato starch on the stove?

Starch from potatoes is the most important ingredient for culinary masters, lower than corn. Wines can be found in a skin booth, so preparing porcelain from a new one can appear easier if accessibility. As you plan to create light elements such as trojandia pellets, more often in the form of potato starch, the highlights of the product are gray color. A simple classic way can be cooked on the stove on the stove. List of components:

  • potato starch - 180 g;
  • glue - 180 ml;
  • lemon juice- 1 tbsp. l.;
  • glycerin - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vaseline - 1 tbsp. l.

Dії like this:

  1. Consistently eat all the warehouses in a small bowl. Masa viyde rіdkoyu, її it is necessary to mix it up to an even consistency, first to prepare it for additional thermal processing.
  2. Dishes with a difference are placed on a weak fire and the warehouse is disturbed. Willingness is judged for sticking to a spoonful of masa.
  3. Cooling material should be mixed with creamed hands for at least 5 minutes.

Yak farbuvati otrimanu masu

Cold porcelain, crushed in domestic minds, farbowed. To add color to vicory, use kharchov barvniki, pigments and acrylic farby. The first two barvniks are peeled when brewed, adding to the warehouse at once with the main components. For this occasion, it is necessary to prepare a sprat of porcelain masa, to give the skin a red color. Acrylic farby will be zastosovuyutsya, if the virіb is dried up and it is necessary to simply rozfarbuvati. This option is three times more efficient, practical and takes less than an hour.

Yak robiti virobi

Cold porcelana is a material that often occurs at master classes when preparing tickets. It is possible to spice them up, without vicoristing special tools, with one hand, in order to improve the result, go out with additional molds. Krіm them, lower kvіti squirm with victories of plastic spoons. The plastic mass is laid down and roamed for the destruction of a spoon, and then a sprat of such elements is taken into a quote, for example, a tulip. The tools can be mixed in different ways, and the entire creative process is limited by more than fantasy.

How to properly dry ready virib

Hanging the finished virobu is an important step in working with cold porcelain. There are fluctuations, if, when the finished product is dried, the material crackles, leaving ugly furrows. How is it right to hang virib? Fight for the room temperature, at least stretch the doby. It is even more important to turn the vibrate over so that the wines lie on one of the sides, and not be in a vertical position. To speed up the process, the handymen lightly heat the oven, and then, having turned it off, put it in there for a while.

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