Compositions with cold portioning by hands. Yaskraviy bouquet from cold porselyany with your own hands. How to make cold porcelana with your own hands

Cold porcelana with your own hands

cold porcelain- Tse even soft material, that from the new one can be spun even more rubbish. Obviously, other materials can be used for molding, for example, salty or polymer clay, but the stench will require baking, and porcelain will be caught in a fresh light after 2 dobi. Work with him handily, because this material will also love handicrafts. You can marvel at the recipe for cold portions on our website, and in this article we will tell you how to create a spring bouquet of flowers.

Materials for preparation of tickets:

- Plastic spoons;
cold porcelain how many colors;
- form for oven;
- doshka for nar_zannya;
- Drit;
- Nizh;
- rocking chair;
- insulating line green color;
- Plastic grass;
- Bouquet box.

Do-it-yourself cold portions

1. To create a beautiful bouquet of flowers, you need a cold portion of different colors, or you can vicorist a monotonous mass.
2. Rose-colored porcelain is just as thick. Virizaemo pelyustki zaliznoy form. You can make your own beer with plaques of beer, or you can make a mold for baking.

3. As you work on the glass plate, press the skin pad down to it and remove the garne texture. You can also press it down to the other corrugated surface.
4. If the pellets are bent, place them on disposable plastic spoons.
5. Wrap the drіt with an electrical tape of green color - all our stems.

6. Take porcelain yellow or orange color. Also, cut and cut on small tricots.
7. Drip the base of the tricoutnik, download the tricoutniks into tubes and you will see the garni of the uterus.

8. For yellow portions, you need to drink and chicks. Dodatkovo їx anoint with PVA and soak in dry corn grits, so that the effect of the file is created.

10. In two rows, 6 petals are glued to the stem.

11. Cover the stalk with green porcelain and hang flowers so that the stench dries up and does not change shape.
12. Ready quotes are installed at the cats, or they take the bouquet from the bouquet and tie it with a string.

W cold portions you can grow not only crocuses, but also tulips, trojans, convales and other flowers. Do not obov'yazkovo farbovat porcelyanu for the hour of cooking masi, you can then cover the ready-made vodka with olive farbs. It’s easy to look at the cakes from the portions, just blow on them with a hair dryer, so you drank while flying.

Watch a video on the topic: do-it-yourself cold-porcelain cakes

Pieces of porcelain do not lose their shape for an hour and do not crack, so they can become a beautiful embellishment for an interior or a long-term one.

Cold porcelain is the price of mass, which is ideal for molding virobiv and kvіtіv. Let's try with our own hands to make cold cakes. Today's master class will be dedicated to the creation of a hoop with the lower kvits, and to itself with erysipelas orchids.

How to cook a porcelain, so that it doesn’t crackle with the year and doesn’t stick to your hands? Lower guiding the perfect recipe varіnnya.

For robots you need:

  1. Farba oleina chervona, white, green and yellow
  2. Farba of acrylic chervona
  3. Pastel is dry green and red
  4. Floristic Drіt
  5. PVA glue
  6. Mold leaf orchids small
  7. Penzlik
  8. Dumbel
  9. knives
  10. hair hoop
  11. Floristic clay

Vikonanny roboti

Vіdrіzhte two pieces of dart with a length of about 6 cm. Mix a small piece of floristic clay with olive farboa white color. Form a bag with a diameter of 1 cm. Spread a loop on the dart with PVA glue and put it on a new white bag of clay. With the thin side of the knife, grind 4 vertical graves on the kults, which are tinted in the center. To make one more such blank for a bud on another piece of dart. Another workpiece can be trochi with a smaller diameter.

Scratch the pastel crade of green color with a knife. Moisten the powder, scho viishov, dry soft penzlik and fertilize the base of the buds with green pastella until the stench has dried up.

In the same way, make the tops of buds in pastels of red color.

Mix a small piece of clay from a green olive farboa. Put a piece of green clay on a bud with a bud, spread it with glue, and gently stretch the clay all over the dart with circular rukhami. Fill the lower end of the dart (about 1 cm) without clay. Roll the drіt between your fingers to smooth out the unevenness. Start with another bud just like that.

Now take a bag of clay with a diameter of about 2.5 cm. Chervonoy farby needs zowsimi trohi, sob viyshov lower erysipelas color. Vіdіrvіt іn іn erysipelas clay а small shmаtochоkі form z new dovg pellust 1.5 cm high. Give it a light texture with the help of a small mold orchid.

Put the pellet on the bottom and lightly press down on it in the middle with circular ruffles behind the help of a small dyumbel, so that the pellet will come out slightly bent in the middle. Grow three such pellets.

Lay them, as shown in the photo, glue them at the center with glue.

Now add two upper pellets. The stench of the mother is rounded in shape and the trochs are bigger for the lower pellets. Spread the lower pellets in the center with glue and add the upper pellets, press down the gluing place with a dowel. There are three such preparations for orchids. The stench can be of the same size, or one of the blanks can be made three more for the others.

Take a small piece of clay and mix it with a small amount of red olive farby, sob wiyshov horny-red color. Cut a piece of clay into a thin layer and cut with new manicure scissors the core for an orchid of such a shape, like in the photo.

Lay the core on the bottom and work it with a dowel in the center, bend the tarts from the bottom uphill.

Glue the core to the center of the orchid. Other orchids should also grow hearts.

Take the buds, put them in order one by one and twist the ends of the stalk at once. The length of the twisted part can be 1 cm. Apply the buds with the twisted side of the dart to the bagged place on the hoops, where the place can be put on the beast, that bottom of the hoop is smeared with glue. Now put the animal on the dry green clay and stick around the hoop so that the clay comes to its lower side. The buds are guilty of viyti hіba sho tied with clay to the hoop.

Dock, if the orchids dry out a little and you can easily pick them up with your hands. Now smear with glue the right-handed hoop in the form of buds, stick it with a small amount of erysipelas clay, smear the wedge with glue and glue it on the new orchid.

Bottom view:

Type of beast:

Attach the other two orchids in the same way - levoruch in the first slip. Next, mix a small piece of clay with yellow farboa, form oval “grains” of 4 mm curls from it. In the center of the core of the orchids, smear with glue and place vertically into the skin core, one oval piece of yellow clay each. On the skin yellow shmatochka dig vertically with a knife.

In the century of technical progress, if the tradesmanship is refurbishing the counters with goods and there are no problems with the supply of ready-made products, people want to create with their hands. And the Internet is good creative people united with spivtovaristva. So, a lot of needlewomen appeared, as if they were choking on a cold piece of cake. You virobi, like stinks vibrate and demonstrate it on your sides on the Internet, even garni. A flower from cold portioning or polymer clay can't be shaken up by the living!

Nothing compares, that for such creativity, the mother needs building up to painting, molding. But who said, what can’t you learn? First of all, it’s enough to work for the proponing master classes. If you come with volodinny tehnіkoy, vminnya to change the colors and sensible behavior of the material, then you will come up with ideas for further creativity. It's easier to buy it, I'm ready to try it at the right place. Ale, it’s still prettier to come out

Today, on the Internet, a lot of masters demonstrate their talent and creations created by them. Pobachivshi tse, I want to try it out, it's similar. For a hobby, you need some kind of tool and materials. Tse:

Attachment with different tips;

Roller for test;

Forms for visualization;

Drіt dvoh vidіv;

Floral line;


In order to grow a trojand, so as not to disturb the living, a special form is needed. Pelusts grow on it: the stench melts as much as possible on erysipelas.

Recipe for self-made material

You can buy ready, or you can cook with wet porcelain. Kviti, master-class preparation of which is described below, cling to itself from self-made sumish. In order to prepare porcelain at home, you need the following materials:

Starch, possibly corn;

PVA glue;

Oliya for children "Johnsons baby";

Estimated chi sik lemon;

Oily hand cream

Starch and glue are taken at 240 grams, reshta ingredients - 2 tablespoons or 50 grams each.

Sequence of cooking

All ingredients are mixed in a bowl and placed in a microfluidic oven for 30 seconds. Potim sumish slid far away and mix well. Diya repeat trichi. Restore the sumish and become thick on the floor, so it will be important to mix it up.

At whom begin її to transfer to small board smeared with a fat cream, and resolutely kneaded to elasticity. So get ready for a cold porcelain and otherwise it is not necessary to heat it up or dry it in special minds: the stench hangs, resting at the open sight, on the floor.

It is necessary for him to watch, so that the cooked masa does not lie in front of the open eye until the film is ready. The finished product is hermetically wrapped in plastic and stored in the refrigerator. To drink a ticket from cold portions, it is enough to take a small portion of the material. Close the rack and place it in the refrigerator. There are more recipes for preparing sumish, ale cey is optimal and easy to prepare.

MK: cold porcelana, kviti

The finished material is of a white color. Ale for the spitting of virobivs, it is necessary to apply some of the singing color. For whom it is possible to vikoristovuvat olіyni farbi. Deyakі rukodіlki give color to porcelain, adding to the new cosmetics: rum'yana, tіnі. At a small amount of sumisha, the barvnik’s trochs are added and well-worn, so that the color becomes equal to that of the necessary color. For its consistency of wine, plasticine is guessed, scarlet is harder.

If the cold porcelain is ready, the freshness of the kvіtіv comes out even more quickly. For whom the task is to fight the preparation of darts, servettes and PVA: a bud for the future trojand. Around the new one, the trojans' pellets are superimposed. Before the cob, the robotic hands are clearly smeared with cream.

Lіlennya pelyustkіv trojandi

A small piece of masi appears and grows in the palms. Let's grow up, hope for the necessary form, and zave vіdrіzaєtsya. Behind the help of a tool with a round tip, the edge of the pellet is smoothed. Vіn fight thin: richly thinner at the edge, lower at the middle. Lіlennya kvіtіv z holodї Portselyan - busy kropіtke and vimagaє patience.

You can build the tool yourself: on the tip of a wooden skewer, we put namistina, as if playing the role of the stack. Taking off a small pellust is smeared with glue and applied to the preparation. Zayviy glue is wiped off. It is necessary to grow a sprat of small pelyustok, as if I will close the bud.

They gave the devil from the great pelyustok that had blossomed. The stench will be of medium size and glue them on so that the stench comes one on one. The upper ones are the largest pelyusts, for them the shortbread is roaring. larger size. The stench is also brought to condition by a namist.

If it is a relief form, then on it. Abo just follow to apply the nails. A card with cold portions was taken, and її should be dried again. It is recommended to shake the trojan head down, hanging on a stalk of rattler.

Stem and green leaves

To design the greenery in this way, the mass of the green color is needed. Її you can come, you can add a little farbi to your portion of the white color and mix it up to an equal color distribution. For leaflets, there are special forms, they can be filled in.

Rozkochuєtsya on doshtsi, smeared with cream, layer zavtovshki 1 - 1.5 mm. Leaves are visible behind the help of the form. On them there are traces of stitches and put on the look of right, living leaves. Roblyachi are good from cold portions, you need to stock up on thin darts, on which greens are glued. Drіt is wrapped with cooked Kіnchik smeared with glue and pressed into the porcelain sheet. The excess glue is rubbed off with a servette. Then the leaf is attached to the stem of the trojand.

Deyakі rukodіlki vykorovuyut roboі elementi vіd piece kolorіv: priskayut sheet to porcellany, schob vіddrukuvavsya relief and leaf looking realistic. Form їм hopes for the help of the stack. If all the details are attached to the stem, it should be wrapped again with a floristic stitch that ties all the places of the attachment.

A card with cold portions

Ready virib should be left to dry. If the trojan is dry, it might be covered with varnish. Ale wants to respect that living things don’t feel blissful. To that varnish can be seen їhnє piece-wise. Ready virib can be left out like a matte surface. Keep everything in order, navishcho qvity. If you put yoga next to a vase, then you don’t have to understand the leather, that this vibrancy of the material is different. For decoration, varnish.

Having prepared a sprat of trojans of various rosemary, you can make a beautiful decorative bouquet. For whom, bows are added from a satin stitch, and a bouquet is picked up, a kind of garnet zv'yazuetsya.

Differently see the tickets

Use a sprat of recipes, for which you can cook a cold portion at home. Kviti, master-class creation of such descriptions is greater, - the whole cob hobbi. Having mastered the technique and all the nuances, the mastring is no longer able to swell: even though nature has a great quantity and you want to imitate the skin in a thin piece!

Until then, zahoplenya zavzhdi help solve the problem of a gift: even to the point of virobiv іz porcelany, no one is left with baiduzhim. And those who are crushed with their own hands - create exclusively. It is important to repeat the broken ticket: the skin comes out especially.

Added recipe for porceliani

Bagato who vikoristovuyut the first version of the recipe. Ale, in deyakah, the masa comes out, as it is not elastic enough, but it cracks when hanging. To this, one can speed up the preparation of portions in one way, two ingredients are indispensable. Tse corn starch and PVA glue. The stench is taken from equal quantities: for a full portion - 250 grams each. At the sumish, 50 g of glycerin and 50 g of octu or citric acid. Everything is stirred and heated in a water bath with constant stirring.

If you sum up a little bit of oholone, you will be able to reach an elastic state. Doshka and hands should be lightly smeared with fat cream. Like in the first fall, the mass is ready to be hermetically wrapped in a plaid and taken out in a cold place.

Beautiful flowers, like coming from this material, can embellish the life, making it stylish and original. Step by step, the handicrafts mend the work of marvelous bouquets of different types quotation: folded with a rim of a buzka or an osinn_kh aystr. Tse can be whole compositions, folded according to the rules of floristic art. Buried with porcelain - a garnet and an original hobby.

During the rest of the hour, among florists and handmade lovers, it became popular to prepare cold cakes. Buds oppose their realism and oppose beauty. For the creation of a trendy and translucent masterpiece, we do not need professional craftsmanship, only plastic material and wisdom. Today, let's talk about those, how to make cold cakes with your own hands at home, perhaps you just realized the master-class of the film from the photo.

Crocuses with cold portions

Materials for making crocuses:

  • a set of plastic spoons;
  • cold porcelain (like cold porcelain in domestic minds, we already wrote);
  • grub barvniki;
  • oven molds;
  • cutting board;
  • a skein of a dart;
  • knife;
  • coil of green insulator;
  • rocking chair;
  • plastic grass and green cardboard;
  • cat or a trim for a bouquet.

A pretty bouquet of flowers from these cold portions is prepared as follows:

  1. Download HF for xtalt test. Pelyustki vyrіzhte with a special mold for the liver in the form of a droplet.
  2. Just squeeze the pellust until it is a corrugated surface, we see a miraculous visor on the surface.
  3. Sob the pellets were bent, put the skin on a plastic spoon, squeezing it kindly.
  4. Wrap the drіt with light green electrical tape so that the stalks come out.
  5. Give vykoristovyte yellow and orange shmatochki HF. Cut them out and cut them into small tricots.
  6. Under the skin tricutnik, draw it gently, download it from the tube, and so you will see nice pistils.
  7. Vilipit from the same yellow material of the chick. The skin is treated with PVA glue, and it can be soaked in corn grits for dyeing, so that it looked like saw blades.
  8. Attach 3 queens and 3 hens to the stalk.
  9. Dali to the base to fasten 2 rows of 6 petals.
  10. Cover the stalk with green HF, and hang the flowers with their heads down, so that the stench does not lose sight.
  11. Hanging quotations to install at the cats, chasing them with plastic blades of grass. And you can just bandage it with your line.

Important! Not obov'yazkovo farbuvati material, you can just embellish the finished virib with olive farbs.

Yaskra tulips and cold portions

Required tools and materials:

  • gouache;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • toothpicks;
  • baby cream;
  • rocking chair for rozkochuvannya;
  • brushes;
  • drіt;

Up to your respect, it's a simple pokrokova sticky for beginners. It is simple and owing to great material and energy investments.

The cold cuts are made up of the following lines:

  1. Obrobіt іstrumenti, I will cover the table and hands with cream.
  2. In order to prepare the middle of the tulip, it is necessary to fertilize the material from the pale-light green flowers.
  3. The tovkach at the tulip is made up of three branches, and the number of tares is 6.
  4. Kіnchik drota zіgnіt loop, zanurіt near the glue and pripіpіt yogo yogo іt matochka. Wrap three grooves in the new one with a toothpick, dividing in this order into three equal parts.
  5. 6 more tears to grow in the middle so that the legs of the chicks have settled down.
  6. We pass to the preparation of the riltsya queen. Attach the yogo to the top and apply the shape you need with a toothpick.
  7. Zmіshayte in krapeltsі vody Zhovta and red gouache. You have an orange-colored viide, soak the piloviki.
  8. The very ticket to grow an erysipelas color.
  9. Rock the blanks under the pellets, assisting with your hands or with the rounded tip of the rocking chair.
  10. With a toothpick, paint the visor of the pellet. Leave to dry for about 3-4 years.
  11. In addition, as the pellets are practically withered, and bulging in the required shape, it is necessary to put the tip of the pellet to the box in the form of a kinder surprise and easily wrap it with thread outside.
  12. Pick up a bud by knitting 2 rows of 3 petals.
  13. Place a light green line of HF between rows and anoint everything with glue.
  14. Fill the buds hanging close to the bottom with their heads down.
  15. After a while, continue the work.
  16. Farm material for leaflets and stems.
  17. Cover the leaves of that stem, and leave it for another 12 years.
  18. Rozkotіt leaf HF, and for help knife cut the leaf. Edges to work with thin, roaringly loud rocking chair.
  19. Keep hanging for a day, roblyachi vigin at the center of the skin.
  20. Get toned. Mix white and red gouache with water.
  21. Submerge this virib with your color.

Apply a light green tone on the support of the pellust so that there are no sharp transitions.

Attach a leaf to the stem, and the yaskravian tulip is ready.

Lower Trojan with cold portions

To your respect, the mega-popular ice-cold trojans made with your own hands. Cook:

  • masa for linden;
  • Sponge for washing dishes;
  • toothpicks.

Up to your respect Pokrokovy master-class for pochatkivtsiv:

  1. Twist a small bag of HF and create a droplet shape from it.
  2. Soak the tip of the toothpick in glue, and pull on it with a wide tip downwards. Viishla is the basis of the Trojan. To pratsyuvati bulo zruchno, insert a toothpick into the sponge.
  3. I am starting to make a kolobok and a new droplet.
  4. Put a droplet on the palm and flatten it with a pointed finger. You have a wide pellust, the edges of which can be as thin as possible.
  5. Make up the base of the pellust for the meat, and apply it to the core, nibi “hugging” with the pelyustochka.
  6. Repeat the preparation of the pellets, and lay the pellets overlapping.

If you make a lot of such blanks, then you can easily make a yaskrave - a chimera tree with a round shape on the bottom.

Obidok with orchids

For the original hair color you will need:

  • olive farbi of different colors (white, yellow, green);
  • red acrylic farb;
  • green is that red pastel;
  • drіt for floristic robots;
  • PVA glue;
  • penzlі, nizh, dowel, knives;
  • small mold orchid;
  • HF that bezposeredno obіdok.

The robot is victorious in this order:

  1. Place a couple of darts of 6 divs each. One tip of the dart to bend like a loop.
  2. Mix a small HF breast with farboi protein and form a bun with a diameter of about 1 cm.
  3. Tie a loop in PVA, and pull on her breast.
  4. Perform the same manipulations with another dart, maybe trochs of a smaller diameter.
  5. With a knife, scratch the greens of the pastel cradle. Wet the brush dry with the powder, and use it to set the buds, while the stench is syria, and the tops - the chervonim.
  6. Mix the small breast of HF with a green butter bar. It’s more fun to put pressure on the bud with a bud, smearing it in front with glue. Gently spread the green mass over the whole dart.
  7. The lower kinchik (1 cm) is full of dart. Drіt roll the honey with your fingers so that the hump is not left. Repeat with another preparation.
  8. Take a bag of dough with a diameter of about 2.5 cm. Take out a small piece and form a twisted pellet with a height of about 1.5 cm.
  9. Put the workpiece on the bottom and press down on the beast with a dyumbel, squeezing the middle of the troch. We need 3 such sheets.
  10. Place them with a “quote”, and coat the center with glue.
  11. Glue the 2 top patches. The stench is rounded and ob'emni.
  12. Take a piece of HF and mix it with a red farboa, so you can see the numbers. Rozkotіt at a thin millennium and cut with scissors the core for the orchid.
  13. Put it on your hand, work it with a dowel and gostrі edges to bend the middle.
  14. Glue the hearts to the center of the flowers.
  15. Apply the blanks one to the last, joining the ends together.
  16. Wrap the “bouquet” with green masa to the edge, forward on the new glue.
  17. Use red acrylic on the hearts of the orchid hearts, paint small red dots on the pellets.
  18. Leave hanging on the booty, and garn embellishment to your services.

And yakі shirobi z cold porselyany rob you? Share with readers in the comments.

Video: Making cold cuts for cobs

Why is the porcelana so cold? This material, which is supposed to be plasticine and is harder after drying. Cold porcelain otherwise, as they call it, clay, which is self-hardening, is the ideal syrovina for the molding of various vibes, on the other hand, it does not get overwhelmed with fingertips, and all virobi look even more realistic. Vikoristovuyuchi cold porcelyanu, you can create masterpieces from the world of creatures or quilts, as well as embellish items of homemade taste. Until then, one best to take with children. At this article, we will tell you, as if from a cold portion, you need to kill. Here you will find a rich variety of cicadas for masters, as well as options for freshmen, like the master-class “Cook with cold portions with your own hands.”


  • Cold porcelain;
  • Acrylic farby in different colors;
  • Forms for pellets and leaflets;
  • Rizny tool;
  • Zeleny Drіt;
  • PVA glue;
  • Knives;
  • Penzlik;
  • Shmatochki;
  • Vologi servets;
  • Culinary paper.

Respect! Reference materials for all statistics.

Trojan Lesson

Troyanda is one of the simplest vouchers for making, and therefore the first option for making cobs. Otzhe, let's get creative, and the master-class of trojans.

Krok 1

We will show you how to make a trojan, and how to add farb to porcelain, you can create the one that is like you. Take a piece of dart, bend one of the yogo ends at the loop. Pinch off a small part of the portion and fill in the whole loop.

Krok 2

Now let's take care of the pellets. We download a small bag and put it on a culinary paper.

Rozkochuёmo hand bag into a thin plate.

Nadaёmo pelyustki fluffy shape. For whom it is necessary to spread a pellet on the fingers for an additional stack. Vitonchuemo the edges of the pelyustka, pressing on them. Let's sweat it out from the paddles of the chovnik, pressing into the middle.

Krіpimo skin pelyustok to the base of the trojandi to do it schіlno.

Krok 3

We continue to creak the pellets of the doti, the docks of the bud will not become pishnim. The upper edge of the skin flap is visible, as shown in the photo, giving a natural look.

Let's leave the ticket to dry in the booth at room temperature. Drіt can be wrapped with a green color stitch. The axis of such a miracle troyanda we have viyshla. For a bazhannya, you can make a bouquet of flowers and give someone a holy gift.


Such quotes, like brothers, will delight you, whether it’s time to rock your subtlety, subtlety and lowerness.

Krok 1

For the cob, it is necessary to crush a cold porcelain with yellow farboa and form a bag. Put one bag on the bed and flatten it with a stack.

Krok 2

Zmіshaєmo cold porcelyanu with buzkovy farboy, rozimnemo, rozkochuemo in the layer. For additional help, form robimo pelyustki. For the help of a round stack, the edges of the pellusts are ripped apart, timidly shirking them. Attach the pellets to the dart until the yellow center.

Krok 3

Zmishaemo porcelain from green farboi, rozkochuemo in layer and for additional special molds virizhemo sepals. On the drіt we planted we took away the elements and attached them to the bud.

Krok 4

Rozfarbovuemo with acrylic farbs the middle of the bud. Let's dry.

In order to grow buds that haven’t cracked, it’s necessary to pour porcelain over the dart, look for additional molds of pellets and create a bud. Robimo brothers of other colors for the same scheme.

Vykoristovuyuchi special form, robimo leaves from green porcellany, applied furrows, krіpimo to the dart. For tonuvannya middle vikoristovuemo farba. We complete the creation of a bouquet of yoga decorations at the mountaineer. Drіt is recommended to be inserted into a floristic sponge, stashed on the day of the mountaineer. Our virib is ready!

Poppies for poppies

Krok 1

Mix porcelain from red farboi. Take a small piece and, having crushed the yoga, form a tricot. Drill the veins. For one poppy, 5-6 such blanks are needed.

Krok 2

Take a tray of fresh eggs and put some pellusts at the room. Fill in the elements to catch.

Krok 3

Now, for additional glue, robimo a bud, step by step gluing 1 pellet at a time.

Krok 4

After that, they formed a bud, taking a penzel and a black farba and a small core of poppy seeds, rushing from the center to the edge and to the outside.

The axis, without any special mastery, can make such a fine ticket, like a check on his sack, with his own hands. With such a poppy, you can decorate a frame for photographs, as well as wink as a screenshot for other speeches or details.

The creation of sakuri flowers

One more recipe for sculptors-pochatkivtsiv.

Krok 1

We take a cold portion, some of it is farbuyemo in a lower erysipelas color, and some of it is white. We form bars. The white bar of the trohi of the comrade zabarvlenogo and zadnati їх mizh himself so, as shown in the little one. Narizati on straight cuts of the same size.

Krok 2

Let's start licking pelyustki. The basis of the pellust can be erysipelas, and the edges, apparently, are white. We glue the pellets between ourselves for the help of PVA glue. For the help of a toothpick, there is a small opening in the middle for a stalk-droth.

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