Pributkov hobi for girls. Burying and hobbies for women

The phrase "Know that I am in love with the right, and until the end of your life you will not be able to practice" has been reprinted, you know, maybe, we must. But how many people took them to the practice? Alone…

It is very important to know a person without any hoarding. But I’m afraid of my steady blessings of my fortune, not believing in the prospects of my hobi as a dzherel of a steady and profitable income. Especially for the women - the master of all hands, yakі th Svyatkovy style nakriyut, and clothe the whole thing and tie it, because I don’t dare to go beyond the template. Ale, you can earn money on your favorite right, but you need it!

Energy, good vibes and active social life are the axis of the main “trump cards” for people 40+. What are your hobi buildings to bring good dividends?

  1. Embroidered with a cross, I iron it with stitches. Hand embroidery is popular like never before! Traditional paintings and inconspicuous interior elements, large figures made of plastic canvas and embroidered bags, decorated with stitches and home textiles… you can’t list it all! And if you are addicted to the canvas and the mulini are always tamanna, then immediately put your hoarding on the wheels of commerce.
  2. Knitting with knitting needles and gachkas. Manual knitting - zavzhdi special chic. Ale with a look at the commerce in the past years, the prospects were left behind - a little bit and a long time of work for just one, to wind a child, a model of light to raglan. Everything changed dramatically in 2013-2014. Light trends were puffed up by cardigans over a great knit. Different colors and everyday corystrate with the over-the-top drink of the middle of the right fashionistas. And for the rahunok zastosuvannya of all-out great vyazki one virib come out to finish the style of the term.
  3. Sticky clay and, which is richer in home minds, polymer clay - even more familiar from the point of view of the surplus of burying. Here everything is not surrounded by woeful vases and miners. Polymer clay is boundless in its zastosuvanni - elements for embellishment of all jewelry, cute stationery and other interior objects, toys for children and symbolic souvenirs for grown-ups. With a competent presentation of a creative idea, that love will not be a match for those who love it!

List for women after 50 years

The richest evidence of that impersonal valuable skills, which have been perfected to the point of perfection, is the axis of what is so common for the age of 50+. And to herself:

  1. Culinary, vipіchka and preparation of confectionery products. Before this milestone, a woman has already grown 1-2 generations of children, covered more than one Christmas stele, tasted hundreds of different straits and piled up priceless information from the master's culinary secrets. And your golden hands are right in price! Home cooking with cabbage rolls stuffed with ta kerma peppers; yaskra torti, cover with mastic and bulk elements; appetizing juice strudel, charlottes and pies with fillings; vishukan home oven from the oven or honey cupcakes - the hour has come to reap the fruits of your mind!
  2. Breeding roslyn - tse shortest choice for zatyatih lovers of gossiping at the pіdvіkonnya. Deyakі sorti kvіtіv і sadzhantsіv nastіlki tsіnі among savvy people, scho vyroshchuvanna їhny booth can bring solid income.
  3. Meister-class: rich knowledge of knowledge allows you not only to win newcomers for confessions, but also to successfully pass it on to everyone who wants it. And there are few of these today - newly minted gentlemen make their people marvel at borscht “like with mothers”, young mothers want to hang their children on their pillows and clothes, mature women from satisfaction see the mustache of their newcomers.

Hobi and zakhoplennya for women, yakі bring income

Once you have made the lists, you can expand it indefinitely - cuteness, scrapbooking, quilling, felting with povsti, karbuvannya ... All these directly applied creativity are gaining more and more popularity. But in order to make the idea of ​​making money on your own hobby “earned”, it is necessary to think over the low language nuances:

  1. Listen carefully to yourself: what are you smart enough to get involved in the least, and what can you potentially pick up even more quickly? Hobі, put "on the potik", already quickly instill that part of the flair, as if the bula was powerful earlier - pributkovist make your own corrections. Therefore, it is necessary to think carefully about the possibility of reaching the terms and plans for the future.
  2. Making money on a hobby is not the only type of business that allows you to win the trial and pardon method. You can earn money on a few straight lines at once (shitty, embroidering and vypіchka, for example), setting out the priorities. It is possible for an hour to look at one straight ahead or a specific request. Such a pidkhid allows you not to burn out.
  3. Monitor the market globally: at what prices should fakhivts similar to the genre put their work? And now protect the compatibility of materials / designs / products for your work. If the nationality that you have lost, for the sake of zusilla and the hour of your power, then you can boldly rush into battle. Yakshcho nі - it is required to review the power points of purchase, pidhіd before the process and pragne to reach a competitive price.

Attach a complete hobi to your resume.

Of course, if you hire an office manager, the “Hobby” column in your resume will not become a major factor for praise for the decision of a kerivnik. However, it’s scary to start swimming in independence, but it’s possible to spend it with a team of creative allies (maisternya, creative team, atelier and others), then such a chance is required to win. How to correctly spell "Hobby" in a resume?

  • How and if I have divided a summary, that the graph can be concise, but, at the same time, to give an outside manifestation of the ability of that person;
  • Start with techniques, like volodiete, and as usual, master them at once in a few straight lines - group all techniques according to the types of hobbies;
  • Try to uniquely zayvoi "lead" ("vіdmіnno volodyu", "kind vmіu", "it's not bad to go"), to try to describe your newbies in a scribbled way: the swedishness of embroidery in stitches, the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba little one for a year, liters of borscht for a day that іn.
  • Subsum column "Hobby", obov'yazkovo ask for a portfolio. It can also be designed in a real papacy: files with real sewn robots, photos of stav and roslyn, models of pov'yazanih and sewn versions too.

These women's hobbies are popular with Moscow

So, on what kind of creativity do you stake today? On the one that is the most popular, and also the largest audience of potential customers and buyers.

TOP popular hobbies in Moscow

  1. Creative master class
  2. Culinary master class
  3. Vzuttya, bags and accessories with hand-embroidered (among them - in a single ensemble)
  4. Speeches of great manual knitting
  5. scrapbooking
  6. Preparation of words and letters from wood and polystyrene (for the saint, decorating the booth and photo sessions) - (effectively marvel at video lessons on these topics).
  7. A vipіchka of Christmas cakes for a prayer
  8. Homemade vipіchka (licorice and non-licorice)
  9. Cupcakes with individual decor
  10. 10. Sweet and natural cosmetics

Vibrati їsti why! Good luck, good luck to those glittering beasts!

If you care that you are strong and young, then talk to each other:


Quilling, or paper twisting(from the English Quill, which means a bird's feather) - the art of folding a picture or a composition of paper's husbands, twisted at a spiral. The name resembles from the Middle Europe, the girls twisted the females with golden edges at the tip of a pen, creating an imitation of golden embellishments. Then the art was more forgotten, and the Koreans became more popular again in the 21st century. Pivdenniy Korea has the Association of Lovers of Paper Plastics. The art does not require great stains, you need paper and a stick of plastic or metal with a split tip. At the Skhodі, there is an awl for twisting. In this rank, you can become flat compositions, and volumetric figures.


scrapbooking- type of handmade with photo albums, frames or clip-sides for photos from stands garnogo paper, embellish the fabrics. The main idea of ​​scrapbooking is to save the photos in a special album, a guide to memorable moments of life. In such an album, not only photos are taken, but notes, stories of life, guess what, memorials are attached to the type of tickets at the cinema and dried tickets. Everything is embellished with lines, namistins, embroidered or invisible gudziks. Znameryayutsya vibirayutsya znamenny dates chi tsіkavі podії іz zhittya: vesіllya, narodzhennya chil, dear.


Shmatkove shittya or patchwork- a type of handicraft of rich peoples with rich centuries-old traditions, a colorful pattern is sewn from different-colored lines of clappers of geometric shapes (cloths of fabric) from a conceived little one. Russia has long been sewing miracle carpets. Vitrati on such a craft is minimal, smut mother is patient, threads and sprats of undesirable ganchirok. At the same time, this technique has become more popular again and we will decorate carpets in the patchwork style to sew clothes, toys and navit sheathe soft furniture.


Decoupage- especially the decorating of any object that you have been honored with, for the help of turning images from paper, or fabrics and distantly applied sealing roses (mostly varnish). Although the technique does not mean great financial investments, but at the same time it is necessary to sit on it richly. A good result rarely comes out of the first try.
But if you learn, then you can decorate furniture, dishes, non-vibrant dances, flower pots, musical instruments, stylish telephones and in. This technique is practical for everything, including clothes and clothes. At once the picture can be found on the Internet and sent to the printer. The growing popularity of decoupage called out to the appearance of more and more new materials for antiquity, gilding and binding. For the help of a similar decoration, be it a dribnitsa becomes a miraculous vitvor of mysticism.


Felting, or felting from the outside- We call new needlework, which has become popular all over the world. For the help of a special method of felting from a non-spun yarn, and again, toys, accessories, and a dress are made. The story allows you to combine outside, shovk, yarn, create master paintings. All the floorings are soft and hearing material, which you can apply to you, be it some form, embellish with embroidery, bead and appliqué.


Do-it-yourself leaflets(Cardmaking in a western manner) can be made in different styles from custom materials: wooden elements, dart figurines, fabrics, linen, lace, crystals, sequins, designer paper. Handmade leaflets can add a gift and use it as a gift, or embellish your collection.


Nicely manual robot - a new hobby is an alternative to the factory sweet, for the wealthy, the sweetheart has already managed to turn into the power business. The creativity of the milovarians simply does not know the cordons. Here you can fold and different perfume bouquets, and change the original shape and color, reminiscent of the season, from kawi grains to decorative flowers.

polymer clay

Sticking from polymer clay- a kind of decorative and uzhitkovy art, which can be mastered by children. Polymer clay is similar in price to synthetic plasticine, which is harder when heat-treated. From it you can make souvenirs, hairpins and jewelry, key rings, photo frames, funny figures or pictures.


Batik-Manual painting on fabric, which is based on a reservation, which is applied to the fabric variety, which does not allow farbіrozpovzatisya, and in such a rank you can make a vіzerunok. The technician of batik is impersonal, he has removed the shards of wine from his own hands and various figurative arts from watercolors to mosaics. You can paint with batik and decorate all the clothes and details. The painting is embroidered on any kind of fabric, but especially on the seam.

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