Synchrophasotron musical instrument. Like it’s crushed, like it’s practiced, like it’s vlashtovano. Zastosuvannya at military purposes

(Published in the book “Research on the history of physics and mechanics. 2009–2010 / Institute of the history of natural science and technology named after S.I. Vavilov RAS: indp. ed. G.M. Іdlіs. - M.; Fizmatlit, 2010. - 480s.)
Hardened to the brink by the Great Pride
Institute of History of Natural History and Technology named after S.I. Vavilov RAS


The article examines the history of the creation of the first synchrophasotron in the Radyansk Union, which was launched near the birch tree of 1957 in Dubna. This topic is presented above in a logically completed way. Data are being drawn, as if to say the deacons of the deep knowledge of the facts of the history of the creation of the legendary scribbler.


This article is dedicated to the creation of the Dubna Synchrophasotron. My father, Leonid Petrovich Zinov'ev, was one of the main creators. More than that, vin buv kerіvnik yogo launch. If I was small, and I was nourished by those who were my fathers, then I proudly said: “My mother is a doctor, and tato is an engineer. Vіn rob electric light bulbs. The work of electric light bulbs at that hour gave me the heights of pride. At the senior classes of the school, I found out, like "light bulbs" robbing the father. And, having become familiar, mature, I became tsikavo, "stars, pishov synchrophasotron." This is how the article was born.

The Synchrophasotron is one of the types of fasteners. Fasteners - tse installations, in some atomic parts they are smashed to majestic energies. Behind the results of their zіtknen with other atomic particles of physics, one can judge the life and dominance of matter. Any quicker is characterized by two important parameters - the energy of the accelerated particles and the intensity, that is, the number of particles in the beam. Energy signifies the strength of the interplay of particles, and intensity - the fluency of the particles. The design is quick to lay in the sight of particles that are quick.

Photo by N.Gorelov

Synchrophasotron near Dubna, launched near birch in 1957, becoming the first such type in the Radyansk Union and the fourth in the world, once becoming a record in the world. The first three prikoryuvachs rose to an offensive rank: at Brookhaven (USA) "Koglyadon" (3 GeV) (1952), at Birmingham (England) (1 GeV) (1953) and in Berkeley (USA) "Bevatron" (6.3 GeV) ( 1954). The maximum energy of protons in the Dubna synchrophasotron was 10 GeV. That podia struck the whole world, and the word "synchrophasotron" greatly affected our lives.

Today, if the documents of the Dubna synchrophasotron are often classified as classified, you can scribble a logical lancet, which will call you to the next meeting.

The increase in the energy of the accelerated particles of the quick-witted people with the deepest penetration into the secrets of the light-bud, that is the reason for the significant advancement of the energy to the great scientific achievements. The first such krokami in the history of the development of accelerating were the wines of the cyclotron for accelerating protons and the betatron for accelerating electrons. The idea of ​​a cyclotron was first introduced in Szilard's patent application, which dates back to about 1928. Irrespective of the fact, the technique of the cyclotron is tied solely to the names of Lawrence, which, until 1932, was practically implemented. For tse 1939 roci Lawrence buv awards Nobel Prize. The betatron in 1940 prompted Kerst for the idea of ​​Videro.

About the need to create a serious priskoryuvalnoy base in the Radyansk Union, it was first announced on the rank-and-file level near birch in 1938. Group of Doslidniks of Leningradsky Institute of Physics and Technology(LPTІ) in chori with Academician O.F. Ioffe turned back to the head of the RNA SRSR V.M. Molotov with a leaf, for whom it was necessary to create a technical base for reaching the core of the atomic nucleus. The same nourishment for the life of the atomic nucleus has become one of the central problems of natural science, and their visions of the Radian Union are significant. For example, in America there were five working cyclotrons, and in the Radian Union it was not good (a single cyclotron of the Radian Institute of the Academy of Sciences (RIAN), commissioned in 1937, due to obvious defects in the design, was practically not practical). The trip to Molotov was a waste of time to create a mind for completion before September 1, 1939, after the LFTI cyclotron. p align="justify"> The work was created in 1937, and was awarded through leading problems and funding.

Indeed, at the time of writing the sheet in the ranks of the country, there was clearly an unreasonable relevance of the studies in the gallery of atomic physics. Behind M.G. Meshcheryakov, in 1938, a report was made about the liquidation of the Radiev Institute, which, in my opinion, having taken up uranium and thorium that no one needed, then the country started to increase the production of steel and smelting steel.

Liszt was fading to Molotov, and already at the red 1938 the fate of the commission of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR, yaku ocholiv P.L. Kapitsa, on the request, gave a note about the need to run the LFTI cyclotron at 10–20 MeV in a fallow type of particles, which are sooner, and to fully recover the RIAN cyclotron.

On the cob of leaf fall 1938 S.I. Vavilov turned to the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences from the proposal to encourage the LFTI cyclotron in Moscow. For whom it was suggested to transfer from LPTI to the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences (FIAN) the laboratory of I.V. Kurchatov, Yaka was busy with the cyclotron.
S.I. Vavilov wanted, that the central laboratory for the development of the atomic nucleus was set up in the same place as the Academy of Sciences, then in Moscow. Proposals of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR confirmed on November 25, 1938, with its resolution “About the organization in the Academy of Sciences, it works from the research of the atomic nucleus”. It called out sharply against the acceptance of LFTI. A.F. Ioffe, having protested such a decision from the recruitment to the Presidency, and A.I. Alikhanov from I.V. Kurchatov at the leaf to V.M. Molotov. However, the Presidium pushed on its own decision. An active position against the existence of another cyclotron near Leningrad was taken by the secretary of the Nuclear Commission V.I. Veksler.

Super rivers ended on the fate of 1939, if A.F. Ioffe urged to create three cyclotrons in a row. On June 30, 1940, at the meeting of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Socialist Republic, it was decided to hand over the production of the RIAN to the state-of-the-art production cyclotron, FIAN until July 15 to prepare required materials from the life of a new exhaust cyclotron, and the LPTI will end the life of the cyclotron in the first quarter of 1941.

In response to these decisions, the FIAN created the so-called cyclotron brigade, until V.I. Veksler, S.M. Vernov, P.A. Cherenkov, L.V. Groshev and E.L. Feinberg. On spring 26, 1940, the Bureau of the Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (OPMS) heard information from V.I. Veksler about the design of the cyclotron project, praised some of the main characteristics and characteristics of life. The cyclotron is financed for accelerating deuterons up to an energy of 50 MeV. FIAN planned to expand yoga life in 1941 and launch it in 1943. Our plans were ruined by the war.

Ale unbarred, the urgent need for the creation of an atomic bomb forced the Radyansk Union to mobilize susilla at the end of the micro-world. One by one, two cyclotrons were fired up in Laboratory No. 2 near Moscow (1944, 1946), near Leningrad, after the blockade was lifted, the cyclotrons of RIAN and LFTI (1946 were born).

However, before the early 1940s, it became clear that the possibilities of energy, like a cyclotron, like a betatron, were exhausted. The maximum energy of protons at the cyclotron in the middle bulb is close to 20 MeV, and that of electrons at the betatron is close to 100 MeV. For the further achievements of the microcosm, it is necessary to increase the energy of the accelerated particles, so it was a great task to search for new methods of acceleration.

Її decision did not bother for a long time. In 1944, two articles by V.I. Veksler with propositions, how to increase the energy of electrons, which will sooner. It was said about the fasteners, yakі took off far away and called the microtron and the synchrotron. In the birch of 1945, Veksler, having published a new article in the journal "Jornal of Phisics", in the same order, with the help of electrons that were already proponated by him, it was shown how to increase the energy of protons, which will be soon. At the basis of all Veksler's propositions lay the very idea of ​​the so-called synchronization method.

The most important moment in Veksler's articles was the confirmation of the persistence of the quickening methods propagated by him, which meant the possibility of their victory. Vidpovidno to the terminology prikoryuvachiv Veksler naming tsyu stіykіst automatic phasing, or auto-phasing. Therefore, the idea of ​​synchronization began to be called the principle of autophasing.

Through the discovery of the idea of ​​synchronization for the acceleration of electrons, the proof of the stability of such a process was inspired by the American physicist E. McMillan. Vіn zaproponuvav and the name of the new priskoryuvach - synchrotron. Prote priority was reserved for Veksler.

In this rank, in the history of the priskoryuvachiv, Veksler was recognized by the same author as the principle of autophasing, fragments of the work of this food were published by him only after his name without acknowledgment to other authors. In fact, it seemed like a lot of fates, because Veksler's co-author is Yevgen Lvovich Feinberg, a theoretical physicist of the cyclotron brigade. The very fault of having raised Veksler’s respect for the need to look at food about the stability of proponing new methods sooner, and, smut, he himself suvoro mathematically finished their stability. Tse bulo vikoristano Veksler in yoga articles without any riddles of Feinberg. In this way, the phrase “principle of autophasing” by Veksler should have a “principle”, that is an idea, how to tame relativistic parts, and Feinberg - “autophasing”, that is a proof of the stability of the process of appreciating Weksler’s idea. To that, speaking about the principle of autophasing, it is correct, but more smut, it is fair to speak about two yoga spivauthors: V.I. Veksler and E.L. Feinberg.

The principle of auto-phasing has opened up a new grandiose era in the development of early adopters. It’s true, it’s worth noting that the quick-witted people, founded on this principle, had a clear “rule of importance” - gaining energy, causing a program in the intensity of the beam of quickened particles. At this unacceptable moment, respect was immediately raised at the session of the Division of Physical and Mathematical Sciences on the 20th of February 1945, the protetodes were all one-family passed on the visnovka, that the situation in the same time was not to blame for the change in its implementation. Although, to the point of speech, the struggle for the intensity of the year constantly bothered the scurry.

At the same session, on the proposition of the President of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR S.I. Vavilov's decision was made - negainally to be two types of fasteners, founded on the principles of autophasing. One - for faster protons, the name of the synchrocyclotron, and the other - for electrons, the names of the synchrotron. On February 19, 1946, the Special Committee under the Council of People's Commissariat of the SRSR entrusted the senior commission with the development of these projects from the designated tensions, terms of preparing that mіstsya of everyday life. (After the creation of the cyclotron at the Lebedev Institute, they were informed).

As a result, on September 13, 1946, two resolutions for the sake of the ministers of the SRSR, signed by the Head for the sake of the ministers of the SRSR I.V. Stalinim and Manager of the Rights for the sake of the ministers of the SRSR Ya.Є. Chadaevim. One creation of a synchrocyclotron with a deuteron energy of 250 MeV, and in another case with a synchrotron with an energy of 1 GeV. The energy of the primaries was dictated to us by the political opposition to build the SRSR. At the same time, a synchrocyclotron with a deuteron energy of about 190 MeV and a synchrotron with an energy of 250-300 MeV were created. Vitchiznyan prikoryuvachі z energy maly overlap the American ones.

With the synchrocyclotron, hopes were put forward for the introduction of new elements, new methods for extracting atomic energy from more cheap jerseys, lower uranium. For the help of the synchrotron, we were able to take a piece of mesons with a piece of meson, like, like the radian physicists said at that hour, building viklikati fission of the nuclei.

Offenses were praised with the heading “Quite secretly (special folder)”, the fragments of everyday life were taken as part of the secret project of creating an atomic bomb. By themselves, the people of direct reference to the bombing did not come close, but with their help, they were able to take the exact theory nuclear forces, necessary її rozrahunkiv. Similar surveys were carried out using only a large set of approximations of models. But everything turned out to be not so simple, as it was thought on the back of the head, and it should be respected that such a theory has not been created before.

Decree appointed the place of life of the quick: the synchrotron - near Moscow, on the Kaluzsky highway (nine Leninsky Prospekt), near the FIANU; synchrocyclotron - in the area of ​​the Ivankiv HPP for 125 kilometers on the route from Moscow (to the Kalininskaya region). The FIAN entrusted the handful of creation to both of them. V.I. Veksler, and, according to the synchrocyclotron, D.V. Skobeltsin.

Through the research project for the nuclear project I.V. Kurchatov, dissatisfaction with the progress of the work on the creation of the Fianivsky synchrocyclotron
, translating this topic to his own Laboratory No. 2 . Recognizing M.G. Meshcheryakova, who studied yoga at the Leningrad Radiological Institute. Under the signature of M.G. Meshcheryakov in Laboratory No. 2 created a model for the synchrocyclotron, which already experimentally confirmed the correctness of the autophasing principle. In 1947, the rotations began to be sent to the Kalininsk region.

December 14, 1949 Meshcheryakov synchrocyclotron was successfully put into use in the term. Vіn became the first in the Radyansk Union of this type of scribbler, having distorted the energy of a similar scrambler created in 1946 in Berkeley (USA). The Radyansk synchrocyclotron has lost its record-breaking date right up to 1953.

Spopchatka laboratory, founded with the improvement of the synchrocyclotron, was called the Hydrotechnical Laboratory of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Socialist Republic (GTL) and the branch of Laboratory No. 2 in 1953. Meshcheryakov.

The creation of the synchrotron for low reasons did not go far. In the first place, through unforeseen difficulties, I had a chance to induce two synchronisms at a lower energy - 30 and 250 MeV. Їх were ripped apart by the FIAN, and the synchrotron for 1 GeV was shattered by the posture of Moscow. At Chernivtsi 1948, the fate of you was seen a little more than a kilometer away from the synchrocyclotron, which is already to be, in the Kalininsk region. But they didn’t wake up yoga there, the shards of victory gave a hard time, proponated by the academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Oleksandr Illich Leypunsky. It happened in such a way.

1946 year A.I. Leipunsky, on the basis of the principle of autophasing, came up with the idea of ​​the possibility of creating a quicker, in which the features of the synchrotron and the synchrocyclotron were discussed. This made it possible to significantly increase the energy of protons, which is sooner, in line with the synchrocyclotron. Zgodom Veksler, calling this type of fastener a synchrophasotron. They called the team wise, vrakhovuyuchi, that the synchrocyclotron was called the phasotron on the back. When combined, the words "synchrotron" and "phasotron" came out "synchro-phasotron".

By the way, Veksler recognized that he was the initiator of the creation of a fast-paced synchrophasotron at the Radyansk Union buv A.I. Leipunsky. Follow the respect, scho go yourself about the Radian Union. To that, even before the proposition of Leipunsky and, which is especially cicavo, before the publication of Veksler's work on the principle of autophasing (!), in England in 1943 by Professor M. Olifant of the University of Birmingham, proponing of synchrophasotron-type fasteners. Due to the time of war, this proposition has not been published yet. After the war at Birmingham, the creation of the world's first synchrophasotron began. In 1947, companies in the USA also started building a synchrophasotron.

Three common types of fasteners, founded on the principle of autophasing, the synchrophasotron at the technical level of the largest folding, and also richly doubtful about the possibility of its creation. Ale Leipunsky, vpevneniy, scho all viide, boldly taking up the implementation of his ideas.

O.D. Kozachkovsky, intercessor A.I. Leipunsky

In 1947, in Laboratory "V" near the station Obnіnsk (the ninth place of Obnіnsk), a special group of people began to make a piggybacker under the ceramics. The first theoreticians of the synchrophasotron were Yu.A. Krutkov, O.D. Kozachkovsky and L.L. Sabsovich. Instructed, from the development of the theory, to a number of engineering warehouses of the saddlery group, occupied with the development of about four knots, the necessary model of the possible fastener.

In the fierce fate of 1948 A.I. Leipunsky, having taken part in the closing of the conference with priskoryuvachiv, de crim ministers were present A.L. Mintz, already at that time, the fakhivets of radio engineering, leading engineers of the Leningrad plants "Electrosila" and Transformer. The mustaches sang Leypunsky, that one can sing the words to him in a hurry. Such a trick suffocated the Leipunsky rozpochata rozpochati robot zі dvorennya sleddnoї installation, in which it was possible to simulate already the whole process of accelerating protons. Vin having punished his intercessor O.D. Kozachkovsky the first to get L.P. Zinov'eva.

Budіvlya Laboratorії "V" (ninіnі FEI). The sadly group was ripped off at the right krill. The model was made at the arrival 10x10 m behind the right krill.

At that time, Zinov'ev was engaged in the development of an ionic dzherel and high-voltage impulse circuits for the life of an injector of a model of a future squirrel [Unpublished please tell L.P. Zinov'eva]. Leipunsky once again showed respect for a competent and creative engineer. Zinov'єv ocholiv eksperimenti zі svorennya dignified model of the future priskoryuvach. Then no one could admit that, having become one of the pershoprokhіdnikіv in the robotіz instilled the idea of ​​the synchrophasotron in life, Zіnov'єv to appear as one person, as if he went through all the stages of his creation completely. І not just to mine, but to freak them out.

Before the Zinov'eva group, the engineer von Erzen was included from among the German spivrobitniks, received by the Radyansk Union after the end of the Great Vytchiznyanoi war for participation in the nuclear project [List O.D. Kozachkovsky L.L. Zіnov'єvoї vіd 16. 11. 2003].

L.P. Zіnov'єv pіd hour of work at the Laboratory "B" (1948)

Rozrahunka confirmed the correctness of the idea of ​​Leipun's creation of a shorthand type of synchrophasotron. Before that, the Radyansk Union had already become aware that the development of proton fasteners in the United States was also on the way. On the cob of 1949, technical equipment was put together to the main elements, with a proton energy of 1.3–1.5 GeV, it was assembled and ready for launch, a small model was completed. For the placement of the model, it was arranged for a special room to the main laboratory from the hall 10x10 meters [Letter of notification by O.D. Kozachkovsky]. Before the month of 1949, the Leipunskiy Mav presented a preliminary design for a synchrophasotron with an energy of 10 GeV.

І raptom in 1949, roci, at the same time, a robot broke up, a series of virishiv was transferred to a pink robot with a synchrophasotron at FIAN. New? Why? Aje FIAN is already busy with the synchrontron shutters for 1 GeV! That is in the first place, which are offended by the projects - i synchrophasotron for 1.5 GeV, i synchrotron for
1 GeV - they were too expensive, and there was food about their dotsіlnіst. The rest of it was allowed at one of the special meetings at the FIAN, where the physics departments of the country were elected. The stench was respected for the incomparable arranging of the synchrotron at 1 GeV through the presence of great interest to the speeding up of electrons. The main opponent of this position is M.A. Markiv. The main yogo argument is based on the fact that vivchati and protons, and nuclear forces are richly efficient for the help of already good electromagnetic interaction. However, he did not go far enough to support his thought, and a positive decision turned out to be a disgrace to Leipunsky's project.

With whom, the commandment of Veksler's dream to induce the greatest condolence was ruined. On yoga thought, such a synchrotron for 1 GeV. With the situation that has developed, Veksler did not want to put up. For the support of S.I. Vavilov's winery, having started work on the design of the synchrophasotron at 1.5 GeV, which was the Leipunsky one, and proceed immediately to the design of the 10 GeV fastener, earlier than the commissioned one, also A.I. Having adopted these propositions, the rocks at the end of 1948, it became known about the project of a synchrophasotron for 6–7 GeV at the University of California, and, I wanted to, I wanted to go ahead of the United States for one hour.

On January 2, 1949, the Ministers of the Soviet Socialist Republic praised the fate of the synchrophasotron for an energy of 7-10 GeV on the territory previously introduced for the synchrotron. The topic of the synchrophasotron from Laboratory "V" was transferred to the FIAN, and V.I. Veksler, wanting to inquire with Leypunsky, they were completely successful.

It is possible to explain, first of all, that Veksler, having entered into the principle of autophasing by the author, and, according to the wishes of the co-workers, even like L.P. Beria. Imovirno, the enemy of the single Veksler's ledge at the Kremlin, attached to the principle of autophasing and the possibility of creating on the basis of new shortcomings, has succeeded. In a different way, S.I. Vavilov buv at that time was not only the director of the FIAN, but also the president of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR. Leipunsky was encouraged to become Veksler's intercessor, Alevin was inspired and nadal by the synchrophasotron, not taking part. Behind the words of O.D. Kozachkovsky, “it was clear that two vedmedis cannot live in one barloz”. Zgodom A.I. Leipunsky and O.D. Kozachkovsky became leading specialists from the reactors and in 1960 they were awarded the Lenin Prize for their work in the Galuzia.

We praised the point about transferring to a job to the FIAN spіvrobіtnikіv Laboratorii "V", yakі were engaged in rozrobko priskoryuvach, and also about the transfer of vіdpovіdnogo obladnannya. And to pass on the bulo scho - to the robot over the quickening at the Laboratory "B" at that hour they brought it to the stage of the model and the basic solutions.

V.A. Petukhov, intercessor V.I. Veksler

At Leipunsky Leipunsky synchrophasotron group 3 of the creation of the synchrophasotron were transferred to senior specialists, Professor V.A. Piven, a kind of buv appointments as Veksler's intercessor.

L.P. Zinov'ev from two other spivrobitniks, A.V. Kutsenko and E.P. Ovchinnikov, they didn’t want to go to Leipunsky, who was like a miraculous kerivnik and that miraculous person. However, the rozmov on this topic with Veksler was short and unacceptable, because of which the stench was forced to leave the windings in Obninsk and was in time for the transition at the FIAN.

On the cob of work on the openings of the synchrophasotron at the FIAN named after Leipunsky, a link with zim hastily was officially seen to be completely forgotten. As in the past, autophasing was recognized by the main initiator and creator of the synchrophasotron in the Radyansk Union in the history of the unfairly wounded Veksler.

Theoretical and experimental results, taken in the Laboratory "B", were often reviewed during the design of the 10 GeV synchrophasotron at FIAN. However, the increase in energy was quicker than the significant additional steps. The problems of the great world were cherished by him, that at that hour the world had a chance to arrange such great installations.

Three main directives were seen in the synchrophasotron's creation - accelerated physics, radio engineering and electrical engineering.

Theoretical part of physics directly accelerated M.S. Rabinovich. Under the auspices of FIAN, they developed a physical framework for the technical project.

Without a middle kerіvnitstvo Іnzhenerno-tekhnіchnіchї part of physics directly accelerated Veksler poklav L.P. Zinov'eva. Such a decision was quite clear, the oscars of Zinov'ev were already well aware of the problem of work in the Leipunsky Laboratory. To that thought about the merit of Veksler, what a zoom to know the person in the person of Zinov'ev, who far away inspired the idea of ​​the synchrophasotron into reality, pardon. Veksler does not know Zinov'ev, but having automatically removed yoga from the Leipunsky group.

The team of radio engineering and electrical engineering directly did not have a chance to create anew, shards of stench were already behind the robotic creation of the synchrophasotron in Laboratory "V".

The Moscow Laboratory of the Academy of Sciences under O.L. Mintsya (RALAN), which became the Radiotechnical Institute for a year, and the Leningrad NDI Institute of Electrical Engineering, ocholuvany E.G. Mosquito.

For the purpose of obtaining the necessary information, a model of a synchrophasotron with an energy of 180 MeV was created. Її rozashuvali FIAN at a special booth, yak z kіrkuvan secrecy called warehouse number 2. At the beginning of 1951, all robots from the model, including the installation of installation, adjustment and complex її start-up, Veksler poklav Zinoviev.

The Fianivska model was not small - її magnet with a diameter of 290 tons [Letters of A.A. Mosquito]. Zagod Zinov'єv having guessed that if they chose the model right up to the first roses and tried to let it go, nothing worked. I had a chance to overcome the impersonal non-transferring technical difficulties, the first lower model was launched. If 1953 turned out to be fateful, Veksler said: “Well, that's it! Ivankiv synchrophasotron pracyuvatime!” . It was about the great synchrophasotron for 10 GeV, which already began to sporadzhuvate 1951 in the Kalininsk region. Budіvnytstvo was created by the organization under the code name TDS-533 (Technical Directorate of Buddhism 533).

Not long before the launch of a model similar to 1952 rock, the popular American magazine Scientific American unexpectedly appeared a short note about the new design of the magnetic system of the shorthand, called hard focusing [ A.A. Tyapkin. Unpublished autobiography]. This design made it possible to significantly change the cut of the vacuum chamber. As a result, a large number of halls were saved, which went to the life of the magnet. For example, prikoryuvach in Geneva for an energy of 30 GeV, the foundations for a hard focusing, may have more energy and more money for a stake, the lower Dubna synchrophasotron, and yoga magnet is ten times lighter! .

The design of hard focusing magnets was propagated and developed by American scientists Courant, Livingston and Snyder in 1952. For a few years before them, those same vigadav, but did not publish Kristofilos.

Following the publication by Scientific American of the idea of ​​hard focusing by M.S. Kozodaev, a kind of pratsyuvav at the GTL at M.G. Meshcheryakov, entrusting the young spivrobitnik A.A. Tyapkin deeply rose with a new winemaker. To the honor of Tyapkina wines, it was quick to complete the entrusted order, zastosuvavshi P.L. Kapitsa zavdannya about the pendulum, what is vibrating. For orders I.V. Kurchatov's decision, otrimane Tyapkinim, was discussed at the meeting of the scientific section at the Ministry of Medium Machine Building, as if on the cob on the cob of 1953. At the meeting, V.I. Veksler with his group of theorists at the warehouse of A.A. Kolomensky, V.A. Petukhova and M.S. Rabinovich. All the same stinks hung a thought about the inadequacy of the hard focusing method through the resonances of some high harmonics.

Zinov'єv immediately assessed the faults of the new system and asked Veksler to redesign the Dubna synchrophasotron. Ale for whom would have had a chance to give up an hour. Veksler said todі: Hi! Even for one day, but we may appear ahead of the Americans” [Privately reported by L.P. Zinov'eva]. І the great prikoryuvach continued to be a previously expanded project.

The model played an important role as a way of practicing fundamentally important moments in the work of the great prikoryuvach, and in the training of personnel to the future work of the new one. The robots on the model took the fate of young fahivts, as if they graduated from institutes. Veksler slamming my food great value, and when recruiting young fahіvtsіv for robots on the synchrophasotronі bagatioh, if only for a short hour, sending a model for familiarization with robots on the fast.

In 1953, on the basis of the synchrophasotron, which will be, they created the Electrophysical Laboratory of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Socialist Republic (EFLAN). Її V.I. Veksler. Tse confession was not clumsy. The spore of the great synchrophasotron, opened in 1951 near Novo-Ivankovo, was carried out under the command of the ministry, and the ministries were dissatisfied with Veksler and wanted to take over the project. It's easy to understand dissatisfaction, but Veksler's shards behind the numerical methods are even more unsettling in dealing with people. Nareshti, 1952, the decision was praised for those who took over and entrusted the completion of the synchrophasotron to Kostyantin Nazarovich Meshcheryakov, the Minister of Electrical Engineering Industry, who positively recommended himself the time of the synchrocyclotron's creation. The decision was already signed by I.V. Kurchatov and O.M. Nesmiyanov, president of the Academy of Sciences at that time. But if the order had gone to Beria, he became repetitive and did not sign it. І Veksler was left with stoneware.

In 1956, the INP and EFLAN teams formed the basis of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (OIYaD). The city of yogo roztashuvannya became known as the city of Dubna. At that time, the energy of protons at the synchrocyclotron was 680 MeV, and the life of the synchrophasotron was completed. From the first days of the adoption of the OIYaD, the stylization of the little ones of the life of the synchrophasotron became the official symbol of the yogo.

The model helped the cherries to have a low power supply for a squirrel by 10 GeV, and through a large difference in the size of the design of the rich nodes, significant changes were recognized. The average diameter of the electromagnet of the synchrophasotron was 60 meters, and the shaft - 36 thousand tons (for its parameters, the doss is kept from the Guinness Book of Records). Vinik or cascade of new collapsible engineering structures, as a result, they were successfully developed.

Nareshti, everything is ready for the complex launch of the quick start. According to Veksler's order, he was cheruvav L.P. Zinov'ev. The robots grew up like breasts in 1956. Behind A.A. Kolomensky, for the most part of his non-experimental energy at that time, Veksler spent much of his time on "reeling" for help from foreign organizations and on carrying out in life obedient propositions, which were a lot of what Zinov'eva went into. Veksler highly appreciated the intuition of the experimenter from Zinov'єvi, and played a vital role in the launch of the giant squirrel.

It should be noted that the start-up of the synchrophasotron did not start until one button was pressed, like before the TV was turned on. Vіn summing up from the verge of the last days, on which three months were introduced for the plan. With this, few people believe that the quick-witted ones can fit into such a term. It’s true, for a long time it has not been given the title of the betatron mode, which is the final task of the launching stage of the quick start. There were a lot of different propositions, but the same did not lead to success. Zreshtoy, the betatron mode was taken away by the method, proponed by L.P. Zinov'evim. They also carried out a quick control. Tse became the 15th of February 1957. As a result, the synchrophasotron was launched in total for three months. Veksler at the time of launch on the fast track buv. Tsya vіdsutnіst was vipadkovym, shards without a middle, the fate of Veksler at the launch of the prikoryuvach was included in the yogė zavdannya. At that important voltage for an early hour, Veksler was engaged in the preparation of future physical experiments on a possible beam of accelerated protons. In addition, the same wines took the most active part in the establishment of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. However, not respecting the majesty of the busyness, I knew the opportunity and often appeared at the stingy building and chirped, as if they were going to do the right thing. On the day of the ending of the betatron regime Veksler bov near Moscow. I turned back to Dubna late in the evening. Recognizing that the synchrophasotron was launched, he was already healthy.

For good measure, Volodymyr Yosipovich immediately sent his driver M.P. Arapova at ZIM_ at the place for a box of champagne. Flasks of broken lamps, paper flasks became wine glasses around the splendid flasks. People were turned over for the sake of success. This moment was left in my memory for all life. Every now and then, when thinking about the launch of the synchrophasotron, you can often read a little about a glass of champagne, as it was delivered to Veksler's pit, which creates the illusion of an uninterrupted participation in the primordial soul.

At the third session of the Chenoi for the sake of OIIJA, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences V.P. Dzhelepov stating that “Zіnov'єv buv at all the souls of the launch and brought in the right colossal amount of energy and zusil, the most creative züsil at the start of the machine”. And the director of the Institute, corresponding member D.I. Blokhintsev added that "Zinov'ev actually blamed himself for the greatness of the complex work."

The launch of the synchrophasotron became for L.P. Zinov'ev the result of a number of years of hard work, which began in Obninsky in the Laboratory "V" under A.I. Leipunsky.

The Dubnensky synchrophasotron was far from becoming a record in the world for the energy of the whole by two rocks and a small one. For a quickie, the term is meaningless. If only the call would allow Veksler to be inspired by the world's greatest dream - even almost overnight with the Dubna synchrophasotron at CERN sporuzhuvavsya synchrophasotron with an energy of 30 GeV, based on hard focusing. The role of Zinov'ev in the conquest of these two fates was repeatedly recognized by the spivrobitniks, who took the fate of the collaborators, priskoryuvach, and Veksler. In one of the shows, he wrote: “Success in the launch of the synchrophasotron and the possibility of a wide front of physical work in a new significant world due to the participation of L.P. Zinov'eva".

Unfortunately, a pardoning fact from Feinberg's book was used as an acknowledgment for a documentary film about Mintsya (authored by G.Y. Gorelik). This film is repeatedly testified on the Kultura TV channel.

The newspaper "Pravda" on April 11, 1957 told the whole world about the birth of a new prikoryuvach near Dubna. No, that the call did not appear immediately after the launch of the synchrophasotron on June 15, but rather, if the energy was quickened, step by step rises from the day of launch, it outweighed the energy of 6.3 GeV of the wire at that hour of the American synchrophasotron. Є 8.3 billion electron volts! - the newspaper said, saying that the Radyansk Union had a record shortfall. Wexler's orders have been sent!

A month after the launch of the synchrophasotron, on April 16, the proton energy reached the design value of 10 GeV. About tse Veksler added to the other session of the conference for the sake of the Joint Institute in 1957. Todi Director of the Institute D.I. Blokhintsev stating that, first, the model of the synchrophasotron was launched in the second year, while in America there were close to two years. In another way, the synchrophasotron itself was launched in the distance in three months, keeping within the schedule, even though it seemed unrealistic. The very launch of the synchrophasotron brought Dubna first all-world fame.

In the exploitation of the sooner buildings, only after a few months after the design energy was withdrawn, the shards were left to complete the unimproved technical tasks. The breakdown of the whole complex of tsikh zavdan fell heavily on L.P. Zіnov'eva as a kerіvnik of the synchrophasotron. Here it is verbatim to put the words of one of the leading creators of the synchrophasotron N.A. Monoszon: “Today, it is quite obvious that the creation of a modern quick-witted man is not only related to the solution of the problems of physics, but rather to the solution of complex engineering problems. Today, without rebіlshennya, it can be said that the very engineering problems determine the attainable level of energy and the same characteristics of the shortest high energy» .

Particularly foldable was the setting of the design intensity for 109 particles per pulse. Pochatkov's intensity became 107 particles per pulse. At that hour, the physicists of the zhartom were talking about the unity of the intensity in one "vexler", which equals one meson per season. However, without guessing that there are problems with the intensity of mortgages in the very principle of autophasing. Before that, mechanical defects and installation and other reasons were significantly added to the intensity. The maximum use was allowed until the middle of 1958, so that through the river after the start of the quickening, the intensity of 7.5x10 10 particles per pulse was increased. Such a term is not beneficent of Veksler - even the hiring of an American prikoryuvach in Berkeley for an energy of 6 GeV, the magnet of which is less important than the magnet of the Dubna synchrophasotron, the trip over the river.

From the moment of its launch, the synchrophasotron became a kind of hallmark of the SRSR. To marvel at the "eight marvel" of light, as they called the new prikoryuvach todі, came a lot of foreign scientists and high-posadovtsiv. different lands. The synchrophasotron was hostile not only with its indefatigable "heap" but with its head rank, that this "heap" worked! The merit of L.P. Zinov'eva. Veksler, being the architect of the entire project of the synchrophasotron, virishuvav organizational nutrition. Vіdpovіdalnіst vіdpovіdіlіnіst vyvіshennya іnzhenerno-tehnіchіchnyh zavdan priskoryuval'noї ї part of the project was laid by V.І. Veksler on Zinov'eva. Zinov'єve bliskuche in the shortest term ran into the most important tasks - the synchrophasotron has earned! І itself for the price of the awards of the Lenin Prize. Do not start, build the simplest installations, as theoretically guilty, practice, practice. Navitiy chovnovy motor reporting instruction until now it’s not working in the wrong hands, but here it was about the first synchrophasotron in the SRSR, which, from the very beginning of its creation, claims to become a record in the world.

In the autumn of 1957, the fate of the initiative of the director of the FIAN academician D.V. 43 (!) individuals were candidates for the award of the most prestigious at that hour at the Radyansk Union of the Lenin Prize. Skobeltsin, having taken into account that three main directives in the development of the synchrophasotron (accelerated physics, radio engineering and electrical engineering) are required to submit candidates for the Equal Peace Prize.

In the future of 1957, at the expanded meeting of the Vchenoy for the sake of the Kurchativ Institute under the head of I.V. Kurchatov, 17 people were selected from the group. For the brains of the award, the team of laureates did not in a moment revisit 12 osib. In April 1959, their names were named: Director of the Laboratory of High Energy OIIAD V.I. Veksler, Head of the Viddilu Tієї Zh Laboratory L.P. Zinov'ev, intercessor of the head of the Head Department for the Atomic Energy Competition under the Radiation Ministers of the SRSR D.V. Efremov, director of the Leningrad NDI E.G. Mosquito and її spіvrobіtniki N.A. Monoszon, A.M. Stolov, director of the Moscow Radio Engineering Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR A.L. Mints, spіvrobіtniki tієї samoї іnstitutu F.A. Vodop'yanov, S.M. Rubchinsky, FIAN specialists A.A. Kolomensky, V.A. Petukhov, M.S. Rabinovich.

Speaking about the synchrophasotron, one cannot but say about the practical school of primaries created by L.P. Zinov'evim. All yoga students, who went through the "school of the synchrophasotron", let the nurses near Serpukhov, Yerevan, and Troitsk. The school can start at the school without intermediary communication between the teacher and the teacher. All the juveniles at the synchrophasotron in the working order merged without any intermediary importance with Zinov'evim. Tse vin did help young spivrobitniks to become famous in their own strength, tse vin passed on to them first-timers that knowledge, taken away from bagatarist jokes.

Miznikov, Zіnov'єv, Kapralov, Perfєєv, Sarantsiv, Zhiltsіv, Mashinskiy, Esin

Veksler about the school of priskoryuvachiv, created by Zinov'evim (transcript of Vchenoy for the sake of DLNP on February 27, 1962):

“... Zinov'eva is already rich in learning. ... Sarantsev, ... Myznikov, Esin ... too thin. bud. Zinov'єv vyvchiv tsikh people, stench sprinyali yogo method.

Yu. Antonov, S. Nagdasiev, V. Rashevsky G. Ivanov, V. Sarantsev (“For Communism”, April 28, 1962):

"Vony ( Miznikov and Esin - L.Z.) remember their first steps in science and their first mentor and friend - Leonid Petrovich Zinov'ev. Tse vin didpomіg їm vіdchuti vpevnіnіnіnі in their forces, tіn іn passing їm first navički that knowledge, zdobutі at bagatarіchnykh poshukakh. …

We thank Leonid Petrovich for that honor, which we took away from the days of stressed work from the launch of the synchrophasotron.

Weksler and Zinov'ev have agreed that after the launch of the speedy and bringing it to work, Zinov'ev will turn around at FIAN. Having asked Prote Veksler to get rid of it, vvazhayuchi, that no one else would be allowed to trust the synchrophasotron [Private information of L.P. Zinov'eva]. Zinov'єv waited and cherubov prikoryuvach over thirty years. Under yoga kerіvnitstvom and for bezposerednoї uchastі prikoryuvach postіyno to the fullest. Zinov'ev was fond of the synchrophasotron and was subtly aware of the similarity of the flood wind. For yoga words, it was not pleasant, to bring up the smallest details quickly, as if it were not bumping and not knowing її confession.

The synchrophasotron was left in the ranks forty-five years. In the course of an hour, the new boulder was broken by low vіdkrittіv. In 1960, the model of the synchrophasotron was redesigned into a fast electron, which is now being used by the Lebedev Physical Institute [Letters of A.A. Mosquito].

V.I. Veksler and L.P. Zinov'ev became honorable hulks of Dubna.

Speaking about the share of the legendary scribbler, one cannot forget that the progress of science and technology cannot be improved. І early chi pizno be some kind of technical attachment zastarіvaє. So, today no one will be like a quickie, so it’s the same, as if it were the servants of an arithmometer. Ale vyshishennya bagatiokh zavdan, scho signified progress in the creation of today's prikoryuvachiv, would be impossible without the creation of the Dubna synchrophasotron. Vin, like the first steam locomotive of Stevenson, like the first space ship "Skhid", with an indescribable meeting in the scientific and technical development.

In the history of any plant, three main periods are always seen: її creation, working period, and її share after closing. The period of creation of this worker for the Dubna synchrophasotron is completely finished, the shards in 2002 were closed for experiments. The new assessment of the working period is sooner in front. The share of the quick-witted after the closing was still more clear. Nine already a lot of elements of the synchrophasotron are disassembled through non-necessity, and a new short-sleeve complex is being created. Chi vdastsya OIYaD save for naschadkіv hocha b old look the legendary prikoryuvach, which is a symbol of his era, show the hour.


The author asks for help in obtaining the necessary documents from the work on the article by L.P. Strilkovoi, Yu.V. Frolov, N.V. Seleznyova, N.G. Polukhina, V.M. Berezansky, T.G. Krasnova, R. Pose, E.V. Lobko, O.M. Shamaeva.


  1. Atomic project of the SRSR. M: Nauka, Vol. 1, part 1, 1998. 432 p.
  2. Atomic project of the SRSR. M: Nauka, Vol. 1, part 2, 2002. 798 p.
  3. Atomic project of the SRSR. M: Nauka, Vol. 2, book 1, 1999. 719 p.
  4. Atomic project of the SRSR. M: Nauka, Vol. 2, book 2, 2000. 640 p.
  5. Atomic project of the SRSR. M: Nauka, Vol. 2, book 3, 2002. 896 p.
  6. Atomic project of the SRSR. M: Nauka, Vol. 2, book 4, 2003. 815 p.
  7. Livegood J. Principles of robotic cyclic feeding. M.: View of foreign literature, 1963. 494 s.
  8. Quickly. Translation from English. that nim. For red. B. N. Yablokova. M.: Derzhatomizdat, 1962. 560 p.
  9. GreenbergA.P. Methods for accelerating the charging of particles. M.; L.: Reigning review of technical and theoretical literature, 1950. 384 p.
  10. Mikhailo Grigorovich Meshcheryakov: Until the 90th anniversary of the people's day. Dubna.: OIIAD, 2000. 371 p.
  11. Golovin I.M. I.V. Kurchatov. M.: Atomizdat, 1972. 112 p.
  12. Veksler V.I. A new method for accelerating relativistic particles. // DAN SRSR. 1944. V. 43 No. 8. pp. 346-348.
  13. Veksler V.I. About a new method of accelerating relativistic particles. // DAN SRSR. 1944. V. 44 No. 9. pp. 393-396.
  14. Tell me about V.I. Veksler. M.: Nauka, 1987. 296 s.
  15. Volodymyr Yosipovich Veksler. Dubna.: OIIAD, 2003. 408 p.
  16. A.I. Leipunsky. Selected practices. Come on. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1990. 279 p.
  17. Livingston M.S. Quickly. M.: View of foreign literature, 1956. 148 s.
  18. Kozachkovsky O.D. Physicist in the service of the atom. M.: Vishcha shkola, 2002. 144 p.
  19. Rabinovich M.S.. Fundamentals of the theory of the synchrophasotron. // Practice of the Physical Institute. T. Kh. M .: Type of Academy of Sciences of the SRSR, 1958. S. 23 - 173.
  20. Lange F.F., Shpinel V.S. Methods of Obtaining Swedish Corpuscular Changes. // Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR. 1940. Vol. 4 No. 2. pp. 353-365.
  21. Veksler V. New method acceleration relativistic particles. // Journal of Physics. 1945.V.IX, No.3. P. 153-158.
  22. McMillan E. Synchrotron. A proposed high energy particle accelerator. // Phys. Rev. 1945. V. 68. P. 143-144.
  23. Feinberg Yevgen Lvovich: The peculiarity of the krіz prism of memory. M.: Fizmatlit, 2008. 400 p.
  24. Chronicle of the history of the sovereign science center Russian Federation- Physico-Energy Institute for 50 years (1946 - 1996): DSC RF FEI named after A.I. Leipunsky, 1996. 72 p.
  25. Rabinovich M.S. Come on. Physics in your school. Scientific and methodical journal. No. 27., M: Moscow Pedagogical state university, 2003. 135 p.
  26. Feinberg O. L. The era is special. physics. M: Science. 1999. 302 p.
  27. Feinberg O.L. The era is special. physics. 2nd view. M.: Fizmatlit. 2003. 415 p.
  28. Hill R. Traces of particles. M: Holy. 1966. 172 p.
  29. Archive OIIAD. Order No. 12 of the Laboratory of High Energy OIYaD. 1957.
  30. Archives of the Kurchativ Institute. Vityag from the protocol of the meeting of science and technology for the sake of the Institute of Atomic Energy of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR on July 30, 1957.
  31. Archive OIIAD. Transcript of the meeting of the 2nd session of the Chenoy for the sake of OIIAD. F.1, od. ridge 35
  32. Archive OIIAD. Transcript of the meeting of the 3rd session of the Chenoy for the sake of OIIAD. F.1, od. ridge 37
  33. Archive OIIAD. Transcript of the meeting of the 4th session of the Chenoi for the sake of OIIAD. F.1, od. ridge 69
  34. Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences. (Financial Archives) F. 532, op.1 No. 308.
  35. Zinov'ev L.P. Etapi the great way. // Dubna: Science. Friendship. Progress. 1997. 12 birch. Z. 3.
  36. Pravda, April 22, 1959. P.1.
  37. Shafranova M.G. Association of the Institute of Nuclear Research Informational and biographical guide. View. 2nd. M.: Fizmatlit. 2002. 288 p.
  38. Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences. (Archive of FIAN) F. 532, op. 1 #200.
  39. Іz polіnnya vomozhtsіv. // Dubna: Science. Friendship. Progress. 1982. No. 16. Z. 6.
  40. Physical encyclopedic dictionary. M: Radianska Encyclopedia, Vol. 5, 1966. 576 p.
  41. Physical encyclopedic dictionary. M: Radianska Encyclopedia, Vol. 4, 1965. 592 p.
  42. Dubna. Island of stability: Drawings from the history of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (1956-2006) M: Akademkniga, 2006. 643 p.
  43. History of the Radian nuclear project. Sp/b.: Publishing House of the Russian Christian Humanitarian University, issue 2, 2002. 656 s.
  44. Zinov'eva L.L. Before the note about the authorship of the autophasing statement// Researches in the history of physics and mechanics. 2008. - M.: Fizmatlit, 2009, 416 p., S.213-233.
  45. "For communism", April 28, 1962. P. 3.

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Material from Wikipedia - free encyclopedia

Synchrophasotron (view synchronization + phase + Elektron) - resonant cyclic accelerating with a constant acceleration in the process of an evenly important orbit. So that the particles in the process of accelerating were left in the same orbit, they change like a conductive magnetic field, so the frequency of the electric field, which will speed up. It is necessary that the beam arrives at the section, which will sooner, start at the phase with a high-frequency electric field. In that case, as often as ultra-relativistic, the frequency of the rotation when fixing the long orbit does not change with increasing energy, and the frequency of the RF generator is also to blame for the constant. Such a quickie is already called a synchrotron.

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Lesson that characterizes the Synchrophasotron

We walked out of the house at once, or else I was going to go to the market with her, but around the first turn they parted amicably, and the skin already went its own way and at its right.
Budinok, in which the father of the little News is still alive, but in the first “new district”, which we will have (as the first rich tops were called) and who has known us for about forty lengths of walking. I already loved to walk forever, but it did not give me everyday handlessness. I just didn’t like this new district itself, because the houses in the new were like sirnikova boxes - all the same faceless. And the shards of the place were only just beginning to be forgotten, then in the new there was not a living tree, or whether it was “green”, and it looked like a stone-asphalt model of a caustic, unfair place. Everything was cold and soulless, and I felt to myself there it was already bad - it seemed, there I simply didn’t feel dihat.
And yet, to know the numbers of the houses, to call for the largest city, it was impossible there. Like, for example, at that moment I was standing between booths No. 2 and No. 26, and I couldn’t understand, how can I be like that ?!. I wondered, where is my “fake” booth No. 12?
Nareshti with someone else's help, I was far away, as if by a rank, to know the necessary house, and I was already standing by the walls of the doors, wondering, how the hell did I call me, an unknown person?
I spoke so very richly of strangers, unknown to me, people, and there was a great nervous strain on the back of my head. I didn’t feel comfortable at all, lying to me private life That’s why such a “fuck” skin is always given me a little bit of God. And yet I miraculously realized how wildly it doesn’t sound like that for those who literally swallowed up their own people, and like a little girl raptom intruded into their life, and declared that she could help them talk with the dead squad, sister, son, matir wow, dad... Wait a minute - it doesn't sound very good for them and it's absolutely not normal! And, frankly, I still can’t figure out why did people hear me in awe?

The axis of the price imperceptibly knows the word "synchrophasotron" by ear! Guess me, how did it get to the bottom of a simple inhabitant in the Radian Union? Like a movie, or a song is popular, I remember exactly what it was! Abo OK tse buv analog vazhkovimovnogo word?

And now let's still guess what it was and how it happened ...

In 1957, the Radyansk Union created a revolutionary scientific breakthrough in two directions: the first artificial satellite of the Earth was launched near Zhovtnі, and a few months before that, near birch, near Dubna, the legendary synchrophasotron was launched - a gigantic installation for a giant The two pods struck the whole world, and the words “satellite” and “synchrophasotron” mimicked our lives.

The synchrophasotron is one of the sights of quick charging particles. The particles in them are scattered to great swiss and, then, high energies. Behind the results of their zіtknen with smaller atomic particles to judge the life and dominance of matter. The movement of the zitknen depends on the intensity of the accelerated beam of particles, so the number of particles in a new one, the intensity is in the order of energy - important parameter prikoryuvach.

Skoryuvachs reach majestic rozmіrіv, and nevipadkovo writer Volodymyr Kartsev calling them the pyramids of nuclear doby, for some kind of judgement about the riven of our technology.

Until you wake up with a single dzherel of particles of high energies, there were cosmic changes. In the main, protons with energy are in the order of decile GeV, which can come from space, and secondary parts, which are due to interaction with the atmosphere. But the flow of space changes is chaotic and may have low intensity, therefore, for laboratory studies, special installations began to be created - accelerating with controlled beams of particles of high energy and greater intensity.

At the heart of all priskoryuvachiv lies a good fact: a charged particle is torn apart by an electric field. However, it is not possible to take away a portion of even greater energy, accelerating them only once between two electrodes, because for whom it was possible to apply a great voltage to them, which is technically impossible. To this, parts of great energies are possessed, bagatorazov passing them between electrodes.

Quickly, in some cases, to pass through sequentially stitched up quickly, are called linear. From them, the development of priskoryuvachіv arose, but albeit to increase the energy of the particles led to practically impossibly greater dozhina of installations.

In 1929, the American school of E. Lawrence, having propagated the construction of a squirrel, in which it often collapses in a spiral, passing through one and the same gap between two electrodes. The trajectory of the particle curves and twists in a uniform magnetic field, straightened perpendicular to the plane of the orbit. Priskoryuvach buv names cyclotron. In 1930-1931 Lawrence and his colleagues argued for the first cyclotron at the University of California (USA). For tse wines of wines in 1939, the Nobel Prize was awarded.

In a cyclotron, a uniform magnetic field is created by a great electromagnet, and an electric field is created between two empty electrodes of a D-like shape (their name is “duanti”). A change in voltage is added to the electrodes, so as to change the polarity of the screen, if you often break the pivobert. Zavdyaki tsomu electric field zavzhdy prikoryu chastki. This idea could not be conceived, as if often with different energies there were little different periods of time. But, fortunately, even though the speed of the increase in energy is growing, the period of obigu is overstaying, the shards of the diameter of the trajectory are increasing in the same time. The very power of the cyclotron allows it to beat for speeding up the constant frequency of the electric field.

Unexpectedly, the cyclotron began to be built in other recent laboratories.

The life of the synchrophasotron in the 1950s

About the need to create a serious base in the Radyansk Union, it was announced on the ranks in the birch of 1938. A group of senior citizens of the Leningrad Institute of Physics and Technology (LPTI) on behalf of Academician O.F. Ioffe turned back to the head of the RNA SRSR V.M. Molotov with a leaf, for whom it was necessary to create a technical base for reaching the core of the atomic nucleus. The nutrition of the atomic nucleus has become one of the central problems of natural science, and the Radian Union is the top of them. So, while five cyclotrons were adopted in America, in the Radyansk Union it was not good (the single cyclotron of the Radian Institute of the Academy of Sciences (RIAN), commissioned in 1937, due to defects and design, practically did not work). The trip to Molotov was a waste of time to create a mind for completion before September 1, 1939, after the LFTI cyclotron. The work of this creation, rozpochata in 1937 roci, prisupinil through leading problems and finance.

Indeed, at the time of writing the sheet in the ranks of the country, there was clearly an unreasonable relevance of the studies in the gallery of atomic physics. Behind M.G. Meshcheryakov, in 1938, a report was made about the liquidation of the Radiev Institute, which, in my opinion, having taken up uranium and thorium that no one needed, then the country started to increase the production of steel and smelting steel.

Liszt was fading to Molotov, and already at the red 1938 the fate of the commission of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR, yaku ocholiv P.L. Kapitsa, on request, gave a note about the need to build a 10-20 MeV LFTI cyclotron, fallow in the type of particles, which are sooner, and fully recover the RIANu cyclotron.

At the fall of the leaves 1938 the fate of S.I. Vavilov at the beginning of the presidium of the Academy of Sciences, having requested the LFTI cyclotron in Moscow to be transferred to the warehouse of the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences (FIAN) from the LPTI laboratory I.V. Kurchatova, Yaka was engaged in yoga creations. Sergiy Ivanovich wanted that the central laboratory for the development of the atomic nucleus was located in the same place where the Academy of Sciences was located, then near Moscow. However, yoga was not promoted at LPTI. Super rivers ended on the fate of 1939, if A.F. Yoffe urged to create three cyclotrons in a row. 30 Lipnya 1940 Roku on the Zavidanni Academy of Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Bulo Bulo Virishiti Podoruchiti Rianu in the Podkverekoye Rotsi Dychychy Cyclotron, Fіan - up to 15 Zhotgotuvati Mathersi, Budyvnitvva of the new estate cyclotron, and the Lfti - Zakіnschiti Budinitroy Typlotron in Pereshoma Plane in 1941 in 1941 in 1941 in 1941 in 1941 in 1941 in 1941.

In response to these decisions, the FIAN created the so-called cyclotron brigade, to which Volodymyr Yosipovich Veksler, Sergiy Mikolayovich Vernov, Pavlo Oleksiyovich Cherenkov, Leonid Vasilovich Groshev and Evgen Lvovich Feinberg were gone. On spring 26, 1940, the Bureau of the Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (OPMS) heard information from V.I. Veksler about the design of the cyclotron project, praised some of the main characteristics and characteristics of life. The cyclotron is financed for accelerating deuterons up to an energy of 50 MeV. FIAN was planning to celebrate the future of 1941 and start 1943. Our plans were ruined by the war.

The great need for the creation of an atomic bomb urged the Radyansk Union to mobilize susilla at the end of the microcosm. One by one, two cyclotrons were fired up in Laboratory No. 2 near Moscow (1944, 1946); near Leningrad, after the blockade was lifted, the cyclotrons RIAN and LFTI (1946 rec) were revived.

The project of the financial cyclotron, even though it was hardened before the war, but they realized that Lawrence's design had exhausted itself, the shards of energy from accelerated protons could not exceed 20 MeV. The very effect of increasing the amount of energy begins to appear at the same time when the light is equal to the light, which is evident from Einstein’s theory of water

As a result of the growth of the mass, the resonance between the passage of the particle through the fast-moving gap and the epochal phase of the electric field is broken, which pulls the galvanization behind it.

It should be noted that the cyclotron is intended for accelerating less important particles (protons, ions). This is due to the fact that through an even small mass of a calm electron, even at energies of 1-3 MeV, it reaches lightness, close to lightness, after which the mass is noticeably growing and often goes out of resonance.

Becoming the betatron, the first cyclical accelerating electron was discovered by Kerst in 1940 for the idea of ​​Videroy. The betatron is based on Faraday's law, which is the same when changing the magnetic flux, which penetrates the closed circuit, in which the circuit is blamed for the electrical breaking force. At the betatron, a flow of particles serve as a closed circuit, which collapse along the circular orbit near the vacuum chamber of a constant radius in the magnetic field, which incrementally grow. If the magnetic flux in the middle of the orbit is growing, the fault is the electrical disruption force, the tangential storage of which will speed up the electrons. The betatron, like the cyclotron, has a very high energy for the extraction of frequencies. It is connected with this, that, zgіdno z the laws of electrodynamics, elektroni, scho rushing in circular orbits, viprominyuyut elektromagnіtnі hvili, yakі with relativistic turbulence take even richer energy. To compensate for these losses, it is necessary to significantly increase the size of the angry magnet, which can be a practical boundary.

In this manner, on the cob of the 1940s, the possibility of acquiring more high energy, like protons, was also exhausted. For the further achievements of the microcosm, it is necessary to increase the energy of the accelerated particles, so it has become a chore to search for new methods of acceleration.

At the fierce fate of 1944 V.I. Veksler came up with a revolutionary idea, how to fix the energy barrier of the cyclotron and the betatron. The flooring was simple, which seemed marvelous, which was why it had not been seen before. The idea was that, at a resonant accelerated frequency, the particles and the field, which accelerated, would gradually increase, in other words, be synchronous. When speeding up important relativistic particles in the cyclotron for synchronization, it was necessary to change the frequency of the electric field, which I speed up, following the sing law (far away, such a speedy otrim the name of the synchrocyclotron).

For speeding up relativistic electrons, it was proponated to speed up, which is called the synchrotron. The new one is accelerated by a changing electric field of a constant frequency, and synchronism is secured by a magnetic field, which changes according to the sing law, as if it reduces the parts in the orbit of a constant radius.

For practical purposes, it is necessary to theoretically reconsider, so that the process of quickening is proponated, so that in case of insignificant vibrations due to resonance, the phasing of the chasts will automatically occur. Physicist-theorist of the cyclotron brigade O.L. Feinberg stole Veksler's respect and himself suvorously mathematically improved the stability of the processes. For this very reason, Veksler's idea was called the "principle of autophasing."

In order to discuss the final decision, the FIAN held a seminar, on which Veksler made an introductory comment, and Feinberg - an update about stability. The robot was praised, and in the same 1944 the journal "Advanced Academy of Sciences of the SRSR" published two articles, in which new ways of accelerating were seen (the first article talked about accelerating on the basis of multiple frequencies, which was called a microtron). Veksler was listed as the author, and Feinberg's name was in a flash. Undeservedly, Feinberg's role in the recognition of the principle of autophasing was undeservedly recognized as completely neglected.

Through the principle of autophasing, the American physicist E. McMillan, the proteo priority, was taken by Wexler.

It should be noted that the accelerants, founded on a new principle, clearly had a “rule of importance” - gaining energy, causing a program in the intensity of the beam of accelerating particles, which caused the cyclicity of the accelerating on the wave in the smooth acceleration of beta in cyclotrons. At this unacceptable moment, they pointed out at the session of the Division of Physical and Mathematical Sciences on February 20, 1945, the prote thos all in one style went to the visnovka, that the situation at any time was not to blame for the change in the implementation of the project. Although, to the point of speech, the struggle for intensity throughout the year constantly bothered the "scrawny".

At the same session, on the proposition of the President of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR S.I. Vavilov's work was done in a negligent way to be quick of two types, proponed by Veksler. On February 19, 1946, the Special Committee under the Council of People's Commissariat of the Soviet Socialist Republic entrusted the senior commission with the development of their projects from the designated fatigue, terms of preparation and the life of the city. (After the creation of the cyclotron at the FIAN, they were informed.)

As a result, on September 13, 1946, two resolutions were simultaneously issued for the sake of the Ministers of the SRSR, signed by the head of the Radi Ministers of the SRSR, I.V. Stalin and keruyuchim right for the sake of the ministers of the SRSR Ya.Є. Chadaevim, the creation of a synchrocyclotron with an energy of 250 MeV deuterons and a synchrotron with an energy of 1 GeV. The energy of the priskoryuvachs was dictated to us in front of the political opposition to build the SRSR. The United States has already built a synchrocyclotron with a deuteron energy of about 190 MeV, and a synchrotron with an energy of 250–300 MeV has begun to be built. Vitchiznyan prikoryuvachі energії owennі bіlі vіdshuvati аmerikаnskiy.

With the synchrocyclotron, hopes were put forward for the introduction of new elements, new methods for extracting atomic energy from more cheap jerseys, lower uranium. For the help of the synchrotron, we used a piece-by-piece way to remove the mesons, like, like the radionian physicists, building viklikati fission of the nuclei.

Resentments were praised with the heading “Quite secretly (especially the folder)”, fragments of everyday life were gone as part of the project to create an atomic bomb. With their help, they developed an accurate theory of nuclear forces, which is necessary for the explosion of bombs; True, everything turned out to be not so simple, as it was thought on the back of the head, and it should be respected that such a theory has not been created before.

Decree appointed the place of life of the quick: the synchrotron - near Moscow, on the Kaluzsky highway (nine Leninsky prospect), on the territory of the FIAN; synchrocyclotron - in the area of ​​the Ivankiv HPP, for 125 kilometers to the airport from Moscow (to the Kalininskaya region). The FIAN entrusted the handful of creation to both of them. V.I. Veksler, and, according to the synchrocyclotron - D.V. Skobeltsin.

Zliva - Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor L.P. Zinov'ev (1912-1998), right-handed - Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR V.I. Veksler (1907-1966) at the time of the creation of the synchrophasotron

For the production of the nuclear project I.V. Kurchatov, dissatisfied with the progress of the work with the financial synchrocyclotron, shifting the topic to his Laboratory No. 2. Recognizing M.G. Meshcheryakov, who worked at the Leningrad Radiological Institute. Under Meshcheryakov's work, Laboratory No. 2 created a model for the synchrocyclotron, which already experimentally confirmed the correctness of the autophasing principle. In 1947, the life of a quickie began in the Kalinin region.

December 14, 1949 Meshcheryakov’s synchrocyclotron was successfully put into use in the term and became the first in the Radyansk Union to fasten this type, having distorted the energy of a similar fastener created in 1946 in Berkeley (USA). Vіn zalishavshivsya record until 1953 rock.

Spopchatka laboratory, founded with the improvement of the synchrocyclotron, was called the Hydrotechnical Laboratory of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Socialist Republic (GTL) and the branch of Laboratory No. 2 in 1953. Meshcheryakov.

Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences O.I. Leypunsky (1907–1972) on the basis of the principle of autophasing, having propagated the design of a fastener, which is the name of the synchrophasotron (photo: "Science and Life")
The creation of the synchrotron for low reasons did not go far. In the first place, through unforeseen difficulties, it was possible to induce two synchrotrons at lower energies - 30 and 250 MeV. Їх were ripped apart by the FIAN, and the synchrotron for 1 GeV was shattered by the posture of Moscow. The Chervni 1948 Rocky Yomi Vidilili for Kilka Kilometerov VID Synchrocyliclotron, ShO will be at the same time, in Kalininskiye Kosty, Ale I, there were so Ido, the Perevali Perevagi Bula Viddan Vidnachuvach, an advanced academician of the Ukrainian Academic Sciences of the Academician. It happened in such a way.

1946 year A.I. Leipunsky, on the basis of the principle of autophasing, came up with the idea of ​​the possibility of creating a quicker, in which the features of the synchrotron and the synchrocyclotron were reduced. Zgodom Veksler, calling this type of fastener a synchrophasotron. Calling the plant a sensible one, calling on those that the synchrocyclotron was called the Phasotron on the back and in the same time the Synchrophasotron went out from the synchrotron. Change the steward for the new one magnetic field the particles collapse along the ring, like a synchrotron, and as soon as possible, a high-frequency electric field vibrates, the frequency of which changes with the hour, like a synchrocyclotron. This made it possible to significantly increase the energy of protons, which is sooner, in line with the synchrocyclotron. At the synchrophasotron, protons are far behind the line in the linear fastener - the injector. The introduction of particles into the main chamber under the influx of a magnetic field begins to circulate in it. This mode is called betatron mode. Then the high-frequency voltage is turned on, as soon as possible, on the electrodes, placed at two diametrically opposite straight spaces.

Three of the three types of fasteners based on the principles of autophasing; Ale Leipunsky, vpevneniy, scho all viide, boldly taking up the implementation of his ideas.

In 1947, in Laboratory "V" near the station Obnіnsk (the ninth place of Obnіnsk) a special group of prikoryuvalna under yogo ceramics began the rozrobka prikoryuvach. The first theoreticians of the synchrophasotron were Yu.A. Krutkov, O.D. Kozachkovsky and L.L. Sabsovich. At the fierce fate of 1948, a conference was held closed with priskoryuvachiv, de Crime ministers were present A.L. Mintz, already at that time fakhivets of radio engineering, and leading engineers of the Leningrad factories "Electrosila" and transformer. All of them declared that it was possible to make the proponations of the Leypunskys quicker. Updating the first theoretical results and the pioneering work of the engineers of the leading factories made it possible to work on a specific technical project of the great booster for proton energy of 1.3–1.5 GeV and to launch experimental works, which confirmed the correctness of Leypunsky's idea. Until December 1948, the technical project was soon ready, and until June 1949, Leipunsky was responsible for presenting a preliminary design for a 10 GeV synchrophasotron.

І raptom in 1949, roci, at the same time, a robot broke up, a series of virishiv was transferred to a pink robot with a synchrophasotron at FIAN. New? Why? Aje FIAN is already working on the creation of the 1 GeV synchrotron! In that case, because the projects were offensive, the synchrophasotron for 1.5 GeV, and the synchrotron for 1 GeV, were too expensive, and there was a need for food about their dotsilnist. The rest of it was allowed at one of the special meetings at the FIAN, where the physics departments of the country were elected. The stench was respected for the incomparable arranging of the synchrotron at 1 GeV through the presence of great interest to the speeding up of electrons. The main opponent of this position is M.A. Markiv. The main yogo argument is based on the fact that vivchati and protons, and nuclear forces are richly efficient for the help of already good electromagnetic interaction. You didn’t mind your own thought, and a positive decision turned out to be a disgrace to Leypunsky’s project.

This is how the synchrophasotron looks at 10 GeV near Dubna

Ruinuvala commandments of Veksler's dream to induce the greatest condolence. Do not put up with the situation that has developed, blame for the support of S.I. Vavilova and D.V. Skobeltsin, having propped up the construction of the synchrophasotron at 1.5 GeV and the design of the 10 GeV synchrophasotron, earlier entrusted to A.I. Leipunsky. Having adopted these propositions, the rocks at the end of 1948, it became known about the project of the synchrophasotron for 6-7 GeV at the University of California and wanted to go ahead of the United States for some hour.

On January 2, 1949, the Ministers of the Soviet Socialist Republic praised the fate of the synchrophasotron for an energy of 7-10 GeV on the territory previously introduced for the synchrotron. The topic was transferred to FIAN, and V.I. Veksler, wanting to help Leipunsky, they were completely successful.

It is possible to explain, first of all, that Veksler, having entered into the principle of autophasing i, by the author, according to the wishes of the co-workers, to a new extent like L.P. Beria. In a different way, S. I. Vavilov was at that time not only the director of the FIAN, but also the president of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR. Leipunsky was encouraged to become Veksler's intercessor, Alevin was inspired and nadal by the synchrophasotron, not taking part. Behind the words of the intercessor Leipunsky O.D. Kozachkovsky, “it was clear that two vedmedis cannot live in one barloz”. Zgodom A.I. Leipunsky and O.D. Kozachkovsky became leading specialists from reactors and in 1960 they were awarded the Lenin Prize.

We praised the point about transferring to a job to the FIAN spіvrobіtnikіv Laboratorії "V", yakі were engaged in the development of a quickie, with the transfer of the official possession. And let me tell you something: the work on the hard work at the Laboratory "B" at that time was brought to the stage of the model and the basic solutions.

Not all the minds adopted the translation from the FIAN, the shards from the Leypunsky easily and cliques worked: he was not only a miraculous scientific kerіvnik, but also a miraculous person. However, it was practically impossible to look at the crossroads: at that suvori, the hour of the vidmova threatened the court with camps.

To the warehouse of the group, transferred from Laboratories "B", including engineer Leonid Petrovich Zinov'ev. Vin, as one of the other members of the piggyback group, in the laboratory of the Leipunsky splint, was engaged in the development of four knots, the necessary models of a possible piggybacker, a sorem ionic dzherel and high-voltage pulsed circuits of the life injector. Leipunsky once again showed respect for a competent and creative engineer. For yoga, Zinov'eva was the first to get to the creation of a final installation, in which it was possible to model the entire process of accelerating protons. Then no one could admit that, having become one of the pershoprokhіdnikіv in the robotіz instilled the idea of ​​the synchrophasotron in life, Zіnov'єv to appear as one person, as if he went through all the stages of his creation completely. І not just to mine, but to freak them out.

Theoretical and experimental results, taken in the Laboratory "B", were reviewed by the Lebedev Physical Institute during the design of the 10 GeV synchrophasotron. However, the increase in energy was quickened to the point of magnitude and there were significant gains. The problems of this creation were cherished by the great world, because at that hour the whole world had a chance to arrange such great installations.

Under the curiosity of theorists M.S. Rabinovich and A.A. Kolomensky at the Lebedev Physical Institute, they made a physical underpinning of the technical project. The main warehouses of the synchrophasotron were expanded by the Moscow Radiotechnical Institute of the Academy of Sciences and the Leningrad NDI under the supervision of their directors A.L. Mintsya and E.G. Mosquito.

For the purpose of obtaining the necessary information, a model of a synchrophasotron with an energy of 180 MeV was created. Її roztashuvali FIAN at a special booth, as a matter of secrecy, they called warehouse No. 2. At the beginning of 1951, all robots from the model, including the installation of installation, adjustment and complex start-up, Veksler poklav Zіnov'eva.

The Fianivska model was by no means a baby - a magnet with a diameter of 4 meters weighing 290 tons. Zagod Zinov'єv having guessed that if they chose the model in the right way to the first roses and tried to let it go, nothing worked. I had a chance to overcome the impersonal non-transferring technical difficulties, the first lower model was launched. If it happened in 1953, Veksler said: Well, that's it! Ivankiv synchrophasotron pracyuvatime!” It was about the great synchrophasotron for 10 GeV, which already began to sporadzhuvate 1951 in the Kalininsk region. Budіvnytstvo was created by the organization under the code name TDS-533 (Technical Directorate of Buddhism 533).

Shortly before the launch of the model, an American magazine reported inadvertently about a new design of the quick-focusing magnetic system, called the hard-focusing system. It looks like a set of sections that are being drawn, with oppositely straightened gradients of the magnetic field. Significantly changes the amplitude of the cracking of the pinched particles, which allows you to significantly change the cut of the vacuum chamber. As a result, saving a lot of air is great, which goes to the life of the magnet. For example, prikoryuvach near Geneva for an energy of 30 GeV, foundations for a hard focusing, maє vtrychі more energy and vtrychі more dovzhina stake, lower Dubna synchrophasotron, like a magnet ten times lighter.

The design of hard focusing magnets was propagated and developed by American scientists Courant, Livingston and Snyder in 1952. For a few years before them, those same vigadav, but did not publish Kristofilos.

Zinov'ev immediately assessed the opinion of the Americans and asked to redesign the Dubna synchrophasotron. Ale for whom would have had a chance to give up an hour. Veksler said todi: "Ni, even for one day, but we are guilty of stepping in front of the Americans." Ymovirno, in the minds of the "cold war" wine mav ration - "horses do not change at the crossing." І the great prikoryuvach continued to be a previously expanded project. In 1953, on the basis of the synchrophasotron, which will be, they created the Electrophysical Laboratory of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Socialist Republic (EFLAN). Її V.I. Veksler.

In 1956, the INP and EFLAN teams formed the basis of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (OIYaD). The city of yogo roztashuvannya became known as the city of Dubna. At that time, the energy of protons at the synchrocyclotron was 680 MeV, and the life of the synchrophasotron was completed. From the first days of the adoption of the OIIAD of stylizations of the little ones of the life of the synchrophasotron (author V.P. Bochkarov), becoming a yoga official symbol.

The model helped the cherries to have a low power supply for a quicker by 10 GeV; The average diameter of the electromagnet of the synchrophasotron was 60 meters, and the shaft - 36 thousand tons (for its parameters, the doss is kept from the Guinness Book of Records). Vinik Tsiliy is a complex of new collapsible engineering teams, like a team of successful virishivs.

Nareshti, everything is ready for the complex launch of the quick start. According to Veksler's order, he was cheruvav L.P. Zinov'ev. The robots began to feel like babies in 1956, the situation was strained, and Volodymyr Yosipovich did not spare himself or his spivrobitniks. Quite often we were left to spend the night at the roosts right next to the majestic control room of the installation. Behind A.A. Kolomensky, for the most part of his non-experimental energy at that time, Veksler spent much of his time on "reeling" for help from foreign organizations and on carrying out in life obedient propositions, which were a lot of what Zinov'eva went into. Veksler, having highly appreciated this experimental intuition, yak played a vital role in the launch of the quick-witted giant.

For a long time it was impossible to take off the betatron mode, such a launch is impossible. I myself Zinov'ev at the last moment realized that it was necessary to grow, to breathe life into the synchrophasotron. The experiment, before which two days were prepared, for a wild joy, ended in success. On 15 February 1957, the Dubna synchrophasotron was launched, which the newspaper Pravda brought to the whole world on 11 April 1957 (article by V.I. Veksler). Cicavo, as soon as the call came, if only the energy was quick, which step by step rises from the day of launch, it outweighed the energy of 6.3 GeV of the American synchrophasotron at Berkeley, which was leading at that time. Є 8.3 billion electron volts! - the newspaper said, saying that the Radyansk Union had made a record shortfall. Wexler's orders have been sent!

On April 16, the proton energy reached the design value of 10 GeV, but the buildings were soon put into operation only after a few months, the shards were left to finish the unimproved technical tasks. And all the same, the main boulo was behind - the synchrophasotron zarobiv.

About tse Veksler added to the other session of the conference for the sake of the Joint Institute in 1957. Todi Director of the Institute D.I. Blokhintsev stating that, first, the model of the synchrophasotron was created for the second time, while in America there were close to two years. In another way, the synchrophasotron itself was launched in the distance in three months, keeping within the schedule, even though it seemed unrealistic. The very launch of the synchrophasotron brought Dubna first all-world fame.

At the third session of the ceremony for the sake of the institute, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences V.P. Dzhelepov stating that “Zіnov'єv buv at all vіdnosinakh by the soul of the launch and brought in the right colossal amount of energy and zusil, the most creative zusil pіd hаlаgodzhennya mashine”. A D.I. Blokhintsev added that "Zinov'ev actually blamed himself for the greatness of the complex work."

Thousands of people were engaged in the creations of the synchrophasotron, and Leonid Petrovich Zinov'ev had a special role to play. Veksler wrote: “The success of the launch of the synchrophasotron and the possibility of a wide front of physical work in a new significant world is connected with the participation of L.P. Zinov'eva".

Zinov'єv zbiravsya after the start-up hastily turn to FIAN. Prote Veksler, having asked him to be deprived, vvahayuchi, that no one else would be trusted with the synchrophasotron. Zinov'єv waited and cherubov prikoryuvach over thirty years. Under yoga kerіvnitstvom and for bezposerednoї uchastі prikoryuvach postіyno to the fullest. Zinov'ev was fond of the synchrophasotron and was subtly aware of the similarity of the flood wind. Behind yoga words, it was not possible to find more or less details in a quick way, as if I didn’t bump and acknowledge that I didn’t know bi.

In the future of 1957, at the expanded meeting of the meeting for the sake of the Kurchativ Institute, under the head of Igor Vasilyovich himself, there were seventeen persons from various organizations, who took part in the creation of the synchrophasotron, and were hanged at the most prestigious Soyuz at that time by the Radimian. And for the minds, the number of laureates could not exceed twelve honors. In April 1959, the prize was awarded to the Director of the Laboratory of High Energy OIIAD V.I. Veksler, Head of the Viddilu Tієї Zh Laboratory L.P. Zinov'ev, intercessor of the head of the Head Department for the Atomic Energy Competition under the Radiation Ministers of the SRSR D.V. Efremov, director of the Leningrad NDI E.G. Mosquito and yoga spivrobitniki N.A. Monoszon, A.M. Stolov, director of the Moscow Radio Engineering Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR A.L. Mints, spіvrobіtniki tієї samoї іnstitutu F.A. Vodop'yanov, S.M. Rubchinsky, FIAN specialists A.A. Kolomensky, V.A. Petukhov, M.S. Rabinovich. Veksler and Zinov'ev became honorable giants of Dubna.

The synchrophasotron was left in the ranks forty-five years. In the course of an hour, they raised a low number of victories for the new one. The model of the synchrophasotron in 1960 was redesigned into a fastener of electrons, which is used by FIAN.


Kolomensky A. A., Lebedev A. N. Theory of cyclical fasting. - M., 1962.
Komar Y. G. Preskoryuvachi charged particles. - M., 1964.
Livinggood J. Principles of robotic cyclical fasteners - M., 1963.
Oganesyan Yu. How the cyclotron was created / Science and Life, 1980, No. 4, p. 73.
Hill R. Traces of particles - M., 1963.

And I’ll tell you an axis about how the installation is done: for example, and how you look. Guess what it is. Or maybe you don't know? but what is it The original article is on the site InfoGlaz.rf Posilannya on the article, with which zrobleno tsyu copy -

Technologies in the SRSR developed rapidly. Why only the launch of the first piece satellite of the Earth, for which the whole world was born. Few people know that in the same 1957 in the SRSR they launched (so not just mining and putting into operation, but launching itself) a synchrophasotron. The word signifies a setting for the dispersal of elementary particles. Practically skin today's chuv about the Great Hadron Collider - a new and improved version of what is described in this article.

What is a synchrophasotron? Need more wine?

This installation is a great quickening of elementary particles (protons), which allows greater microlight development, as well as the interaction of these particles one by one. The way to win is even simpler: break the protons into small parts and marvel at what is in the middle. Everything sounds simple, but zlamati proton - it’s superbly foldable, for the sake of which you needed the life of such a majestic controversy. Here, by a special tunnel, the parts are broken up to great swedes and then straight to the target. Hitting on it, the stench spreads on the rubble of the street. The closest "colleague" of the synchrophasotron, the Great Hadron Collider, follows approximately the same principle, the axis is only there the particles split in opposite directions and strike not about the meta, but stick together one by one.

Now you have a little understanding of what is a synchrophasotron. It was important that the installation allow the development of a scientific breakthrough near the gallery to reach the micro-world. At your own discretion, you should allow the introduction of new elements and ways to collect cheap energy. Ideally, they wanted to use elements that overturned the efficiency and є at the same time less shkidlivimi and more easy to recycle.

Zastosuvannya at military purposes

An installation was created for the creation of a scientific and technical breakthrough, but the cities were not only peaceful. Rich in what is the scientific and technical breakthrough of the head of the races of military developments. The synchrophasotron was created under the heading "Tsіlkom taєmno", and its development and life were carried out as part of the creation of an atomic bomb. It turned out that it was not so easy to prove that it was possible to allow the creation of a thorough theory of nuclear forces. Navit tsegodnі tsia teoriya vіdsutnya, wanting technical progress roby krok far ahead.

in simple words?

Yakshcho zagalniti and say my understanding? The synchrophasotron is a whole installation, de protons can be smashed to great speed. It is formed from a closed tube with a vacuum in the middle and tight electromagnets, so as not to let the protons collapse chaotically. If protons reach their maximum speed, their flow is direct to a special place. Talking about her, the protons scatter on the rubble of the streets. Veins can trace the fragments that spread in a special bulbous chamber, and analyze the nature of the particles themselves by these traces of stench.

Bulbashkov camera - tse trohi old attachments for fixing traces of protons. Today, in similar installations, accurate radars are being installed to give more information about the number of proton fragments.

Regardless of the simple principle of the synchrophasotron, the installation itself is high-tech, and її creation is only possible for a sufficient level of technical development and scientific development, like, insanely, MAV SRSR. To make an analogy, then the ultimate microscope is an attachment, which is recognized as being similar to the features of the synchrophasotron. Offset accessories allow you to continue microlight, only the rest allow you to "dig deeper" and may still have your own method of follow-up.


More Bulo is described to the robot in simple words. Zrozumilo, the principle of the synchrophasotron is foldable. On the right, in order to disperse particles to high speeds, it is necessary to ensure a potential difference of hundreds of millions of volts. It is not possible to bring the development of technologies to the lowest stage, not to mention the previous one.

That boulo was praised for the decision to scatter parts of the step by step and slaughter them for a long time. On the skin stake, the protons were energized. As a result of the passage of millions of turns, it was possible to gain the necessary speed, after which they were directed to the target.

The very same principle zastosovuvsya at the synchrophasotron. On the back of the head, the particles collapsed like a tunnel with a small swirl. On the skin when the stench was consumed on the ranks of the promiscuity, they took off an additional charge of energy and gained speed. Qi dilyanki accelerated by capacitors, the frequency of the change in the voltage of some other frequency of the passage of protons along the ring. That is why they often hurried to the lot with a negative charge, at which point the voltage increased sharply, which gave them a swirl. Well, the particles were dragged down to the lot with a positive charge, and they rushed to the floor. The first point is a positive feature, because through it the entire beam of protons collapsed with one swish.

And so it was repeated millions of times, and if they often got the necessary swede, they were sent to a special place, like they were broken. The next group of students saw the results of the closure of the particles. The axis behind such a scheme is the synchrophasotron and pratsyuvav.

The role of magnets

It seems that in this majestic machine for speeding up particles, the electric magnets were also strained. People respectfully respect that the stinks were victorious to disperse protons, but it’s not bad. The particles were dispersed for the help of special condensers (farmers), and the magnets were more likely to subdue the protons in the given trajectory. Without them, the last movement of a bunch of elementary particles would be impossible. And the high intensity of electromagnets is explained by the great mass of protons for the high speed of movement.

What problems did you get stuck in?

One of the main problems at the time of the installation of the installation was itself in the dispersal of the particles. Obviously, it was possible to swear at the skin coli, prote when it was accelerated, the mass became more powerful. With swidkostі ruhu, close to shvidkostі svіtla (as it seems, nothing can collapse more swidden for swidkіst svіtla), їhnya masa became majestic, through which it was easy to trim them in a circular orbit. In the course of the school program, we know that the radius of the elements in the magnetic field is wrapped in proportion to their mass, so that the increase in the mass of protons had to increase the radius and vikoristovuvat greater strengths of magnetism. Similar laws of physics strongly limit the possibility of success. Before the speech, they can explain why the viishov synchrophasotron is so majestic. The bigger the tunnel, the bigger the magnet, you can install a strong magnetic field for the consumption of protons directly needed.

Another problem is the waste of energy for an hour. When passing through the stake, the particles change energy (spend її). Later, in Russia, part of the energy is evaporated in dryness, and if there is more liquidity, then spend more. The moment comes early, when the magnitude of the viprominuvano and the possessed energy change, which makes it impossible for the further separation of the particles. Father, blame the great intensities.

It can be said that now it is more accurate to understand that it is a synchrophasotron. But what did you yourself achieve during the first hour of testing?

What follow-ups were carried out?

Obviously, the installation of the robot did not go unnoticed. I want to take into account the serious results, the results of the investigations turned out to be very bad. Zokrema, who learned the power of accelerated deuterons, the interaction of important ions with targets, developed an efficient technology for the utilization of processed uranium-238. I want for great people all these results are not enough to talk about, in the scientific sphere it is easy to overestimate the significance.

Recording results

The results of testing, which are carried out at the synchrophasotron, will be tested today. Zocrema, the stinks of vikoristovuyutsya at the life of power plants, which work on zastosovuyutsya when collapsing space rockets, robotics and folding possession. Insanely, the contribution of science and technical progress to the project is to make it great. Deyakі results zastosovuyt and in the military sphere. And although we didn’t get far enough to discover new elements, it would be possible to use them to create new atomic bombs, nobody really knows what the truth is. As much as possible, it is possible, that the population will receive some results, even if it is safe, that this project was implemented under the heading "Quite secretly".


Now you can see what the synchrophasotron is, and what is the role of the scientific and technological progress of the SRSR. Today similar installations are actively vikoristovuyutsya in rich lands, the axis is only now fully developed options - nuclotrons. The Great Hadron Collider is perhaps the best realization of the idea of ​​the synchrophasotron today. Zastosuvannya tsієї installation allows us to more precisely recognize the microlight for the rahunok zіshtovhuvannya zіshtovhuvannya dvoh protonіv podkіkіv, scho collapse on majestic shvidkosti.

Well, before the ninth camp of the Radyansk synchrophasotron, it will turn out to be converted to short-term electronics. At the same time working at FIAN.

What is a synchrophasotron?

On the back of the troch we bury ourselves in history. Needs an outbuilding ahead of 1938 vinyl. A group of scientist-physicists of the Leningrad FTI turned to Molotov with a statement that the SRSR needed a long-term base for the development of the atomic nucleus. They argued for the fact that the sphere of education plays an even more important role, but at the moment the Radiansky Union is despoiled by western colleagues. Aje in America at that hour already had 5 synchrophasotrons, in the SRSR of the same. It was proponated to complete the life of the already pink cyclotron, the development of which was succumbing through weak finance and the presence of competent personnel.

It was clear that a decision was made about the life of the synchrophasotron, and Veksler was on the top of the project. Life was completed in 1957. What is a synchrophasotron? Just kazhuchi, tse priskoryuvach particles. Vіn zradzhuє parts of the majestic kinetic energy. It is based on a moderately conductive magnetic field and the frequency of the head field, which changes. Take the day allows you to take part in the post-yny orbit. Vykoristovuetsya tsey pristriy vvchennya raznomanіtnyh polnosti parts and yogo vzaєmodії on high energy levels.

The device may have even more intriguing dimensions: it occupies the whole building of the university, and the cost is 36 thousand. tons, and the diameter of the magnetic ring is 60 m. Sufficiently large dimensions for the attachment, the main tasks of which are the inclusion of particles, the dimensions of which are measured in micrometers.

The principle of operation of the synchrophasotron

Already richly learned physicists tried to expand the attachments, which gave the ability to split the particles, giving them great energy. The very top of the problem is the synchrophasotron. How do you work and what is the basis?

The cob of bulo was placed by the cyclotron. Let's look at the principle of yoga diy. They, like prikoryuvatimut, sip on the vacuum, where the dee is found. At the same time, they see a surge of a magnetic field: the stench continues to crumble along the axis, gaining speed. Podolavshi all and drank up to the stepping gap, pochinaєetsya nabir them swidkosti. For greater acceleration, a constant increase in the radius of the arc is required. At this hour, the passage will be steady, without regard for the increase in the weather. Through the growth of the density, the growth of the mass of ions is ensured.

Such a phenomenon causes a loss in the set of swedishness. This is the main shortfall of the cyclotron. In synchrophasotron, the problem is completely solved - for the change in the induction of the magnetic field with the attached mass and the one-hour change in the frequency of recharging particles. That is why the energy of the particles grows beyond the electric field, directly setting the magnitude of the magnetic field.

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