How to pick up a person's food bouquet How to make a person's bouquet with your own hands. Original bouquet of beer and cowbass for a person, pokrokovo - detailed instructions with photo

What to give to a kohan lad? These meals are given to the girls in advance of the New Fate, the 23rd of the fierce, the Day of the Dead, the birthplaces of the knowledge of those other saints. One hour you want to please, and zdivuvati, and give a present to the basket. The ideal version of a gift (or an addition to the main gift) is a natural bouquet. Such a present is easy and simple to make with your own hands, looking at the lad's advances.
"Warehouse" of a natural bouquet can be different. Htos volіє vykoristovuvati m'yasnі іngredієnti, ribu chi croutons, htos - alcohol and fruit. Golovna - understand what people are like. And the relish of that fantasy is to allow the unforgettable to grow.
An unproblematic version of a warehouse natural human bouquet is a whole meat and beer bouquet.

Need to prepare a bouquet

For yoga preparation, you need the following products:
  • - a sprat of smoked sausages and sausages (approximately 5-6 pieces of skin type);
  • - 2 beer bowls 0.33 l;
  • - 2 types of smoked syrah (you can vicorate suluguni);
  • - Vegetables (pepper, teaspoon);
  • - Lime;
  • - Tsibulevі kіltsya.
To decorate a bouquet, you need to add:
  • - Wooden skewers;
  • - adhesive tape (glue);
  • - cardboard;
  • - Decorative obgortkovy papir.

Preparation of a gift bouquet for people

For folding a delicious present, it is necessary to prepare all the necessary ingredients on the table, and then we will start the folding process. The most important element of the bouquet is the chains of pubs.

In order for the stench to be superbly trimmed in the composition, it is necessary to make a cone from cardboard and fix it on the dance with additional adhesive tape and skewers.

The next stage is the preparation of goods. Cossacks and cheese should be divided into parts, commemorate the vegetables or clean them from the bunny husk, and then dress the skin ingredient on a skewer.

After the skewers are fixed after finishing the beer. Don’t take a large quantity of products, because the bouquet will be important and indescribable.

Scarves are one of the most trivial gifts for a person. Prote yakscho with humor to go to the first meal, then you can create an original present from them. Bouquet, creations of zі shkarpetok, dosit practical, maє barvyste oznachennja, and also demonstrating an extraordinary pіdhіd yogo creativ.

Bouquet of scarves for a person: an original gift

You won't believe it, but such a banal and thrifty gift from the building will help you to cope with the damage. Navіt zvichaynі shkarpetki. Kozhen hotch once bestowing їх to his beloved son, tatovі on the 23rd of the fierce, or the day of the people, or just navit. This gift will never be taken, it will be practical, moreover, such gifts are often not picked up. Ale, it’s unlikely that you brought your betrothed a lot of joy. Even if you don’t have enough time for that fantasy, then you can dance in the eyes of a man, father or son, and that zatsіkavlenіst.

Try to make a man's bouquet from scarves. Adzhe in our hour have become popular testka with towels, cakes with diapers. Then why not zastosuvat that same pidkhid and up to the scarpets? Such a gift, crushed with wet hands, will definitely please any person, moreover, wine is entirely old, independent from the vіku. It doesn't matter to prepare such a surprise. For whom it is not necessary to spend great hours, finances of that special kind.

Bouquet of people with their own hands

By itself, the process of choosing gifts is superbly cicavi. It doesn't matter to be ruined in the middle of a rich choice. And right now, in the course of buying a black banal little thing, thoughts about the simplicity of the present appear in my head. We always want to know who the cicave is, the original, who the skin man is. Indeed, such special gifts are essentially impersonal, and you can choose them indefinitely. We would like to return your respect for an original gift, splitting these scarves like an incomparable bouquet for a person. Vіn is more practical and you will always need it. It is possible to create a bouquet for a person from the handkerchiefs, so you welcome all the guests and without a middle person, as you accept a gift.

Bouquet for a person

For people, a sock bouquet will be perfect best present. Danish wardrobe item is known to them often; A similar gift can be given on National Day, the 23rd of the fierce, and brought without a special drive.

Having grown a slick sock bouquet, you can urinate tedious weekdays and add a touch of humor to family life. The most beautiful gift to give on the Day of the Protector of the Homeland, as a rule, women give shkarpets to their husbands on that day.

How to make such a bouquet for 23 fierce?

First I need to choose the color, the most beautiful looking bouquet from the blue "kvitiv". Especially, as your person sees the difference in business style clothes. Also actual white and black colors. Lovers of casual style will be happy with the socks of a bright zabarvlennya; You can easily recreate beautifully beautiful colors with the help of the original design.

What materials do you need for whom?

The main material is panchishno-shkarpetkovy virobi, most importantly sprat pairs. Zrozumіlo, for a gift bouquet, it is necessary to use more new words, and not more words. Concerned, pick up walkers from special likenesses. For children, scarves of a brightly colored streak are suitable. The girls will be “kviti” to the soul white color. For a person, call a handmate, which will bring light and dark colors to your own. Different colors of the building give robots more barvistos.

You will also need the following materials (deeply as I think):

  • Scotch;
  • Knives;
  • Barbecue sticks, skewers, sticks for bags and tubes for cocktails;
  • Paper for packing;
  • Zvichayny chi English hairpins;
  • Strichki;
  • Other accessories, according to your imagination: toys, namistinska, stitches.

perelik necessary materials you can change, our fantasy is boundless. And the gift of the result is unique and original.

The process of making a bunch of scribbles is rather hoarse, it won't require a lot of time and money. For help, cut the knife from the labels. Then let's burn a leather scarf at the tube, the edges of the burning name. Form a tripod bud and fix it with a rubber band. Now it is necessary to insert a skewer into the trojaned skewer, similarly it is carried out with a grid of scribbles.

Now you can proceed directly to decorating the handmate. We are going to close all the tickets in one composition for an additional gum. Then we wrap the bouquet with floral papers: so that the wrapper becomes voluminous, it is necessary to pick it up with a stapler and tie it with a stitch. Voila, a marvelous bouquet for a person is ready, and for a smut, broken wines with a hand.

Tip! You can give a barvy to a bouquet by placing in a new troch of piece leaves, hairpins with beads and dried flowers.

Beautiful buds from the lower white

To create such an elementary bouquet, you need a lot of things: the bottom whiteness itself, and moreover, it’s possible to lie down, scotch chi drіt, barbecue sticks, corrugated papers for decorating the green color.

The construction of trojans from shorts does not look like the creation of an extraordinary bouquet of scarpets for a person at a gift decorated. It is sufficient to follow the instructions and recommendations:

  1. From a corrugated paper, make a fold of a fold, a troch more than 1.5-2 div.
  2. Spin the spiral around the barbecue sticks.
  3. Fold the shorts four times around the skewers and twist the roller tightly, forming a bud.
  4. Fix the bottom of the ticket on the fingers for additional adhesive tape or dart.
  5. Form paper balls around the skin tissue, attach them to the skewer with adhesive tape.

Improvised bouquets of shorts and scarves miraculously look at flowerpots, cats, various flowerpots, and you won’t take away a lot of money at that hour. Sometimes it’s enough to burn them with a pack of colorful paper, fasten a stapler or scotch tape for help, as if to fill it with new farbs. A bouquet for a man with shorts or scarves, gifts for such a composition, does not deprive the desired man of the bait.

Tip! If you add a composition of included scarpets and cribs, then the bouquet will already look like a gentleman's set.

Kvіtkove combination of scarves and shorts

Let's take a look at one more idea of ​​​​an original design of a gift, in which one color unit is needed:

  1. One pair of scarves;
  2. One cowards;
  3. One gum for pennies.

This vibrancy conveys a contrasting color scheme. For example, to dark scarpets, it is necessary to pick up whiteness. For this composition miraculously come wrestlers or family cowards.

First, I need to roll the gumka at the cowards with a roller. Let's lift up the "trousers" and wrap the edge of the gums around the edge, forming a bud.

Let the sashes in the packaging, open and store their lower part of the navsky so, so that the sashes and the sash are small and straight - from them the lower tier of the pellusts of the trojand is operable.

Now with a sock to wrap a shaped slip with shorts in such a rank, so that the scarves and heels marveled uphill. To drink under a flower with a gum, so that you don’t allow me to spread, and spread the pellets.

Tip! One flower looks enchanting, prote yakscho ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї і і і і і і, і th zagornuti pokuvalny papyr, then such a bunch, without a doubt, appreciate yogo future vlasnik.

Bouquet design ideas

A sock bouquet can be decorated in different ways:

You can put into the middle of the skin bud zі shkarpetki round tsukertsі, rolled up in foil.

If the bouquet is made up of black buds, then you can wrap the leather slip with paper paper, then the composition looks superbly erratically, without regard for the black color.

If in the process of decorating a bud from a scarf, wrap it with a contrasting stitch, and then twist it into a cylinder, then the flower will become a baristish.

Also, a similar bouquet can be bestowed on New river, St. Valentine's Day, 9 May and 23 February, for whom the presence of the symbols of the singing saint is enough for the composition. Zirka, heart or snowflakes - the skin detail will have its own meaning.

Tip! If you want to make a bouquet for a child, then you can add yoga with a toy.

Unnatural, ale romantic "dessert"

Bezperechno, floristry on the right side of the cicava, but not less cicava - culinary.

To design a culinary masterpiece, you need a lot of scarves, a narrow adhesive tape, a stitch for embellishing that pin for a leg (you can take a deodorant, shower gel or a splash of alcohol as a substitute). This variant of the gift, obviously, is more vitratny, but the time for yoga preparation is not enough. The cake is robitimemo two-Russian.

Preparation of the lower tier. For this, it is necessary to put a deodorant in the middle of the table, and dovkola viklasti twisted with a roller and scotch tape to fasten the guys' scarves. For the purpose of the design, the lower ball is wrapped with adhesive tape.

The other tier may have a smaller diameter. Shkarpetki for this need to be twisted with rollers okremo, and not in pairs. Otriman construction so itself wrapped with adhesive tape.

The basis of the cake can be seen from the cardboard and it’s possible to add a new one.

Obv'yazuemo cake strіchkami and pack a gift package at prozoria.

Tip! Virazno that original will look on the cake lines of different widths.

Fighting technique with sock-panchokhovy virobiv

We already rose in a pokrokovo way with a bunch of bouquets of different-colored scarves and shorts for a kohan man. Ale krіm kvіtkovoї themes, creativity and humor at the gifts of zі svechaynyh scarpets can be added with a virob at the look of the tank. For the construction of one combat technique, it is necessary to use not only scarves, shorts can also be used on the right.

Tse busy do not take away a lot of financial vitrat that hour. You can also get to the creativity of a child who serves the infusion of new creative ideas into the design of a creative present.

For sporudzhennya tank you need:

  1. Two pairs of scarves;
  2. Four cowards;
  3. Strіchka for floristry;
  4. Shmatok cardboard;
  5. Knives;
  6. The adhesive tape is not wide;
  7. Kulkova handle at the color virobu.

Let's get started. For us, it is necessary to fold the shorts four times vertically and roll them up. Fix yoga with two pieces of silicone gum or scotch tape. Tsyu manipulation problyaєmo other types of lower whiteness.

They gave a small piece of cardboard for help with a knife; remember that the width of the yogo is due to add more or less than the length of the rollers. Smuga cardboard behind a dovzhina, as if to fold, is guilty of recutting the rollers, folding them tightly in a row. On the preparation of cardboard from both sides, it is worn on the nose, having shove the cardboard in such a rank.

Let's sweat with a cardboard box, covered with a pair of scarpets, wrapped around the cylinders with shorts and fixed with a lace wrapping with a floristic stitch. Done, the tractor tracks are done.

Let's move on to the offensive stage - from another pair of scarves, twisted tight rollers, in such a rank I carry military equipment. For additional scotch tape or gumok fixes the cylindrical shape of the veghi. As a muzzle of a tank, we can serve a bag handle, as it is necessary to insert it into the center of the roller, and put this detail in the construction of the shorts. Now it is necessary to tie two parts of the robe with a string.

Tip! The bashtu of the tank, the replacement of the bag handle, you can argue about it yourself human perfume, the neck of which is enough to be wrapped with paper, shaping the trunk of the bashti.

Cosmic spores from scarpets

Scarpets are by no means rich. Otzhe, zastosuvannya їх as a gift, we will never borrow. I guess it doesn’t matter, in what way the stench will be given: if you look at the original combat vehicle with scarves or a creative bouquet, even if for a person there will be a gift for that guy, like he’s beaten the turbota. And the master-class of designing rockets from scarlet panchos will help you to sort out the old orders for decorating gifts.

For folding rockets you need:

  1. 4 betting scarves;
  2. Cocktail tube chi stick for sushi;
  3. Paper Servets;
  4. canvas to cardboard;
  5. Dekilka gumok for pennies;
  6. felt-tip pens;
  7. Scotch;
  8. Knives.

This procedure takes quite a bit of time. Trohi creative fantasies, bazhannya and sitting and voila - hand-crafted rocket is ready:

First, it is necessary to fold the chotiri scarpets double, overlapping them in a straight line with a not more than 3-3.5 cm.

Now turn it over and twist a tight roller, tying it with a rubber band for banknotes.

At the center we see a wooden skewer or a cocktail tube.

Like an improvised tail plumage of a rocket, the heels of the scarpets protrude.

Three shkarpetki need to be flared with heels uphill.

Then we fold them one on top and wrap the skewers over the lower part of the skewer, fixing with an elastic band. We take away the central rib of our future rocket.

A cone looms from the cardboard - to serve us as the upper part of the structure.

Harvesting is the fault of the mother, looking at a segment with a long radius in the region of 10-12 cm, at a point of some 100 °.

The cone is filled with servettes, after which it is applied to the construction of three sashes.

The rest of the scarf is put on the cone and stretched on the spore to the tail plumage of the rocket.

The lower part of the toe rises uphill.

Since we can see the wife from cardboard or colored paper, the length of the head is to cover the construction by volume, and the width of the curve is to be closed. Approximately the size of the visor can be 25x12cm.

For additional adhesive tape, fasten the cardboard on the rocket and burn the edges of the rest of the scribble onto the cardboard.

Decorate the spacecraft with little ones and vital inscriptions on cardboard.

Tip! The rocket can be operated larger and larger in diameter, but for this, it is necessary to use more scarves.

From the most prose and everyday gift, you can create a non-abusive one and give positive emotions, as if giving it an extravagant form.

Dribni cunning

If you need a little help to make it easier for the robot, it is recommended to make a bouquet for a person and scarpets in a box or a cat, which is reminiscent of polystyrene or cotton wool, after which the buds and scarpets are ready to be inserted into it. For writing and volume of the bouquet, it is necessary to insert the flowers by stake. If you show your imagination, then the deputy of trojans can make gladioli. Roblyatsya stench mayzhe so very. Tse will be original spirals, as they are wound on the stem and secured with adhesive tape. It is recommended to work the bouquets with bright colors, do not twist the black scarves. However, if you bought them yourself, try to guess the details, so that you can add more bright farb to the whole composition.

With such a design, a gift, without any sum, is worthy of a prize-winner and you will not happen to hear dissatisfaction with the worm's scabbards. No one dares to create a human being, as if with a hand made such a piercing bouquet. Original gift obov'yazkovo will please that viklichka laughter at the kohanoi people, even if it's so miraculous.

I am like the world of buds from scarpets to wind up beautiful ones for help: the stench will not wither, there is no need for watering and watering, and more headily, the stench is not viable. The stench plays a decorative role so miraculously: if you put them in a vase, then it doesn’t matter to confuse them with a right bouquet. From the buds you can make pictures and panels. And people appreciate the handmate, there are more of them created by the hands of the dear, kohan people.

Have a good time! Today we talk about such an unfamiliar topic, like a gift from beer and ribi. As it seems, floristics, softly seeming, not a flower for more people. Kvіti and roslini - more hoarding for women.

However, if you give an extraordinary bouquet, which is made up of dried ribi, a person will be receptive to hostility. Ninі form a classy human bouquet. At the role of the main warehouse, you can have a variety of dried ribi. For example, lyashch, ram, perch, roach and other. The role of decoration and embellishment to the bouquet can be chips, pistachios, crackers, fragrant greens. There is a lot of creativity here. Let's take a look at different ideas of compositions of beer and ribi.

Gifts from beer ta ribi: get cool ideas

Classic bouquet

The design of a fish bouquet is a new and effective trend. Prote, the blatant algorithm for the design of such bouquets is already simple.

One of the widest types of such bouquets made from dried ribi is already called “classic”, as it has its own similarity to flowers, the stalk of a similar design.

How to create such a composition? For whom it is necessary:

  • Wooden skewers;
  • Zvichayny thin adhesive tape;
  • The vitality of the middle chi of a small rosemary;
  • Zvichaina newspaper, a gift paper with a dull texture, or an obgortkovy paper;
  • Podarunkov strіchka or twine.

Dried fish in the lower part of the tail must be wrapped with tape to a skewer. The raja should be deprived of the crumbs and the skewers of a sprat of centimeters near the place of fixation. It is necessary to tie it up, so that the “card” stood and did not hit on the improvised stalk.

  1. Prepared "quotes" must be folded at once and wrapped with a thread or a thin gum.
  2. Decorate the bouquet with a prepared newspaper or with a gift paper, after which you can tighten it with twine or with a line.

Like a flower, choose such varieties of dried ribeye, like a ram, sabrefish, tile or ribets. The more dried ribok you will vicoristovuvatimete, the more rich and chic the bouquet will be.

Unilateral horizontal bouquet

Another option from the category of "non-divine gifts". Such a bouquet of dried or dried ribey, like a present, looks more voluminous and chic. For yoga preparation, you will need marine inhabitants of various sizes.

At the very middle, it is to blame for roztashovuvatisya, which is logical, the most and most beautiful - you can go for a bream or a bream.

Along the edges of the centrally located ribs, there are smaller sea sacks at their disposal: perch, sabrefish, kir or roach are ideal here. Along the edges, it’s better to choose ribs, as if it’s a long and thin budov, for the rahunok of which there will be a clear contrast with the central rib.

Small ribs need to be placed on the central rib and tied with a gift stitch at the lower part of the tails. So it’s bazhano to decorate everything with a gap, or with a colored plіvka, or with a paper.

Exotic card

This diner design is similar to Svyatkov's yalinka, pineapple, lotus flower. It is easy to make such a gift from dried fish on your own.

To put it simply, it is a vertical bagator_vneva construction from dried ribs of various sizes.

You need to quote:

  • Close to twenty ribs (half a small size, half a medium size);
  • Zvichaynu kharchov plіvka;
  • Double-sided adhesive tape;
  • Mіtsnu thread or thin drіt;
  • Gift papier or other material for work with tickets;
  • I'm going to cut a stitch.

Vickory the fish yourself different types Sob the unusual and appetizing composition came out - everything looked vishukano and appetizing.

We take the upper ball on the back, and then another chotiri.

  1. Take the edge of the sleeve, take a fish in a quantity of 5 pieces, fasten it with an adhesive line for a centimeter sprat in the edge.
  2. Quickly slip a thin thread or pull and tighten to close the upper part of the sleeve. The top of the bud is molded.
  3. The other tier is the rows of medium-sized rosemaries. The head parts of them must be cut approximately at the center of the body of the ribs of the upper tier. The method of fixation is similar - the tail parts are fastened to the base, and the heads are fixed with a thin rod.
  4. The third tier is similar to the one in front, it is possible to suffocate marine life of larger dimensions.
  5. The lowest tier of the structure is made of small fish. Fixing head parts is not necessary.
  6. The unfinished part of the base can be embellished with a paper warehouse (the priority is to put on the holy paper, yaskravy paper).
  7. Fix the end of the sleeve in the central part of the sheet and lift the edges of the package. І axis ready "bud" at paper, svyatkovіy "spidnitsa" from covered bottom. The final stage is to fasten papier with adhesive tape and rewind with a line.

An important moment: all dried fish are rotting with their heads uphill. Such “pellusts” are necessary to creak for the shifted ones, as if they were equal to the one in front, so that the ribi was changed at the shah’s roztashuvannya. Such a gift can be given on the day of the people, on the 23rd of the fierce one.

The most beautiful bouquet

Sob a classic bouquet of flowers, chic and harmonious, when working over it, growths of different species grow, old and forms - dotted dribnі succulence, old grasses, and other hutrova growths. How to form a bouquet of dried fish and repeat the same principle in yoga decoration? For whom it is necessary to win the cream of sea bags and other delicacies.

To make a bouquet of food we need:

  • dried or dried marine life;
  • straw;
  • snacks;
  • peas or salted pistachios at shkaralupi;
  • special tape;
  • thin drill;
  • prozora glossy svyatkov plіvka;
  • wooden skewers;
  • rare flowers;
  • gift-wrapping papyr, as well as a line;
  • stapler.

Dried fish in such a design is roztashovuetsya either as heads or as tails. In the first one, it is necessary to fix a thin drіt in the role of the stems in order with tails, and in the other one, to smear it very deeply and to grow a flower.

A couple of important points:

  1. It is necessary to wrap the dried fish with the holy spit, recognized for the tickets. Fold the fish in such a way that the top can be fixed with a Christmas stitch, or with an additional stapler, and at the bottom, fasten in singing places with threads or with a sticky stitch and shape it like a stem.
  2. Also, the salty peas of a different kind look harmoniously, here choose to your taste.
  3. The most original, almond-based method of blending the image of pistachios is the fixation of skin scallops on skewers from a tree for the help of rare flowers. Analogy of sea buckthorn bush.
  4. І at the rest of the stage, you need to creatively collect everything, light up the gift wrapping.

Other creative options

Possibility of creativity from dried ribeye and a beer dance is truly boundless - you can grow into a cat or decorate a wreath from sea bags.

If you look at the design of a fish bouquet from the position of a florist, then dried rib is the most creative material, like the size of flowers or cones, so you can get stuck in the design of the most funny, most creative packing compositions.

An important point is that constructions made from dried ribi do without water.

Some beer cake, some ribs bouquet, some creative design with marine life and mountains - all this is a miracle idea of ​​a gift for a person. The blame for the urochistas will be in full capture and will know the storm of positive emotions. This creative gift is worth more richly, lower such banal speeches like a box of tsukerok.

The most important thing is to give free rein to your imagination and your creativity, and dare to create a unique gift from beer cans and dried ribi. Also, do not forget to write an original greeting before the gift with beer and fish. Creative success, dear reader! Share the article with friends on the social. chains and up to new zustriches.

With respect, Anastasia Skorєeva

The rest of the hour became more popular bouquets of products. This original and beautiful gift. Such a bouquet can be designed to look like hamanets and different tastes.

Today's mova time about a bouquet of products for a person. Therefore, the warehouse will have cowbass and vegetables. It’s easy to finish a grocery bouquet, and today you’ll change into something. How about?

Do-it-yourself bouquet of products for a person

1. Purchase of goods

For the creation of a bouquet of products, I needed:

  • Packing of small cowbass at the stіvnіy obolontsi – 250 gr. I victorious "Alpine" cowbass for the Ratimir's smear, but let's go and be-yakі іnshі;
  • 8-10 cherry tomatoes;
  • a small jar of olives without tassels, and even less a jar of olives with tassels;
  • one lemon;
  • bread sticks with sesame "Grіssіnі";
  • leafy lettuce/parsley;
  • long wooden skewers;
  • packing kraft paper;
  • wide tape;
  • stitch or twine.

2. Prepare the basis for a natural bouquet

We wash all products. Particular respect is given to lettuce leaves - it is necessary to dry them.

We put on sticks cowbaska, olives, tomatoes in various combinations. On the top of the skewer you can place an olive with a brush, a tomato or a cowboy. Downstairs, I am a small cowbass.

Sob cholovitsky istіvny bouquet looking tsіkavo - I molded the difference for the "dove's topping" sticks. You can see it well in the photo.

I have 11 skewers.

So I cut a lemon into 2 parts and planted yogo on skewers, at once with tomatoes. Ale, you can leave one lemon. Rely on vlasnyy relish.

I, obviously, zukerki. Carefully pass the package and put the zucerco on the skewer.

3. Choose a bouquet of products

The spatula is formed into a sprat of mini-bouquets from 3-4 skewers. Leather mini-bouquet wrapped with adhesive tape. Potіm zbiraemo all buy more.

You can work it the other way: pick up one bunch of 3-4 skewers, and gradually add 1-2 skewers to the new one, wrapping the entire structure with tape.

Looks boring, right? Ale, the most beautiful in front.

4. Decorate a bouquet for a person from products

Let's get to the next one! Until the creation of beauty. Now we need craft paper, leafing lettuce and bread sticks.

If you don't have a craft paper, you can find double-sided packing paper or a great newspaper. And craft paper can be searched at the government stores (de sell dishes) or at the flower salons.

Otzhe. We take our grocery bouquet and wrap it with kraft paper. Fixing with a line.

Now, along the edges of the bouquet, roztashovuєmo leafing lettuce and the bouquet begins to fill up the beauty.

Dodaemo in bread sticks:

All! We have a a bouquet of products, creations with your own hands! It was simple, right?

The bouquet, as a rule, is added to the main present. Vіn pіdvischuє urochistіst moment that zavzhd zam'yatovuєtsya. But choosing a bouquet suitable for a person is not an easy task. Husband half of the people do not tolerate sentimentality, and the axis of the functionality of the bouquet is to be judged and evaluated. Modern masters came up with a lot of options for bouquets of flowers and other brown speeches, which can become an inimitable independent gift. Become a big smile, that sweetheart.

Bouquet for a person with their own hands

It is awkward to make a bouquet for a person with a hand. Until then, you better know for others the relish and pervagi of the gifted. Also choose the best options for scarves, shorts, beer and ribey. When preparing a bouquet for a colleague, a distant relative or a boss, the next step is to give options from zuceroks, live flowers or product compositions.

Choosing the style of decoration and the shape of the bouquet, check the rules:

  • Orientation of the bouquet can be linear, and the shape is twisted. Rounded options are respected by women.
  • Do not varto embellish the bouquet with erysipelas bows, give the priority to red, green, blue. Thematic souvenirs miraculously complement the composition. How to embellish can vikoristuvatisya mini bottles of alcohol, small football balls, toy cars. With such a color, the gift becomes special.

For the potion of alcoholic drinks, you can prepare a mountaineer from buns. The skin is wrapped around in a packing paper and tied up with a string. The mustaches are placed at the weaves of the cat and the mountaineer and fastened for an additional stick. Complement the composition with appetizers, snacks, zukerkas.

As your cholovik lasun, then you will win compositions with tsukerok. Like the base can be a dance, a ship or a car made of cardboard, for decorating zucerok vicory corrugated paper or color foil. The skin of the zukerka is burned and fixed on a skewer with adhesive tape. Tsukerki can be glued with a hot gun to the base. The shape and decor of the bouquet are selected individually.

Bouquet of ribi for people

It will be fun to wag a kohan cholovіk chi brother with a bouquet of dried, smoked and salted fish.

For yoga preparation you need:

  • Taranka of small size, vikoristovuetsya vіd 3 to 20 things.
  • Skewers abo bamboo sticks for rollers.
  • Hot glue gun, adhesive tape.
  • Decorative paper with a newspaper or other print.
  • Awl.
  • String twine for fixing the bouquet.

The skin of the fish for the tail part needs to be attached to the stick. I pierce the dirka with an awl, then we will seep the thread or twine and screw the ribka to the skewer. Such a procedure is robimo z usima rams. Let's sweat the sticks together and twist the base of the bouquet with twine. The mustache of the fish can be well fastened, straightened at the different sides. The tied bouquet is zagortaemo in paprika and embellished with a line.

For the preparation of a horizontal composition, you can vicorate fish of various sizes and lengths. Start forming a bouquet from the largest rams, tie their tails with others. Ribni koshiki will become a holy saint for gourmets.

Bouquet of ribeye and beer for people

If you are lucky or in the company of friends, a cake with cans of beer and a bouquet will be especially good. Cans of beer can be picked up on the mіtsnіy pіdkladtsі or vikoristovuvat for the cake mold.

The unique composition of baryl beer and ribi can be vikonatized in the form of a bouquet. Small bags of peas, crackers, dried squids are glued to the top of the barrel with a glue gun. It is necessary to subdivide them step by step, so that the composition will be harmonious. Dried or smoked fish is decorated with cellophane and stitched with lines. Then the fish are glued to bamboo sticks on hot glue or tied with twine. Ribs are attached to the bottom of the barrel, starting from the largest ones.

Like a bouquet in the middle of a special frame bouquet with sisal or place it in a weaving cat. Such a present is suitable for a kohan man, so a colleague.

Bouquet of scarves for a person

There are absolutely no one to need shkarpetki, but it is not accepted to give them without registration. Natomіst bouquet of zі shkarpetok, zgornutykh triplets looking stylishly that svyatkovo. Golovna - choose the required rosemary and color.

To prepare a bouquet, you need 5 to 15 pairs of scarves, decorative papier, knives and a stapler, stationery gums, teip-strip, stitches, bamboo sticks, piece greenery.

Dressed up weide a gift of sashkarpets of a rich color. The selection of the bouquet is taken in the following order:

  1. Three of the pairs are labeled. Let's sweat the skin a couple of necessary burn with a flower. Shkarpetki to wash the heel down.
  2. Then we start twisting the roll like a gum, insert a stick in the middle. Fix the twisting roll with a stationery gum, tie a satin or paper line over it. To straighten the balls of the quotation for the removal of the garnet of the quotation. Insert a bead in the middle.
  3. The stick is embellished with a floristic teip-stitch of green or brown color.
  4. After that, as soon as the quotes are ready, they are taken from the bouquet. Sticks can be roztashovuvatisya on one line or on the other.
  5. The finished bouquet is decorated with paper or net, the base is tied with a line. The additional color can be pieced greens, flowers, panicles, namistini.

Meat bouquet for a person

A right person should never look at the meat, and such a composition is definitely suitable for him. For the basis of a vicorist box, or weaving a cat. M'yasnі delіkіkеsії mаyut znachnu vаgu, thаt basis mає bіykoy.

The warehouse of meat compositions-bouquets may include:

  • pork ta yalovichina in smoked, baked, boiled vigladi,
  • myslivskie cowbaski,
  • serverat, smoked cowbass,
  • smoked or dried poultry breasts,
  • decor: peppers, olives, cherry tomatoes, buns, lettuce leaves, green cibula, crisp and parsley.

In order for the composition to save freshness, pack a slab from the window, take it from the refrigerator.

At home minds, you can prepare a mixed composition with small balls of alcohol and triplets of baked bacon. For the preparation of vicory trojans, thinly twisted layers of bacon and wooden skewers are used. Twisted bacon is baked in cupcake forms, pricked on sticks and given the shape of a flower.

Bouquet of cowbass for a person

Kovbasnі bouquets will become the color of any table. For their preparation, all kinds of cowbass are made in the whole look and cut. Embellish the combinations with sirimi vegetables, syrups, greens.

It is necessary to live in a gift in a short term, the shards of the narrated cowbass shvidko spend a pleasant look.

Bouquet of flowers for a person

Yakshcho vyddaєte perevaga traditional gifts or else the vipadok vimagi itself of a flower bouquet, then you can compose a composition in a strict human style.

For bouquets of vicorist, such tickets are:

  • Irisi will demonstrate your trust, reinforce the importance of people in your life. A universal ticket for any kind of mood.
  • Carnations symbolize success, will, loyalty. Such a bouquet is suitable for conservatives, like it was for people at the vіtsі.
  • Callie pіdіdut for a harsh bouquet, a serious drive. The stench symbolizes the honor of that gentry.

  • Yaskra gerberas are suitable for optimists and introverts. The stench of creating a positive mood is obov'yazkovo forgotten.
  • Bamboo stalks are appreciated by creative young people, like a career growth, well-being. Stinks bring good luck, prosperity.
  • Anthuriums give in to charismatic people. The flower clearly symbolizes masculinity, success and originality.
  • Red tulips and trojans are going to be gifts for loved ones.

For decoration, choose just a few dark colors, add a minimum of decor.

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