Do-it-yourself bills with corrugations. Quotes from corrugated paper: schemes, templates and master-classes from the creation of crepe papers (100 photos). Iris with your own hands

Kvіti, zroblenі z corrugated paper - tse miraculous gift and miraculous embellishment for various items: photo frames, clothes, anniversary. Vase with such flowers to embellish your Svyatkovy style and miraculously fit into your interior. From the article you know how to make a corrugated paper with your own hands.

Ready materials

For work, take the following materials:

  • Corrugated paper;
  • Sticks for preparing stems;
  • Threads;
  • Knives;
  • PVA glue;
  • Type-strіchka

Varieties of corrugated paper

On the market there are a few variants of corrugated paper, which are one of the same type and colors.

Corrugated papers (width 31-51 gr) - are mainly used when packing gifts. For collapsible creative projects, it doesn’t break, the shards through the low gap in the glue will break easily.

Floristic paper (width 121-181 gr) - to be ordered for creative robots. The very papyr pidide tim, who zamislyuetsya, why and how best to make corrugated kvity.

Folds on floral paper are divided into three types:

  • E-flute (height up to 1.6 mm) - pidide when mixing small colors.
  • V-flute (height up to 3.2 mm) - pіdіyde for making great colors from corrugated paper.
  • A-flute (height up to 4.8 mm) - zastosovuetsya for packaging.

The main principles of preparing stems and chicks for tickets from corrugated paper.


The basis of the stem is a tube made of paper or a tree, or a special drіt for floristry. The base is decorated either with a piece of floral paper, or with a special type-line. From the paper of the required color, it is necessary to see the leaves and attach them to the stem you created for the help of PVA glue, helping to create the place of the day is not remembered.


For floristic robots, they are scribbled on the wisps of a different color and wrapped with paper of the required color - this is the way to prepare a majestic card from a corrugated paper, which in nature has great tychinki (for example, a lily).

If you need a small middle of a flower with a faceless fluffy chicks, then you need to take a small piece of paper and from one penny to make a faceless partial tear and wave the “shield” that came out. Then the incised papers are twisted strongly, so that the chicks appear on the hills, and creak to the base of the flower.

How to develop techniques for making tickets from corrugated paper?

Quotes on a flat basis

With your own hands, it is easy to cut a corrugated voucher on the basis of cardboard. Tsі kvіti pіdіdut to embellish gifts and be-yakikh іnshih flat surfaces - photo frames, wall year, furniture.

On virizane cardboard with a stake of the same diameter, as you want to make your ticket future, stick on the back prepared from a corrugated paper a pellet - a spear, along a stake, of the largest diameter, closer to the middle of the stake - a smaller one (the transition from large pelustok to small ones is smooth).

The middle of such a ticket can be issued in a different way. If you want your card to look as realistic as possible, then decorate the middle of the varto with tychinki from corrugated paper. If the flower can look more decorative, then you can stick rhinestones in the middle, or gudziki.

Kviti by twisting method

On the sewing machine, you are guilty of laying a sprig of zazdalegіd zagotovleny smug paper one or dekіlkoh kolorіv. It is necessary to work as soon as possible, the shards of which, if one does not give in, to break yoga, without damaging the paper. After that, the workpiece is fastened to the surface or wound on a shear in a spiral.

Quiet z okremih pelyustok

Back to back with a template, pellusts are seen from the paper, the templates you need can be found on the Internet, or you can work independently, vikoristovuyuchi as an example of the right pellusts of live quotes. The folding of the pellusts is used for additional glue, the core is prepared in the center of the ticket.

You can sink pellusts with paper for additional farb or paint streaks - to add color to a more realistic look.

In the photo, the embroidered kviti, embroidered in such a rank, are already similar to living kviti.

Photo of do-it-yourself corrugated tickets

It’s not easy to finish a piece of corrugated paper with your own hands, but it’s like keruvatisya master classes, like mastrins share one by one, you can run wildly out of tasks.

Let us look at you with an original look of handicraft, tell about the subtle choice of ideal materials and share ideas of how to create a room from corrugated paper and how to include them in the interior.

Yaskraviy bouquet from corrugated paper - a miracle embellishment of the interior

What is the way of corrugating papiers and how are they victorious at decorating?

If the most famous papyrus appeared richly to mark that, then the sister of the richly young is corrugated. Vaughn widened in the other half XIX century in England. Todi from thin, soft and receiving on a dotik paper in a friable fold robbed linings for capelyukhiv.

Year by year, this material was used for inter-shifting and becoming in demand among handicrafts, so they were engaged in applied art and decorating. On this day of fastening and embossing of papiers, it is wonderfully suitable for childish creativity, victorious for practical lessons, suitable for embellishing the apparel and creating the creation of carnival costumes.

Do-it-yourself tickets from corrugated paper for pochatkivtsiv: ideas for squeezing

In the rest of the hour, becoming especially popular, such a direct decorating became such a direct decoration, like making a letter from a corrugated paper. The colors of the original vicarious varieties are used as for the tract entrances, as well as for embellishing the living quarters. Can I know what kind of stasis in the interior?

Even more popular are tickets from corrugated paper for decorating the hall for the first hour of fun, corporate parties, national days and other occasions. From them they prepare arches for wedding ceremonies, vicorist for an hour of photo shoots, turn on the garland. Until the speech, in the rest of the hour, they have been named a lot, and my friend is moving in the bouquets of natural flowers, showing the victory of paper.

Please! With the lower white buds, you can embellish the place, where we pass the holy day of chrestin.

Corrugated papiers are also known to be used in decorated interiors of showrooms, exhibition centers, beauty salons, and hand-made stores.

Nicely prepared from the paper, the tickets look familiar as a reference

Living quarters can also be decorated with original piece paper quotes. Axis of a spear of appliqués їх vikoristannya in the interior:

  • The simplest solution is to plant them as a replacement for natural roses in potters, vases and flowerpots. The main plus of such an alternative is that the paper flora (on the vіdmіnu vіd nativаlї) is more pleasing to the eye, even more unknown to you.
  • Also, from a corrugated or reinforced paper, you can create with your own hands a stylish and namingly lower embellishment - a topiary from a trojan.
  • Make a large circle of letters and hang them on the piercing thin hair under the stele - such an embellishment can be used more than tenderness and thinness. Kulya z kvіtіv іz corrugated paper to make the interior shaky, before then such a decor will not be taken.

Dribni paper paper vouchers on stilettos

  • Decorate a yalinka with flowers? And why b i n i! To create small flowers and buds from buds and embellish them with a new beauty. Here before the river there will be small trojandochki from corrugated paper, as if they had blossomed on the needles of evergreen beauty.
  • The child of the room is covered with all the colors of the oars, to attach small corrugated blouses to the walls.
  • You can decorate the tablecloth, table servets and chokhli on the table with piece paper buds. This style has the best solution - massive quilts from corrugated paper, which will elegantly put on style.

Idea! The original idea for the decor of the veil decoration is the use of curtains for curtains made of simple colors from corrugated paper. As a base, you can twist a custom-made magnet with a stitch, or with a bundle, on top of which your hand-made decor is fastened.

  • Before the Rizdvo entrance doors can be embellished with traditional wine made from yalina or pine trees, generously supplementing it with flowers from corrugated paper.
  • Above the young ones in the bedroom, you can hang a larger paper heart, prepared from erysipelas buds.
  • І, nareshti, the most daring interior-decorative croque - tse vikoristannya in the room of great colors from corrugated paper (in the age of people and more). The stench can stand back to the wall, or to establish a healthy forest, step by step spreading over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe place. Do-it-yourself crushing of autumn leaves from corrugated paper at the hypertrophied vikonan can miraculously embellish the great hall for a thematic urological cleanliness.

Like a bachite, like putting yourself for the meta and including bouquets of letters from corrugated paper in the interior, you can make it really original and unique.

More than that, such a cicada that hoarsely busy singsongly falls to the relish of children. Varto try out the quilts from corrugated paper with your own hands, while choosing the simplest options for children. The stench will definitely be at the capture of such grandiose apartments at their age and among other trojans. When choosing a master class, it is necessary to focus on those that folding manipulations cannot yet tighten for children, and the axis of a simple ticket for a kshtalt tulip with your own hands from a corrugated paper stench is able to work as a whole.

How and de vibrati corrugated paper?

When buying this material, it is necessary to insure the sprat of the main ones. Corrugated paper is soft, plastic, good shape, does not tear, does not shed due to contact with glue, and is much more difficult.

You can come at specialized outlets, as they are engaged in the sale of materials for needlework, at art stores, as well as on the Internet. What do you care the finest yakistyu You can boast of corrugated papiers from Italy.

Vchimosya maistruvati kviti z corrugated paper for pochatkіvtsіv

The simplest buds can be made at once from children. So stink pidіdut for the quiet, who else only start to master the azi tsієї maisternosti. You need:

  • corrugated papers (for this type of colors, you can vicorize like one color sheet, so a dekilka);
  • hospitality and thin knives (manicure);
  • toothpick;
  • glue;
  • cardboard mug.

  • It is necessary for us to swipe 12 gurtkiv from paper.

Please! Better vikoristovuvat template z cardboard, coin, or be-yaky іnshy flat round object.

  • Dali z otrimanih blanks mastrujemo pelyustki: for which one edge you need to troch gostritis, gluing yogo.
  • To a small round shmatka, we fix the cardboard on a stake, add ready-made pellets: on the back, we glue the outer edge with five patches, then glue it in the middle and the rest three - at the center.
  • The last touch is the preparation of the core. For whom it is necessary to cut a piece of corrugated paper with a width of about 3 cm and fold її vzdovzh. Let's sweat through equal gaps so that a small fringe is hidden, so that it needs to be lightly fluffed. Light up the fringed fiancé around the toothpicks in a spiral so that the fluffy middle of the flower comes out, fasten it with glue and attach it to the pellets. Ready! Such suits from a thin corrugated paper will become a good color for any interior.

Daisies from corrugated paper

The preparation of chamomile is not foldable. Everything you need for whom:

  1. The corrugated paper was green.
  2. Yarn yellow color - wool chi pivshorst.
  3. Sewing threads are yellow.
  4. Drit.
  5. Paper clip.
  6. Knives.

For the cob, it is necessary to work out the middle of the flower. For the first two fingers, winding the yarn will be enough for 15-20 turns. Take it from your fingers and rewind it with a thread, tie it. Let's cut it with scissors so that we see a sparse pompom.

Plant the core on the drіt і, hovering over the base, wrap it with corrugated green colored corrugated paper. Wind up to the end - the whole stalk of the future chamomile.

Preparing the pellets:

  • Virіzati pryamokutnik rozmirom 14 x 4 div.
  • Fold the doubles and fasten them on the mist with zigzags.
  • Narizati one side, zaglyuyuchisya 3.8 div. Vіdstan between nadrіzami - 0.8 div.
  • Give the shape to the pellets - there can be rounded trochs.

The sepals have been left to grow. For this kind of green corrugated paper, a rectangle with a size of 1 x 4 cm.

Chrysanthemums from corrugated paper

To create these colors in autumn, you need:

  1. Corrugated paper. The color should be deposited in the same way that you create the chrysanthemum itself.
  2. Green and yellow corrugated paper.
  3. Drit.
  4. Knives.
  5. Glue gun.

Sequence of creation:

  • From a yellow paper, a bunch of tichins is robbed. For whom it will be necessary to cover with rosemaries 7 x 13 cm. Dali over the entire area of ​​the workpiece to make nadrizi. After that, wind the workpiece on the drill and fix it with glue.
  • Pelyustki are created from the paper of the necessary color. For whom, we take a husband with a size of 20-30 cm and a width of 5-7 cm, and along the entire length of the robe, we cut it, not reaching the edge of 1 cm. Now it is necessary to give preparations of realism - for which skin neck it is necessary to twist between your fingers. So zrobiti z usima cut with sheets.
  • I got tired of winding them on ticinki. At the same time, the rest are to be blamed, but the trochs are lower than the pellets. Fix the skin with glue.
  • Wrap the drill with green paper.
  • Zrobite pelyustki and fix them on darts.
  • It only took a little to open a ticket - and it's ready.

For this scheme, like chrysanthemums, you can create carnations with your own hands from corrugated paper. Only at the stage of drawing the petals of the flower, it is necessary to work not with thin and trident cloves, so like a carnation bud.

Bud of trojandi from corrugated paper

It’s not surprising, but a bud of trojans at this technology is growing, maybe, the simplest. For whom you need dry, red and green paper, glue. For the cob, it is necessary to make a straight cut 6x7 cm, with which it is important, so that the harvesting is not skewed.

Now it is necessary to round off the upper part along the kutah and rob the gostra top in the center. For the dart, it is necessary to work out a workpiece for the bud - for that rounding around the finger with a small margin for fixing it on the axis, fix it.

In the middle of the paper blank, place a ring of dart, put a piece of cotton wool in the middle. Now, with the right half (upper part), light up that cotton wool, with which the papers need to be stretched. Now such a death itself, but from the other side. The lower part of the future bud should be twisted with a long dart.

Lost leaflets. For whom you need a straight cut made of green paper 6x9 cm. I’ll prepare burn the bud, fix it. For greater realism, twist the edges around the jug with your fingers.

Iris with your own hands

It is also possible to work with your own hands from corrugated paper and iris, but if you do not start from the lightest ones, you can proceed to the new warto, wishing to get the minimum amount of work with the material.

For robots you need:

  1. Corrugated paper in blue or violet color.
  2. Arkush of a special paper, cardboard can be used.
  3. Drіt - thin and thick.
  4. Glue gun.
  5. V'yazalna is fluffy thread of yellow color.
  6. Knives.
  7. Type-strіchka or green corrugated paper is cut with smugs.

We need to prepare templates for leaflets and tickets. The stench will be the mother of 3 tips:

  • Zagostreny, like a cherry (wine is the least).
  • The middle one is mottled.
  • The largest is rounded.

Gave for harvesting, you need to pick up three pellets of skin rosemary. If you want to expand them, it is necessary so that the maximum stretching can be achieved from the side contours. Ready-made pellets need to be carefully stretched along the edge.

In order to be able to give the necessary shape, glue a thin dart to the skin pad, and leave a small tail for the base.

Creation of yellow garmat on the largest sheet:

  1. Finely thread the thread.
  2. Lubricate with glue the dish from the base of the pellet to the middle. The wife is guilty.
  3. From above attach її harmata.

I missed picking up a ticket. For whom it is necessary for us to arrange among ourselves the most pelusts, then the middle ones in the clearing between them, and then the largest ones. Twist the edges of the dart between yourself and wrap it with a green type-string. Decorate with green paper.

Do-it-yourself spring tickets from corrugated paper

Spring is the whole period, if everything is open, you can create a whole season at your donkey, making a bouquet of spring flowers. Here you can include tulips, and small twines from corrugated paper, crushed with your own hands, and a lot of others, as if only to guess.

Their preparation scheme is similar to that, which is presented more, and everything that is necessary - it is respectful to look at the originals. Aje corrugated paper is such a pliable material, which shows the most intriguing experiments.

Kviti z tsukerok and corrugated paper: savory and beautiful gift

On the cob of spring, you so want to please yourself with garnished splashes. But do you know that the stench was brought down to the Red Book? And it’s better to replace living primroses with piece ones - for example, make a bouquet with your own hands from corrugated stripes and zukerkas.

Yaskravy gift, which is remembered - a bouquet of paper notes with zuckeras in the middle

For whom we need this:

  • chocolate zukerki, covered with foil;
  • white corrugated paper;
  • green corrugated papers;
  • long toothpicks;
  • thin sharp knives;
  • glue (pіdіyde "Moment" or "Second");
  • cat for tickets;
  • shmatok pіnoplastu, scho for rozmіrom zbіgaєtsya from the bottom of the cat;
  • green mesh, chiffon and organza;
  • piece grass.

  • For a leather ticket, you need a chotiri of a smug (4 x 16 cm) of a white corrugated paper. The skin coat twists at the center and folds in two.
  • In the center of the zuckerka, you need to build in a toothpick and glue the double-witted pimples to it. Then the stem is processed: a toothpick below the zander and a pellet is wrapped in a spiral with a woman of green corrugated paper and fixed with glue.
  • Let's get the leaves ready. For this green mesh, chiffon or organzi is perfect for a square (15 x 15 cm) and slightly rounded yogo kuti. Dali gently pierce the center of the square with scissors and insert it into the opening of the stem. May the fabric be at the required height and for the help of glue form a small amount of fluff, as it acts as a virgin leaf.
  • Styrofoam is placed on the bottom of the cat and installed on a new bed. I am ready to decorate the composition with piece grass. Beautiful, original, that tasty embellishment is ready!


Quite from the corrugated paper of the building, it’s not enough to embellish the interior, and help turn your talent into handicraft!

Decorations in the floral style are now even more popular and widely expanded. So, the effective growth of the buildings of the building impress with its beauty and embellish the interior as wonderful additions for a thematic photo session. Such cicadas and jaskra virobi can be made with your own hands with minimal stains.


So tsіkavy and privablі іnstalyatsії, like rostovі kvіti look even more shabby and rich. Having named these virobivs to speak for itself - the stench rises with great heights. Together with the stalk of the Rostov flower, it can reach 150-250 cm. In such a time, it seems, no man or woman is really small, even if they have a great flower.

The volumes of buds of growth colors look miraculously like daytime, so evening illumination. For the same reason, with similar decorations, thematic photo shoots are often held from the motherland. Even more often, the growth of apartments is located at the seen photo zones. Beautiful great tickets on the lower and lower positions are relevant in such situations:

  • how to go about embellishing the hall, de vodbuvaetsya fun;
  • yakscho to be carried out as a child is holy, graduation, corporate visit, but the great city is holy;
  • ancient Rostov-on-Don tickets and fashion shows, conferences, presentations (for example, a presentation of new perfumes);
  • often stylized colors are embellished with various displays;
  • concerts of vocal and dance groups are also often accompanied by such decorations.

The majestic flower compositions are by no means overwhelmed by the pose of respect. The stench can be vikonanі in any color palettes. Wealthy people are lucky that such an extraordinary installation is more expensive and foldable. Really, it's not like that. Rostov kviti can be prepared with your own hands.

On tse not pіde even a rich hour that koshtіv, there is nothing to be afraid of.

From an inexpensive corrugated paper you can create different variations of flower compositions. For example, let’s go for more beautiful buds of trojans, pivony, tulips or twins - impersonal options. If everything is done correctly and step by step, then as a result you can take a great decoration, like familiar signs nothing can be considered as a reference voucher for the wine of its dimensions.

There are a lot of options, how to prepare a rozkishnu Rostov card from corrugated paper. Leather s tekhnіk transferring sing materials and methods of work.

Necessary materials and tools

To prepare beautiful and yakіsnі Rostovі kvіti, it's important to stock up on everything necessary materials and tools. Robiti such installations are necessary from the same materials, which look aesthetically pleasing. Papir is guilty of buti clean and mother privablive zabarvlennya. It is necessary to prepare such warehouses, so that you can prepare with your own hands a Rostov card, no matter how:

  • it is necessary to buy yakіsny corrugated papers, the width of which becomes 180; bazhano pridbati nabir іz 5 colors: yellow, red, coral, red, burgundy;
  • need sharp knives;
  • about three plastic buns with a volume of 1.5 liters;
  • more sprat of plastic balls with a volume of 0.5 l;
  • prepare a gostry clerical nizh;
  • need to know ahead of time to prepare pipes for metal plastics with a diameter of 16 mm;
  • a special gun for glue will be independent - you will be more efficient and cleaner with it;
  • you will need scotch tape, dry that line.

Mayuchi all components, you can proceed to the direct preparation of the original growth card. It is also important to choose more than the usual materials and tools.

Just for reaching the goal, you should be able to see good results in the conduct of training work.

meister classy

As it was guessed more, Rostov vouchers can be made with your own hands without reshkod. For the preparation of such an installation, as a rule, it takes not a lot of free time. The whole work will be easy and problem-free, as it is clearly followed cover instructions and children, not hurrying (hurry at the hands of the handmaids, we’ll often take them). Let's take a look at the details of the sprigs of especially the classic master-classes from the creation of similar flower decorations.

Even more beautifully and soundly look like Rostov Trojans with lower curled edges. It's easy to stink. The buds in such an installation can be evocative and voluminous. For whom it is necessary to wind up a lot of versions of corrugated paper. To stitch out a sheet of this material, decorative stitches and dart.

And now it’s sorted out in a pokrokovo way, as if we were working on such a decoration.

  1. With the first crochet, it is necessary to accurately visualize the smuga with a size of 5 by 50 cm. For this, twist a small flagellum on top of the slide.
  2. Having made a small stretch along the dovzhin, it is necessary to take the upper cut of the right-handed cut. Yogo needs to be dbaily driven right in the middle.
  3. Trimming the lower part of the knitted knitwear with the thumb of the right hand, it is necessary to wind the edge of the animal on the pointed finger. The result has its own influx.
  4. The final curl will need to be fixed with the left hand. With whom right hand you need to straighten the loop that has appeared.
  5. Nadali need to work for this very principle. It is necessary to carefully rearrange the fingers, step by step moving to the stepping lanka. The elements light up in the same way. It is necessary to work such spins along all the lines.

As a result, you can have a long-term marriage with playful, charming curls. Everything that you will need to work out further - just twist this material into a food bud. At the base of yoga, you should close the good, vicarious thread. With drotu and special floristic tasmi it will be possible to easily and quickly grow neat and add a stalk of great height. Having fixed the core of the yoga, having sorted out all the pelyusts well, you will be able to take even more harn and good Rostov trojand.

But not only trojans can be made from corrugated paper. From this material, just chic puffs come out. The stench shy trohi іnakshe. When prepared, the bagan should be trimmed under the hand of the instruction, especially as you are busy with such a right hand. At the same time, you will need to prepare the following components:

  • different colors corrugated;
  • newspaper for papa'e-mache;
  • handy glue gun;
  • threads with a bare;
  • I will try the bag.

If you knew all the necessary warehouses for sale and prepared them for work, then you can proceed to the preparation of great pivony.

  • It is necessary to inflate the hip, I will buy and try the bag. On top of the new one, you need to stick newspaper scribbles, step by step, the balls are all smaller. The basis of the obov'yazkovo can be finished with a thin one. Dali, I’ll prepare it as necessary, I’ll put it down, so that it was prepared and hung. On tse sing streaked close to finish. If you can blow it up, you can blow it up.
  • Dali, you need to be very careful, do not hasten to divide the sphere, which you have seen, from newspapers into two halves.
  • Then we will see the frequents, you will need to eat. The edge needs to be stitched with threads.

In order to achieve the best result, it is recommended to finish the edges with an adhesive warehouse.

  • Dalі, you can proceed to the preparation of the pellets of the ticket. The stench can mothers of different forms and rozmіri. Pratsyuvati z tsimi elements richly simpler and easier, yakscho vykoristovuvat zazdalegіd pіdgotovirovanі templates. Do not fill up, be sure to cut a lot of such blanks - at least 10 pieces of a skin look. Obviously, you can work more, but definitely not less.
  • Now it is necessary to stretch the skin from the pellets, then we will swallow at the small tube. The base will need to be carefully removed, so that the details can be more easily glued onto the newspaper base.
  • Let's slowly start gluing in the preparation of warehouses. Bazhan to start working on the center, fixing more details.
  • You can fill in a small amount of space between rows of twisted corrugated paper. In this rank, you will need to fill in the entire form. Bіchnі dіlyanki p'єdestalu next to issue the same paper. The largest pelyusts should be wickered for a splendid veneer.
  • The result is even more beautiful and good-quality pivoniya, which can be victorious like a Christmas head harvest, or supplement it with a self-contained stalk from a dart, thus creating an effective decoration for any kind of sunset.

You can make even more beautiful that writing flower composition on the wall. In this way, you can create a whole photo zone, on aphids you can make wonderful signs, if you want to have a photo shoot. The buds themselves for such a composition can be developed according to the same principle as described above. And the axis is permanently fixed in to this particular type robiti zovsіm neobov'yazkovo, that scho with an hour of buds will inevitably begin to fall down with a saw, otherwise you can vipadkovo їх відірвати.

It is possible to vicorate for krilka solution.

  • Double sided tape. At the stores, you can use special lines to glue, otherwise it is already prepared for such elements of the stake. For fixing the composition on the wall, it is unlikely that the shards in the double-sided adhesive tape will be covered with commemorative negligible traces. Obviously, in the role of the basis, you can stagnate plastic bowl, good come to the wall.
  • Gachki. At specialized stores, you can find ready-made fastenings on Velcro, but you can also make darts on fastenings and on sprouts, vicorist and hot glue.
  • Velcro. At most vipadkiv, standard sewing Velcro is used, which is attached to the base for the help of a wake-up gun. At the same time, the ticket is sealed with hot glue.

You can buy special Velcro on a special adhesive base, but for the reliability of them, everything is one bagged additionally.

Great Rostov kviti can be robbed and finished in a simple way, which does not convey the streaks of pellust and leaves, vicorist stencils. You can just have enough paper kil in a pretty style. The stench can have a different diameter. On the edges of the trail diverge in a zigzag for an additional knife. Harvested need to be neatly laid out in piles - from great details to small ones.

The leather from the balls will need to be well smeared with glue. They are further attached to the back of the harvested stem. Such decorations can be embroidered in whatever color you like, whatever your creator may be.

Important! The flowers of the cicada are simple in the prepared installations, especially effectively look in the minds of the open spaces of the spring bays or on the childish saints. But you can’t overdo it with such a “piece greenhouse”, otherwise the blatant look of the situation can be stupid and oversaturated.

With a similar set of materials and tools, it is possible to create an even larger paper with different colors of corrugated paper. For the middle in this master class, there will be a red color material, and all other details of the bud will be cream. Behind the template, you will need to carefully cut the pellets. The form can be chosen individually, spiraling on the vlasnі likeness. For example, maybe a neat oval with a sizable lower part.

The sizes of the pellets can be different, but more often they work at the borders of 1.5 to 14 cm. In order to show the right size for their size of the flower, it will be necessary to prepare a rich amount of blanks - not less than 10 pieces of skin size. Small pelyusts followed the twins. It is necessary to start the work itself from them - it is necessary to apply a hot adhesive coating, and then fold them and give them the necessary look. The children were given a need to be in a similar direct way, adding to the obligation.

The leather front part can be ruffled in the middle of the new one. Large leaves are slid roztashovuvat in pairs. The final touch to become beautiful green virizki. As soon as you see it until the end of the dry, it will be necessary to neatly straighten the ticket. The leather from the leaves is necessary to retract, but only okremo. Compositions will need to be given the necessary form.

There is only a small part of the fine master-classes from the creation of effective growth colors. Really, with your own hands, you can create a lot of beautiful flower compositions of majestic roses. Tse can be not only single quotes, but a chic bouquet of food bushes. There is no obmezhenie and in varieties of flowers that are being prepared. You can independently grow tulips, carnations, culbabs, poppies, chrysanthemums, chamomiles, lilies - the list can be continued endlessly.

Golovnya, carefully and step by step, as well as victorious materials. The same result will definitely please you.

Efficient flower installations from corrugated paper do not only silence the eye of the invisible with a sultry look, ale th vymagayut correct sight. Understandably, it is not necessary to water and replant, even if the stench is piecemeal, prote varto competently clean them from the zabrudnen.

It is necessary to carry out some procedures.

  • Next, clean the large buds with a special brush for picking up a saw. It can be equipped with a short silicone bristle. Zustrichayutsya and sruchnі brushes, in some place plastic or silicone villi є pіr'їni.
  • And also it is possible to vicorate hair dryers for purification of gigantic colors. You can easily and easily see from the flower installation that you drank all the time, which you hid yourself. Moreover, you can easily see from the importantly accessible places of sawn storage without any problems when using a hair dryer.
  • Another practical and effective tool for cleaning growth colors is a can of compressed air. Such a tool can be found in a store where stationery is sold. This canister can be mercifully vikoristovuva, as it is necessary to see the saws, which is between the buttons on the keyboard. The result will be the same, as if after using a hair dryer, but it will cost more.
  • Do not forget about the cleaning of the structure with a watery ganchirochka. Ale wet through it is not guilty of buti, otherwise you can damage the installation.

It is especially important to wipe the base and stems of the flowers with a soft gray ganchirochka.

Varto take the sprat to the respect of the spetsialists.

  • Vow, that not all Rostov-on-Don people have been able to work hard to finish the corrugated paper. There are such fluctuations, if the petals in the floral composition are supple and bend freely. For such constructions, it is necessary to vicorate only a thin papier. On the materials you need, you can have a mark - fine crepe.
  • It doesn't matter what you want to embellish with such spectacular colors great roses– banquet hall, conference hall near the upper apartment. In all vipadkah there is a memory of the dominance of peace. In another situation, the situation may appear not beautiful, but stupid and over-cheap.
  • Wall compositions are not recommended to be fixed on the wall in a booth. Installation can give you a hint. It is better to turn to Timchas's krіplen, described more. In this way, you will embellish the situation, and be it as it is, you will be able to clean up the original decorations, without having to put in the wrong materials.
  • Such effective vouchers from corrugated paper can be made not less majestic and tall, but miniature, similar to natural growth. More than that, from corrugated flower bouquets, you can make a wonderful present for a sacred gift. At the core of the buds, you can add different chocolate zucchini, forming a “savory” chocolate bouquet.
  • For cutting pellets or leaflets, it is recommended to prepare stencils and templates. With similar warehouse preparations, it is worth saying goodbye - there will be no details that are sharply disturbed by other elements.
  • As you embellish the situation with tall flowers, not to mention those that there is no place for natural flower compositions and bouquets. More than that, with natural warehouses, a wild look will be more harmonious and we will add it.
  • The stem can be made from different materials. It is permissible to let out not only trumpets, but also slotted cardboard tubes, as they sound like a skein of foil or grub. The truth is, the best option is a plastic pipe, the shards can be easily planted on a rack, crushed from a cold shear.
  • A bad decision is a stem, crushed from a dart carcass. You can not be afraid of such a foundation; It's just that the frame needs to be put into a plastic bottle, filled with cement. The replacement of a plastic cup, it is permissible to vikoristovuvati and іnshі, mіtsnіshі єmnostі, for example, a kvіtkovy miner. And the replacement of the cement bag can be filled with other future sums, such as gypsum or alabaster.

Always want to embellish the famous day in a special way. Ready to embellish the cost to make it expensive, and if you embellish the great hall with them, it will cost you a penny. On this day, there are a lot of handicraft ways to finish. Kviti can be made using the method of quilling, beadwork, cold cuts and felting. And all these options are laborious and emphasize the singing skills of a technician. You can make original papers from corrugated paper with your own hands for literally 30 credits. It always looks fresh and creative, plus it can be easily recycled.

Such embellishments have a sprinkling of important advantages, as if they beat them from the leader:

  • minimum amount of penny vitrates for the necessary materials;
  • you can make the floors realistic, but it is practically impossible to make them look like the living;
  • material can be bought practically from any stationery store or handicraft;
  • unparalleled beauty can be seen without special tools and prompt folding schemes;
  • shvidka utilization is especially relevant for the improvement of the great bays of chi;
  • become a miraculous gift or an element of decor for a natural tract;
  • this kind of embellishment can be sown on a child.

Navit with all the number of ways to make it with your own hands, crepes from corrugated paper will be at the peak of popularity. A wonderful way for self-expression and inculcation of the most funny fantasies.

Preparation of the robot

Before that, as we proceed to the sacrament of the making of tickets, we must first secure ourselves with all the necessary arsenal in advance. Corrugated papers are more likely to be rolled in rolls rather than in sheets. At the roll, to finish a great footage, such as to sew on a bunch of buds, flowers and pelyusts.

Paper is recommended to choose more natural materials, because, obviously, by design, the rest of the work can look natural and natural. For buds, leafing that stalk, take a sprat of colors, in which case, you can play with shadows. Todi kviti look "alive".

For the stem, it is necessary to take a thin, pliable drіt, a floristic sleeve, or other materials.

Also, you need a thick cardboard for viewing blanks, glue and gostrі knives. Not obov'yazkovo, but it is possible to prepare hair and mіtsnі seam threads and mock-up lower.

Pratsyuvati better with good lighting, but it can be like natural light, so it can be heated by a lamp.

Important! Like in a house, small children and creatures, safer practice on a high table, and not on a bed.

The process of preparing tickets

At the cob stage, a lot of rukodilok sticks to the food: how to make money from corrugated paper and why, in the light, it is necessary to repair. Obviously, the skin mastrina already has its own technology and some little secrets. However, there is nothing impossible for those who want to reach the heights of professionalism.

The latest technologies must be developed to the simplest steps:

  • First, I need to paint the necessary templates on cardboard. For a more realistic voucher, prepare a small sample of templates in different sizes and three of them according to the form.
  • The more blanks-pelyustok from paper will be, the better. In every way, you can guess a beautiful Trojan card, as it is formed from the majestic number of pellets of the most addictive roses.
  • After that, as soon as the cardboard blanks are ready, you can proceed to visualizing them with paper.
  • As soon as all the pellets are prepared, you can start the creation of the flower itself. For this, you need to take 5-7 smallest pelyustok and tie them in the lower part. In this way a tight bud is formed. For goodness, you can glue the lower part with glue.
  • After that, like a bud ready, following with neat ruffles, attach the skin of the pellust to the okremo, the troch stretching the upper edges. Zdiisnyuyuchi tsі dії, pelyustka hopes for a natural sagging form.
  • In addition, as the mustaches were picked into a ready-made ticket, you can boldly “sit” on the stem.
  • Stem, yak and flower, can be similar to natural. Which one can easily be reached for the help of a great dart and green paper. It is necessary to add a necessary little piece to the dart or a floristic sleeve and decorate it with a corrugated paper, fabric, or wrap it with acrylic farbs. Then we attach leaves and thorns, as if a ticket may be on the verge of their presence. The “everyday” ticket is ready for the stem for additional glue. So like a drіt and a floristic sleeve ruhomі, їm you can put on absolutely be-yakі form that virgin.

    How to grow realistic pivony.pershort instruction

    Pіvonіya - tse charіvna kvіtka, as traditionally a symbol of purity and love. A sweet bouquet can become a wonderful gift for a wedding or for the birthday of a friend of yours. Blowing flowers in nature can make great roses. For a bouquet of flowers, it is not necessary to make a large number of heads, as many as 7 pieces will be enough.

    If you want to reach a close to natural color, you can take a white or milky papier and give a sprat smeared with erysipelas, orange or peach acrylic. It is possible to make with your own hands the lower quality of pivony from a corrugated paper for only 20-30 quills.

    At the first stage, following the template, neatly cut the rectangles and lightly round them, thereby giving the natural roundness of the pellet.

    For the preparation of one pivony, it is necessary to prepare 10 smuzhok for small pelyustok, 10 smuzhok of a wide paper for large pelyustok and a sprat of a smuzhok of a different size of green paper for the preparation of leaves. For a realistic shape of pivony, it is necessary to have a slightly oval shape with a small bottom, and the leaves are slightly tapered to the top.

    pіvonії - process

    After that, as you form all the virizans, with neat ruffles, the pellets need to be slightly stretched in width and height, until the moment until the pellet visually approaches the natural one. They gave the pellust a bulge from the outer side, in such a rite of giving to you the singing volume.

    Important! When stretching the pellusts, or the leaves must be uniquely wonky nigtiv, otherwise the lower and frizzy will be zipped with unbazhzhany lines.

    Then we start the process of “folding” the bud. For this next, take a sprat of the smallest pelyust and tightly wrap one in the other. Under the hour, the wrapping is followed by stitches, so that the skin of the offensive ball has twisted the seam of the front ball. In this order, step by step, the pellets are stacked one by one bit by bit. If the ticket was taken, then close it with a thread, a light or glue, and a base. So like pіvonіya - if the flower was not badly cut, then you can boldly tear the pellets of the finished viroba lightly and then re-stretch the edges.

    Zagalom, for the preparation of one beer, about 25 pellets are needed. The sepals are made from green paper. It is necessary to prepare about 10 green leaves, after shaping them, wrap them around the prepared pivonia.

    In order to make the flower more voluminous and written, at the cob stage, put a round zukerka or a shaped bag of foil into the core.

    Keep in mind that natural flowers in nature do not create ideally equal edges and lines, the less neatness in the bud, the better.

    Master classfrom the preparation of the lower lilies

    The royal lily's card is the sensibility of the grandeur. Ob'єmnі і vіti z corrugated paper zavzhdya twirl respect. This is not only a garniy addendum to the main gift, but also a wonderful element of decor for a holy day.

    On the buttstock below, it will be described in stages, with the help of which you can create a wonder lily with the help of a great corrugated paper.

    For work it is necessary:

    • paper of light buzkovy, yellow and green colors;
    • watercolor, gouache or acrylic farby;
    • glue or glue gun;
    • drit for the stem, approximately 30 cm;
    • a penzlik and a sharp knife.

    If papers are found in rolls, then it is necessary to cut a husband, 7 centimeters wide. From the cut off cut, cut small rectangular billets, as a way to give a rounded shape to the lilies. Then we need to stretch the edges with the pads of the fingers, for greater naturalness, and twist the troch with scissors or a great olive. Zrobiti burying in the middle of the pelyust, giving you such a rank of natural roundness.

    If the pellets are ready, the magical process of transformation begins. For which it is necessary to mix brown and dark buzkovy color and remove the natural speckles of the base of the pellus in a tone of tone. For greater naturalness, wine points should be thicker in the base and practically rise to the middle.

    A stalk is prepared from the dart. The necessary piece of dart is worn and decorated with a thin female of corrugated paper in green color. Before that, like wrapping a paper drіt, it is recommended to stretch it. Tse to fight in order to make sure that the necessary folds and folds have arisen.

    On the edge of the finished stem, the uterus is robbed and we form a rill for additional hot glue. For controversy, slid profarbuvat tse place with green farboi.

    Tichinki are made from yellow paper. From the roll, a small equal square emerges. For all yogo dozhina we narrate marriages, but the foundation is filled with a solid one. Then, it is necessary to twist it with ruffles, which is to be twisted, to wrap the skin coat and kіnchik with a drop of hot-melt adhesive. After that, as the whole work will be crumbled, dip the prepared baits into semolina, ferment with acrylic or gouache brown-chocolate vodka and let dry.

    Leaves for lily may be finished in a twisted form. It is necessary to look at the straight lines from the green corrugated paper, slightly stretching and burning them. Glue the chicks to the tovkach and add to the finished construction three lilies of lilies, rotting their trochs more than kinchiks in pilyoviks.

    After that, glue three more paddles over the sticks of the front paddles and twist the edges of the finished card again.

    The final stage is the “installation” of the finished lily on the stem, adding the pellust and fixing it with dots of glue.

    Corrugated quilts with zukerkas

    Leather rukodilka, diyshovshi to sing equal, if you want to work it out of the ordinary and unforgettable. Every day it is holy that the urochisty zakhіd cannot do without tsukerok and kvіtіv. Modern masters merged these two warehouses into one and directly called it light design.

    Kviti from corrugated paper with tsukerkas went into fashion not long ago, and yet they managed to win over a large number of the public with their eccentricity and creativity. On this day, through your PC, you can see the photo and video of the majestic number of the master class from the preparation of an extraordinary bouquet. A detailed description of the description will help to bring all your courageous ideas to reality. Golovne, don't be afraid to experiment. Only in this season will bouquets be seen, like days, embellish not only the days of the people, but also the fun.

    For the preparation of the bouquet, you need chocolate zukerki, bagan-round shaped and rounded. It is important to ease the task of shaping the bud of the flower. Papier can be taken absolutely no matter what color, here you can give free rein to your fantasies. From the corrugations, follow the squares, round them and form the pellets with a stretching and stretching of the finished canvas.

    The next stage will be the scaling of the squares for baking. A tsukerka is wrapped with a square in preparation and a small tail is left at the lower part, which is then wrapped with a garne thread with a line of gold color. I am preparing the blank step by step, ball by ball, “wrapped” with pellets, giving the shape of a natural flower. It is necessary to try, so that the first balls completely close the tsukerka, and the axis of the foot can be open.

    From ready-made tickets, a rose bouquet is neatly formed. Tse shy different ways. You can “plant” a leather ticket on the back of the preparations, you can whip up skewers, a styrofoam sack, a plastic dance or a mounting pin. After the bouquet is completed, it can be decorated with satin stitches, pink lace, beads, stones or rhinestones. Such original gift, unequivocally, to deprive yourself of the unforgettable reception of help.

    To create an effective bouquet, you can't just look at the flower. Tse can be highly addictive daisies, trojans, daffodils, poppies, tulips, orchids and so on.

    Quotes of giant roses

    Great kvity from corrugated paper with your own hands can be made to be holy. Such an embellishment is visible at the time of the Svyatkovo that it is unimaginable. You can embellish a romantic evening or a holy spring with flowers from the bottom. Magnificence, but at the same time tenditnі, nіbi prepared from porcellany, can give a holy more atmospheric.

    For the childish day of the people, let’s go and pray for yaskravih vіdtinkіv to shout. Become irreplaceable not only by decorating the Christmas photo zone, but also by photo sessions. Miraculous rostov_ kvіti from corrugated paper can shake guests in front of the entrance. With such a majestic bouquet, you can greet a kohan with a squad from a canopy booth, or give a girl a present.

    The step-by-step process of preparing a great trojan:

    • on a thin cardboard, draw a pattern of a pellet at the sight of a heart and a droplet;
    • look at the paper behind the template 15 great hearts and 5 pebbles at the looking droplets;
    • skin virіzanu pelyustok slіd kindly stretched uphill and on the sides, giving the form of naturalness and naturalness;
    • at the pellets, in the form of droplets, it is necessary to beautifully turn up the edges behind the help of the handle or the olive;
    • at the pellets, at the sight of the heart, the timidly wimpy perish for the help of the olive, only from the sides;
    • for the stalk, you need a piece of splendid soft dart, which is necessary to decorate with a floristic line or a corrugated paper with green paper;
    • shaping the bud with a trace of small petals, gluing them in front to the stem with a drop of glue;
    • after that, as the base is formed, before it, successively, a bunch of drops are glued, and then hearts;
    • from long-term mating of green paper, visible with small denticles of sepals;
    • the ready-made bowl closes around the base of the bud, fixes with a sticky line of green color or with a drop of glue.

    At what stage the trojan is more than ready. In order to prepare the leaves, follow the molds from the green corrugated paper. After that, in the middle of the finished sheet, lay the edge of the decorated dart, soaking it in front with glue. Then fold the offending halves of the sheet in such a way that the thread is left tacked in the middle of the pellet, and the edges of the paper that are left are folded back.

    At the final stage, the leaves are attached to the stem with an additional adhesive stitch and decorated with corrugated paper or dekilkom with strokes of acrylic farby.

    Giant papers made of corrugated paper with an enchanting rite can turn the sound of the holy blue into an enchanting tract.

    Maistrins who love all sorts of new creative ideas, as well as hand-made beginners, we recommend that you make a card from a corrugated paper with your own hands - you can vikoristovuvaty be-yakіy svyatkovіy or everyday situation.

    Great suites you can put a large vase near it, and the stench will significantly embellish it and “revive” the interior. Bouquet-surprise from paper flowers and zukerkas can be brought before the National Day close people or give a little baby-lasun.

    You can use paper tickets decorate the living room and the hall of the restaurant, їх you can vicorist like boutonnieres or make bouquets from them and artistic compositions.

    Quotes from corrugated paper do not wither, like living growth and do not burn out on the sun, like plastic. Such light and natural material yak papyr is easy to work with, do not call for allergies and do not be naughty too much middle ground. With him, it’s acceptable to practice as grown up, so it’s ditlaham.

    Everything you need - sprat of a roll of corrugated paper of various colors, knives, glue, garnii Pokrokovy master-class. We got angry reporting instructions and get ready to teach you how to make name-brand bouquets step by step.

    Quotes from corrugated paper: photo instructions for beginners

    Paper tickets - the ideal decor is practical for any holy day. How do you learn how to work independently, you will be whole budget option for decorating the hall or preparing individual souvenirs for guests upon arrival.

    Detailed photo instructions and ours will help you to prepare practically be-yak_k_ti with paper with your own hands. 3 corrugated paper can you grow such fluffy roses, yakі it’s impossible to shake the living:

    • tulips;
    • pivony;
    • trojandi;
    • chrysanthemums;
    • chamomile;
    • orchids;
    • and vzagali - be-yak_ kvіti.

    First ticket - chrysanthemum from corrugated paper, so that it will be easy to naviti for pochatkіvtsіv. Take a sprat of arkushiv paper into an accordion, and then we will creak it with a thread.

    The next schemes will recognize that you don’t need to look at the skin fluff okremo, but enough to burn a sheet of corrugated paper and correctly trim the edge, vіdpovіdno to the sight of the ticket.

    Try robiti with your own hands spring kulbaba, lower carnation, pine pivonia abo zvorushlivu chamomile.

    For more precision, you can quote templates for the preparation of tickets from paper.

    Ready pelyustki we will also help you to find the perfect papers.

    When creating name-calling masterpieces, hand-makers need help video lessons with report comments from maistrov.

    How to get a piece of corrugated paper to decorate the interior?

    Volume of paper tickets often vicorist during the creation of the Christmas tree design.

    Move them to the stele, tie them to the stylish side of the stilts and tables, embellish the walls with them and place them at the majestic vases.

    Rostov tickets serve as an unforgettable attribute of the original photo session. And it’s easy to achieve the greatness of the kvity.

    Great White Trojans become a fun embellishment and a chic detail for the Christmas photo zone. Їx you can work on the template.

    Lower and different colors spring flowers can be attached to the wall,arch or special screen.

    How to make paper tickets: making bouquets

    It’s hardly possible to cheer with a wonderful bouquet today, but from a bouquet of zookerki buried in the middle- Tse spravzhnіy surprise for lasunіv. As you know, how to get a ticket from a corrugated paper, take into account that you have already come up with an original and beautiful gift for the 8th of June or for National Day to your loved ones.

    It will not take a lot of time to prepare a ticket. And for the help of photographs and report roses, you will see miracle English trojan with a zipper in the middle.
    Proponuemo vivchiti MK.

    Collections from paper slips often embellish with beads, leaves, decorative details. Yak the basis is a vase or a small cat.

    Can you add some flowers for the bouquet? So be it - you can be small brothers, vishukan orchids or lower pivons.

    On the preparation of pivony, I want to make a report.

    For robots you need:

    • corrugated papers of white color;
    • grub barvnik chi watercolor;
    • water at sprayers;
    • a bowl for a micro-furnace of a rounded shape;
    • scissors;
    • glue gun (hot);
    • tape stitch;
    • floristic drіt for the stalk or an old element in the form of a piece flower.

    1. We take papyrus and weave pelustok.
    2. Turn the bowl of the micro-furnace and fasten it to the pelust.
    3. We spray water from a spray bottle.
    4. Farbujemo pelyustok farbs of various vіdtіnkіv.
    5. The bowl at once from the pellets is placed in the micro-hibernation for 30 seconds or until it hangs completely.
    6. Gently take the pellust out of the bowl. Vіn be ugly form.
    7. Drіt or the old stalk is ready to peck the pellets.
    8. We attach the middle and stick it on the side of her pelyustki.
    9. The stem is adorned with a teip-stitch.

    Do-it-yourself trojandi from corrugated paper paper pokrokovo

    Troyanda is a noble flower, and at first glance it can be built, which is wonderfully self-sufficient and well-organized. We will show you just meister-klasi s cooking trojans from a corrugated paper with your own hands pokrokovo, and you change your mind that this mission is not only created, but already accepted.

    taku trojandu you can master at once from a child.

    More great food trojandi see you for the help of this simple master class:

    1. From a corrugated paper, it is necessary to see a long marriage (the larger the marriage, the larger the bud).
    2. We wind paprika around the dart- Tse will be the basis of the bud. When winding the bud, the skin ball must be wound with glue.
    3. From paper we can see the pellusts of our future trojand - different for the size of that form, so that the trojan was given by nature.
    4. Glue the pellets to the core, apply glue from the bottom side of the pellet.
    5. Green paprika vikoristovuєmo for the preparation of sepals, as if glued to the base of the bud.

    One more master class show you how you can beautifully pack a bouquet for a gift.

    Video: how to get a ticket from corrugated paper

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