A stone was thrown on the kilimok in front of the door. Knowing the number of doors, they revealed they pushed them, they pushed them, they put them, they put damage, they put the bottom of the door. I knew the entrance door, I knew under the kilim, I found it at the pillow, I threw it in the trellis, I threw it at the wall, I put it in clothes, on

Known for the entrance doors, known for the kilimkom, found in the pillow, kicked in the trellises, kicked in the walls, kicked in the clothes, knew at the gut, found in the bottom, found in the trousers of the pants, kicked in the door, threshold, piled on the door rozsipali under the door

They knew at the door, they knew where the door was, it was revealed by the entrance doors, they were strangled at the door.
they threw it in the drawer of the work table, they threw it at the table, showing it on the work table...
they put a neck at the wall, they knew a neck under a kilim, they knew a neck at an apartment.
Tse pіdstupna strong damage through the lining

Yakscho wi knew at home at home or at work place subclade You need a terminology to turn to a good fakhivtsya for znyatya psuvannya(until she began to breathe) and install zahistu- more no more occult attack not a few negative ruinous splashes on you.

It turned out that know where the door is buildup powder, poured water or goals, outside, fluff, smittya, earth, pisok, chicken paws and etc. never chip them with your bare hand. Take subclade through papirets, ganchirka and together with papirets or vikinte ganchira. You can put it with a wrench on a newspaper and at once with a wrench that wrinkle with a newspaper. Yakscho flowers or head knocked into the door and don’t pull them with your bare hands, then wrap the kinchik with a newspaper, then to win a pіdklad with pliers and beat yoga at once with paper. Wikidata subclade Bazhano filed in the booth and there, where people rarely walk, or smіtєprovid. I negaino joke a good masterі become a zahist.

If you signed up for a session before fahіvtsya or diagnostics and for some reason you didn’t come - it’s necessary to tell about the presence of a strong psuvannia in you, as if I’ll control you (You are a puppet of dark forces). When this happens, you can be the most addictive: the banal "forget (la)", the everyday troubles, the working routine, the rapt winkle problems and bring on the lack of a penny income. All these reasons are more unsafe for your soul.

If this happened to you, then it is necessary for you to learn everything and do it right, kill and understand the terms, otherwise we will be sorry to work. Your psuvannya passed on to a karmic problem - tobto. negative impact not only on your life, but also on the life of your relatives and loved ones, going from generation to generation (children, onucs, great-grandchildren, etc.), similarly ancestral curse. And through your "employment" suffer no matter what people are not guilty of - your relatives are close. Think about cym!

like you psuvannya was spread to the whole homeland and at your house there were posts scandalsі sickness, necessary know psuvannyaі put a zahist on all members of the family.

Ісnuє i such type of coating yak" Apple beyond the threshold". Yakscho wi revealed on the porosi your booth greenery apple(similar stole an apple) - tse You have been bullied. Іsnuyu methods that allow for help green apple choose youth or life in one person and pass them on to others.

That is why, God forbid, you were lying around like a jerk on the road or bіlya your doors beautiful greenery apple, don't pick them up! Do not chip with your hands at another time do not cross foot through them.

Such subclade carefully pick up a wine, paper, or ganchirka and wine it out at home. Moreover, the best qi apple sleep on the mist, piss off sill. Sweat is necessary termsі put a zahist, because thank you again add yakis subclade - take damage be very important, because Your energy immunity support support already it will be miserly maly. Bury in earth found below the threshold apple can't.

Like a vipadkovo sprout, viroste is so called "evil tree", like it will be ruin your health and good luck to everyone who sits under the cover of yoga.

Vinik, ganchirka or paper- those chim wi picked up chaklunsky fruit, - vykidayutsya at once with apples.

It is important that once you revealed at home near the door, beyond the threshold or on the doors black pir'ya, goals, pieces of thread, sewing hairpin(for example, near the room, embedded directly in the cod door opening from the inner and outer sides), smoking paw, pieces of the earth or salt- You have become a victim sneeze chaklunsky manipulations. Such speeches among people are called underlay (masonry). What is it subclade, and how do people shy away from such situations? Needed set the protection as a psuvannya And then don't be afraid of whom pіdkladіv, yaki add people to apply to you.

Pidklad- it’s not less than those that you can pamper beating your front doors. Pidkladom you can be rich, yak bula found in to a misunderstood mischief at home budinku chi apartments. ale underlay possible i subject, which does not bind directly to the people of that її budinkom, tse can be i subject, knowledge of people on the street. Have a good mood, for a completely happy life You need zahist vіd psuvannya, shob lining do not suffice for you.

In the middle of nowhere for podkladіv vicorist metal objects - goalsі hairpins, inode i flowers. Conspiracy goalsі hairpins build in at the door, Open the door jump up and down, if hairpins secretly put into clothes. Tsvyakhi can knock at the door, simply podkidati. Bigger screwed - wrap the heads and studs with thread, suggestive on them. What do you care goalsі hairpins - the worst treasure. On the thought of the esotericists, people are engaged in this, especially dedicated to the rituals of magic, or working for the stonework of a strong chaklun; ring out such pіdkladіv even stronger ( psuvannya through pidklad do not depend on what you believe in the magic of you). At this point, ryatuє tіlki garniy zahist vіd psuvannya.

In another place for the frequency of victoria - land from zvintaryaі strength. Earth be taken from zvintarі subscribe for Swedish death the one to whom they subscribe. Strength- An exhausted battery be-like energy. chime in sіl pіdsipаyut at discord with sіm'ї, sickness. earthі strength possible, possible viyaviti yak on the porosi, so i at your apartment - behind the kilimk for example Jump up and down thinned lining - zvintarnu land rub at Open the doorі gaps. Yakscho sacrifice do not insert zahist vіd psuvannya, then in it (in my vipadka) there is only one way left - in the storeroom (zvintarna land pull yourself up).

Inshim guidance method underlayє pіr'yaі dead midges, dead blizzards, dead flies and others komakhi. Їx ring out do not lay at the apartment, їх hoarse beyond the threshold, spodіvayuchis, scho the sacrifice is now on them. Pir'ya add on the filthy dream . midgeі comach - to the sickness. The most terrible pіdkladom for people egg, because eggs are laid for death. It is important that the one who bumps into such eggs, die for seven days. Yakscho wi knew at your home (in the apartment) or white of the entrance doors egg (or eggs) - in terms of a good maestro and put a zakhist, otherwise we will work hard.

People don't chip subclade goliruch. Yakscho subclade doors found, at dim do not bring in yoga. Ring out to put on mittens take paper and carefully mark the "filthy gift" on leaflet and blame where they filed view of the house. Moreover, everything that sticks with a lining, recycle at once from the deposit. Ideally podklad burn.

Є th іnshі type of lining they are not aimed at anyone in particular. Such subclades can be homeless pennies or costliness, found on the street. Withdrawing your pennies(or call speeches) on the street, let's move our sickness other people. Zabobonnі people do not understand the knowledge on the streets pennies. What do you care taking a bill, people take with them and the ailments are free of banknotes. Hello, how are you standing zahist vіd psuvannya, then you are not afraid of life lining.

Crimea pennies, on the roads(sound crossroads) zhmenki will be from the stone, deprive cherevichi or knots with thread. Taki speeches, obviously, nothing lift don’t, but one crochet is enough, sob take the sickness away.

Be respectful to the homeless speeches and do not step on suspects subjects! Take care of yourself!

Yakscho wi picked pennies or great pennies, yakіs costliness or hustochka (Khustka), cross (native cross ) or brooch... Rotate lining on a plate.

Golka or hairpin at the depository clothes, which means found sewing head (head, hairpin) at the pedestal jackets, bags, the gut has a coat, at the pants, in the back and etc.

Useful way zahistu vіd pristritu prikolyuvannyam to the lining of clothes(or just in the middle not to be seen) English hairpin. Vikoristovuvati for whom English hairpin vigadali not so long ago, aje vinaishli її not early for the cob XIX century. Tse, wait, zruchno, aje English hairpin don't show up on your own.

For zahistu vіd "filthy eye earlier they victorious sewing head (head pin), prickly on lining vistram way down. Naskіlki tse effectively say it is important. I respect that, in the form of an insignificant, unfamiliar infusion, I can sometimes be viruchi. However, with the navmis professional attack- do not help. I can say it with all my seriousness.

In our hour to wear hairpin on the subclause- It's a little busy. Oskіlki z praktiki vіdomo, scho nenavmisne negative staє (purely statistically) the daedals are smaller, and the goal-straight and navmis - the daedals are larger.

So axis manifestation on the lining of clothes, jacket lining, in the gut coat, at the pants trousers, in the back and etc. sewing golokі hairpins It can be said that the options for the choice of these objects are taken into account. Moreover, all the stench - occult and unsafe.

1. Often head "forget" victorious shvachka on the sewing factories, to throw off your important hauler life for purchases. We all know what to do shvachki important and low paying, and life special fill the bagaty of the best. Yakos had a chance to stick with goodness, if rich, in yakіy showed a head, the bula was sewn in the female colony, with which the head of the bula is thrust into the seam navmisno, with a method occult skid.

2. It’s a careless flutter that I can’t imagine what it was energy attack. Mom shoved or granny youmu young man have a jacket I'll charm the head, to protect the sina (onuka) from girl love spells. To what extent is there any reason. For the rest of the hour, watch out everywhere love spell, We would bachili, that the girls were joking at once on the Internet - they would have gasped. For a young person such a head look mami chi babusi is safe. Chi help cei way to zahist young man as a love spell- Unbeknownst. I'll be honest, I doubt it. However, shorter want to be a zahist, Nіzh nіyakoї.

3. Attack with a love spell. Maybe it’s not safe, especially if it’s crushed by non-amateurs zmovami, and from learning fahіvtsya that for yoga in front " charging". Beforehand prepared English hairpins or sewing needles, Accompanying all the instructions, they often hand kohankas. Main meta ring out - don't love spell like this, and making a mess in stosunki with a retinue. Behind the idea is quiet, who to rob, hairpin it will be early revealed by the squad that vіdcheplena, what to cause low tasks. In lonely moments prepared by a fahiv hairpin (head) prick with rozrachunk, shob її vіdchepiv (got stuck) myself charming. Why do you want to widen your swings, wanting to often trap like this: so that the attacker can access to clothes charming, then they make nasipati or nakapati something into the gut.

4. Head in the lining you can be yourself psuvannya-pidklad. Cream of that sewing head can podkinuti in the car, shove at the armchair, throw pid threshold or kilimok, build in in odvirok or lintel, throw for Shafu, plinth and etc. At the time of submission taka head represents majestic concern. Necessary know the head and neutralize. Take it with your hands head-lining cannot be categorical.

In whatever mood when revealed at the depository hairpins or stilettos it is recommended to consult with a fakhivtsy on the subject manifestation potential not safeі install zahistu. Better once put a zahist chim live all life fear and confusion.

Pidklad- tse schos, on scho bulo specially slandered to Skoda To you. Pіdklady buvayut for shkodi, but they will, if at the same time they give you their sickness, bad luck, penniless and navіt death my.

In the role subclade you can perform absolutely be-yaka rich, but most of all goals, threads, hairy, zvintarna land, smittya, lushpinnya nasinnya, outside, strength, Sklo, pіr'ya, hairpins, broochesі embellish expensive- on the rest, make your own sickness, death schob їh taking away the one who attracted himself rich road...

Yakshcho Vis is a stranger know in the middle of the street- Do not pick up! Known hos white doors his apartments- Do not bring it into the booths and do not chip with your hands or feet. Better take at home paper or vinik with a scoop pick up everything and take it out to the street. there burn with the prayers "Our Father" and "Zhittedainy Cross".

What is third party revealed by themselves apartments- Do not take it to hand! Take paper and negaly rozravlyatsya z tsim.

If you under the door piled up the earth, a on the door handle hung Lyalka with red fabric, wrapped in black thread, as well as post clothes or child toy- Your vipadok unequivocally indicates on test the application of the powder. And why dosit seriously. Be like items of an occult nature, revealed beyond the threshold, on the doors and in direct proximity to them - tse signs of occult attack. When such a thing appears, it is necessary not to allow living in all possible activities for Zahistu.

How do you choose to live together with your partner that you know under the door heads with threads, karti, and the partner in the intestines now and etc. Everything is fine with the citizens, then we will repair you uniquely, change and rapt in one day pripinyaє vіdnosini with you. After a month, they start calling, ringing and starting all over again. That requires protection. What else is being lost? It is required to christen the number of people known from that side (if I want it to be approximately), as it is visible (for a special material reason) work on opening. Today, for example, into the gut no leather possible lay down. And only the one who can get close to enough, or can access to hang on the hangers Odyazі. Yakscho rite of passage maє misce - necessary take the negative obov'yazkovo at a good fakhіvtsya. The one who robs when hired take a non-abyaku portion back. Often one or two magic vіdkatіv buvaє sіlkom sufficient, schob robish (especially vitіvnik-amator) zrozumіv, z chim maє prava i vіdstav. Only when we should be obachchny - you can easily kill your closest relative. Adzhe nevidomo singsongly - who to rob. On the back - a rozvіdka, then - fighting diy.

An indecent way of support, which works not on a magic level, but on a level of psychology - to tell everyone who can get involved, about the readiness to enter into a war, that they will turn up, turning to fakhivtsya. Often what to finish. The attacker lykaєtsya and pіdtiskaє khvіst. Ale, yakshcho your know, yaki crush you peel servants of a professional kolodun then, at such a time, you are very risky spend all the best in life- club with two points. It’s better for him to quietly turn to fahіvtsya, take damageі put a zahist.

Lining on rib'yach tassels. Buvaє people buy new furniture. When sorting old furniture know to Ribi brushesі Ribi ridges(similar rib'yachu head, swimmers ribi, tail in ribeye, ribnu luska). Tse cause up serious health problems and not rarely to the impossibility of the mother of children So practice shows.

Nutrition about the negative subclades(in old-slovak "yansky" - poklady) - a great arc and a whole lot of merit for an okremy retelny look. Z ribbed tassels yak pіdklad I had to stick often.

On fish brushes shy for example, on the beach, shob " named bula cold yak riba with a lot of hints that squeal for the future family. The author of such a "gift" - often closest relative or " beautiful girlfriend" betrothed. Need to be smart about what in order to make such a pidklad, it is necessary as a minimum mother access to the bedroom. None of the third-party unkind people are useful for someone else at the apartment.

Vzagali when revealed at the wondrous mist marvelous objects At the same time, you need to think about how these objects could be consumed to the unfamiliar place by a natural path. Well, there is absolute guilt in that which is on lizhka no way fish, then, more for everything, tse diysno subclade. With whom number of childrenі health problems not amazing.

When revealed marvelous objects at an inconspicuous object, next (not squeezing with hands) choose yx y paper bag or polythene bag and bring it to a specialist for approval stage of unsafety. Have a better vipadku take damage(I have not yet begun to work on full strength) that put a zahist, lower potim all life suffer and suffer.

City, de the patients knew lining, masonry, pіdkidi, pіdkidi- recommendations, de shukati pіdklad at the apartment, at the booth:

- entrance doors, kilimok: under the kilimkom entrance doors, on the kilimka entrance doors, close kilimka entrance doors;

- threshold: in pores, beyond the threshold, on the porosi, beyond the threshold;

- doors: at the door, at the door, at the lutz door, at the door open, below the threshold, bedroom doors, kitchen doors, room doors, bathroom doors, vital doors, the doors of the child, under the door, above the door, outside the door, white doors, white doors;

- wall, wall: at the wall, on the wall, in tapestries, behind the wall, at the plinth white wall, at the corner of the wall, on the wall;

- vikno: cornice, curtain, pіdvіkonnya, at the vikni, on the weekend, under the window, outside the window, at the curtain, at the curtains, on the curtains, embedded in a curtain, embedded in curtains, on the ledge, under the eaves, behind the eaves, at pіdvіkonnі, on the subway, pіd pіdvіkonnyam, bіlya pіdvіkonnya;

- robot, cabinet office: police, work space, desk drawer, working style, flowerpot, kvіtkovy miner, policewoman, book police, at the police, for the police, on the police, on the work table, at work place, at the desk drawer, under the working table, white work table, white work table (at the table, on the table, under the table, white table, near Table, at the inner screen of the table, at the book police, behind the book police, on the book police, at the flower-miner, pid kvіtkovy miner , miner's bill for tickets);

- stіlets, stiletto: on style, under style, at the style, in the sheathing of the style, at the stylist, under style, on a stilt;

- in the bedroom, in children: bedroom, child, toy, shafa, prasuvalna doshka, pillow, carpet, mattress, pillowcase, pіdkovdra, softly, softly, battery, in lieu, in toys, at the toy box, among children's toys, at the wardrobe for the life, for the wardrobe, under the wardrobe, bіla shafi, at the station shafi for the life, in white, between the bіznoy, middle of life, at the battery, battery, battery, in doshtsi for prasuvannya, behind the right doshka, under the right doshka, in lieu, on a bed, under the bed, bіlya lіzhka, on a bed, bіlya lіzhka, at the pillow, under the pillow, at the pillowcase, in carpet, under the carpet, at the stretch, under the break, on the stretch, by the mattress, under the mattress, on the mattress;

- near the room, at the vital: room, vital, armchair, kilim, carpet, sofa, in the armchair, behind the armchair, under the armchair, at the kilim, on kilim, under the kilim, at the carpet, on the carpet, under the carpet, by the sofa, behind the sofa, under the sofa, bіla sofa, become, on the line, at shіlinі pіdlogi, plinth, behind the plinth, under the plinth, skirting board, parquet, at the parquet, on the parquet, under parquet;

- in front, in the corridor, in clothes: forward, the corridor, mezzanine, clothes, jacket, trousers, Plattya, Cloth, coat, jacket, back, trousers, in the mezzanine, for the wardrobe, in upper dress , in the gut, in the intestines, at the coat, at the Kurtz, at the raincoat, at the jacket, at the Komi, behind the commander, at the lining of the bag, behind the lining, lining, at the lining of the handbag, at the cloak, at the depository, pants, guts of pants, at the cloth, at the sleeve of the robe, at the pants, on pants, behind the lining, in the back, sleeve, gut, trouser leg, back, trousers, trousers, clothes;

- by the bath rooms: bath, sink, under the bath, by the bath, behind the bath, on the sink, under the sink, behind the sink, white sinks, hand-washer, behind the faucet;

- at the toilet: behind the toilet, under the toilet, at the toilet bowl, by the closet over the toilet cistern;

- in the kitchen: kitchen, plate, fridge, bedside table for dishes, crockery, at the dishes, white stove, behind the stove, under the stove, white stove, white stove, at the stove, in the refrigerator, behind the refrigerator, under the refrigerator, bіla refrigerator, cabinet for dishes, at the bedside table, behind the bedside table, bedside tables at the wall for dishes, behind the back wall;

- at a private booth: door, city, khliv, garage, summer kitchen, loch, at the yard, in the city, besides the entrance gate, bіla barn, bіla barn, behind the shed, gates, bіla lyokha, bіla lyokha, for the loch, summer kitchen - watchmaker, for the summer kitchen, bіlya hours, bye of the year, at the summer kitchen, white garage, in the garage, behind the garage, white garage;

- in the car, in the car: auto, car, salon, hood, trunk, sitting, at the trunk, in salons, at the seat, under the seats, in the upholstery of the seat, in sheaths, under a hood, stuffing, threshold, plastic lining, hood, under the hood, wheel nuts, bolt the wheel, glove boxes, intestines, under a torpedo, behind the seat, at the back of the seat, under car kilimki in the car.

Move lower pіdkladіv (pokladіv, masonry, pidkidiv, pidkidiv):

  • psuvannya pіdklad - kavun;
  • psuvannya subclade - orange, orange peel;
  • psuvannya subclade - aluminum, virib for aluminum;
  • psuvannya subclade - alcoholic get drunk;
  • psuvannya subclade - alabaster objects, virib for alabaster;
  • psuvannya subclade - apricot, apricots;
  • psuvannya subclade - dance, dances;
  • psuvannya subclade - namistos, beads;
  • psuvannya subclade - paper money, pennies, bills;
  • psuvannya subclade - paper, newspaper, papyrus cuts, paper of details, papers;
  • psuvannya subclade - the bun is dry;
  • psuvannya subclade - mlynets, mlintsi;
  • psuvannya pіdklad - tree leafing;
  • psuvannya subclade - gіlki;
  • psuvannya subclade - outside, wow creatures;
  • psuvannya subclade - bow, bow;
  • psuvannya subclade - bank, banks;
  • psuvannya subclade - banana, bananas;
  • psuvannya pіdklad - blizzard, blizzards, blizzard, dead blizzards;
  • psuvannya subclade - veil;
  • psuvannya subclade - vіsk, wax candles;
  • psuvannya subclade - Gava, crow driven in, the crow is dead, the crow is dried;
  • psuvannya subclade - hairy, hairy;
  • psuvannya subclade - cherry, dried cherries;
  • psuvannya subclade - grape, grono grapes, grape berries, grape tassels;
  • psuvannya subclade - rich, speeches;
  • psuvannya subclade - gіlka, gіlki, little girl;
  • psuvannya subclade - willow, willow, Ivushka;
  • psuvannya subclade - wreath, vinky, vinochok, Vinchik;
  • psuvannya subclade - vinik, vіniki;
  • psuvannya subclade - cotton wool, fleece;
  • psuvannya subclade - felt boots, feltings;
  • psuvannya subclade - sponge;
  • psuvannya subclade - pear, pears;
  • psuvannya subclade - fungus, mushrooms;
  • psuvannya subclade - miner breaking;
  • psuvannya subclade - mustard, now;
  • psuvannya subclade - yalovichina, pork;
  • psuvannya subclade - nest, bird's nest, aspen nest;
  • psuvannya subclade - clay;
  • psuvannya subclade - flowers, flowers of rust, flowers from tsvintarya;
  • psuvannya subclade - crib;
  • psuvannya subclade - screw, nuts, washer, bolt, bolt, screw;
  • psuvannya subclade - winter newspaper, torn newspaper;
  • psuvannya subclade - dinya, the dinya is dried;
  • psuvannya subclade - wood, plank, trill, sang, shavings;
  • psuvannya subclade - pennies midny (coins, ruby pennies, pennies);
  • psuvannya subclade - dead hedgehog, driven in zhachok;
  • psuvannya subclade - beetle, beetles, Colorado potato beetle but be different beetles, bugs, komashki, midges;
  • psuvannya subclade - tooth, the teeth of the beast;
  • psuvannya subclade - Earth, land from zvintarya, pieces of earth from the flower, sang, drank;
  • psuvannya subclade - lock;
  • psuvannya subclade - toy, soft toy, child toy, toys;
  • psuvannya subclade - head, goals, head with thread, heads with threads, sewing needles, sewing head, sewing head, head, goals, hairpin, sewing pin, English hairpin;
  • psuvannya subclade - groats;
  • psuvannya subclade - cross, cross;
  • psuvannya subclade - strіchka, Chervona strіchka;
  • psuvannya subclade - scull, critter skull, brushes, brush, tassel, brushes;
  • psuvannya subclade - the envelope;
  • psuvannya subclade - spikelet, eared, ear, spikelets;
  • psuvannya subclade - shkira, shkira;
  • psuvannya subclade - key, keys;
  • psuvannya subclade - clitina;
  • psuvannya subclade - potatoes, potatoes;
  • psuvannya subclade - stone, stone, kamіntsi;
  • psuvannya subclade - cibula, cibulina;
  • psuvannya subclade - sheet, leaves, leaflet, leafing through, sheet;
  • psuvannya subclade - lemon, lemon peel;
  • psuvannya subclade - flying bear, kazhan is dead, beaten say;
  • psuvannya subclade - shortbread, shortbreads;
  • psuvannya subclade - lead;
  • psuvannya subclade - bast shoes, legs, slippers, caption, slipper, slippers;
  • psuvannya subclade - meat;
  • psuvannya subclade - misha, mice, dead mice, dead mice;
  • psuvannya subclade - nicely;
  • psuvannya subclade - the fly is dead, dried flies, midges, komakhi, komashki;
  • psuvannya subclade - smittya;
  • psuvannya subclade - borosno;
  • psuvannya subclade - tricky, cunning creature, Wirobi z hutra;
  • psuvannya subclade - kraida;
  • psuvannya subclade - mid, virobi with midi, coins, medium virobi;
  • psuvannya subclade - oil: machine oil, olive oil, palm oliya, Vershkov oil , Sonyashnikova Oliya;
  • psuvannya subclade - dead toad, toad;
  • psuvannya subclade - scissors;
  • psuvannya subclade - lower, lower aspirations, irzhaviy nizh, lower inquiries, lower evil;
  • psuvannya subclade - nothing, nothing;
  • psuvannya subclade - thimble, thimbles;
  • psuvannya subclade - eyepieces, eyepiece frame;
  • psuvannya subclade - peas, peas;
  • psuvannya subclade - gold, namistos, decorate with gold, costliness, kіltse, kіltsya, earrings;
  • psuvannya subclade - carpet;
  • psuvannya pіdklad - clothes;
  • psuvannya subclade - stump, stubs;
  • psuvannya subclade - package, sachets;
  • psuvannya subclade - gudzik, gudziki;
  • psuvannya subclade - towel;
  • psuvannya subclade - Khustka, hustochka, Khustki;
  • psuvannya subclade - the loop, loops, Woozley;
  • psuvannya subclade - pisok;
  • psuvannya subclade - feather, pіr'ya, pіr'їnka;
  • psuvannya subclade - mitten, mittens;
  • psuvannya subclade - riba (ribs brushes, rib'yacha luska, rib'yachi tails, rib'yach head, rib'yachi swimming);
  • psuvannya subclade - chamomile, chamomile;
  • psuvannya subclade - radish, radish;
  • psuvannya subclade - radish;
  • psuvannya subclade - river cancer;
  • psuvannya pіdklad - Lyalka, dolly with fabric, ceremonial Lyalka, rag doll, ritual lyalka, voodoo baby;
  • psuvannya subclade - water, dead water, washed the sky with water, water from the sky, water after the deceased;
  • psuvannya subclade - thread, threads, thread with a bare, threads with bare;
  • psuvannya subclade - coin, ruby pennies, coins, coins;
  • psuvannya subclade - hairpin, hairpins;
  • psuvannya subclade - invisible, invisible;
  • psuvannya subclade - hairpin, hairpins;
  • psuvannya subclade - spoke, spokes;
  • psuvannya pіdklad - candle, candles, wax candles, church candles, candle, vіsk;
  • psuvannya subclade - Sir;
  • psuvannya subclade - Sklo, skelce, slope;
  • psuvannya subclade - sirnik, sirniki;
  • psuvannya subclade - straw;
  • psuvannya subclade - blue;
  • psuvannya subclade - settler;
  • psuvannya subclade - salo;
  • psuvannya subclade - soot, drank, sang, vugillya, trill, shavings, pisok;
  • psuvannya subclade - slippers, caption, slippers;
  • psuvannya subclade - ganchirka, ganchirka, ganchirki, ganchirki, ganchir'ya;
  • psuvannya subclade - grass, on the grass;
  • psuvannya subclade - plate;
  • psuvannya subclade - praska;
  • psuvannya subclade - already dead, on vuzha;
  • psuvannya subclade - bread, dry bread;
  • psuvannya subclade - lanciug, lancer, brooch, brooch;
  • psuvannya subclade - ticket, kviti, tickets;
  • psuvannya subclade - black line;
  • psuvannya subclade - smoking paw, chicken paw, bird's paw, bird's foot, paw, creature's paw;
  • psuvannya subclade - worm, worm'yaki;
  • psuvannya pіdklad - a cup, old cup, broken cup, cracked cup;
  • psuvannya subclade - annual, year of evil;
  • psuvannya subclade - tea, rose tea;
  • psuvannya subclade - hat;
  • psuvannya subclade - tongs;
  • psuvannya subclade - back;
  • psuvannya subclade - apple, dry apple, withered apples;
  • psuvannya subclade - apple, green apple, green apple;
  • psuvannya subclade - berry, berries, berries;
  • psuvannya subclade - egg, eggs, on the egg, crack an egg, rotten eggs.
Axis so damage-lining-masonry more often add people. fight, take care, beware cich pіdkladіv - bring the stench people great bidi, unhappily, sickness and often cause to death.

Guarded you once again predictably : Yakscho wi revealed a subclade- terminovo grow up to a good fakhivtsya for znyatya psuvannyaі install zahistu!

Tse pіdstupna strong damage through the lining

Known for the entrance doors, known for the kilimkom, found in the pillow, kicked in the trellises, kicked in the walls, kicked in the clothes, knew at the gut, found in the bottom, found in the trousers of the pants, kicked in the door, threshold, piled on the door rozsipali under the door

They knew at the door, they knew where the door was, it was revealed by the entrance doors, they were strangled at the door.
they threw it in the drawer of the work table, they threw it at the table, showing it on the work table...
they put a neck at the wall, they knew a neck under a kilim, they knew a neck at an apartment.

As you know at home, or at a working place, you need to terminate to a good fakhivtsya for the knowledge of psuvanya (until it begins to grow up) that installed zahistu - so that more than any occult attack is not enough negative ruinous splash on you.

It turned out that you knew under the door the accumulation of powder, the water was spilled and the needles, wool, fluff, smittya, earth, sand, chicken legs were thin. never chip them with your bare hand. Take a deposit through papriets, ganchirka and at once from the paprika or through the ganchira vikinte. You can put it with a wrench on a newspaper and at once with a wrench that wrinkle with a newspaper. As if the flowers were driven into the doorway and you don’t pull them with your bare hands, then wrap the tie with a newspaper, then pull the lining with pliers and beat it together with a paprika. Wikidati pіdklad Bazhano filed in the booth and there, where people rarely walk, but smіtєprovіd. I joke around a good maister and become a zahist.

If you signed up for a session before fahіvtsya or diagnostics and for some reason you didn’t come - it’s necessary to tell about the presence of a strong psuvannia in you, as if I’ll control you (You are a puppet of dark forces). When this happens, you can be the most addictive: the banal "forget (la)", the everyday troubles, the working routine, the rapt winkle problems and bring on the lack of a penny income. All these reasons are more unsafe for your soul.

If this happened to you, then it is necessary for you to learn everything and do it all right, kill and understand the terms, otherwise we will work hard. Your psuvannya passed on to a karmic problem - tobto. negative impact not only on your life, but also on the life of your relatives and loved ones, going from generation to generation (to children, onuks, great-grandchildren, too), similarly to a family curse. And through your "employment" suffer no matter what people are not guilty of - your relatives are close. Think about cym!
As if you were scammed on the whole family, and in your house there were constant scandals and ailments, it is necessary to know the psuvannya and put the defense on all members of the motherland.

This type of application is known as "The Apple of the Threshold". Yakshcho Vi showed a green apple on the porosity of his booth (they stole an apple more often) - they gave you a psuvannya. Іsnuyut methods that allow for the help of a green apple to pick up youth or life in one person and pass it on to others.

That way, God forbid, you were struck by the garni of green apples that are lying on the road, or by your doors, do not pick them up! At the same time, do not chip with your hands and do not step over them with your foot.

Such a lining is carefully picked up with a wreath, paper or a ganchirka and vines out of the booth. Moreover, it’s better to burn an apple on a mist, a pissed-off sill. Then it is necessary to know the terminology and put the zakhist, because yakshcho you once again podkladut yakus podkladku - take damage will be richer more important, tk. Your energy immunity to support your support will be even smaller. It is not possible to bury an apple found under the threshold in the ground.

Like a vipadkovo sprouting, growing like a "tree of evil", like ruining the healthy luck of everyone who sits under this cover.

Vinik, ganchirka chi papir - those who picked up the Chaklun fruits - are thrown out of apples at once.

It is important that once you have found a door opening, whitening the threshold, or on the doors of black fir, needles, threads, a sewing pin (for example, near the room, I’m built right into the coddle of the door opening from the inner or outer side), I smoke paw, pieces of earth and salt - you became a victim of some chaklunsky manipulations. Such speeches among people are called pіdklad (masonry). What is the point, and how do people shy away from such situations? It is necessary to set up a defense in the form of a psuvannya and if you are not afraid of podkladіv, as if people are podkladayut to inflict you with a psuvannya.

Pіdklad - tse not only those who can beat their own front doors. You can be a treasure trove, as a bula was found in an unsettled place in your apartment at home. Ale, a subclade can be an object that doesn’t directly bind a person to that її house, or it can be an object of knowledge of a person on the street. Have some kind of mood, for a completely happy life, you need a defense in the form of a psuvannya, so that they don’t put a lot of good on you.

Nasampered, for pіdkladіv vikoristovuyut metal objects - pins and hairpins, and other flowers. Conspiracy heads and hairpins are built in at the door, open the door, there are fluctuations, if the hairpins are secretly built into clothes. Flowers can be knocked in at the door, just pick up. Greater twisted - wrap the heads and studs with threads, drawing on them. It is important that the necks and stilettos are the worst lining. On the thought of the esotericists, people are engaged in this, especially dedicated to the rituals of magic, or working for the stonework of a strong chaklun; sing the sound of such pilgrims even stronger (psuvannya through the pilgrimage is independent of what you believe in the magic of chi). In this way, only garniy zakhist vіd psuvannya ryatuє.

In another place, beyond the frequency of victoriousness, the earth from the color of that power. The earth is taken from the zvintarya and the death of the one to whom they pay is paid for. Strength is an exhausting battery, be it energy. Sound strong pіdsipâyut for discord with sim'ї, ailments. The land of that strength can be seen like on a porosi, so it is at your apartment - behind a kilimk, for example. Buvayut vipadki tinted lining - rubbing the earth at the door open that crack. If the sacrifice of the pilgrimage is not to be set up for the defense of the vіd psuvannya, then in it (in which case) there is only one way left - on the tsvintar (the tsvintar land pulls after itself).

The other way of aiming is to use a cladding є pіr'ya and dead midges, dead blizzards, dead flies and other coma. They don’t ring at the apartment, they hoarse at the threshold, supposing that the victim will come upon them. Pir'ya put on a filthy sleep. Midge and coma - for the ailment. The most terrible deposit for people is an egg, because an egg is laid for death. It is important that the one who hits such an egg will die in these days. Yakshcho You knew at your booth (near the apartment) or if there was an egg (or eggs) at the entrance doors - in terms of a good master and put a zahist, otherwise we’ll sweat it out.

People do not chip the lining with their bare hands. Yakshcho pіdklad found bіlya doors, do not bring yoga to the booth. Ring out your mittens, take a paper and carefully place the "filthy gift" on a piece of paper and go to the house. Moreover, everything that sticks with the lining is utilized at once from the lining. Ideally, the pads are burned.

This is the second kind of subclauses, as they are not focused on anyone specifically. Such deposits can be stateless pennies and koshtovnosti, found on the streets. Leaving your pennies (or making speeches) on the streets, let's transfer our ailments to other people. Zabobonnі people nіkola not pіdnіmayut known on the streets pennies. It is important that, having taken a banknote, a person takes ailments from him, filled with a banknote. Ale, if you have a defense against the psuvannya, then you are not afraid of a lie.

Cream of pennies, on the roads (sound at the crossroads) there will be zhmenki from the stone, they will shed the laces or the knots from the thread. Such speeches, obviously, you won’t pick up anything, but just one crochet is enough to take the ailment with you.

Be respectful to careless speeches and do not step on suspicious objects! Take care of yourself!

Psuvannya on the car and car luggage. Often I feel the sight of car drivers: "I know in my car under the threshold", "I knew in the trunk of my car", "Know, I knew" ... two closed hairpins (m'yaso, smoking paw, settled, earth, rusty flowers, pisok, smittya, bolt, nut, rib'yach's head, rib's swimmers, rib's brushes, rib'yach's tail, etc.), taking them for ignorance right hand she forgot. Navіscho me could throw hairpins (meat, head, smіttya, earth, sand, threads, smoking paw, sedentary, rib'yachu head, rib'yachu brush, swimmers ribi, rib'yachy tail thin) ?

I will immediately give an instruction from the defendant of the car to apply the psuvannya (piddel to the car). It is not a secret in our days that the occult attack, including to the car, is becoming a more and more widespread phenomenon.

Selecting a car as an object of attack, you can explain to them that:

1. A car is for the unkindly accessible, lower, let's say, an apartment or a swarm of the victim's jacket.

2. It is easy to find a deposit in a car, especially how metal items are found - coins, hairpins, pins, nuts and bolts, drib, metal bags.

3. Vikonati attacked the car by the attacker for a careless entry for himself, shards of wine can be broken, without hitting the car head down to the nose.

If you bought the car by hand, then at the same time the studs were revealed, it’s important to finish it smoothly, scatter a lot of shards on the studs. As soon as the car was displaced from the front sack keeper (tobto with a run), then, perhaps, it was a test for the defense of the front sack keeper.

The previous Vlasnik, selling a car, can try to throw life problems, ailments, bad luck, post-accidents and a lot of other things onto the car. Zrozumіlo, samostіyno robiti literate occult folded smoothly, and the axis z navchannya or for the uninterrupted fate of a professional - tsіlkom.

The car, for which it is necessary to sell the occult discount, needs to be sold quickly, in the midst of a short hour, connected with the phases of the month and other magical tricks. Itself z tsієї cause a car with an occult "dovazhkoy" not to give it up for sale in a car dealership - for a long time, but to sell it privately, moreover, for a more attractive price.

There is one more reason not to "beak" at a completely low price of a car, crime of immovability and illegal travel, or disguising incidents with numbers and documents.

After buying a car with a test, you can get a little extra money for an occult review of your income. And even shorter - connect a specialist at the stage of selection. Especially in that mood, as if it doesn’t matter for the first time, the car’s versatility is great.

Since it was a new car, the presence of "wonderful" objects at the salon can be explained by more than two reasons:

1. Skidance of trouble-free accidents from another car, not by a specialist who can "access" to a car dealership. Such vipadki in practice were trampled. The technique of such manipulations, for obvious reasons, cannot be described.

2. An attack on a specific sergeant or a member of the yogo sim'ї zalezhno in the month of manifestation of the subclade. Having bought a new car, it is necessary to take a look at it respectfully to see if it is obvious. Zrozumіlo, fahіvets zrobit tse shvidshe, prote і respectful vlasnik as a whole can show independently. With the revealed objects, which seem to be a clear occult zmist, it is impossible to take them with your hands. The first step is to start poshukіv, to put on schіlnі thread mittens.

The widest space for filling the deposit at the car:

1. Under the covers on the seats. As if on the armchairs dressed with chokhli, weave the chokhli itself and everything that is known under them. Courage should be added to the intestines, as it is not uncommon to roar from the back side of the armchairs and the covers.

2. Upholstery and stuffing of seats. At the seat, ring out the heads or the studs with the head. Golka, well, know better. Ale, and build a neck in the opening of the fabric, or the skin is more folded, for this, the hairpins are wicker, literally clogging the hairpins in the seat. It is easier to know a pin - you can see the head.

3. Plastic door sills, especially under the front doors. As such, it is recommended to remove all the plastic in the cabin, which is not easy to dismantle. 4. Under the hood. It is necessary to respectfully look at the nuts, loosened without a middle under the hood. If the car is new, and one of the old nuts has been revealed, then it is recommended, without squeezing your hands, turn and replace. Throw the nut from an emergency, unfortunate car onto a new or someone else's car - a typical test of occult dropping.

5. Bolts for fastening wheels. An old bolt with numerous traces, devoid of a key, is guilty of alerting, as if there is a new car. Better for everything, not a pardon on the line of selection. Next, you should wipe out, and rather, burn everything that calls out even the least suspicious. As a matter of fact, it definitely gives you signs that you don’t understand, turn to an occult fahivtsya, whom you can trust, looking at the car and (for consumption) victoriously cleaning the car.

If the car was bought new and in the new, the signs of the rituals were revealed, after the occult cleansing, it is necessary to change the car service and do not trust anyone with the keys. As one of the ways to protect a car from the consecration of the Orthodox icons consecrated in the church.

A deposit (deposit) is called an object (an item of speech - water, strength), an object that is given at a dwelling, an office (threshold, a cut) or a worker accommodation (an office, a drawer for a table, a miner for a quit toshcho) of a victim.

Before that, as a pіdkinuti pіdklad, sings of chaklunsky diї (magic rites) of an occult nature are performed with it. Whether it was a kind of pіdklad, navіt vyklikaniya, it was given b, innocent motives (іnіtsiuvati in the victim a little love, for example) followed by an occult attack. It is especially necessary to make a deposit, a warehouse of materials such and looking like a clear expression of an occult character - needles, hairpins, flowers, knives, high, low, ganchirki, strong, earth, medium coins, chicken paws thin.

However, having appeared in the booth or on the work station (on the work table, in the drawer of the work table, beating the work table or under your work table), you suspected that you should live the necessary entries, because. to fall into hysterics and to suspect all of them in the bazhann, succumb to you and blame you for everything - IT IS NOT POSSIBLE, it is necessary to act! Practice shows that most of the deposits are consumed at the place, which are not suitable for these objects, far from being vivacious: the woman showed a familiar sour cream bed, and "vipadkovo" let in a hairpin on the threshold; the spіvrobіtnitsa on the robot transplanted the ticket, and "vipadkovo" threw the earth out of the flower bed of the flower miner in order from your working place; or else the entrance doors to the apartment (before in the apartment itself) You made the lights of the candle, which burned, yak, naturally, dripped. Nayrozumnіshe, first fall into a panic, try z'yasuvati, a specific subject that is not safe for you and how to work with a deposit.

Iyavlenі pіdozrilі objects and speeches - pіdklad nіkoli not sіd chіpati hands. Zmіtіt pіdklad with a newspaper in a schіlny package and at the consultation with the fahіvtsya, tell me what is not safe for you (please ask the newspaper for help). It's better to pay a few more pennies for a consultation, then more - for a fee. In some books they trap for the sake of brothers suspecting objects with tweezers - not right. The neck, taken with a metal tweezer, everything that is on it, pass the tweezers that are trimmed. Metal is better at transmitting energy both positively and negatively. In case of visible heads, hairpins, flowers, stromleny or clogged at the door, threshold or lintel, it is recommended, not to solder them, to ask the priest to consecrate the booth, or fakhivtsya for diagnostics to clean the apartment. Similar objects (podkladi) are unlikely to have appeared embedded in a vipadkovo way, especially since they are not new, but old and rusty hairpins and flowers, so you can use them with a try to attack. Negainoly turn to fakhivtsya, take a psuvannya and become a defender.

The most wide-ranging objects that are victorious for the transmission of other occult negatives are hovered below.

Metal: pins, hairpins, flowers, knives, knitting needles, knives, coins, keys, locks.

Everyday: candles, whisk, threads, ganchirki, gudzik, pir'ya, creature's wool, cute, powder, ribbn_k_stki, chicken paws, rib's head, rib'yach_ swimmers, luska rib, rib'yach_ tails, rib'yach_ brushes, brushes.

Speech: olive, water, strength, ash, smittya, earth, sand.

Yakshcho You picked up a copy or a great penny, like a koshtovnosti chi khustka (khustka), a cross (natіlny cross) or a brooch ... Turn the folder on the plate.

A neck or a hairpin at the garment lining, which means a sewing needle (neck, hairpin) was found at the lining of a jacket, bag, a fluffy coat, a trouser leg of pants, and a skinny bed.

Vsіdomy vіdomiy sposіb zahistu vіd pristrіtu to podkladki odeag (or just in the middle, so it was not visible) of the English hairpin. Vykoristovuvaty for this English hairpin was invented not so long ago, and even wine was not earlier than the beginning of the 19th century. Tse, wait, handy, even the English hairpin itself will not come out.

For zakhistu in the form of a "nasty eye", earlier they victoriously sewed a sewing head (a hairpin with a head), pinning it down on the lining. Naskіlki tse effectively say it is important. I respect that, in the form of an insignificant, unfamiliar infusion, I can sometimes be viruchi. Prote, for a navmis professional attack - do not help. I can say it with all my seriousness.

In our time, wearing a hairpin on a pedestal is busy with a small coat. Oskіlki from the practice it seems that there are (purely statistically) fewer daedals that are not negative to the negative, and more daedals of the goal-directed and nautical one.

So the axis, scho stuyetsya vipadkіv vyyavlennya on the lining of the robe, the lining of the jacket, the fluffy coat, the trouser legs, the back is thin. sewing heads and studs, we can say that the options for moving these objects are taken into account. Moreover, all stinks are occult and unsafe.

1. Often the neck is "forgotten" by a sewing machine at a sewing factory, in order to throw off your important burden of life on buyers. We all know that the work of sewing an important coat is low paid, and the special life is deprived of the best. Once it was possible to stick with good luck, if the river, a neck was pulled out, a bula was sewn in a female colony, with which the neck of the bula was thrust into the seam navmisno, with a method of oxidation.

2. Tse careless streak, which is not possible to think that it was an energy attack. The mother or the grandmother of the young man put the yoma into the jacket with a voiceless neck, in order to save the son (onuk) from the girl's love spells. To what extent is there any reason. In the rest of the hour, there will be a love affair everywhere, you would bachill that the girls would joke on the Internet at once - they would go crazy. For a young person, such a head like mami chi babush is safe. Chi dopomozhe tsey sposіb zahistu young people in love spell - nevіdomo. I'll be honest, I doubt it. However, it’s better if I’m a Zakhist, if I’m not.

3. Attack with a love spell. Maybe it’s not safe, especially, as it’s broken not by amateurish zmovs, but by learning fahіvtsya and yogo by the front “charging”. Beforehand, English hairpins or sewing needles, having followed all the instructions, are often handed over to kohankas. The main meta is ringing - not a love spell like this, but the introduction of roiling from a vino with a retinue. Behind the idea, it’s quiet, who to rob, the hairpin will be revealed early by the retinue and taken into account, to cause low assignments. In lonely moments, a hairpin (head) prepared by a fakhivtsy is attached to a rozrachunk, so that the charm itself is pricked (pricked). It’s worth trying to widen the vipadok, wanting to often trap like this: if the attacker can get access to the enchanting clothes, then they try to sip, or shove into the gut.

4. The head in the lining can be a pseudo-pedestal. In addition, they can throw a sewing head into a car, put it in an armchair, throw it under the threshold or a kilimok, put it in a door or a lintel, throw it behind a wardrobe, plinth, etc. In times of pіdkladu such a head to become majestic nebezpeku. It is necessary to know the goal and neutralize it. You can’t categorically take a head-pіdklad with your hands.

In case of a drop in the case of a head or a hairpin, it is recommended to consult with a doctor in order to reveal a potential problem and install a zahist. Rather, once put a zakhist, live all your life in fear and sumnіvі.

Pidklad - tse schos, on scho was specially slandered to you at Skoda. Put it on for shkodi, but do it like that, if at the same time they give you your ailments, failures, penniless and bring your death.

You can absolutely play the role of a pidklad, but most often it’s the needles, threads, hair, tsvintarna earth, smittya, lushpinnya nasinnya, vovna, strength, slope, pir’ya, hairpins, brooches and expensive embellishment - on the rest you create your own ailments , death, taking them away from the one who has attracted his own way to the river ...

If you see someone else in the middle of the street - don't pick it up! If you know the door of your apartment - do not bring it to the hut, do not chip it with your hands or feet. Rather, take a paprika at home and a vinik from a shovel, pick up all that and bring it to the street. There, burn with prayers "Our Father" and "Life-Giving Cross".

Something that was revealed to an outsider at the apartment itself - do not take it to hand! Take it as a papyrus and negainoly get rid of cym.

If earth was piled up near the door, and a lyalka with red fabric, wrapped in black thread, hung on the handles, and also hanging clothes or a child’s toy - your attitude unequivocally indicates the test of applying the coat. And why dosit seriously. Be it objects of an occult nature, revealed on the threshold, on the doors and in the immediate vicinity of them - signs of an occult attack. When such a thing appears, it is necessary not to allow it to live in all possible deeds for the zakhist.

Yakshcho You choose to live together with your partner, you know, under the door of the neck with threads, cards, and the partner’s intestines are very thin. Everything is fine with the vidnosins, then we fix you uniquely, change and raptly in one day pinch you. After a month, they start calling, ringing and starting all over again. That requires protection. What else is being lost? It is required to christen the number of people known from that other side (if I want it to be approximately), as it is visible (for special material reasons) to work robit. Nasinnya, for example, you can’t put leather on the gut. And only the one who can get close to enough, or have access to clothes that hang on a hanger. As a rite of passage in May, it is necessary to remove the negative, obov'yazkovo from a good fakhivtsya. The one who robs, when taken, takes a non-abyak portion back. Often one or two magic tricks are quite enough, so the robish (especially the amateur windmill) is sensible, with which I can right and see. Only when we should be obachchny - you can easily kill your closest relative. Adzhe nevidomo singsongly - who to rob. On the back - a rozvіdka, then - fighting diy.

An indecent way of support, which works not on a magic level, but on a level of psychology - to tell everyone who can get involved, about the readiness to enter into a war, that they will turn up, turning to fakhivtsya. Often what to finish. The attacker lykaєtsya and pіdtiskaє khvіst. And yet, as you know, if you want to shy away from you as the servants of a professional sorcerer, then in such a time you are very risky to spend everything that is most important in life - a club with two kintsy. It’s better for him to quietly turn to fahіvtsya, take out the damage and put a zakhist.

A lining on ribbed tassels. Buy people buy new furniture. When sorting out old furniture, one can find ribbi brushes and ribbi ridges (a fish head, a ribbi swimmer, a tail in a ribi, a ribnu luska). It is not uncommon for mothers of children to cause serious problems for health and not rarely, as practice shows.

Nutrition about negative pilgrimage (in old-slovakian - pilgrimage) - even more great and meritorious for the most relatable view. With rib'yachim tassels, like a pіdklad, I had a chance to stick often.

On rib'yachy brushes to shy away, for example, on the veil, schob "the bula was named cold like a fish" with a mustache, which is to be squealed for the future homeland. The author of such a "gift" is often the closest relative or "best friend" of the named one. It is necessary to understand that in order to develop such a deposit, it is necessary at least for the mother to have access to the bedroom. None of the third-party unkind people are useful for anyone to someone else's apartment.

Vzagali, with the manifestation of marvelous objects in the wondrous world, it is necessary to think about how these objects could be consumed in the price of an unfamiliar place by a natural path. Well, if there is no fish on that bed, then, better for everything, it’s worth it. With whom the presence of children, the problems of health are not surprising.

In case of revealing marvelous objects from an inconspicuous place for them, slid (not soldering with hands) pick them up from a paper bag or a plastic bag and take fakhivtsyu for the designated stage of their insecurity. If it’s better for a vipadka, take away damage (as it hasn’t yet begun to work on equal strength) and put a defense, then we’ll suffer that suffering all our lives.

Mіstsya, de patients knew pіdklady, masonry, pіdkidi, pіdkidi - recommendations, de shukati pіdklad near the apartment, in the booth:

Entrance doors, kilimok: under the kilimk of the entrance doors, on the kilimka of the entrance doors, white of the kilimk of the entrance doors;

Threshold: on the threshold, white of the threshold, on the threshold, white of the threshold;

Doors: at the door, in the doorway, in the doorway, at the door, under the threshold, bedroom door, kitchen door, room door, bathroom door, living room door, child door, under the door, above the door, behind the door, doorway, doorway doors;

Wall, wall: at the wall, on the wall, in the trellis of the wall, behind the wall, at the plinth of the wall, at the coddle of the wall, on the wall;

Vіkno: cornice, curtain, pіdvіkonnya, at vіknі, vіknі, pіd vіknom, behind vіknі, near curtains, on curtains, built into the curtain, vstrolenі in curtains, on the cornice, under the eaves, behind the eaves, near the window, on the window, below pіdvіkonnyam, bіlya pіdvіkonnya;

Robot, office office: police, work place, work table drawer, work table, flowerpot, clerk for tickets, police, book police, in the police, behind the police, on the police, on the work table, on the work place, in the work table drawer, under the work table, over the work table, over the work table miner, miner for tickets);

Stilets, stilchik: on the stiltsі, under the stilts, in the stilts, in the sheathing of the stilts, in the stilts, under the stilts, on the stilts;

At the bedroom, in a child: a bedroom, a child, a toy, a wardrobe, a dressing board, a pillow, a carpet, a mattress, a pillowcase, a pillowcase, a bed, a bed, a battery, in a bed, in toys, in a box for toys, among children's toys, in white wardrobe, behind a wardrobe, under a wardrobe, white wardrobe, in the village of a white wardrobe, in white, middle white, mid-life, in a battery, white battery, white battery, in a doshtsi for prasuvannya, behind a doshka for a prasuvannya, on the bed, on the bed, on the bed, on the bed, on the bed, on the bed, on the pillow, under the pillow, on the pillowcase, on the rug, under the carpet, on the stretched bed, on the stretched bed, on the stretched bed, on the mattress, under the mattress, on the mattress ;

Near the room, near the living room: room, windmill, armchair, kilim, carpet, sofa, in the armchair, behind the armchair, under the armchair, in the kilim, on the kilim, under the kilim, in the carpet, on the carpet, under the carpet, in the sofa, behind the sofa , under the sofa, under the sofa, under the bed, on the underside, in the crack under the underlay, plinth, behind the plinth, under the plinth, under the plinth, under the plinth, parquet, near the parquet, on the parquet, under the parquet;

In the front, in the corridor, in the dress: front, corridor, mezzanine, robe, jacket, pants, cloth, coat, jacket, back, pants, in the mezzanine, behind the wardrobe, at the top dress, in the gut, in the guts, in the coat, at the jacket, at the raincoat, at the jacket, at the commander, at the commander, at the lining of the bag, at the lining, at the lining, at the lining of the handbag, at the lining of the robe, at the lining, at the pants, the gussets of the trousers, at the cloth, at the sleeves of the garment, at the trousers , on the pants, lining, back, sleeve, gut, trouser leg, back, pants, pants, clothes;

At the bathrooms: bathtub, sink, under the bathroom, at the bathrooms, behind the bathroom, on the sinks, under the sink, behind the sink, behind the sink, washbasin, behind the washbasin;

At the toilet: behind the toilet bowl, under the toilet bowl, at the toilet bowl, at the closet above the toilet bowl;

In the kitchen: kitchen, stove, refrigerator, bedside table for dishes, dishes, by the dishes, by the stove, behind the stove, under the stove, white stove, white stove, in the stove, in the refrigerator, behind the refrigerator, under the refrigerator, white refrigerator, bedside table for dishes, at the bedside table, behind the bedside table, at the wall of the bedside table for dishes, behind the back wall;

At a private booth: a door, a city, a shed, a garage, a summer kitchen, a lioh, on a doorway, on a city, a door, a barn, a barn, behind a barn, a gate, a cellar, a cellar, a cellar, a summer kitchen - chasnik, for a summer kitchen, for a chapel, for a chapel, in a summer kitchen, for a garage, in a garage, behind a garage, for a garage;

At the car, in the car: car, car, salon, hood, trunk, seat, in the trunk, in the saloon, in the seats, under the seats, in the upholstery of the seat, in covers, under the cover, stuffing, threshold, plastic lining, hood, under the seats hood, wheel nuts, wheel bolts, glove compartments, guts, under a torpedo, behind a seat, at the back of a seat, under car kilimki in a car.

Below, the transitions are most often made up of subclades (claddings, masonry, pidkidiv, pidkidiv):

Psuvannya pіdklad - kavun;
psuvannya pіdklad - orange, orange peel;
psuvannya pіdklad - aluminium, virіb іz aluminіu;
psuvannya pіdklad - alcoholic drinks;
psuvannya pіdklad - alabaster objects, virіb z alabaster;
psuvannya pіdklad - apricot, apricots;
psuvannya pidklad - a dance, dances;
psuvannya pidklad - namisto, namistinki;
psuvannya pіdklad - paper pennies, pennies, banknotes;
psuvannya pіdklad - papirets, newspaper, papіr razaniy, papіr podrіbneniy, papіrci;
psuvannya pidklad - dry bun;
psuvannya pіdklad - mlynets, mlintsі;
psuvannya pidklad - leaves of trees;
psuvannya pіdklad - gіki;
psuvannya pidklad - wool, creature wool;
psuvannya pіdklad - bow, bow;
psuvannya pіdklad - banks, banks;
psuvannya pіdklad - banana, bananas;
psuvannya pіdklad - blizzard, blizzard, drought blizzard, dead blizzard;
psuvannya pіdklad - veil;
psuvannya pіdklad - vіsk, wax candles;
psuvannya pіdklad - a crow, a crow is driven in, a crow is dead, a crow is dried;
psuvannya pidklad - hairy, hairy;
psuvannya pіdklad - cherry, dried cherry;
psuvannya pіdklad - grapes, grono grapes, berries to grapes, tassels to grapes;
psuvannya pіdklad - rich, speech;
psuvannya pіdklad - gilka, gilki, gilochka;
psuvannya pіdklad - willow, willow, willow;
psuvannya pіdklad - wreath, wreath, wreath, wreath;
psuvannya pіdklad - vіnik, vіniki;
psuvannya pidklad - cotton wool, cotton wool;
psuvannya pidklad - felting, felting;
psuvannya pidklad - sponge;
psuvannya pіdklad - pear, pear;
psuvannya pidklad - fungus, mushrooms;
psuvannya pidklad - a mountain-breaker;
psuvannya pіdklad - gіrchitsya, nasіnnya;
psuvannya pidklad - yalovichina, pork;
psuvannya pіdklad - nest, nest for a bird, aspen nest;
psuvannya pidklad - clay;
psuvannya pidklad - flowers, flowers irzhavі, flowers from the flower;
psuvannya pidklad - crib;
psuvannya pіdklad - nut, nuts, washer, bolt, bolt, screw;
psuvannya pіdklad - winter newspaper, torn newspaper;
psuvannya pіdklad - ding, ding is dried;
psuvannya pіdklad - wood, plank, triska, ash, shavings;
psuvannya pіdklad - pennies midnі (coins, drib'yazok, kopіyka);
psuvannya pіdklad - їzhak dead, murdered їzhachok;
psuvannya pіdklad - beetle, beetles, Colorado beetle and be-like different beetles, bugs, gnats, midges;
psuvannya pіdklad - tooth, teeth of creatures;
psuvannya pіdklad - earth, earth from a flower, pieces of earth from a flower, ash, drunk;
psuvannya pidklad - castle;
psuvannya pіdklad - іgrashka, soft іgrushka, childish іgrushka, іgrushka;
psuvannya pіdklad - a head, a head, a head with a thread, a head with a thread, a sewing head, a sewing head, a sewing head, a head, a head, a hairpin, a sewing hairpin, an English hairpin;
psuvannya pidklad - groats;
psuvannya pіdklad - cross, native cross;
psuvannya pіdklad - a line, a red line;
psuvannya pіdklad - skull, skull of a creature, brushes, brush, brush, brushes;
psuvannya pіdklad - an envelope;
psuvannya pіdklad - spikelet, spikelet, spikelet, spikelets;
psuvannya pіdklad - shkіra, shkіra;
psuvannya pіdklad - key, keys;
psuvannya pidklad - klitina;
psuvannya pidklad - potatoes, potatoes;
psuvannya pіdklad - kamin, kaminnya, kaminchiki;
psuvannya pidclad - cibula, cibulina;
psuvannya pіdklad - leaf, leaves, leaf, leaf, leaf;
psuvannya pіdklad - lemon, lemon peel;
psuvannya pіdklad - kazhan, kazhan dead, vibitі kazhani;
psuvannya pidklad - shortbread, shortbread;
psuvannya pidklad - kriga;
psuvannya pіdklad - bast shoes, legs, slippers, slippers, slippers, slippers;
psuvannya pidklad - m'yaso;
psuvannya pіdklad - a mouse, a mouse, a dead mouse, a dead mouse;
psuvannya pidklad - nice;
psuvannya pіdklad - the fly is dead, the flies are dried, midges, gnats, gnats;
psuvannya pidklad - smittya;
psuvannya pіdklad - borosno;
psuvannya pіdklad - cunningly, cunningly creature, swindle from a khutra;
psuvannya pidklad - kreyda;
psuvannya pіdklad - mid, vorobi іz midi, medni coins, medni vorobi;
psuvannya pіdklad - olіya: machine olіya, olive olіya, palm olіya, top oil, soniashnikov's olіya;
psuvannya pidklad - dead toad, toad;
psuvannya pidklad - knives;
psuvannya pіdklad - nizh, nizh aspirations, іrzhaviy nizh, nizh zahovany, nizh evil;
psuvannya pіdklad - nіgot, nіgtі;
psuvannya pidklad - thimble, thimbles;
psuvannya pіdklad - eyepieces, eyepiece frames;
psuvannya pіdklad - gorіkh, gorіkh;
psuvannya pіdklad - gold, namisto, gold embellishment, koshtovnostі, heels, heels, earrings;
psuvannya pіdklad - carpet;
psuvannya pidklad - clothes;
psuvannya pіdklad - ogirok, ogіrki;
psuvannya pidklad - package, sachets;
psuvannya pidklad - gudzik, gudzik;
psuvannya pidklad - towel;
psuvannya pіdklad - Khustka, Khustka, Khustka;
psuvannya pіdklad - loop, loops, knots;
psuvannya pіdklad - pіsok;
psuvannya pіdklad - feather, pіr'ya, pіr'їnka;
psuvannya pіdklad - mittens, mittens;
psuvannya pіdklad - riba (ribnі brushes, rib'yacha luska, rib'yachі tails, rib'yacha head, rib'yachі swimmers);
psuvannya pіdklad - chamomile, chamomile;
psuvannya pidklad - radish, radish;
psuvannya pidklad - radish;
psuvannya pidklad - river cancer;
psuvannya pіdklad - Lyalka, Lyalka from fabrics, ritual Lyalka, Lyalka, ritual Lyalka, Voodoo Lyalka;
psuvannya pіdklad - water, water is dead, they washed the sky with water, water from the sky, water after the sky;
psuvannya pіdklad - thread, threads, thread with a bark, threads with a bark;
psuvannya pіdklad - coin, drіb'yazok, coins, mіdnі coins;
psuvannya pіdklad - hairpin, hairpins;
psuvannya pidklad - invisible, invisible;
psuvannya pіdklad - hairpin, hairpins;
psuvannya pіdklad - knitting needle, knitting needles;
psuvannya pіdklad - candle, candles, wax candles, church candles, candle, vіsk;
psuvannya pidklad - sir;
psuvannya pіdklad - sklo, skelce, sklo;
psuvannya pidklad - sirnik, sirniki;
psuvannya pidklad - straw;
psuvannya pіdklad - sіno;
psuvannya pidklad - sedentary;
psuvannya pidklad - fat;
psuvannya pіdklad - soot, popіl, ash, vugіllya, triska, shavings, sand;
psuvannya pіdklad - slippers, slippers, slippers;
psuvannya pіdklad - ganchirka, ganchirka, ganchirka, ganchirka, ganchir'ya;
Psuvannya pіdklad - grass, on grass;
psuvannya pіdklad - plate;
psuvannya pidklad - prask;
psuvannya pidklad - already dead, on the vuzha;
psuvannya pіdklad - bread, dry bread;
psuvannya pіdklad - lansyug, lanzyug, brooch, brooch;
psuvannya pіdklad - a ticket, tickets, tickets;
psuvannya pіdklad - black line;
psuvannya pidklad - chicken paw, chicken paw, bird paw, bird paw, paw, creature paw;
psuvannya pіdklad - worm'yak, worm'yaki;
psuvannya pіdklad - a cup, an old cup, a beaten cup, a cracked cup;
psuvannya pidklad - a year-old man, a year-old man of evil;
psuvannya pidklad - tea, rose tea;
psuvannya pidklad - hat;
psuvannya pіdklad - tongs;
psuvannya pіdklad - svіdnytsia;
psuvannya pіdklad - apple, dry apple, dried apple;
psuvannya pіdklad - apple, green apple, green apple;
psuvannya pіdklad - berries, berries, yagidki;
psuvannya pіdklad - an egg, eggs, on an egg, broken egg, rotten eggs.
The axis of such damage-laying-masonry is often laid by people. Fight, beware, beware of these conspiracies - the stench will bring people great pain, misfortune, sickness and often lead to death.

We guard you and once again nagaduєmo: yakscho You have revealed a treasure - the term is turned to a good fahіvtsya for the understanding of psuvannya and the installation of a zakhist!

See the clues for the method of delivery of the magic item:

  • Great gift for close friends and relatives
  • Attachment podklad in special speech
  • Most often, it is a magical ritual that is created by black magic.
  • Now on ozbroєnnya tsey method of delivery of magical robotic zastosovuє and current runic magic.

What objects are the most victorious like a treasure trove?

Chicken egg laying

The palm of honor for the number of victories chicken egg. Professionals of magic vicorist for such purposes fill an egg from a strong chicken and pivnya. It can be as fresh as it is, so it is rotten, but it hasn’t been shattered. In such a way, they pass on their baptism and ailments, as well as shy away from straightening out of the home. Together with an egg, you can put a little dark daylight into the booth of a faker, as if growing and eating with the forces of that energy of the meshkantsiv booth. Simply revealing that її spalyuvannya chi wines far between the booth, ring out the magician’s ringing with the village, which has already settled in the booth. Strictly speaking, houses can be cleaned magically, but simply laying eggs cannot ensure the appearance of a magician.

Pіdklad coin

One or a squirt of coins is given to the vorogovs, if they swear to pay for evil and ruble. If you are impersonal, you can see the value of money, so the number and value of coins can be considered. Golovne memory - if you knew the deposit of the coin, it is necessary to get used to it once you enter. At the same time, do not stick to the deposit with your hands, it is better to replace the deposit on the scoop with a broom, put the coins into the river, and then burn the broom on the bagatti.

Pidklad grailna card or tarot card

One, or rarely, a piece of cards is given at the time of admission for a particular individual. Sometimes two cards are cut and glued together. With such a magical looking robot, you can pour in a lot of money at once. The most common sedation gradient maps with readings of prayers or hellish snakes helps to get rid of the unstoppable chaklunstva. Folder of tarot cards. Podkinuty senior chi young lasso to talk about rіven volodinnya with modern ritual magic higher than the average. Ale, in any case, it is recommended to also use a fire lining.

Subclad dry wood

Most often, such a “gift” from evil namir is not so much seen in the face of a house, but in the clothes of a specific person. There are two signs for such a pilgrimage: to dry a singing person to yourself, or to hang it already like a psuvannya. Embedded in special speeches, they either pick up dry sticks and burn them, and then we talk about special cleaning with forks, egg-boiling, or runic cleansing of oneself. This burden and summing up with him is not safe for him, who does not fade away with the rocks and can “wistrily” be-such a mit. In times of love spell, if the object of deification is moved to the will of the magician, chaklunstvo can be drunk along the bed of dry land.

Lining of the head and thread

Most often, such a “gift” is taken from the kit in special speeches and odes, even more often in featherbeds, mattresses and pillows. A bunch of threads is bent and tangled, and one head does not promise anything good - here they were counting on healthy people. Everyone knows that they are spitting and spitting out roasted in a fire with threads. Robiti is necessary for the boundaries of the booth. Let's sweat a person, who was assigned a deposit, to clean the shoes magically.

Yakshcho poured water on the threshold

Wet flames appear on that place, they splashed, for example, water, which was washed over by flickering spells. In Northern Europe, water is often splashed at the door to the falsehood, in which they boiled a blue flower of periwinkle. A round wet place is not far from the parkan, otherwise it may be the guardian of the Lord. In another time, there is no trace of advance. Water the place with holy water, or burn a new candle with prayers and spells. Let's clean the booths in a different way, and rather, at the same time.

Pidklad land in Khust

Another way to bring into the booths szvintarya and, obviously, to raise a succumb to death, heavy ailment otherwise, just tie the dark daily life to the month, so that you can eat the energy of the rulers. Sprinkle the earth with holy water, water the wax of church candles and at the same time do not stick to it, then let it go. It would be better to turn the earth to the tsvintar, for example, practicing in those mittens. Let's clean the houses of that yoga master magically.

Obviously, the methods of black magic are different, and as a pedestal, you can use vikoristan candles, stray hair, and other attributes of the witch. Ale іnshі see pіdkladіv - tse rather exotic. More induced by the widest way to induce negativity with a magical path for additional benefits. Have a vipadku, like one of these objects of manifestations, varto poturbuvatsya about the power of energy security and cleanliness yourself, or turn to fahivtsiv.

Below is a list of the most wide-ranging products of chi subjects - “subclauses”, which are selected by knowledgeable people to create quiet chi and other types of research.

All these gifts you can raptly show in your home or under the threshold of your life.

In the situation that has developed, first for everything, do not panic! And it’s as if you’ve received a lot of praise, that the “hotels” are not yours, you know, on which you yourself have been sent a letter.

If you have any desire, knowledge, you should never take the object or the product of eating with your bare hands, use your mittens and spit it with the words: “The stars have come - go there!”

Apricot - until late. Alabaster objects - love spells, drying.

Alcoholic drinks - to an unbearable life, to death that torment. Aluminum (virib іz thogo metal) - until the teeth fall. Pineapple - to oblisinnya. Orange - to the point of ailment. Kavun - up to important slopes.

A blizzard of droughts - on its own. Banana - to spend a man. Bank - to the point of inaccuracies. A bow - to the difficulties of life. Lamb wool - to the noise, huskies.

Birch gills or leaves - to oncological ailments. Mlyntsi - to failure. The roll is dry - until the table is empty. Paper cuts, details - until failure, trouble. Paper pennies - to vigilance. Namisto - to sadness Dancing - to drinking.

Valyanok - to ailments nig. Vata - to bezpіddy. Vinik - to headaches. Vinok - until death. Willow - to sadness, vtrat. The speeches of the Viyskian - to the v'yaznitsa. Grapes - to tears. Dried cherries - to the sickness of the eyes.

Hair - until separation. The crow is dead (otherwise it has fallen off) - to sickness, to sadness. Veil - embarrassingly.

Newspaper winter - to the noise, likes and scandals at home. Nut - to the sake of the squad. Kravatka - until parting. Flowers of rust - to the impotence of a person. Clay - to death close people. Bird's nest - for the fall of the sim'ї.

Yalovichina - to a serious illness. Girchitsya-to hot confusion. The miner of pіchny rozbiti - until you waste your time.

Mushrooms - sick sechostate system. Pears - to the point of disability. Sponge - until the sight of this.

Pennies midny - to tears. Dinya is dried up - to a near-vagity.

The zhak of murders - until theft and zbitkiv.

The Colorado beetle - to the point of sickness.

Castle - to v'yaznitsa. Land from the zvintar - to death. The teeth of the creatures are up to nerve ailments.

Head - before a heart attack. Igrashka - up to material vitrates.

Kamin - to the transition to a special life. Potato - to vigilance. Clitina for birds - to hell. The key is to change at the apartment Shkir - to opikiv. Colossus - to unimaginable dreams. The envelope is a mess. Brushes - to intrigue. Chervona line - until you waste your love. Cross - to death. Groats - before welding.

Lapti - to collapse family vіdnosin. Lіd - to coldness in stosunkah. Shortcakes - I'll program everything. Kazan- Good luck on the right.

Hutro - to the noise. Boroshno - to vtrat. Smitya - to scandals. Dried flies - to death. Milo - to vtrat. M'yaso - to the point of ailment.

A thimble - to the point of sniffing. Нігті - before spending, spend a friend. Nizh - before welding. Knives - until separation.

Ogіrok - to the point of tightness, self-sufficiency. Carpet - to the sickness Namisto - to tears. Gorikhi - to tears and boils. Eyepieces - on self.

The package is unacceptable. Mittens - to the point of ailment. Pir'ya - until separation.

Pisok - to the point of sickness. Loop - to death. Khustka - until Timchas' separation. Towel - to death. Gudzik - to brudnoi vigilance.

Cancer of the river - to the non-violet ailment. Radish - to tears. Chamomile - on its own. Riba - to the point of ailment.

Soot - to the point of illness. Salo - to the point of ailment. Sedentary - to failure. Sino - before welding at her. Straw - to scandals. Sirniki until later. Sklo - to separation. Sir to vigilance.

The plate is on its own. Grass - to a headache. Already - to the point of impotence. Praska-to v'yaznitsi.

Bread dry - until the back hurts.

Kviti - to death. Lanzyug - to arrest.

Tea (springing up the threshold) - before welding at the sіm'ї. Year of evil - until unstoppable death. A cup - to filthy news. Chrobaki - to the point of illness. Black strіchka - to the complaint.

Hat - to bezpіddy. Tweezers - until separation.

The apple is withered (rotten) - to the point of ailment. Berries - to tears. Egg - to impotency.

The axis of such “things” sometimes kicks up the threshold of the booth, or people deprive the apartment itself, as if they are evil to you.

Marvel, analyze, do not accept unreceived gifts: “Fight the givers, give what you bring!” And everything is at the fire. Zhadіbnіst is not good here.

It's our time magic and chaklunstvo are new in fashion , and the stars of the majestic number of all the powerful magicians, see and chakluniv, yak psuvannya became one of the most popular services. People do not rake in anything more than “annoy” their comrade in service, susida, business partner, great friend or hated relative.

It is not so rare that we feel, but we stick with such stories, as if we were traipsing ourselves on our own: kvitucha and food to the health of a person, raptom became like a candle, the other died for no apparent reason, and the doctors could not make a diagnosis for him, the third one simply did not help and did not bring the desired results; a loving and kind person raptly begins to flirt with his friends, more recently kokhan's squad, the crime of hatred and enmity in his heart is no longer sympathetic; but in order and virna people raptom throw themselves into a party and go on a spree .
There are thousands of such stories that do not lend themselves to any logical explanation, but there is only one bag: half a share, a rocky life and a better health. At high-sounding words psuvannya - this is an attack on a person with a terrible, ruinous, negative force , through the energy channels of a person who, in fact, is a criminal mischief, who is not punished. Well, not everyone believes in psuvannya she is trying to explain to others logically illogical situations of a serious deterioration in health, viniknennya the most important situations in sim's and robots.

Ale, I think the skin needs to know what psuvannya - tse understand about me , which manifests itself in a given skin type in a different way. Helpful psuvannyam can you name only professional magical infusion for the help of dark forces . Favored by the priyomy of all magicians, yakі do not row with such types of earnings, tse zvintarna earth is spoken , dead water , as a way to take away powerful spells, strength , which is also vikoristovuyut everywhere, pіdsipayuchi in їzhu, napoї, shampoos, rozkidayuchi in front of the door, or pissipyuchi in the apartment chi clothes of the victim.

Varto say what energy conductor for guidance imperceptibly tied up with the victim, for example, as if your comb or lipstick disappeared, and then with a nameless rank you її showed up in the most visible place, and after that, terrible misfortunes began - you need to think. Ale, just like that, your speech can appear without a trace, conspiracies on psuvannya the subject can never turn before you .
In a different way, on the other hand, you will reveal in your apartment someone else’s speech and it doesn’t matter what it will be - a hairpin, a zukerka, or a little thing is cute, that it’s taken unexpectedly. Even if you carefully place gifts, especially those of people who can harm you or make you feel good, more often than not, gifts are given just like that without an obvious drive (“haven’t been drunk for a long time”, “it’s not easy to go on a visit with empty hands”), “go to your interior", "wonderful zasib", etc.). Psuvannya can also be taken through the hedge or napo.

Especially terrible types of psuvannya є call on the death of the victim . In a calm Russian way for guidance vzvozhestnya vykoristannya obtіv without intermediary po'yazanih zі death or tsvintarem. For whom the victors are so called “strings” - these lines, with which the hands and feet of a dead person are tied up immediately after death. A lot of professional magicians, see that chakluniv for inducing death, steal them at the funeral from the trunks . In another situation, at a funeral, an object is placed in the string, or an image of the victim, whispering to the song of the spell and crushed on the right - psuvannya induced. Allow, for the “best result”, to blame the person for such names, that of the victim, as they want psyu bring. Tse vvazhetsya one of the most terrible and irrevocable sights of psuvannya in Russiarot string – rot and conspiracies subject – rotting the victims a.
Therefore, try not to give out your speech, but especially your photographs, right-handed and left-handed, especially to people who can indulge you with hostility and anger - you can’t admit that they really stink reasonable.

Often people conceived to bring a psuvannya independently , do not think of great skills in magic, so they need items that carry more than your energy, for example, stink Magnify a distance photo "fresh" , people think that less than an hour has passed since the moment of photographing, the energy of photography is stronger, they try to take a picture of their future sacrifice one, everyone is encouraged to call or know a niche (fortunately, you see the technology does not allow). Be singing how will they climb on you to bring a psuvannya your photo may be exhausted with gols, filled with wax or else just buried. Try to protect yourself if you want to be safe: don’t take pictures in a flash, but as if someone is a fool, take a picture of you too hard and don’t go out of your way, encourage you to take a picture with you at the time of photography However, if it is visible in the photograph itself, it will be shown that your image is magnified to be seen. In this way, it’s supposed to get drunk with you, get drunk with him, let me inspire a smaller world .

Another one of terrible methods of inducing psuvannya victoria is respected church candles . The future sacrifice is to put a candle in the church, ask for it and go, leaving the candle to burn out on your own, for someone who wants to point at you psyu, such your behavior is just a gift to the share - to extinguish your candle and take it away from you, and even professional wizards know what to do with a candle to work ... This kind of psuvannya most often improves health , good luck and well-being. In order not to become a victim of this kind of psuvanya, try, if you put a candle in the church, get out until it burns out , as a minimum!
Psuvannya, that the bula was induced remotely, tobto. on the vіdstanі, professional chaklun - on the right is serious to that without a beast for help for znyatya psuvannya you are unlikely to get by.

For guidance, it’s even more popular to visit Voodoo at a time , but for the creation of a spravzhny lyalka Voodoo chaklunovі you need a little piece of your clothes or want a good gudzik.

Like in your homeland, not everything is safe and є prihovanі or gostrі konflіkti z kimos іz relatives, ob'yazkovo turn the pillows at your booth, for the cob on the dotik, the pillow is not guilty of any hard breasts, all the little lyalechki from the pіr'ya ganchibo - ganchibo - ganchibo this is an alarming sign, it is possible to induce psuvannya on you to discord with sim'ї .
Too many people who know different things to fall into a panic - to burn or to throw out qi objects, it’s impossible to work at the same time! In the form of an object, you will be spared, and in the form of energy, you will get better, like it was on a new one - no, pozbavlyayuchi psuvannya sing "receptacle" vyvіlnyaєte all the negativity, mortgages in this subject, tobto. take psuvannya without intermediary on yourself, and it takes more than an hour of that strength to remove the damage . To the very same pissing on objects , with whom, willy-nilly, you contact, respect less unsafe - item-dzherelo psuvannya znavets magician can easily neutralize And navit direct all the negativity to the one who directed the pressure on you.

Yakshcho you have є perepіreny magician or chaklun - go to the new one, vіn I’ll tell you exactly what type of sleep you know without any harm for your health how can you not have such a person, in an extreme mood, bring the object to the church and there fill it here at the quiet place , obov'yazkova umova - schob її didn’t know and didn’t miss another hour - the power of rich prayers and church rites allows you to spread your goodness on the right neutralize negative energy .

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