Komsomolskaya schopravda action. Newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda": closer to the people! Vidavnichiy house "Moskovsky Komsomolets"

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In 2010, Oktoberfest celebrates its anniversary – 200 years ago, Munich hosted the first beer festival in history. In our country, the galaslive beer sacredly came with the brand of Bavarian beer Paulaner. Traditionally, Oktoberfest celebrates at Nimechi, near the capital of Bavaria - Munich from 18 spring to 4 days. On Terezin’s puddle, their plans of breweries are roaring, as if for more than a decade they have taken the fate of the saint. At the sight of Munich, the Oktoberfest near Moscow is seen at bars and restaurants, like taking the fate of the saint. Hush, there are more daedals with skin rock. In Russia, Christmas festivities are celebrated earlier, lower in Bavaria, through the climatic features of our country - we begin on 11 spring and end on 3 zhovtnya.

KP.RU preach to come to the festival saints, having taken part in the competition. 15 p.m., You take away the unique opportunity to win special Christmas prizes at the Paulaner Oktoberfest, and at the same time turn over your knowledge about beer, laying down that subtlety of the right festival fun. І small tip - on the website of the sponsor of the Oktoberfest festival competition there is a lot of basic information, as you can help to find the right answers.


  • "Paulaner beer tower" - six dizhok!
    We will give you the promo bags of Victory and give you two barrels of beer for the day.
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Newspaper "The Moscow Times"

The action "The Day of the dead is a whole month" was held by the chain of gift shops "Multi" near Moscow and Pdmoskov, organized by the magazine " home fire. Those who came to the shops and bought a copy of "Homemade Fire" with a special coupon, little chance to take part in the grand prize draw - 5000 (!) - three trips for two at the warm edge, set dishes, lamps and impersonal items for the house. Zavdyaki aktsiї sales of the magazine grew by 3.5 times!

Vidavnichy Dim "Burda"

Shchotizhnevy magazine "TV7" to perform near the birch tree as an informational partner of the musical "Chicago". Saturdays at the Estradi Theater after the show, 5 subscription coupons for the new TV guide will be played right on the stage. Zagalom 25 subscriptions to the magazine check for lucky ones whose tickets turn out to be winning.

"KP"-Barnaul - announcements of "KP"-Barnaul are posted on the public notice boards; At this hour, the preparation of the signature letter and newspaper attachments is being carried out (subscriptions will be placed at all post offices of the city;

News of regional enterprises of the VD "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

"KP"-Chelyabinsk rented a trolleybus of one of the city's routes. The trolleybus will have informational leaflets of the newspaper (A3 format).
"KP"-Chelyabinsk to become the general informational sponsor of the "Jazz Festival" of the jewelry.
On the 14th of February "KP"-Novosibirsk held an action "Kisses everyone". The action will be held in the park in the center of the city, for the most original kiss of a dead bet - a dinner at the restaurant. So, until 14 fierce on the sides of the newspaper, a contest "Don't be separated from Kohanimi" is held. "KP" gives readers the opportunity
turn around from the side of the newspaper to your own half of the wasted half.

company "Independent Media"

One of the rest of the reach is the lack of an increase in subscriptions to "Domashniy Oseredok". At the issue for the month of 2002, a gift was given to all the readers of "Homemade Fire" - a 30% reduction in the overpayment for the rozmiri. In this manner, the magazine with prepayment was cheaper, less purchase in retail. The price of the subscription is as follows: the recommended price is 47 rubles per issue, and the price for the journal for subscription is 40 rubles. 80 kop. Becoming unsupported by the fact that readers were led to this proposition in front of us, they had not previously issued an overpayment through the editorial office, or those who were prepayers in 1997-1998. The number of quiet people is important, and 90% of those who found out - issued an advance payment for 12 rooms.
Also, for example, in 2002, the year of 2002, the date of subscription was made by adding a spate of special entries, directing to the submission of IM. So, together with the company R-STYLE, as in 2001, a campaign was held, tied with a subscription to 4 magazines of our foreman's house: Cosmopolitan, "Home Oseredok", Men's Health and FHM. When buying equipment in R-STYLE stores, the buyers received as a gift a subscription for 6 issues for one of the best guessing magazines of their choice. Let's see new payers, magazines took off a wonderful promotion in the company R-STYLE.
A similar action was held at St. Petersburg together with the company "Svit tekhniki".
Vidavnichy dіm "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

Subscription to the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" from commercial banks

From the middle of the month, a subscription to Komsomolskaya Pravda can be issued to any of the 120 commercial banks Alfa-Bank, MDM-Bank, Bank of Moscow, GUTA-Bank. Subscription is accepted for a special Catalog, which is seen by BAT "Rosdruk". Її you can issue it like on a friend of a pvrichchya, so on a sprat of months. Catalog for up to mid-spring 2003.

News of regional enterprises of the VD "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

"KP"-Samara for 4 days to carry out a cost-free signing. A total of 5,600 people take the newspaper free of charge. Also, the readers will be sent a sheet of the editor-in-chief of that profile. Among the readers, if they filled out the questionnaire, there will be a drawing of prizes. 22,400 osib will be covered with a zagal without a fee for "KP".
From 1 April to 1 May, the Samara edition of the newspaper "Komsomol'ska Pravda" will be announced on two local TV channels. Announcements will be posted at weather forecasts and sports news.
Starting from the 1st quarter "KP"-Samara to conduct social. Dosledzhennya, in the process of which 1000 osib will be learned - like readers of the KP, so and readers of other people.
"KP" - Chelyabinsk spіlno z TsPKіV im. Yu. A. Gagarin to carry out the action "Ptichkin Dim". Prepared by the readers of the patches with the "KP" logos applied to them, they will be posted in the TsPKіV im. Yu. A. Gagarin from the request for a share of Chelyabinsk and TB merchants;
"KP"-Chelyabinsk to carry out the day of active subscription at the post office; - Submission of the bag to the competition of readers "Virіzhi 12 Months" on the live air of the TV channel "Skhіdniy Express". Music center, audio player, camera were played.
"KP"-Altai-1 kvіtnya "KP"-Altai on the square to carry out the action "Penny reform" under the sound of "At the day of bad things, we live without bad things" minyaemo old pennies for new goods (carbonated water, stove, buns, children's toys);
From 1 April in one of the districts of the city, leaflets announcing current issues of "KP" will be posted on the skin market;
From April 2003 on the TV channel "Express" there will be a drawing of the middle of the payers on February 2, 2003. The raffle took place during the whole month in the 4th stage, 20 prizes were awarded;
Z 28 birch. Altai "Komsomolskaya Pravda" will become a comrade on 8 sides. Zbіlshennya obsyagu newspaper vіdbulosya for rahunok release of a special addendum "Your Dim". "Your Dim" appears in the Altai depository for a month.
"KP" near Tomsk "traditionally acted as an information sponsor of the Siberian Spring Assembly" Calm Market - 2003", which was held in the Tomsk International Business Center "Technopark".
On April 1, "KP"-Tomsk will hold an action "Komsomolskaya Pravda" wins without evil "! Within the framework of the action "Komsomolskaya Pravda" we will carry out a "Penny Reform" in Tomsk: for a year, old coins and coins will be turned. Snack "Retro-buffets". It was also transferred: "Komsomol" auction - a subscription to "KP" was put up for auction; the store "Without obvazhuvannya" - the goods are allowed to enter the vієї zh vaga, scho and drіbnitsa purchase; children's attraction "Rosbiy karbnichku" - to little vlasnikh vlasnyh savings in exchange for a broken treasury, a soft toy is offered.
On the 28th of March, the action "KP" -Tomsk - "I'm kidding my mother" is launched. The action is carried out together with the authorities of the opika. On the opening of the "tovstushka" there will be placed photographs of children from the age of birth, ready for adoption. The promotion lasts for two months. 1 chernya at the Day of the Protection of Children "KP" rozpo_st about її results.
On March 28, at the Friday release of "KP" - Tomsk, we saw a color addendum "Your Dim". Program volume - 4 smugs.

A leather reader, having bought a quarterly issue of the magazine "Atmosfera", may be able to flee for a fur coat in the capital of the agricultural industry of Greece, the city of Kastoria. Departure from Moscow on April 12, return from Kastoria in 13 years. Details at the magazine "Atmosfera".

Vidavnichy House "Media Park"

On 20 February 2003, a joint advertising campaign of VD "Media Park" and several stores "Somiy Continent" was launched. take away a gift of a dance of red dry wine (if the amount of the check is not less than 700 rubles). Informational support of promotions is shown as in the stores of "Somiy Continent" - video and sound advertising on plasma monitors, advertising posters in all stores of the merchant, as well as in the magazines "TV Park" and "Kino Park". From the information about previous promotions, about magazines that are being sold, increase by 35% on average.

company "Independent Media"

Independent Media is launching a new project - the first issue of the "Orange Orange" magazine will appear in the grass, which has the largest circulation - 2 million copies. The magazine occupies a niche of the most recent news and can be found free of charge at the largest supermarkets in the Russian regions (up to 70% of the circulation), as well as in Moscow.
"Orange Orange" is published jointly with Independent Media's great partners, such companies as Nestle and Unilever among others.
In the year 2003, a pilot issue was tested, which was called "Orange". For the tribute, the reading audience of the magazine is women from 18 to 35 years old, friends, mothers of children, buy products in supermarkets, take them once a day. It is noteworthy that the majority of the respondents had not come across such brands as "Orange Orange" before, although many of them indicated their loyalty to cost-free, hand-crafted products as a whole. Behind the words of the respondents, the diversity of editorial materials, the richness basic information, as well as traditional, positive design

CJSC "InterMediaGroup"

From 20 March to 16 Birch, the newspaper "U kozhen dіm" held an action for the growth of its circulation. The campaign took off the pressure of PR-advance on all channels: TV-rollers on the main stations, radio-rollers with digital in-line circulation, which changes from day to day, modular advertising in the holding's partner channels, external video ads. For greater recognition of respect, within the framework of the "Circulation non-stop" campaign, the campaign "Earn pennies on the increase in the circulation of the newspaper" U Kozhen Dim "" was launched, it was insured both for the advertiser (the circulation increases - the prices become too large), and for the readers (guess the final circulation and subtract the retail from rubles).

Tizhnevik "Express newspaper"

"Express newspaper" to hold "days of opening doors"! For the past 12 months, a leather reader has filled in the questionnaire and knows his own name at the "list of requested" on the "EG" pages, to be requested to the editorial office for a friendly conversation and a beer drink. Meta action: bringing the respect of new readers to "Express Gazeta" and "Teleprograms".

Vidavnichy house "Ostrіv"

"Tizhneviy Zhurnal" was the information sponsor of the "Art-Salon" exhibition, as it takes place from 8 to 14 April at the Central Exhibition Hall "Manege". As part of the Art Salon, you have a unique opportunity to issue an additional payment until the end of the streaming period for the magazines "Vydavnitstva Ostriv" - "Taburet" and "Tyzhneviy Zhurnal".

Vidavnichiy house "Moskovsky Komsomolets"

"MK" to carry out an action for readers of the monthly magazine "Atmosfera" No. 4/03, which may be on sale on 26 January. Chitach - you can win a chance to travel to Greece for one day without a cost. The announcement of the action is published in the magazines of the holding "MK". The readers are happy, the 4th issue of "Atmosferi" will have a drink with the readers.

VD "Aerograph-media"

Magazine "Simeyniy likar" is giving an informational promotion of the exhibition-fair of playing games to allow the active participation of "Sportland", which takes place at the Exhibition Center "Triumph" during school holidays - from 26 to 30 birch. For the little ones at the exhibition, fun contests and quizzes are held. Today, one of the winners of the competition will be awarded a super prize for the magazine - electronic thermometers, cosmetic kits for all homeland and, obviously, a free subscription to the magazine "Family Likar". In addition, especially for children, as they came to the exhibition, the magazine "Simeyniy likar" jointly with the company "Solphey-Pharma" prepared nearly 3000 gifts - children's vitamin complexes. At the beginning of the work of the exhibition, you are willing to issue an overpayment for the magazine "Simeyniy likar" at the viewing stand.

Special campaign "Komsomolskaya Pravda" for the 1st quarter.
Until the Day of Smіhu "Komsomolskaya Pravda" sent a leaflet-zhart to all the friends of the newspaper. A leaflet is a valuable coupon for a 3-month, no-cost overpayment for a newspaper.

Spilny project of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" and the book club "Terra"

The newspaper "Komsomol'ska Pravda" and the book club "Terra" to announce the contribution to the joint project. As part of the spіvrobіtnitstva in the newspaper every Saturday of the month, there is a thematic tab - a book catalog. The payers of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" can buy books from the catalog with a 10-hundred-thousand discount. Book catalog club "Terra" will have information about the subscription to "Komsomolskaya Pravda". Readers of newspapers take away one more alternative way of prepayment "KP" - through the book catalog of publishing "Terra". Invoice catalog warehouse 1 million copies.

Achieved home improvement promotions newspapers "Komsomolskaya Pravda" at a few retail chains of the capital. At 70 kiosks of the BAT "Press for All" there will be placed branded cash plates, and sellers will dress up at the branded aprons of "Komsomolskaya Pravda". At the merezhі sales outlets of the ARP "Tverska, 13" go through marketing and drink at the newspaper. At 37 information and trade mobile facilities of ZAT KMMP "Metropolitanivtsya" for a month, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" will be placed at the center of the window on a specially equipped stand.

News of regional enterprises of the VD "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

"KP" - Chelyabinsk took the fate of the Russian saint "Send off the Ural winter". A banner of a newspaper was placed on the holy place. Contests were held by spivrobitniks;
"KP" - Chelyabinsk took part in the 3-day exhibition, which took place in Chelyabinsk "Ural press. Photo, film, video, advertising technologies. 2003". Bulo designed exhibition section of the newspaper.
KP-Barnaul - on the sides of the "KP" - Barnaul will be held the group "Apartment Catering". The newspaper publishes quite a number of figures. Win the first master, who called, apartments with a cim number

On March 24, the advertising campaign of the newspaper "Metro" - "PRO" was launched.
New slogans-riddles are being published on 95 posts of the newspaper "Metro", installed at 53 stations of the St. Petersburg metro, to tie the additional respect of the townspeople to the joint project of "Dilovoy Petersburg" and "Metro" "PROcent of success".

Magazine "Vognik"

Vidavnitstvo "Vognik - Pres" expands the territory of the expansion of its vidan. Due to this fierce fate, the new, cost-free newspaper "Digest-Ogonyok" of the publishing house "Ogonyok-Press" has become available to employees and employees of 26 of the largest business centers in Moscow. The newspaper "Vognik Digest" is being shorter materials magazine "Vognik", as soon as they were published, so they prepare for the next day. Infotainment, photographs of the best maistrovs, like Russian language, put the publication on a par with paid newspapers and magazines in Moscow. All the same with a great circulation (500,000 approx.), the widest popularity brand "Vognik" with competitive prices for advertising, robbing the Digest is superbly addicted to advertising.

Mistyans buy dairy products "At the skin's house".
From the beginning of the day, on the shelves of grocery stores in Yekaterinburg, sirni sirki and sir with the logo of the newspaper appeared. The appearance of this product is the result of a joint action of the Moscow dairy plant "VKD". A reading competition was held to support the action of the newspaper. Meta - mutually passing through (mi - through the newspaper we pass the products to the plant; stinks - through our products in stores - our brand). The action is three times before the worm 2003.

Vidavnichy Dim "Burda"

Magazines "Liza", "Vidpochin!", "Zrobi pause!" and "TV7" acted as informational sponsors of the International Championship of all guts. At the exhibition, which took place on 15-16 birch at the Exhibition Hall "New Manege", the new magazine of the VD "Burda" - "Lisa. My beloved creatures" - was presented. At the exhibition, there was little opportunity to get to know the magazine and subscribe to a new one, and the prize-winners of the exhibition took the first issue of the magazine.

Vidavnichy dim "Extra N"

The vidavnichiy dim "Extra N" held the prize draw among the participants of the first, lute round of the "Extra-Labirint" competition. At the same time, at the skin outlet of the tizhnevik "Extra N", the gra "Labirint" was published for a month. "Labirint" having remade the entire newspaper on its own playing field, the leather side of a kind of bagatarase was "cleaned" with engravings, which helped to grow advertising, placed it on these sides more effectively, and also increased the recognition of the logo. "Labirint" helps to increase the respect for the newspaper of the target audience - part of the population with a high level logical thought, reckless, dynamic public, building earning money and spending money on comrades and services that are advertised by the newspaper.

Company "Extra M Media"

The editorial office of the short newspaper "Okruga", as seen by the company "Extra M Media", launched its own experiment: all the daily issues of the newspaper will be thematic. It is planned to dedicate some of them to some important topics, especially the actual hanging. For example, ordering health after winter or preparing for the next season.
The coloring of the thematic releases is the same as in the main releases. If there is a need to expand, then, the volume of the Okrug's primary delivery to the houses and offices of Moscow firms, part of the circulation of the specialty skin edition will be expanded there, de posterigaєtsa the largest concentration of the target audience. So, the release of "Okrugi", dedication to health problems, will appear in pharmacies and health centers.

Magazine "Vognik"

On the first working day after that, the editorial office of the magazine "Vognik" was awarded the opportunity to win the competition among the payers. Our readers actively responded to the proposition of the beloved magazine: over 5,000 (!) subscription coupons were sent. The first place was the main prize - a color TV set - that went to the homeland of the Gorshkovs. The stench itself caught up earlier for all, not less to issue a subscription to "Vognik" for the press, and send a copy of the signature coupon to the editorial office. More honorable other place that prize - an exclusive photo album "History of "Vognik" - the history of the country" wins our reader from Moscow. The overpayers, who shared between themselves for 3 and 4 months, were not left without a gift: branded T-shirts with the symbol of "Vognik" will be shipped to the Nadim metro station (Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug), to the village of Tulgan (Orenburzka region), to metro station Bratsk (Irkutsk region) and Bashkortastan. . Let's guess that the contest was announced with the beginning of the signature campaign in the spring of the past, and now we can win the right to win their well-deserved prizes.

Vidavnichy house "Bauer-Logos"

Vydavnichiy dіm Bauer-Logos continues to carry out promotions, directed at the promotion of their vidan. At the birch tree and quarters on the MTV channel there will be an advertisement for the youth magazine "Bravo". On Fridays, Saturdays and weeks in the popular program "News Block Weekly" Oleksandr Anatoliyovich calls to buy the magazine "Bravo", and within the framework of the program itself, an advertising video is shown. And for the month (for Wednesdays) the program "News Block Daily" hosts announcing the most relevant materials of the latest issue.

ZAT VD "Komsomolskaya Pravda" launched a spring advertising campaign at the Merezhi ZAT "Tsentropichat". The advertising action of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" started on the 11th day of the month and last until the end of the month. Today, a leaflet with a lining of the fresh issue of "KP" (format - A4) will be placed on the special trade area of ​​the kiosks "Centrodruk". It will be present in the central part of the stand in 150 kiosks. Mustache rear stands, roztashovani z two sides of the kiosk, for a month will be occupied by bright advertising leaflets "KP"

"TELESEM" near Kemerovo
On the 6th of February 2003, a competition was launched for mid-term sales, which is not the first to be held and bring the Kemerovo industry an increase in sales from 25 to 50% per month.

From 4 days to 25 days "TELESEM", m. Yekaterinburg hold the action "Buy "TELESEM" on Wednesday and take away a TV set from Friday". Scheme of the competition: schop'yatnitsy in the ranking air "4 Channels" leading to put on the live air feed to read the latest issue of the newspaper "TELESEM", and the reader can dial up to the live air. The promotion is accompanied by an advertising campaign.

Vidavnichy dim "SPN"

A regular expansion of Where Moscow and Where Saint-Petersburg magazines began on Aeroflot flights. The Where Moscow magazine is present on all Aeroflot flights that fly from Moscow (at the salons of the 1st and business class), Where Saint-Petersburg is expanding for the same system on all flights to Moscow-St. Petersburg.
At the grass "TELESEM", m. Magnitogorsk, to continue supporting the advertising campaign:
1. on 7 cars "Taxi Class" the logo "TELESEM" was placed;
2. announcements of the new issue of the TV guide and image commercials placed in local advertising blocks (midweek by week) by 2; rating radio stations of the city: "Russian Radio", "Radio "Lux";
3. announcements of the latest issue of the TV guide and image commercials are now broadcast on the main inserts on the REN-T channel;
4. The "TELESEM" logo will be placed on the 1st day of the month with a term for three months on the map-scheme of the main type of transport in Magnitogorsk - the tram (350 trams. 750 wagons).

Vidavnichy dіm "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

The newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" acted as an informational sponsor of the Moscow concert of the legendary member of the band "The Beatles" Paul McCartney. The concert will take place on Chervoniy Square on May 24th. Readers have a unique opportunity to win the musician's autograph. For whom is vigadati necessary cicave nutrition idol and send yoga to the editor by electronic mail. The author of the best food takes off his T-shirt autographed by McCartney. It is necessary to prepare the dedications to the concert with a special release "KP", which will be widely spread among the viewers.

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" held a joint campaign with the Moscow-9 international post office. The action was held from 23 to 25 April within the framework of the Student Advertising Festival, which took place on the territory of the MDSA. The overpayment for the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" was accepted for the light prices. Leather prepayer otrimuvav club card and souvenir from the editorial office. Also, the newspaper was given advertising materials for distribution to the participants of the festival.

News of regional enterprises of the VD "Komsomolskaya Pravda"
"KP" - Tomsk:
- April 24 "KP" - Tomsk to conduct the first recruits of the spring prize. Conscripts to give gifts on the road: envelopes, pens, calendars with the "KP" logo, as well as to secure basic information - memos with addresses and telephone numbers of the regional military committee, the committee of soldiers' mothers and the editorial office of "KP" near Tomsk.
"KP" - Chelyabinsk:
- Current buildings before each other glossy special edition "Your Dim". In one of the largest supermarkets in Chelyabinsk ("Bliskavka") there will be a presentation of the tab among buyers.

Vidavnichy dіm "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

On April 19, the Komsomolska Pravda super-competition for readers "Moscow for testing" starts. Wash the contest: readers can send to the editors of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" a sheet of papers about themselves and their loved ones and photos from the family album, as well as a subscription coupon for the newspaper or 10 logos of "Komsomolskaya Pravda". The community is glad to honor the 10 most valuable leaves. Helping the competition will be awarded for the help of a foal on the air of one of the central TV channels. Like a prize for a sim's helper, you will be given the opportunity to recognize the life of the capital. Newspaper to pay the way to all members of the family to Moscow, rent an apartment for a pet, medical insurance, children can get nursery garden that school. The grown-ups can know the work independently, and through the process praise the decision - they will lose their life in the capital and turn to the fatherland.

On the 27th of April the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" held the Championship from big with bugs. The championship will have the fate of the children of newspaper readers. Week of participants from 0 to 2 nights. Signs will appear in 3 age groups: in 0 to 1 date; vіd 1 to 1.3 roku; from 16 to 2 nights. The winners will be rewarded with colorful TVs, children's bicycles, toys, and the youngest participant will win a special prize. Venue for the sports hall "Kuntsevo".
Achieved housekeeping about the placement of POS-materials of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in the kiosks of the BAT "Druk Zamoskvorichya". The agency will be given 100 branded aprons and 50 branded cash register plates "KP". Previously, the materials were delivered from the BAT "Pivdenne AP", the BAT "AP "Moskovsky Zahid" and the BAT "Press for All".

Company "Extra M Media"

"Extra M Media" advertise your projects on minibuses
In the next hour, the advertising company of the current projects of the company "Extra M Media" with a variety of fixed-route taxis of the Moscow metro will be announced.
The logo of the short newspaper "OKRUGA" will be placed on cars, the routes of which pass near the districts, where the newspaper is expanded.
"It's good that "Okruga" now appears not only in the postal screens of Muscovites, but I guess about myself on the streets of the city," says Nataliya Konnova, a certifier, who worked with the customers of the "Okruga" newspaper. - Robots with readers and advertisers come I think that newspaper advertising on fixed-route taxis will promote awareness of the Okrugi brand.
The advertisements for the series "Encyclopedia of the Spozhivacha" will be placed on fixed-route taxis, which run near the district of distribution of the great markets for budding materials (the market on the Varshavskomu shose and "Kashirsky dvir" is among them).
To the thought of the director of the project "Encyclopedia of the Spozhivacha" Larisa Taskaeva, "this article was created to popularize a new series of achievements about the goods and services that our company sees. "Encyclopedia" stink can know about rich food, what to squawk them.
The advertising campaign on fixed-route taxis runs for three months, from the end of the day to the end of the lime ts.r., according to the press service of the company "Extra M Media".

Newspaper "Vidomosti"

"Vidomosti" - conducted business research - carried out research and revealed that the main readers of the newspaper are representatives of government structures and great corporations. For a successful development of knowledge, it is necessary to expand your reading audience. One of the tools to achieve the goal was to conduct a promotional campaign in the borders of Moscow. The Pro-Vision Communications agency developed the campaign plan and secured the organization.
Trivatime promotion for two days - from 24 March to 5 days. Within a few hours, a new issue of "Vidomosti" for an advertising price can be bought in the center of Moscow in the districts of urban areas, banks, business centers, offices of great companies. During the course of the campaign, 60 pixels will be covered with a cape. Choose the place of the action, allowing you to welcome a new group of target audiences.

Vidavnichy dіm "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

In the course of the prepaid campaign on another date in 2003, the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" and the Moscow Post Office will conduct a joint action "Subscription by phone". Any resident of Moscow can call the editorial office and cancel the application for a subscription to Komsomolskaya Pravda for any term. At the nearest time for the deputy, the leaf-carrier at home, or in the office, arrange an advance payment. Previously, a similar service was given to the readers of "KP" by the forces of the editorial staff. Іz zaluchennyam zusil poshtovikі in the capital tsієyu service can be quick greater number Muscovites.

"KP" - Samara: - At Samara, the prepayment period was held from 21-26.05.2003. Prior to it, 10,000 leaflets were prepared and distributed according to mailed screenshots. Particular respect was attached to the participants knowing the cost-free overpayment.
- "KP" - Samara held a joint action from the Yukos company. Together with the Department of Education, 150 Samara Schools were signed for Komsomolskaya Pravda.
Starting on 19 January "Tyzhden" KP "near Tomsk. At the Friday issue of 16 January, a scheme was placed for transferring the "Komsomol" plan to the streets of the city and from Monday, be it a willing moment to sign up for "KP" at the most convenient place for the new city. During the winter months, on the sides of "KP" a lottery ticket "KP" is placed. Readers are encouraged to pick up tickets and bring them on 24 May to the Moscow Garden, where there will be a great "Komsomol" lottery. competition "People's Expertise".

newspaper "Zruk u ruki"

On the 20th day of the week, the marketing of the newspaper cost-free voice-overs "From hand to hand-Nizhniy Novgorod" for the promotion of its own vision of a series of foreign visits, dedicated to ten years of vision.
All day long, ten trams and trolleybuses, adorned with the company's symbol "Hand in Hand", for city dwellers, organizing cost-free travel, quizzes were held, drawing prizes toshcho. On the same day, a memorial plaque was erected on one of the central streets of M. Novgorod - "Monument to the rest of the private voice on the walls of the city". "Monument ..." is an exact copy of self-contained slanders, glued in place, as if to respect fahivts, to lie directly in the contemporary art, as it is called Public Art. Following the words of the chief responsible for marketing, Irina Timinoy, a catana is planned for povitryany kuli because of the possibility of submitting a cost-free voicing, it didn’t come out of the window through the weather, and in other visits, the townspeople took an active part.
"TELESEM", m. Sochi.
From 10 to 25 chervnya on postal receipts of the Adler and Lazarevsky districts, the days of the transfer to the newspaper "TELESEM" are paid. On 52 calls, the "TELESIM" front-payer patches were issued, and posters were posted about the payment of a premium for payment and the drawing of prizes for signature coupons. Banners "TELESEM" were hung on the central branches, practitioners sent a subscription to the company's T-shirts.
The advertising campaign is being continued with subscriptions for the 2nd April 2003.

company "Independent Media"
Advertising campaign for the magazine "Formula Zdorov'ya"
The advertising campaign for the grass issue of the Formula Zdorov'ya magazine has passed. Issuance of preparations by the new editorial team on the basis of Eugene Killich. The updates of the magazine became a welcome surprise for both readers and advertisers. The fresh design of the cover for the same magazine, new headings, as well as a large-scale advertising campaign - all this added to the active increase in sales of the magazine and the increase in reader loyalty to see.
The advertising campaign went through three straight lines:
- advertising near the Moscow metro on the lines with the maximum passenger flow;
- advertising at all supermarkets of the "Somy Continent" merger, de stretching the day for two years on plasma screens near the trading floor, a 30-second advertising video was broadcast to the magazine, and POS materials with a grass lining were placed at the sales points, advertising posters were placed at the entrances to supermarkets. The magazine is planning to carry out a similar action for the sake of the future.
In addition, seven great regional centers hosted a promotional campaign for the participation of partners "Formula Zdorov'ya".
Great department stores and supermarkets became the venue for the event.

"TELESEM", Ufa I have carried out a supportive advertising campaign.
Announcement of new TV numbers on radio stations: Europa Plus, Russian Radio, Radio Maximum 8 calls per day from Thursday to Saturday. Image commercial of "TELESEM" before the screenings of all films in one of the best cinemas in the "Batkivshchyna" area.
On 2.000 requests, the "Rodina" cinema was placed with the "TELESEM" logo.
On two trolleybuses along the route, the logo "TELESEM" was placed - TV broadcasting works for our program.

Vidavnichy Dim "Burda"

Glossy women's magazine Mini and cosmetic company Elegance to hold a joint action in Moscow and regions (Lipetsk, P'yatigorsk, Veliky Novgorod, Stavropol, Samara, Saratov, Volgograd, Izhevsk, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Nizhny Novgorod) take part 70 great stores.
From September 15 to September 15, 2003, when buying in stores participating in Elegance cosmetics for a sum of 500 rubles, the buyer will receive a black issue of the stylish Mini magazine (2500 copies) as a gift.
The promotion is announced in participating stores (30-second audio clips; leaflets on testers with cosmetics and in the touch zone; posters A3, 100 pcs.). In Moscow, in the action, I take the fate of the chain of Arbat Prestige stores.

ZAT "Vidavnichy dіm "Prof-Media"

CJSC "Prof-Media-Press" jointly with TOV "Center of wholesale sales" to conduct a super action - a lottery among the distribution of press. The method of the action was the increase in sales of "Express Newspaper" and "Teleprogram". The main prize - a scooter - will be placed in the wholesale store "Dmitrovsky" and will be drawn 6 sickles. For the participants of the drawing, I will also check a lot of other company prizes in the form of "Express Newspaper".

CJSC "InterMediaGroup"

"TELESEM", m. Volodymyr
"TELESEM" held a joint campaign "Vitok Lucky" with TNT.
All the limen at all Volodymyr's trolleybuses is the replacement of the most important tickets to issue colorful company cards for the "Success Card". Usyi - 2.5 million pieces. The one who wins at least five such tickets and awards for meals on TNT, I will become a participant in the draw, the prize in Yakoma is great and big by-butov technique. "TELESEM" - a single newspaper - publishes the rules of which draw. Logo "TELESEM" of placements on receipts and in audio and video clips on TV and radio.
9 line, "TELESEM" pіdіb'є pіdіb'є pіdіbіє podbags 1st stage of the action "Only ty, tіlki tіgo lita!". Participants of the action - schoolchildren, like every hour of the summer holidays, spread our newspaper.
The action is carried out suddenly. From mid-May, the skin issue of "TELESEM" publishes voice-overs about participation in the action.
Based on the results of sales, the best red youngsters will be rewarded with valuable gifts. The decoration will be held on 10 lime.
Remaining pіdbags of the action "Tіlki ty, іlki tіkogo lita!" will be celebrated on the holy day "At the guests of "Televichka", as by tradition, 30-31 sickles will pass near the park named after Belinsky.
CJSC "InterMediaGroup"

"TELESEM", Chelyabinsk
1 linden ended the first stage of the competition for the best rozpovsyujuvacha "TELESEM". Behind the minds of the competition leather rozpovsyujuvach is guilty of soliciting no less than 50 issues of the newspaper for a day, with the most significant promotion. The competition is planned to be carried out with a stretch of ten years. The winners are chosen to be handed over branded souvenirs with the "TELESEM" logo. The main prize for sub-bags of three months is a TV set.

"TELESEM" co-located with the beauty salon Bell and the TV channel "Skhidniy Express" from the rooms of the 3rd linden rozpochali game for the TV guide reader.
The main prize - haircut, styling, make-up in the salon at the live broadcast of the "Skhidniy Express" TV channel; the "TELESEM" logo is placed at the transmission studio. It is announced on TV channels 21 times a day. Information about the promotion is available in the Bell salons.

At the linden "TELESEM" to continue supporting the advertising campaign:
We are trying to make a video with the announcement of the latest issue of the TV guide, which is being posted on TV3, STS, Skhidniy Express channels.
Announcement of the new issue of "TELESEM" next to live, 100 times for free from Thursday to the week of placements on MTV.
On the radio stations "Europe Plus", "Radio Retro", "Dynamite-FM" announcements are placed on the air on Thu., Fri., Sun. five times a day.
For the same scheme of placement of announcements on the light board at the largest shopping complex place.

company "Independent Media"

Advertising campaign "Popular Mechanics"
Magazine "Popular Mekhanika" won the lowest number of advertising campaigns in Moscow and St. Petersburg, in the middle of them - a prize for subscription to the magazine, which was broadcast on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" in St. Petersburg. The program was dedicated to the 300th place, within the framework of it, a quiz was held: everyone who correctly applied for the presenter's power was awarded a first-place subscription. Advertising campaign at the kiosks of "Rosdruk" near St. Petersburg, where posters with image advertising were placed for the magazine "Popular Mechanics".
The promotion for British Petroleum was held from 16 to 24 hours at 41 filling stations in Moscow. Internal radio proishov 15-second video with the announcement of the red issue of "Popular Mechanics".

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