Nikitin's cubes - a technique for developing a logical mind. Master-class for teachers "Dice of Nikitins "Fold the glass". Molding of combinatorial skills in preschoolers Cubes of Nikitin description

Natalia Miroyan
Master-class on the theme "Game technology "B. P. Nikitin's Cubes" as a Umov's development"

[Hid master class:

Tsіl: get to know the participants meister- class with victoria practice developing Igor B. P. Nikitina in robots with children of preschool age.


1. Teach teachers Igor B.P. Nikitina, yakі spriyat development learning activity of preschoolers.

2. Zatsіkaviti pedagogіv igrami B.P. Nikitina for voicing from your robot.

Material: igri B. P. Nikitina: "Fold the glass", Great cubes B. P. Nikitina.

1. Slide (TOPIC)

1. Introductory word.

Good afternoon.

The theme of our master class: Game technology cubes B. P. Nikitina like Umov's rosette learning activity of preschool children

2. Slide (Quote) unfinished quote


DUMA --- ….

Continue, be kind, proposition. So everything is correct.

Crying - think, Thinking - crying! Definitely for a grown-up person and a child grace busy what we think.

3. Slide (GRAY-DUMAIEMO, DUMAIE-GRAIEMO) photo with children

Gra - tse way to know yourself that extravagant world, development communicative wisdom, norms of behavior, formation of understanding the rules

Particularly the place in the life of the child is occupied developing games, in some children training: awake, myslennya, memory, develops your creative vibes.

Today I preach to your respect game technology cubes B. P. Nikitina.

4. Slide (NIKITINI)

Boris Pavlovich and Olena Alekseeva Nikitin teachers are innovators, rozrobili tsikava system of developing games. Developing games of teachers founded on a marvelous cubes, what to take revenge on your own principle "from simple to folding", oskіlki same vіn mav buti by mail to child development.

5. Slide (TASKS):

Developing the games of Nіkіtіnіkh virіshuyut radium zavdan:

1) Lighting:

Adopt molding and fastening of children's information about color, shape, size.

Teach children to beginners the classification, vary the color and form.

2) Vikhovny:

Take a look self-development.

Vikhovuvati neatness, accuracy, consistency and purposefulness.

Take it in my mind, take the decision on my own.

3) Developing:

-Rozvivati children have more creative thoughts, inspiration, respect, memory.

-Rozvivati expanses of vivacity, kmіtlivist and logical thoughts, graphic zdіbnostі, vіdchutya color, vminnya analyze, combine colors.

2. Main part. Acquaintance with developing games B. P. Nikitina.

Yaki igri Nikitinikh you know? (Vіdpovіdі)

6. Slide (Igri Nikitinikh)

Before developing games: "Unicube", « Cubes for everyone» , "Fold the glass", "Fold the Square" and others.

Today before your respect, I want to show developing group B. P. Nikitina"Fold the glass" and play together with you.

GRA " "Fold the glass"

It stacks up to 16 equals cubes. Cubes Mayut 6 faces The skin edge is barred at different colors. Main 4 color: red, white, blue, yellow cubes Nikitin polygaє in that, there are two faces cube combine with two colors. Red and white tricouts and another facet of blue and yellow tricouts. What allows you to put together їх kolorovі vіzerunki in the majestic number of options.

For the cob of work with children of the preschool age, it is necessary to simply look cubes. Give respect to those who are colorful stinks of rozfarbovani.

First Games cubes for zovsim small: vchimo and fix the color form; dear cubes- Vchimo understand the quantity, the shape of the cob navichi rahunka. Children learn to learn color paths and simple vizierunki.

At the middle vіtsі zavdannya for children settle down. under the kerіvnitstvom mature children practice for the schemes. Vibudovuyut different vizierunki. We fix the beginnings of the oral rahunka, form that color.

Seniors preschool children to independently follow the tasks behind the schemes, to build a logical sequence (lancet) that show creative initiative.

Practical part for osvіtyan

Today we will be buried with you at the great cubes B. P. Nikitina, yakі korisnі like children and grown up. Cubes develop cognitive activity, communicative fluency. Great cubes I don’t care to sit at the tables and in the future I’m worried.

Proponuu viyti 2-4 want to pograti and fold vіzerunki. Four participants will be at the tables, and two will be busy with the great cubes B. P. Nikitina. (you can find help, whoever picks it better)

The old bіla of the bluest sea is alive.

9. Slide Chauvin

І the axis of one time, having poured the old one on his own chute across the blue sea.

10. GOLD RIBKA Slide

Having thrown the old nevid by the sea, I ate fish not just simple, but gold fish.

Having pumped the old gold fish, healthy. “Let me go to the sea, let me go to the sea, be it for myself I will give a coupon”- Said gold fish.

Asking the old fish for the old new chobots tk old zovsim fell apart and let the gold fish into the blue sea

11. Slide Chobitok

The old one came home and sipped his new shoes with his grandmother, a gift of a golden fish. Zradila is old to such a gift, and the stench began to live long and happily.

12 Slide repeat

3. Closing word.

Playing in such a manner, children learn to understand schemes, recognize real objects in abstract little ones, guess the plot of a fairy tale, explain, learn develop the plot chirp in movi see different propositions.


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Image library:

Silence from the people is already ready to receive light, to remember the information. Golovne dzherelo tsyogo - fathers. As soon as the stench begins to start respecting a child, reading it, talking to her, playing games, then it’s not hard for children to start inheriting their mother, tata.

Development of a child for the help of cubes of Nikitin

For children and their fathers, a unique method of Boris Nikitin was developed. The whole miraculous homeland of the wine “Kubiki Nikitin”, as they help in the development of their family children and even richer little ones. The whole world was amazed by this innovative vision. The methodology turned out to be effective.

Korist from developing igors

1. Train your memory to help a grown-up child.

2. Malya learn how to respond quickly, think about what to allow to take the right decision.

3. Napoleglivost develops, and the child learns to gradually protrude to the point.

4. To expand the knowledge of the necessary world, to develop awake, almost symmetrical.

5. The child is getting ready early to school for help from Igor, as it is necessary to read, rahuvati.

6. Nikitin's cubes are not only good for the development, motor skills of children, but also to spriyat zmіtsnennya vіdnosin between them and fathers.

Raznomanіtnіst and methods of teaching children

Designed for Gris set of wood "Fold the glass" (16 pcs.). Nіkіtіn's cubes of different colors allow children to dream up and fold vіzerunki. Until the gri is added to the file for recording, so that you can fix your own opinion.

Also vigadano set "Unicube" with different colored edges (47 small pieces). Children from satisfaction will find original constructions in the look of geometric figures. You can also play Nikitin's cubes "Fold the square". A child learns to fold figures, which will become a help in the gallery of geometry and algebra. Also, the cubes "Architect", "Fractions", "Segen's Box" appeared for sale.

How to attract children with games

Obviously, all logical games will be enjoyed in that moment, as the patient fathers will help to develop a child's hot interest to the next occupation. Nebhіdno, so that the little one wants a little bit of sitting, tolerant, like a mother that tato. It’s possible to take a child, if you’re able to talk about the zatsіkavlenіst with a kind of rose in the eyes of the fathers. The skin of a kind father and mother wants to make her small become smart, maw wake up, love until the beginning. You can be inspired that Nikitin's cubes will sprout the various development of children. In the meantime, a person does not hurt, which gave respect to children, the shards of the city will be proud of them. Adzhe u suspіlstvі love osvіchenih, tsіkavih people. The method itself was analyzed. In addition, these games stimulate creativity and intellectual thought. And a little person will learn from a grown-up life to create unique ideas, and become penetrating. For help, you can inspire a child with confidence, because children often become critical to their abilities.

Memo for fathers

It is important not to hurry the fathers to help them solve puzzles, let the child think independently, learn to be inquisitive, active. The system of learning presents tasks in a different way: little ones, armchairs, schemes. It is necessary to remember that in games there is a lot of money for children of different age. Don’t spoil the child, bark, so you don’t go into it so quickly, like an older little one or a dad. Good luck to come. Sob the development is not galmuvav, not a trace of majestic vimogi to the child.

How to play Nikitin's cubes?

Presently there are 8 unbarred zeglinok, embroidered with studs. Children need to arrange the construction that is propagated by the eye. So that everything was successful, it’s necessary for you not to hurry, respectfully look at the armchair, at the thoughts to reveal the figures of that vikonati of the day. In the hour, if there is a commemorative progress, you can trust him with the order and folding. You can play in a group, as a form of expanse of thought, so that a child can exalt flat and expanse forms, analyze and create an image of a dream like a dream. Gra "Cubes for all" still develops qi vminnya. From the cubes of the father, they put together a fairy tale-mystery, and the children, listening to the poster, respectfully, respond to the food. You can see: different animals, birdies, pyramids, little houses. Here the role and fantasy of the fathers play a role. Now we know the answer to the food about those, how to grow at Nikitin's cube. And why are you afraid, because you don’t have the ability to buy them from the store? Navit tse can be allowed, so stock up on mom and tatov patient and sit. It is proponuète to build such miraculous cubes on your own.

Do-it-yourself Nikitina cubes

It is necessary to choke on the idea of ​​the homeland of the Nikitins and to try to buy zvichayn cubes. If it’s painted on them, we should soak them in the water for a short while, so that the paper and glue will be cremated. Rosemary - approximately 4 by 4 cm. Then it is necessary to prepare cardboard: red, white, black and yellow (skin 24 squares each). It is necessary to glue the cubes on them: in front we beat, right-handed black, left-handed chervonim, behind we wait, the beast is black from yellow, from the bottom we whiten it with squares. So that not everything was not glued, it is suggested that the cubes be burnt with adhesive tape. All! You can proceed to the brown rose.

The developing cubes of Nikitin will help the fathers to develop in children a vision of purpose, memory, respect. These intellectual games encourage little ones to think and develop, so bring your good fruits to robots, sims, lives.

The bagatiohs, obviously, had food: where can I buy Nikitin's cubes? You can get it from the best stores, on the Internet. Some retail outlets offer cost-free delivery. The variability of the logical grey, which is looked at, kolivaetsya in the amount of 200 to 1000 rubles - in the fall, in the folding of the materials and in the material, from which preparations are made. Nikitin's wooden toys can be hoarded not only by little children, but also by fathers, grandmothers and children. The rich fathers themselves will be at the capture of the roses with cubes, adding to the cuteness of the little ones.

Olena Sevirinova
Master-class for teachers "Dice of Nikitins "Fold the glass". Forming combinatorial skills in preschoolers

CUBE. CHAMELEON - K. Methodology Nikitina

in the middle 12 cubes with edges of 2 colors and instructions with the rules of grit and specifications.

Copyright games Nikitinikh may have a great range of variability, i.e., they can be adjusted for themselves, for their own interests, for their own interests. Skin gra, following the words of the author, we can think, how to expand, how to add new tasks to it, how to improve it. Such a variability of the date of the date has been transferred, and the transition to I create a robot we will be more successful over the games themselves, by which, becoming the equal of the child’s creative vibes!

Tsya gra develops vminnya to eat and vary the color of that form what leads to the creation of the image. It is even more important for the successful mastering of the simplest basics of chairlifting by children, which allows them to develop figurative ideas and mindfulness combinatorial dії.

For gris, you can vicorate yak 4 dice so i all 12, you can mix 2 sets cubes. all cubes however, outside the world, at the skin 3 faces, which converge in one vertex, are tipped with one color, and the step 3 - with a different color.

Cubes in a box.

For vikonannya roznyh zavdan need razna kіlkіst cubes. Sunshine gris is falling at the wake on the square for the stars.

Gris eye, in instructions 59.

When it comes to everyday life, a child is obliged to strive for architectural accuracy, correctness, looking sideways (left-handed or right-handed, correctness from the front, the beast and the side).

Please note that this game is available for children of 4-8 years old, if the order is divided into instructions, the order for children of 4-5 years and the order for children of 6-8 years. If you have two children, then you can ask one child to make a construction, and the other child to change the correctness of everyday life.

My Visnovok: we bought qi cubes his chotiric bottom, the child herself could not figure out what to do and how to play in the group. For help, after 10 minutes, everything became clear, and my daughter started to finish the task, which was worthy of spinning cubes in different sides. to get such pictures as instructions. At the same time, I was even more excited, to the fact that sitting there does not suffer from that task. in which it is necessary to become interested and it’s important to give up - and then suddenly an interest was thrown in. at the same time, one of our beloved roses, pick up the life and look at it from the sides.

And still tsia gra dopomozhe zakrіpit chi teach the child, where to know the right, and de the left side.

« Fold the glass»

Based on gris – 16 cubes. Їхні facets pofarbovani unspeakable rank: chervona, blue, white and yellow, and those that are left out are divided diagonally into two tricots, so that you can also make your own color. Zavdyaki tsiomu z cubes you can create impersonal things vizerunkiv. The author recommends helping children from 1.5 years old. Starting from the simplest tasks, little ones from early century they begin to design, improve the romatic operations (synthesis, analysis, develop creativity).

In the classrooms, children pick up sprats of types zavdan:

Folding cubes by pattern;

Get Ready vіzerunok, Transfer the scheme to zoshit;

They create their little ones.

Help « Fold the glass» two albums are added with zrazkami. The first one is intended for the development of children 2-4 years old, the other - 4-8.


So the children were bulo tsikavo grati mi vyrishili to make friends. Animals from chocolate eggs came to help us (For boys you can take cars). We made stitches for them ourselves. Por_vnyuvali chia dosha \ short, skilki pishlo cubes on that other path (Rahunok). Ditina sings all the tasks in order from the album. Ale, we put it in the album, another plus for the cob. Well, at the same time, you won’t pick up not only the upper edges, but also the sides.

Close the understanding: color, height, plumage.

We fix step by step complicate. Vikladati zavdannya z cubes different colors, for example, namisto for mami. It is also known with two-coloured faces (zavdannya yalinka).

Step on the drabinki to know the child with understanding "husband \ row \ over" that "stupchik".

You can also complicate winking out of the two-coloured faces.

After that, like a child, I learned to pick up the task in one row, I became complicate, dodayuchi rows and stovpchiki. And here animals from chocolate eggs came to help us again.

Budinochki behind the kazka "zayushkina hut"

that lis. Here the same element is repeated a few times. So the yalinkas themselves can be of different heights.

and now turn to the "correct" cubes. Yakscho cubes are prepared correctly:

Front face - white

Rear - Zhovta

Rights - blue

Liva - chervona

Upper - yellow-blue

Lower - red-white

that greater folded vіzerunkіv repeat on the back, only in a different color. children should turn the picture upside down and marvel at what happened.

I’ll show you the day, as if they missed it today, but the stench was introduced step by step and the victories were played. helpers(zvіrі \ cars \ lyalki)

Well i extra runes for some time that vikoristannya of all cubes. For the time being, we put these pictures in the album.

Well, bye the rest of the division Our album has "strats". Head of viklasti vіzerunok wіdsutnіmi cubes. otherwise put a day cubes on the picture.

Well, I ask you to add figures so that the little ones do not only run on the upper face, but on the sides.

I’m boasting about the devil’s faraway homes… This year, 2 years ago, a man brought a parcel of mail… they sang the children too fast… and then the man gave in… And for 2 years, not a bit and not a single person, no puzzles can be seen… A new wine…

I’ll honestly say that I caught fire after one movie (I don’t remember to name it, but the axis of the gra was in my head) ... There, the participants were small for another hour to pick up a yakomog more than such cubes ... Well, my children didn’t tighten the cube, but the stench started from the simplest tasks (a little book is added to the cubes from the tasks of a different level of folding).

Well, now I’ll show you how the cubes grafted my children on that person (I’ll play if everyone falls asleep)

That part of the task from the book

Wood cubes. Even yakіsni.

A tricky helper. Bagato batkiv pass before him. I call darma. It stimulates the child to think, operate with spacious images. Adzha is rightly brought to the mother from large figures. Tse new meeting mislennya that abstraguvannya. In the meantime, combining these cubes is significantly more foldable than a large load with a designer, and developing zdіbnosti to combinatorics that spacious mind. Let's start with the simplest. That and vikoristovuvati figurines for pobudov in іgry are also colorful. I progressively collapsed far away. Adzhe gra helps to improve graphic literacy, understand the plan, map, armchair.

For a long time I have been picking up a toy for my daughter - “Fold the Vizerunok” by Nikitin. Tsei helper - 16 cubes with faces, zabarvleni sing rank: chotiri of the same color - yellow, red, white and blue color, two - razdilena navpil.

Poednan, viserunkiv, figurines for the help of such cubes can be folded more richly. Fold monotonous "paths", crosses and squares, sequences, follow the task of a special manual, control the power ...

If you have 16 cubes of the same size in your house, a bagan of a small size can be easily and cheaply. You need only 4 rolls of spitting, which are self-adhesive, with a length of 15-20 cm (to lie in the size of cubes) and a little patience.

I knew the same cubes (more pack, good luck!), the most convenient bulo is to go to the store of budding materials, and even the necessary colors of the swimwear are practical. Bula calmly buy swimsuits and other designs - to decorate our wooden constructor.

The distance was filled with equal squares with accuracy to a millimeter and vir_zati. Shorter by a couple of millimeters less than the size of the face of the cube, shoby on the sticks of the slab did not enter, with "factory" cubes it is also necessary.

Sticking to the stink is just as easy. I took the toy at once from my daughter, reading her book with pride (fortunately, "Fedorina's grief" is already finished), and she turned the sides and stitched after the process.

It is possible to bulge already at this stage, having painted the “bіlі” faces simply unglued. Prote Donka vined the verdict - “not ready!”

Wishli already shattered cubes, like a store!

If you don’t have any suitable cubes, if you want your mother to have such a toy at home, you can make cubes from cardboard. You can make mock-ups for a friend without any cost directly at once, at the same time from another cicada thunder - Montessori's "Rozhevy Vezhey". Enter your E-mail and send materials for a friend to your mail.

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