Tsіkavі ta korisnі busy. Tsіkavі busyness in the form of nudga and negligence

At home, nudga and carelessness are the most annoying. If it is important to do well, you will be deprived of your own self. In such a situation, it is necessary to know the cicava, hoarsely busy, as if to help not only beat the hour, but also enjoy it.

For example, try it at a simple, relaxing, busy place. Listen to music, read a book, look at your favorite movies and series. Such an hour spent to help rozvantazhitisya, otrimati morale and intellectual satisfaction.

I became a handyman as a miracle worker in the face of negligence. Today, handmade is even more popular, so you can create some kind of cicava rich for yourself or your loved ones. Try knitting, try knitting, knitting with threads/beads/newspaper tubes. For bagatioh іz tsikh it is practically not necessary to take special outbuildings. For example, for making koshikіv іz newspapers you need: - Newspapers; - PVA glue; - knives/stationery nizh; - Master-class with the Internet.

Don't be afraid to try new things. If you can’t sew, it doesn’t mean that you can’t see. Look over the basics, what materials you need, what skills you need / are ready to use

Tsіkavim hobi can become collage. This process is completely creative and hoarse, allowing you to spend an hour and create unimaginable pictures. Collages can be victorious as an embellishment for an interior, a gift, a basis for making a leaflet. The stench of becoming a miraculous reward beautifully preserve the dear ones. Years of hoarding collages as a whole can develop into scrapbooking - the creation of chic author's photo albums.

Nudga may be a viklikan and a short splurge. To neutralize yoga, start chatting with friends more, write sheets to them, fill in the notes in social measures. If you want to “acquire” new acquaintances, post on thematic forums: cars, handicrafts, children and others. There you will meet people who have similar interests and interests to you.

If there is nothing to work on, start acquiring new knowledge. Today, there are few opportunities for distant illumination - in cursive foreign language to the basics of active professions. Whenever you have a good time, spend yoga with grudge for self-development.

Neutralization of negligence on robots

A tedious narada, an appointment for a deputy, a planned interruption can make a person boring during a working hour. It will not be so easy to get lost: in the service, you can rarely get out of your knitting bag, or you can often watch a sloppy film.

However, deyakі "home" employment in the absence of shyness, you can win and work. For example, otrimuvati dodatkovі znannya chi not remember to read e-book. Also, forums of interest are being abandoned

Miraculous zaynyattyam in the office camp is small stretching. Use a special set of right for stretching, which you can win without standing up. Like your ruhov and hours of opportunity, not the flooring of the fence, more vanity. For example, walk downhill to the rest of the top in the morning or take a walk in the nearest park.

It’s not surprising, but the robot itself helps to help the robot. Most of the spivrobitniks, having reached the minimum, linger on continuing non-terminal right, putting them on later. If you want to get away from the emergency, the bad boss, the dissatisfied deputy and the nudity, get involved in the work to the maximum.

A robot can become a miraculous place for splintering. If you realize that you are not in love with the right, look around: there is a person among your colleagues who, for the pleasure of accepting the proposition, go to the cafe or take a walk. Possibly, you see yogo for yourself from a new side, you know that you are drunk, or just miraculously indulge.

Yakshcho nudga found at the door

For a long time, do not stop the road. However, the edge of the country outside the window that the day of the spy of the clerk roams shukati tsikavi occupied, as if to allow the hour to pass. A classic option for spending an hour in the morning is reading, watching a movie or a computer game.

The road is a miracle place for thinking. Try to pay for managers with a deposit: write 100 bazhan, if you would like to pay for money; evaluate your capacity; dim and store the schedule rob it too thin. Tse allow to be appointed with prospects, increase your productivity and take care of the pain in the future.

Nudga - the syndrome of the 21st century. A lot of people sit at home and do not know what the tsikavim will do. And life is spovnene podіy that yaskravih emotsіy! All lie down less than you! If you want to get bored, everything that is necessary - your imagination and the troch zusil!


  1. Costume parties. Can you chat with friends at bars/restaurants/clubs for tea? Have a costume party at home! In time, fortunately, you can calmly blame an apartment for doba and rule everything there. Come up with the theme of the evening: a pajama party, a party of suproheroes, a homeless party, dudes ... A list of not obmezheniya! Tell your friends, buy a camera, obov'yazkovo take a camera and you will have an hour of fun! And can you run contests of power, such as the merezhі are impersonal!
  2. Walks. Do you know a lot about your place? Svidshe for everything there is a month, they didn’t suspect about yakі vy navit! Go to museums, art galleries, to photo exhibitions - marvel at what young people are doing today, what your place lives on.
  3. Get expensive. Do you think that a lot of pennies are needed for the more expensive? Call me! It is not necessary to go once to the Maldives to Rome. Russia has an impersonal place, like cicadas with its own history, architecture. In order to give a ride to adventurism, at the station, take the first train of the nearest destination. And having drank to a new place, it is similar to an excursion.


Є busy and for homeowners.

  1. Quilling. love beautiful leaflets? You are already moving, but you can work with your own hands! І the result will turn over all the points in an hour! For the help of the husband of paper, you can create right masterpieces.
  2. Decoupage. You can beautifully embellish screens, frames, lamps - everything that is suitable for you, and wink for whatever material. Good, at once a mass of specialized shops appeared.
  3. Collection. Pochnіt zbira scho-nebud: coins, stamps, magnets - whatever. Possibly, for a few years your collection will become unique!


Another way of what we can do, and with it, expand ourselves - take new knowledge.

  1. Kursi. Course massage, painting, growing nails, culinary course, course cut that garment - they are great! Choose whether you are choked, as you should, and enjoy the new good fortune!
  2. Ovіta. already taken away sanctuary? Why not learn a specialty for a friend? Possibly, you always dreamed of cheruvati with a trolleybus, and the fathers conned you to be a lawyer. The hour has come to bring your dreams into reality!
  3. sections. Dancing, sports, spiritual, drama group - all up to your services. Vik does not have the desired meaning.

Do not check for miracles - marvel at yourself, and life will turn its bright side towards you!

In the long evenings, you don’t want to go anywhere, you want one thing - to sit at home and take care of it ... Ut, we don’t know what to do on our own. Tobto is right, zvichayno, like a rich man - he drank here, rubbish there, pat a bath of whiteness. But only everything is for the family, but you don’t have time for yourself.

How to choose your own hobbies, so that it’s not too much to spend an hour? Dekilka is glad to help you with virishity, with which you will take up the upcoming holidays, and, perhaps, in life.

Vbity hour chi new usisto?

A bunch of people, a bunch of thoughts, before you start creating, think: what do you need a black magnet or a honeycomb figurine. And what to donate? Nі, nі, nі that time nі. If we don’t need you, then friends, acquaintances and colleagues will hardly be in good hands.

And the axis is new, weeded in the evening before the well-bought cloth, they will be properly evaluated.

A mask for disguise, prepared here and at once with just a few fresh ingredients, will please the skin. Close to the garrison knitting yalinkovym igrashki,

and a self-made scrap-leaflet is not only a boost to mood, but to spare a hundred-friend of a wooden family budget.

Millionaire is not in the gut

One of my known collections ... cars. I spend all my free time under the old, but brought into the divine look "Muscovites" and "Zhigulis". Chi varto say that the entire salary is going to the spare parts store.

Even though the prospect of saving and saving money on your hobbies is not added, try to minimize your spending. Grandma's screens are a paradise for needlewomen of a different age. Dosvіd pokazyvaє, scho itself there, at the tops of tієї treasury, there are the most beautiful fencing and the most valuable fittings.

By Valizah!

Mustaches of my hobbies were quietly placed at two wonderful boxes, as if I were decorating with a garnet. Vtіm, so it was more than enough on the cob. Now accessories, threads, wool, beads have been progressively distributed in all boxes. It suits everyone, let's go around my household.

If it doesn’t look like this, then think about what it takes to buy up the entire fabric store in order to sew a little head.

"Tasting" of new products

Progress does not stand on the spot, but at the same time there is an increase in the number of technical lotions, sometimes very necessary, and sometimes not much. So a fashionable lampwork without a high-temperature palnik and a muffle furnace. And the axis, for example, can be tied with just your hands.

Vibirayuchi that "tasting" hobi not varto vіdrazu zakubuvatysya bulky possessions. You can try something new at the festivals of hobbies and creativity, which are regularly held.

Patience, less patience

For the first time, you can’t see the banal lost axel “a la Plushenko”. Fall, sintsі and іnshі problems of newbies can be resurrected for a possible hobby. It is quite logical that one wants to devote one’s free time to receiving speeches, but is satisfied to bring alms. That is not why they are afraid of hardships, for the first hardships you can have a long romance with busyness.

Damage in the form of a hobby will give even a minimal result - a new floristic composition and first decoupage.

Lesser Mali...

A lot of professional knowledge and handicraft sites mark the master-class for the degree of folding. Throwing oneself at once on folding and ob'emnі speech - practically always means rozcharuvatisya and throw it in half. Small children will raise their spirits and become the first opportunity for the development of their talents.

What work?

And nasamkinets pererahuyu deyakі tsіkavі see rukodіllya.

Preparation and design of leaflets, albums and other paper products.

carving - cutting on vegetables and fruits, as well as on a mile and other plastic ones and no more on top.

Decoupage - the technique of embellishing the outer surfaces for the help of the shattered paper images.

Felting - the same felting, only they are called beautifully.

Quilling - a method of preparing compositions of twisted paper from a spiral of long and narrow papers.

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