Garni leaflets want you before you. Dobirka cute pictures "Sum for you

Zakohani bet is important to experience separations, because they want to spend all their free time one with one. But if you know how to be your young man, then you can still work so that you know your presence in order. Telephone rings - tse, zvichano, good, but the stench is suddenly forgotten. It is necessary to do so, so that it could be saved for a riddle. The axis, for example, the variant with leaflets will definitely be an additional one. You send me such an electronic leaflet, in which it will be written those, how much you are bored, as if you are checking for someone else. These leaves will have words of encouragement, we won’t survive this cooing through our daily life. Everything is simpler, but more effective, so you can boldly choose your own way. Choose carefully, for the one who cannot be merciful with these words.

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Date: 21.08.2017, 21:30

I will assign the first word to you.
You are a part of me, not a match for two.
It's so easy to spend, but forget it - never mind,
Aje ti live for the time being, I live here and I.
Wanting to know is not always easy,
Know that you don’t have it - for my happiness.

You are my bunny, ale serious,
Ti - protect yourself, ale diligent.
Dosch on the frosty street,
Ale ti grієsh less.

Wouldn't let me in anywhere
It's winter on the street.
I love, forever loved
I've been checking for a long time.

They say you can't love
It seems that the kohanny is not safe.
You don't lie to me, friends.
I mean, she's beautiful.

Say, if you love
You forget everything in the world,
Say you don't live
And you fly across the sky.

You are wider for her
open up your souls,
They say you will come
Just let them in.

Nich. You and I are full of bazhan.
Your hand is forging on my body.
I'm all about your dope
I am selling my soul to the devil.

Your mouth closed my lips,
So eagerly drinking them to the bottom,
Ale passions
I know I'm getting rid of myself.

Maybe you can give up,
Maybe I'm not hooked...
Why is the look chipping
For you - my soul?

I check tієї mitі,
When you come before me.
Let it fall for everyone at the forgetfulness,
Giving yourself the gift of me.

Ty skin is my breath and I see my skin.
I'll choke on you, maybe, once.
Your licorice my dream in the middle of a gloomy night.
Ty, mov fire, blinding my eyes.
I, like under hypnosis, reprimanded you.
Without the forecasts of the year, she sighed uncontrollably.

I wasn't afraid at all
Bachiti, how are you going on the road,
Abo through the empty square,
Straight ahead of me...

So why didn't they say
Razchinyayuchis at dark witnesses -
What is the whole hour, Kokhaniy,
I'm very worried about you!

You will sweat in my life,
The whole hour, thoughts, occupy the heart.
Yak dear you, I recognized later,
What are you alone - my soul is dear!

I will win over you forever,
Let it be navit warm in summer!
I hearts do not hit the cold,
I love you - do not forget about tse!

You are the dearest and most wonderful!
I'll be more honest with you.
The best one!
I speak with my soul!

I love only you!
Together we will be forever!
Happiness and sorrow for you,
I will give you all my kohannya!

Dbatim. check and love!
Zavzhd mizh us will be a thin thread.
Ringing our hearts.
Let's save our love until the end.

"Dyakuyu", - I tell you,
For those kohannya I take away,
For tі hvilini, scho with you
I forget everything in the world.

I say to you: "I love you"
For your caress, that bezturbotnist,
For the right to trust you
For our little eternity.

So the sun smelled of light,
І ty nі z chim, without interfering -
Sticking to my lips
Such a salty mov the sea.

I remember all breasts,
Dihannyam heart scorched,
I want to breathe you soon
Kokhannya will not give you a break!

Everything seems to be girlishly proud but guilty.
Like pride, like you - my kohannya that nathnennya.
I know, I can't live without you.
Kokhaniy, you deliver me to the malt.
When I am with you,
I want to whisper: "I sigh to you."
And as a matter of fact, SMS is not modest,
Please vibache me.

I love you, like a krila wind,
Like the sun to love the sky,
Your whole image, which is pure and bright,
What do I carry in my beloved.

I can't help but get bored
Transferring the image of your creak,
You are my fortress, my kingdom,
My prince on a kazkovy horse.

shchos leaflets lad want to you want youє so between us,
What is important to describe in great words?
Kokhannya is given to us for two,
We will be happy with you forever!

With you, it’s so acceptable to be in order,
I want to talk about us, mriyati, kohati...
I want to squeeze in softly, penetrating into the soul,
I want to know that there is only one in you!

We are with you again, let's go to the stake
Pochuttіv svoїh, bazhan and mrії.
I am in the eyes of a friend
I marvel, and I swear by them mayzhe.

Your my unsightly and bazhany,
I am yours, as you whisper, Mriya.
Holy light, dovgoochіkuvane.
Let's burn our love candle.


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Sleep koshenya licorice, licorice! I want to lie down with you! At your favor to the kohanom lads, receiving dreams at the prose
Blessing a lad from a good wound in prose
beautiful sms leaves of the kohanoma lads

Erotic SMS lyrics I want you

Vershi with erotica lad
Garni vіrshi lad

42 gifts

Cover your mind that your cooing at once is far away from you - and it doesn’t matter what it was called by the old-timers, or by the robot on duty. Or maybe, at the same time, in different parts of the planet, just to someone who got to know each other, and your novel is still only available on the Internet?

If words are not enough, if you want to say to people: “I love you crazy and check you” in a non-trivial way, our cool goodwill will come to the rescue - on the current day, the pictures “I’m bagging for you” in different variations. You can have cool photos with funny writings, or romantic and beautiful pictures of people.

How to just hang your feelings through the sent photo to the kohan man with the inscription “Smile! I love you!" or rich in other inscriptions, submit below.

Here it is, the whole of eternity can be admired with beautiful, maddening pictures. Adzhe is so easy to take advantage of and so costlessly cool photo with the words “Check”, “I’ll hug it” and the like, and then fix the other half.

Irrespective of those that people most defiantly turn their noses, if they take a photo of a similar sight, it’s true that it’s all the same for them to take such a sign of respect in front of their kohanoi. Especially if you can only contact for help in listing in social measures so skype.

Correcting the images that you have been honored with, you can add a catchphrase for your notes: “. I want to show pictures about those who will manage for you, I want to hug. Smile, even if the separation is not for good, the docks of offense are rebuked by me in this world. I check our zustrich with impatience.

In this rank, your addressee does not take away Garnu picture, ale th sincere, accepting text, which is to bump into your heart. And all the electronic "whole", "hug" become right, it takes less than an hour and the help of both partners chatting one with one.

Often say “Smile, why are you so sour? When the robot is on duty, don’t turn around, turn around, your man won’t go anywhere. ” But how can you live a whole day or two without that, with whom you live for a few years? What can not be understood by people, if they are not associated with mіtsnim stosunki.

If you called the balakati schoranka on the phone, calling being on a robot, throwing a couple of phrases from the good day’s prayers and the ob’yazkovy shvidkoplinny “I kiss”, if in the evening, turning back to the robot home early for a new one, write like hell to people, preparing a delicious evening for two : "I'm counting on you with impatience." Everywhere lie yoga speech. Everything is guessing about the new skin detail of your life.

What are you talking about the reckless and young suffocated, as if you knew in the past that such a swindle and a storm of emotions, what do they both do! It’s not the same day there - they can’t live a day without an SMS-information, listing on VKontakte or Facebook, but at times you don’t get so terribly, to show how much you’re crazy for a person who gives such an unforgettable charge of endorphins and thoughts, if you’re happy the skin part of your body sleeps with joy.

Such is our share - to love and nudguvati for your other halves, to bring like a stink to the nearest store for a birthday.

Most of the time, you seem to languish in front of your eyes, and at such moments you want to treat them kindly, to say to them: “Smile, and soon you’ll get back together again.”

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