Prose about love to a man's mind. Beautiful love sms for you in prose

The axis virishila write you a couple of rows. You can read it if there is an hour
and laugh in your soul
I can’t sing it in a singsong voice, how I’m sorry, that they didn’t swear today, but not
Skoda flooring, which is not seen today itself
we didn’t worry about the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, we didn’t worry about tomorrow,
And the day after tomorrow... and there, only God knows. Today is only the third day,
like I don’t beat you, but in my soul, since three hundred years have passed. And the order is with you ...
an hour rushes along a whirlwind, like an express, without teeth ... Like me
good with you ... Forward in life, I see, not only divine pulls to
you, ale and I’m a call to you
I can get an explanation. Simply, I don’t care about you and everything. Somebody knows that you, like no one else, and only you can understand me and be nice to me. Instructed by you, but by your voice, I
I’ll calm down, practically instantly, if I don’t
piled on. I don’t have such a miraculous effect in a calm day,
yak you.
I live at the same time
ring to ring. And I’ll spend the whole time, I don’t live, I’m going to
ochіkuvannі.. life. Zvichayno, I would like to bachiti, chuti, vіdchuvati you
zavzhd ... Ale those who are at once, I also love the same, and I value tsimi, twinks and
short teeth.
And now I start to think about how it is more to live without you, how it was earlier
I won’t be able to get to know each other anymore ... I don’t know how to put together life, such
you will be me... but I can't call you without you... don't you care?
Most of the time, people themselves indulge in such words. hocha,
I myself say these words first.
I say...
I want not to be separated from you in any way, I want to keep order with you, and
they don’t fawn over me, it’s difficult, it’s possible that they can get along on the road ... and don’t
can, but obov'yazkovo zustrіnutsya, where would be without them.
Yakshcho, .. then: I know what will be important, but at times it’s unbearable. I have a wonderful mind, what can
booty, and what can not be booty any more. I know that the hour may be rich
change. I will understand everything, believe me. Tim is not less .. I am young, strong, spovnena
life, optimism, love for you, in me there is so much affection, tenderness and turbot,
Yak so wants to give... to give to the kohan man... to give to you.
Your request, what am I going to let you in... So, amazingly, crazy, like you
if you want .. only, if you want what you want. I let myself in... but only not
heart, not soul ... which I simply cannot do in any way. I let you in my life and in my heart.

There is no greater punishment for those who love the heart, lower separation from the cohanim. The hvilins are given indefinitely, and the days are one-man. Turn around soon and give me the joy of life. I check, I love, I sum!

Without you, I’ll be ill for a nuisance, and only your kiss, I’ll get addicted to it at once, less building vilіkuvati. Your kohannya - tse perfected faces, for some there is no counter-indication, it bestows only radiance and a happy future!

Hour nibi zupinivsya, no you and no sleepy light, spivu birds, kvitiv that farb. My heart is impenetrable tightness. In all disguises, I whisper your smile and that eye. Get back better, let life go anew with spalling joy, inspiration, love.

I sum it up - it’s a weak word, that primitive word, so that I can say what I, unfortunate, think. I'm suffering crazy, I'm dying for you, I'm tremblingly checking my teeth, I'm summing up and spodіvayus - what I see!

Chuesh, crying winter hardships, I will manage for you. Bachish, spring streaks are outside, why am I crying without you. Remember, spicy summer day, why I already love you. You know, how sumptuous the autumn cranes are to scream, why I feel our separation so painfully.

No sooner had I felt a sense of a beautiful turmoil and light anxiety, as I see it at once. I’m so prejudiced for you, I’m not afraid of the door and I’m more aware of it.

Kokhana, how can I not bother me without you, the sun is for me, the earth, the all-world, the world becomes so small without you! I’m consuming sights, sounds, sounds in roaming, the sooner you come, the less you can turn everything around!

I don’t know how I can survive the unbearable strife of separation, even if evil is bad, I will renew the clay of my heart to love. And I don’t want to snuggle up to you and drown in your caressing hugs.

Light troubles upset me if I think about you. Light, more to think about you without the warmth of the heart and light, which comes out of the soul, I can’t, but I can’t, because they separate us.

I’m so worried about you, don’t quiet me for a day, don’t give me peace, in my heart - empty, and only you can remember it. I want to get away from your breath, drown in your bottomless eyes, I just want to love you.

Let the planet turn back later and the day is a month, and at night it’s sunny, I’m not beastly on the same respect and all the same I think about you, I’m bored in separation and intolerant of the check of the skin of the new teeth.

I'll take care of you - and that's all. Don't quiet me, I don't feel like it, I don't feel like it. I check our zustrich, I guess yours miraculous image. My love, my dream, my share, I’m so lucky!

I don’t know how to fix my nudgi’s pains, even if my heart and soul are confused, check the teeth and cry quietly. I want to make your promenista laugh better and your beautiful eyes.

I sum up ... I remind myself, like dishes, to ochіkuvannyam and bazhannyam, yaknaishvidshe slap you and drown in your eyes and that embrace! I want to see your breath at my legs and my love at your heart!

Summer specials are also defective, refreshing cold, autumn leaves I don't want to be separated from the trees, winter cold you don’t get warm sleepy shifts, spring snow doesn’t let you leave the earth, but you need less, I’ll save for you!

Alina Ogonyok

I will send SMS for you and I check for zustrіch even more beautifully in my own words

So, this separation is unbearably gіrka, then what a bright and radiant camp is watching the rest of the forging of wine from the cell of separation.

I will manage for you... Vizerunok, weaves from our ties and separations, become one and unique. Vіn has already gone to his own and sleepy dreams, and regional dreams. This chimerical little one has the power to solve only loving hearts. I love you - and these words resonate in my heart like a radio moon.

I will manage for you... The self-sustaining wind blows at the window, trying to destroy my self-esteem, but I do not come from the frozen slope. I need only you! Everyone wins (and my heart is a smut), as soon as you turn around. I check!

I will manage for you ... For your beloved eyes, for your gentle hands, for your lower arms. Without you, I'm like a violin without a bow. If you turn around, our music will sound again - the music of our kohanny.

I'll manage for you ... Skin to my, without you carried out, becomes penetratingly painful. Leather croc for a price that I didn’t know before you, similar to marny ruh. A skin word, not spoken by you, is taken like a zayve. Turn back soon!

I'll manage for you ... Kviti, what you gave me as a farewell, it still smells low. Your kiss burn on my lips. Ale stinks involuntarily whisper: my cohanie, without you, I’ve lost a stitch, and tea is not so sweet, and the sun does not indulge in its exchanges. But I know: our zustrich is ahead!

I will manage for you ... Rozluka declared a short life, but she fooled: for a year, spent without you, I’m given to lesser separations. And I am aimlessly-rosely amazed at the window, guessing, like, walking, waving my hand at me. You turn around - and I wave you at the front.

I'll manage for you... I don't hang out with you like that! On the style of the earth, a variety of scorched leaves freezes. I know that there is not much left for our zestrich, but I can’t stream tears under the autumn board. I don't see your love like that! If we speak, I will bury myself in your supple breasts - and everything will be good.

I will manage for you ... My song has become stingy and restless. If I want to, I want to feel you through the door. And I want to, without hesitation in those three commanding words, you will definitely feel for our long-awaited zustrіch.

SMS to the kohanom I will sum up for you and I love short words in my own words, the prose is even more beautiful

I will manage for you ... I will understand that everything will end obov'yazkovo, whether separation is not trivial forever - just three times more patience, and everything will be good. And confusion rises, like a thick fog, and it’s hard to open your zhalugidni embrace, if I fall into your strong hands.

I will manage for you ... In the future, you are getting smarter, more beautiful, more energetic. Zvichayno, you quickly and kindly vporaєshsya zі right, like hot and not long, but separated us. And we see our resurrection!

I will manage for you ... Kilometers, like they separate us, make me hateful. Do you want me to pass their pishki? I respect the days, the years, the hvilin until our age. I am waging a bezplidnu struggle with the hour, which specially improves my break. Ale, you can’t separate us!

I will sum up for you ... Outside doors - the right of evil, and the wall of the board mercilessly divides me with you. Ale, I believe: we are strong for the separation! On the gray view of the turmoil of the sky, it is fearful to appear less expensive rice. I believe: you pragnesh me. Otzhe, everything will be garazd ...

I'll manage for you... But it's not scary. Aje you know that I am with you - and in trouble, and in sadness, that means, and in separation. De є kokhannya, patience, fidelity, a beautiful day cannot but come. And if you want to break up and say goodbye, it’s impossible to call, you can still survive them ...

I will manage for you ... So, this separation is unbearably girka, then our zustrich will become such a bright one! You will become a sacred dream that did not sink into reality, and not a deceptive mirage. You are my share, and I am your soul mate. I alone without one mi all one is impossible to live.

I will manage for you ... But my restless heart does not cry. Nothing to what. Aja has already become a smut: we got together, we did not part with a bitter share. Why should we grieve, like two stitches were angry on the same road? We will go through this path together with you. I will be happy!

I will sum up for you... Behind your hands - kind, reverent, crying... Behind your words - and taєmnichimi, and piping... Behind your lips - lower and dear... In your eyes - clear, kind, rozumіuchim... Miraculous, virny, lower, cohaniy … I check you.

I will manage for you ... Dear my, as I don’t hang your upper shoulders, your strong hands, your honest words, your lower and lower words. Ale, I live on the Swiss zustrich. I will be out!
I will manage for you ... I dream of the heel of your happy hands, passionately burning the love of your lips, purer than your eyes. I live in the eyes of a swedish diva. More trohi - and you phone to my door. I fork you nazustrich!

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