Bouquets of autumn leaves yagіd ta kvіtіv. A piece of warmth in the hands: wonderful ideas, how to create the autumn bouquet of the betrothed. Topiariy from chestnuts

Autumn - it's time for rock, as it exudes a special charm. It will associate with the harvest, with juice farbs, leafing that flowers. We need to create autumn bouquets of shvidko and simply with our own hands, so that you could transfer a piece of this spring to rock in your life.

Flower composition - the whole bouquet, chosen by the song rank. A wide range of colors, in the composition you can include lines, namistini, cools and other embellishments. With the design of such a bouquet, you should vrakhovuvati, de vin will stand in a vessel. In order to survive for a long time, they didn’t bring in a large amount of vikorista, a special floristic sponge of dark color. Basic compositions can be made from flowers, yellow leaves, dried flowers, cereals and various fruits. We suggest to you report photo master class.

We choose garni autumn bouquets with our own hands in the cover room

  • flowers: gerbera, daisy, georgina;
  • decorative elements: small apples, leaves of pittosporum and eucalyptus;
  • sponge Oasis;
  • wooden box;
  • pakuvalny papir and prozor plіvka;
  • pruner knives, floristic lower.
How to create an incredible bouquet:
  1. Prepare the basis for the future composition. Wist the bottom of the drawer with paper, cut the edges to wash.
  2. We put a gap on the bottom of the box, so that the water from the sponge does not leak into the box itself. Trim the edges of the plait with the edge of the box.
  3. We lower the Oasi bar into a container with water, then we remove yoga and put it on the bottom of our foundation.
  4. We insert the greenery into the sponge so that it completely nails the edges of the screen.
  5. There are white georgina in the center of the composition near the tricot tree.
  6. We insert the tickets that are left out, along the edges.
  7. We decorate the composition with apples.

Such a unique bouquet is a wonderful gift for the school as a present for the teacher on the 1st spring. Behind the towers, you can add the composition to school accessories.

For the original embellishment of the wet donkey, you can vicorize compositions from natural materials. Leafing, which has turned into a bright color, serve as a basis for that.

  • fresh maple leaf of various rosemary. It’s necessary, so that the stench of the troch has dried up;
  • rods for stems;
  • teip stitch of dark green color;
  • scissors and thread.
Choosing a bouquet:
  1. Take the smallest arkush, turn it face down and bend the tips in the middle.
  1. Burn a roll from a folded sheet. The core of the future flower is ready.
  2. On the other leaf, beyond the rims, there are more trochs behind the first bend of the central tip. Lay a pseudo-bud on top of the new one. Wrap the bichni edges around the bud.
  1. Prodovzhuvati wrapping around the base, from the smallest to the largest.
  2. After that, as soon as necessary, you need to rewind the stems with a teip-string.
  1. Wind up the stems to the lozini for help green lines. The ticket is ready.

We try to pick a garniy and a yaskravy topiary from an autumn leaf

Another beautiful decor for the room is a piece of wood - a topiary. It is a good example, through a yak such a tree to bring happiness at the booths.

We need:
  • clay miner;
  • wooden stick;
  • ball-preparation with polystyrene;
  • autumn leaves, berries, moss;
  • alabaster, thermo gun, spray farba.
Robimo topiary:
  1. Cast a club in the miner, and then hang out to find offensive details in black colors.
  2. Put the sack on the club. For the help of the pistol, smear the base of the leaf with glue and insert it at the sack. Periodically dilute the leaves with gorobini berries or other other fruits on the roll.
  3. Decorate the leaves with stovbur.
  4. Disguise the gypsum at the miner's under a ball of gіlok, moss and yagіd.

Let's make a bouquet of zucerok for relatives and friends

Tse duzhe efektny that inexpensive gift. Vіn fit to the relish of rich lasuns. Let's find out how to vikonate a composition of zucerok in the autumn style.

  • autumn leaves, small apples or cones;
  • wooden skewers;
  • zukerki;
  • colorful corrugated paper;
  • teip stitch;
  • cat;
  • polystyrene;
  • knives, line, thread, mesh.
Let's make a bouquet:
  1. Place the pieces of polystyrene in a cat and shovat yoga under a net.
  2. Viklasti opal leafing along the edge of the cat.
  3. On wooden skewers, attach zukerki for additional thread.
  4. From the paper you can see the future leaves. Give them a form for the help of your fingers: twist the blank across the paper.
  5. Іz green paper virіzati leaf blanks.
  6. Wrap around the zipper leaves, fastening them with threads on the base.
  7. Attach green blanks and wrap the skewer with a teip-stitch.
  8. Insert the skewers into the sponge, decorate the cat with apples. You can tie a puffy bow on the handle itself.

Video-master-class on the topic of articles

We want to show a dekіlka video. With their help, you can create a unique flower composition.

I take you! Today, I picked up a lot of ideas for you on the theme "Autumn". To be more precise, we choose how to make autumn bouquets with our own hands. From the cob to borrow from schools and kindergartens, often the fathers of spantelichyuyut, which is necessary to grow. I respect that for the obviousness of the fruits, leafing that dried flowers, it is easier to create the composition of the flowers itself.

And the stinks come out with such garniers that they are suitable for a gift for a ball, until the Day of the teacher in the holy autumn.

I wanted to ease the fuss of the fathers, I did a good job, de-selected the best ideas of bouquets from the weeds of the mustache, which I could hand in hand: I saw the paper up to the neck and that nasinnya. Be and simple ideas and folding for the quiet, who can create a note and create a masterpiece.

One of the most accessible primary materials is leaves. The stench has already barked at the chervoni and yellow vodtinki. They are taken from the side of the composition, shattered the basis for bouquets and simply put at the vase without embellishment.

And we can burn a Trojan out of them. And even with such trojans and buds, make a bouquet. It is even easier to fight, and for 1 trojan you need 5-7 leaves. It is worth depositing according to the openness of your ticket.

It is important to take those leaves, which are easy to bend and do not break. From dry things, unfortunately, nothing was seen.

Before speech, pick them up so that there is a long tail at the base. Vіn dopomozhe manually trimatіvlyu zagotіvlyu and zavyazat їm "Trojandu" tezh be simpler.

Otzhe, take it:

  • 5-7 leaves,
  • threads.

Let's start with the fact that we choose the smallest leaf from the most obvious. Zgortaemo yogo horizontally navpil.

I twist into a tube. Tse we had a middle.

We trim the middle with one hand. And the other one is again folded horizontally. Wrap yoga around the middle. We won't tighten it too much.

Winding so doti, the docks do not end with leaves. You can't beat everything, if you want to grow a bud.

Rozkrivaєmo pelyustki and zavyazuєmo all ponytails with a thread. It would be better, ask for help from relatives.

The axle was so prepared. The stench can already become a bouquet.

I think that any schoolboy can repeat these awkward steps and create a bouquet of "trojans" on his own.

And now we are compiling a composition. Aje at the floristry without it, the bouquet cannot be rushed. Get a head start on an idea.

You can combine such trojans with living flowers, dried flowers or gorobina.

Golovna, that the bouquet would not be empty, otherwise it will feel like unfinished business. The axis of the butt is made from supplementary leaves. Aje stinks are so wonderful in themselves.

And here the suit is lying on the garniy podkladtsі, and the center is seen with a bright accent.

If you try hard enough, you can make triplets of different flowers, as if it were more realistic to look at the bouquet.

It is not shameful to present such beauty at the Autumn Ball on the Day of the Teacher.

It is even more beautiful if the leaves of different colors and forms are combined. All the same, our autumn is very different and bright with all the farbs of the merry-go-round.

Another idea, if the green twigs of the roslin are vicorous.

It was more worthy of me, as in this photo of the garno they lit up the leaves with a cradle. I see the composition and rob it її individually.

Here at the composition with autumn living songs, leafing also actively gives respect to itself. Wait a minute, it sounded even more original.

Another small composition on the theme of Autumn. Even sweeter is that beautiful idea with an apple.

Varto go to the park chi lisochok and at once you can collect the whole bear material. Birch, maple, gorobini, apple trees tell us everything.

A variant of the autumn tree at the sight. Wine can also replace the bouquet. Vykoristovuyutsya all gifts of trees: from leaves to yagid and cones.

The leaves can not be folded, but simply beautifully picked up and tied with a line. You can showcase the color style. For example, take only green or only red leaves.

Aje, you can win the bells yourself! Marvel at how self-sufficient the stench looks.

I think that if a mother is satisfied, she will help her child create similar compositions. And the spіlny choice of leaves from the lisochtsі on walks is less to bring home.

Autumn bouquets of vegetables and fruits

You can pick up autumn fruits. Bouquets with them are also very popular at the same time and look unintelligible.

For creativity, it is necessary to pick garni, small fruits. Without dark patches and wrinkled sides.

Let's take a closer look at possible options for compositions from fruits, yagid. And then we will smoothly move on to the vegetables.

Before you is an idea with tangerines and a gorobina. Fruit strung on skewers for barbecue. For fortezі їх fix with adhesive tape with a special floristic stitch.

Here you can see that the apple is strung on skewers. The stench beautifully joins with asters and gorobina and wild cherry. The fathers made even the original stand from birch bark.

Apples will grow up with some kind of leaves and berries.

Here the emphasis is on the gorobina. The needles of coniferous trees add to the beauty of the composition.

Such bouquets are sent for prayer. Here it is important to eat all the blanks among yourself.

I was pissed off by the idea of ​​fermenting fruits. For example, such a “golden” apple looks expensive. I don’t once realize that the stench is right!

Variations with fruits, cones and berries in a watermelon. Trohi I’ll show you how it is possible to vicorate this vegetable.

You can put a composition, not a marrow, but a zucchini.

The apples will miraculously join with the "trojans", as they robbed us earlier.

Pokrokov video about the preparation of fruit compositions.

Now I will show you options for bouquets of vegetables. You can not choose everything. And turn on designer fantasies and vikoristati only two kinds - pepper and watchmaker. Wonder what happened.

From other fruits come out pretty compositions.

The whole space between the vegetables, where they can shine through the day, was covered with gorobini berries.

Dorimuyuchis singing colors, you can create a stylish bouquet. For example, with cabbage and succulents. Aja autumn is different.

In this photo, the lining of a folded leaf reprimanded me. Here the composition is clearly laid out. Rodzinka at the sight of earrings that descend under their vag.

Marvel at the idea of ​​harvesting spikelets like a garno. Duzhe is bright and chewy.

Now let's move on to a wider idea of ​​victorious garmelon, like a vase for flowers and herbs.

Bouquets with watermelon

At the garbuza, put bouquets manually. Alas, the stench stood and did not wither any longer, all the trees needed water. How can I spread it among the great sheep?

There are three most convenient options: for an additional floristic sponge, vicoristing a plaque, or more offensive options.

Otzhe, from the garbuza we will take the middle of our days. You can dry it and vicorist for appliques and panels. Below will be about tse.

And in the middle you put a floristic sponge. It is sold at rich shops with tickets, as well as at vіddіlah for creativity.

Let's water it with water and put in the leaves. Most of all, this option is necessary, if you create a bouquet from living flowers. Another sponge helps trim the shape of the composition, if the stems are built into it.

You can also put a plaque in the middle. It is not necessary to see all the pulp in such a vipadka. Golovne, so that the jar was not visible. We win the container for canned pineapples. You can also pour water from her, or you can not work it, as if you have dried flowers.

Garmelon for these purposes is better to take a wide one.

The deputy of the bank can win the bottle. With the upper side you indicate the diameter, which is necessary to measure, so that the flask is placed. For living flowers, we put a floristic sponge in the middle and it is rich in water.

Ideas for compositions at the garbuza are in front of you.

Ovochev vase can be embellished with stitches or tasma.

There are no more lives here.

And here we are with you bachimo vykoristannya yalinovykh gorobini, the crown of wild cherry and gorobini.

The whole composition on the theme of Autumn.

Such a fit to the soul and schoolchildren and children senior group nursery.

Golovna is not afraid to pick up materials that are under the hand. Folding a bouquet is like a flower and a creative process.

How to create compositions with paper on the theme of "Golden Autumn"

Є іdeya robiti osіnі bouquets of paper. Quotes are being prepared at the same time, the composition is being created among them.

It’s always safe to go out with the victorious technique of origami.

3 blotches.

Dodamo to them leaves in autumn colors.

At this master class, the report on the process of leaflet creation is described.

Kіntsi zgornutoy accordion sheet, smeared with glue and zadnuєmo.

Maple leaves can also be worked in the technique of origami.

Axis of reports master-class.

If I didn’t understand from the photo, I’ll attach a video.

Everything is reported here. I think that by video you can definitely create virib, repeating all the steps step by step.

Meister class and ideas from natural materials to a nursery

For small children, it is necessary to be simpler. To this I propon vikoristati natural material for bouquets. We look at the ideas of cones, shells of peanuts and pistachios, harmelon nasіnnya, dried flowers.

From cones

It appears that the bumps are already similar to flowers. Especially if you put unrecognized things near the water. The stench is full of water and roaring. My child, if she babbled qi metamorphosis, was just at the grip.

Cones can also be attached to skewers, sticks from sushi or toothpicks. For the creation of a round composition of vicorist, round floristic coulis with polystyrene. I made them from a great assembly line.

The stench is of different diameters. The stinks are sticking in all the sight of growing and materials. You can win as lively books and needles, so be it other materials.

Garniy bouquet, if the ghouls flared with kіnchiki forward. Coming out is an even neater composition. The kinks themselves are embellished with namists, stitches, rhinestones and quotations. The stench is kindly trimmed on hot glue.

How do you like this autumn composition? In my opinion, it's original.

So shishtsі vіdmіnno pіddayutsya farbuvannyu. You can farbuvati gouash chi with farbs from a spray can. Vіd kіlkostі sharіv іntensіvnіst koloru.

schіlna gouache can also overlap the natural brown bud.

If you tidy up the inner pins, then the vouchers will look like they are.

And you can take just one little thing and add to it the center of the composition.

Another idea from the gift of the forest. Everything that lies white stovburiv that lies under our feet is victorious.

Wait a minute, cones are a wonderful material for making an autumn bouquet for children near a child's garden.

Z harbuzovy nasіnnya

Garbuzov's birthday can also miraculously act like pelyustki for tickets.

There are two options for buds. The first one, glue it on the papyrus in a sprat in rows. Axis of reports master-class.

You can fill the middle and close it with a piece of stuffed cotton wool.

With different plasticine you can make such daisies.

Abo taki quotations.

Let's take a look at the details, how to be afraid. At the plasticine sack, rows of harbuzov nasinnya are inserted. You can form different buds and succulent options.

Tezhe duzhe tsikavo, what are you good for?

3 peanut shells

We rarely buy peanuts, but often we take a shell from friends after people's gatherings. So once on the river near the garden, make such bouquets for the growers.

Grow hydrangeas with pistachios.

Creep it by hand on plasticine.

It will be easy for children to grow such daisies. Young children can insert the pellets from the shells into plasticine. And the elders slap them with hot glue.

Vykoristovuyuchi floristic kulі (I wrote about them troch more often), you can create the correct form of a sonia bush. Marvel at how organically the kavo grains look. Aje tse give everything to autumn.

Whole pistachios and peanuts can be donated. For this z'єdnati їх at the bag and decorate with corrugated paper.

With hairy peas

Obviously, pea hairs are not bypassed. Zі shkaralupok it is possible to build an osіnіy topiarіy.

Bouquets of peas with large fruits look even more presentable.

You can close the empty space with servettes with small pieces.

For interest, you can take all listed natural materials and fruits.

Z dried flowers

Dried flowers are more suitable for our autumn theme. The stench looks noble, they can be farbuvati. The stink to complete the composition.

Everything is gone - dry herbs, cereals, leaves.

And then the spikelets were farmed.

Bavovni's votives add to the composition even lower and repeat it.

Garniy bouquet of dried flowers at the stand decorated with needles.

More ideas for you.

Cicavi frame for a bouquet of flowers.

Zmіshuєmo dried flowers and trojans from the leaves.

Gold ears may be more presentable looking. The only way to go for the material is to get far - on the field. Shukati has not yet harvested the wheat.

Dry grass with leaves will move harmoniously.

A lot of ideas just got me.

Applications with tickets on the theme of autumn in the middle group

For the older group, you can suggest the idea of ​​​​application of chi panels. Їx sprout from leaves, dried flowers, cereals and nasіnnya.

An idea with a vase, insert pins into the yak. Only the side edges and the bottom are glued. The top is left free so that the material can be inserted.

A box of zuceroks is used as a base and a frame for a panel.

Leafing, cones and kavo grains create such autumn bouquet.

Differently see the receipts from the garbuzov nasіnnya for application.

Vykorist coniferous trees.

All the tassels, especially those grains, are well trimmed on hot glue.

Leafing through that ticket from the paper anіtroch is not a premium for natural material.

You can take a custom frame for the base.

You can make simpler applications for looking at bouquets, or you can make them more folded.

Basic ideas for bouquets of zucerok and corrugated paper

The tickets from the corrugated paper look neimovirno realistically and beautifully. On the day of the teacher, the idea of ​​​​a small bouquet with zucchini.

But such is the idea of ​​a gift.

Tickets for a gift can be packed in autumn leaves.

You can win such tickets without tsukerok.

Z'ednaemo tsukerki with natural materials: dried flowers, cones and leaves.

Composition with tsukerki at the cat.

And now the report master class of the creation of trojans from corrugated paper. It's easy to pull up and die and can imitate right leaves.

Farby in the autumn is more lifelike, and they come to them whether they are yellow, orange, and red flowers.

I am attaching a video about those, how you can grow a sprat of seeing colors.

Corrugated papers are sold in bookshops and stationery stores, in places for floristry, creativity and sacredness.

Ideas how to arrange a bouquet

I already wrote the first axis, why your autumn bouquet will be, navіt zroblenno zagotіvlі. Ale, you need to make it as simple as possible, so that you can have more goods and a presentable look!

That is why I propagate a sprat of ideas.

For example, take the popular paper craft paper. Abo pakuvalnu schіlnu sіtka chi fabric.

From the same corrugated paper you can make a garni envelope. It is not shameful to give your own vibe to such decorations.

Insert virib at the paper bag. Yogo can be swiped from sheets for scrapbooking.

Insert the mounting pin, foam rubber, floral sponge or polystyrene inside.

Garneau to come up with ideas from the next servettes.

You need:

  • servette,
  • bank tin,
  • cardboard,
  • olive,
  • hot glue (glue gun).

We put a jar on cardboard and circle the bottom. Yogo virіzaєmo that is pasted on a plaque. The sides are also glued with cardboard.

We observe the height of the walls of the plaque and vіdrіzaєmo її rozmіr on the server. The sides are wrapped and fixed with hot glue.

Axis and everything is ready.

Bouquet can be placed in droplets or packaged directly. For whom the stench is glued with cloth or special paper. The bottom hangs with a plіvkoy, we put a floristic sponge on the yak. It is reminiscent of water and we begin to shape the composition.

It's a good idea to decorate jars with plastic tubes for cocktails. Here is a smut, neatly and evenly їх віхізати.

Dried flowers and paper flowers insert at the paper box. The axis is one of ideas. Before the speech, at this article, I described more, raptom and you are worthy.

The cardboard has harmoniously blended into the whole composition. The original is beautiful.

For the welcome of readers, you can embellish with letters.

Abo just put the bouquet at the cats. It’s not enough to infect at once with vines, but with newspaper tubes, paper and canton.

I thank you for your respect and I thank you for productive sleepy creativity. I'm just impressed that you can find an idea on your own and create such a composition, as if it's not shameful for your teacher to give it to the exhibition!

It is a wonderful time for rock, charivna that charivna with its farbs - autumn - is fertile for conducting a spring urochist. Yaskravі vіdtinki leaves, vitіv yagіd sigh on nezvychaynі osinnі bouquets for the betrothed. A choice for the fantasy of majesty: gerberas, chrysanthemums, maple leaves and navit gorobini. Let's take a look at some ideas and options for spring bouquets in the autumn style.

Before tim yak vibrati bouquet

The bouquet of the betrothed and the boutonniere of the betrothed is a part of the concept of the wedding. These important attributes of the Holy Sliding should be picked up by one of the rest, if the main details have already been thought out, the rules of picking have been insured.

  • The autumn bouquet of the betrothed is obliged to harmoniously fit into the image of the betrothed and the betrothed. Tse importantly vrakhovuvati, shards in Rest of the Rocks there was a fashion for thematic parties. Autumn style is wonderfully suitable for a party in the style of "Country", "Provence", "Autumn Carnival", "Halloween" and "Retro". With the classic version, the saint is included in the bouquet of autumn gifts, even if the stench becomes a bright rodinka of a spring evening.
  • The rule for the named: for the rich and chic її cloth, for the modest and simple, the spring bouquet is to blame, and navpaki.

  • Think over the shape of the future bouquet in the autumn style. The best and simplest way is to prepare a bouquet of flowers. Vіn іdealno pіdіyde for pishnoї cloth tendіtnoї maiden-named small stature. The bouquet at the sight of the cascade is more beautiful for the string, the high one named at the cloth according to the silhouette. Just create an asymmetric bouquet, which will make you respect your great and other warehouses of flowers, cones, yagid.
  • Having chosen the form, it is necessary to name the components of the composition - flowers, leaves, berries. Їx more often pick up for the season. On the cob of autumn, you can have a bouquet of red flowers, and in the middle and for example, farbies can become brighter - from orange to burgundy-red and crimson-violet. Greenery in such a bouquet is more likely to pass to a minimum. However, yogo should not be overwhelmed with too much beats, otherwise such a composition will win respect for itself, and not for a couple.
  • Kviti not guilty of a mother with a strong smell, otherwise called, like trimatime yogo the whole holy day you will become uncomfortable, your head may ache and your mood will be zipped. The bouquet is not guilty of being important for the vaga.
  • Including in the composition unimaginable feats, it’s better to clarify their meaning later, sometimes it can not coincide with such a celebration, like fun.

The flowers of autumn

  • Chrysanthemums, eystri- The largest number of basic apartments. It's time for flowers to fall on autumn, and then why choose! All the color gamut, which can only be revealed, give cute chrysanthemums, saving their beauty for a long time. Aistry, who specializes in lower, truerness, can be like a scarlet chervonih, as well as a lower erysipelas, a buzkovy, a white one, the stench miraculously joins with smaller kvitami.
  • Georgini bring happiness to their vlasniks and podyaku. At the spring bouquet, the buds of georgines of various rich colors look insanely, so noble the flower may not smell. Tse is not the whole list of tickets, roslin, dopovnen, yakі can proponuvat generous autumn for fun.
  • gerbery always look stylish, in a bouquet you can have one or a sprat of colors, which will be combined. Symbolize well-being family life, wealth and success, the stench is not shouted at the named allergy, the whole urochistity is guaranteed to be washed, pleasing the eyes of the restless.
  • Without the queen of tickets - Trojans it’s rare to get by with a classic wedding, a lot of names are respected for a better lower smell and beauty, which means that it’s not necessary to step into the tradition! A spring bouquet with a whole bunch of trojans can be presented in the autumn style, so you can decorate with maple leaves, viburnum berries, gorobini, yalin cones or wheat spikelets.
  • Sonyashniki symbolize wealth, kinship, refill the cup to the house of the young. Mini-sleepers in a decorative version can fold a mono-bouquet or join with white and yellow chrysanthemums, asters, daisies.
  • Calendula, blackberry It is one of the symbols of autumn and warm sleepy days. Don't let the young people be bent on their simplicity and innocence, even if the stench symbolizes passion, the fire at the centipedes. Yaskra vagniki chernobrivtsiv become the mother of the autumn fun in the style of "Boho", "Country", and you can embellish such a bouquet with ferns.

  • Zinnia. Yaskravі kuli tsієї votives of autumn are monotonous and stringy, they can be hand-picked with other votives and inscribed at the votive composition for the chosen one.
  • Pishna hydrangea bloom for a long time, right up to the autumn cold, її a different color palette of the sovereignty I will name. The white hydrangea itself is similar to the name, which symbolizes vіddanіst, honor, purity of thought. The only minus is the bright aroma of fresh hydrangeas, which is necessary to take to respect, choosing.

From the unusual autumn flowers, which are suitable for a spring composition, one can name protea, ranunculus, crocosm, celosia, amaranth. Crocosmia, amaranth and celosia create a palette of orange-red and burgundy colors. Mustaches are good for folding compositions. Crocosmia resounds with warm ore, noble amaranth descends in a burgundy waterfall, and celosia is different in color and shape (from fuchsia to yellow-red-burgundy cone-shaped colors).

Protea and ranunculus are even more wonderful for the shape of the flower. Ranunculus - all the more zhovtets comes from Asia, but how to enchant yogo rich balls of hostile lower quarters! Protea is also a varta of praise, through its non-primary form, protea is more likely to eat with simpler quotes.

Fruits of autumn

Crimium flowers in the autumn spring bouquet, berries, peas, fruits and mini-vegetables, autumn shards and a rich harvest can be associated one with one. Autumn fruits can be planted in a bouquet as a decor, or as a head hero of a bouquet. So, spring bouquets with gorobina, viburnum, herbs, supplemented with trojans and other flowers from white to burgundy, look beautifully and inconspicuously.

You can not miss the opportunity to bring to the bouquet the beauty of the leaves of trees, which are yellow, vicarious maple leaves, oak stalks with acorns. Trees of fizalisu, leafing chestnut trees with great fruits, recreate autumn sacredly, young guests and guests will be remembered for a long time. Yalinovі, pine cones - vіdmіnniy decor near the bouquet, it's especially sacred to pass near the forest zone of the park. Stigli spikelets of cereals - a symbol of goodwill among wealthy peoples, miraculously fit into the autumn theme of the wedding, the stench will join with gerberas, dormouse, noble trojans.

Small fruits, such as an apple, small pears, grapes, decoratively add to the autumn. If you want more extravagance, you can wink in a bouquet of vegetables: min-pump corn, min-carrot, min-tikvannya go to the party in the style of "Halloween".


For the creation of the autumn bouquet of the newly-born, it is necessary to win the expensive services of a florist. You can make yoga on your own, by choosing the suits and additional decor. Think over all the tricks. You may need satin stitches of different widths, namistini, rhinestones, the frame of a future bouquet, knives, twine and other tools. Remember that the bouquet is not to blame for the great ones. Yogo needs to be easily trimmed with one hand.

It is easy for children to want to chimos novim and tsikavim. As if painting or painting a child has already come across, you can encourage them to start preparing potions from a bright autumn leaf. The process is already hoarse - from simple dried leaves for additional glue, threads and other handy outbuildings, marvelous speeches are born. Having engaged in applications or preparing vases and bouquets, the child is not only able to develop his creative skills and imagination, but to get to know him better dovkillam. Spіlny zbіr herbarium for virobіv miraculous privіd navchiti dіtinі razrіznyati razrіznі breeds of trees. Father, what can you do from a leaf?

Ready leaves for virobiv

For the preparation, be it as a mixture of leaves, only good hanging material is needed, fresh leaves are not found. The preparation of a leaf takes a three-hour hour, so you have to be patient. In addition, it is necessary to dry the material correctly, the axis of the main rules:

  1. Likewise, the evenness of the leaves is not important for the viroba, they can be placed in the open space (for example, a large wicker basket) and left in the fresh air. So the leaves are dry dry, and the circulation of the wind will not allow the splash to rise.
  2. In order to make the leaves look perfectly smooth, it is necessary to lay yoga between book sides or album sheets under the press. Accurately lay out the material between arches of books and albums. If the material is dry and ready to be finalized, it will take at least 14 days.
  3. If you do not need a long check, you can use a special herbarium press. For whom to store a hundred leaves, a black leather ball with newspaper paper or non-necessary sheets. For a few days, the material for testing will be ready.

Yak zrobiti skeletal leafing

Skeletons leafing through the air of their lightness and transparency look even more effectively like decor. In order to achieve such an effect, it is necessary to go into a special technique - skeletonization.

What do you need:

  • be fresher than leaves;
  • soda;
  • barvnik for eggs;
  • small capacity - kіvsh or kastrulya;
  • Toothbrush;
  • paper servers.

How to build a skeletonized leaf:

  1. Mix soda with water in proportions of 1 to 4 and put leaves at the ready-made leaves so that the stench is overwhelmed by water.
  2. Bring the sum to a boil and fill it up with a stretch of 30 quills.
  3. Pick up the saucepan from the stove and pull up the leaves, carefully place them on the table with the glossy side up.
  4. To take away extra vologis for help.
  5. To clean the pulp from the leaf with a brush (it is necessary to do it carefully, the leaves go out to dry out).
  6. Rinse the skeleton under water, and then turn the yogo into the desired color.
  7. Zabarvlene skeletonized leafing leave for drying.

Taking away the material is ready for selection.

Bouquet of flowers from leaves

A bouquet is the simplest thing that you can grow from a leaf, start from a new one and varto, like a child has not previously dealt with similar virobs. For the preparation of the viroba at the look of the homemade bouquet, it is not obligatory to vicorist the right notes, to dry them, etc. The buds can be made from a different-colored leaf, chosen for a walk. Connect children to the skin stage of the process by creating the right creative master.

What do you need to make a virobu:

  • maple leaves (fresh) with stems;
  • spool of cotton thread.

To grow a bud from a maple leaf, you need to grow a sprat diy:

  1. Take one sheet of paper and fold it with the glossy side of the title.
  2. Roll the sheet into a tube.
  3. Zignіt navpіl navpіl leaf and wrap yogo around the tubule.
  4. Continue to wrap the bud with leaves until the flower is finished.
  5. Wrap the base of the bud with thread so that the flower does not fall apart.

In this way, you can work out whether there are a lot of colors, and then just pick them up in a bouquet.

Topiaries can be made from different materials. It is often possible to make a lot of money with kawi, penny bills, zukerok, the heart is thin. This variant of the topiary is transferred to the maple leaf victoria.

Otzhe, what will be necessary for the topiary:

  • miner;
  • wooden stick for the trunk;
  • bag with foam rubber or polystyrene as a base;
  • gypsum;
  • farba;
  • hot glue;
  • elements for decoration.

The order of creation of the autumn topiary looks like this:

  1. It is necessary to insert the stick into the potter and securely fasten it behind the additional gypsum lining. As a result, the design will be smart and stable.
  2. Get a miner and a stick in a color that, for example, was worthy, for example, of gold to match the leaves.
  3. On the top of the stick, we fasten the sack with foam rubber - the future crown of the tree.
  4. Insert a piece of leaf into the bag. For embellishment, you can vikoristovuvat yagidni grona, strіchki, beads, as well as piece of needles and quilts. So that the stems of the leaves were mіtsnіshimi, it is necessary to soak them in advance in hot glycerin (1 to 2) and deprive them in this way for 10 days in a dark, cold place.
  5. Dali decorated stovbur and soil tree for the help of dry moss, measles, beads.

How to grow a decorative autumn wreath

From a bright autumn leaf, you can weave a garniy wreath for embellishing windows, doors, walls and walls. Vinok, attachments to entrance doors, we welcome not only you, but also your guests.

What do you need for virobu:

  • gnuchki gіlki be-such a tree;
  • dried leaves of different colors (the most contrasting colors look the best, for example, yellow and red);
  • crone of red yagid (gorobini, kalini and in.);
  • physalis;
  • glue;
  • spool of cotton threads;
  • decorative metallic threads;
  • small figurines of birds for bouquets.

How to weave a wreath:

  1. To serve as a frame - to build a wreath of a round and oval shape.
  2. To secure the construction with a thread in a few places for the purpose.
  3. Wrap the frame tightly with gold thread, filling in the small needles.
  4. Glue the leaves to the heights.
  5. Attach the yagidni grona for additional threads.
  6. Glue or wind fizalis with threads.
  7. At the end, attach the bird to the wink.

Ready virib from the leaves at the sight of the wine can be hung in some place of the house, which will gladden you with its beauty and intimidate you about the most frequent time of rock.

Garne of autumn leaves can be vicorated not only for unpretentious childish virobiv, but also for full decorating the interior. One of these varieties is a fruit vase.

To prepare such a vase you will need:

  • glue and penzlik;
  • inflatable bag;
  • vaseline;
  • scissors;
  • maple leaf.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Inflate the bag to the size you need.
  2. It is necessary to smear the surface with vaseline, so that the leaves do not stick to the new one in the process and easily melt into the air.
  3. Fix the bag in an unbreakable frame, so you will be better able to work your vase.
  4. Glue to the back of the maple leaf, in front of it, clearly smearing it with glue.
  5. If you want to finish the vase with mitznoy, you will need a sprat of maple leaf balls.
  6. As soon as the remaining ball is completed, once again seriously coat with some glue and leave it on 3 dobi.
  7. Burst or inflate the bag, remove the excess from the viroba.

The original decoration of the interior is ready.

Photo frame in autumn style

Children should embellish the walls of their rooms with their little ones and favorite photographs. Virob from leafing at the sight of the frame, vіdmіnno pіdіyde to complement the design of the room. Help your child to decorate the frame of the autumn leaves, where will you put your favorite photo.

For virob it is necessary:

  • solid cardboard;
  • glue;
  • leafing, as it suits you;
  • olive;
  • scissors.

How to make a frame:

  1. From the cardboard, draw a square and rectangular frame of the required size. The center of the frame, where the photo is placed, it is necessary to view the photo less than the size of the photo.
  2. To wrap a frame around the leaves, soak them in front in hot water, so the stench will help and will not tear and lamate in the process.
  3. Glue the leaves to the frame.
  4. Dock if you can dry.

When the frame is ready, insert a photo card into it, fixing it with glue or tape.

Applications from the autumn leaf

Applications are one of the simplest types of products made from dried leaves. Vykoristovuyuchi leaves of different forms and rosemary, you can create right pictures, like then become the color of your booth. You can create a whole series of panels, united by sacred themes. Tse mozhut buti creatures, landscapes and іn. Next will be presented a small number of small master-classes made from the preparation of applications for looking like an owl, a firebird, a fish and a lion.


To create an application from the images of an owl, you will need:

  • small leaves of brown tones (for which you can vicorate oak, willow, birch);
  • colorful paper;
  • a small tuyi chick;
  • a piece of cardboard;
  • grono gorobin yagіd;
  • be like a small tree;
  • glue.

Before the cob leaves, that berry must be dried. As soon as all the materials are ready, the hour has come to proceed to the worst:

  1. Cut along the contour of the owl from the cardboard.
  2. To birch or oak leaves, depict a vushka and paws of an owl, glue them in the necessary places.
  3. For a feast, beat the dovge vuzka willow leaves.
  4. Cut out the eyes from the colored paper and glue them.
  5. Glue your owl on a tree nail to become a stand for a virob.

For a supplementary decor, you can vicorate moss and twigs. You can also vikoristovuvati gorobina like paws of an owl. Virib is ready.


For application with the Firebird you need:

  • arkush paperu;
  • leafing linden, birch and shipshini;
  • nasinnya garbuza;
  • thuy chicks.

And the axis looks like the process itself:

  1. A lime leaf is glued to those places where the body of a bird will be.
  2. Birch leaf - head.
  3. Leaves of shipshiny are glued individually on the tail.
  4. To serve as a supplementary embellishment of the tail to the color of the spikes.
  5. Glue the birch leaves to the body, so there will be wings.
  6. Eyes tremble from the garbuzovy nasinnya, and also adorn for the body that tail of the Firebird.
  7. The final stage is a forelock of tuy or be-yakoy іnshої vіdpovidnoї growth.

The firebird is ready.

a lion

Children love different creatures, for that it will be especially cicavo to master someone from known animals.

What do you need for left:

  • rounded linden leaves of yellow color;
  • black marker;
  • ash today;
  • kіnsky chestnut (peas);
  • glue;
  • small pine bush;
  • scissors;
  • arkush paperu yellow color;
  • a sheet of orange cardboard.

All required material, an hour to proceed until the preparation of the viroba:

  1. Paint the lion's head on a yellow paper, or design an image on a printer, cut it along the contour.
  2. For the mane, twist the leaves of the linden, after gluing their heads.
  3. Paint the left nis and glue a chestnut on the yogo.
  4. Pine heads go up in the air.
  5. The last ash tree will represent language.

As soon as you see it dry, you will be more ready.


Like a child you don’t know about the gold ribka, like a vikonu bajannya? Prepare the viroba with your own hands and become a sweetheart for the little one.

To prepare the ribka virob you will need:

  • dry leaves of quince and linden of brown and yellow color are distinct;
  • glue;
  • marker;
  • ash today;
  • acorns;
  • paper cutters;
  • black paper sheet.

Yak Robiti:

  1. Paint the outline of the ribka on the black paper and swipe yoga.
  2. From a linden leaf, make little strips and glue them to the body of the fish.
  3. To decorate the tail, weave brown quince leaves.
  4. Caps in the form of acorns depict the outline of the head of the fish.

That's it, the sprig of gold ribka is ready.

Rіznobarvne leafing schooseni pleasing to the eye, falling to the ground. Her beauty is darkly fading under the boards, transforming the leaves into a succulent borax. However, there is a way to preserve the beauty and sapling of the autumn leaf - to dry them or to skeletonize and vicorate for the preparation of different dribnitsa from children's viruses to embellish the interior. Such a busy fit to the soul and children, and grown up.

75 photos of idea ideas from a leaf

Do-it-yourself Osіnnі virobi-ekіbanu from natural material.

Ekibanu- the traditional Japanese art of making bouquets from flowers. At the translation of my Russian language, we didn’t understand the word for us, meaning lives, how to live. As a rule, the Japanese, for the creation of their floristic sculptures, vicarious, are alive and, if possible, freshly seen.

Ale oskolki we live in the country, there is no opportunity tsiliy rik to grow up with fresh tickets, then we have ekіban trochs transformed. In the autumn-winter period, floristry is simply lovers of garni floristic objects to work for the best handicrafts. Let's surround dry flowers and herbs, our people winchest chestnuts, autumn fruits and gorobina.

Virobi - do-it-yourself ekіbani from natural materials on the theme of autumn: ideas, photos

Idea #1

Idea #2

Idea #3

Idea #4

Idea #5

Idea #6

As you can see, sing-songly, they thought of being called a faggot to have the right not only to compose from living songs. For this reason, you can easily win any floral material. Truthfully, when folding these objects, you need to remember that visually the stench can look as harmonious as possible.

To that, pick up the material for your future masterpiece, make up your mind, so that you can ideally pick up the color. It is the fault of the memory itself, that the ekіban is not easy to hit the vase. For bajannya її you can close it in a cat, a great kelih, a plastic container and wind it around a harbuz. Keep in mind, mind you, that in the way you keep the floristic material is not guilty of being even more bright.

If she is remembered, then she will earn much respect for herself and, as a legacy, the fucker herself will be ruined by її aphids. Well, of course, remember that such a composition is to be as dynamic as possible, so that it will be shorter, so you will try to install the material under different layers and create at least two-tiered objects.

How to build an autumn flower from a leaf: preparation of that volume composition

Bouquet of trojans with maple leaves

Meister class with bouquet preparation

The creation of any floristic object begins with the preparation of the material. If you ignore this stage, then with great humility you can say that as a result you don’t take what you want. As it is necessary to prepare the leaves for the autumn ekibani, then first, if you are guilty of doing it, prepare a garni and nothing less than necessary material, and for the cob, lightly dry it out of the street.

After the drying of the leaves, the clothes will need to be made into a warehouse, which will make them more pliable and elastic. For this, you will need to dilute in 450 ml of water 220 ml of glycerin and soak all decorative materials in a limited amount. After that, how to lie down with him for 3-4 days, you will need to anger the homeland, and wet the leaves with a paper servlet. As soon as the stench becomes elastic, you can proceed to the preparation of the floristic object.

  • Then, for the cob, prepare a vase, about 40 pieces of maple leaf, threads and namistini for embellishment
  • Then we take the leaves and we start to form a trojan from them (the master class can be worked up in the mountains)
  • Robimo will consume a handful of buds, and then we will begin to grow them to the stem
  • Yogo can be zrobiti z be-like a gnuchkoy veil of brown or green color.
  • After that, as your autumn trojans will be ready, let's proceed to the selection of the ekibani.
  • For whom we sip the sand at the bottom of the vase and begin to build our trojans into the new stalk.
  • Roztashuvavshi all trojandochki, obov'yazkovo zrobіt їm so called gortka with beautiful maple leaves and embellish them with beads
  • If such an edging does not suit you, you can easily replace it with a satin stitch, tied in a bow

How to build an autumn flower from a leaf: preparation of that flat composition

Metelik from leaves

leaf target

Birds from the leaf

Budinok from a leaf

leaf painting

A flat ekіbanu is an ideal option for a school and a child care center. Deyakі florists call її sheet paintings tap panels. So, in every way, leafing on a solid base, then everything that will be necessary for you, give it the correct shape and shape sing posts. With the help of a fire, you can grow from the autumn leaves of a beautiful and polished blizzard, a small target, or kill a beautiful galyavin.

And if you want to get the pictures right, I’ll first need you to prepare the decorative material. And if for a bulky composition the leaves should be made as soft as possible, then for flat stench they should be as dry as possible. For the price, all the material you choose must be properly dried.


  • The easiest way is to simply pick up the leaves of various shapes, tie them in small bunches and hang them to dry in a place where there is good ventilation. It is true that you are responsible for understanding that in this fall, when hanging, the leaves curl and will not be equal and beautiful.
  • If you want to take the smoothest possible material, you can dry it for additional cleaning. For which you need, you will take a sheet, put it between two sheets of cardboard and pass it through with cleansing. You will need to continue this manipulation, the docks with the material do not evade the whole vologa.
  • If you have є hour, then put the sheet in the book and put її pіd press. Periodically open up the її and let's get rid of the hair that has accumulated in it. If you show patience, then as a result you take away the material, which saves and your color, and your structure.

Ekibana - do-it-yourself autumn composition from chestnut trees

Recommendations on how to prepare a topiary

Ready topiary from chestnuts

Beetle from chestnut

Vase of chestnuts

Chestnuts are an ideal material for autumn harvests. With their help, you can earn cute toys for children of preschool age. school age, as well as the most beautiful and exclusive embellishments for the interior. Better yet, you can use the example of that, as for additional chestnuts, you can create a composition under the name of a beetle on an autumn leaf.

Such a virib is definitely suitable for little ones. You can also decorate a vase with this beautiful material (just put it on glue), and insert yourself into it yourself with maple leaf trojans or dry flowers. And those who want to work with their own hands in a proper original way can try to make them with topiary chestnuts.

  • For the cob, pour it into the container, in which your tree is worth gypsum sum
  • If it gets thicker, put a trunk of a future topiary in it
  • While the wine will be fixed in plaster, start working on the top
  • Take a styrofoam sack and glue it with chestnuts
  • Draw on the smallest pieces possible. corrugated paper and fill in empty between chestnuts (wack for fixing glue)
  • If the top is ready, fix it on the stems and you can boldly proceed to decorating
  • For whom you can vicorate dry flowers, small leaves, acorns, great namistini.

Osіnnіy ekіban z living tickets

Ekibana autumn

Floral composition with leaves

Osinnі motives

Trochs have already told you that the ekіban is the first for all harmony, that we are choosing the material for this autumn object, give priority to the colors, which will bloom itself at this time of rock.

The best option for this type of vipadka will be Aistry and chrysanthemums. And in order to make it clear to the restless, that you created the autumn composition itself, you can add leaves, grass and needles, that you already remembered the color.

So, when folded ekіbani, remember that the most beautiful and most splendid colors should be placed in the center of the composition, in such a way you create a point that attracts the eye, but when you don’t remove the elements of the man-made object.


  • At the cob stage, think over what kind of result your child will have, and it’s possible to choose the right amount for her
  • If you want to take a special sponge for ekіbani, then give it a try
  • Lay a sponge in a container and fill it with homeland, as if we were continuing the life of living quarters.
  • At the approaching stage, start preparing the flowers (cut their stems under the warm kut)
  • If so, carefully zastromit them at the sponge and try to give them the necessary nahil
  • Empty space to fill with leaves, grass and silts

Ekibana from dried flowers

Ekibana from dried flowers

self-made vase

Bouquet at the beer kelihu Autumn composition

Dried flowers are good, because with their help you can create a few different objects. You can have bouquets, vines, paintings and original panels. The simplest fucking, obviously, is a bouquet. Yogo can be spawned in two ways. If you independently prepare tickets, then just pick up the roses, as you like, put a bouquet of them, tie the stems well and move to dry in a dark, well-ventilated bowl (buds down).

If you do everything correctly, then in the autumn your houses will be embellished not only by a beautiful composition, which smells good. If you are going to bathe dried flowers and then add compositions from them, then you will need to pick up the stems for one dozhina, put together all the flowers at once, and then respectfully marvel at all the elements of your house harmonize with one.

As a rule, when a fucker struggles with the hanging elements, then the deaky and її parts wriggle out of the wild visual series. As it happened with you, then just take a pair of sharp knives and gently twist, what, in your opinion, is a bouquet. Let him take a line, or a thin skein, and wrap the stalks of the flowers with it as resolutely as possible.

  • If you need to attach a bud to the stem, or form one great flower from a dozen small flowers, then work for the help of a thin dart.
  • If you need to close the composition already ready, then beat the other middle comrades. It will help you to take all the parts of the floristic object at once and at the same time not to mess up the lower structure of the dried flowers.
  • Well, let's talk about piece stems. If you need to work it out, then take a fresh nay diameter and wrap it as much as possible with a satin stitch or a corrugated paper.

Ekibana from autumn fruits: cat from cones or acorns

Meister-class s cooking cat

Ready virib
Cat out of the box

In the autumn, literally under your feet, there is a lot of decorative material lying around, which you can win for creating the original autumn ekіbani. For example, you can collect acorns or cones and grow an original cat from them, which you can fill with dried flowers, fruits or autumn leaves. The easiest way to grow such a cat is to take an ordinary cardboard box of a small size and carefully glue the same size with cones or acorns.

Like a pen for such a viroba, you can whip up a bunch of vines. As a rule, the preparation of all the details of the ekibani is a little more than a year old, and then the stink just stinks among themselves with a dart. If you are ready to tinker, then you can grow cats exclusively from autumn fruits.


  • For the cob, take cones or acorns of the same size and form
  • For bazhannya you can win a part for the help of a purchased vіdbіlyuvach
  • Dali, start shaping the bottom of the future virobu
  • For whom we take 6 cones and add them to the ticket (if the cat is larger, then you need 12 cones or 18)
  • If you beat the acorns, then you can pick them up between yourself with your ass, and then twist them into a tight spiral.
  • If the bottom of the cat is ready, start molding the yoga clay
  • Put two or three bumps between you on the back of your head, and then form the wall of your cat out of them
  • At the offensive stage, vikoristovuyuchi drіt, z'єdnuєmo among themselves all the blanks.
  • Rob the cat's hand with the vine and fill it with autumn apples, pears and thorns

Ekibana - cat's autumn fantasy

Idea for ekіbani №1 Idea for ekіbani №2

Idea for ekіbani №3

If you don’t want to make a cat on your own, then you can take ready-made ones and turn yoga into an original autumn embellishment. As a reminder, you can wink as lively flowers, so dry. If you have vicaristuvatimete lively growths, for example, aistry or chrysanthemums, then you need to transfer those that you need to create a friendly mind, to help them as much as possible trivial hour to save freshness.

For good reason, you happen to insert a plastic or glass container into the cat's cat, into which you can put a floral sponge, leaked with a lively rose. Well, if you will vicorate for the purpose of drying the flowers, then you will need to stick them into the sand, or simply creak to the walls of the cat with a thin dart. And now let's talk about compositions, which are the most suitable for ready-made cats.

I would like to say at once that it is not so beautiful to see low and red bouquets in them. If you want your outfit to look as beautiful as possible and original, then try to create an asymmetric composition, for example, two or three tiers. Well, it turned out like this, that you have flowers with a small stem, then you can build a bouquet on the handles, just embellishing them with buds. So a little cunning will help you to visually twist your ekіbana, while you remember it yourself.

Ekiban with harbuza on the autumn is holy

Ekibanu with Garbuza

Ekiban on autumn is holy

Autumn composition

Ekibanu with Garbuza
Original ekibana

Harmelon is the best among other fruits suitable for making autumn compositions. If you want to grow a similar vibrator together with a child, then you can put your vibrator on a vase. It’s easy for a fucker to fight like that, but more than that, looking even more effective. For bajannya її, you can additionally decorate with quilts from kvassoli, or simply create a more lower and more beautiful pattern on a floral theme.

Ale, wanting such a virib and respecting the simplest, you need to work on yoga to improve certain nuances. First of all, you need to pick up the pickle correctly. It’s a lot of kerіvnikіv-pochatkіvtsіv pomilkovo to think that the more you will be, the more beautiful as a result will be the ekіbanu. Truly an ideal option for creating a basic composition is the fruit of an average size. As practice shows, the stench itself may be the most appropriate form for making a vase. In another way, you don’t need to hurry up to see the opening, which imitate the top of the vase. For the first time, think about what you will insert into the middle of the fruit (a bottle, I will glass a jar, or I will cut a plastic plate).

After that, as you understand what is most suitable for these purposes, choose a line and choose the diameter of the container, and even on the basis of taking these data, make a round line ideally. So, if you want your vase to be visually gleaming, then cover the surface with glue, and then, as much as possible, sip with a wonderful tsukr. After that, as everything is dry, from afar such a bloody cover will be called krishtalev.

Ekibana - autumn bouquet

Bouquet of leaves

Bouquet of dried flowers

Ekibanu on steel

Bouquet of flowers

Most of the people are associated exclusively with the bouquets. And yet, at the vipadku z ekіbanoy, you have the opportunity to see the globally accepted rules and to grow yoga from the green autumn leaf, dried flowers and squirrel. If you dare to correctly arrange decorative elements, then as a result you will take away a floristic object, which can please you all autumn and winter.

True, you are responsible for protecting yourself, that in order for it to be like this, for the cob you will need to dry all the components of the cabin as much as possible and only take it. So, and remember, take one hour at a time to leave that dry leaf unbazhano. Since these elements are stronger than the powerful forces, then visually the stench will look a little extravagant. To that it will be more beautiful if you add more flowers either with dried flowers or with leaves.

Ekibana z Gorobini

Autumn wreath

Vіnok іz gorobini

Autumn ekibana

We have already told you more, as for the help of autumn flowers and fruits, you can create original floristic objects. Ale, telling about them, we forgot, maybe, about the most beautiful autumn fruit - the gorobina. You can cultivate your own beauty with its ideal forms, whether it’s like a fucker.

Just because you know that your vision looks unfinished, try adding yoga with gorobini's horns. If you want the gorobina to be the head element of the ekіban, then try to make an autumn wreath from it.


  • I’ll take a handful of gorobini’s crows, wash them in water and dry them on the floor
  • For the time being, take a bunch of grape vines and burn them in the colo of the required size
  • For bazhannya you can replace the vine by preparing a stake from the florist shop
  • Obov'yazkovo prepare dried flowers, little different colors and thin satin stitches.
  • If everything is ready, start working on your ekіbana
  • For the cob, fix the gorobina on the cob (її it’s better to spread everything as close as possible
  • After that, as this stage will be completed, start filling up the empty ones, as if you have settled down among the grons
  • Dried flowers bloom in them, leafing out those cones, and for example, decorate the wreath with small satin bows.

Video: Virib - Do-it-yourself autumn bouquet (from leaves and cones)

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