Rukhlivі іgry pіd hour of lessons of physical culture. PDF. Rolling games for high school students at school Rolling games for children of the senior school age

Rolling games for older children


"Pasta, take a stitch."to comfort the children of the rich with quickness, the kind of sickness, reading the vikonanny ruled the gris.

Graves melt at the stake, choose Lovishka. All. Okrim Lovishka, trim the line, yak lay the back for the belt chi komir. Pasta stands in the center of the stake. Behind the whistleblower's signal: "Bizhi!" - Children are roaming with a Maidan. The pasta ran after the roaring ones, jumped up and pulled a line into one of them. The child, who spent a line timchasovo to go to the kill. Youmu vihovatel proponuє vikonati kіlka is right for the bazhannyam.

"Pingguin". Continue to train children in haircuts with a little bear, we will squeeze between them.

Children to stand on one side of the Maidanchik - ce Budinochok penguins. After 4-5 meters, a friend of rice is carried out - tse krizhin. At the signal of the vihovator "to go for a walk" - the children cross the field with haircuts from a squeezed little bag. That child, at which little bear fell - turns into a little house. Peremagaє child, yak dove stribal field.

Tsіlsya vіrnіshe. Read the children to throw objects with the left and right hand at the horizontal different ways.

Children melt at the colo, the skin of a child is trimmed in the hands of a small bag. There is a cat at the center of the stake (there is no more than 1.5-2 m between the children and the cat). Gra repeat.

"Speak - do not back."

Another option

Children are divided into two teams, before

"Litaє - not litaє". Help the children to catch and throw the ball to the leader.

Children to stand at the stake in the middle - leading. V_n trim the ball in his hands. Throw a ball at the stake of a skin child, naming an object with it. If this object is lit, then the child is to catch the ball and it’s like “lit”. If the object is not lit, then the child can catch the ball and it seems “not lit”.


"Ready for training".to make it possible for children to get into and out of gymnastic gatherings, not missing the river and not taking off the rest of the rails on the pidlog. Children will be in three-chotiri colonies before the gymnastic gatherings - these are firemen. The first to stand behind the boundary (pochatkova line) on the line 4-5 meters from the exits. Little stars hang on the skin of the gymnastic gatherings at the same height. At the signal of the whirlwind, the children, like to stand first in the columns, run to the exits, climb on it and strike at the twinkles, go down, then turn around to their command and stand at the end of the colony. Vihovatel vіdznaє most seen. Let's give a signal for the offensive group.

"My merry lads".Close the habits of the children of ticks depending on who to catch. Train privacy, respect. Develop shvidkіsnі yakosti.

Children stand on one side of the Maidan. In front of them, a boundary is drawn. Characteristics are also carried out on the protilezhny side of the Maidanchik. To the side of the children (in the middle of the Maidan) there is Lovishka. Children remember the words to the text:

My fun lads,

Beloved, bigati and grati.

Well, try to overtake us:

One time two. three - catch!

after the word “catch” the children run over to the next beak of the Maidan, and the trap is to catch them. The one who did not manage to reach the protilezhnoy boundary, and yogo bumped into catching with his hand, we dare to spy. Yogo Lovishka led to his hut.

3. "Find and promote."


4. "Woodka". To comfort the children in the morning, intensively on the surface and lift the legs under the hour of the haircut.

Children stand on a stake. Vihovatel - at the center of the stake. Vіn trimaє in the hands of the cord, at the end of the tyings a small bag from the peep. The winder wraps the cord over the stake above the ground itself, and the children streak uphill, poking around, so that the little bag does not lace up their legs.

5. "Ball against the wall". Convince the children to throw the ball against the wall at a different way and catch the yogo hit from the wall. Develop spritnist, coordination.

A subgroup of children stand in line in front of the wall. І one hour after the signal of the whistleblower, throw the ball, instructed by the whacker in the way (from the breasts, from below, over the head), then after the blow of the yogo to catch. Vihovatel recognizes the real child.

Complimentary: the children hang around at the two ranks, the first rank throws the ball against the wall. And the children of the other line to catch yogo.

Leaf fall.

"misholovka". Take care of the children, walk on the stake, pidlazit pid pereshkod, respectfully listen to the commands. Develop coordination, spritnist. The gravity is divided into 2 nerve groups. Mensha fixes the colo - tse micholovka. Інші - mice that are behind the stake. The children, who imitate the micholovka, hold hands and begin to walk on the stake. Including:

Ah, like a mouse nabridli, beware of the shakhrayka,

Separated їх, just addiction. Let's reach you.

Everyone grimaced, everyone ate, We put the axis of the micholovka,

Usudi lick - the axis of misfortune. Let's catch them all at once!

After the end of the verse, the children stumble and lift their chained hands up on the mountain. Mishі vbіgayut and vіbіgayut near the colo - micholovka. After the words of the whistleblower "clap" - the misholovka began. Misha, who are lost when they get drunk, the stench gets up at the colo, and by the same token they themselves have expanded the micholovki.

"Don't fuck." To fix the children in the meantime, to stab at the stab of the stab from the new one. Develop coordination of movements, spritnist. improve the quality of the haircut. Ruhiv reaction.

On the maidanchik to sit a colo. At the middle of the stake stand 2-3 pastes. Other children stand behind the stake. At the signal of the whirlwind, children on two legs shake at the stake and see pastures from the stake in the world, and they pickle those from the children. Salenі children come out dead. After that, as 4-5 children are abandoned, they grow up, and new pastas are selected.

"Vedmedi ta bjoli".Close the children's skills at the lazne according to the gymnastic gatherings in different ways, do not skip the crossbar; climb to the end, do not shoot from gymnastic gatherings on the pidlog.

Gymnastics descend - tse vulik, on the protilezhny botsі - a meadow, on the sidelines - barlig vedmedіv. Dekіlka children - vedmedі, stink in barlozі. More bjoli, climb on the wall. Behind the signal, bjoli hover (climb from the gymnastic wall) and fly to the meadow. At the same time, the Vedmedy vibigayut from the barlogi and climb from the vulik (gymnastic wall). At the signal of the "Vedmedi" bjoli fly near the vuliks, and the Vedmedi for the whole hour are guilty of rushing into the stream near the barlig. Vedmediev, yaks didn’t suddenly get angry, bjoli misbehave - they stick around with their hands. After two repetitions, the children change roles.

"Catch the ball." Improve the skills of children at throwing and catching a ball. Develop spritnist, spritnist, quick reactions.

The children are divided into triplets and freely roztashovuyutsya all over the Maidan. Two children stand side by side, one of one at a distance of 2-2.5 meters. The third child stands between them. Children throw one to one ball, and between them they try to push their hand. if you go into it, then you stand in the place of the one who threw it, and that one takes the place of the leader. If a child can’t slander a ball for a long time, then she raises her hand uphill, and a trio for the help of a lichilka appoints a new leader.

"Find and promote".Continue reading children orientate themselves in the open space, clearly vikonanni ruled gri.

Vihovatel show the children an object (hustka, stitch, ensign, etc.), give the children the setting to remember yoga. Then the children turn around and splatter their eyes. Vihovatel hovaє tsey object kudis. To ask the children to come in or to see and know the subject, but to the one who knows it, he is guilty of going to the whistleblower and quietly, so that no one feels the need to show the place of the knowledge of the subject.


Two frosts. Dodoskonalyuvat vminnya children coordinating the movement, tikati in the form of children, what to catch. Viyavlyat the kmіtlivіst і samosіyno іyati fallowly in the environment.

On the opposite sides of the Maidanchik, two budinkas are marked, as if rotting in one of them. 2 leaders are selected; one - frost - red nis, and the other - frost - blue nis. The stench melts in the middle of the Maidanchik between two booths and vibrates the words:

My two brothers are young,

Two frosts are far away,

I am frost - red nis,

I am frost - blue nis,

Who is calling you on the road

Get off the road.

Singing in chorus with glee:

We are not afraid of threats

And the frost is not terrible for us.

After the word “frost”, the children run across the Maidanchik to another booth, and the leaders push them and try to get to the other side - “freeze”. "Frozen" zupinyayutsya and far away do not collapse.

Pass the ball. Set the children at the ball with their feet in a straight line and between crossings, not letting it go far in front of themselves.

Children are divided into two teams, the skin team has its own ball. Children stand at the column one at a time, in front of them is a path, pins are marked on two sides, so that they end with a bar. Then we instructed a number of stands to go out of the path, between them 1.5 m. The task of the children was to lead the ball straight along the path, lead it behind the stand, and bring the ball back with a “snake” between the racks. Remagay team, as the first finished the baton.

Another option : set the basketball ball between objects

At a distance of 1 meter, a rosette or poles (6-8 pieces) are placed in one row. Remagay the one who did not beat the right stalk.

Mislivtsі and hares.Train children in haircuts on two legs. With the left and right foot in the sky, develop the talent, quick reactions of children.

Z-pomіzh gravtsіv choose the leader - myslivtsya, reshta - hares. From one side of the maidanchik there is a place for prayer, from the other side - bunnies of hares. Myslyvets walk around the hall, imitating the whispers of the following hares, and then turn back to our booths. Hares hang around the house and begin stribati around the whole hall on two legs, on the left and right legs alternately at different straight lines. Behind the signal "Mislivets!" - Hares tick to their booths, and the wise man throws a ball at them (2-4 pcs.), Better than soft ones. Tі, in whom you have spent a lot of money, vvazhayutsya spіymanimi and come out of the gr. After skin watering, the mind changes.

Be shy. To improve the skills of stribkiv in dozhina mizh objects. Give respect to the yak_st of the streaks.

Gravity vishikovuyutsya in two columns at the outer boundary. First gravel, strobayuchi on two legs between objects (cubes, skittles, sticks, rosette), reach the finish line, then turn around to the end of their colony. The onset of the grave begins to strike more than once. Like a forward gravel to the start line.

Take a picture.Orientation in space, concentrating respect for the singing subject, children are blessed.

To the music, children beat different ruhi on the gymnastic bench, lie down to cut the pictures. On the different sides of the Maidanchik, the whole picture is placed. After that, like locking the music, children take pictures, know the whole picture and start picking parts of the picture as a whole, remake the first team that took the picture.


"Don't get stuck on the bad."Continue to read the children to the height and to the deep, to develop the coordination of the children. Spritnist.

The game is held at that part of the hall, where the gymnastic wall is located. Gymnastics lavi and other subjects, the height of which is no higher than 30 cm. Paste is selected from the number of graves. They will tie a colored line on Yoma's hand. Children are deployed on shells. With an ear of music, children sing from objects and run around the hall. Pastka takes the fate of the Big. Behind the whistleblower's signal "catch!" a trap to catch quiet children, yakі did not stand tall.

2 option : children are running around the hall, and the shepherd is trying to slander Children in the world of the nearness of the shepherd will stick on the hump, the one who did not get caught and the trap has reached the new one - vvazhaetsya spymanim.

2. "Paste in pairs." Improve the skills of the children of ticking, depending on who to catch. The one who catches the weaver's nazdoganyat. Train shvidkіsnі yakosti children. Children vyshikovuyutsya in two ranks on the line 3-4 krokiv one per one. Behind the whistleblower's signal "Catch!" - the children of the first line are ticking, and the children of the other line are kicking them. The skin of a child to catch its mate, and salinize the first, lower the first to cross the designated finish line (10-12 m long). Vihovatel pіdrakhovuє kіlkіst spіymanih children. Sweat the children change hands.

3. ball to the leader. Set the children at the ball with the foot of the grave, kick the ball with the foot. Develop quickness of reaction, spritnist.

Graves are divided into sprat groups of 6-7 per skin, colo. At the middle of the skin stake is the leader. He has a great ball with a diameter of 25 cm in front of his feet. It is your fault to kick the ball with your foot and pass the ball to the leader. Like a leader, having missed the ball in the grave, the stinks change with throws.

Another gri option:to set the children at the throwing of the ball in different ways, to catch the ball.

Graves are divided into sprat groups of 6-7 per skin, colo. At the middle of the skin stake is the leader. The leader throws the ball over the stake in the gravel way, as indicated by the stirrer. The group, as if it had finished persha, raised its hand.

4. Drive the car. Train the children in the hands, zmіtsnyuyuchi m'yazi hands. Children are pleased.

Children join in the bet. One child is lying on the bed, and the other one is lifting her legs uphill and trembling. The first child to walk on the hands of 3-4 meters, and then the children change hands.

5. We know a hare (a fox, a wolf, etc.).to develop the respect of children, to orientate themselves in space, victorious words “cold - warm - hot”. The facilitator shows the children a toy, how they should know. Then the children come out of the hall and cry their eyes. At the same time, the facilitator hove this toy and the treasure of the kіlka slid on the pidlog. Children go to the hall for help, they follow - the hare whispers. Vihovatel regulates the flow of children for help using words "cold - warm - speckly".


1. Potrap at the cats.Zakripiti vminnya children throw a ball at the horizontal met; develop agility, coordination of movements, spritnist.

Children are divided into 2-3 teams. Opposite the skin command, a cat with a winder 3-3.5 m is placed. in the hands of a skin child, one small ball (tennis ball) is in the hands. At the whistleblower's signal, the children will throw a ball at the cats. After that. How must the children throw the little bears (shady balls), the vikhovator pіdrakhovuє kіlkіst luchen. The team that wins is the one that has the most number of bears (shadow balls).

Other gri option. Children are divided into 2 teams and they stand opposite the basketball ring. For the command of the leader of the first number, they throw the ball at the basketball cat in a different way for the children's bajan. Then we throw other numbers, then thirds. to the rest of the gravel. Let's sweat the picker to pick up the bags.

"Ready for training".To make sure that the children can easily climb and climb from gymnastic gatherings, not missing the river and not cutting off the rest of the rails on the pidlog.

Children will be in three-chotiri colonies before the gymnastic gatherings - these are firemen. The first to stand behind the boundary (pochatkova line) on the line 4-5 meters from the exits. Little stars hang on the skin of the gymnastic gatherings at the same height. At the signal of the whirlwind, the children, like to stand first in the columns, run to the exits, climb on it and strike at the twinkles, go down, then turn around to their command and stand at the end of the colony. Vihovatel vіdznaє most seen. Let's give a signal for the offensive group.

buy for a buy.Set the children in front of the haircuts, develop the strength of the mail, the ease of the hands and the nig.

Two lines are signified on the Maidan - two banks, like a swamp. The winder is a treasure trove of flat hoops - buy one at a time, one per one 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 cm. Graves stand on one birch. At the signal of the whirler, the children begin to cross over to the other shore through the swamp, stribayuchi from hoop to hoop. The child, as if to stumble, is dragged into the swamp. Yogo can be a viruchi child, recognized as a wiggler. The child gives a hand and shows the way from the swamp.

"Plyashki". Set the children at the big vroztich, not slinging one on one. Bіgati, quickening that upovіlnyuyuchi swidkіst bіgu, work independently. The leader is selected, which takes away the color line and becomes the center of the stake. Behind the signal "Catch!" - children are roaming with a maidan, and the leader - to catch a chicken. The one whom the chicken zaplyamuє (dotorknetsya), that vvazhaєtsya spіymanim and go ubіk. After a certain hour, the vihovator gives the command “Stop!”, Grass ends and a new chicken is selected.

Where does your animal live?Attract the children to orientate themselves in the open, know the necessary object is correct. Develop self-reliance. Children sing music to imitate the movement, set by the master (how does the fox dance? Bunny, birdie?). After the end of the music, children go to the gymnastics shop and put on a picture (bird, white, wow, etc.), turned upside down with a little one. The task of the children is to know the great picture, where the life of the creature is depicted (nest, bush, hollow thin.).


"Cosmonauts". Set the voztich in the big, vikoristovuyuchi the whole space of the Maidanchik, walking on the stake, orienting in the open space, developing the swedish vigor of children. Vihovuvati povagu one to one.

Along the edges of the maidanchik, the contours of the rockets (two, chotirimіsnі.) are seated. Zagalna kіlkіst space for rockets may be less than the number of children. In the middle of the Maidan, the cosmonauts, holding hands, walk along the stake, at the middle of the stake, the leader is the commander, who walks at the middle of the stake. Children walk along the stake, adding:

Swedish rockets check on us

For walking the planets.

I want to yak

Let's fly like this!

Ale gree one secret:

Let's save the month!

With the rest of the word, children are fired by rockets. Tі, who did not manage to get into the rocket to go to the “cosmonaut training center”, and win the tasks right (roll the massage ball with your feet, right at the gymnastic gatherings for the bazhan, kick and call the ball thinly). children, as if they got into the rocket after the order of the commander, who stood in front of the rockets and commanded: “the key to the start (fold your hands in front of you), they started the engine! (hand wrap), 5,4,3,2,1 - start! Children at once from the commander raise their hands uphill and run with a maydanchik. The commander of the command "Rockets, to the ground!", the children get up again, a new commander is appointed.

"toad that chacha".To improve the skills of children in haircuts through the crossings, it is important to listen and correctly pick up the team of the wielder. On one side of the maidanchik, a great chotirikutnik with thin slats is fenced with slats at a height of 15-20 cm. Tse swamps. There are children here, like toads. Protect a small plot for a chapli.

To the words of the vihovator: “toads in the swamp!” - mustache toads shave off the swamp, the chaplya is found at its booth. To the words of the vihovator: "Chaplya go" - the toads shake out of the swamp and squat, vydbіgshi killed. The heron, having crossed the crossing, can ride to the swamp on one lower, the first lower there the toad will jump. Spyman toad chaply led to his hut.

"Catching Mavp".Train children at the top of the head, climb from it, repeat the steps shown by other children exactly and correctly.

Children, who imitate mawp, roam at gymnastic gatherings, cubes, gymnastic lava. Mavp fishermen (2-4 children) are rebuyed on the protile boat. Catchers speak among themselves about those, like the stench of the stench, go to the middle of the Maidan, show the ruhi. Mavpi marvel at tsі ruhi z vysochini. Let's sweat the hunters to go to their houses. Mavpi climb from the heights and repeat the ruhi. Behind the signal: "Catchers!" - mawpi climb to the high point, and the catchers try to sinister (solidify) the mavp, as they did not climb the high point..

"Hit the ball at the gate."Strengthen the skills of children at the pass with the foot, develop agility, quickness of reaction, slow down the kick of the ball with the foot and kick yoga.

Children are divided into two subgroups. At the opposite sides of the maidanchik, a gate (width 1-1.5 m) is designated. At the gate there is a gate. In the presence of a gate on a distance of 2.5-3 meters, a sign-target line of impact is placed. Children stand at the column one by one. The first one to go to the line of the blow and then pass the goalkeeper, trying to score a goal and stand in the end of the colony, the offensive gravel is guilty of going to the line of the blow and get ready to take the ball. The gate is guilty of hitting the ball with his foot back to the advancing gravity.

"Find and promote".Continue reading children orientate themselves in the open space, clearly vikonanni ruled gri.

Vihovatel show the children an object (hustka, stitch, ensign, etc.), give the children the setting to remember yoga. Then the children turn around and splatter their eyes. Vihovatel hovaє tsey object kudis. To ask the children to come in or to see and know the subject, but to the one who knows it, he is guilty of going to the whistleblower and quietly, so that no one feels the need to show the place of the knowledge of the subject.


"Pilniki". Set the children at ease, develop serenity. roaringly melt in pairs. A line is drawn in front of the colony with a winder for 2-3 hours. One of the roaring - catching flock behind the line. Mustache, who is standing at the column, it seems:

Burn, burn bright

Sob didn’t go out

Look at the sky

birds fly,

Little twins ring!

One, two, three - bіzhi!

Following the words “bee”, children, how to stand in the rest of the pair, bounce the colony (one left-handed, the other right-handed), pragmatically shake and hold hands. The one who catches is trying to wickedly one of the bets earlier, to catch the children holding hands. If you give up, then you make a new couple with a captured child, and the one who lost without a bet becomes a guide. Like youma, you don’t dare to spy on anyone, you continue to be leading.

"Vovk at the rovi". To help the children in the future, to pay the crossroads with the path of re-attribution, to build up your ability. Vykhovuvaty vpevnenіst in their power.

In the middle of the Maidanchik, two parallel lines(nayvuzhche place - 80cm., Naishirshe - 100cm.) one kind of one - church. Along the edge of the Maidanchik on the vіdstanі 1-2 kroki in the edge of the її cordon, budinok kіz are called. On the other side of the Maidanchik is a meadow. Z-pomіzh roaming vibiraєtsya vovk, іnshi goats. Mustaches of goats grow up in one of the houses. Vovk stays in the river. At the signal of the widower “Goats, go, graze”, children go out of the house and transfer through the ditch at the handy place for themselves. Vovk is trying to be evil - salt the goat. Spyman's goat is abandoned by the wolf. After a deaky hour, the whistleblower seems to say: “Kozy, go home!”, the children run home, rebuilding through the rіv, trying to trick themselves from the vіvka. Let's cheer up the number of spied kiz, the most funny goat (children, who shoved through a wide rіv) is appointed.

"Flight of birds". Close up the children to climb on the drabin - drabin and on the gymnastic drabin, bigy vroztich. Reset at peace. Shvidkist.

Children - birds are found on drabints - drabints on the lower rungs of the gymnastic lava. Following the words of the violator “Sonechko shine, it’s an hour on the road”, children climb from drabinka - drabini and gymnastic gatherings and run like a maidanchik. Waving hands - wings. Following the words of the windmaker "Wind (doshch)", the children will again climb the drabin and the drabin.

"Pidkin-evil"to set the children at peace, to restore independently the strength and range of the throw of the ball, to catch the ball from the big.

At the height of the growth of the child, a moth is fixed. Children stand on one side. At the command of the whistleblower, the children throw the ball through the skein, then they run over and catch the ball from the other side. The facilitator recognizes the most right children and gives instructions to children, as if they could not evil the ball.

"Transfer the object from your hoop."Orientation of children in space, prevention of flatness in children. On the maidanchik, hoops of the main colors are laid out at different kutahs. On the maidanchik, small objects of quiet colors are laid out, like hoops. The children are guilty of taking the object with their foot and transferring yoga to the hoop of the same color as the object.


1. "Speak - do not back."Convince children in the meantime by propovzat under pereskodami in different ways.

In the middle of the hall, a cord is stretched at a height of 50 cm, on which little twines are lifted for a large number of children. The children are divided into two lines. The first line should stand on one side of the Maidan, and the other - on the other. The vikhovator gives a hint: like a line and in a certain way you can crawl under the cord. The children of the other line mark whose little twinkle is ringing. Sweat the children change hands.

Another option . Convince children to take crustaceans between objects that don’t sting them.

Children are divided into two teams, before like standing on one side of the Maidan, before the skin team there is smug, which consists of 4-5 items (skittles, rosette, cubes, etc.), between items 50 cm. insulting commands rozpochinayut ruh following the words of the leader “Forward”. Children, passing the crustaceans between the objects of guilt, say from the first object to the remaining “snake”, and from the remaining object to the starting rice - big. The team won, as the first thing came to the finish line and did not hit the desired object.

"Carp and pike". Set the big vroztich, orientation in space, develop spritnist, energy, self-sufficiency.

One of the children is chosen as the leader. Other children are divided into two groups. One group - tse kamintsі, іnsha - carp, yakі swim in the middle of the stake. The pike is found behind the stakes behind the signal of the pike "pike!" - won't you run into the colo, trying to drink carp. Carp hurry up to take a seat behind a fireplace (sit down for a child that represents a fireplace). Spymani crucians go for the colo. The game is repeated with another pike. Children change hands. Karas become kamintsy, and kamintsy become crucians.

3. "Find and promote."Continue reading children orientate themselves in the open space, clearly vikonanni ruled gri.

Vihovatel show the children an object (hustka, stitch, ensign, etc.), give the children the setting to remember yoga. Then the children turn around and splatter their eyes. Vihovatel hovaє tsey object kudis. To ask the children to come in or to see and know the subject, but to the one who knows it, he is guilty of going to the whistleblower and quietly, so that no one feels the need to show the place of the knowledge of the subject.

4. School of the ball. It’s easy to keep the children’s trainees alive, choose them independently, evaluate the training of their own and their comrades. A small ball is given for grilling. Greet the children one by one, two by two in small groups. Children win according to such a task:

throw a ball and catch it with two hands.

Throw the ball against the wall and catch it with two hands.

Hit the ball on the ground and catch it with your right hand, then with your left hand.

Throw a ball against the wall, let it hit the ground, and let it hit the ground, then catch it with two hands.

In pairs, beat one to one ball with the left and with the right hand following the blow.

5. "Leapfrog". Set the children at the support haircut, vminn_ quickly grouped. Children stand by the column, one by one on the stand of a wrought hand, and they group. The rest of the child wins the support hairline through the children, who sit in front, until the end of the colony. Potim quickly accepts the position of emphasis. The child, who appeared to the rest, starts stribati, etc. until you get rid of all the kids. Qiu to the right can be turned on to zmagan.

Musical fun games can be played at saints and discos for the senior classes.

Creative task

1. Put together a poem from a row of songs on the topic: “Russia is my fatherland”, “Come closer to the native land”, “Forest is the land of miracles”, “Shkilna time” and іn.

2. "Our words are your music." To the melody of your own song, guess your own words.

3. Fold potpourі on vіdomі pіsnі. Zrazkovі themes: "Childhood, childishness ...", "Influence in the countryside", "Kazkov power."

4. Submit a clip on the text of the song (on your choice or on the topic).

5. Illustrated song. Pіdіbrati pіsnyu until zaproponovanih malyunkіv.

7. Try marching in formation, victorious to the dog, for example:

“At the gravel sits a conic”;

"Sleep inside the toys";

"Little Yalintsy is cold to take."


For gri, prepare theme cards, store them in the package. It is necessary to name the song in the same rows from the song. An hour for obmirkovuvannya - 30-60 seconds. Proponuyutsya variant srazkovih vіdpovіdey. Possibly, if you need to propagate another team (or a grave), you won’t be able to do it yourself. Peremagaє team, yak gave a greater number of responses.

Naming topics

Name the songs and rows

1. Transport

1. Black car

2. Antoshka

3. Place names

3. Chunga-Changa

4. Succeed in life

4. Konik

5. At once fun to krokuvati

6. Submit

6. Crocodile dog Genya

7. Joy

8. Lesson layout

8. Dvichi two - chotiri

9. Apple trees near the color

10. Convalia, convalia

11. Cob

11. Laugh

12. Nemovlya

12. Top top

13. Toy

13. I'll be amazing when...

14. Boyaguz don't play hockey

15. Smokota

15. At the present, five hundred eskimo

16. Radio Siberia

17. Color palette

17. Orange dog

18. Professiya

18. Mitznishe for kermo trim, driver ...

19. Fuck rock

19. What is autumn like?

20. Start at school


Flip cards can be numbered and prompted by teams to name 3-5 numbers. The names of the figures are not repeated. And then, following the logic of the grey, we will read the words proponated by the upside down look.

1. Dinі ta kavuni v'yanuli,

The boards drowned under the ground.

2. No surprises, so she was close to you.

3. Friends inspired someone else's chicken, forked half of their relatives...

4. Pigs, pigs, wake up the generals.

5. They cut down a birch near the field.

6. Call, crow, call!

7. I have drunk myself a hundred times.

8. There are so few independent girls.

9. Looks like a grimace of light and darkness.

10. Vіn_koli not being a good thing without a name.

11. There htos at the Balochtsi rose.

12. Above the lake overlooking the milin,

View of the swamp waters.

13. Human grief is not welcome in the distance.

14. It is not required to bring garno to the waters of snow.

15. I dance ruinuvati and conquer the death.

16. Think about things below.

17. One bag of the cock died at the grandfather's.

18. The boy laughs: a cube of povz.

1. Rose apple trees and pears,

Mists poured over the river.

2. The day of victory, how far away we are.

3. Enemies burned down native hut,

They have attacked the whole yoga homeland ...

4. Nightingales, nightingales, do not turbulent soldiers.

5. Yalinka was born at the fox.

6. Fly, doves, fly!

7. You led me two,

"I do not want!" you said.

8. The lads are so unfriendly.

9. In the face of a smile, a gloomy day is bright.

10. I used to be a wonderful toy without a name.

11. Axis htos іz hіrochki descended.

12. Through the islands to the swift,

Into the expanse of the river wind. ,

13. Zhіnoche Happiness - bov b mi mily order.

14. Don't let yourself be rudely walk around with kaluzhas.

15. The song will help us to live.

16. Don't think about the seconds of the beast.

17. Two merry geese lived with my grandmother.

18. A girl crying - a bag was seen.


After proponing the description of the command, or gravit, filling in your card, sing out the correct number 1, 2 then. Whoever has more correct answers, that one wins.

1. A song about trivala is more expensive than a little girl in a headdress

2. Song about the loss of the head of one of the savants from the brown storm

3. A song about creatures, zavdyaks like our planet is moving on its own axis

4. A song about creatures with old whistles, like mowers working with mowers.

5. A song about chotyrokh cholovikiv at the capelyuhas with feasts, like for a rich share of their share

6. Song about the tragic death of a small coma

7. A song about the future

8. A song about making a girl look smart, like picking grapes from a garden garden

9. Song about first line aviation

10. A song about a place

11. Song about the creature, how to hate the weight of the house

12. A song about self-sufficiency

13. A song about victorious laughter like an electrician

14. Song about the country,

where can you shoot the firebird

and the golden horse

15. Song about the truth, how the skin door knows

16. A song about vagueness to sodium chloride not for recognition

17. Song about the busyness of children for 10-11 years

18. Song about self-beauty


1. "Yakscho dovgo-dovgo-dovgo ...".

2. "At the head of my tirsi ...".

3. "Here in the white world ...".

4. "And we are all the same ...".

5. "It's time-it's time-let's go...".

6. "At the grass there are horses ...".

7. "Beautifully far ...".

8. "Darkie".

9. "Nasamped - letaki ...".

10. "The boy wants to go to Tambov ...".

11. "Black whale".

12. "And I'll see the water ...".

13. "Looking at a laugh, the day will become bright ...".

14. "Little country".

15. "Now I am Cheburashka ...".

16. "I don't hang my strength on the wound ...".

17. "What do they learn at school."

18. "There was a birch near the field ...".


Prepare food cards. This diet is oriented towards respect, caution, remembrance. Zavdannya gravtsіv chi commands - give the exact answer in rows of songs.

1. What are the words “attributing a little lad to a little one”?

2. What can you do with a Kazakh?

3. Who grazes on a puddle far, far away?

4. What did the geese kill near the grooves?

5. What happened to the bear, if you get to your barlog at a cost?

6. Is kim friends with Konik?

7. Why did they love the beetle, the good old man?

8. What's in Winnie the Pooh's head?

9. Why are our girls killed?

10. Why does friendship begin?

11. Hanging on a parkan, a paper sheet flutters in the wind. What is written in new?

12. Tato can do everything for sure! Swim with a breaststroke, play with a bass, chop firewood. Why can't you?

13. Why does the dog bite?

14. Why should the royal guard be guarded by the humpbacks?

15. Bremen musicians care that there is nothing better in the world, lower ...?

16. Why should a candidate of sciences work, if a first-grader should be given a task at school?

17. What happened to the half-educated enchanter, if you wanted to stir up a thunderstorm?

18. One goal, two goals - what will happen?

19. The Swedish train is picking up speed. What are the new wagons?

20. Like the old stupidity, go and hit the road, then where can you come?

21. How do I sing a cheerful wind?

22. How did you sleep like a dog and in a fight, and in battle as a captain?


1. Let the sun shine,

Let the sky be,

Let it be your mother,

Come on, let me be.

2. You can be kidnapped from a Kazakh for a month

I ride along the merry horses.

3. That's right, cows!

4. Miles geese paws in the kalyuzhі bіla grooves.

5. Push the fox on the tail.

6. Not chipping a booger and being friendly with flies.

7. Already the soul is light in the new, cheerful.

8. At the head of my tirsi, so, so, so!

9. Zvotochok and dzvіnochkiv, zoshit that pereglyadiv. From hustinok and glomeruli, from riddles and marmalade.

10. Well, friendship starts with laughter.

11. Missing dog on Prіzvisko Druzhok.

12. Only a mother can not be.

13. Tіlki Vid zhittya canine dog bites.

14. If you are close to a gorobets - we are ready to harmat.

15. Roam friends in the white world.

16. Candidate of Sciences and the one over the tasks of lamentation.

17. And having won a goat, an erysipelatous goat with a yellow swarm.

18. Bude yalinka.

19. Blakitny car to live, hit.

20. You can come to Africa.

21. Who is merry - that laugh,

Whoever wants - to get it,

Whoever jokes that you know.

22. Captain, captain, laugh,

Adzhe smirk - tse ensign of the ship.

Collection of rotten igors

for children of young school age

At tsyu sbіrku included ruhlivі іgry, yakі it is possible to win at sports activities and for an hour of walks at nursery, at the lessons of physical culture in post school, as well as with the folding of different scenarios of sports events at the sight of competitions and relay races. At the crossroads of the mountains, you can know the game of whether it is directness, both for the hall, and for the sports maidan. Bagato igor can be included in the calendar-thematic planning.

Mislivtsі and pitching


swan geese

Carp and pike


Gris rules: the city will end, if all bets are passed.
Three children, who are playing, choose two: one is a “chovnik”, the other is a “weaver”. Other children melt in pairs, one to one, disguised as pivkolo. Walk between pairs 1-1.5 m.
Before the cob, the "weaver" starts with the first bet, and the "chovnik" - with the other, and so on. The "weaver", following Yogo's path, tries to catch Yogo.
If the "chovnik" manages to reach the rest of the wager of the pivkol and there will be no coercion, then together with the "weaver" it becomes the remaining pair, and the group starts the first pair, having expanded the role of the "chovnik" that "weaver".
As soon as the "weaver" nazdogyanya "chovnik" and comprehend "zaplyamuvat" first, lower the rest of the bet, then he himself becomes a "chovnik", and the engraver, who says "chovnik", go to the first bet and choose two of his own pair. With the help of a grave of wines, I make a couple in the kіntsі pіvkola, and the one who lost without a bet becomes a “weaver”.

Gris rules: gra trivaє until quiet fir, until you run out of three-chotiri not spіymanih roaring

On the playing square, two lines should be drawn on the stand 10-15 m.
The leader (“plama”) is chosen to help the roaring ones, and they call him “didus-rіzhok”. Vіn sіdає sіє sіє sієєє y kolі. Others are divided into two teams and stand at their booths for both lines.
The leader voicely asks: Who is afraid of me?
Children, who are singing, sing to you in unison: “Nichto!”
Once after these words of stench, move from one house to the next through the playing field, adding:
Z'їzh іz pea patty!
Z'їzh іz pea patty!
The leader vibrates from his budinochka and tries to “smear” (twist with his hand) gravel, what to run. The one whom the leader “zalyamue”, go at once with him to the yoga booth-col.
If the children go from the house to the booths and take their place, they are reborn, but already two lead.

Gris rules: after two or three children were moved from between to between, they should carry out a reckoning for the number of graves, and then a new pasta is selected.
At the hodі gri bazhano I will sign the best pasta.
Behind the method is the character and variety of gris “Pastka”.
Two lines are drawn on the playing square, after which “boudins” of graves are rolled up. Vіdstan between lines approximately 6-10 m.
Іnshі mournfully stand bіla linії і in chorus rhyme:
My fun lads,
We love bigati and grati.
Well, try to catch up with us.
One, two, three - catch!
After the words “catch” the children, move on to the next beak of the Maidan, and the catcher should not catch up quietly, who lives, and “salt” them (touch with your hand). That gloomy one, to which the pasta has reached the persh, lower the vines of the borders, vvazhetsya spymanim and enter the kill, sitting white "pastka".

Who is smarter?

Prikry mosquito

Gris rules: children are guilty of stribati on two legs, or they are walking with one foot, so that they lie in the minds of gri. The child is not guilty of depriving her of her place if she is chasing a mosquito. As soon as a child crouched a “mosquito” in the distance, then a “mosquito” rumbled, until the child was not let in. Vihovatel predicts the most spritnyh, yakі zumіli "put down a mosquito".
Green gris: learning the main types of ruhu (stribs), developing coordination of ruhu and spritness, training okomiru.
On the maidanchik, children settle a stake with a diameter of 4-5 m, stand on the stand of a wrought hand, one in one. At the center of the stake there is a wedge. A new one has a rod in his hand, the dovzhina of which is guilty of adding to the radius of the stake. Up to the end of the rod, on a skein with a length of up to 0.5 m, a yaskra strіchka or a hustinka (mosquito) was tied. The wiggler trims the rod so that the "mosquito" is 5-10 cm taller than the child's twisted hands, and, smoothly moving the rod along the stake, zmushuє "mosquito" litati.
The leader of the children is arguing that, schaub, pіdstribuyuchi on the mіstsі, zumіti two palms “push the mosquito”.

Day and night

Gris rules:"Osaleni" to go to the super team.
Green gris: development of forceful vibrancy, quickness of reaction.
On the Maidanchik on the deyakіy vіdstanі one vіd one two lines are carried out. In one line there are boys, in the other - a girl. Leading them. The team of boys - "nich", the team of girls - "day". For the command "Nich!" lads to catch girls for the command "Day!" girls to catch boys.

Behind the method is the character and variety of the "Pasta" gris, and the "pastka" zamіst of roaring children to catch the "dance".
On the gaming maidanchik, boundaries are marked (lines are drawn or ensigns are set), it is not possible for children to come out for the boundaries. Of all the children who are playing, one is selected - “plama”. You stand at the center of the playing maidan, and the decision of the children is made by the maidan.
Behind the whistleblower's signal: "Catch! .." (bavovna in the valley, the whistle is thin) the gra begins. Children run around on the Maidan, and the “plama” tries to catch up with someone and push their hand (“zaplyamuvat”). That child, who was “smeared”, fills the borders of the Maidan. In addition, as a “plama” can “smear” 3-6 roaring children, the vihovatel can zupinit a game and replace yoga with a new “plama”.
gri option: the first child, whom the “plama” zumila “zameluvat”, becomes a “plama”, and the “plama” takes up the same place.

Bіlі vedmedі

Zmіyka (Show the ball)

Relay with balls

Don't let the ball in

Hares in the city

Whale and bears

Myslivets that hare

Vilne place
Meta gri: development of swedish spirits, spritnost, respect.
Z-pomіzh roaming is chosen as the leader. Other children stay near the ring, christening the still small ring (40 cm in diameter) around their legs. The leader pidbіgaє up to one h is quiet, what to stand, and reach out to the new hand. If the leader lives in one bead, and the grave - in the next. Leather from them pragne more svidetly obbіgati kolo i occupied the place, scho zvіlnilos. The one who lost two without a mission, becomes a leader, and wins.

Rolling games - the most available effective method on a child. Zavdyaks become unstoppable to them, and we will especially add to that. The vicorist has natural ruins, most importantly in a hateful rosemary form. Gra is a companion of a child, and she won’t follow the laws, we will lay down with them by nature itself, - non-gamous needs in Russia. The main sign of rotten gorges is the presence of active rotting processes, the smell of which stench can be recognized by the method of physical twisting and development. Vikoristannya rokhlivyh іgor allows you to develop not only physical, but also intellectual strength: caution, memory more logical thought, kmіtlivіst. In games, where there is a plot form, there is space for showing that artistry, elements of dance and spivu. Until then, games can be held under musical suprovid. All forms are aesthetically light. Crying in thunder, children even more clearly reveal the nature of those other individual features.

For children with rosy and physical development, life is an important requirement; A number of insufficiently formed gross motor skills are indicated in the organization of fine motor skills, which ensures subtle, differentiating movement, for example, when molded, constructed, and other. In children with rozum roses, it is practical to have a day to build up and close the fluff. At the same time, it is necessary for more than an hour that repetition.

The most important result of the Grigory is the joy and emotion of the day. The stars of this miraculous power of ruinous games, especially with the elements of magic, more, lower and other forms of physical culture, meet the needs of children from the rozum rose. In addition, ruhlivі іgry, pіdbranі z urakhuvannyam vіku, I'll be healthy, the stage of їhnої physical training, priyat revitalization, gartuvanny, zmіtsnennyu organism.

Gra develop

When organizing rotten games, it is necessary to carefully follow the sanitary and hygienic minds to take care of the cleanliness of the gym and the temperature of the house. Not less important is the purity of the body and the clothes of those who are involved. In the process of fire, the exchange of speech is significantly increased, gas exchange and heat supply are increasing. In case of zv'yazku z tsim in children, it is necessary to wiggle the zvichka systematically to mitiate the hands and feet, wipe the body with a towel and pour water over it, vicorist, and take the rules of hygiene and zagartouvannya.

Like in the classroom, the task is being violated strength development, then in the yoga program it is advisable to include additional and support games, tying with short-hour swedish-strength tensions and the most manipulative forms of underlaying the opponent’s support in the middle of it. The main components of such games include different pulling, zishtovhuvannya, utrimannya, vishtovhuvannya, wrestling elements, important athletics, etc. Even more effective for the accomplishment of this task are also the right ones with accessible tightness - nachili, squat, wiggle, pidyomi, turn, wrap, big, haircuts with a vantage that is feasible for the student. Here you can see the meta of various objects at a distance.

For swidkosti Slid Pidbrait Igri, Scho Vimagayut Mittєvikhui in Vidpovіd on Zorovi, sound tactile signals I turn on fіzichni, with perіodic reinforcements, ribs, bigs on short distances.

For the development of privacy zastosovuyt іgry, scho vymagayut show exact co-ordination of ruhіv and svydkogo uzgodzhennia of their dіy z dіyami team-mates, singing physical correctness.

For vitrivality development you need to win the game, tied up with a clearly great vitratoy of strength and energy, with partial repetitions of the right, but with a trival uninterrupted fluffy activity, mindful of the rules of the game.


Ruhlivі іgri most zastosovuvati іt tіsnom vzaєmozv'yazku z іnshimi zabov bіzicheskogo vyhovannya slyakhom complex vokoristannі іz zagalnorazvivayuschimi, pіdvodnimymi i spetsіalnymi prava. When planning, it is necessary to protect the main task of the lesson and designate the method, the hour and the place of the middle right and the first tasks that are victorious. Rіven її diffi culties and triviality are due to be accessible to those who are engaged, and grow smoothly and step by step.
When carrying out this serious respect, it is necessary to attach to the savory dotrimann of the generally accepted norms and rules of safety technology, like the gravers themselves, as well as the watchers.

At the lessons of gymnastics

Get jealous

Green gris: development of coordination zdіbnosti, courage. Vykoristovuetsya as an additional right to teach rukhovym diyam at Rivnovazi.

Organization: the class is divided into equal teams, like vishikovuyutsya in a column one by one behind the starting line. Stand between columns - 2-3 m. Before the skin team - gymnastic lava, on it 3 stuffed balls, and after 10 m after it - a turn-around.

Conducted: at the signal, the first numbers move forward, run along the bench, re-string through the balls, which lie on it, then reach the bar, turn around and turn back, then pass the baton to other numbers with the dot of the wrought hand, and themselves stand at the end of the colony. Yakshcho gravets pіd hour bіgu to spend zealously and zіyde z lava, vіn goiter zázányi vіdnoviti ruh z lava on the cob. Like a grave, beating a ball, you can put yoga on a plate. The team wins to finish the baton first.

Crossing the narrow poles

Target: development of spritnostі, vestibular apparatus.

Organization: the class is divided into equal teams, like vishikovuyutsya in a column one by one behind the starting line. Walk between the columns - 3 m. After 10 m in front of the skin team - two turned lava in parallel, one to one.

Conducted: at the signal, the skin team, holding hands, jumps up to its crossing and starts crossing the river with narrow slats turned upside down with a lansy, without opening hands. The team wins, it’s better to cross over, without spending jealousy, and not ripping the lances.

Wrestling on the deck

Target: development of coordination zdіbnosti, zazyattya that tactful thought. Vikoristovuєtsya as a pіdvіdna right for navchannya rukhovy diyam on the gymnastic deck.

Organization: the class is divided into equal teams, like vishikovuyutsya in a column one at a time: in front of the boys, and behind them the girl - from different kіntsіv decks. Without a hitch under the deck, the gymnastic mothers lay it next to it.

Conducted: after a signal, one grave at a time from the skin team, they rise to the deck of the 3rd of their kintsya, and, having gone in the middle, they try to help the deceptive ruhіv to lead the superman from rіvnovagi and zіshtovkhnuti. Gravets, whoever got away, give your team 1 point. Let the team win, so you can score more points.

Acrobatic relay race

Target: development of spritnostі, shvidkostі, smilivostі. Vikoristovuetsya as an additional right for teaching acrobatic elements.

Organization: The class is divided into three teams, as vishikovuyutsya in the colony, one behind the starting line. At 2-3 m in front of the columns, install three lava in 3 m, one in one; gymnastic mothers put them behind the skin. At turn 15, the m-code at the start line will be set with turn-around bars.

Conducted: at the signal of the first number, run to their turn-around stands, win three days, cross over from the turn through three benches, stand on their way, run around the turn-around stand and turn back, de pass the baton to other numbers. The team wins to finish the baton first.

Combined relay race with stuffed ball

Target: development of spritnostі, shvidkіsno-strength qualities, gnuchkostі. Vikoristovuєtsya as pіdvіdna right for navchannya acrobatic elements.

Organization: the class is divided into two teams, yak, with its own black, is divided into two groups and vishikovuyutsya at the zustrіchnі colony with a wind of 10 m from each other. Leather gravel accepts a wide stand. The distance between the gravels is 70 cm. In the middle between the columns, a gymnastic mat is laid. Captains (directly) one of the subgroups will take stuffing ball.

Conducted: at the signal, the captain passes the stuffing ball over his head back to his partner, bending over. The one, having taken the ball, heels forward and sees it back between the feet of the third participant, etc. The rest of the gravel, otrimavshi ball, run ahead of him; having reached the matyuk, to rob the forward throw with the ball in the hands, then continue the big and pass the ball directly to the next colony, and go in and kill yourself. The graves of the other colony are the same task. The team wins, as it wins the task.

Don't let the hoop fall

Target: development of spritnostі, shvidkostі. Vikoristovuєtsya as a pіdvіdna right for navchannya ruhovim diyam with a hoop.

Organization: the class is divided into teams, like vishikovuyutsya in ranks one by one on the start line; the interval and distance between the gravels is 1 m. At 6, 8 and 10 m, three lines should be carried out along the start line. Graves of the first line win a hoop.

Conducted: The game is held at three tours.

First round. At the signal of the grave of the first line, roll your hoop in advance, and if you break the 6-meter badge, beat it and slander it until you fall on the pidlog. The participant, who did not catch his evil hoop, or else he woke up earlier, woke up.

At another tour the same tasker needs to visconate after reaching the hoop of an 8-meter sign, and the third - a 10-meter one. The team wins, as it saves more gravity after the rest of the round.

Ten stripes with a skipping rope

Target: development of spritnostі, shvidkostі, respect. Vikoristovuєtsya as a pіdvіdna right for training haircuts through a rope.

Organization: the class is divided into chotiri commands, like vishikovyutsya in the colony. The interval between exercises is 1.5–3 m. The first numbers win the rope. The way of streaks is changed in advance.

Conducted: after the signal of the first number, beat 10 stribkiv on the spot in a smart way and pass the rope to other numbers. The remaining participant, having finished the task, lifts the rope over his head. Remagay team, yak vikona zavdannya earlier for others.

Catching "toads"

Target: development of spritnostі, shvidkostі, strength. Vikoristovuetsya as a supplement to the right for the training of supporting haircuts.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams, like vyshikovuyutsya at two lines: one - on the starting line and naked on the back, and another - 1.5 m in front of them. On the line of 10-12 m, the finish line is marked at the start line.

Conducted: at the signal, all the participants in the gris begin to streak their hair at rest, crouching with support on their arms pulled forward (with a toad), swinging their arms and legs. The leader of the command to stand behind is to catch up and saline the gravels in front of the team, until you have reached the finish line. Then the offensive teams turn around until the start time and change the months. The team wins, the participants in order to aggravate more "toads".

At the lessons of athletics

Big pid uhil


Organization: on a free galyavin with a kick up to 10-12 ° class vishikovuetsya in one line behind the wild starting line. In front, after 20 and 50 m, two control lines were drawn.

Conducted: on a signal, all the graves should run forward, and the first 20 m of the stench should be equal, not outperforming one another, but reaching the first control line, start moving ahead. The participant, who is the first to cross the 50-meter line, does not break the rules. The hall at the lads and the girls is different.

Relay with reshkodami

Target: development of speed and spritnosti. Vikoristovuetsya in the capacity of the right to start the transfer of the baton.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams, as vishikovuyutsya in a column one by one behind the starting line. The interval between the columns is 3 m. The first numbers will win the baton. At the 15th m-code of the commands, a turn-up stance is installed, and a hoop is placed in the middle of the distance, a small white edge is christened near the center of the creid.

Conducted: after the signal of the first number, run to the turn-around stalk, reach the hoop, lie down on the path, climb through the new one, then put it on the plate so that the white herd leans back in the center, and run farther, wrap around the turn-around stalk and turn back, climb the hoop again , after which the wand is passed to other numbers. The team wins, so that the baton is completed first.

Haircuts on one nose

Target: development of strength, spritnostі, stribuchostі. Zastosovuєtsya as a supplementary right for the training of haircuts at the dozhin.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams, like vishikovuyutsya in the colony one by one for the start line.

Conducted: at the signal of the first number, standing on one foot, chime 5 stribkiv pospl yaknaydali and zupinyayutsya. Other numbers are repaired by the same head of the first millet, etc. You will be able to sign up for the hot dozhina strebkіv uсіх gravtsіv command.

Perestribni strumok

Target: development of swidkost, stribuchost. Vikoristovuetsya as an additional right for training haircuts at the dozhin.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams, like vishikovuyutsya in the colony one by one for the start line. After 8 m, in the starting line, two parallel lines designate a 2-m-wide wash-handle, and after 8 m, turn-out stands are installed.

Conducted: at the signal of the first number, run to the turn-around stalk, from the roost, re-string through the stem, round the stalk, turn back, adding the stem in the same way, and pass the baton to other numbers. If the gravel doesn't manage to cut the shots, then the teams get caught up in two penalty seconds. The team wins, how to finish the baton for least hour s urahuvannyam penalty seconds.

Hot methane

Target: the development of secrecy. Vikoristovuetsya as an additional right to start the method of targeting.

Organization: the class is divided into a bet, like a small ball and a gymnastic mace. The gravity of the skin bet melts into faces one to one on a distance of 8 m one to one, marked by intermediate lines through 1 m one to one. Maces are installed in the middle between gravels.

Conducted: at the signal of gravity in pairs, they begin to throw the ball at the mace, throwing it around. The participant, who didn’t care, moves it one line closer to himself, and the game continues. Win the one who, as a result, brings the mace closer to himself.

Get sick of the ball

Target: the development of speed and spritnost, operational intelligence. Vikoristovuetsya in the right way to start throwing the ball at the target.

Organization: the participants of the gris disperse in a maidan, at the center of which there is a leader with a shadow ball in his hands.

Conducted: at the signal of the gravity, they begin to turn around rather like a maidan, dodging the ball, which throws a leader at them. The participant, who was drunk with a ball, should go over to the group of supporters of the leader and at the same time pickle the roaring people from him; you can win the transfer of the ball. Peremozhtsem є gravevets, which cannot be overtaken by salting.

Throwing with border crossing

Target: development of spritnostі, strength. Vikoristovuetsya as an additional right to start throwing a ball and a grenade in a goal and at a distance.

Organization: for 8 m from the basketball backboard, draw a control line, after it through the skin meter - parallel lines from the assigned footage. The class is divided into two teams, yak vishikovuyutsya in a column one by one behind the control line. The first numbers win the ball.

Conducted: after the signal of the first number, they throw a ball at the shield with such a roar, so that you can see it, then we pick it up and pass it on to other numbers. The more points you gave, the more points to bring a member of your team. The number of points indicates the footage of the applied lines. The team is trying to win more points.

Catch up with the front

Target: development of security, spritnosti and respect. Vykoristovuєtsya as a pіdvіdna right for vіkonanny navchalnyh zavdanі vіdpratsyuvannya tekhnika low or high start.

Organization: the class is divided into two teams, like vishikovuyutsya at the two ranks. Stand between the lines - 2–3 m. At 30–40 m, a control line is drawn in front of the first line.

Conducted: after the signal of insult, the teams from the high (low) start run to the control line. Gravity of the rear ranks should be thrown back and the hands of the torso should be thrown in front. Gravtsі, yaky zaplyamuvali to the control line, owe zupinitis that raise your hand. Reinforce your kіlkіst. Then the teams change missions. Peremagae team, yak zumila zaplyamuvat more gravitational forces of the other team.


Target: development of swidkost and spritnost, stribuchost. Vikoristovuєtsya as a pіdvіdna right for navchannya haircuts at the dovzhin.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams, as vishikovuyutsya in a column one by one behind the starting line. For 15 m in front of it, turn-around stands are installed. The first number to take a basketball and squeeze it between your legs.

Conducted: after the signal of the first number with long lines, priming the ball between the knees, straighten up to the stance, overtake it and turn around to their commands, de pass the ball to other numbers, then. Gravets, like having put in a ball, is guilty of Yogo pіdіbrati, turn around in that place, let in Yogo, and continue to move. The team wins to finish the baton first.

Pidkin ball higher

Target: development of speed. Vikoristovuetsya as an additional right to start running at short distances.

Organization: The participants swagger in one line in front of a stake with a diameter of 3 m, in which a small ball lies. As soon as the stake starts, the big track starts. Two courts are appointed: one - a stake, the other - a big track. Another judge has in the hands of the ensigns of different colors.

Conducted: after the signal from the line to the game stake, the first participant enters, takes the ball and throws it up the hill. As long as the ball is flying, the grave is speeding up along the big road, trying to get closer to the ball in an hour. At the moment of the landing of the ball, the judiciary beat a stake loudly like: "Stop!" - and judging by the road, put an ensign opposite to that month, de buv at the moment of landing. Let's sweat those zavdannya vykonuyut according to the will of all the participants. A supporter is respected by the one whose ensign stands far away from the stake.

Big with shift codes

Target: development of speed, striving and respect. Vikoristovuєtsya as an additional right for training the hem of vertical and horizontal transitions.

Organization: The class is divided into 2-3 teams, as vishikovuyutsya in a column one by one on the start line on the line of 5 m one in one. At 20 meters of them, turntables were installed, and on the way to them on a straight line - two bars, between which lay a gymnastic mat.

Conducted: after the signal, the first numbers run to the posts, with a path re-string through the bars, wrap around the posts and turn back, re-string across the mat, then hand over the baton to other numbers, and so on. For a skin pardon - for example, if the grave is not re-stripped bar'er chi mat - two penalty seconds are given. The team wins, as it wins the task for the least hour from the recovery of penalty seconds.


Target: development of speed, spritnost, tactics of sleeping processes.

Organization: the class is divided into two teams, like vishikovuyutsya in a column one at a time on the start line. For 10 m in front of the skin team put a stuffing ball.

Conducted: all participants take the position of the siva, bending their legs. Kozhen gravevets hoots a partner to sit behind him, behind a homilkostop. In this rank, the whole column will guess the caterpillar. At the signal of offence, the teams, shifting their legs, then the seats, shift to stuffed balls, bend them over and turn back in such a manner. The team is rebuffed, as if they were victorious in the first place, without opening up.

Handicap review

Target: development of security, spritnosti and respect.

Organization: With an interval of 3–4 m, one in the same line to arm two parallel straight lines - A and B. The finish line C is carried out on the line of 8–10 m in the line of B. Participants of the other team occupy a non-handed camp - the emphasis is squatting, the emphasis is lying, gray, standing with their backs straight ahead, lean.

Conducted: after the signal, the participants go straight to line Z, moreover, graves, like standing on line A, try to catch up and zaplyamuvaty graves, like changing at line U. 1 point is scored for sallow skin damage. Then the teams change missions. Let the team win, so you can score more points.

At the lessons of sports games

Polit ball

Target: development of swidkost, spritnosti. Vikoristovuєtsya yak pіdvіdna right for navchannya catching and passing the ball in basketball.

Organization: the class is divided into a sprinkling of teams, as if they win the task according to their will. The gra is held at the kіlka turіv.
The team of vishikovuetsya in one line on a line of 1 m, stretched across the hall with a cord with ensigns, a height of some 2.5 m. A ball is in the skin engraving in the hands.

Conducted: at the signal, the participants of the first team are guilty of throwing the ball over the cord and quickly passing under it, wicking the ball on the other side. Gravets, who didn’t catch the evil ball until he landed, vibuvaє z gri. Let's sweat those zavdannya vikonu another team. At another round, it grows up to 1.5 m, the third - up to 2 m, thinly. The team wins, de get more gravity after the final round.

Drive the balls over the stake with the attached crocs

Target: development of security, spritnosti and respect. Victory as an additional right to start the transfer of the ball in basketball.

Organization: the class is divided into two teams, like vishikovuyutsya in ranks one opposite one on the front lines of the basketball maidan. At 2 m, in front of the skin line of the crade, a stake with a diameter of 6 m is christened. The first number wins a basketball.

Conducted: after the signal of the first number, start driving the ball with attached crochets on the stake, after which the first turn is right side in front, and the other - with the left side, after which the ball is passed to other numbers and the kill comes out. Remagay team, scho wins the task first.


Target: development of speed, spritnosti and operational thought. Victory as an additional right for learning to catch and transfer the ball in basketball.

Organization: The participants in the grill win the ball and win the colo. The ball is selected to go out at the center of the stake.

Conducted: after the signal of the gravity, they begin to win the transfer of the ball, and the jumper, jumping at the stake, tries to turn over the yoga at the floor, on the fly, or virvati from the hands of the participants. Having sunk the ball, you get up on the gravel table, as if you have spent the ball. Peremagayut gravit, yakі not zrobili zhodnoї pardon at catching and passing the ball.

Kidki in the cat from the month

Target: development of spritnostі, respect and excellence. Victory is like a dopomіzhna right for training throws for cats in basketball.

Organization: the class is subdivided into two teams. Team members occupy their half of the basketball maidan and line up in a column one by one behind the penalty throw line. At the first numbers - on the ball.

Conducted: at the signal of the captain, we put the throw at the ring, then we run to the shield, pick up the ball and make a pass to other numbers, and turn around and stand at the end of the colony. Peremagay team, gravely for the installation of an hour to throw more balls at the cats.

Volleyball pass relay

Target: development of speed, precision, respect, respect. Vikoristovuєtsya as a pіdvіdna right for navchannya transfers of the ball in volleyball.

Organization: the class is subdivided into two teams. Members of the skin team vyshikovyvayutsya on their half of the volleyball maidanchik at two zustrіchnі colony from the different sides of the grid behind the lines of attack. The captains win the ball.

Conducted: after the captain’s signal, transfer the ball with two hands to the beast through the net, so that you send your teams to the opposite colony and run your colonies at the end. The one to whom the ball is addressed, so she sends yoga through the net to the stepping grave, and so on. The team wins to finish the baton first.

Single combat at the shield

Target: development of speed, spritnost, respect. Vykoristovuetsya as an additional right to start fighting for the ball in basketball.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams, which are formed into a column one by one behind the middle line of the basketball Maidan and are separated in order. Walk between columns - 2–3 m-code.

Conducted: the teacher throws a basketball at the shield and calls it whatever the number of the participant is. The gravity of both teams, under the cim number, vibrate from the fret and go straight to the ball, trying to get it earlier for the super player. To the one who dares to bring his team 1 point and immediately start the transfer of gravity, that you send your colony, and the wine, having received the ball, smoothly passes it with your hands back along the column from hand to hand until the remaining grave in the ranks, like, otrimavshi m'yach podnіmaє yogo uphill. The participant, as if having played the fight for the ball, runs with attached crochets on his place in the column, trying to overtake the ball, which is passed over the heads of the graves of the super teams. If you want to live with the help of crocodile to show up to your mission earlier, your team gains 1 point; If not, 1 more point will be taken by the super team. The team wins, the gravity is to score more points.

At the lessons of personal training

For one lie

Target: development of strength with clubs, jealousy, respect. Vykoristovuetsya in the right way for training by transferring with croque.

Organization: class vishikovuєtsya in one line. The interval between the students is 2 m.

Conducted: at the signal, all the participants in the gri are trying to slither along their own line to the finish line on one line, raising their top and striking with clubs. Graveets, who bumped into the lifted licking snow, vibrated from the gry. The winner is the one who finishes first.

Now on the right, then on the left

Target: development of strength with clubs, rіvnovagi, swidkostі, spritnostі. Vikoristovuetsya as an additional right for learning to change on the licks with a crocodile.

Organization: class vishikovuєtsya in one line at the start line. The interval between studies is 2 m. After 20–30 m, a turn line is assigned to the start line.

Conducted: following the signal, gravitation, waving clubs, shove to the line of turn on the right side, and back - on the left. Peremagaet the one who wins over the first, without stepping with a free foot on the snow.

According to the snow scheme

Target: development of serenity and humility. Vikoristovuєtsya as an additional right for learning the descents on the slopes.

Organization: on the top of the steep slope 15-18 ° class is divided into two teams.

Conducted: at the signal of the gravity of both teams, follow the descent with a skil on the slopes at the high station, trying not to fall. For the skin team, yak fell, a penalty point is awarded. The team that wins will have fewer penalty points.

Descent double

Target: development of serenity and courage, respect. Vikoristovuєtsya as a pіdvіdna right for navchannya descents on the slopes.

Organization: on the high school class, it is divided into two teams, as vishikovyvayutsya in a column two behind the starting line. A skin pair of participants may have one pair of lies.

Conducted: at the signal of gravity, trying not to fall, they roam along the cheeks along the cheeks, standing together in one pair of lizh. Standing behind the partner utrimuє front by the belt. A pair, yak zdіysnila descent without falling, bring 1 point to your team. Let the team win, so you can score more points.

summit assault

Target: development of spritnostі and svidkostі. Vikoristovuєtsya as pіdvіdna right for navchannya tekhnіki pіdyomu on licks.

Organization: the class is divided into two teams, as they swagger in one line in front of the girka.

Conducted: at a signal, all the gravels straight ahead, trying to seem to rise to the top of the snowy mountain. Remagay team, all the gravity as soon as possible climb to the top earlier for another.

Vacant place

Target: development of speed, coordination skills and respect. Vikoristovuetsya in the right way for learning the technique of turns on the licks.

Organization: on the Galyavin class, vishikovuetsya at two stakes. Interval between students - 2 m. Walk between stakes - 10 m. At the skin stake, the leader is robbed.

Conducted: at the signal of the leader, they start about the call of their stake, having drawn one of the graves to stand at the other, sticking with his hand, and themselves continue the movement. Salted lizhniki immediately turn around and run at the opposite side, trying to find a way to get around and take their own amount (vacant) space. Those themselves are trying to grow and lead, who are collapsing at their colossal straight. Gravets, who did not catch up to take a place, became a leader.

Descent from the methane snows

Target: the development of serenity, humility. Vikoristovuєtsya as an additional right for learning the descents on the slopes.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams, like vishikovuyutsya in a column one at a time on top of the mountain behind the starting line. Mustaches of graves prepare two snowballs. At the end of the descent, 5 m to the side of the finish line, install a portable shield with a size of 1 × 1 m.

Conducted: after the signal, the graves along the earth move around the shield and, passing through the shield, throw two snowballs at the new one. 1 point is gained for getting a skin defect in the team. The team is trying to win more points.

pidbury ensign

Target: development of coordination zdіbnosti. Vikoristovuєtsya as an additional right for learning the descents on the slopes.

Organization: the game is carried out without clubs on a small scale. The class is divided into two teams, like vishikovuyutsya in a column one at a time. On one of the descents from the right side, put a control ensign, immediately roztashovuetsya judging by the reserve ensigns.

Conducted: after the signal of the first command, one by one with an interval of 10 seconds. they start from the weights and try to pick up the ensign on the descent, without hindering the upcoming participants. Vivenius the ensign judged immediately replaces the new one - for the chergovy participant. After the victorious leader of the first team, the ensigns turn to the judges. Let's sweat those zavdannya vikonu another team. The team wins, the graves will pick up more ensigns.

Don't close the gate

Target: development of coordination and courage. Vikoristovuєtsya as a pіdvіdna right for navchannya descents on the slopes.

Organization: The game will be held on a long sloping scale, vzdovzh like a gate set from the lower clubs. On the contrary, the courts are roaring. The class is divided into two teams, like vishikovuyutsya in a column one by one behind the starting line.

Conducted: at a signal, the graves descend along the sky on the slopes, trying to get through all the gates, so as to stand on the path, bending down, so as not to catch them. For the skin is chained or thrown over the gate, a penalty point is awarded. The team wins if you score less penalty points.

Mutual re-following race

Target: development of swedish vitrivality, coordination traits. Vikoristovuєtsya as trenuvalna right when preparing for the task of the initial standards at the lower hauls.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams, yak cheering one opposite one in the ranks, standing between 100 m.

Conducted: after the signal, the gravity is straight forward, until the ensign, resist the gravity of the command, and, bypassing the ensign, right-handed, turn back, trying to catch up with the supernik and push with his hand. The one who can work for an hour for instructions by the teacher, bring 1 point to his team. The team wins, so you get more points.

Tetyana Kreminska,
teacher of physical education, Special correctional boarding school No. 11, m. Mіzhrichensk, Kemerovo region

Katerina Bagaeva
Ruhomі igri for children of the senior preschool age

Explanatory note

In the preschool age, with a clear view of the activity, it is gra. It is important to overestimate the significance of the gri, the universal impact on the development of the child. Grass is organically attached to a childish age and, with a gentle helper from the side of a grown-up building, works wonders. With the method of universal development, that child’s wiping is widely played with roaring games. Gra for children - ce respectful zasib self-expression, test of strength, development of physical abilities. The most important experience of rotten igors is for those who, in their totality of stink, daily, draw all kinds of powerful people of natural rot: walking, running, stribkiv, lazinnya, methane, fishing - and to that it is a universal and irreplaceable special feature of the development of phys.

Vihodyachi from the vineyard, I have broken up a collection of rotten igors, which is relevant for the development of physical qualities: strength, mobility, vibrancy.

Meta collection: develop the physical strength of children for the help of rotten igors.

The collection of rotten mountains will be based on the following principles:

The principle of accessibility and appearance of age-old features of children;

The principle of systematicity and sequence of carrying out rotten hills;

the principle of progress;

Rukhlivі іgry were picked up by variously manny zmіstu z urakhuvannyam Іnteresіv іdіy.

The material of the collection is divided by sections:

1. Games for the development of speed

2. Power game

3. Games for the development of vitrivality

Games for development of speed:

My fun lads

Children stand on one side of the Maidanchik chi white wall of the stone. In front of them, a boundary is drawn. On the right side of the Maidanchik, rice is also carried out, on the side of the children, approximately in the middle between the two lines, there is a pasta, recognized as a cultivator or taken by children.

Children chant the text in chorus:

My fun lads,

We love bigati and grati.

Well, try to catch up with us.

One, two, three - catch!

When you catch the words, the children run over to the next bik of the Maidan, and the trap catches up. The one to whom the catcher has touched the first, lower the mournful crossing between, vvazhetsya spymanim and sit down to catch.


The graves are subdivided into two different groups. Mensha (approximately 1/3 of the roaring ones) makes a colo - "misholovka". Others imitate mice. Voni know the pose of the colo.

Gravtsі, scho imagining a misholovka, join hands and begin to walk along the stake, now to the left, then to the right, adding:

Oh, how the mice came across,

Mustaches grimaced, everyone ate.

Beware, shakhrai,

Let's reach you.

Axis put micholovki,

Let's catch them all at once!

After the end of the verse, the children stumble and lift their chained hands up on the mountain. Mishі vbіgayut at the mišolovka and vіdrazu vіbіgayut from the other side. After the words of the whistleblower, clap fly, to stand on the stake, lower your hands and squat - the micholovka is slammed shut. Gravtsі, yakі did not catch the vibіgti from the stake (misholovka, vvazhayutsya spіymanimi.

Spіymanі mishi pass at the colo and zbіlshuyut themselves rosemіr mišolovka. If more bears are spied, children change roles, and play again.

Cheer up comrade!

Two children are standing one by one on the vіdstanі 2-3 kroіv on the edge of the Maidanchik. Behind the signal: "One, two, three - bіzhi!" - The one who stands in front, lives on the opposite side of the Maydanchik, de held rice, for which it is no longer possible to catch. The one who stands behind is guilty of wickedness of the one who is ticking to the point where the rice is within reach. Like the one who catches, not to piss off, stink again, and like to piss off, the children change roles.

sly fox

Gravtsі to stand on a stake on the vіdstanі one krok one vіd one. The pose of a stake is called "fox's booths". The widower propons with a roaring flatten his eyes. The children spit their eyes, and the wielder goes around the colo (behind the backs of the children) and bumps into one of the roaring ones, like a “cunning fox”. Then the vikhovator pronounces his roaring eyes and respectfully marvels, who of them is a cunning fox - you don’t see yourself looking out.

Gravtsі trichі feed in chorus (with small intervals) - quietly, and then voice: De you, cunning fox? With whom everyone marvels one on one.

If everyone is angry (there is a cunning fox) in the third place, the cunning fox will quickly enter the middle of the stake, raise his hand uphill and say: "I'm here!"

Mustaches grow wildly with a maidanchik, and the fox to catch them. Spiimani, tobto tі, until such a fox bumped his hand, the kill came in.

After that, as a fox took 2 - 3 children, the healer seems to be: "At the stake." Roaringly, the colo is reasserted, and the game is repeated.

Pasta, take a line

Graves melt at the stake, pick up pasta. Everything, cream pasta, trim the husband from the color material or the stitch, like the stench, put it behind the belt or for the comir. The pasta stands in the center of the stake. Children walk along the stake with the words: “Mi, merry lads, love bigati and grati. Well, try to catch up with us. One, two, three - catch! The pasta ran after the roaring ones, jumped up and pulled a line into one of them. Strіchki, scho having spent, timchasovo vіdhodit ubіk.

Behind the whistleblower's signal: "One, two, three, in the colo of shvidshe bizhi!" children will be at the stake. Pasta pіdrakhovuє kіlkіst taken lines and turn them to children. Grass is inspired by the new pasta.

homeless hare

In the midst of the roaring vibirayutsya myslivets that homeless hare. Other greyish - hares to arm their own mugs, and get up skin at their own. The homeless hare is ticking, and the mischievous yogo is haunting. Zaєts may vryatuvatsya in the form of a thought, running up to be a group; todі zaєts, scho standing at the edge, is guilty of tіkati at once, for now vin becomes bezpritulny and sensible catching yogo. As soon as a thoughtful person has drunk (salted) a hare, he himself becomes a hare, and a large hare becomes a thoughtful one.


Children, who are playing, stand at the head of the group, seated on the Maidan. One of the leaders is selected. Vіn go to the dermal gravitation and ask: "De keys?" Toy povіdaє: "Go to Sergius (calling the name of one of the children) knock." Under the hour of tsієї rozmovi glyuchі namagayutsya commemorate the months. The leader is guilty of taking a quick turn, at the right time of the break.

Like a leader, you can’t take a group for a long time, you can shout out "Know the keys! - then all the gravely guilty are changed by the months. At the leading hour, the group is easily busy. The child, who was left without a job, becomes a leader.


Gravci melt at the column in pairs. A line is drawn in front of the colony with a winder 2 - 3 blocks in the form of detonators. One of the roaring - to catch - stands on a qiu line. Mustache, who is standing at the column, it seems:

Burn, burn brightly, so that it does not go out.

Look at the sky - birds fly

Little twins ring!

One, two, three - bіzhi!

Following the words of the child, to stand in the rest of the pair, to run the bridle of the colony (one right-handed, the other lion-hander, hop together by the hands in front of you to catch. robiti, then I make a win with a new pair and stand in front of the colony, and the one who lost without a bet becomes a trapper, and as a trapper does not dare to taunt someone from a bet, the trap is lost in the same role.

Grass ends, if everything, hto graє, go through once. Gra can be repeated 2-3 times.

The number of participants is not guilty to change 15 - 17 cases, otherwise the children will have to stand idle for a long time.

Empty space

Graves melt at the stake, put their hands on their belts, and come out all the time. The leader is selected. Vіn walk behind the stake and it seems:

Navkolo budinochka hoju

I marvel at the end

Until one I will go

I tap softly.

After the words to the knock, which lead to the sound, look into the "end", against which the sound is heard, and it seems: "Knock, knock, tovk." The one who is standing in front asks: "Who has come?" The leader calls his name. The one who stands at the stake, asks: "Navіscho come?" The leader replies: “Bizhimo navviperedki”, and resentment bіzhat navko quietly, hto graє in rіznі flanks. If the roaring people have an empty place. The one who reaches the new one first, is left in the stake, who becomes the leader, and the game continues.

Wand - viruchalochka)

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