"Holy potatoes". The scenario is sacred for preparing a group for school. The potatoes are holy in the pochatkovy school

Our group has a lot of different visits for the fate of the fathers. Tse rіznі exhibitions, competitions, KVK, holy is that rose.

Zhovtni mi held an unconventional rally "Holy Potato". Before the next entry, we had a great front work done. We held an exhibition of potato pottery "Potato fantasies". All the Sims took the fate of the Vistavtsy. Try all kinds of things: "Spider and Deer", "Caterpillar", "Bouquet of Daisies", "Cactus", "Zustrich at the Fox", "Kolobki", "Smishka", "Cheburashka", "Friendly Family" and others. The fathers at once from the children picked out sentences, verses, riddles about potatoes, which they included in the scenario of the saint. Before the competition "Potato Master" it was necessary to write verses, short stories, fairy tales and tales about potatoes. Children together from fathers put together verses and riddles. I axis scho in us!

Scenario "Holy potatoes"

(Preparatory group)

Qile: Creation of positive emotions in children and adults. Expand the knowledge of children about potatoes.

Decorated: Sentence about potatoes, p'edestal (did and woman - potatoes in husts and caps).

Good evening, dear children and great fathers!

My joy is with you at our quiet hall.

Hear the riddle:

Like a leaf on the trees pozhovtilo,
Like birds flew to a distant land,
Like the sky is frowning, like the rain is falling,
Tse it's time for fate, how will it ring out? (Autumn)

Song: "Ah, yak, autumn!"

Vedas: What to pick up from the city in autumn? (Vіdpovidіdі children)

How many times have you been informed
About the one who has six eyes,
A іnodi і sіm, і p'yat,
What, vtim, you can fuck.
About the one who slept licorice in the winter,
Climbing the autumn to the pіdval.
About the one who went to the kitchen before us
In the spring I attract myself.
About the one whose wonderful eyes
Grew with a skin day,
About the one who was familiar with me,
Ale me not bachiv.
Think crumbs -
Cho tse (potato)

Ah, potatoes are delicious,
Children and grown-up ideals.
The one you don’t know, please,
Who did not eat potatoes.

In the same state,
In the current state
Not on Mars and not on Moon
The potato lived near the ground.

The power of the king is small:
Tell the people mad.
In a word, our language is about those
Yak the potato came to the booth!
About all the powers, about the exit,
About work in the city.
About virobi, I will relish zhu,
We will not tell you.

Vedas: 500 years ago, no one in Europe knew what roslina is - potatoes. Ale from a distant voyage turned to Spain, the ships of Christopher Columbus, a double seafarer. With the greatest vantage, which stench was brought to the Batkivshchyna, it was full of nasinnya, bulbi, grains of new roslins. Ale in Europe did not immediately realize that potatoes have a smut - bulbi. One English rich virishiv to invite guests with an overseas marvel planted in his garden. The deputy of the one who digs out the bulbs from the earth, the gardener picks from the bushes of green sacks that hang on the stems after the fact that the potatoes bloom like potatoes. Tsі gіrkі, їstіvnі fruits of potatoes were served to the guests. Some of the guests, having tasted the chastuvannya, choked, some of the faces were twisted, some of them were vibig from the table

Potatoes were not taken lightly. De-no-de in Russia, potato riots began. Russian men believed a little, nibi potatoes, - "devil's apple", plant її sin. Following the tsar’s order, the rebels were sent off with rіzkami, and the most powerful ones were sent to Siberia. Ale not zhorstokі razpravy overkilled the villagers, scho vygіdno plant potatoes. I overcooked the potatoes myself. Do you remember the fairy tale about ripka? Newly needed bula was big - big rіpka? To scold the grandmother, she’s the whole motherland. Earlier in the cold winters, when the soil froze, rapa replaced Russian peasant bread. Sitna vrozhayna potato vytіsnyla ripu. Now it is no longer rapa, but potatoes have become another bread for all the other peoples of Europe.

We called to the point that wheat is called "first" bread, and potatoes "other". Over the years, the Europeans have gone overboard not only in the fact that potatoes can replace bread, but also in the fact that potatoes themselves can no longer be replaced by bread.

A girl grew under the earth,
Ale fresh and chubby.
The dog Antoshka barks loudly:
Woof! Woof! Woof! - Hello, potatoes!

Song: "Antoshka"

Vіn i v doshch, vіn i v specu
Hovae bulbi under the ground.
Bulbi vityagnesh in the world -
Axis and snіdanok and obіd.

I am alone in the world,
Not just cook, in uniform.

Lie down
Tovstiy Yegor.
Vіn i in the uniform of garnі i razdagneniya,
And lie down in ashes, there is no savory yoga.

What did we dig in the earth,
Roasted, cooked?
What was baked in the earth,
Did they praise her? (Potatoes)

We've been sitting around for a while
I, get up already, no strength,
Ale kliche on the field us potatoes
Hang out and shove the guts.

relay race

(Children stand at two teams, at the first one there is a bucket of potatoes).

1. "Plant potatoes" (Go ahead - put potatoes in a hoop).

2. "Choose I give birth" (Choose potatoes one at a time).

3. "Bring the potato in the spoon" (Put the potato in the spoon and run it to the hoop and back).


1. "Peel the potatoes in a spiral"

2. "Potato designer"

Vedas: To love the people of potatoes, to that song about it they add up and tsili one attach to it. Axis and mi can such creators. Creative competition is going wild "Potato is right master."(Fathers with children read verses, tales, sing songs: to their creation).

Serving potatoes from potatoes "Ah, potatoes, relish!"

Potatoes can be brushed
Potatoes can be boiled
Potatoes can be filled with wagons,
You need to love potatoes!

Round dance: "On the mountain is a viburnum."

Scenario holy for children of younger classes "Baked Potato Day"

Author: Leonovich Irina Olegivna, methodologist, MAUK GDK "Obriy" "Budinok crafts", m. Zima, Irkutsk region.
Description: given the scenario of appointments for children of the age of 7 years and older, for schoolchildren, for fathers.
Purpose: holy
Tsіl to convey to the children what a holy baked potato is.
1. Formulate a statement about potatoes;
2. Expand your horizons about potatoes;
3. Feel a little more viable on the holy day of "Baked potatoes"

Hid roboti

Leader 1: Hello lads! Mustaches are generous to fate: spring gives us greenery, the summer sun does not hurt, and autumn, singsongly, naybagatsha. Vaughn generously bestows upon us the fruits that have come to us. In autumn, people harvest and glorify the golden beauty of autumn for its generosity: they sing songs, parts, and power the holy Harvest.
Leading 2: Today, lads, let's talk about the greatness of Potatoes,
We are transferred to the kingdom of Kartofan Kartofelinich.

Lead 2:
How many times have you been informed
About the one who has six eyes,
A іnodi th sim, і p'yat
What, vtim, you can fuck.
About the one who slept licorice in the winter,
Climbing the autumn to the pіdval.
About the one who went to the kitchen before us
In the spring I attract myself.
And ty, wondrous eyes
Grew with a skin day,
About the one who was familiar with me,
Ale me not bachiv.
Think crumbs -
Cho tse (potato)
In the realm of the king,
In the current state
Not on Mars and not on Moon
The potato lived near the ground.
The power of the king is small:
Tell the people mad.
In a word, our language is about those
Yak the potato came to the booth!
Lead 2:
Close to 500 years ago, no one in Europe knew that such a roslin is a potato. Ale from a distant voyage, turning to Spain, the ship of Christopher Columbus, a double seafarer. The best vantage, which stench was brought to the Batkivshchyna, was nasіnnya, bulba. Grain of new roslins. Ale in Europe did not immediately realize that potatoes have a smut - bulbi. One English bagatіy virіshiv to invite overseas guests marvelously planted in the garden. The deputy of the one who digs out the bulbs from the earth, the gardener picks from the bushes of green sacks that hang on the stems after the fact that the potatoes bloom like potatoes. Tsі gіrkі, їstіvnі fruits of potatoes were served to the guests. Some of the guests, having tasted the chastuvannya, choked, some of them skewed their appearance, some of them vibrated from the table.
Potatoes were not taken lightly. De-no-de in Russia to create a potato riot. Russian men believed a little, nibi potatoes, - "devil's apple", plant її malice. Following the tsar’s order, the rebels were sent off with rіzkami, and the most powerful ones were sent to Siberia. Ale not zhorstkі raspravli perekonal villagers, scho vygіdno plant potatoes. I overcooked the potatoes myself. Do you remember the fairy tale about ripka? Newly needed bula was big - big rіpka? To scold the grandmother, she’s the whole motherland. Earlier in the cold of winter, when the crops were frozen, the turnip froze to the Russian peasant bread. Sitna vrozhayna potato vytіsnyla ripu. Now it is no longer rapa, but potatoes have become another bread for all the other peoples of Europe. We called to the point that wheat is called the First Bread, and potatoes the Other. Years in Russia, potatoes were valued not only because potatoes can replace bread, but also because potatoes themselves can no longer be replaced by bread.
And, of course, parts were written about him.
Leader 1:
And now friends lads
Put the vushka on top,
Listen carefully
We sing ditties to you
Damn it's wonderful!

Children sing parts about potatoes:
Buried in the ground near the grass,
I haven’t been caught for a hundred days,
And under the autumn they began to dig
They knew not one, but ten. We planted potatoes
Mom is in the field, I am in the garden,
Mama bagato - I'm crumbs,
I have more than one row.

I'm hvilini unruly
I don’t sit with potatoes,
That gave, then closer,
I'll transplant.
Axis and autumn has come,
The potatoes grew.
Just planted
I call trochs. We took birth,
Radially better.
Don't swear, hang on, plant
You will sitim for sure!

Tse duzhe tsikavo
I have long been known:
Bula used potatoes at lyohu -
Winter will be without anything! We fell asleep for you ditties,
What's good, what's bad
All the same we ask you
Shchob vie splashed us!

Lead 2: And yet, potatoes are not only good for living people, you can grow with it. About tse note our competitions, from which I ask you to take part.
Aje mi, roaring, perveryaemo,
What we know is what we know.
Contest 1
For the competition we need 3 individuals.
If potatoes were brought to Europe, they called them in their own way
English - potato
Fini - Tartu
Italian - tartufo
French - pom de terre
Nimtsi - potatoes
Ale before im'ya potatoes bulo "tato", so called її in Pivdenniy Ameritsі іndіantsі z kechu tribe, the teachings of Bolotov - "tartopleya", the people called potatoes.
Manager. Come up with a nickname, im'ya, write on the father's potatoes without pardon.
I remember the phrase, as if it’s suitable for my assertions, you are guilty of saying in unison “We don’t get along!”
Fierce autumn boards (We do not compare!)
Spring checks ahead of us (Sperchaєmosya!)
This is the second day of miles of khurtovini (Sperchaєmosya!)
The leaf from the trees falls off (We don’t overlap!)
Konvalіya bіla rozkіtaє (Sperchaєmosya!)
At the gay of the nightingales they fell asleep (Sperchaєmosya!)
And in the city they caught up potatoes (We don’t cross!)
Harvest potatoes! (We don't get along)
Є s small peas (We do not overlap)
Є rozmirom іz valіzu (Sperchaєmosya)
Buryan flowers bloom on the needles.
It’s important for us without potatoes (We don’t get along)
We keep our sacred
All potatoes are associated (We do not share)
Competition 2
"Ah, potatoes." (3 people)
Put a small amount of potato bulbs (5-7 pieces) on the stile and cover it with the material with a newspaper. If anyone asks the participants to tell them the system on a newspaper, like a potato on a stilts, wipe it while sitting and signify that there are potato bulbs there. Who guessed, that win.
Competition 3 "Who is zaivi?"
The competition is held for a few times. The skin team is divided into groups of 10 people. The skin group gets up in the colo, everyone walks on the cola, the docks do not smell the word "POTATO". If you need to catch a potato harvest. Who is left without potatoes - vibuvaє. The leader picks up 1 potato and the competition is three.
The number of potatoes can be planted for one less, less participants. While the music plays, the children walk around for a long time, buy potatoes. The music will end, you need to grab a potato. Who is left without potatoes, vibuvaє іz gri. The leader takes one of them, and the game continues. The one who is left with a potato in his hands, having won the second team will win an additional point.
Competition 4 "Take potatoes."
Give skin education by cutting on the part of the picture from the images of potatoes. Whoever saves more money is a winner.
Contest 5
"Line Gardener"

Empty cebra to stand on the singing vіdstanі. The skin participant may have three potatoes, as the lads try to "lay" by the wind.
Competition 6
"Fold the hell out"
(2 individuals) (Leather engraver takes cards with inscriptions. Cards are cut.
Remake that grave, which is fast, she correctly picks up the inscription.)
1. Having born bread at the shaft, and potatoes at the wheel.
2. Put potatoes in okroshka, and love is gone.
3. If and birch - what is not firewood, strength and potatoes - what is not hedgehog.
4. Without practice, potatoes will never be born.
5. Garniy yorzh at vusі, and potatoes in pirozi.
6. Potato caught, grab the right.
7. Potatoes dozrіє - people zіgrіє.
8. potatoes - dry bread.
And now the quiz "What do you know about potatoes?".
1. Name the fatherland of potatoes? (Peru and Chile.)
2. When, stars and kim, potatoes were brought to Russia? (On the ear of the 18th century from Holland, by Peter I.)
4. How is the komakh called? (Colorado beetle.)
5. What are the real berries of potatoes? (Ni, otruyni.)
6. How to call in one word the stems and leaves of potatoes? (badilla)
7. About potatoes, I’m boiled or baked in shkirtsі, it seems like there’s nothing in it? (At the uniform)
8. Where did the person cook potatoes? (On fire)
9. Is it possible to eat a part of potatoes with vikoristov? (tubers)
10. How to call in one word the weeding of the buryanivs and the furrowing of the earth (weeding)
Leading: A lad named Antoshka can love її їsti, but you don’t want to get better.
Staging of the song “Antoshka”.
Teacher .. A ten-year-old kіlka needed potatoes to make a coup d'état in Russian cuisine. Wine has become a consumer product. First potatoes are prepared from potatoes, others and third (dessert) straws. It is important to learn to rethink all the "specialties" of potatoes in cooking. Stravi z potatoes are loved by all people. A monument to potatoes was erected near the town of Marynsk, Kemerovo region. The artist Yury Mikhailov became the author of the sculpture.

We take all the potatoes yaknaishvidshe.
Call to the parting of all friends!

Mi naparimo, mi navarimo, napechemo -
Aja be-yak to us a robot darma!

From potatoes you can grow styles of grass,
What is good for the soul you know here.

Potatoes are our skin radium,
I'll put її at the salad.

And for me there is nothing better in the world,
Chim potatoes in their uniforms.
People know from a long time ago,
What savory potatoes no!
Our holy already ends
What can I tell you?
You rightfully potatoes
Call it "other bread"!

MKOU "Ukrainian middle school skylight school»

Omsk region, Isilkulsky district

Yakob Olena Oleksiivna

Ukrainian 2012

Tsіlі is holy:

- to develop the creativity of students,

Give the opportunity to realize the creative potential of the students,

Z'yasuvati that expansion of knowledge about potatoes;

Develop a little bit of mutual assistance, co-participation, collectivism;

Vikhovuvati raznobіchno razvinenu speciality.

The script is holy “One potato, two potatoes!”

1 leader: Hello, my readers! Hello lads!2 host: Children, we suggest you to guess what our program is dedicated to. For whom it is necessary to guess riddles.1. Under the ground, the birds called a nest, the eggs inflicted.2. Mountains of the earth, and leaves of the earth. 3. What they dug from the earth, Roasted, cooked? What in the ashes we sintered, Did they praise her? 4. І greens, і thick, On the beds viris bush Dig the troch Under booth ... (potatoes).1 leader: Today, lads, let's talk about the greatness of Potatoes, which people call other bread. And I think that the skin of you knows that the potato is the widest city of Roslin. Navit the one who does not have a garden, for potatoes and vegetables, know a place.

2 types.

In the same state,
In the current state
Not on Mars and not on Moon
The potato lived near the ground.

1 type.

The power of the king is small:
Tell the people mad.
In a word, our language is about those
Yak the potato came to the booth!
About all the powers, about the exit,
About work in the city.
About virobi, I will relish zhu,
We will not tell you.

2 Vedas: 500 years ago, no one in Europe knew that such a roslin is a potato. Ale from a distant voyage turned to Spain, the ships of Christopher Columbus, a double seafarer. With the greatest vantage, which stench was brought to the Batkivshchyna, it was full of nasinnya, bulbi, grains of new roslins.

1 Ved.

Ale in Europe did not immediately realize that potatoes have a smut - bulbi. One English rich virishiv to invite guests with an overseas marvel planted in his garden. The deputy of the one who digs out the bulbs from the earth, the gardener picks from the bushes of green sacks that hang on the stems after the fact that the potatoes bloom like potatoes. Tsі gіrkі, їstіvnі fruits of potatoes were served to the guests. Some of the guests, skushtuvavshi chastuvannya, choking, someone warped guise, some vibig from the table.

2 Ved. Potatoes were sent to Russia from Holland, for example, in the 17th century, Peter l. The villagers did not accept the overseas sheep for a long time and called it "devil's apple". They zmushuvali vyroschuvati that vzhivat in zhu potatoes. Ale, the villagers, through ignorance, got used to the fruit. Tse called to riches bruen. All over Russia there was a buzz of "village riots". The bunti disdained them, who fired on the villagers from the garmat. Ale not zhorstokі razpravy overkilled the villagers, scho vygіdno plant potatoes. I overcooked the potatoes myself. Do you remember the fairy tale about ripka? Newly needed bula was big - big rіpka? To scold the grandmother, she’s the whole motherland. Earlier in the cold winters, when the soil froze, rapa replaced Russian peasant bread. Sitna vrozhayna potato vytіsnyla ripu. Now it is no longer rapa, but potatoes have become another bread for all the other peoples of Europe.

1 Ved.

We called to the point that wheat is called "first" bread, and potatoes "other". Over the years, the Europeans have gone overboard not only in the fact that potatoes can replace bread, but also in the fact that potatoes themselves can no longer be replaced by bread.

Kartoplini (girls 5 class) tell: - It is possible, you know, that all grow up to live in homelands. So the axis of the potato is from the pastlon family. Axis yoga relatives: tomato, eggplant, capsicum.
- Roslin potatoes are single, up to 150 cm high, our climate is lower. In the autumn in the bushes the fruits are settled - green berries with sweet dreams.Fuck off! - In a rural state, potatoes are planted with bulbs, as if they live in a hedgehog. At wild nature there are close to 150 types of potatoes. - Potatoes have a lot of brown words and vitamins: starch, zukor, protein. Take care of potatoes in a dark, cold place. But if a potato lay down on a sonechka, then in a new one it is strong disgusting, even worse for a healthy person. Tse solanine.

2 types. And yet, potatoes are not only good for living people, you can grow with it. About tse note our competitions, from which I ask you to take part.

Aje mi, roaring, perveryaemo,

What we know is what we know.

1 contest "Planting potatoes"

1 type. On the back of our heads, we decided to take up planting potatoes. For the cob, I will request 2 individuals from the 5th class to the stage.The first bets from different teams are accepted for planting potatoes. The participant vyymaє z vіdra on one kartoplіnі and "plant" instructed one to one. Once the potatoes are planted, other bets are taken to work. The stench from the ties of the eyes pick up potatoes and put them in an empty bucket. Whose team wins the task of shvidshe.

2 contest "Drink by the wind"

Leader 2. Surely, one is satisfied with such a brigade. And if one happens to pick potatoes, then it’s possible that I’ll have an offensive way of picking potatoes. To demonstrate yoga, you will be asked for 1 participant from 6,7,8 classes.Eat potatoes by the wind. Who will have more luck.

3rd competition "Presentation of potato crops"

1. A ten-year-old sprat needed potatoes to make a coup d'état in Russian cuisine. Wine has become a consumer product. First potatoes are prepared from potatoes, others and third (dessert) straws. It is important to learn to rethink all the "specialties" of potatoes in cooking. Stravi z potatoes are loved by all people. A monument to potatoes was erected near the town of Marynsk, Kemerivsk region. The artist Yury Mikhailov became the author of the sculpture

The most important stage of our saint is now: the presentation of herbs from potatoes. (take the fate of 8-11 class)

4 contest "Potato Dance"

Vedas. 2. For the upcoming competition, 4 individuals from 10 and 11 classes will be requested.(They dance in pairs, resting their foreheads on the potato. The tempo of the melodies changes. The couple remake, as if the potato did not let in.)Ved.2. And at the same time there is a musical pause at the Vikonan lads of the 7th grade.

(parts about potatoes)

Pieces about potatoes:

You do not call offense

Like yoga in the booth is not allowed

Seemingly simple

All Russian bread is different

Її people glorify

Navіt pisnі add up

Yakshcho viris harvest

Say goodbye to the summer.

Under the ground like a crotch

Vaughn made a nest

І of your children

The autumn has brought us.

I will grease and cook

Її giblets

To such a Russian tsar

For savory potatoes.

I read at the primer

I chula near the yard

Old did kaz me:

There is no life without potatoes.

Spoon road to obіd

To the ditty accordion

We sang verses for you

About Russian potatoes.

5th competition Veda 1. Give proper praise, and I dare to tell you,Without potatoes on "vіdminno" neither eat nor dance.Navit savory ogirok Well done for potatoes.Want to anger the green cibula, and potatoes are the best friend.From potatoes there and here it is necessary to smash the product.And it’s not for nothing that potatoes sound like other bread.

Vedas. 2. Guys, do you like to eat potatoes? Nini mi tse perevirimo. I will ask 2 girls from the 9th grade to the stage.It is necessary to clean and fry baked potatoes. Who is smarter?Vedas. one. The boy named Antoshka can love її їsti, but you don’t want to get better.

(Staging of the song "Antoshka", lyrics by Y. Entin, music by V. Shainsky)

Vedas. 2. Whose fate, through dry land, plant potatoes in our mistsevostihigher, lower loudly. Do not marvel at those who tried to look at the potatoes,was born її little, and great ї may not be. Shchob offensive rock vrozhay buv bagatim, consecrate the potato anthem!

Anthem of potatoes

. Potato is our national idol!
Youmu sing your earthly anthem.
Three hours of Peter in Russia fashionable,
It’s not for nothing to ring out - “The bread is different”.

2. That snig, then doshch z skyscraper,
In the sky, mercy is not checked.
The motto of our people:
Potatoes є - we will not fail!

3. We bake and grease potatoes,
Yogo is put in soup, and in borscht.

I know the truth for the first time:
You don’t know savory for zhu!

4. Bida that viruchka potato,
With her life flowing drink.
Empty will not be our bear,
When potatoes are on the table.

5. I eat potatoes with bread, with silly,
We can't think of insults without her.
We all adopted love before her
For hundreds of rocks, hundreds of rocks!

Leading 2 : І axis on this urochist note, the hour has come to pick up the bag.. for different nominations: (Goloshuyutsya pіdbags vstavki vyrobіv z kartoplі)"The largest creative class" -“The shortest class for the presentation of potatoes made from potatoes” - "The best virib" -Which potato is the largest? -"The most active class in the chosen one I give birth" -


Our zustrіch will end. To all those who, having taken the fate of the entry, that of the yoga teacher. Nini disco.

Wikoristan literature: 1. I know the world / A child's encyclopedia / Mysterious growth. Astrel, 20062. Likum A. All about everything / Popular encyclopedia for children. Moscow, 19943. Osipov N./ About buckwheat and wheat, corn and mustard. Moscow, 19774. Petrov U.M./Holy autumns, games, fun for children. Moscow. Creative center "Sphere", 20005. Internet resources

Sabaeva M.A.

MAOU "ZOSH No. 7" m. Almetievska, RT

Pokladny zakhіd for uchnіv pochatkovy klіv

Holy potatoes

Teacher: It is a decorative card, faces for bad ailments, otruta, which blames coma, zasib for breeding fires, universally kind, nareshti, kharchova sirovina, with which you can cook bread, starch, powder, oliya, kava, dryness, chocolate - not true Chi, thin - not true such a versatile product? It seems that there is nothing simple, even if you go about the zvichaynisinky potato.

Today, we are holy on yoga honor, we say something about this sheep. Spіvatimemo, gratimemo with him. Why is such respect attached to this sheep? To that we can no longer imagine life without this vegetable. That is why verses, songs, ditties are put on yoga. Well, for now, let's talk about our beloved potatoes.


1. Without potatoes, life in the world

It's really important children.

Viruchae us zavzhd

Tsya is a modest hedgehog.

2.I in puree, and in uniforms,

At first straws, and in garnishes,

І boiled, і liver,

I frail, and torn.

It's not a sin to say about her,

What a potato is the best!

3. Good for all kinds of fears

Sleep with appetite

Satisfy the wonder

- Oh, how delicious it seems!

4. The leaves curled up,
Green furrow.
From Kamchatka to Opochka
Potato is a head hedgehog.

5. Yak bur'yan, nevibaglyva:
Weed and bury.
Їy does not require watering,
Bouli bіd hour doschu!

6. Closer to autumn
Bulba with earth juices
That starch is taken from the sun -
І at the basement її Vali.

7. Don't be afraid of these bad guys,
Don't get cold
Yakshcho you sat down to the table,
De є head hedgehog.

8. Life is not to be given up,
And potatoes are like nectar,
I great day beautiful
Blisne raptom, like a gift from God.

9. Without potatoes on "vіdminno"

Don't sing, don't dance.

Navіt savory ogіrok

Well done for potatoes!

I want to annoy the green cibula,

And potatoes are your best friend!

10. Potatoes here and there

required product,

I don't mind potatoes

Everything sounds different.

11. We can't live without potatoes,

Їmo її mi today!

We don’t fill me or cry,

Wanting to dig an hour of molting.

12. I love її I look different:

French fries, mashed potatoes, stew.

Let me be in a greedy mood,

Ale, I can't live without potatoes!

Teacher: As I have already appointed, today we are grateful to you, we will hold a lot of different competitions. For whom the lads were divided into teams, їх chotiri. At once I will preach to get to know the teams closer.

Submission of commands(Team name, motto)

tribute to the jury

To evaluate the knowledge of the skin command about this marvelous ovoch, to evaluate the memory of the commands at once, together we need to judge.

Representatives of various professions are present in our holy place, as if they were otherwise tied to potatoes. Known by the guests: teacher of Russian language, historian, biologist, agronomist, breeder, cook, artists.

So, what does the word potato mean, let's take a look at the Russian teacher at once in the dark dictionary.

Reader of Russian language:The word is behind German movie. Potato - gorodnya roslin, ovoch. Potatoes are also called underground bulbs and sprouts that get used to the hedgehog.

Formerly potatoes were named "PATA" - that's what they called them in the Fatherland in Pivdenny America Indians.

The English called yoga POTATO.

Dutch and French - EARTHLY APPLE.


And the Germans changed TARTUFEL to POTATOES, which later became called POTATOES.

Competition 1: Come up with a nickname, im'ya, in the father's way to our potato friend.

Competition 2: And now we'll try to play with the word "Potato"

Yakshcho take a great word,

Vinnyat letters - one and two!

And then we’ll pick them up again,

Look - new words!

Know these words were hidden in the word POTATO.

As I have already indicated, there have been songs about potatoes for a long time. The lads sleep one of them at a time.

Song "Potatoes» (Music by S. Popov)

Where did you know this marvelous thing? How did we start practicing yoga in Russia? How do you know who of our fahivtsiv knows best about the quality of food? Let's give the floor to the historian.

Historian In a wild look, potatoes grew in girsky regions Pivdenny America. Yoga was vibrated by the Indians. After the introduction of America, potato bulbs appeared in Europe, and they were also called “earth apples”. She drank potatoes near our country for Peter I, who gave a bag of potatoes from Holland to his close friend Count Sheremetiev and punished the distribution of potato bulbs in all regions of Russia and growing them. A bunch of potatoes were grown in the flowerbeds like decorative roslin, later they tried vicarious fruit in a bowl, but the stench was bitter and unnatural. Therefore, the villagers were encouraged to grow potatoes, and lay before her with distrust. People remembered that the potato was born with the head of that eye on the kshtalt of a person, and the one who is the potato is the soul of the people. Our ancestors remembered that our ancestors called potatoes "devil's apple". Less than a bunch of potatoes gained popularity, especially since the French queen stabbed them at the zachistka and adorned her cloth with them. Later, the potato became the head of the Russian people, and about the potato began to add words and orders.

Competition 3: Choose the sentence and explain the meaning

The skin team picks up the words that lie at the envelope.

  1. Potatoes of dozrіє - people are zіgrіє.
  2. Potatoes without practice will never be born.
  3. Potatoes and porridge are ours.
  4. Dig potatoes, not waving your hands.

Teacher: In Russia, potatoes were valued, they were praised with other bread, and, obviously, parts were sung about her. Let's request artists.

1. Shorter song about potatoes

The world didn't have any,

We sleep with you about potatoes,

And you splash at the vіdpovіd.

2. Oh potato, potato

Oh, what an honor to you!

Yakby didn’t have potatoes,

What would they eat?

3. Oh, beauty potato!
I don’t need cowbass,
I don't want sausage
Give me a bowl of potatoes!

4. Blossom near the field of potatoes -
What a mess!
I'm going to the field to improve,
I'm not lazy!

5. Mom laughed at me:
"Skіlki can їsti?!"
I love potatoes
How can you hear me?

6. I don’t go for a walk with friends,
TV is not surprised
І practice yourself -
I love potatoes!

7. Ah, storable potatoes,
Well, you are delicious!
Let's hope for a vіdvalu,
We need you more.

8. Once upon a time there were three judges:
Rabbit, dog and gut,
We treated you today
One of one all the potatoes.

9. Ah, potatoes, ty potatoes1

What a garna!

І pomazzhish, і parish,

And yak z'zh - the soul is sleeping!

10. Our potatoes - hot kudi:
Savory, vitamin.
Yakshcho їtimesh zavzhdi,
Stay healthy, stay strong!

Teacher: Who knows what the science is called, what is it that grows up? (biology)

Children, who is a biologist. What are we talking about potatoes?

Biologist: Potato grows with a height of 50 to 100 cm, the leaves are simple, the leaves are picked in bunches of 2-4 curls. Zabarvlennya vouchers are blue, dark blue, purple, white color which is one of the most important varietal signs. Potatoes are self-cutting roslin. Plid is a bagatonic berry. On the subterranean parts of the stem, underground pagons develop - stolons, in which bulbs are formed - modifications of underground pagons. For help, potato bulbs multiply. The botanical name of potatoes is bulbous nightshade.

Scene "Potatoes"

The winter ended, the spring time came.

You need to plant, water, de weed, and de dig.

I in one great village

Under the name Stari Pivni

Once upon a time there lived and lived that woman with onukoyu.

Go out according to the will of that woman, start digging, plant potatoes. Granny is sitting on the lava and v'yazhe. Vibіgaє onuka z ball.

The bug vibigaє, start growing. On the back її vіdganyaє її, out of the way to live to grandmother, like tezh proganyaє її.


Having thought up the axis, woman, I will plant potatoes,

Sob for the winter їzhi Bulo hoch trohi.


You again from the gluzdu z'їhav, didu! Guess the last fate

We spent a whole day in our city.


How not to remember, pіt z chola tick without a tooth.

Ripu is a hero alone, without any training.


What are you talking about, you old bullshit, we were taxed at once,

And then for three months we sang at the test.


Hi! I'm a hero alone, don't get in, woman,

At the hut I have your pan, I want to work weakly.


Not your eyes are weak, but your mind is gone:

Up'yatoh taxed me, the bear helped.


What are you, mother, praised,

How did the little clown cackle?

(Wave your hand, go on stage.)

A scenery appears on the stage, depicting potatoes.

The super girls have passed a lot of days, potatoes have grown,

Ale in a woman and in a child of strength, we call a troshka.

To go out did, radio, try to pull - not to go out, get up from lava grandma, go to the aid of didov, from confused looking double sit on the lava.

Grandmother (for joy ). Onuki has strength, but you have qualia. Matryonka! Matrioshka! Bіzhi pull potatoes!

Vibіgaє onuka, pulling potatoes, tomlyuєєsya, with a summative look sitting bіla grandma.


Bug will help us, it’s definitely possible.

Hey, Bug, oh God, come and help me!

Vibіgaє Zhuchka, riє "paws" potatoes, but you can't win.

Bug. Bear-norushka, help, friend!

The bear can't cope, everyone sits on the lava with their heads down.

Mustaches: onuk with Zhuchka, the bear helped.

They told me to slander, even though I didn’t plant.

And the potatoes kept growing, becoming a cherry,

I shed, i windows, i doors, i dahi.


Who will help, who will come - I'll plant potatoes?


Do you bring home in pieces, giblets?


Baba with a didom.


Granddaughter with Bug dragging a bear.


They grieve and pissed - nothing happened!

Tilki povz worm'yachok chanted softly

І zacheviv potatoes vіn zovsіm easily.

Pokotilas, rushed from the beds to the road

I inadvertently leaned into my leg.

Here I’ll sing, standing for a while,

And then we will say it.


From i thank God!

Є store, є їzha, reshta - nisenіtnitsa!

Competition 4: "Planting potatoes"

It is necessary to eat potatoes by the wind. Team to rob 14 kidkivs (2 kids to rob a skin participant). Skin care - 1 team score.

Lyudina, what a profession she knows everything about how to properly grow potatoes. That's right, an agronomist. Listen to yoga.

Agronomist Usim, who is engaged in the cultivation of potatoes, next to know, that his development of the plant will go through 4 phases: descend, budding, flowering, ripening.

Before planting the bulbi, germinate less than 30 days. Hanging dig the earth with a depth of 30 cm and hang the potatoes in the soil on the ground at least 60 cm between the rows, and in the row - 35 cm. If the roslin reaches a height of 15 cm, carry out the subglottis. In autumn, if the badilla begins to grow, harvest.

Contest 5: "Harvesting"

2 individuals in command to pick potatoes from flattened eyes.

Growing up potatoes - the same vase on the right, and nights here, obviously, not a place. I think that many of you have already helped their fathers in the city: weeded, picked potatoes, and did not ice, like a song about Antoshka.

Staging of the song "Antoshka"

Teacher: Who is involved in breeding different varieties of crops? Breeders are engaged in breeding varieties. Selector's word.

Breeder : The science of breeding is engaged in the development of new varieties of roslin. We are very happy with the results of the work of breeders to develop new varieties of potatoes. The world has 44 thousand varieties of potatoes. Crimea is famous for us white and yellow potatoes are red, purple, blue, and black. This sheep is given great respect by the world. And 2008 was stunned by the International Potato Rock.

Plant breeders may have high-yielding varieties of potatoes, which are good for natural minds. Get a good crop of potatoes - it’s huge on the right, but not all. It is necessary without cost to harvest from the potato field.

Competition 6: "Transportation of potatoes"(The skin team needs to transport a bucket of potatoes on baby cars)

How do you know why you can beat potatoes in medicine? Let's listen to a specialist in nutrition.

Likar: potatoes with medicinal herbs: fresh potatoes with vicarious virulence, gastritis, reduce blood pressure in hypertension. Potato porridge is good for opiki, eczema. In the winter hour, potatoes are the main source of vitamin C. Cream of vitamin C in bulbs is found in small amounts of vitamins B1, B2, B6, A. Potato bulbs are rich in calcium, potassium, saline, iodine, and sirka. Unfortunately, in the pursuit of a great harvest, the rest of the hour will have a lot of mineral goodness. Nitrati accumulate in the bulbs and cry out in the sourness of tissue starvation, with which the organism of man and creature is discovered. From the supraworld number of nitrates in the body to help fight the fight against vitamins and dairy products. The number of nitrates in potatoes can be changed during the culinary process: put the potatoes in cold water for 15-20 minutes, then pour them with a new portion of water, bring to a boil and then pour them with fresh water until ready.

Competition 7: "Dance from potatoes"

Two participants, squeezing the potatoes between their foreheads, chirping along to the melody, be like a dancing rhyme. Take part in 2 bets per skin team. She wins, as if she danced longer.

Teacher: Krim mineral dobriv, people still vikoristovuyut otrutokhіmіkati. Let's give the word to ecologists, to a vchenom, who knows everything about the connections between people and that nature.

Ecologist: Too much grief to bring zahoplennya otrutokhіmіkatami. They are used to cultivate fields for growing shkidlivih clods and weeds. At the same time, the birds die, yak harchuyutsya rotten clods. People are suffering, because they shove that water from our zhu. Adzhe є natural ways to zakhist I give birth - they are called biological. One of the folk methods is the expansion of spatulas. It is possible to know other people's well-being, how to help save the birth.

Paint a sign that fences off victorious otrutokhіmіkatіv or a large amount of mineral dobriv.

Teacher: Today on our Svyatkovy style impersonal fears of their potatoes. And how to properly cook potatoes, what rules you need to finish, in order to save її crooks of authority. Let's listen to the cook.

Kuhar: In our country, potatoes are called other bread, and the price is not negligible. Potatoes are big food price. The main component of potatoes is starch, proteins. From potatoes, you can cook various flavors and side dishes. Cook Yogo, lubricate, extinguish, stuff. great value you can properly prepare potatoes: after peeling the potatoes, it is necessary to lower them into cold water. It is not recommended to stay near the water for a long time; It is not recommended to cook potatoes in a brandy or honey dish, with which a large amount of vitamin C is consumed. Potatoes are put into cold water for boiling, consuming up to 50% of vitamins, and dipped in okrip - 10-20%.

Contest 9

It is necessary for the skin team to guess the most fears from potatoes. That team wins, as I name the grass.

The speeches of our fahіvtsіv ended, you listened respectfully, and now the hour has come to hold a small quiz, to bring the ball teams correctly.


  1. How to call in one word the stems and leaves of potatoes?
  2. Name Batkivshchyna potatoes (Peru and Chile)
  3. Skіlki vіdomo vіdomo svіtі zrazkіv kartoplі? (44000 sprites)
  4. Where did the person boil potatoes? (On fire)
  5. Yaku part of the potato vikoristovuєmo at їzhi? (tubers)

6. About potatoes zvarenu or baked in shkirtsі, it seems like there’s nothing in it? (At the uniform)

7. How to call in one word the weeding of the bur'yanіv and the furrowing of the earth (weeding)

Word for pіdbittya pіdsumkіv nadaєmo zhurі

Teacher: The one who can put together hymns is guilty of knowing the most pure words, and the most vocal singers sing potato hymns on the widest square with all the crowded people! I don’t know who it is, but I would cry, hearing this anthem!
Axis so miracle words having written a Siberian writer Victor Astaf'ev about potatoes
in our ode to the "Russian city". We don't know the anthem, but let's write a song about potatoes from the film "Snidanok na Grass".

Song "Oh, potatoes!"

Autumn is the hour of harvesting, the hour of harvesting potatoes. Tom can be held holy, dedicated to this sheep.


Organize an exhibition of unusual bulbs. The lads can add some extra details: a vіchka, handles – sirnikovі heads, sticks; hair - threads, paper; head ubir - khustochka, kapelyukh thinly. Install tablets with the name of the composition and the name of the author. Kindly show the exhibition at the same time with the author in the photo and video. You can put an order with a clean arkush paperu from a leather exhibit, so that you can willingly name the exhibit yourself. Signatures to be voted for the holy supper.


Mustaches may be uninterrupted in the evening before the "blame" of the evening. At the same time, culinary experts present their passions: recall the name, ingredients, creative advertising is possible (slogans, parts of dances, couplet words).

The parade of fears ends with a no-problem lottery: the lottery tickets are canceled by those participants, so that you can tell about potatoes - from history, the recipe for fear, the values ​​of the power of potatoes too. Before drawing, prepare tokens with ticket numbers. The author shows his strava, leading the token from the box, and the owner of the number otrimu tsyu strava.

Then we’ll have a tasting - ahead of time, prepare individual plates, vials, spoons.

POTATO "Guess"

Gra pass at the kіlka turіv. The leader encourages the tour by stretching the last evening, or to carry out the game at once. The winner of the skin tour is awarded with a special prize or a lottery ticket for participation in the “Surprise from the Bear” event (gifts with numbers are drawn from the bear).

Healthy task:

Vyznach vaga bear with potatoes, after rubbing yoga in the hands for 10 seconds.

How many cards do you have for a transparent bag? (The package has a dry bulb, you can marvel for 10 seconds.)

How much do you need a potato bulb?

Skіlki at the transparent package of red and white potatoes?

How many centimeters between two plates of potatoes?


Prepare knives, utensils for exits, or potatoes.

Gra pass at 7 stages. Points are awarded for the dermal stage. The one who until the end of the spell has more points, is stunned by the Great Potato Mage. The eyepieces are set up to see what is added up from the information of the "kartopeleds".


1. Shkіrka - clean the potato so that the shkіrka establishes an uninterrupted line. Peremagaet the one who has found the line of the skins.

2. Halves - cut the potato so that the halves are equal for the vaga. Permagaet the one who has the lowest vase halves.

3. Dirkokol - make a deep opening in potatoes so that the bulb does not fall apart. Help the one who can open the largest diameter.

4. Cube - cut the maple so that you see the correct cube. Peremagaet the one who has the most similar bagatohedron to the cube.

5. Platіvka - rozrazat navpіl kartoplen, and then we'll cut a thin platіvka in one halves. Permagay to the one who has a shawl of natonsha and before that - the largest for the area.

6. Straws - cut potatoes into “straws” so that the length of the skin “straws” is no less than five centimeters. Overpower the one who has the most five-centimeter "straws".

7. Metamorphosis - with a path of trimming, transform the potato into any other vegetable, fruit or root, for example, carrots and pineapple. Peremagaet the one who has the most original copy of that exact copy.

QUIZ on the topic POTATO

On the cards, write the request and put it in a special envelope. Participants of the quiz draw a card and answer for the question. If the answer is wrong, the correct answer is given by other participants. Yakshto їm tse do not give in, vіdpovіd sound the leader. Prize tokens are awarded for the correct answers.

At the finals, the participants, who scored the most number of tokens, win prizes, and they are rewarded with exciting prizes for their fate.

Power supply:

Name the fatherland of potatoes. (Peru and Chile)

Where in our time is growing wild potatoes? (Near Central and Pivdenniy America)

When, stars and kim, potatoes were brought to Russia? (Peter the First from Holland)

What are some ways to propagate potatoes? (Three: with bulbs, let's fill it with very young ones)

What is the name of the coma-shkidnik, what do you eat badilla potatoes? (Colorado potato beetle)

Are there real potato berries? (Ni, stink of trash)

What kind of speeches are possessed by potatoes? (Starch, molasses, glucose, alcohol, glue too)

What is the potato bulb and what is the root of the roslin? (Ні, bulbi - tse m'yasisі sweating on the underground parts of the stem)

If and why did Russia have a potato riot? (In 1834 and 1840-1844, following the decree of Mikoli I about the obov'yazkovy planting of potatoes)

What is another name for potatoes? (Other bread)

How did Russia call potatoes before? ("Devil's Apple")


The program can be carried out for a day or a day, including competitions for the youngest, older, girls, boys and girls. know-it-alls, etc.

The best

Someone better that yakіsnіshe clean the potato.


Who better to eat potatoes at the cebro on the singing vіdstanі.

plant potatoes

Participants are given a bucket of potatoes. Zavdannya - viklasti її in one line, bulb to bulb. Who better to "plant" potatoes?

Warehouses of potatoes

Zavdannya - from tying up the eyes of the brothers, yaknaybіlshe razkidanih na kartoplin.

relay race

Play commands. Zavdannya - remind the pot of potatoes. Kartoplini are carried by team members along the lines on the spoons, squeezed by the company.

Big with potatoes

The participants of the zmagannya squeeze the potato between two people with sticks and run from it to the finish line. When you spend, you need to lift the potato for additional sticks, after which the distance will collapse.


Overcome the one who, in one piece of fluff, pierce more holes in the potato bulb so that it does not fall apart.

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