The most beautiful words of a kohaniy maiden. The lower words of the kohaniy maiden at the top

Dear words for a kohanoi girl. So that your kohana laughed and thought herself happy, move more often.
Love ta buti kohanim - majestic happiness. Wider, lower phrases of interpretation in the kohanna, more beautifully, what a woman can feel like her man. Do not listen quietly to anyone who tells you that words are not important. The stench is so self-important, like dії. If you want, so that it would be light and quiet with your woman, you need to set it on fire. Even if the woman is happy, then everyone is happy ...

Never change that I love you the way you are.

Spending an hour with you is the birthmark of my day.

You give the sense of my life.

I'm so radiant that I can see you.

“Koshenya is a marvel! I check on you, for new charms ... "

“Because of your appearance - my life has become brighter”

“I am choking with your beauty, hypnotizing with your charisma and enchanting with love.

My angel from heaven, your soul is my joy!

My gut, my pretty girl, my licorice tsukerka, my marmalade!

Naibazhanisha, fairy dovgoochіkuvana.

Tee is the taste of my life. I don't want my life to become dull again;

Nareshti, I know those who have scrutinized all their lives;

You dear pearl of my life ...

You are the best, what was in me and є;

Life without you - “Missiya is unimaginable”;

Your natural beauty, kindness and splendour, strike with their scope. Poednannya thoroughly, marvelously, all that is beautiful in you:

You are the closest person to me in this world;

This is my kovtok of a fresh wind;

Your little sleepy rabbit;

“Your light, child, I am independent without you” “Light of my soul”

You are low, like shovk, pure, like a girsky strumok, your ruin is soft, like a trojand's pellet;

You are charming. Your body gracefully wails!

Your turbota and lowness, like a ryativne colo for me in life's abyss;

You miraculously robish massage;

I'll be with you, even if it's trapilos;

This little bit of the puzzle, yakim i є;

Tee is the taste of my life. I don't want my life to become dull again.

Do you know what happiness is for me? Happiness - tse Ti i I!

I didn’t know how to marvel at someone and laugh for no reason, the docks didn’t tell you. Get mine.

I want to show you how I feel for you; so incomprehensible itself, but even more necessary.

I will die in my life, if I know what's in the new.

I looked at the garna troyanda, and then continued to marvel at you, because the trojan is not such a garna and sweet, like you.

With your love and turbo, I realize that I can support the whole world.

Love, as if expressed in affectionate, sweet, lower words, at a quiet, even splintering, making life easier and bringing light and joy to the skin heart, like a dream, looking into the skin of a little bundle of a modest life, to wake up and sanctify yoga. The theme of the division: Miles phrases, words for a kohanoi girl.

My girl, I'm singing that you were sent to me by heaven.
You are my goddess of all goddesses and the queen of all queens. Your beauty writing will enchant me.

Your voice will calm me, your ruin beckon. You are mixed up and serious, and funny, and biased, and sweet.
You have everything shorter capacity yakі only can be with a woman. You are the best and I still love you.

I love you with all my heart, I love absolutely everything in you: your lower and milky look, your dots, skin your word, your hickey thoughts, your inimitable wilting, your sense of humor. The skin of the whilina, carried out by you, to rob less happy. It would have been better, more love is no longer possible, but it’s not so.

The girl is in love, reasonable, beautiful,
Naibazhanisha, fairy dovgoochіkuvana,
I feel lower, stronger, sinless before you.
Feel right, yaskrav, manly!

Heart beats strongly and unbearably
I want to be with you, bachit your image.

Let the fairy tale wake up, everything in us will be seen:
Children are the same.

Aje kohai you!

Poradi yak correctly vіtati:

1. Be short, don't make long promotions

2. Save only those who can really do it

3. Obov'yazkovo nadіshlіt mms pozazhannya vranci or early in the day

Navit if it's hard to get,
You are laughing all the same, friend.
Clever, know-it-all
Beauty, sir.
Don't let yourself indulge in the merciful world,
Become more kindness!

Visible blues will be clean,
A new height has been reached!

For the best days to come,
Bagato miracles bring stench!

My beautiful baby
Let your eyes shine
Vid diva, joy, fun,
Wonderful days and chaklunstva!

Come on radio stench
View of the eternal, kazkovy kokhannya,
I'm happy lower zigrіvaє,
І zdіysnuyuyutsya rії!

I’m holding a baby with a birthday!

Be unique yoga days -
Be happy and warm
Be sleepy and bright!

Let's live and have fun!

We shot one day a day,
I hour raptom zupinivsya,
Mriyav todi I about one thing:
Shobi tezh ti in me suffocated.
You are so beautiful, like a star,
І vitonchenishe, lower kviti,
Hotiv bi I hotch іnodi,
Be a face, whatever you want.
I thank you for your bottoms,
I will hasten to grant you,
Aje tse happiness on earth
Such a girl kohati!

Let's run into the weather of everyday life
Toudy, de spravdzhuyutsya dreams of that mrії.
Let's forget about reality boring
Let's forget about the world of empty people.
Let's get out of the way of evil and deceit.
I know to take a liking, de there is no fuss.
Let's see the bullshit and the indecent
At my world, de zavzhd clear up the scores.
What a day without you, I can't calm down!

My memory renews your portrait.
If it ends well,
Qia ruthless separation?

At the enchanting world, de є tіlki Vіn і Vaughn, de schodneniya lightness, light, warmth and love, discover your little secrets, like unite stronger, lower "mi" loving hearts.
Naming our kohana maiden with warm, gentle words, we hang on to you our vinnyatkovo stature, vdyachnist, love and tenderness. Change-lagydnі and lower words for the maiden instill povennostі, podnіmayut mood and okrilyayat - smut, so that the stench was said broadly. proponuє to go to the lower and lower forms as soon as possible splkuvannya everyone who has a kokhan and a loving person!

Whose post is selected kind words for girls, as they will be accepted, and the lower words for people were chosen here.

Dear competition with gifts!
Give a unique hospitality and take away a valuable prize

We shot one day a day,
I hour raptom zupinivsya,
Mriyav todi I about one thing:
Shobi tezh ti in me suffocated.

You are so beautiful, like a star,
І vitonchenishe, lower kviti,
Hotiv bi I hotch іnodi,
Be a face, whatever you want.

I thank you for your bottoms,
I will hasten to grant you,
Aje tse happiness on earth
Such a girl kohati!

Let's run into the weather of everyday life
Toudy, de spravdzhuyutsya dreams of that mrії.
Let's forget about reality boring
Let's forget about the world of empty people.

Let's get out of the way of evil and deceit.
I know to take a liking, de there is no fuss.
Let's see the bullshit and the indecent
At my world, de zavzhd clear up the scores.

What a day without you, I can't calm down!
My memory renews your portrait.
If it ends well,
Qia ruthless separation?

Don't cry my love
Aje is stronger than our kohannya is great!
Soon we will be together again,
One by one mi nikoli will not be forgotten!

In the meantime, read the above
About my bezbezhne kokhannya!
Aja shaleno te kokhannya,
What a heart beat beats again and again!

All the bright days are melting,
For I will work your eyes again!
I will hug you low and I will say
How much I love you!

I want to cry for your sake,
To be born at the eyes of the Cossacks
I, sliding down the scout,
Root on your lips...

Dolі dyakuvati I will not get tired
For those happiness that came to me with you.
For you, I will become a mountain,
What happened to you with a rapt.

For the fire in the eyes of your beautiful
I will put all the light to your feet,
Let's understand your work day
I don’t tell anyone, dear, I don’t see.

You play my soul,
You touch my life.
I am with you, like a happy dream!
You are a miracle! I love you!

Self-confessed to you, loving and biased,
I'll try to convey in a word
You, my Sonechko, are sincere and beautiful,
Oh, how happy I am, miraculously mother!

I love for warmth and soft valleys,
For kisses of relish on the lips,
For your graceful gut sounds.
The words are over... I want to hug you!

I suffocated from the first glance,
You have my breath!
I scream about love to you
I can't talk anymore!

I will repeat the words of love again and again,
Until my shelter is cool!
Oh, how I am vdyachny to heaven,
For those who sent me to you.

Love and take care of yourself ... -
Heaven told me.
Vershi I write about my kohannya, I will read it to you.
Let me tell you, I myself respect them with mediocrity.

So I feel like hanging out
I do love you!
From a heap of stars, I'm drunk on you!
Because I'm dying for you!

I don’t tell anyone, nothing.
For you, tear someone up.
wild beast I can jump.
Squeeze out your word.

Be with me in my wonderful fox.
Wine in full at your order.
I double you, lying
I, having robbed, I will fall into the pitfalls.

You sleep - and the stars sink,
Like kisses on the lips.
Marvel - the heavens are warming
In your divine eyes.

Idesh - and all your ruins,
Smiles, look at that rice
So spovneni pochuttіv that shell,
So spovneni miraculous simplicity!

Share handed you me, dear,
І best gift I do not know!

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