What can you buy a gift from Greece. What to bring from Greece with gifts, photo. Shorter places for shopping

Souvenirs from Greece.

If you choose to spend your admission in sleepy Greece, then, obviously, it’s better to know what exactly you can bring home as a souvenir. In this article, we tell you about the most popular Greek souvenirs and goods, with which you will please yourself and your loved ones. And you will also save your expensive nerves, knowing in advance, about all the subtle walnut products and souvenirs.

Olive oil and olives

Let us tell you about the olive oil. Olive Oliya in Hellas Nairiznomanitnisha. Yakіst and the price of olії lie in the form of її virobnitstv. The most important cold olive oil Extra-Virgin Olive Oil. It is necessary to increase close to 20 kg. Olives, to take a liter of oil. Therefore, a liter of such a product costs 6 euros. Let's go for the purity of Virgin Olive Oil. Tsya oliya koshtuє vіd 5 euro per liter. Olive oil, as a sum of refined and cold pressed, is called Pure Olive Oil. The Greeks call vicorist yoga for lubrication, as it practically does not have a smell and taste. Such a product costs 3 euros per liter. Be sure to give respect to acidity, as indicated on the packaging. At the very garnoy olії acidity may exceed the mark of 0.8%.
You can get olive oil like in small glassy and plastic containers, as well as in large canisters made of zhersty with a volume of up to 5 liters. A good gift would be a dance of olії zі spices, so it would not be superfluous to embellish the kitchen, but it would be a brown grub ingredient. Buying oil for yourself, rather buy a large canister. You can safely put it in luggage. Do not forget that in a tin container the oil is poured more quickly, lower at the glass. The best oil in Hellas is bought from Halkidiki, Peloponnese and Crete.
As walnut olives have zested you, you will see the majestic choice of this product. The stench is sold like in supermarkets in different packaging, and in the markets for the car. The most "natural" olives are market olives. Price їх kolivaetsya vіd 3 to 5 euros per kilo.

We must first respect that honey in the skin area of ​​Hellady is unique. You can come її like in the Moscow market, so in the shops. The best honey bathing at festivals in Belarus and at special shops for products. For example, on the island of Rhodes, near the village of Pastida, there is the Museum of Honey, where you can get the product for your taste and financial possibilities.
Traditionally, the most delicious honey is prepared at the monasteries of Ellady. Until then, the monasteries of the island of Thassos are famous for the most delicious honey among other monasteries in Greece. You can use traditional honey, as well as honey products with various additives: pots, sesame seeds. The average price is 7 euros per liter.

Alcohol drinks in Greece

Deyaki brandy walnut alcoholic drinks are popular in the lands of the CIS, so you can get it like the well-known old, so it's new and a little exotic.
Nasampered, let's talk about Metax. Tse traditional walnut cognac. The cost of wine is €25 per liter (12* and 7*), €19 (5*) and €12 (3*or 2*). You can also buy souvenir 200-gram puffs in any supermarket. Walnut anise gorilka "UZO" є even a little exotic drink. Not all people in Russia can tolerate anise, but some people develop allergies, so give such a drink a trace of protection. Ouzo is sold like in famous dances, as well as souvenirs. The price is 10 euros per liter.

Other types of walnut burner, such as crayfish (grape burner, which guesses the miraculous Russian moonshine) or rakomelo (analogous to Russian mead) are less exotic and allergic to anyone. Rakomilo can be embodied boldly victorious like faces in the suvora of the Russian winter.
Well, it's good wine. In the skin region of Ellad, there are dozens of virobniks of this drink. At the Greek tavern, you will be asked to drink your unique homemade wine. The most ancient Greek wine is worthy of the warming of the wine with the touch of resin "Retsina". The second traditional wine is monastic Cahors. The quality of wine in supermarkets starts at 2 euros, and in the monastery it is a little more expensive.

Greek cosmetics

At the heart of Hellenic cosmetics lies "rare gold" - olive oil. Cosmetics have daily chemical additives, which will positively add to the hair and skin. The simplest "cosmetic" zasib in Greece is olive cute. Yogo is sold for vaga, pieces and sets. The cost is 1.5 euros per unit up to 10 per dial. You can taste like an olive sweet, so with the addition of various flavorings. More expensive scrubs, shampoos and shower gels based on olive oil will cost you more. You can get everything from local pharmacies for reasonable prices. Apothecary has a cream for dressing up the cost from 25 euros, and in small cosmetics shops - from 15 euros. De cupuvati cosmetics virishuvati zvichayno to you.

Icons, paintings and ceramic wares

Ceramics in Greece foresee the greatest quality. You can come up with both author's works and copies of ancient art works. You can buy such souvenirs both at the shops of one of the great factories, and in the shops of the pottery shops at the markets. Sound the plate with the ornament of the middle roses of the cost from 3 euros, the vase - from 7 euros, the kitchenette - from 2 euros. A lot of tourists are satisfied with the arrival of the Cretan ceramics from the unique ornamental ornament. You can also get wonderful ceramics on the islands of Santorino or on the islands of Chalkidiki. The largest souvenir market is located in Athens near the bottom of the Acropolis on Plaka Square.
Seeing the holy city of Greece, you can bring icons and other Christian shrines. Icons on a carved wood cost 5 euros, and those that are stacked near a seemingly small book cost 12 euros. Icons, vikonanі on zamovlennya in an expensive salary, cost you 70-80 euros and more.
As a sympathizer and a lover of paintings, then invariably add a canvas with a Greek landscape, vikonan oil or watercolor. The price starts from 20 euros and grows in staleness due to the popularity of the maistre, the technique of victoria or the visibility of the frame.
You can also get such inexpensive souvenirs like sea turtles and sea sponges. The Greeks bathe sponges less in the markets - here the stench is natural without the addition of synthetic speeches. The price for laying down in a variety of sizes and capacities: from 3 to 40 euros per unit.

Clothes that vzuttya near Greece

It’s sing-song, someone’s got a lot of chuv about “fur coat tourism”. Greece is the right paradise for fur coats and other crafty clothes. The center of the fur coat "forgiveness" is located in a small town of Kastoria on the pivnochi of Greece. There is a special exhibition center here with a great number of exhibits, so you can come right here. However, you can buy a fur coat at all Ellady resorts, or else from the farm at a special store. The price of the future is to lie down for a long time, like a khutra and a color. Found fur coats in Greece cost 300 euros or more. The more expensive and the more expensive ones, the cost is already around 700 euros and more. The other half of the day is the ideal hour to buy a fur coat. For the first month in Greece, call to pass anonymous sales and promotions.
With the virobs of the walnut shkiri, the virobniki can compete with those of the Turkish and Chinese lands. You can buy a variety of shkiryan products from shopping malls and in the markets of the local miltsevs. Zvichaynu shkiryanu jacket you can come for 50 euros. Ale, call the price for such a variant of storage close to 150 euros. You can buy a belt or bag from the shoulders for 15 euros, and a fashionable bag - from 25 euros. You can remember whether there is a virib at the master's master.

Zuttya in Greece is represented by such stylish brands: NAK Shoes (from €100), Haris Kazakos (from €80), Boxer (from €40), Haralas (from €70), Migato (from €30). Different side models for children cost 15 EUR. If any of your friends or relatives are suffering from ailments, then you can give them a special orthopedic gift with handy pads and an arch support, as they are sold in pharmacies. Prices on it are priced from 20 to 70 euros.
The great popularity among tourists is the origin of the original clothes from some Greek places. For a price of 20 euros, you can buy large khustki or lights with a traditional ornament for the city. Varieties of individual work and cost are much more expensive.
You can also buy custom t-shirts with images of walnuts, mythical and legendary characters on them. Koshtuyut stinks from 7 euros. Small t-shirts for children depicting characters from popular cartoons - €3.

Made of gold and srіbla

Greece is famous for its "roses" expensive stone that metal. Better buy gold like virib, lower buy yoga for grams. The simplest bag with a paddle 2.5 grams costs 100 euros. Kіltsya, embellished with koshtovnymi kamіnyam, koshtuvatimut up to 500 euros. Greek jewelers carefully preserve the traditions of the Byzantine Empire. For this reason, the number of jewelers can be embellished especially richly and cunningly wise. Delphi and Yanina are an ideal place, where you can come and save money. You can get beautiful earrings and bracelets for 30 euros or more.
Handmade products
If you want to buy a practical souvenir, then for the sake of paying attention to rugs, felted blankets and tablecloths with lace. The price of such options is 20 to 50 euros. You can buy a small servette with embroidery for 10 euros. The island of Crete is traditionally famous for its kilims made of ancient Greek ornaments. This kind of cost is 100 to 2000 euros. However, you can bargain.

Greek malt

Cream baklava and Turkish delight, which are sold in Hellas on skin roses at 10 euros per kilo, you can also get chocolate and zucerki at 10 euros per kilo, tahini halva and sesame paste, spravzhnya walnut kava at 2 euros per 100 grams .
And, obviously, what kind of tourist, turning around on his trips, can’t buy a lockable magnet for the refrigerator, what kind of slander you about the place of battle glory? Greece has a lot of such souvenirs and outstanding leaflets with beautiful landscapes. You can get them for meager prices from wherever you are.

Greece is a Kazkova sleepy country, as it has a rich history and a unique center of traditional cultures. Old-time excavations, warm beaches and olive trees attract tourists from all over the world. Greece is littered with a unique culture, a part of which you want to take from your skin, who cares to visit here. What can be brought from Greece?



The wine is brewed practically in the skin region of Greece. The most recent wine of the country is “Retsina”, it has a hot taste of resin and a strong smell. One of the most important wines is Kechri, or Pine Sloza, which is to be found near Thessaloniki. Traditionally we will drink cahors from the holy Mount Athos.


Metaxa is the sum of grape wine and grape brandy. In the assortment of local stores, you can buy with a different term, window displays and at last price. Varto vrahuvaty, that the Greeks themselves victorious drink three times a day, including the culinary method, and drink from a wine glass for at least 5 years.


Crayfish - walnut grape burner. The tartness of that mitzna is savored, that is served її, as a rule, in small cups. It is recommended to try and rakomilo - the same cancer itself, but it is infused with honey with additional cloves and cinnamon. It is planned to sell її head rank in Crete. I sipped the bribe at the piddly look, like faces in the cold, and the infusion like a great alcoholic drink.


Ancient Greece has been famous for the production of anise burnt ouzo. Residents of Helladi vow to drink national and drink yoga in a clean look, or at the same time with orange or orange tomato juice. Cream of delicious tastes, ouzo maє i crooked authorities, such as polypshennya dream that etching. Viroblyayut drink in all regions of the country.


Greece is famous for its Kumquat liquor. Yogo is prepared on the basis of a single citrus fruit, which looks like an orange, and tastes like a tangerine. Therefore, in liquor balls, as a rule, you can eat small fruits. On the island of Corfu, this liquor is sold at the garnier dances at the sight of a map of the island or at the shape of statues of the Greek gods.

Antique souvenirs


It is impossible to turn around from Greece and not to bring with you a ceramic souvenir from the images of the heroes of Hellady or the reminders of Greece, even though the ceramics here are of a brand-name beauty and remarkable quality. A good souvenir would be services, vases, glechki and vikonan amphorae with a special ornament - golden walnuts on black aphids. The most popular are ceramics from the island of Crete and clay pottery from Santorini and the island of Chalkidiki. The largest market of ceramic tiles is found in Athens.


You can have statues of ancient Greek gods, figurines of the Olympians and ancient spores, as well as busts of Socrates, Plato, Pythagoras, at any souvenir store. Shortest choice statues are found on the Plaza.

give the sea

Decorate turtles with them - a nice and inexpensive souvenir, which you can find in a leather souvenir shop. The great popularity among tourists is maritime ruins. Tse is a small gift. The stench is soft and hard, big and small. The widest selection of sponges can be found in Rhodes and Kalimnos.


From the souvenir shops and monasteries of Greece, you can buy all kinds of icons - carved, from looking at small books and encrusted with precious stones. The most important gift was an icon, as it was brought from the holy Mount Athos.


Even more often tourists bring back paintings from images of Greek memorials, painted by watercolors and oil painters. Here you can add original paintings, or you can create exclusive canvases. The price for them is to lie down in the world, the technique of vykonannya and the obviousness of the framework.

Khutryani virobi

Greece presents a great assortment of products from the farm. From such a range, you can choose a model to the soul, and th to the gut. For this very reason, tour operators often organize special triden "fur coat" tours to Greece. It is better to go for such a purchase in Kastoria, where you can find the most popular salons of leading craft factories: "Elegant Furs", "Avanti", "Afrodita Furs", "Estelle".

Carpets, plaids, kilims

Carpets, blankets and kilims can become a practical souvenir from Greece. You can bathe them more often in Crete, Rhodes, in Athens and Delphi. Followed by virobagu from outside that seam. Handmade kilims are priced more than the older one, and the price is higher. Prices on similar slabs lie due to the folding of the little one and the materials.

Olives and olive oil

The walnut olives are more savory, large and avenge rich brown tongues. Stinks are sold here everywhere in plaques and on vaga. Another pride of Greece is the olive oil. Supermarkets and family shops offer a wide range of products.

Olive cute

Olivkove milo - a garniy and brown souvenir from Greece. Almost all walnuts are nicely prepared by hand on the basis of olive oil with additions of lavender, honey, erysipelas or orange oil. Most of all, it's nice to sell shmatki on the vagu. It is good to be kind, to receive the aroma and to rob the skin with soft and velvety.



In the skin region of Greece, they produce their own original honey, which the beekeepers write by right. The fatherland of the most delicious honey in Greece is respected by Halkidiki. Here yoga is sold with a clean look or with hazelnuts, cedar and hairy peas.

Varenna and jami

For the preparation of marmalades and jams in Greece, oranges, quinces, figs, cherries, peaches, kumquats, and sometimes pistachios are most often used.


Traditional kozinaki nasolda - tiles with pistachios, sesame, peanuts or almonds in sukrovy or honey syrup. The stench is making goats, but they are making a recipe for cooking. It’s even more delicious that korisne chastuvannya - vitamin and energy bomb.


This is a traditional walnut pie made from leafy dough, flavored with peas and cinnamon, oozing with honey. characteristic of rice Walnut baklava - 33 balls of dough, which symbolize the age of Christ.

Sir feta"

Spravzhnіy walnut salad can be prepared more vicarious walnut sir "Feta". As a rule, this cheese is made from sheep's and goat's milk, it looks brighter, has a high fat content (30-60%) and a salty relish. Sell ​​Feta in rose salt in plastic, metal and vacuum packaging.

Jewelery embellish that bijouterie

The country is famous for its jewelry embellishments made of gold, silver, precious stones and pearls. The largest range of representations at the jewelry stores Kessaris and Ilias Lalaounis in Athens, Santorini, Delphi, Mykonos and Janina. Even more popular embellishment, vikonanі in the Byzantine style.

Jewelry will become an inexpensive original present, as in Greece it is better to buy from souvenir shops. Even more beautiful necklaces, brooches and bracelets are made from olive wood, turtles, marmur, ceramics, gems and metals.

Can't export

  • objects of old, including stones from archaeological excavations and objects found on the seabed;
  • drugs, narcotic drugs;
  • zbroyu, vibukhovy and brittle speech;
  • growing, flowers, wild creatures and birds and familiar flora and fauna.

At all otriman speeches, obov'yazkovo should save checks.

Tourist you are a mandrivnik, ale de b you didn’t see it, you have risen in price, you will always bring home a souvenir like a riddle. The leather country has its own unique goods, souvenirs and fritters. Since we already love Greece and often it gets more expensive there, I'll tell you about souvenirs from Greece. What we bring and what we took in Greece may drink from tourists.

The most popular and most popular souvenirs from Greece are olive oil, cognac "Metaxa" and sweetly flavored. The olive oil in Greece is even richer. One kind of other wind is blown up by the growth of the tari, the region of the vineyard and the rock of the vineyard. Oliya bovaє from the olives themselves and from the tassels. How to pick an olive oil, I think you don't have a lot of versatility. The dermal has its own methods and habits. Until then, Greek stores practically had no stale goods. The variety of olive oil in Greece in different regions is different and so it is to fall in the type of packaging that picker. The average price is 3 euros for a platter, up to 15-20 euros for a 5-liter metal canister. Choosing the olive oil, give respect to її kіlotnіst. Vaughn call out to the jar. if the acidity of the oil is 0.1, then such an oil is good for salads, if the acidity is greater than 0.1, then it is good for lubrication. We call for olіyu in metal liter cans, or we buy bottling in Greek. It is also normally transported in a plane in luggage. Yak is correct.

Walnut olive oil.

Souvenir plyashechki with olive oil.

Even more often in souvenir shops in Greece you can make an axis like a glass eye. This is a walnut amulet, called Matopetra and is translated, like an "eye-stone". Appointments for zakhistu vіd pristіtu. I believe the Greeks. And you? If so, then buy it.

What to bring from Greece?

One of the most original and funny souvenirs from Greece can be called the kitchen of Pythagoras, or, as they call it, the kitchen of greed. If it’s short, then pour water (wine) into such a kitchen, otherwise if the homeland is higher for an unfamiliar mark in the middle, then the whole homeland will pour out of mugs.

Attachment of Pythagorean mugs (cook of greed)

Souvenir kitchen of Pythagoras

Cognac "Metaxa". You can buy yoga in any store in Greece and in any one of the districts. The price is just to lie down in the capacity of the plate and the luminosity of the product. "Metaxa" 5* bottle of 1 liter at duty-free shops in Greece is sold at a price of 19-22 euros. The puffs are packed in paper boxes and look good. In the field, you can make small puffs with a quantity of 200 ml at a price of 3 to 5 euros per puff. For example, on the mainland we bathed such dances for 4.5 euros, and on the islands the stench was 3.5 euros.
Choosing the right souvenir is not an easy task, especially if you choose . Not less than a Greek souvenir Walnut anise burner "ouzo" (Ouzo). A bad souvenir from Greece. Ale for an amateur. Honestly kazhuchi, gidota shcheta. The Greeks themselves її drink, diluted with water. The taste of anise is driven in by the bazhannya to drink. Vaughn is also sold in Greece on a skin rose in any shop and in any container.

Souvenir shops have all sorts of rubbish.

At the souvenir shop near Greece

Souvenirs from the marine theme. Prices are not for the skin, but the right judges do not stand behind the price

For women, a practical souvenir from Greece is Greek cosmetics, the basis of which is an olive oil. Ale about walnut cosmetics tse okrema topic.

And everything is natural, without any chemicals.

It is also a good and practical souvenir from Greece, a washcloth that is natural. We prepare such washcloths from such fruits, like in the photo below. The washcloth is more mіtsna, dovgovіchna that vіdtiraє cool.

From such fruits of loofah, walnut washcloths are made. Їx for a long time we will vivaruyut, then we will hang. More washcloths in Greece roar from sea sponges, but I categorically do not bathe them, the stench is not old-fashioned and quickly rises and turns into rubbish.

You may even drink small little balls with an anise-flavoured ouzo at the sight of the Greek gods.

Virobi s olivi

Wonderful souvenir - Cahors from Holy Mount Athos.

The axis of such a collection of souvenirs from Greece can be seen on the roads near the mountain villages. Evil to the right: honey, rakomilo, just rakiya, olives and olive oil.

Souvenir shop on Crete in the town of Agios Nikolos.

Dzhe korisny and original souvenir from Greece, all seasonings. Be a gentleman, you will be happy with such a gift.

Special respect for walnut pistachios and Turkish delight. You can bring it home as a souvenir from Greece.

And if you don’t pass the same souvenirs, like turtles for an aquarium.

Liqueur from kumquat.

And why not a gift of such original little dances?

Good souvenir from Greece. You can buy them in any store. There are two types of stench. One is a bright yellow color with a scruff in the middle and the other is light without a scruff.
For lovers of alcohol, I recommend bringing the legendary Retsina wine from Greece with a taste of resin. It’s good for the baker to drink “Mythos” beer for making spragi and mistseve walnuts. A good gift for people.

G washcloth sponges. So is a good Greek souvenir. Sold at all souvenir shops. Price from 3 to 10 euros. Like a souvenir for a riddle, but not for a mitt. After the third victorious, they are ripped apart.
The most practical, original and original souvenir from Greece, in my opinion, the Greek is flavored nicely. Prepared on the basis of spruzhny olive oil. Buvae with gusto and the smell of orange, lavender, honey, troyand toshcho. Є little things are sweet, similar to our master's cute. Looked at the same commodity look. Alece is tempting. It's sweet on the basis of spravzhny oil and merciful even more good. Receive, obviously, bathe those who look beautiful. So, like a gift, you look better, especially like a clear gap, like a colorful slope. Such fragrant shmatki are sweet at rich shops for sale. You will receive clothes, call and pack beautifully. One thing is important: after being so sweet, the skin becomes velvety, like a hand cream. We have a bath aroma that is so sweet all over the apartment. Sold by the piece, in sets and per wagon. All the walnuts sound cute handmade robots. The cost is 1.5 euros for a piece and up to 5-10 euros for a set.

T-shirts with Greek symbols. A wonderful souvenir for fashionistas and not less. Brother Raja, on some little ones with metal squares, with sequins, with embroidery. Tі, scho with a little farboy, it's rotten to endure the abuse.
Walnut olives. Sold in metal jars, plastic boxes and in plastic vacuum bags. The main thing is the quality of walnut olives from ours, those that all stench are more salty.
Greece has savory honey. Sold in different containers. Type of small jars up to liter cans. The price is 5 euros and up to the limit. We bring honey for ourselves and for friends, like a good souvenir from Greece. We must always be fit.

Walnut honey from a picker.

Honey from Crete

Not less tsіkavoi є walnut cosmetics. But here the skin woman can look at the mischief herself. Who deserves what. I will say for one thing that walnut cosmetics are not only a garna as a souvenir, but even more practical is that dress. Vіd bagatioh chula and she changed her mind, so it’s better to buy cosmetics not in duty-free, but in local pharmacies. Perfume abo toilet water for yakіstyu better for those that are sold in our stores and in Greece її better take yakraz from "dutі fri".

Handbags and plates are not a filthy souvenir from Greece.

Lovers of art can bring marvelous paintings of Greek landscapes or ancient memoirs, watercolors or oil paintings. The versatility of such paintings is from euros to the point of inconsistency and can be found in the size of the canvas. Alas, this is truly a miracle souvenir. Also, you can drink clay, honey or glass turtles, turtles and clay amphorae.

Well, it’s definitely one of the most luxurious souvenirs from Greece .

Spice up the Greek cuisine

For lovers of the Mediterranean cuisine, we recommend adding all kinds of spices to Greece, for fragrant oregano or rosemary (dendrolivano), add yoga to more fish and m'yasnih fears. Tourists, who have tasted the dishes of the local cuisine, adore seasoning, as they are called tzatziki or tzatziki, which will awaken your appetite. Її also vicorist like sauce.

Tzatziki is prepared from walnut filtered yogurt, cistern, teapot and olive oil. As a result, many people want such a seasoning at home. It's good to eat meat. You can bring it to any supermarket in a sealed package. It would be nice to bring this seasoning for testing as a gift to friends and relatives. Vaughn is delicious, that velmy is invisible!


Greece has a grand selection of syrah varieties, including the traditional feta syrah (Turkish: Beyaz peynir "white syrah") made from salty syrah, which sounds like goat and sheep milk. Feta, without a doubt, found a sir outside the cordon.

Sir Halloumi (Cyprus cuisine) is sold at the great supermarkets. Yogo can be saved from the home refrigerator close to three months. If you anoint yogo in a frying pan and give it with olives, the miraculous weed will come out. Siri sound like a hot snack, side dishes and snacks.

Honey and jam

Honey and jam are prepared here from various fruits with peas and poured at the decorated side of the jar. It's even more delicious, and you can buy it from duty-free.

Olive oliya

You can bring olive oil or olives from Greece. What is worth the olive oil, you won't need compliments. This is the purest and most beautiful oliya, as it suits gourmets, and those who victorious for jubilation. What can I say, various varieties of olives miraculously look at the dinner table.

Like a myth, Athena brought the Greeks a priceless gift - an olive tree and taught them how to grow olive trees. At the same hour, according to legend, the first sacred olive tree was planted in the Acropolis of Athens.

You can add oil with spices from a great forager. Better yet, buy a yakіsna olіya from Minerva in a 750 ml tin bow, which is ideal for a gift.

Smeared bread

On the island of Crete, you can buy traditional crackers, or you can smear bread, as if you are making Italian biscotto, which is called paximadia. Tsі pіdsmazhenі licorice pechivo cool makati in kava chi tea. It can also be used as a salad dressing.


Ostrіv Egіna (one of the names write Yegіna chi Eygіn) - the fatherland of earthen peas, tse peas and peanuts (Cultural Peanuts), stinks vary depending on where they are harvested. Yogo fruit є nevycherpnym dzherelom dewy olive(43-55%) and protein (25-28%).


The NESCAFE brewed cava is not relishable because of what is sold in Russia. A jar of wonderful Frappe (kava frappe) - same those! Bring yoga home and enjoy yoga with your friends with a wonderful aroma.

Khutryani virobi

It is impossible and unforgivable to leave Greece without a fur coat. Wearing a fur coat (for example, a fur coat) is the best pridbati in Kastoria. Here is a great selection of goods at lower prices. You can find unique author's works.

We recommend that you return your respect for the products of the "Elegant furs" store, which is a cash out for 10 quilins in Kastoria, on the square (address: the Area Petra, 52100 Kastoria, Greece). So you can call them (Greek code + 6974643900), stink to speak Russian my! As it is necessary, at the store you will be given speeches for rozmіrom.

Don't forget that as soon as possible the proposition will take you to the store, you will have to pay 500-1300 euros, which is much more expensive, lower by phone to the store and get yourself.

You can also add other craftsmen such as mittens, handbags, kilimki, etc.

Greek ceramics

Greek ceramics are presented here as traditional objects of art: various vases, amphorae, and plates. The Greek potters make them sweetly, and the painters paint them. Charming ceramic plates thematically depict ancient Greece.

Sets of services from images ancient Greece can be bought from souvenir shops. Ceramics is beaten in the Mycenaean, ancient, geometric and classical styles. Mykene artisans decorate pottery with images of nature. In the pre-classical (archaic) style, a folded geometric visor is placed on ceramics.

Classics are represented by Athenian ceramics with white ashes and Corinthian robots with black and red figures. You can find some known pieces of ceramics for high and low prices. Artists paint ceramics not so expensive directly at factories.

In Greece, you should know who can copy pictures from museum exhibits. This ceramics transfers old-fashioned technologies, artists paint such ceramics at museums. The picture is painted with special accuracy, up to a small skin crack. Such ceramics are expensive.


Souvenirs on the marine theme can be found on the market and in some kiosks.
There are impersonal figures made of turtles and figurines that depict 12 gods.
Products from a colorful warehouse (not Murano, obviously, but you can know pretty things).

Shkiryani virobi

Use these hand-held shoes to make the troch rude, but you can also find garni gamants, bags and sandals, which you can wear by hand. For a deep thought, buy shkir from Turechchyna varto. What is the cost of Greece, you can call the market in Chania (Chania), de shkiryani virobi, prinaimni, 2-3 times cheaper for similar products in Turkish resorts.

Wine and alcoholic drinks

The traditional walnut anis ouzo is distilled from pure alcohol and added with respect to the selection of aromatic herbs in the order of the anise. Yogo is sold at gift dances with a Greek theme.

Another alcoholic drink is Metaxa (Greek cognac or wonderful brandy). Metaxa Ouzo is a classic Greek drink, which symbolizes the life spirit of Greece. Ouzo is distilled in Athens, in the "fatherland of civilization" and forever smelt from tsipuri (pressed grapes), pick herbs and berries, including anise, licorice, mint, wintergreen, fennel and forest peas.

This unique recipe was passed down from generation to generation by master wine growers at Budinku Metax. A special type of Metaxi, which is not sold in the current world, is Metaxa Privat Reserve.

On the island of the volcanic hike of Santorin (Tira) the growth of grapes with a faint relish. That's why tourists, who choose to see the place, cook the local wine.

Exclusive things in Greece

The mastic tree appeared on the island of Chios, the fatherland of mastic. Chios is the only place on earth, where the tree grows, which sees a special resin. Її choose for the preparation of various cosmetic products, chewing gums, add to the strain and in.

Saffron grows near the town of Kozani, Macedonia. The best saffron is exported, the cost of wine is too expensive.

Іsnuє navіt natural ekologichne cute rumannoї robo (it's not necessary to directly ask the current in Greece, the shards here talk about ecology).

On the island of Kalimnos you can find unique pieces of sea sponges, which you will not know in any other place in the world.

Jewelery embellish

Jewelery embellishments from gold and srіbla, vikonan in ancient Greek and Byzantine styles.

Merezhivni virobi and embroidered

The tablecloth is hand embroidered and merezhivo.

Orthodox icons

Orthodox icons, vicons in the Byzantine style.

I know a lot of people who don’t go to Greece for someone who doesn’t spend a penny on a fur coat. And for free! You can buy faceless gifts and souvenirs from this country, but if you don’t get your entire salary for a river, you can’t. At once I will tell youWhat can you buy from Greece.

What to buy from Greece

I want to start with one of the most popular souvenirs. A fur coat is not so impossibly as it seems to you. You just need to know, if you yourself come after her. Same shortest hour for the purchase of speech - the whole summer is spring. You can become a happy volodarka of a smart, cunning viroba without paying for a hefty sum.

Ceramics- a royal Greek souvenir. You can buy everything you want. Alemeni most were worthy of barista plates.

How much do you love I will hand the robot then pay respect to tablecloths and clothes. Such a vbrannya is not a mother. Spravzhnіy eksklyuziv vіdmіnnoї yakostі.

On the market, I knew vіdmіnnu small board for kitchen from an olive tree.

Navit for believers, this country prepared wonderful gifts. You can buy more icons and crosses for your relatives. For whom you will need to drink to the temple, or icons.

Yaku їzhu bring і from Greece

My life is more expensive not to do without a café. I eat a little national cuisine, and then I go to the market for savory purchases. Definitely varto buy:

  • feta cheese;
  • olive oil;
  • olives and olives;
  • Turkish delight ta halva;
  • walnut honey.

Just do not buy products from the best souvenir shops. It's too easy to stink and just run into a pidrobka. Raise your choice for the speed of supermarkets and great stores. Їstіvnі gifts to evaluate us. We can know for sure that it is stuck, and the axis of magnetism is rich already no where to hang.

Cosmetics from Greece

Every woman cannot go through natural cosmetics. When buying, pay attention to the date of preparation and the term of applicability. I bought everything in cosmetic stores and pharmacies. I don't trust misc markets, and I don't rajah you. From the olive oil here roar:

I was even more pleased that all the bones did not wash no chemical odors.

In Greece, be someone to know souvenirs for your taste and gamanets.

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