Toilet water for sports. Description Chanel Allure Homme Sport

Oskіlki one of the main features of our site is the selection of instructions for the selection of Chanel, we could not help but respect the burdensome collection of photographs of Allure Homme Sport, found on the Internet. As practice shows, denmark human scent Since Chanel is famous for its great popularity, prote, no wonder, the information from the distribution is not so rich. Get pissed off.

Let's take into account the fact that we often have to buy perfumes on the Internet. There is nothing marvelous about him, because everything is cheaper in online stores, plus it is not necessary to go shopping. That product, as a rule, is delivered to us according to the address.

However, I put on a singing risk, for those who can’t twist the bottle in their hands and their vibir have to start over for photographs. Well, more for tips. For all we know, it’s just that positive feedback can be tritely “cheated”.

In order to avoid counterfeiting and buy the original chanel allure homme sport, you should be aware of other defects and inconsistencies in the bottle and packaging. It is necessary to understand the main idea: shakhrai, as a rule, are engaged in imitating impersonal aromas. Basically, the stench is oriented towards the current perfumes in different fashion boutiques. They themselves do not have the ability to perfectly match all the nuances, as well as reach the ideal quality of the bottle and the box. The same signs of infection can be seen on the application of Allure Homme Sport fragrance.

All stocks have a levoruch.

Nasampered to respect the letters on the front side of the box. Insignificantly light "encircled" just a few letters to tell about the inaccurate printing possession.

Now we marvel at those, how can the barcode be broken. Like a bachite, in the original, the application is more accurate and on white aphids. Well, I know, I'm terribly possessed, as if applying the whole code. Obviously, lesser possessions cannot accurately apply thin lines. As a result, the barcode on the text is rougher.

Varto indicate that on the boxes of 2015 and 2016 the barcode was moved to the bottom of the package, prote yogo old look without changing, it is also carefully applied to white aphids.

In the photo above, the Chanel Allure Homme Sport box is shown to the beast (the last part of the box is shown). Give respect to those who have broken the soldering of mica (cellophane) in such a way. In the original, all seams may be equal and neat. Podtikannya and rozryvi are not allowed.

In this photo you can see the method of soldering mica on the upper part of the box. Show respect for the round tip of the soldering iron in the photo. The whole sign of the letter, the shards of the original, all the time of the soldering should be swayed by a wide straight-cut wedge. Well, I know, it’s not my fault to glue anyone.

Give respect to (batch number). Batch code can be beaten randomly. Also, guess what wines can be collected on bottles and boxes. If the stench is not avoided, then at least there is evidence that the bottle is not out of the box. Obviously, in the original production, such inconsistencies are absolutely unacceptable.

Now look at the bottle of zlіva (pidrobka) In the podrobci, the farbi powder base is clearly visible. If you want to buy the original chanel allure homme sport - pay attention to the farb of the bottle, it won't have a uniform structure.

The bottom of the crushed bottle (levoruch) may have small scratches, as well as defects in the form, which are marked on the edge. I know, however, the price of the non-acoustic possession and the new presence of quality control, which is always present in non-original products.

Let's equalize the lids of the saws. The lid of the rozpilyuvach is shirsh, although it is possible to note only in the case of detailed matching with the original. More bright vіdmіnіstyu є white color the plastic of the sawing machine itself. Like bachite, in the original Allure Homme Sport in gray color.

Just to speak with confidence, the color of the plastic sawing often allows you to designate a drink. On the right, in the fact that in the original products white or black plastic is most often victorious, since it is the largest expansion. However, in the original, often the color of the plastic can be different, the shards of the wine are chosen to match the color scheme of the bottle. Shakhrai and iz tsim do not particularly turbulent themselves and swear by them, which few people use for the sake of respect.

Let's now look at the cap. Like a bachite, the logo is not clear in the text. Є numeriсnі pіdtіkannya bіloї farbi. Before that, like the form, so the plasticity fills the beauty of the best.

We marvel at the beauty of plasticity and the silvery ring with the inscription CHANEL. An indefinable eye remembers the difference at the height of the cap, and it is also good to remember that the shape of the curve is levoruch. Obviously, without great improvement, you are unlikely to be able to look at such flaws, but you can look at the seller's photos, enlarged close-up. Adopt this method of reverification is often practiced when buying at auctions. Theoretically, if a seller doesn’t have a lot of things to bring, he doesn’t have a lot of information to give you at the given report photographs of the goods.

Mi pracyuemo only s original perfumery and it is not recommended and is not engaged in perfumery from the Arab Emirates, Turkey, China, Poland, too. When buying, you can always carefully unpack and re-pack the bottle and aroma. Let's talk about our reputation and want to, for the sake of our quiet kramnichka to your friends, and we give it to our goods, to those who are inspired by the new.

Podbadjorlivy, a healing fragrance for the strong half of humanity, the axis has not been popular for more than a dozen years, moreover, with skin rock, it has grown an army of shanuvalniks and shanuvalnits. So, so, do not be surprised, the fragrance of chanel allure homme sport has a price, packaging and yoga notes that are folded, impress and representatives of a beautiful state, like wearing yoga with no less satisfaction, lower people. Superbags that belong to the category of "unisex" perfume or classic human products do not smell from the moment of the first presentation in 2004.

The unrelenting battles from this food are less likely to fuel the popularity and demand for a human perfume, a Chanel booth, broken up by fahivtsy for stylish, modern, inspired by one's own people. Vin has long since become a symbol of a sporty, elegant companion, which is the sound of a remaga way of life, loudly viruyuyuchi difficult, scho blame. The wisdom of the people is to be judged, that the victors should not be judged.

History of creation of the legendary perfume

The composition, which enchants the scent, was put together by the perfumer of the Chanel fashion booth, Jacques Polge, in 2004. Yogo became the leader of becoming no less hit and mitt, having won the Allure Homme dancers and dancers. The rest of the releases from the nineties of the past century, but you don’t care about being left on the list of the best fragrances of the brand dosі.

However, the variation of Chanel Allure Homme Sport has a fresh and light composition, inspired by the sea breeze. The aroma is backwards positioned like an elegant beast, which goes in itself, with the spirit of sportsmanship. Vіn easily uvіyshov to discharge original gifts representatives of the strong half of the people. You can buy a half of your friend in Moscow, watching Chanel's perfume line.

The pyramid is harmonious with the aroma of the flooring, which has not lost its relevance after the second dozen years. In today's modifications, broken up by the son of Jacques Polge - Oliver, all the same, there is a bright citrus, a sea breeze, a resinous cedar and a shovky musk. This is another proof of the transfer of the baton from fathers to children, the decline in generations in basic nutrition, which characterizes the quality of a right person - a defender, a healer, a pershoprokhіdnik, a captain and a conqueror.

Description of the composition of a human perfume

The concept of the allure fragrance is based on a rich-faceted construction. Yogo sensibility organically rises to the arrogance, the domineering strong and the bold person-podkoryuvach. It is not without reason that yoga is brought out of the life-giving energy of energy, fresh and steadfast at once. The creators were far away to be able to create invincible styles - sport and elegance, like, with all the dissimilarity, the souls of a person-litsar, ready for a feat in the name of a beautiful lady, may be born.

The nature of the aromatic composition is strimany and stingy with emotions, which cannot be said about the feeling of suffocation. Yogo accents symbolize the main images of the image daily man with an active life position: assertiveness, brilliance, vyshukanist, elegance, dynamism. Strength and masculinity attract both to become and good luck, helping to reach the set goal.

The classics and unproblematic relevance of the fragrance are the result of the mutual addition of some of the main components:

  • citrus note to bring in the necessary strum of healthy vigor;
  • maritime notes and black pepper, in their wishukan poednanny, give out brightness and bitterness, creating juiciness and richness of the chord;
  • wooden notes of cedar and ambergris set the necessary accents of masculinity, resonating with the front elements;
  • the instantaneous sensitivity of the Venezuelan beans is thin to hook the tone, and the white musk intersperses the final touches with its softness and softness, so as to “turn the head” of the representatives of the opposite state.

The image of a fresh wind blowing over a soft torso was blown into a commercial for a fashion booth at a product presentation. Youth, a shirt worn on the breasts, the natural beauty of a person - everything was additionally reinforced by a slogan that signifies the nature of the aroma: “There is nothing sensitive, lower are those that manifest themselves in naturalness”.

According to the idea of ​​the creators, this original fragrance has a pure, yaskravy, unobtrusive and biased character. Its presence at the periphery calls out the bazhannya rizikuvati, bachiti, knows new sights and podkoryuvati inaccessible earlier peaks. Natural charm and willpower, focus on the result, that kind relish - famous rice of a modern person, instilled in that special aroma.

A poetic description of the composition poring this perfume with something like an orange tsunami, which softly sighs after itself, with a bowl of cold water on a scorching noon. With yoga notes, you can create a dynamic change in the rhythm of the life of a modern person - an active mind and a business spirit, romantic eveningі sports reach. The only thing left invariable is the freshness and freshness of the aroma, which symbolizes the human cob.

Citrus, sea, wood and spices - an actual cocktail of a stylish, active person who attaches respect to his person. With this wine, it sounds hateful, that vishukano is expensive, and wearing it does not require a special approach to choosing a wardrobe. There is a train of the riverside at any time in any place, crying out for associations with maritime conditions, addicted novels and new victories.

A trip to the popular fragrance market

Demonstration of this version of allure to a wide audience was presented in 2004, and Andres Valencoso became the guise of the fragrance. Tsey high and stately red was not a compliment for Bruce Weber's commercial. Vyprominyuvana їm poevnіnіnіnі sіbі, seksualnіnіstі huzha chuvstєvіst yaknay better zgodzhuyutsya z such images, yakі may appear at the head of people, yakі otochuyut vossnik given perfume.

On the basis of directing and the plot of the presentation video, in the center of which is inspired by the rose water surface on his boat, a stylish and successful young man. Happiness, freedom, openness to new zdobutkіv podkrestlena musical composition of Marvin Gay. Harmony of style, style in Russia, is superimposed on a contrasting calm distance to the horizon, which passes, instilling a fresh, sensitive aroma for dynamic people with a muscular torso and a mimic spirit.

A person and the sea - no problem for presenting a perfume, which is associated with simple elegance, charismatic and freshness. Privacity is the key word in the aroma, which envelops the body, for the description of which vicorist is enough to be used: ozone, fresh, clean, citrus, sea, shkiryan, cigarette, metal, etc. Representatives of the beautiful state are ready to buy yoga for their partners for one simple reason - the stench is strong, that this fragrance “makes them crazy” and awakens the whole din of feelings and emotions.

Chanel Allure Homme Sport price and package

The theme of sporty elegance has found its way into the design of the packaging, which served as a prototype for the legendary Chanel anniversary J12. The stench itself, following the words of the brand managers of a fashionable booth, ate at their own expense, athleticism and calmness. Stylish plyashechka classic rectangular silhouette organically supplemented with a material for її preparation - matte gray with a hint of metal, which attracts the inner space.

Everything in this bottle reinforces the overall concept of the fragrance – fresh and cold. Kryshechka with a black gum ring, which strengthens, and with its male metal, sets the necessary sports accents, completing the wild design of the package. Behind the ascetic asceticism, there is an inexpressible luxury, charm and charm.

The flacon of the legendary fragrance is complemented by a cardboard box, wrapped around a cool, gray scent. The versatility of this color steel allows you to zastosovuvat to the description of the perfume, the designation "metal" as a synonym for the unpretentiousness and straightforwardness of the sack of the perfume. The strimanity of the packaging allows you to focus on the contents.

A symbol of victory, enthusiasm, energy, strength and swedness - the red color also knows its own image in the design of Chanel alure homme sport. Tsey vіdtinok vikoristany when the word "Sport" is applied to the new name of the fragrance, both on the bottle and on the cardboard packaging. Chergovy vyklik, that zamushu zatrimat look and reconcile the image that you blame.

For the sake of art human perfume often equate to a valuable gift, which is less likely to shake a close person, a person with a great letter. That dear gift from the vishukaniy lies lightly in the hand, adding to the comfort of the vikoristan. The first signs of the aroma were poured into bottles with a volume of 150 ml. At this time, you can get a brandy fragrance in a smaller format - 100 and 50 ml, which adds up to the same price.

Human scent of a woman's eye

As a rule, the perfume-legend is put into the hands of a person like a gift, obedient to the other half or a close relative. For deyaky women, citrus, cedar, amber, and musk can be forgiven. However, through the efforts of Jacques Polge, simplicity is seen as one of the elements of the style of Chanel's fashionable booth. Someone who calls out the word “sport”, like a vikoristane in the name for a hard connection to a dynamic rhythm, which changes quickly. daily life. In the same rhythm, the ancient recognition of a person is revealed - to win, to win, to conquer.

This is the right smell of success, the domineering stately blushing with clear life goals and a charming laughter that beats you out of nothing. A languid, overflowing, thick and versatile fragrance with its "rodzinka" - a hard inner shear on aphrodisiac elegance. This vlasnik is to be checked for suffocation, suffocation and signs of respect from the side of the protilege.

The rich richness is revealed in due course: the citrus-sea freshness of the season, the passion and the truly human cob step by step, are replaced by a harmonious, spicy, warm aroma of calmness, exuberance and elegance. Itself can smell like a right person, strong and suprising sound with one-hour internal warmth and turbo. A man who you want to hear and hear.

Okremikh merits for the stability of this noble perfume, the base notes of which cannot be picked up. Enough of one protest, schob the aroma of burning yoga vlasnik and supprovodzhuv yoga all the dynamically stressful day and bring it on. You don’t know wines from jackets and coats, but in hutryan galyavini you can wrap yourself up and hear financial notes endlessly. With this ten-kilometer train, you can’t be afraid, you’ll see it only at a close distance, which shows the grand concept of charm and vishukuvannya.

Does your person sound like a foreigner and is seen by the middle of a thousand others? I have an original spicy-rustic smell to my taste to reinforce it. It is also noted that the use of the ingredients of the composition for women is similar to aphrodisiacs, which means that Alur Sport’s hairdresser like Chanel will not be left unmarked, giving them their own status, relish and brightness. Are you looking for a present for a young man and you don't know what to do? Buy Chanel allure homme - this option will definitely be a safe purchase, regardless of your knowledge and distribution.

A fresh, spicy, human fragrance, created in 2004 as a new version of Allure Homme, the axis has not lost its popularity for more than ten years, and conquers all new and new chanuvals and chanuvals. It is noteworthy that perfumes are worn by both men and women, calling the formula “unisex”. Chi tse so and yakі osoblivosti aroma allow characterize yogo like this? The right battles between the strong and the weak halves of the people – at the right time, the appointment of a fashionable toilet water – are even more popular and in demand on the current market of perfumery. Chanel (negotiated permits to create such visnovkіv) - we will further add to the image of a stylish, modern, self-impressed person, which is not only sporty, but also life-changing.

History of creation of aroma

More than 10 years ago, in 2004, the perfumer Jacques Polge came up with a composition that enchants the scent. ї Provisnik buv hitovy Allure Homme. Remaining viishov 5 years earlier, in 1991, roci, and dosі zberіgaє its popularity. Allure Homme Sport Chanel remarks characterize as light and fresh in the middle with its front. This is the first human fragrance for the brand, which is positioned as sporty. Vіn mav poєdnuvati in his own elegance from the spirit overcame that beast.

The concept of the fragrance is based on a rich faceted construction. Vіn fresh and sensible, at the same time, in a human way, easy-going. Yogo is blown from the sight of a fresh wind on the bare shkir. The image that appears in the advertising campaign is a young man with breasts on the verge, with soft, natural calmness. Budinok "Chanel" gave the fragrance such a designation: "There is nothing sensible, but those that manifest themselves in naturalness".

Departure to the market

Andres Valencoso became the face of Allure Home Sport perfume in 2004. The presentation video of the bula presents an upcoming story: a stylish and successful young man is spreading the water surface on his boat. Vіn is happy and vilny, vіdkritiy to new achievements and prosperous life. Vіn vpevneniy at sobi, sexual and may hut sensibility. The director of the advertisement is Bruce Weber, the composer of the composition is Marvin Gay.

Perfume is responsible for bringing new accents and freshness to the world, which are associated with simple sexuality. The aroma envelops the body with gloomy enchanting suspense. It is not surprising that in the advertisements the images of the man of the sea were raised. This is how Yogo is characterized by those reviews. Human Allure Pour Homme Sport by Chanel is described as ozone-fresh, fluffy-cigarette, with metal notes, clean, citrus-marine. Zhіnki stverdzhuyut, scho vіn zvodit z roza and zmushuy vtrachat head vіd pochutіv.


The design of the bottle is inspired by the shape of the first years J12 of the brand's sports line, as Chanel described it as "luxurious, athletic, calm." A simple square platter of a new fragrance for that hour looked classically elegant. If the Allure bottle is translucent, Allure Sport has a matte gray finish with a metallic sheen. Fresh and cold - vіn mav podkreslyuvaty zagalnuyu concept of aroma. Sports accents to make the design of the lid with a black ring of a rubber banded rubber ring. The cardboard box is also vikonana in cold gray tones. The word "Sport" is applied in a red color on the bottles and packaging, in order to reinforce the strength, energy and speed, like Allure Homme Sport (Chanel). Most often, the "metal aroma" is distinguished, and, more than anything else, such a characteristic of the viklikan itself is the design of the packaging.

Perfume composition

Sensitive and one-hour dynamic perfume podkupovuє poddnannyam aldehyde, fresh and licorice notes. Wines lie down to a group of woody aromas. Coristuvachi signify an even tighter aldehyde start with orange accents, which go over to sea notes, complemented by thin beans. Determine what is on the skin human perfume develops in its own way, and that is why there is such a wide range of thoughts and opinions. Eau de toilette is already popular, so exclusive varto chanelers were given a chance to continue searching for the ideal option. Do not try to “reconcile” the aroma and women through yoga freshness and malt. Let's take a look at the warehouse compositions of the report.

Top notes

Vidkrivaє aroma of citrus fruits, mandarin and orange. The stench is associated with aldehyd and sea notes, which are considered to belong to a perfume to a human category. That stand is inspired by the freshness that gives vibes of sports emotions, orienting on victory and achievement. Krishtal is purer aldehydne z'ednannya podkreslyuy sea notes, charging with a strong energy impulse for the whole day. Homme Sport's opinions of buyers are labeled as a "sweating" human fragrance with a high limit of tolerance for perturbations and high indicators of strength and durability. The top notes are trying to finish long, close to the first year, and then the right quintessence of sensitivity of that strength is revealed.

Heart shift

Heart notes are represented by neroli, pepper and white cedar. The villages and spices face the perfume itself at this stage, gaining the greatest variety. The dynamics of the cob notes are changed by the warmth and charm of the heart accents. Chanel Allure Homme Sport (EDT) remarks of coristuvachs characterize as "thick and varied", if you go about the process of a distant jogo rozkrittya on the skies. Deyaki call this stage “pomade” through deyaku similarity with cosmetic aromas. Irrespective of the price, the aroma of good balances, freshness and soundness are spicy notes. It is best to open up for the cold weather and the weather.

Basic notes

Sensual notes of base with amber, vanilla, tonka bean, vetiver, white musk and elemі provide an overpowering dry plume, which is a fit to the soul of all sports shoes. Tsey "til" grants privablіvіst and sexuality to all pyramids. Chanel Allure Homme Sport Cologne persistent aromaіz vrazhenim plume, which is trembling with the stretch of a tense day. Vіn pіdіyde for the gym, office, sports in an official and friendly environment. It’s good to “sit” like on the young, and on the grown-up people, inspired by their own sensibility. The fragrance has a particular charisma, fitting into the active rhythm of the life of a modern city dweller.


Chanel Allure Homme Sport presented in the format of eau de toilette and cologne, bottles of 150, 100 and 50 ml. The difference is determined by the amount of flavoring warehouse compositions. For cologne, 2-6%, and for toilet water - 5-15%. The same difference is present in the perfumery composition itself. Cologne tsієї vyyshov y 2007 roci and lie down to the group of citrus-fougère aromas. Vіn "malty and citrus", as they say vodguki. The bottle is prepared from a slotted fold, has a rectangular shape and is supplemented with a chrome-plated lid from a black rim.

Okremo varto means one cologne from the tsієї series. Chanel Allure Homme Sport Extreme looks like an older version of the perfume. Vіn maє hіdnіst i strong vdacha, vmagaє vrakhovuvat vipadok, situation. It is necessary to know the pidkhid before the new, in order to reveal the bajan accents. Dehto vvazhaє yoga is underestimated. Perfumer Jacques Polge has added top notes of mint, cypress, shawl and mandarin to the perfume, adding heart peppers and base musks, cedars, sandalwoods and tonka beans. I show myself well in the mid-season, maybe a long-lasting train.

Nareshti far away to know more and less informative help from the appointment of Chanel Allure Homme Sport. I don't know why there is so little information.
Zagala far away to know a gіlku on one forum, de suvoriy croatian man shares his feelings about buying updated Allure Homme Sport on eBay.

* * * * *

Otzhe, I have decided to buy Chanel Allure Homme Sport, but the oskіlki everything in my country is more expensive, having tried it online and buy the perfume on eBay. After having a hard time at the auction, I know a good option for 67, 50 dollars. After that, I went to the official website of chanel, there I paid 72 dollars. Zagalom, I believe that the price is entirely adequate (to improve the fact that it is the original), and does not look like “a necessary proposition”.
The seller wrote that the goods are original, sealed with cellophane, all tags and stickers are present, actively looking at my sheets ... Zagalom, I bought it.

After 10 days the parcel was delivered. The sound of everything looked perfect: the cellophane was not torn, not wrinkled, the seams of gluing were neatly broken, no sweat and so far ( ALL PHOTOS CLICK HERE)

If I opened the packaging and removed the bottle, the first alarms appeared. At a glance, the bottle looks natural (if I want to, it’s important to judge, it’s my first purchase of this perfumery). On the top of the bottle, there are small, insignificant frills, small, and the letter “o” in the word “sport” was masked.
Look at the photo ( ALL PHOTOS CLICK HERE):

I was also alerted by the cap: I remember the chipping of the base, as well as the pdtikannya farby on the logo.

Honestly, apparently, I started to calm myself down, that the box, maybe, was made, in order to check the integrity of the vial before editing. Zagalom has nothing to fear. Have a vipadka, I bathed yogo through the aroma, and not through the garna platter.

But if I have done yoga upside down, I will have a shot. The smell was rather weak, and vivitryuvavsya literally for a year. Notwithstanding the fact that the original fragrance is responsible for nearly 6-10 years.

I took a picture of the bottom of the bottle and took a picture of the spray. So I know that the day may have a serial number, but there is nothing there. Zagalom to help, because This (type) original Chanel Allure cost less than 85 dollars with delivery.

We gave a bunch of sensitive posts on the forum, and one participant sent two photos of his original perfume. It was as if it was clear, there were signs of a drop, that they did not look at the buyer.
First of all, VIN is not the serial number. Ale, this number may not be on the bottom of the bottle, but on the side of the bottle, closer to the neck. Look at the photo:

In another way, the spray itself can be black in the original, but in the description of wines it appears white. Align the photo above with the photo of the original below.

How did the story end. The author began to write sheets to the seller. The seller began to say that I would return the pennies for the goods, as if they sent it back. Oskelki buy from to this particular type Having already paid the shipping ($17), you are responsible for paying the return fee ($17 more). In short, spend 35 dollars on all your operations.

Youmu was given a lot of joy, where to tell and what to write, but having done such a trick: when folding a black advertisement on eBay, the author indicated that the product does not match the description (item does not match the description). The price was set, the seller turned a penny for the goods and for the delivery.

UPD: On our site, there is one more manual on how to design this fragrance:

We practice only with original perfumery and do not promote and do not deal with perfumery from the Arab Emirates, Turkey, China, Poland, too. When buying, you can always carefully unpack and re-pack the bottle and aroma. Let's talk about our reputation and want to, for the sake of our quiet kramnichka to your friends, and we give it to our goods, to those who are inspired by the new.

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