Aroma molecules for women. Personal perfumery Escentric Molecules: classics and novelties

Escentric Molecules The Beautiful Mind Intelligence and Fantasy(“Molecula Igri Rozumu 2015”) is one of the most amazing and progressive fragrances from the collection of the genius perfumer Geza Schoen. Aroma Molecule Igri Rozumu 2015, creations in 2015, are attributed to greatness and serenity.

Escentric Molecules Boudicca Wode

Escentric Molecules Boudicca Wode(“Eccentric Molecula Boudika Wood”) is a fragrance released in 2015 by perfumer Geza Schoen. Boudicca Wode is a mystical fragrance of unisex creations for men and women. A prejudiced and deep bouquet of shock, bewitch, intrigue and intoxicate at once.

Escentric Molecules Escentric 01

Escentric Molecules Escentric 01("Eccentric Molecule 01") - a luxurious fragrance in the warehouse as a piece of Iso E Super molecule. Zavdyaki їy add a pliable wood-sandalwood scent and smell the aroma to rest in a permanently moved place. Chi building spirits ...

Escentric Molecules Escentric 01 Limited Edition

Escentric Molecules Escentric 01 Limited Edition("Eccentric Molecule 01") - universality, dominating our time. The magic of the aroma of Gezi Schoen is amazingly attached to the character, raises the mood and wakes up your dream. Winter is warm and cold. Folding notes.

Escentric Molecules Escentric 02

Escentric Molecules Escentric 02(“Eccentric Molecule Escentric 02”) is a reference for sophisticated natures, building experts and the original aroma, the basis of which is the Ambroxan molecule. Based on the creation of a number of lines of subtle aromas. Perfume Molecule Eccentric 02…

Escentric Molecules Escentric 03

Escentric Molecules Escentric 03(“Molecula Eccentric 03”) is a fragrance for a shanuvalnik yakіsnogo and vishukanogo perfume, if you want to buy Molecule Eccentric 03 perfume and add your image with a characteristic and rich scent, which will be acceptable to your further success and…

Escentric Molecules Escentric 04

The British boutique of unique niche fragrances Escentric Molecules, presenting in 2017 a new intellectual, foldable, rich fragrance for a man and a woman’s wear under the name Escentric 04, which prompts a unique aromatic component, it’s clear that…

Escentric Molecules Kinski

Kinski("Kinskі") - a unisex perfume, a composition that can be included in the group of woody fougere fragrances, created in 2011 in honor of the actor Klaus Kinski. Sweet, swell, but at the same time, a romantic and sexy perfume reveals a person’s weakness and predilection, like ...

Escentric Molecules Molecule 01

Escentric Molecules Molecule 01(“Eccentric Molecule Molecule 01”) is a sophisticated fragrance, created by the perfumer Geza Schoen in 2006. Eau de toilette Molecule 01 beats the heart more often, creating moods of the soul, harmony and originality of your auri. To warehouse...

Escentric Molecules Molecule 01 Limited Edition

Escentric Molecules Molecule 01 Limited Edition ("Molecule 01") - a fragrance that created a revolutionary haircut in technology chemical spoluk. The combination of molecules has earned the name Iso E Super. Golovny, a component, which is a secret agent of authority, pheromone is more effective, lower aroma.

Escentric Molecules Molecule 02

Escentric Molecules Molecule 02(“Eccentric Molecule Molecule 02”) - this is not repeated, like in fragrances Escentric 02, based on natural ambroxan. This unique fragrance has appeared in the world in 2008. I can wait, so that the aroma does not avenge the wet ...

Escentric Molecules Molecule 03

Escentric Molecules Molecule 03(“Eccentric Molecule Molecule 03”) is a new perfume hit for the light perfume brand Escentric Molecules. qia toilet water came to the world in 2010 by a talented and famous perfumer named Gez.

Escentric Molecules Molecule 04

The fragrance Molecule 04 belongs to the niche British perfume brand Escentric Molecules and creations with the participation of the brilliant perfumer Geza Schoen, who is not only surprised by stylish and unmistakable aromas, but also intriguing and shocking, calling out a flurry of emotions.

Escentric Molecules The Beautiful Mind Intelligence Fantasy

Escentric Molecules The Beautiful Mind Intelligence Fantasy(“Molecule of Igri Rozumu”) - this is eau de toilette, as it is also called “Molecule of Igri Rozumu”. An incomparable fragrance, created by the wonderful perfumer Geza Schoen. Who cares enough that the aroma remains in the memory of people forever, wine ...

Escentric Molecules The Beautiful Mind Precision and Grace

Escentric Molecules The Beautiful Mind Precision and Grace(“Molecula Igri Rozum Accuracy and Grace”) is an extraordinary fragrance, created in 2015 by the wonderful perfumer Geza Schoen. The composition of The Beautiful Mind Series goes up to floral-fruity aromas. Molecule Igri Rozum Accuracy that Grace ...

Escentric Molecules Wallpaper Paper Passion

Wallpaper Paper Passion(“Paper's Predilection”) is a unisex fragrance. Your first reaction to this perfume will be association with the smell of new books. І You do not have mercy! So out and є, even the perfumer, having created this nameless smell, was given the task of creating the aroma. Do you rate...

The date of creation of the first aromas is 2006 rec. The author of this unique perfume brand is Geza Shon. Having created perfumes that were not previously known, they are based on just one component - piecewise synthesizing of a chemical element, the titles of "Iso E Super" or "ISO E Super" and the effect of pheromone. The first fragrance became the name "Molecule 01" or else they call it the perfume "Molecule 01". One hour with the composition " Molecule 01» One more technology appeared - «Escentric 01 Molecules». This novelty has a unique aroma with hints of pepper and lime skins, and for the “ISO E Super” element with a lower woody-sandalwood aroma.

Perfume "Escentric 01 Molecules" for lovers of new and original creations. With the creation of fragrances, the perfumer Geza Sean will be inspired without thinking that this perfume will become widely popular. The creations of the perfumer - "Molecule 01" and "Escentric 01 Molecules" have met with majestic and all-world popularity. After two years of work, another novelty was released - "" from the series of fragrances "Molecula". When blending perfume Escentric Molecules 02, the principle is similar to the first aromas.

"Molecule" - a development that consists of one component and avenges the world's highest concentration of the aromatic molecule ambroxan. Tsya piece created a molecule for all the parameters of natural ambroxan, which is taken from raw ambergris. Significant is the variety and difficulty of taking away from the great cultures, to stun the victorious ambergris of the creaturely adventure in perfumery is practically unrealistic. Syrah ambergris is brought to rare natural aromatic components, which are seen absolutely not too harshly for creatures. Sira ambergris vibrates from the sight of whales, the selection of which is vikonuetsya after they reach the shore. Її hospitable smell is common in the body like baronal, ambroxan, ambrinol and dehydrogenous group of aromativs.

« Molecule 02"Volodіє with a fresh and lower aroma with the so-called "mineral effect, which rises step by step". The stock of Escentric Molecules 02 Escentric has a large quantity of ambroxan with effects of muskaton, extract of gideon, violet root and elderberry. These perfumes can be clear and clean, but at the same time warm and sexy aroma. Perfume packaging design Escentrik Molecule signed by MeCompany`s.

Z'appearing in 2005 p. in Berlin, the perfume brand Escentric Molecules has already managed to enchant the whole world! This is a unique manifestation of goiter for their national perfumer Geza Schoen. Yogo innovative pіdkhіd to the creation of spirits polagaє in vikoristanni single note, which may effect the pheromone.
Expanding beyond the borders of Nimechchini with a glamorous glory, Escentric Molecules perfumery conquered shanuvalniks from the whole world. Other stars came before them, such as Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell, Dita von Teese and Christina Aguilera, Madonna and Elton John.
The formula for the success of Escentric Molecules perfume - in a unique yoga chemical warehouse. The molecule is based on more than one individually synthesized component, which later took the name Iso E Super. The fragrance of leather is the sole protrusion from the incomparable sounds, which enchants and step by step rises on the skin of the yogo sackcloth.
Perfume Molecule has no top notes. Their creators have left out only the most important - the basis of the base notes with a high concentration of ambroxan molecules, identical to natural syria ambergris. This aromatic component of the creature's journey has a hospitable smell, which will add to its own nobility, softness and malt.
Perfume Molecule - the price of values ​​​​and a prejudiced perfume, whose aroma, which envelops, from the first mittvos, you are filled with licorice, inevitably boosting your self-confidence.
Pure and inexcusably prozory Molecule 01 permeates with trepidation and praise. At otochyuchih vins, it is shocking that it does not fit the description. The one who wears this fragrance does not seem to be miraculous, upsetting with a thin, velvety aroma that arises and reappears.
The uniquely sensible and suffocating perfume Esctentric 01 penetrates the deepest depths of the underbridge, embracing warm musky notes. Enchanting and attractive, the aroma of nibi can hold a majestic soul, whose facets shimmer with all the quintes, break dumb, that nibi break into prisms. Tsі efektnі vіdkrіvati parfami tіm, hto zvіk vіyno vіdkrivаti sоs new.
The muted tart Molecule 02 burns and sparkles. Starting with the smooth sounds of the symphony, the molecule expands, upsetting you with fresh notes, step by step opening up at its mineral softness.
The boisterous and vibukhovy character of Escentric 02 gives the fragrance a hint of sparkle and purity. A clear and prosorious aroma, mutely dangling, step by step becomes warm, sexy and trendy, at the same time it continues to become overwhelmed.

One of the most important attributes of a modern person is the whole perfume. Kіlka rokіv that nemetsky perfumer zaproponuvav lovers of everything new and unusual new one-component fragrance - Molecule perfume. This smell was seen among others not just by novelty, but instead by the warehouse of pheromones. Tse bezprograshna zbroya in the creation of a friendly and friendly image.

Novika immediately became wildly popular in the middle of the night. I varto respect what to navit through 7 years, perfume Molecule as before, it does not waste its relevance and be famous among representatives of the human status.

Advantages of the fragrance Molecule

Golovna perevaga, yak human perfume gives his vlasnik - the completion of style. Like a fashionable gadget, Molecule perfume will be the finishing touch to the modern image of an ambitious and strong person. On the skin of a person, the fragrance sounds absolutely unique, and that individually zavodky aldehyde formula, as it became the basis of creation.

For a long time, perfumery was considered as an exclusively womanly attribute, and we know that a rightful revolution has recently taken place, as it has fundamentally changed the statement about human style. Eau de toilette Molecule zdatna is not only recognizable about the presence of garlic relish in the hairdresser, but also learn about the protilezhnu podlogu, and even in the її warehouse there are pheromones. At the same time, for such a product, like eau de toilette, the price molecule is considered democratic, so let it be possible.

Zokrema varto sees modern perfume Eccentric Molecule. The stinks of creating emotions, conveying moods, creating an image and simply become fashionable and irreplaceable additions to your everyday image.

Where to know the molecule?

You can get perfume Molecule of a person at our online store. The assortment does not seem to be different for the same reason that the creator, having presented only two flavors, is more than half combined with aldehyde molecules. Reshta warehouse is reminiscent of village notes and other additions.

Today, the toilet water of a person Molecule is the choice of strong people, as they want to reinforce their individuality and specialness to the light-gazer. Even though the presentation of aromas is corrosive with divine popularity, on perfumes the human price molecule, like before, is overwhelmed by the available skin. Be unique - simple. Golovnya - pick up a fresh perfume.

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