Perfume molecule 1 op. Everything you wanted to know, but were afraid to ask about Escentric Molecules fragrance

I will continue as I have a good topic about warm aromas, passions and warmth.

Unfortunately, I did not want to reach the cult of the legendary molecules, but I still did. Brand Escentric Molecules having created a great galas at the hour of his appearance, and from that hour he gathered a great army of shanuvalniks and, perhaps, a great army of haters. There were few Baiduzhihs left.
The chip of the first molecules is simple. Just show in the idea of ​​strengthening the smell of damp wool. Hello, "Parfumer" Zyuskind.
But I still want to tell you about Molecule 02, I don’t know how to force the smell of wet flesh, but still it’s full of the soul of the line, with its mystical simplicity and accessibility.

Description: Escentric Molecules Molecule 02 is a priceless mono-composition, de, yak and Escentric 02, based on natural vicarious ambroxan. Aroma of viyshov y virobnitstvo y 2008 roci.

At first glance, you can guess that the aroma cannot smell its own, but don’t have mercy! When contacted from wide open, the composition is nibbling with a light serpentine, overflowing with warmth and sexuality. Ale at the same time, the aroma is soft and fresh, the water is mute from the dzherel, and it can be called the “mineral effect”, which is revealed not at once, but step by step.
Escentric Molecules Molecule 02 fragrance is similar to Escentric Molecules Escentric 02 warehouse. This composition includes vetiver and musk, and notes of violet, elderberry and hedione sing the cob note of the aroma of boisterous and vibukhovy. Ale on top of Escentric 02, Molecule 02 present boronal and ambrinol, which add warmth and smoothness to the aroma.

I experienced shaleno, tk. I didn’t know what kind of wine I represent. I've already been slandered by mayzhe mystical explanations about strengthening the aroma of the damp body of the popular ISO E Super in the first molecules and ambroxan in the remaining two aromas of the line. She made a sound. Vibіr having fallen on the naine-domіshe and minimalist, and the axis, vin to stand in front of me, and in the sight of me it seems like an invisible aura, I don’t notice, really, even if the person is completely free of the scent.

I carried out the first protest on the robots, the first ones were my colleagues. It was important not to tell anyone about the experiment, to find out what you are doing. Spratsyuvalo. The robot was denied for a certain hour. Everyone forgot about their own affairs, trying to figure out what is in the office. If I made a veil of mystery, I began to experiment with my rabbits. Calling leather yogo, we are addictive, evocative, ale imperceptible, and if we tried to describe the aroma itself, logic inspired. "Invisible", "non-clear" - those are not rich, what I can say about the new one myself. Little sleepy zvichaynym perfume - vrazhє wanting to be in the edge of a minimalist warehouse. Ambroxan and alcohol. Only one ingredient, for its strength and its diversity, is ready to compete with the impersonality of other folding compositions. They wrote about the new one that wine, movlyav, may have a "mineral" effect - and it's terribly true. Inhaling yoga, if the veins only begin to flare up, it’s possible that, once again, it will change its sonic contours, become softer, clean.
What else to say. This is still a perfume purchase in my life. M'yakiy and vpevneniy, fresh and important. For the whole past hour, at the hour, but all the same, in a bewitching manner. For stіykіstyu I will reverse everything that is in me if it’s bulo. Trimavsya on me after a shaley dobi kind of "robot + Friday evening", having survived a dream and a wounded shower. (Spirit!!) Not faded and not deformed. Becoming less soft (where already ?!) and more resilient.

It was easy for me to write comments about the aroma, which, in fact, is virtually non-existent. More precisely є, ale tse. Tse is not perfumery, not flowery and not licorice, not shkirna and not creature. Tse schos telesne, so even simpler that human being. How to bury your nose in your love for sex. You can fix this fragrance and carry it with you, if it's darling.

An important addition: on Molecule 02, the smut rule of any aromas is manifested most differently - on the skin, sit on the edge individually. On me, for example, there are trochs of musky, on underwear - voddaє in licorice. Weight options.

Honestly, I can’t understand what to put in the tags, if you tell me, I’ll be happy :)
UPD: for those who are still obscenely expensive for selectives (though Molecules can hardly be called a niche perfumery), it's a wonderful alternative, the axis of the same, which is 10 times cheaper.

Even before we started to take up perfumery, we thought a lot about the mysterious and enigmatic aroma of Molecule, which is rather rare and expensive, practically inaccessible to our life. There were legends about this fragrance: it is miraculously suitable for both men and women, which reveals itself on the skin master in its own way, becomes overwhelmed with tizhny. Deyakі yogo smell, deyakі - nі, deyakі vіd new in capture, and people, yakі not zumili zrozumіti marvelous aroma, put a lot of power. І axis, if we had the opportunity to try everything on ourselves, we could not help.

first fragrance Escentric Molecules having created a roci in Berlin in 2006 is now legendary. Vіn having thrown a wikklik to the perfume industry, having created the fragrance on only one piece component - with the effect of pheromone. The one-hour launch of two fragrances, which shaped the whole homeland, turned out to be even more successful. Shanuvalnik tsikh aromativ podrivayut Internet forums of the whole world with their opinions, donate up to 200 euros for 100 ml of beloved perfume, donate their own perfumery and bestow it on loved ones.

Molecules 01

Molecules 01 aroma pyramids have no such thing - the aroma is composed of the Iso E Super molecule itself to achieve a high concentration. Such a warehouse gives the cіkave obmezhennya - you can apply perfume less on the skin, even if the stench does not wash your damp aroma. The molecule breaks down on the skin in its own way, moreover, it can be victorious like men and women. Whose fragrance is impossible to describe, impossible to repeat, whose perfume helps to reveal the damp aroma of a person's body. Somebody smells the soul in a new fresh way, some one creates a cream for smoky that summer sea, some one - spring notes and notes of their other fragrances, people simply cannot catch that aroma on their skin. Then the plume to the aroma, long and strong, you can smell the mustache. Sometimes the fragrance is overwhelmed on the last few days, and that is why it is also called “a friend of the shkir”.
To the point, I figured out why the bottle couldn't fit in the cap: so that the buyers didn't smell the aroma by puffing into the cap. Apply it on the body right in the store, walk around for a day or two, fill the mind of those who feel it and only after that praise the decision about the purchase. Try to mix the Molecule with your other perfumes, not allowed, but recommended.

Escentric 01

The concentration of this "enchanting" molecule of Iso E Super in Escentric 01 perfume water reaches an unprecedented figure of 65%, but, on top of Molecules 01, the whole bottle can be used for other warehouses: erysipelas, lime pickle and iris. Escentric, like a molecule, can be charmingly powerful to enhance the aroma of the body, it can be applied to the skin, ale, on the face of your sister, it can be a vlasny aroma. You can describe yoga as a whistle, which you have rolled up, naming freshness and lightness. Who can describe the aroma as freedom, happiness, a fork of fresh air. You won’t feel the everyday berry-flower or musky-village notes - only chari and an ice-loving aroma.

Molecules 02 and Escentric 02

Suffocating with the success of the first duet, this team in 2008 is going to release another couple, Molecules 02і Escentric 02, they are also grounded on one synthetic molecule - ambroxan (ambroxan). Ambroxan is a synthetic analogue of amber, speech, like a victorious fragrance in perfumery for thousands of years. Ambroxan is one of the most expensive synthetic components, expensive for natural ones. Vin may be especially sensitive, may have a natural smell and є, like natural ambergris, an aphrodisiac, but at the same time wine is not an exact copy of natural ambergris. At the first glance (inhalation) of a friend, “Molekula” does not smell, but only a thought of mercy. In a deaky hour after that, as the native land from the bottle sticks to the skin, it “comes to life”, gaining a puffy and calmly unsightly sensibility. Another “Molecule” is a rather warm aroma, one might say, oxamite, and it’s the fault of the other, whoever wants the fragrance is invisible, out of a mystery, and the train is strong, long-lasting and unforgettable, but not wild, like a spiral, like a forte. A drug for the soul, my opium, poitrya at the bottle, a riddle, sometimes you don’t notice, sometimes you startle the passers-by. Rozkish. Such epithets can be matched to the aroma. Not all aromas will rise, if not all wines will come. If you can't act like the first "Molecules", then if the other one is inspired and talk about the first one. I can only say one thing: pshikat on papyrus testers in the marno shop, the aroma is the same, like the first “Molekula”, it is less likely to open on the earth and less for a sprat of a year.

As in the first duet, Escentric 02 wins the role of the elder brother, who avenges cream ambroxan for its aromatic notes: jasmine and iris. Escentric also takes care of the hour, to open up on the screen, and the one who looks like a year old, you can say that the wine is sly. Sharp and citrus wines can only be heard in the first notes, in the middle notes - tart, with an emphasis on wood. Tonіzuyuchy and sexy other Escentric similar to the first, but now vіn becoming like bi soft and viraznіshim in accents. Like the first pair of fragrances, other Molecule and Escentric perfumes are unisex and elegantly suit men and women.

Molecule 03 and Escentric 03

The third unisex duet viyshov 2010 rock.Molecule 03- a devil's masterpiece of perfumery art, a kind of building only on one unique component, turn the respect of those who are passable to the wearer's nose. It’s like a spravzhny elitny perfume, a kind of inspiration for people, creating in її vyavі zbudzhuyuchi and terribly accepting pictures. Like the front fragrances of the series, Molecule 03 adapts to the skin and robs the smell of a human being absolutely unique and suitable for the current state. How many times do the charms of power reach for the help of the synthesized vetiver molecule, as well as the marvelous power of curvature on the scale of a dozen different exotic flowers.

Vetiver, just an hour before the birth of Christ, victorious with a medicinal and aromatic method. Pillows were stuffed with grass to make coma, and the roots were used to prepare juicy infusions.
Essential oil Vetiver is also used in aromatherapy for sleeplessness, depression and anxiety. Vetiver relaxes and calms, relieves stress and anxiety, regulates appetite, gives a sense of inner zeal, relieves m'yazovі zatskakhі and improves the scorching tone. Molecule 03 is a fresh, spring-summer scent, but it's best suited for chilly weather. Citruses seem to be perfectly in the new, but the stinks are unfair, synthetic. Wanting nothing nasty in anything, I don’t want the fragrance to be more singing futuristic. The sillage and stability of the "Molecules" are weaker, lower than those of the predecessors, ale in the obezhennoy space, for example, in the car, almost unequivocally.

Escentric 03, On the vіdmіnu vіd Molecules 03, - not a mono-aroma, already for tradition. You can catch the freshness of green tea and Mexican lime, the notes of musk and Egyptian jasmine, the nobleness of cedar and ginger spruce, as well as the softness and sensitivity of sandalwood. Astringent aroma of musk and spiciness of similar arable lands, as well as the presence of woolly accords, which add elegance and luxury to the perfume, add to the spicy composition.

Even though Escentric Molecules has stopped being a niche perfume, I want people who wear this fragrance to smell more and more often, they don’t become “pop”, even if the uniqueness of the fragrances in this series is more pronounced in the fact that the stench on people’s skin curves.

I would like to finish the journey of one single fan of the line to її designers, as if ingeniously describing the whole history of perfumery: Not your aroma, this is my aroma.

Description of the virobnik and pyramid:
Aroma of letters of release from 2008 roci. The price of a new distribution of knowledge in the sphere of perfumery. Perfumes do not only change their smell stalely in your type of skin, the stench subdues under the intensity of your hands, your mood and self-perception. So, in different days you can take absolutely incomparable aromas from one bottle. The smell will be like tomorrow, there will be less sight of you. Ale, let me sing you, that the aroma will be truly miraculous.
Fresh musky fragrance Escentric Molecules Escentric 02 is light, simple and hateful. Vіn not zhorstky, soft and insightful, and at the same time sexy and building squirming. Harmony, calmness and unity are given to this nonviolent perfume. Appointments for people, yakі zavzhdi collapse. The subtlety and delicate fragrance of creations in 2008 is led by perfumer Geza Schoen. Perfume Escentric Molecules Escentric 02 to avenge the unique molecule of ambroxan. Tsey sexy aroma of building zats_kaviti and zdivuvati. Ambroxan adds notes of violet root, elderberry extract and vetiver.

Broken thought:
Chapter 1. "I". When buying, I rushed between Escentric Molecules Escentric 02 and Escentric Molecule Molecule 02, I don’t know why I chose the aroma itself, because in the shops I have a clear citrus, I don’t need it for me, but the axis of the house is on the cob of yoga citrus я не відчула жодного разу - мабуть вибір був заснований тільки на інтуїції) Відразу скажу, що затест даного аромату потрібно робити тільки на власній шкірі і прислухатися не менше півгодини, за цей час нібито молекули розпізнають індивідуальний запах шкіри і відповідно набувають свого неповторний, індивідуальний аромат . The fragrance itself changes stalely in the presence of nasty smells, your mood, according to the fate and in the intensity of your hands, and it means that on the skin of the day you will take a practically new aroma. The fragrance is a mystery...
From the very cob of the fragrance, I simply could not breathe it, at home, on the streets, on the robot ... my brain would be better with the owner of the perfume. Not only that, I stopped just sipping other fragrances, the stench became less flat, sour and not tasty, all the lovers of Chanelka stood on the police and only after 1.5 months I started to come to you, having listened to all my fragrances, my choice was on «Coco » Chanel. But for two days I couldn't do without the Molecule. Then I began to slowly mix the Molecule with other flavors (even if I didn’t want it, but I needed to experiment). As a result, I can’t say anything particularly “crazy”, it’s important that the Molecule faded, it only drowned out “Chance” quite a bit, but then (here in a year) “Chance” still wobbled forward and I practically stopped the Molecule a little.
The axis of which I “respected” the Molecule:
Chapter 2 Needless to say, the reaction is mixed. My man, in tandem with me, may not have sprung, but I have more stingy emotions, even more so than all the fragrances of Chanel, like your own (man), so my, my conservative, well, here you burn the way of the true? Hanging about the fragrance in one word: Inimitable.
Then my brother came just to capture, if you come to see nephews-obov'yazkovo to choke. The aroma on a new menu is suitable and wine is right, more human, I want to catch notes the same way, like on my own.
On the robot, it seems like a lot less: You can always understand someone who has passed through the corridor / after visiting the room - you can only smell like that.
One man, who spends more than an hour in France, less in Russia, it seems that in my room I smell like on the Champs-Élysées - perfumes and cava.
As if I brought the bottle to the robot and blew it on the woman's wrist, after a few hours we began to listen to the aroma, wine is not so good on me, and the aroma of ... boiled carrots! 3 tsim, a sprinkling of people came in handy!
Visnovok: It's hostile, but this fragrance can change with the mood and change the mood! Until the speech, autumn, the aroma is more subtle and light, at the same time, with the arrival of winter, wines are trochic, but so beautiful itself. Vin does not leave a trail at my glance, but creates a unique aura, instilling an individual smell, natural sexuality. For me, the aroma is perfection.

Price: The district has 5500 rubles with a reduction to IDB.

Dyakuyu, girl, for respect.
Image of a star.

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