Mystical explanations of practitioners in the police and MNS. History in order. Mystical rozpovid operational group

І 32 more patrol pari

From 4 limes, the public order in Kiev is being invaded by a new patrol police. Today, 195 motor vehicle crews in the police and 32 more patrol parries are working in all districts of the city. For a day, the average person needs to get over 1.5 thousand. beast.

Behind the robot of the patrolmen, the inhabitants of the city are stalked - about the successes and defeats of the new defenders, without saying a word about the lines. collected five of the most famous stories that trapiled with law enforcement officers.

People's Deputy was fined

On the 15th lime on Khreshchatyk, police patrols thrashed People's Deputy of Ukraine Volodymyr Parasyuk for violating the rules of the road traffic. Politico, as she passed on the red signal of the traffic light, was issued a fine.

Ale, already the coming day, Parasyuk rozpoviv, scho buv experiment - destroy the rules of the road traffic, to assess the reaction of the patrol to the people's deputy.

“We want to show by experiment that the new police officers are honest and independent people, for whom they are equal before the law. So, as it happened earlier, there won’t be any more: the death of a people’s deputy, a prosecutor, a military officer of the MVS, or any other official, will not be called out on the evidence,” the deputy wrote in the Socialist Merit.

Earlier, the patrolmen had already caught a fine of one deputy and the prosecutor. Eka Zguladze, the intercessor of the Minister of Internal Affairs, spoke about the church. True, Zguladze did not name the names of the guerrillas.

Zastosuvali zbroyu

On the 15th lime, the police officers, who were patrolling the Dniprovsky district of the city of Kiev, had a chance to stop the service card with a firearm. Pravokhorontsі buli zmushenі vistrіliti in an aggressive dog of a fighting breed. The dog rushed at the passers-by, but yoga master did not react to the respect of the policemen. Moreover, the aggressive dog pounced on the patrolman, injuring him and often shaking his clothes.

“Aggressive creature rushed at the passers-by, she threatened the life and health of the bulk, and later the order of the police. Pravokhoronets zneshkodiv dog kіlkom with aiming shots. Behind this fact, a re-verification has been made," he told the MVS.

As soon as Terezka Likhtarik said to the socialist community, she walked her dog Thor, if the aggressive fighting dog attacked them. The creature ran around the yard without seeing the sight of the ruler, approaching the childish Maidan, degraded the children. Luckily, the police immediately got involved in the situation. “I practically want my finger to be swollen and sore. Thor was bitten with insignificant bites, ”the eyewitness writes, she clarifies that“ the dog bit everyone as soon as possible. We knew Vlasnik later, he was completely inadequate.”

“People, I was vryatuly in front of the staff, which rushed at people and dogs, biting. They were not afraid, they did not appear, and they were not far away, that nothing happened. They took the children to the childish maidan, revealed an inadequate sack. They themselves were bitten (navit gave the first help to the policemen). Don’t shake me, ”wrote Vaughn. The girl announced that she was the first zustrich from the new policemen.

Patrolmen helped to run after the aggressive dog. Photo:

Tsikavo, that the policemen didn’t drive the dog in, but zneshkodili. “The dog was injured, the veterinarians gave him help, and they took him to the rescue,” the participant said.

Broke ten cars

In Kyiv, for 11 days, the robotic department of the patrol service has already delivered 10 new Toyota Prius patrol vehicles. About tse povіdomlyaє UNN іz posilannymi on zap to MVS of Ukraine. The Ministry of Internal Affairs was told that there were no victims in the accident due to the participation of the veterans of the patrol service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

“Ten vehicles of the patrol service of the MVS were damaged, but insignificantly,” says the official.

Nagadayemo, 7 lime close to 15:00 on Vozz'ednannya Avenue, 7, two cars - a police patrol "Toyota Prius" and "Renault" - stopped at the crossroads. The accident was minor, no casualties. Poshkodzhenno only the bumper and the headlight of a police car. The wine lies in front of both participants of the road traffic, the driver of the Renault car crashed with a high wind through the crossing of the order from the pedestrian crossing.

8 linden vranci the car of the Kiev police stumbled out of the minibus on the serrations of the Svyatoshinsky bridge, which is on Peremohy Avenue. Driving a Toyota Prius patrol car, rushing along Peremohy Avenue from Zhytomyrska to Svyatoshino, making a halt with a passing shuttle bus, chiming in front of the repair robot zone.

The minibus was covered with underwear, and in the police winters there was a radiator. As a result, the police officer, the front passenger of the Prius, a girl, suffered no injuries on the bus. The patrol service explained that due to the human factor and the volume of Toyota water, the accident became like a working change of the patrol’s billing, as the bula was put in order to be on the required chart of the bill of changes.

The whole thing is less than a sprinkling of accidents, yakі trapilis for qі days. The patrolmen themselves do not pick up any incidents.

“We are not robots and not angels, obviously, we would like someone else. We are the same people, like you. We vtomlyuєmosya, like you, and we can get a pardon. I do not tell you more about the good. What was the accident? We rozpovіmo, and smut - we zrobimo z thogo vysnovki, ”- spit on your side on Instagram.

Trapped a homeless man from prison

Bil Pivdenny station patrols caught up with an inadequate bezprituli. A man from imprisoned in his hands rushed at the policemen, who sharpened yoga. The patrolmen asked the man to be imprisoned, and the soldiers tried to attack them.

Video: Oleksandr Shevtsov/

One of the eyewitnesses, trying to steal the homeless, shouting to the policemen that Slavik is in the hands - in the very same way, for their words, sound the homeless - a spoon, not a sharpening. However, the summer man moved aggressively in the distance, attacking the right guardians with his darts and not getting back, trying to turn away from sharpening that vtecti. At the police station, they tried to hit the homeless man with a club on the hand, in the same vein they trimmed the breeze, and spray cans were victorious.

Calm down the bezpritulnogo namagavsya and yoga knowledge, prote to no avail. The result, through a sprat of wheezing, of an inadequate sack at the station still got stuck in the distance. The police officers knocked him out of his sharpened hands, threw him to the ground and tied his hands with kaydankas.

The order of the kiyans to the beginning of history was twofold - some barked the patrolmen for those who had caught a homeless child, dorikayuchi them for those who stink "wasted people". Others were trying to figure out the patrolmen, summarizing that the person was drunk and aggressive, and rushed at the right-wing guards from self-made armor.

Corrupted the Internet with their photos

A new flash mob "Selfies with a cop" was launched in Kiev. For a few days, the patrols became the stars of the social media - the cues and guests of the place took massive pictures with them, and then shared photos with the hashtag #selfiecop.

And especially the Ukrainians won the effective patrol Lyudmila Milevich. At social measures the girls are rich enough to finish the doors of the photographs, on which they sway the eminent tone of that figure.


I think it's not a secret for anyone that for a while the mirrors screwed up the respect of people. Having stumbled out of the “other me”, the stench was vowed that behind this ball there was something else, at the result, different legends of that myth were always mirrored. Ale, I want to tell you not a legend, but those of which I myself have become a witness. I practice in the carnivorous MVS, and I have spent a few years on the arch of marvelous and dosi unrecognized right.

In 1987, not far from the seaside park near the city of 47 years, the self-esteem of an independent woman rose. Before committing suicide, she left out a note from the attacking zmist:

- Do not chip mirrors.

Budinok was separated from her nephew, yak, not relying on the will of the deceased, she pokirno littered the mirrors with no borrowings. Tse called out to the rich galas in the neighborhood, because people called Trimati їх covered for 40 days after death.

A few hours later, near the district where the woman lived, a series of unreasonable “self-talk” began. It’s clear that in the current moods the victims died the same way and before they died they said the very same madness, but more than those who all perished are young, pretty people, from 17 to 30 years old. Shortly before his death, the stench declared that nothing in the mirror blinked at him. Well, before such a statement, no one was taken seriously, and the site of the victims was deliberately reconsidered, which worked out for them. About a year later, the stench claimed that they waved at him. Here they were already marveling at the victims, as if at the divine ones, and for the sake of not marveling at the mirror. A year later, the victims shouted in hysteria that the glass of the mirror was poured into a divine and lakayuchi laugh, although in the majority of the vipadkiv people were rebuked in the places without mirrors. And already for three years, the relatives knew their twisted, having wrapped their hands around the head of the corpse here at the coddle house.

The examination showed that the cause of death in all of them was heart attack, but in the case of each of the dead, there was no heart disease. If the police began to supplement the certificates, they alone declared that the spirit of those 47-year-old self-punchers was guilty in us. For їhnіmi words, the spirit of її moved into mirrors throughout the entire region and to take revenge on people for their self-righteousness, as if it broke the site of my life. In a certain hour, from the authorities, a decree was issued to close the criminal right and keep all information under the best secret, no matter how much it is not small to seep into the press. Surely, such paranoia called out in me as much as a miracle, but neither I, nor any other spivrobitniks, did not shout super-chit to the authorities. The bula on the right is closed.

And today, exactly 56 years ago, my reflection in the mirror (at the front) began to blink less. After the first time I thought about what happened to me, then, having healed up to a new one, I started to look at him respectfully. Looking down to the “myself” beast, I didn’t know the details and I chose to go, like it blinked less with my right eye. Having shrunk my body, I looked up at the mirror and leaned up to the wall, unable to stream adrenaline, so having turned me over, I shouted: “Who are you?”. Having said that, I prayed the site that it didn’t react in any way. Alya felt more frightened, which made me feel bad about blowing: it began to get closer! You know, my fermentation is beginning to come to me. I’m clearly reluctant, as if on that side of the mirror it was unsafe and evil purposefully collapsing into my side, it leaned back to that side of the mirror, like a child, who clung to the window of the car, and then it laughed wildly and correctly.

I screamed out loudly instantly, limping on cottony legs, pidbig up to entrance doors. Ale the key tightly closed and did not turn around. Behind me, I felt a thick knock. Turning forcibly, I shook like a fist on the cheekbone, and then, at my neck, I began to crack, with a skin blow, the crack became bigger and bigger. I don't know what would have happened, but the doors didn't open. Thank God, that did not happen, and the site was up, I saw joy in the deafening creak of these old doors. I jumped out of the house, like a little moment. Immediately I sit at the gatherings of the block and write it down in a notebook.

Buvay, scho, blaming in the unacceptable history of your own, hulks, so that we don’t look bad in the eyes of our relatives, who know that bosses, foresee a wider history for them. So, in order to escape cari batkіv, in vigaduvannі rіznі nebіlі often pіdlitki pіdlіkі і navitі іtі. From two similar vipades, the soldiers of the Central RVVS of Simferopol recently zipped.

16-year-old Anton was brought to rayviddila by a stoned mother. The young man looked disgusting. The majestic azure under the eye and pierced by the neck clearly witnessed the terrible torment endured by Anton. About experiencing the suffering of rozpov about the same. Late in the evening on the streets of Chekhov. Youmu's way was blocked by three boys who asked for a light. Anton did not grasp the distance of the sirniki, like a vipadkovo opinated in the intestines (like mami wines, choking to smoke), like the lads beat yogo from the nig and began shtovhati. Because of what three of them took an expensive mobile phone from the victim. Tsya sumna rozpovid Anton was accompanied by his mother's remarks: "Jah, where only militia marvel!". Ale pravokhorontsі, otrimavshi in the form of a victim of attackers, immediately sent them to the mustache patrols and proceeded to search for troubles. They joked for a long time, but everything is fine. Then the militia went the other way and began to rebuild the pledges, de buve the victims. Here luck was on the sishchiv, the truth is unacceptable for Anton.

It was as if it were, on the day of the obvious attack of the wines, “scorched” at the bar “Cotton”, she was so chewy that she had spent her mobile phone, and de same - on the streets of the host, not remembering. Tse buv is already the third phone, gifts from mom and Anton. Our hero, so as not to embarrass the matir of his lack of grace, having come up with the idea of ​​a robbery. On the back, Anton chimed in until he saw the bar, so that they knocked him out, but to no avail. Todі vіn at the pіdvorittі, hitting his head on the door, then slashing himself with scissors and showing up to the father with a soulful story about the robbery.

If the right-wingers still called out to the mother of the victim in her presence, she only groaned and wanted to take her child home. However, it just didn’t work out like that. Against Anton, it was destroyed by the criminal right for perjury.

The hero of the offensive history is the 10-year-old Simferopolian Illyusha. Mom brought yogo to the police with a nameless synth and that evil hand. Zvichayno, and tsey privіd suprovodzhuvsya standard oburenyam: "Where militia marvel!". Behind the words of the victim, on the new one at the park. Shevchenko attacked the 18-year-old lad, beating that vibrating mobile phone. Illusha remembering the scoundrel well and giving him a report. On the jokes of malice, as if znuschavsya from the 10th child, they threw serious forces. The lad, who looked like a robber, was hung up shvidko. At the full-time position, Illyusha firmly and firmly said: “Tse win!”. Ale problem: pіdozryuvany, before speech, student of art school, mav firmly alibi. I was shocked by the recognition, the future mitetz navіv kіlka svіdkіv, yakі confirmed yogo's innocence.

It seemed, on the right, she went into a deaf kut. But the operatives confided in the victim's friends and revealed the truth. Like a good-natured hulk Kiryusha, 10 years old people, viklav reportedly, what happened. That day, Ilyusha, Kiryusha and two others of the same age were smoking near the schoolyard on Karaimsky Street. Illyusha Kiryusha, having lost his jacket with a lack of patience, the result of which was a beat. As a result, the first blues appeared in Illi. To hush up the conflict, the boys took... two flakes of port wine. They drank and beat again. Illusha's number of syncs increased. It was a year of chergove reconciliation, at the hour of some kind of Ill, revealing the waste of a mobile phone. Like a right person, not becoming shedding tears, but cold-bloodedly inventing a story for mothers about an attack near the park. A good dovazhok to bruises, yakі vzhe boules, could serve as a poshkodzhen in the whole day at the lesson of physical culture hand. Well, and in the category of underestimation of Illya, he appointed a lad, who often bacheled near the park. Shevchenko. Junius is a liar, it seemed that, having lied everything, the cream of the detectives' operational capabilities. Obviously, Ilyusha cannot be attracted as an incompetent to the point of evidence, the maximum blame is on his mother's condemnation. And punish the young liar varto - take the strength and hour from the militia wines.

This amusing moment was becoming the hour of the drawing of one unbelievable lieutenant.

Tovarishі zіbralis zranku on RAM. Sit, check on the captain. That one for a long time did not zmusiv on himself - vlіtaє ... і vіrazu bark.

The people, it seems, look at each other, understand, that the one who cherguvav yesterday will not shine anything good. Nakosyachiv chogos of that, schoa cherguvav. Ale robit nothing, Kudryashov sings and unsinged like this: “I’m black, comrade captain. And what happened?”.

The captain continues to shout: "Did you go to school for a week?"

Kudryashov: "Zzdiv, comrade captain ..." - and all the thoughtful and thoughtful Kudryashov.

- Taking the sky from the month?

What to tell? At the morgue I її vіdvіz to ours. I’m the only buv, well, I had a chance to drag myself out, guarding our yak zavzhdi buli (nіyakі - meaning, the guards were buli, p’yanі, meaning, in umat).

Well, tse, in morse, the place didn’t show up ... And there’s my grandmother, I couldn’t just throw it on the bed ... I put it on the bed ... Well, there, tse ... sovzaє ... Well, I її, tse ... motuzkoy choked, shob out, well, mіtsnisha sat on the table of operas. Well, that’s it ... so that the orderlies could understand everything, if they could come early, I put my passport in one hand, and I’ll order it for roses in the other ... And what happened to her, what?

It is necessary to respect that up to this moment everyone was neighing, who was on the operational buv. They just regot obscenely, you might say. Ale, the captain of the sleeping merriment did not pod_lyav.

But, - it’s like a captain, - everything is fine with your grandmother. Їy watchman told jokes all the time. And then the cleaner came, early in the morning. Climb up їy treba Bulo. So there your grandmother asked to lift her legs, and she to moan, it’s clear. The tidy-up clerk said that your grandmother hunched her shoulders and ticked her with a mop, she began to wallow in a lie. Then the tidying-up buggered that the grandmother had died and an unobtrusive clapping. And if it fell, the documents were tied up and the stench was on the tidying-up, and they planned. And then the orderlies came. To waste a corpse on a pіdlozі, documents on vіdkrittya beast - they took the stench of a tidying-up and brought it to vіdkrittya. There they divided it up and put it on a special table. But still not all. The students of the medical institute came to the anatomy at the very beginning, they were selected to be present at the examination. They sharpened the stench of the tidying-up and the vikladach was already picking up the first cut, turning the head of the visibly dead woman more easily and .... at that very moment she flattened her eyes. Nepritomnі all fell, and vikladach tezh!

The people who went to the operatives, after falling into hysterics, fell into a hysterics, and even shed a tear. The axis is such a funny story from police everyday life.

All good things will end well.

p.s. What else do I want to say. Show a lot of comedy on TV. I for whom the TV set has become a kimos on a friend’s bed, and you will talk to him and listen to him. And like a TV set, God forbid, zlamavsya, then life will not be nicer here. That's the first thing on the right - to know, de you can repair television sets. And just like that, I’ll immediately get to the phone - and be a TV set already working better than a lot!

Everyday life of the guards in the order of the inhabitants is seen either as a militant, or as a heroic drama - with vikrits, chases, skirmishes, beats, splurges from carnivorous villains and povіami. So it is so, but in the life of sishchikiv and next times and human moments - love, friendship and good humor. publishes a little bit of true stories from the help of a big policeman.

Valerkina splinter

“500 rubles each from the nose - for the fight against waste!” - voicing about the "control purchase" the chief of the ESD of one of the capital's rayviddiliv. Tse meant that the detectives were given the green light to raid one of the brothels. Pennies of guilt are seen by the government for such fun, but "land" detectives are the people of simpletons: they know the stars, how are the papers drawn up correctly? To that they threw off the pay, photocopied banknotes (so that the numbers of the banknotes were not rewritten), and they went to the meeting, as we would later write in the newspapers, “under the eyes of the clients.”

The range of sex services in the region N, about which one can go, and dosі is enviable. Ale on the cob zero tse buv truly Russian Amsterdam. Zrozumilo, from his own street Chervonih Likhtariv. In one respectable apartment, they found out about the yak in advance in the presence of a flooded bon vivant, they swooped down on the siskars.

“Fade Valera, at the new imprisonment - approx. carny malice and looking gloomy - such a pity to give up for nothing, ”- having added a summative compliment to the colleague, the senior task force Sanich. Three detectives and two notions from a friendly district police officer marinated in the salon of the three-door “vіsіmki”. The hood of the jacket on the skin was allowed to perform manipulations at the narrow saloon.

Photo: Sergiy Ponomarov / Kommersant

Valera took cash in his hands - two thousand carbovants, and, ahead of the harlot about the visit, violating the good fortune. For the legend, you can come, pay for two years and tell me that a comrade is following him for a “session for grown-ups”.

At that dark hour, mobile phones were already boules, but they were dribbling with them: it was expensive. We thought that Valera, if you settle down at a guest at the priestess of a kohannya, dial a colleague's number - and that's it, roundup. Alas, it went wrong.

Kіlka sіv pro Valeriy. Tse bov frowned, not a rich detective. If you drink, then love to tell about the army past. There were a few people who, due to the strong forces of yoga, were trampled through history, tied to alcohol. Wearing wine with a high throat and shoes, tucking yoga into a jeans. Remin - a widely worn army belt. With all the bazhanni chepurun, Valera was called blandly, as it was impossible to call him blush, and cicero (wine troch zaїkavsya). Ale was bulo in the new, which made the women grow. Literally, vpevnenist that directness.

Buvalo, entreat Valera to help the mistress of the militia in order to bring in such a friend. "And why did you say that I didn't care?" - the woman hesitates. - “B-b-bo I said so,” Valera explains. With a fantastic phrase - virnishe, with a manner of imitating in the style of a Keeler Leon from a film of the same name, Valera sought out the naming results of the robot.

Ale, let's turn to our povіy. It's past pіvgodini - dzvіnki Valery throws off. At a vіdpovid stingy esemes: "EARLY". Year, repeat. The doors open, and Valera comes out. Like a fiend, silent, on the face of - everyday emotions.

Boys, I never had a black woman, - don’t cry a little, the detective said in a rapt voice.

The new one had no pennies, surmised. Vіn obіtsyav turn. Ale potim all safely forgot about the waste. All the same, the comrade almost fell asleep.

Evil tongues chimed in sweat, that a man in a tucked-in belt was often chiseled in the taverns of the region near the exotic black-haired beauties. And at the office, the rates were roaring: the Ethiopian won, the Senegalese and the Nigerian.

A rendezvous with a suffocating

Bagato poached the riot policeman Smirnov for the fates of his service - and zhahіv strengths marveling at hot spots, and bandits mothers of braves, and standing healthy in sharpened positions. Ale, even more often about your service, it’s not always about life, goodness.

Yakos patrolled the area of ​​rich overheads near Rostov-on-Don. Nothing special: they pick them up, they deliver them to the district, they hooligans. And here at the bushes there was a smitnik - a non-human torment.

Feeling with a partner - rozkrittya zґvaltuvannya dance! A man to the beast on the life of a buv - I took yoga with my foot from it, - I’m calling the special forces.

They beat the valtivnik not long, but together they were together.

No need, I wanted it myself! Herself! - the vryatova resident of Rostovite stopped whispering.

And here it began to reach the colleagues: pardon viishla.

The boys were boules for a short time in part 3 of article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - the relocation of the townspeople due to violence: at that time, she launched a campaign to fight against assault by the police. Ale got it right. She whispered loudly, and did not shout “suffered” in an impudent way: she didn’t want to turn on the respect of the passers-by, for those for whom the policemen caught a couple, all the same, it was a kind of malice.

Mi, in short, is loved by her alone. And resentment is wrong. – explained the man. - I have a jealous squad, Nadyaha has a man in fire - a beast. They seemed to be maddened, but it’s scary - at the courthouses it’s alive, in front of your eyes. Well, axis i guessed ...

And they guessed the original scheme of stosunkiv, high and with a small smell. One hour to go out of the house - smіtya guilt, and behind the cisterns in the bushes go into the air. Chi for a long time. Let's sweat, like rozvіdniki, the anniversary of the zvіryaє - and disperse before the upcoming rendezvous.

Well, I know, targaniv at the booth will not start.


Bulo at the dissolution, like a drug addict's witness, the system of criminal police zero-summed out of a sweet-sounding name: "I fought against evil in the sphere of morality." There the opera was busy with good news, that’s why, because of their colleagues, they had to say more figuratively: “pipskin viddil” (do not stray with the important murіvsky fіdrozdіl fight against serial maniacs).

At his own door, the 19th "land" detective (the smallest one among the police hierarchy) Nozdrіn nadіyuvav night brothel, manifestations of valiant fighters for moral support.

The lads danced, like a fiddle, with a flourish. The most important brothel was chosen - six rooms, ten harlots. Find a pool there buv. Rotozei z threaten to walk, fry over the courtesans. And the young proceduralist is not in the mood for merrymaking: you chi horomi in detail, you need to describe the type of hands in the protocol - so the head of the suvor ordered.

"Tapes in a green quotation", "Hephaestus gas stove in the kitchen, teapot on the stove", "Light, comfortable double bedroom, approximately 2x2 meters in size", "ladies' panties hanging by the bathroom - five pieces"... The lieutenant brought the protocol and the smallest details are not remarkable in any way, except for their baggies, apartments. What to take from the unshooted humpback.

And if Nozdin already began to relish the description of the interior, the elder would come up to the next step: “You get excited about speech proof, or else we’ll wash it up to the morning?” It was obvious that a scrawny, intelligent-looking operative in the eyepieces of razdratovaniya, but he trims correctly through indulgence to the growing generation. Vіn ta yogo colleagues put two boxes in front of the detective with ... znaryaddy malices.

Behind the gum members they went, as though naively thinking Nozdrin, embellish the ladies. "Black namisto, a length of about a pivmeter, on a motuzochka," - it was said before the expert was edited in the protocol of the lad.

“Tse, young man, bags for anal-vaginal massage,” the educator built in, correcting the eyepieces with his long finger, which he had transferred.

They gave a description of the lane of the massage parlor passed strictly under the dictation of the “academician of gynecology”, as if acknowledging their struggle with Nozdrin’s trends. The rookie learned a lot of new things about oil, gel, vibrokiltsya, miramistin and other contraptions that help people to move into the kingdom of Eros.

“When you come to the office - do not forget to keep your hands with your sweetheart. Likot! - throwing the newcomer's baked detective into the eyepieces. - "Fix" is clearly not in stock.

The first axis here Nozdrin wanted to withdraw his kintsivki from your own box. More with "pipiskintsy" the detective did not practice in any way.

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