Skilki in carbon dioxide vykidaye volcano. Analysis of carbon dioxide (co2) wikid in the period of operation of the objects of the living unruliness on the butt of the Krasnoyarsk metro. Basic chemical processes and reactions

Gas bath, volcano, Venus, refrigerator - what is sleeping between them? carbon dioxide gas. We have selected for you the found information about one of the most important chemical fields on Earth.

What is carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is more important in its gas-like mill, tobto. like carbon dioxide gas with a simple chemical formula CO2. Such a look is known in normal minds - at atmospheric pressure and "supernatural" temperatures. Ale, when the vice is raised, over 5850 kPa (for example, the vice on the sea depth is about 600 m), and the gas is transferred to the motherland. And with a strong cold (minus 78.5 ° C), the wine crystallizes and becomes so called dry ice, which is widely traded for the storage of frozen products in refrigerators.

Rarely carbonic acid and dry ice emerge and stagnate in human activities, aloe ci form non-stable and easily disintegrate.

And the axis of gas-like carbon dioxide widens everywhere: wines are seen in the process of breathing creatures and roslin and є an important warehouseman chemical warehouse atmosphere to the ocean.

Dominance of carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide CO2 is colorless and odorless. Greater minds have no relish. However, when inhaling high concentrations of carbon dioxide, it is possible to notice in the mouth a sour taste, wheezing, that carbon dioxide gas is distributed on the mucous membranes and lines, facilitating a weak increase in carbonic acid.

Before speech, the very building of carbon dioxide is dispersed in the water, the preparation of gaseous waters is made. Bulbashki lemonade - the same carbon dioxide gas. The first device for collecting water CO2 was found in 1770, and even in 1783. the inquisitive Swiss Jakob Schwepp, having started a trade in the production of gassing (trademark Schweppes іsnuє dosi).

Carbon dioxide is important for 1.5 times more, so there may be a tendency to “settle” in one of the lower balls, as if the place is badly ventilated. The effect of the "dog stove" is visible, where CO2 is seen directly from the ground and accumulates at a height close to a meter. A man has grown up, drinking in such a furnace, at the height of his growth he does not feel too much carbon dioxide, and the axis of the dog appears right in a thick ball of carbon dioxide and recognizes poisoning.

CO2 does not support the fire, which is why it is vicorous in fire extinguishers and fire extinguishing systems. The focus is on extinguishing the candles that burn, in a small empty bottle (and really - with carbon dioxide) of the foundations itself on the power of carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide in nature: natural dzherela

Carbon dioxide gas in nature is dissolved from various sources:

  • Dihannya creature that roslyn.
    The skin schoolboy knows that the growths droop carbon dioxide gas CO2 and repeat the vicarious yogo in the processes of photosynthesis. Deyakі lords are chanted by the great kіlkіst room roslin buy some nedolіki. However, the growths do not only fade, but they see carbon dioxide without light - this is part of the breathing process. The jungle in the bedroom, which is badly ventilated, is not a good idea: at night, CO2 rises even more.
  • Volcanic activity.
    Carbon dioxide enters the warehouse of volcanic gases. In the mountains with high volcanic activity, CO2 can be seen directly from the earth - from cracks and breaks, which are called mofet. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the valleys with moths on the floor of the temple, which is full of dead creatures, having eaten there, die.
  • Arrangement of organic speeches.
    Carbon dioxide is dissolved when burning and decaying organic matter. The volume of natural coke and carbon dioxide is accompanied by forest fire.

Carbon dioxide is "conserved" in nature in the presence of carbonaceous slabs in brown copalins: carbonaceous, naphtha, peat, vapnyak. Giant stocks of CO2 are to be found by the scattered sight of the ocean of light.

Vikid carbonic acid gas s vіdkrytoї vodim can lead to limnological catastrophe, as it happened, for example, in 1984 and 1986. in lakes Manun and Nyos near Cameroon. Obidva lakes have settled into the houses of volcanic craters - the stinks have died down, the volcanic magma near the depths still sees carbon dioxide, which rises to the waters of the lakes and disperses from them. Due to low climatic and geological processes, the concentration of carbonic acid in the waters exceeded the critical value. A great amount of carbon dioxide was thrown into the atmosphere, which, having descended on the mountain sky, descended on the mountain scales. Nearly 1800 people became victims of limnological disasters on Cameroonian lakes.

Pieces of carbon dioxide gas

The main anthropogenic sources of carbon dioxide are:

  • crafts of wikidi, connected with the processes of burning;
  • car transport.

Irrespective of those who are part of the eco-friendly transport in the world, the most important part of the population of the planet is not soon able (or necessary) to switch to new cars.

Actively increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide in industrial purposes is also leading to an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide CO2 again.

CO2 is one of the end products of metabolism (breakdown of glucose and fats). Wine is seen in tissues and is transported for additional hemoglobin to the leg, through which it is seen. In the case seen by humans, close to 4.5% carbon dioxide (45,000 ppm) - 60-110 times more, lower in inhaled.

Carbon dioxide plays a great role in the regulation of hemorrhage and indigestion. Increase the level of CO2 in the blood until the capillaries expand, allowing more blood to pass through, delivering acid to the tissues and introducing carbonic acid.

Dyhalna system tezh stimulated to move in place of carbon dioxide, but if I don’t sour with marriage, I’m sure. In fact, the misfortune of sourness is not seen by the body for a long time and the situation is entirely possible, if in a thinned out world a person is uncomfortably earlier, then one should see the misfortune again. The stimulating power of CO2 is victorious in the apparatuses of a piece of dihannya: there, carbon dioxide rises to the point of sourness, to start the dihalna system.

Carbon dioxide and mi: not safe CO2

Carbon dioxide is necessary for the human body as well as kisen. Ale, it’s just as if we’re sour, too much carbon dioxide is bad for our self-feeling.

A high concentration of CO2 can lead to the intoxication of the body and the exacerbation of hypercapnia. In case of hypercapnia, a person experiences difficulties in breathing, boredom, bіl head and can inculcate svodomіst. If the amount of carbon dioxide does not decrease, then the blackness comes - sour starvation. On the right, in that both carbon dioxide and oxygen are transported by the body on the same “transport” – hemoglobin. At the norm, the stinks "mandruyut" at once, attaching themselves to different parts of the hemoglobin molecule. Proteo increased the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood, reducing the acidity of the sour sv'yazuvatisya with hemoglobin. The amount of sourness in the blood changes and hypoxia sets in.

Such unhealthy consequences for the body occur when you breathe in more than 5,000 ppm CO2 (this can happen again in mines, for example). For the sake of justice, we practically don’t stick to such intimidation in an extraordinary life. However, even a smaller concentration of carbon dioxide is not good for health.

Even with the whiskers of some, already 1,000 ppm CO2 is seen in half of the sampled exhaustion that headache. Stuffiness and discomfort of a lot of people are repaired much earlier. With a further increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide up to 1500 - 2500 ppm, it is critical, the brain "lines" to show initiative, process information and take a decision.

І as a rule 5 000 ppm may be unbearable everyday life, then 1000 and 2500 ppm can easily be a part of the reality of a modern person. Ours showed that in school classes, which are rarely aired, the CO2 level is measured at 1,500 ppm for a significant part of the hour, and 2,000 ppm in other countries. Let’s all admit that the situation is similar in rich offices and apartments.

Physiologists vvazhayut 800 ppm to be safe for healthy people in carbon dioxide.

Another study revealed a link between CO2 levels and oxidative stress: the greater the value of carbon dioxide, the more we suffer from the damage that destroys the cells of our body.

Carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere

In the atmosphere of our planet, the total is close to 0.04% CO2 (approximately 400 ppm), but recently it has been even less: the sign of 400 ppm carbon dioxide has moved only a little in the autumn of 2016. Vcheni po'yazuyut increase in the level of CO2 in the atmosphere with industrialization: in the middle of the XVIII century, ahead of the industrial revolution, vin becoming only close to 270 ppm.

The main contaminant of the atmosphere, CO 2, is the result of the burning of organic fire during the generation of electricity and heat. For a comprehensive assessment of the global potential for in the middle Vid Budіvnitva Ok'Tіktv Zhitlovo-Tocious recognition of the unkindly ocular otvydniy, fucked up, the atmosphere on the umpurgenes of the Life-Life Cycle Budylovі, and the virtance of Budylyni Mother, Budyvnitvta, Eklitvta, Eklitta, Eklitvta, Eklitvta, Eklitvta, Eklitvta, Eklitta At the link with the breadth of this nutrition, we estimate the rіven of the unfriendly inflow at the stage of exploitation, as the most trivial period of the life cycle, the life of the city of Krasnoyarsk.

Oxidation of carbon dioxide (CO 2) is best controlled, stinks are based on equal oxidation of carbon:

Z + Pro 2 \u003d CO 2

or in molar masses: 12 + 2 * 16 = 12 + 16 * 2 = 44

Also, for 12 molar masses of carbon, 44 masses of carbon dioxide fall. Apparently, one molar mass of carbon falls on the mass of carbon dioxide, tobto. per skin bedroom, a tonne of carbon is given, or approximately 3.67 tons of carbon dioxide.

The formula for rozrahunku wikidіv СО 2 settles down when spitting organic fire for singing period hour є formula (1):

- Obsyag river wiki 2, v.;

- Mass of burnt firewood, t.;

- Lower calorific value of buildings of this type of fire, GJ;

- Coefficient of charcoal for this type of fire t C / GJ .;

- Coefficient of the fraction of oxidized coal for this type of fire;

- Coefficient of transformation of coal into carbon dioxide, equal 44/12, or 3.67.

In the analysis of the scurvy at the stage of exploitation, the roses of vicory grow differently. Table 1 presents prepared by the Intermediate group of experts on climate change (MGEIK), the coefficients of the chimney of coal, which is seen during the spalling of various types of fires, the coefficients of the lower calorific value of the building and the calorific value of the chimney.

Table 1

Rosrakhunkovі coefficients

Vidi Paliva

Wikimedia coefficient C, t C/GJ

Fraction of oxidized C

Low calorific value coefficient, GJ/od.

Pitoma combustion heat, KJ/kg

Vugіllya kam'yane

Vougillya storm


natural gas

Diesel fuel

Substituting the data in formula (1), we can take the results for the obliga- tions of carbon dioxide when spitting 1 ton of charcoal (Table 2).

Table 2

Quantity of CO 2 emissions into the atmosphere when spitting fire

Vidi Paliva

Volume of fire

Obsyag wikidu CO 2 t

Vugіllya kam'yane

Vougillya storm


natural gas

Diesel fuel

The amount of fire, necessary for scorching a living house, is determined by the formula (2):

de - amount of warmth that was seen (MJ),

q - pet heat of combustion, tab. 20 (MJ/kg),

m - mass of burnt firewood (kg).

On the basis of the given data, it is possible to evaluate the potential for dovkill in the operation of this non-violent object for the entire development period according to the formula (3):

, (3)

de - zagalny obsyag wikidu 2, vol.;

Q co2 - total of the river 2, t.;

m - mass of burnt fire, i.e.

The robot was assessed for the predilection for dovillya in the exploitation of offensive objects of civilian and civil recognition:

  1. A richly superficial living house No. 12 near the Bili Rosy microdistrict in the area of ​​the Abakan channel, the living area Pashenny, the Sverdlovsky district of Krasnoyarsk metro station (further - Object No. 1):
  • 24-surface wakefulness;
  • constructive solution - better;
  1. The complex of richly superficial living houses in the 5th microdistrict of the living area "Nanzhul-Sonyachny" at the address: metro Krasnoyarsk, living massif of individual forgetfulness "Nanzhul-Sonyachny", navch. No. XXI. Zhitlovy booth No. 6 (further - Object No. 2):
  • 10-surface wakefulness;
  • frame constructive solution;
  • energy efficiency class - Vysokiy.
  1. 1st quarter of the V microdistrict of the residential area "Sloboda Vesni". IV line of life: 5th stage - richly superficial living house No. 4.2 for non-residential premises and engineering services (further - Object No. 3):
  • 26-surface wakefulness;
  • constructive solution - monolithic-framework;
  • energy efficiency class - Vysokiy.
  1. 1st quarter of the V microdistrict of the residential area "Sloboda Vesni". IV line of everyday life: 4th stage - richly superficial living house No. 4.3 for non-residential premises and engineering services, postal address - m. Krasnoyarsk, vul. 9 Travnya, 83 (further - Object No. 4):
  • 26-surface wakefulness;
  • constructive solution - monolithic cast-in-place concrete with non-bearing transverse and later walls;
  • energy efficiency class - Vysokiy.

For the rozrakhankovy period, the minimum term for the operation of objects of civil and civil recognition is accepted - 50 years.

The actual data are taken in conjunction with the actual data of the skin object energy passport. Information on how to consume in thermal energy is given in the links of Table 3.

Table 3

Rosrakhunk characteristics of energy passports

The designation of that one. change. parameter

Object №1

Object №2

Object №3

Object №4

Vitrat of thermal energy for the opiate period

The square is scorched

A h, m 2

Consumption of thermal energy for the opalescent period per 1 m 2


On the basis of the data for the formula (2), the amount of the necessary fire for the scorching application of the analysis of the objects of life and civil recognition for the duration of the rozrachunk period is significant - 50 years (Table 4).

Table 4

Burning needs for burning objects

Name of the rozrachunk parameters

Object №1

Object №2

Object №3

Object №4

Vugіllya kam'yane

Vougillya storm


natural gas

Diesel fuel

On the basis of the data in tables 2, 4, there is a significant trend for dovkіllya in the exploitation of objects of civil and civil recognition for the entire period of rozrahunkovsky for the formula (3).

Because analyzes of objects of non-violence may vary in area, so that equal characteristics can be taken from the data of the CO 2 wiki to the sameness, then. significant amount of observed CO 2 for the growth period per 1 m 2, the results are presented in Table 6.

Table 6

Obsyagi wikidiv СО 2 in the form of scalding fire at the stage of operation of the objects of indestructibility for 50 years per 1 m 2

Name of the rozrachunk parameters

Object №1

Object №2

Object №3

Object №4

Vugіllya kam'yane

Vougillya storm


natural gas

Diesel fuel

The largest heat loss falls on object No. 2 (Fig. 1) (Complex of richly superficial living houses in the 5th microdistrict of the Nanzhul-Sonyachny residential area at the address: Krasnoyarsk metro station, residential array of individual forgetting "Nanzhul-Sonyachny", account No. XXI). Zhitlovy budinok No. 6), because of which more energy is needed for scorching 1m 2 for a long period of operation of the object, and, as a result, the largest amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere.

Figure 1. CO 2 observation at the stage of operation of non-violent buildings for 50 years per 1 m 2

In this manner, as a result of the rozrahunkiv carried out with an environmentally friendly fire for the scorching of a living house, natural gas. When scorched by natural gas, 2 may be seen in half less than the number of 2 when scorched, we drill vugills.

List of literature:

  1. Bilousov, V.N. helper/V. N. Bilousov, S. N. Smorodin, V. Yu. Lakomkin. - St. Petersburg, 2014. - 53 p.
  2. GOST R 54257-2010. Nadіynіst budіvelnyh konstruktsiy i osnovy. The main provisions of that power - Introduction. 09/01/2011. - Moscow: Standartinform, 2011. - 14 p.
  3. Zhusip, Zh. A. Estimation of the wandering around the city of Almaty during the spalling of the coal [Electronic resource] / Zh. A. Zhusip, O. V. Omarova // Scientific trade of students in the XXI century. - 2013. - No. 12.
  4. RND Methodical statements z rozrahunku wikidiv greenhouse gases vіd thermal power plants and boiler house Introduced. 2010. - Astana, 2010. - 15 p.

The average time instead of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of our planet in 2015 was higher in an hour to guard the achievement of the critical indicator of 400 chasts per million, the All-World Meteorological Organization said.

The critical level instead of carbon dioxide was recorded by the monitoring station in Hawaii.

In the words of meteorologists, we will restore the rіven instead of CO2 in the atmosphere of the Earth, regularly dropping over 400 clumps per million in the period from three to five million years ago.

As experts allow, instead of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it will not fall below 400 chas- tices per million during the last ten years of 2016, but it is possible that the next ten years.

What does it mean for us with you?

Oleksandr Baranov, host of the program “Five on top”, discusses the topic with the director of the program “Climate and Energy” of the Light Fund wildlife Oleksiєm Kokorinim and Senior Scientific Researcher at the Institute of Ecology, Roslin and Creatures of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Evgenom Zinov'evim.

Oleksandr Baranov: 400 parts per million for ordinary people, which is not understandable on climatic nutrition, even if you do arithmetic at school, it’s not enough. So very little, like 200, 100 or 500. Especially if there is gas without color and smell. Why were the wives so alarmed by rapt?

Oleksiy Kokorin: CO2 is one of the gases that create a greenhouse effect, the other is after water vapor, the main gas that people add to the concentration of which in the atmosphere.

And those that people do not pour into the water vapor, do not feel much better on the right, to those who have poured into the CO2 large, and by isotope analysis it has been shown that CO2 is the most spitting fire. That's rich.

The number is rather small, but 30% more, lower 50-60 years ago. Until this day, it’s a fast stretch for a rich hour, and it’s given direct deaths.

A.B.: Why is it good now that CO2 is being added to change the climate, and not the other way around? An hour ago, the deacons of the priesthood showed that the growth of carbon dioxide was pouring heating into the ocean. And people are separated from the ocean, and they add less CO2 to the atmosphere. What is the consensus at the same time from whom I drive?

А.К.: The consensus is practically the same. I guessed the isotope analysis, to that in the past, and it was also brought, the temperature changed slightly, and then the concentration of CO2.

Evgen Zinov'ev: I'm not a climatologist, I'm a paleontologist. In our institute, we have posters at night, in the Arctic, the promotion of CO2 in place, as shown by our colleagues dendrochronologists, is the same way that the cordon forest is now. We carry out monitoring of the landscape in the northern part of the Zahidno-Siberian region and the Polar and subpolar Urals, and for the remaining forty rocks the cordon of the forest is moving towards the peninsula.

It still does not reach between, like boules in the climatic optimum of the Holocene, if the village growth reached the middle Yamal, but the process was directly and indirectly caused by warmer climate. Ruslin villages occupy step by step the territory, depending on how many entered.

Those are warmer, as we are at once posterigaemo - not the most important, at the same time not the warmest climate. I can compare with the recent geological past - the rest of 130-140 thousand years. This period is called Mikulinske Mizhlyodovik, and even growing and heat-loving creatures poked their way into the pivnich richly far away, lower at the same time.

It is our time, for objective tribute, until such equals have been reached. But those warming days were much shorter, less than 5,000 years. Then it changed to cold days, then again to warmer days, and then the cold season set in, the Ziryansk icing, as it continued on the warm and cold epochs. Then the Scandinavian ice shield began to form.

A. B.: What do you think about the cold weather in the Middle Period?

E. Z .: You say about the historical hours, but I can see more early milestones. Cereal Pleistocene.

A. B .: And what about visnovkas for us, non-fakhivtsy? Opponents of the theory of global warming caused by human activity, it seems that we are simply going through the period of the song cycle and z zim ov'yazanі raznі kіlіvannі kolіvannі kolіvannі kolіvannі CO2 concentration.

Carbon dioxide - hedgehog for roslin. In the process of photosynthesis, the growths droop carbon dioxide, they see sour in the atmosphere, and the more in place of carbon dioxide, the more actively the growth starts to slow down and the stink grows more.

E. Z .: The development of rural growth is not to be feared, navpaki. At Pvnіchnіy Ameritsі, pіvdennіy Evropі foxes burn, fox growth is degrading, there is aridization, dehumidification of the climate. The lungs of the planet are rushing.

A. B.: And why do you care? According to the idea, are they guilty of expanding?

Climate is a rich vector system, there can be different factors, but we can’t always be safe. I have a thought, what to start tanuti ice builders, what is due to the warmer climate, but it’s going to happen.

The Greenland ice sheet is degrading, and in the Arctic, there is a large amount of fresh water that has wilted, can directly change the flow of the Gulf Stream. That’s why for Europe, stop warming up Europe’s pivnich, and there I’ll re-emerge the seals of ice people. Tse will be worse.

A sharp warming can give a post-sharp cold. L'odovikov's cap accumulates water, it starts to hang on the climate. Succulent foxes know, red foxes settle down. The climate becomes dry, cold, continental, and it becomes so not only in Siberia, but also in Europe.

Everything is more complicated and mutually pleasing. I didn’t even ask, I need to be safe and the current factor is the increase in CO2 wikis, it’s connected with the industrial activity of people, with the appearance of a large number of virobnits, cars just don’t interfere with it. Especially in the great metropolitan areas, there is a lot of great vibes.

And yet more nourishment, like a legacy of motherhood. The people called out to live for singing comfortable minds. As soon as there is an increase in the change of the equal of the Light Ocean, then a catastrophe will begin. You can provoke an anthropogenic influx. Humanity is not so small, so as not to add to the natural environment. It has become a geological factor, and not just a biological one, it changes the fundamental speech in the biosphere, in the earth's crust.

AB: It's okay, people can speed up the CO2 wiki. But only one of the factors, and not the largest. What can you change, what can you bring to such a sharp turn of the situation?

A. K. Even more importantly, from the point of view of the physics of the atmosphere, the ocean, understand what you see. There are two processes: the process of natural coldness of the climate - the sun, but rather, folding periodic processes in the ocean, the Atlantic, the Pacific.

The second big event is the transfer of heat from the atmosphere into the ocean and back, like a cyclical character. These cyclical processes are superimposed on the postiynu diyu, like the main linear character.

For the 21st century, there is a rise in temperature at a short drop by two degrees, but in reality - by three or three and a half. І under which it will be cyclically cold and warm, moreover, warmer - richer swidsh. However, it is not obvious that the increase in the number of unsafe hydrological events will decrease at lower temperatures.

A. B.: It’s better to comprehend people well, so they don’t deal with this problem and mostly marvel at popular science programs, de ci nutrition primitivize, say goodbye, or just simply argue on the wisdom of ordinary people, like marvel at their side.

If you are given a graph of temperature changes in the 20th century, it seems: to marvel, until the person especially poured into the atmosphere, the temperature dropped, and if it began to pour in, if the industry was worse after 1940 to 1970, if the situation gets colder, the situation gets colder.

On the basis of such graphs, people seem to think that people do not really breathe, that they are hard factors, that they cannot lie in front of us. To that, talk about the role of people in global warming - a myth, you should stand behind it, who cares.

E.Z.: begin to spratsovuvati cumulative effect, injecting people go on growing. At some stage, it may not appear, but then, in the world of increased concentrations of CO2, greenhouse gases, it appears early in fact throughout the earth's backwaters. Yak near the rozvinenikh areas, and on pіvnochі, in the Arctic.

The anthropogenic factor is superimposed on the astronomical factor, connected with the Earth's orbit, the cyclicity is strongly manifested and so on. And if everything overlaps one by one, it can become absolutely untransferable.

І anthropogenic injection of everything will become more and more, so that there will be the introduction of the exchange for virobnizstvo and so on. Even more cars are let out, which zabrudnyuyut the atmosphere even more strongly. and other factors. Don't go anywhere.

And the grass and the village growth does not improve, but, on the contrary, the degradation of the forest cover is observed.

A. B.: Ale mi bachili and acknowledgment of another genus, that in Brazil the fox of the Amazon began to grow raptly.

E. Z .: Why, but you wonder what is in America? On the p_denny entry, near California? There are massive forest fires. It will take an hour, after a while, after a while, I will wake up. After that, after the sprat of fate passes, first of all, first of all, begin to pidrostati. And de dry, wine just stops growing. The fox transforms into the steppe, I empty it thinly.

A. B.: These are serious officials, but for everyday witness it is important to take care of your work. You can try the theory that the activity of a person is just a drop, as you can overcome the ecological balance on the aphids of serious factors. But if it seems that there is such a factor, like fires on the Sun, activization of the Son, like a strained energy, it’s equal to all our activities - rubbish, it’s impossible to win a fight.

Also show graphs - if the Sun is active, the temperature rises, and if it is less active - it decreases, everything changes. Then it seems that everything is lying down in the face of what kind of orbit the Earth is collapsing. Like an elliptical orbit - it becomes cold. And if all the people are talking, they think: well, it’s a waste of such cosmic phenomena, our unfortunate people are thrown into the atmosphere. How can you change a person who, with his actions, can destroy the balance?

Є. Z .: It is necessary to reconsider, because the true factor cannot be left. For example, foxes burn and without people - dry threats are thin. Ale lyudska diyalnist tsom spryaє. Kozhen may start for himself. People are guilty of understanding that it is rich to lie in them.

One person can say: I work, what I respect for my needs, all the same, I can’t lay down anything. Ale of people - millions, and as a skin so rahuvatim, it will not be more beautiful. Vіdstaіst chelovecheskogo myslennya іsnuє, pity.

A. B .: How to change a person, what a car, on a certain road, take five kilometers, invest in the climate, bring on the aphids that the Earth is in an elliptical orbit, and not in a different one?

А.К.: Russian climatologists, and not only Russian ones, were scheming, as if to show it in person. Imovirnі reaction Sun in 15-20 years with high umovіrnistyu reduce the temperature on the earth cooler by about 0.25 degrees. And the anthropogenic influx is at least two degrees. It was the same for 30-40 fates.

The second is more characteristic: both the stratosphere and the troposphere are warming up. That’s why you don’t have a hotbed hotbed, and, as if warming over the hotbed and under the hotplate, it means that the light bulb has become hotter. And as if warming under the spit, and cold over the spit - also, the spit became a comrade. Axis like so at first you can try to explain.

A. B.: Do you allow for the imovirnіst, scho mi dіyno perebuєmo between two ice periods and it will become, and it will get colder on the Earth?

EZ: Your food is to talk about those who are bad to say to me and my colleague. Madly, we know between two ice age periods, which ended approximately 300 thousand years ago. rokіv that, i tim, scho pochnetsya through kіlka tysyach rokіv - maybe 20, maybe 100. About this my colleague as a climatologist knows better. Ale tse will be absolutely accurate. We are talking about other time scales. On this scale, the influx of people on global warming cannot be seen, hundreds of thousands of years.

A. B .: So we can not live up to what cold snap?

E.Z.: Unfortunately, we definitely won’t live up to the global cooling, none of our great-grandchildren will live. Will there be cold periods during the 21st century? Yes, maybe there will be. We live in the era of the superimposition of various variations, sleepy zocrema, on the global trend.


>Wikidi in carbon dioxide

Irrespective of those that the marginally permissible rate of carbon dioxide emissions for industrial production is 5000 ppm for 8 working years with a 40-year working year, although a person cannot measure such a level of CO2 in the atmosphere for 24 years for work 365 days in Russia , and also a human being cannot be born offspring in such minds. This rіven is brought to the workers, yakі zaynyat on breweries and in greenhouses, the rіven CO2 is specially installed in the range of 900 ppm.

The rest of the study of CO2 influx on the metabolism of a person shows that the careless rіven of carbon dioxide affects the review, especially those that carbonic acid takes part in the presence of carbonic acid in the blood, as a pudendal motherland. The release of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, under which people can live, is significantly lower, lower. In the basis of the powder, you can use kysen, and not carbon dioxide. Reimbursement of toxic rіven in the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere, in which a person can live all his life - 426 ppm.

Under the influx of carbon dioxide, there is a decrease in the pH value of the blood circulatory system, which leads to acidosis. The minimal effect of late acidosis was over-excitement and mild hypertension. In the world, an increasing stage of acidosis is manifested by drowsiness and a state of restlessness.

One of the last of these changes is the change in the job to show physical activity and take away the satisfaction. Other clues to the metabolism are described in the literature. Embryonic abnormalities become more likely as The increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere affects the metabolism of the mother and offspring.

Toxic atmospheric rіven

At a CO2 concentration of 600 ppm, the hosted people begin to notice signs of a decrease in air quality. If there is a high concentration of CO2 in the base, then people begin to notice one of the classic symptoms of carbonic acid poisoning, such as problems with breathing, quickening of the pulse, head bіl, hearing loss, hyperventilation, thirstiness, vtom. At a level of 1000 ppm, everyone who is in the patient may experience those other symptoms described above. It turns out that a person is falling under a high level of CO2 for one hour, and not all of his life. In this hour, you can get rid of all of these symptoms, just stay out in the fresh air.

As rіven vykidіv carbon dioxide in the atmosphere reaches 600 ppm, the whole planet matima atmosphere, I go to a suffocating room. You will be able to forget about the hygiene of the future; The CO2 level easily reaches 1000 ppm or more.

In the countries, where biomass is widely used for scorching, the assessment of the second time in the application is low, the shards of carbon dioxide in the application do not fall below 500 ppm. This level of CO2 causes changes in metabolism, as it is transferred, such as a decrease in the pH of the blood serum, which leads to a wide spread of acidosis. Tse, with his dignity, increase sensitivity to other negative officials.

The primates are even more responsive to a high level of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and are supported by geological and paleontological findings. Under the hour of the Eocene epoch, the temperature on earth was significantly higher, lower at the same time, even though the level of CO2 in the atmosphere was about the same as at the same time. Stones show that primates clearly inhabited the Eurasian continent for the pre-Jeocene.

Geological excavations show that since that time the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere has increased in number, and practically all primates from the Eurasian continent have emerged.

Why can you develop a pleasant visnovka that you can live in a smoky climate, or you can blame the high level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Neither people, nor savts, can reach a high level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Bulo was established by a stretch of richness for a decade, that people that ssavtsі vzagali cannot adapt to the trivial inhalation of toxic speeches.

Lawyer illustration Getty Images Image caption By the end of 2017, 41 billion tons of carbon dioxide will be generated through the wiki

In 2017, the growth rate of light emissions in carbon dioxide is predicted earlier for some years. The main reason for the increase is the intensive economic growth in China, as it is experiencing a turbulent economic growth.

For the time being, it is impossible to say without any doubts, what will be the development of the number of wikis, and in 2017 a new phase of growth will begin.

Behind the words of the elders, the planet can pass the peak until 2020, in order to reduce the risk of global warming in the nearest capital.

Since 2006, the organization Global Carbon Project has been analyzing and publishing data on the dynamics of carbon dioxide emissions.

The number of wikis increased by approximately 3% per river, but then from 2014 to 2016, it either decreased, or was left on the same level.

For the rest of the tribute, in 2017, the increase in the number of people's work led to the fact that wikis around the world increased by 2%.

While there is no data about the exact number of wikis, but all the contributors agree on the fact that their number is growing.

"The roar of CO2 wikis around the world is demonstrating an increase in growth after the three fates of stability. It's even more vague," - even a member of the previous group, Professor Corin Le Quere from the University of Science of England.

"The activity of people is to be brought to the point that by the end of 2017, 41 billion tons of carbon dioxide will be generated. We may not have an hour to reduce global warming by two degrees Celsius, not seeming already about the second degree,"

Lawyer illustration Getty Images Image caption Actively vikoristannya vugillya led to the fact that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere began to increase for some time.

The most important role for the in-line promotion is played by China. 28% of light wikis fall on the її part. Through intensive research, the growth of wikis in the country grew by 3.5% in 2017.

Another reason lies in the fact that water is falling in Chinese rivers. Through this, the amount of energy that hydroelectric power plants generate is reduced. In order to liquidate retail, the country will replace the shortage of energy for gas and gas bills.

Wikimedia, which vibrates the USA, continues to decrease, but not as intensively as it was on the back of the head.

Through the increase in prices for natural gas, that electrician їhnє spozhivannya fell or was often replaced by energiiy dzherelami.

Spozhivannya vogіllya in the United States is also matured tsgogo rock, but it is not clear - less than a pіvvіdsotka.

Behind the forecasts, wikidi, yakі voroblyaє Іndіya, tsoi rock growth by 2%. The whole situation is lower, lower for the rest of the decade, the stretch of some kind of average growth was close to 6%.

Prote, experts in pevvnenі, scho can be shown by timchasovym kolyvannyam, vyklikanim a lot of factors, scho oskladnyayut vikoristannya naphtha and cement in the country.

It's time for children

In Europe, the decrease is also three times more, lower was predicted. In 2017, the drop rate was less than 0.2% over an average of 2.2% over ten years.

Behind the words of Professor Le Queré, the most important topic in the whole world is depleted of gas and oil.

"Calm down in the gas is either moving up or down, with whichever gas and naphtha has no noticeable changes. And it's worth it to make it worrying," she explains.

Lawyer illustration Getty Images Image caption Vcheni do not call for checks of recruitment of rank for Parisian favor, but to change us in front of the national policy in the climate room

Additional information about the future group of the bula was presented at the UN Conference near Bonn, where the future provisions of the Parisian area are discussed.

Vcheni, yakі worked on the tasks, they stverdzhuyut, what the children needed more shvidshe.

"A great number of diplomats are being forced to bend new rules. But everything should be done without a head, until the stench breaks into their lands and does not live in the strongest entrances to the climate policy. The price is the weakest place at the time," even Dr. Glen Peters of the Nomenclature of the International .

"The provinces are guilty of actively developing climate policy, but all of a sudden everything is collapsing back," continues Vin.

Dopovid, better for everything, more powerful stress between the countries that are developing, and the developed countries.

The Daedalus is more dissatisfied with the fact that the main respect is attached to the entries, as they will be praised within the framework of the Parisian land in the future. Practically nothing has been transferred to dosi.

The countries that are developing, be aware that their development partners will strengthen the exchange of carbon dioxide for the next three years.

"The climate will not allow us to check until 2020, if Paris pleases the chivalry," - even the representative of Nicaragua, Paul Okvist.

"Change the climate at once, and it's important, so that the quick wiki became main topic discussion on tsymu samitі", - to rob the visnovok of vin.

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