Font to word options. Methodical instructions and tasks. Change font size

You, perhaps, repeatedly noted that the text in Microsoft Word documents can be displayed in different fonts. Some documents have more reading fonts, others are more sparse “for the old times”. The fonts used in the text editor Microsoft Word are too rich, but, unfortunately, not all stinks work with Russian or Ukrainian texts.

In Russia and Ukraine, the main fonts, like vikoristovuyut in documents, books and magazines є Arial and Times New Roman. Stay, with your own heart, zastosovuєtsya in business documents (for acts, letters, term papers, degree works), but Arial is most likely to be used in journalistic texts.

Let's figure out how you can change the font type of the text. For what is the most common way, but we can look at only two of the widest.

First way

1. We can see part of the text (or the entire text), the font of any need to be changed.
2. At the depositor " Golovna» know razdil « fontty».

3. Tisnemo on a list of 3 fonts. In my opinion, the main font (for the lock) is Calibri. And mi yogo change on Verdana and zastosuєmo to the seen part of the text.

As you see on the image, when you click on the partition, a list is displayed with the available font types, from which I select the necessary menu. When hovering over the different fonts, the text will automatically change - the forward look is changed.
4. After choosing the appropriate type of font, press and the text is rewritten.

Another way

1. So just like in the first way you see the text.
2. Click with the right mouse button on the text you see.
3. At the clicked context menu, press the “ fontty».

4. Open dialogue box " Font". Have a new area, in which you can choose the required font, turning the scroll wheel.

After that, how to find the required font, press on the new one (it looks like a blue color), then press " OK».

For advertising texts and official documents, the font parameters can be great value. The format of the document, including the font parameters, matches the order and monomanitness of office documents. A font used for typing advertising texts, navpacks, calls to get that respect of the target audience. It seems that the results of advertising dosl_dzhan testify to the savageness of classical fonts, it seems that texts typed in such fonts are read much more often, lower texts with non-standard fonts.

Microsoft office programs give great opportunities for designing and changing font parameters. Versions of Word starting from 2007 and later have the font editing panel in the head tab. In other office programs, such as Excel and Power Point, the panel may be the same, or it may look the same, which is more convenient. Before speech, to change the font parameters for the finished text, it is necessary to see the text in front of the help of the mouse or the keyboard. Also, you can change the font parameters here.

The first one shows the name of the font (headset), which is written at once, for example Times New Roman, right-handed, as the arrow-tricutnik is ruffled. When pressed on the target, the arrow appears, or “drops down” a list of other fonts, including those that have recently been scribbled.

"Font" toolbar

When typing great texts for a long time, start to write victorious and “calm” and zvichni for the eyes of fonts, to lie down, for example, guessings like Times New Roman (Times Novy Pryamiy). For documents and student work, it is recommended to use the font itself. Presentations (Power Point) often use different, more original fonts, shards in the slides, the text often has an additional function that explains the schemes and graphics.

Font size

Right-handed in the name of the font roztashovane in the end, in which you can change the size of the letter and symbols. You can enter the required rozmіr in your vіknі or choose from the list. Two buttons allow you to speed up the process of changing the volume: "Upgrade the volume" and "Change the volume".

At the documents, sound the victorious 14 hours 12 roses. For signatures in small tables, you can change the font to one or two smaller sizes, lower for the main text, so the side looks neater.

The next button (clear format, out in Office 2007) allows you to see the formatting of any text you see. After pressing the button of the visions fragment, change the size, italics, visions and other visions on the parameters for the promotion.

Seeing the text

At the bottom row of the parametrization of the font, the buttons for viewing the text in bold, italic, underlined and crossed were expanded. All ways of seeing give the opportunity to see and it is important to turn the reader's respect down to ten terms, formulas. Also, headings and subheadings sound in capital letters.

In some cases, especially during the writing of technical and scientific texts, it is necessary to go into superscriptive and superscriptive signs. This tool can be used to write indexes for chemical formulas or the degree sign for mathematical formulas.

The color of the font is that vision

Even if you read great, written on paper texts to see ideas that were worthy, sounded like a marker, then such a way of seeing is available in Word. You can see fragments of texts, whether it's a kind of color for an additional button. You can greet yourself with a lot of colors: the words that have been so honored can be seen in green, and the words that need to be corrected - chervonim. Of course, the skin has its own perevagi. You can see the fonts themselves with the color by clicking on the default button.

In this way, the addendum of Word has the ability to change (select from proponing) images of fonts, change the size of the text. Structuring the document, seeing key moments and supplementing with tools for seeing, and reviewing manually with a virtual marker. There are two ways to win all these possibilities: insert the necessary settings and continue typing the text, or see the words or symbols already ready, and press the button on the exit button. When you hover the mouse over the buttons, the font is adjusted on the screen, a hint about the possibility of typing hot keys is displayed. "Hot keys" significantly speed up the typing of text materials.

Mozhlivіst design is not obmezhuєtsya parameters of paragraphs. Word allows you to change the size, image, color and other characteristics of the font, which typed the text of the document. To facilitate the introduction of the text, that tabular data can be condensed in tabular steps. To ask the same type of design for a number of paragraphs of one abo other documents, you can customize the paragraph styles of the text box.

The Word program allows you to customize different parameters of symbols. At tsіy right mi torknemosya less than deyakah. Let's take a look at the toolbar buttons that allow you to quickly change the image font.

1. To format the character of the fragment to the text, go to the next and click on one of the buttons on the toolbar. formatting, Pererakhovanih at the table. 6.1.

TABLE 6.1. Lists that are opened, and buttons for formatting symbols

or list button



Seeing bold images


Seen in italics


Underlined text

Font size
(Font size)

Allows you to choose or enter a font size


Allows you to choose one of the fonts installed in Windows

Font color
(Font Color)

Click on the button to see the text before choosing the color. Click on the right arrow on the right-handed button to expand the palette of colors, for the help of which the color is set to the text

Color vision

Click on the button to change the background of the text before selecting the color. Click on the right-hand arrow on the button to expand the palette of colors, for the help of which the color of the background is set

Upper index

Reworking the vision text at the top index

Lower index

Convert vision text to subscript

On fig. 6.9 indications butt to the text, different fragments of what was seen by him in another way of formatting.

Rice. 6.9. Text formatting options in Word

Note Two rest buttons from pointing at the table. 6.1 in the standard Word configuration is available on the toolbar. When the stench appears, click on the tricot, stitched in the right part of the toolbar, select a command Add or remove buttons and click next to the list of buttons on the appropriate names.

Rice. 6.10. Choose the font format for Word

2. To remove access to additional parameters in the font, select the command Format > Font. Vіdkryєtsya vіkno dialogue Font. One tab, shown in Fig. 6.10 allows you to choose the font, rozmir, baptism option, baptism mode and color. There are a few proportsiv here, which allow you to turn on and off the design modes.

Note If you change the formatting of the text without seeing any fragment in front, the new format will apply to the text entered at the text cursor points. However, if you move the cursor before the first character is entered, it will change the format.

3. Two more tabs in the dialog Font give the possibility of changing the spacing between letters, changing symbols and kerning, as well as showing animation effects.

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Internet technologies are a special kind of technologies of creation, as well as the introduction of various information resources in the Internet. These resources include forums, chats, sites, blogs, encyclopedias, as well as electronic libraries.

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Follow the statistics for the data school age to spend behind the screens of televisions close to one year a day, at the price of not a good hour, to be spent playing computer games. Children often play at the game, and, moreover, they don’t stop at the hour, which stench is spent not on lessons, but on games, so many people skip school classes, because they don’t have control over their fathers. For more advanced computer games, children are less likely to saturate the head of the brain, even if children need to read, write and rahuvat.

Most of the formatting is done for additional change of font attributes. The easiest way to turn respect to the word in the text is to see it in bold chi in italics. Qi attributes are named after the image font. The font of them has other attributes, such as the size (size) and typeface.

Formatting the text can be set as in the typing process, and after the typing.

Parameters for the design of the text, such as the font, selected from the dialogue box Font. For yoga visualization, click one of these activities:

・Hurry up as a team Font on the line Golovna at block tools Font(Fig. 3);

· press the keys CTRL+D;

· Choose a team Font at the context menu (Fig. 4).

Dialogue window Font maє two tabs: Font і interval .

For help tab Font (Fig. 5) you can choose the color of the text, change the image font (lowercase, italic, bold, bold italic), set the size and color of symbols.

Rice. 3. Toolbox Font

Rice. four. Select from the context menu of the Font command

Tab interval (Mal. 6) helps to distinguish between characters in the font. In the case of the chosen variant, the font can be enhanced, or even smaller. On this tab, you can choose the scale, if the symbols become wider or lower (if more than 100%, then the text expands, if it is less, it shrinks).

You can change the font parameters not only for the additional tab Font one-line dialogue window. In rich vipads, it is richer to shrunk with blocks of tools Fontі Paragraph(Mal. 7). They are not only the fault of the main formatting parameters of the font, but also other important commands that are often used.

For additional help of buttons at toolboxes Fontі Paragraph You can include all the main features of the text in the following way:

· Change the scribbled font - make it italic, bold, underlined (Fig. 8);

· Change the font typeface - the most wide fonts are Time New Roman, Arial, Arial Black (Fig. 9);

Choose the size (size) of the font (Fig. 10);

· Set the color of the font (Fig. 11);

Rice. 5. Font dialog box, Font tab

Rice. 6. Dialog window Font, Interval tab

Rice. 7. Tool blocks Font and Paragraph

Rice. eight. Buttons to change the image font

on block tools Font

Rice. 9. List of typefaces

on block tools Font

Rice. ten. List of font sizes

on block tools Font

Rice. eleven. List of font colors on block tools

· Set the view type (Fig. 12):

on the left side – to win over Word documents for locking;

in the center - Most often zastosovuєtsya for headings;

from the right edge - this is the most common way to verify signatures on sheets and business documents, as well as subheadings;

in width - swipe at documents that are used for viewing on another offensive reading (width-wide document on paper looks neater, it’s easy to take it);

Rice. 12. Buttons for viewing the text

on block tools Paragraph

· Create between the text (Fig. 13);

· Set the fill type for the text (Fig. 14).

Rice. 13. Buttons for moving between text on the toolbar Paragraph

Rice. fourteen. Fill type buttons for text on toolbars Font

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