Yaki dokumenti vede ip. Buhoblik for ip - the rules and features of independent management of the rank for different modes of subscribing. What documents are required for IP

Starting a new business is started by going through the registration procedure. For this sole proprietorship, it is necessary to file before the tax filing application for registration (for the form P21001), a receipt for payment of the state mit at the rozmіrі 800 hryvnia. as well as photocopies of the passport and IPN. Even if you can apply for the SSP, you can also file with us documents confirming the transition to the prosproschenka.

After the registration procedure is completed, I can take on hand a certificate of registration of admission (ODRNDP), as well as a hero of ЄDRІP. The rest of the document contains the main registration data of the IP - information about the registration with the taxpayer and the FIU, as well as data about the economic activity. Potential clients often ask for an EDRIP to re-verify a potential partner. Lounging in the hands of OGRNIP, you can, on the basis of legal support, engage in accepting activities.

In the case of a rozrahunka rahunka, the bank can request the IP registration documents, a sheet about the statistics code from Rosstat, a license (for evidence), as well as an agreement on the lease. The leather bank can show its support to the extent that they rely on support. A package of documents for an hour is issued in a similar way to a friend.

At the process of work in the ІП dues, make sure to have documents handy, which may be needed during the reconciliations. Tse IPN, OGRNIP, Vityag z YGRIP. How to apply for the USN to which transfer to enter KUDIR, as well as registration documents for kasovy pristry(When receiving preparations from the population). In case of UTII, you may have a certificate of registration of UTII, and submit documents that confirm the correctness of the appearance of physical indications (it is possible to agree on an order for HR documentation).

As a result, you get hired spivrobitnikov, the mother is responsible for the entire package of personnel documents, as well as registering with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the FSS as a robot supplier. At the time of re-verification, the Labor Inspectorate or the other controlling body can request labor contracts with practitioners and their specialty cards, staff list, work time sheet, work schedule and in.

Rest news

What documents can be carried out on an individual basis?

What documents can be used as an individual undertaking (IP)? Yaku zvіtnіst yak pіdpriєmets and yak robodavets vіn can we know?

Find out about nutritional advice to avoid problems. Paired with other difficulties of the admissions life, IP registration is a simple procedure. Von vamagaє exact dotrimannya regulations, vykonavshi yaky, you nabuvaєte zapovitnogo status of individual admission already in three days. It would have been better, smut for it, and now you can, with a calm conscience, conduct business activity. Ale is less than the cob. At the same time, the IP status on your shoulders lays the responsibility for your own time and competently folded the sound, designed according to the specifics of your business.

New list documents, how can I conduct IP. make it difficult. Їх the list to fall into different types of factors: the sphere of business activity, the place of registration of business, the minds of work and in certain ways to find a special choice of the business itself.

If it’s for you, before you prepare a list of necessary documents, it’s necessary first for everything to clearly signify for you, what kind of subsidies you need and your company will have supporters.

What accounting documents can I conduct IP without practitioners?

The easiest way to run your own business is an IP without hiring additional employees. In such a time, you yourself are the master of the law, you have no obligation to pay wages and - which is especially important - lead dodatkov zvіtnіst. Prote povnistyu vіdmovitysya vіd vіdpovіdі in front of the state is not seen, treasury goiter's tribute to none.

Stepping on the pіdpriєmnitskiy way, vіdrazu opyyaєtes before the choice: to conduct their activities with submissive regime or turn the alternative path of one special succumbing regimes. The skin has its own form of taxable zvіtnosti.

Hot succumbing regime

Vibrating the hot succumbing regime, individual approach may lead that at the same time push to the tributary organs:

  • hopes for lines up to 30 April;
  • payment of a tax for the river to pass through up to 15 limes;
  • You can save that declaration in both paper and electronic format.
  • hope at the time of otrimannya with a protracted fate of income in the form of subprincipal activity;
  • it is given five days after the end of the month, for someone who takes such income.
  • hope not later than the 25th, coming after the quarter;
  • zdaetsya less in electronic form;
  • the tribute is paid on a quarterly basis, until the 25th day of the month following the rozrakhunk quarter.

VAT book of purchases (attach the entries for invoices to the book of purchases and the book of sales from the specified codes of types of operations)

The book of the form of income that vitrat that government operations individual admission (KUDir)

Special tax regimes

As a rule, the smoldering succumbing regime of zvіtnostі vyyavlyaєєєєєєєєєєєєєє єєєє є і і ​​і rіzіnіnі, alе not naіvigіdnіshim. To make life easier for small entrepreneurs, the power was instructed special tax regimes.

The widest and simplest of the special modes - Simplified tax system (USN)- Replace three tributes. USN yes IP the right not to pay the VAT, PDFO and tax on mine. All other tributes are paid in the order transferred for the IP under the taxable tax regime.

Tom main documents, how can I conduct IP on USN - tse:

  • hope for pіdbags of celestial fate no later than 30 April of offensive fate;
  • at the time of closing, it is necessary to submit a declaration no later than the 25th day of the coming month.

The okremy succumbing regime is broken up especially for those enterprises, yakі vyroblyayut selgosproduktsiyu. At the same time IP podpadaє pіd category Uniform silskogospodarskogo tax (USGN), vіn goitre to keep the same documents, scho and pіdpriєmtsі under the simplified tax system - Declaration and KUDіR.

Vybravshi Uniform tax on deliveries of income (UTII), independently in obsyagіv zarobіtku, vy paytimete 15% vіd vіd delivered income. Choosing such a regime of taxable income from the last transfer of documents, you are guilty of news:

  • Submittal declaration - is due for bags of the leather quarter no later than the 20th day of the month following the golden quarter.
  • The appearance of physical displays(For example, the area of ​​the trade area, the number of spivrobitnikiv, etc.).
  • The book of appearance of income and vitrat and state operations of individual admission (KUDir) at to this particular type it is not necessary to lead

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Another option for the tax regime - Patent filing system (PSP). Vartist to the patent is indebted due to the type of activity IP. However, obov'yazykovym document in any case є less than the Book of the form of income (KUD).

Detailed information about the various tax regimes and forms of skin viscosities can be found on the official website of the FNP, from the distribution of detailed information about taxes documents. yaki maє nadavati leather IP.

What documents can I conduct?

Still, without additional help IP do not get around and get hired to work, it is necessary keep special documents. Hiring spivrobitnikiv for the work puts an additional load of traction depending on the range and zvіtnosti.

Once you have discovered your pіdpriєmnitsku dіyalnіst, you will prоplyaєєєєєєєєєєєє pod regular control of the Federal Tax Service (FNP), the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) and the Social Insurance Fund (FSS).

So, in skins from other listed organs as an individual supplier, you can send your own set of okremikh documents.

The federal tax service vymagaє vіd ІP іz svіrobіtnikami:

  • Zvіtnіst for form 2-PDFO - up to 1 quarter of offensive rock.
  • The average number of workers is given for the pouches of the famous rock no later than the 20th day of the offensive rock, at the time of closing and the average number of the workers is given no later than the actual date of the day.

Before the Social Insurance Fund, it is necessary to apply for the form 4-FSS.

  • on a paper nose - on the 20th day of the month following the summer period;
  • in electronic form - no later than the 25th day of the month following the summer period.

Pension fund for the care of skin ІП yak robot.

  • it is necessary to provide data on the overall organization and specific data on the individual appearance according to the skin profile;
  • it is necessary for a foolish person to give a rozrahunok no later than the 15th day of the next month following the winter period;
  • in electronic form - no later than the 20th day of the next month following the summer period.
  • zdayetsya shomіsyatsya, pіznіshe 10th day of the coming month.

What are the personnel documents and can mother IP?

Kozhen ІП as a roboticist is guilty of the mother of the key personnel paper.
Registration of practitioners for work for whatever form ІП transmission of visibility at the sight of the coming documents.

  • Labor contract with two conciliators
  • Order about the reception of a spіvrobіtnik pratsyuvati
  • Posadova instruction
  • Staff layout and schedule of payment for public permits
  • Internal order rules
  • Special features of the practice card for the T-2 form

In addition, for the secret management of personnel documentation, it is necessary to conduct upcoming phone documents.

  • Timesheet for working hours
  • A book in the shape of a rush of work books, as well as their tabs
  • Pributkovo-vitrate book in the form of letterhead in suvoroy zvіtnosti

The process of formalizing a new practitioner within the framework of IP is not quite a smooth procedure. Golovna - to conduct a new personnel form and documentation. And in due course, filling in all the necessary forms from the manufacturing process will allow the elimination of inacceptable and inappropriate difficulties from controllable sovereign bodies and, what is important, by the spivrobitniks themselves.

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Documents for registration of IP

Documents for registration of IP

For the registration of a physical person as an individual applicant, it is necessary to obligately register your activity with the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation for a residence permit and submit the necessary documents for issuing an IP:

  1. Application for the form P21001 about the state registration of a physical individual as an individual entrepreneur. From the tax inspectorate, you can take the program “payer of taxes for legal entities”, there is an application. The program is cost-free. Abo get yourself the rest version declare from the official website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. To sign this zazdalegid not varto, all documents, before submitting to the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to zapevnit at the notary. Vin zavnyaє and your signature.
  2. Receipt (original) for the payment of the state council for the registration of IP. The form of the receipt itself can be taken from any official Oschadbank of the Russian Federation or downloaded from the official website of Oschadbank. Details are taken before tax inspection. From September 2010, the sum of the sovereign mit will become 800 rubles.
  3. If your type of duty is spent for filing the simplified tax system, then it is necessary to declare about the transition to the simplified tax system for the form No. 26.2-1.
  4. Copy of passport, all sides.
  5. A copy of the IPN, a copy of the statement on the assignment of the IPN;
  6. Contact details - postal addresses, where the sheets will be found during the tax inspection.

Registration is carried out by the tax authorities at that locality, de Wee registered, so for this registration, as it should be at your passport.

If you are registered in one place, but if you are in a different place, it is necessary to register the IP, everything is the same there, where the main registration is. Documents for registration of IP at this time can be sent by mail with a valuable sheet of information.

In order to take care of the reception of the bill of the Russian Federation, the hulks of foreign powers are chosen, and the hulks without the hulks, then, say the crem, stink to put forward the offensive transfer of documents on the registration of IP:

  1. translation of my Russian passport, notarize it;
  2. a copy of the document confirming the declaration on the legal transfer of the Russian Federation of this citizen;
  3. finalization of the month of Timchas's registration or the hero of Budin's book.

After passing through the registration procedure, the newly minted sole proprietorship will have to see all relevant documents.

Documents IP after registration

After registration of IP, the following documents are required:

  • certificate of registration of IP (OGRNIP);
  • certificate of submissive status (IPN IP);
  • extract from ЄDRІP.

After otrimannya vishchezgadannyh documents, You may have the right to engage in the process of receiving work and you may be required to prepare a seal and issue a rozrachunk rahunka at the bank, for which you need also the same documents.

Documents required for the preparation of an IP seal

You need documents to prepare other IP:

  • a copy of the main side of the passport and the side with registration on one;
  • copy of the hero from ЄDRІP;
  • copy of OGRNIP;
  • druk (yakscho є);
  • a copy of the notification from Rosstat;
  • copy of IPN.

Documents for vodkrittya rahunka for IP

For vodkrittya rahunka for IP you need:

  • presence of a passport;
  • an application for the entry of a rozrachunk rahunka IP, a questionnaire;
  • a copy of the certificate of IP registration;
  • a copy of the certificate of praise for a succulent appearance;
  • information about the assignment of statistics codes from Rosstat;
  • licenses (as such);
  • copy of the hero from ЄDRІP;
  • agreement on renting an appointment (as an IP renting an appointment for an office);

It is also necessary to insure that the bank, for which you have a bank account, may have to send additional documents.

Read also: Fourth Arbitration Court of Appeal official website

How to prepare documents for IP registration independently: Video

Otzhe, we looked at the documents necessary for the admission of IP. Now let's move on to the documents, which will be necessary for an individual undertaking to conduct yoga activities.

What documents are required for IP

We have compiled a list, which includes the necessary documents, which will be necessary for the work of the enterprise. For a list of skins, you can check which documents can already be IP, and which documents you need to take.

It is also recommended that an individual skin care provider create a special folder for collecting official documents. Then the stench will always be under the arm, which will significantly facilitate the intercourse with the supervising state bodies.

Transfer of the necessary documents for IP, so that you can keep your hand under the arm

ІП it is necessary to start trimming with your own:

  • Copies of all sides of the passport.
  • IPN - copies and original.
  • OGRNIP (original and copy).
  • Form of requisites IP. On the new one, there is all the data about the individual admission. that is, passport data (series, number, kim and number of sightings, de prescriptions), IPN, OGRNIP, as well as rozrahunkovy rahunok іz znachennyam k / s (correspondent rahunka bank and yogo BІK, usі data, assigned to Dovіdtsі Derzhkomstatu. Such a form is required in order to be able to send it quickly to the post-employee or to the deputy to complete the contract with him, as it is necessary.
  • Insurance certificate of sovereign pension insurance.
  • An application for setting up a sole proprietorship, as a payer of UTII taxes from a tax authority for the purpose of carrying out a taxpayer's duty, that UTII tax, as such a duty is carried out.
  • Agreement about the bank's payment order.
  • Agreement on the selection of the Bank-Client system, as well as the IP of the selection system.
  • A copy of the tax filing notice about the cash deposit with the bank at once from the description of the deposit at the price sheet.
  • Certificate of registration with the FSS.
  • Information about the possibility of confining the USNO (which is the USNO).
  • Certificate of registration with the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.
  • Vityag z EGRIP. You can have a sprig of copies, fallow in the form of business activity.
  • OGRN amended to ЄGRІP, їх also can be dekіlka.
  • Certification about setting up the PF as a robot, as a hired practitioner.
  • Statement of the State Statistics Committee on the code of statistics.
  • A copy of the agreement on renting an appointment, de carrying out the work of IP.
  • A copy of the agreement on the order of possession, which is how the IP is registered.
  • A copy of the right-installation agreements on the objects of the enterprise activity. For example, it is possible to agree on the purchase and sale of a property, if it is renting an IP, or it is possible to agree on a lease on an accommodation, if it is an IP on a sublease, or to agree on a purchase and sale of such a copy of the TCP for a car that is rented.
  • What a mess insurance policies on mine, then their copies.
  • The originals of all "Acts of the re-verification", as they were carried out by the authorities, which are re-verified.
  • If there was a trust in the right to order and carry out a transport order, then it is necessary for the mother to have the original from a living signature of the trusted person.

Crimean documents are necessary for the mother of personnel documents for IP. The stench will be needed by these entrepreneurs, like vicarists, to hire hiring practitioners.

List of personnel documents for IP

Personnel documents for IP:

  1. Features of the practice card.
  2. Work contracts, otherwise this is an approximate form.
  3. Order for admission to work.
  4. State layout.
  5. Landing instructions.
  6. Report card for the appearance of the working hour.
  7. Opening schedule. Today, in case of submissive revision, if it turns out that there is no schedule, the review authorities may issue a fine.
  8. An order about granting a permit.
  9. If a practitioner is transferred to another settlement, then the applicant is guilty of a transfer order.
  10. The book is in the shape of a pile of labor books, and navit їх inserts.
  11. Pributkovo-vitrate book in the form of letterheads with suvoroy zvіtnosti.
  12. Order about the release of the practitioner.

Mayuchi under the hand of choosing the right execution of a package of documents for an IP, if necessary, if necessary, you can prepare, for example, documents for a foreign passport for an IP, or documents for an IP loan, or submit documents for an IP for a tax.

And if, God forbid, it becomes a waste of documents, after stealing, looming in a safe folder, you can quickly update the documents of IP.

Documents for liquidation of IP

If you need to close the IP, you will need such documents for this:

  • The application has been inserted into the form, so that it can be filled with suvoriy compliance with the law and not allow blots, pardons and rectification. The signature on this application may be certified by a notary.
  • Receipt about the payment of the sovereign mit.
  • A document confirming the submission of all necessary data to the territorial body of the pension fund.

What documents will be required IP after registration and de stink

The proof that, as an individual entrepreneur, you can exercise your activity within the legal framework, are the documents that you saw after registering the IP. More details about the integrity of our article. Entrepreneurship is such a kind of activity, such a businessman independently works on his own fear and risk and takes the same income. Irrespective of those that independence is the main sign, the pro-legislation of the Russian Federation has transferred obov'yazkova registration in tax authorities. The procedure does not vary.

Registration procedure - when to accept documents

For registration, it is necessary to file a tax before the tax for the place of your registration is coming ( complete list documents for registration in the details):

  • chinese passport document. what a wonderful person.
  • confirmation of the fact that the state has been paid;
  • I applied for the SSP, as if you were appointed to the subsidy regime. You may lose another copy of the obov'yazkovo from the badge of the taxable organ.

You may also need a statement about the number of previous convictions of certain types of activity.

After the first fiscal authority, it may take 5 days to recheck and see the documents after the IP registration:

  • A document that would give you the right to start a business operation in the sphere of the economy, as you have taken away, - tse certificate of state registration physical individuals as an individual product.
  • Taking on the appearance of bodies of tax inspection confirming the certificate form No. 2-1-Oblik. You can save that correction yoga for help on the FNP online service - https://service.nalog.ru/zpufl/.
  • No less important document is the crown jewel of the single state register of individual entrepreneurs ( YGRIP).
  • Individual tax number ( IPN), as before you have taken away buv.
  • Insurer's notice from budgetary funds (PFR, FOMS, FSS)
  • Vіdomostі pro setting up a simple system podatkuvannya. If you haven't applied for SSP yet, then you have 30 more days to do so, otherwise you'll be out of the tax system, as it will be restored automatically.

Hourly and correctly folded zvіtnіst necessary mind for success, be it small or medium business. Otzhe, how can documents be put in IP? How can soundness be carried out by him as a robot supplier? To avoid problems, the most important thing is to know the correct data for all food items, as well as present all the necessary data for your term in the correct format.

Cob business

In case of various difficulties in the process of admission, IP registration can be done with a simple procedure. Tse transferring more precisely to the rule of law, while vikonannі such a status as a businessman gains his reserved status for 3 days. At first glance, it’s possible that it’s better to go back, and you can start to calmly engage in a kind of activity, ale, wisely, a whole cob. In parallel with the status of IP, you lay on yourself the responsibility for the literacy of the composition of the rank in the designation of the term, which can be framed in the boundaries of the specifics of your business.

What documents can be obtained from IP? Tse pitanya to cackle bagatioh. The list of necessary papers, if it is possible to carry out an IP, it is problematic to find out, it’s problematic to find stones, it’s from low officials, it’s from the scope of your business, the place of registration of an organization, wash your hands, etc.

Translation of documents IP

Below is a list of documents, which is necessary for the mother of the skin individual approach:

If it wasn’t there, first prepare a list of necessary documents, it’s necessary to clearly identify it, which way of giving you the most efficient way, and what is planned by your company to organize a working job.

ІП without spіvrobіtnikіv and necessary documents

Do the most loyal way of conducting your own business - IP without hiring practitioners. In a similar situation, you yourself act for yourself as the master of justice. On the other hand, you do not need to pay salaries to the staff. What is not less important, there is no need to conduct additional zvіtnіst. Ale, all the same, I will vanish again, I don’t see the power before the power. Adzhe podatkovі zobov'yazannya vykonuvati happen.

Having spent time in the undertaking, you will immediately face the choice: which one should keep one's duty under the standard one, which one should be on one of the most important tax regimes. p align="justify"> The dermal method is recommended for such options. Let's look at how documents can be obtained from IP for the standard tax regime.

Standard succumbing mode

In quiet cases, if the applicant has signed his choice on the standard tax regime, he is guilty of the meanings of the terms to submit such documents to the tax authorities:

Declaration form 3-PDFO:

  • serve at the lines until 30 April;
  • pererahuvannya tax for pіdbags rock zdіysnyuєtsya up to 15 lines;
  • zapovnennya and folded declarations are possible with paper and in electronic form.

IPN IP - the main document, what else do you need?

Declaration, which is form 4-PDFO:

  • pred'yavlyaєєєєє at that vpadku, yakshcho vy mali income from pіdpriєmnitskoїї ї іyalnostі protya rock;
  • zdaetsya no later than 5 days after the end of that month, if it was taken away qi income.

Declaration of MPE:

  • is due until the 25th, following the quarter;
  • accepted for the task as an electronic document;
  • payment for the tax is repaid every quarter.

MPE shopping book. Mova go about applying the records for the books of sales and accounting invoices, dedicating the code of seeing the operations.

This is the name of the book from the appearance of the state's operations, showing that income - KUDir.

Documents required for IP, to lay down with rich nuances. The succumbing regime for zvіtnіstyu vvazhetsya the simplest in the mind. Ale wine does not always appear visible. For the purpose of simplifying the activities of small entrepreneurs, legislation Russian Federation failed different tax regimes. Let's look at them below.


The biggest extensions and waivers of the current regimes are the system of subsidies (USN), which replaces three subsidies to the day. The USN does not obtyazhu pіdpriєmtsіv nebhіdnіstyu pay narahuvannya z lane, VAT and PDFO. Other taxes may be paid according to the procedure given to individual entrepreneurs under the tax-paying regime.

The main documents that can be used to conduct business on the simplified tax system are the tax declaration and KUDir.


Tse okremo rozrobleniya podatkovy mode inclusively for tyh pіdpryєmtsіv, yakі pov'yazanі іz sіlskogopodarskoy produktsієyu. If you bring it up to the category of the Single Tax from the Selskogo State (USGN), then you should keep the same documents, as if you were applying for a simplified system of taxation, and the declaration itself and KUDIR.


If you choose the Single income tax (ENVR), independently of your earnings, you will pay 15% of your income. Having chosen the system of zvіtnostі, it is necessary to submit the following documents from the original:


Another type of submission regime is the patent system (PSN). Patent var_st sound to be deposited according to the type of business activity. Ale obov'yazkovym document zavzhd є Book of the form of income and a patent for rіk for IP.

Detailed information about the different tax regimes for IP can be read on the official website of the FNP. For whom it is necessary to go to a special section with information about documents for submission, so that you can represent a skin businessman who conducts his activities on the territory of Russia.

Documents of an individual entrepreneur as a robot seller

If the business is impossible without additional work force, it becomes necessary to carry out additional documents. Hiring bulky people to work, pulling for themselves the supplementary viability and folding of the viable zvіtnost.

Having begun to engage in your own business, you are under constant control of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) and, obviously, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation (FTS).

The skin of these bodies is a check for an individual undertaking, which is a robot supplier, submitting a single transfer of the same documents.

The federal tax service is charged with tax return from hired practitioners of data for the form 2-PDFO until 1 quarter of the coming year. In addition, it is necessary to inform the number of practitioners before September 20. At the time of closing the ceremony, information about the number of practitioners is submitted before the date of the ceremony.

Before the Social Insurance Fund is forced to use the 4-FSS format. This information is available to the paperman's eye no later than the beginning of another decade of the month. In addition, the transfer of data is possible in electronic form.

The Pension Fund of Russia has submitted an information document in the form of RSV-1. It is necessary for a new person to provide data in general on the admission and information on the individual appearance of a hired practitioner.

A copy of the YGRIP for IP is also one of the most important documents.

What are the personnel papers of the guilty mother of IP?

The skin of the applicant, as a robot supplier, is guilty of the mother of such personnel documents:

  • an agreement with two conciliators;
  • special cards of their practitioners for the T-2 form;
  • regular layout from the schedule of payment for empty tickets;
  • planting instructions;
  • rules for the order of the middle of the reception.

In addition, for the infamous recruitment of the personnel system, the presence of such public documents as a staff record, a registration sheet for the hour spent on the job, an admission schedule, a record book, as well as a book with the appearance of labor are required.

In fact, the registration of a new job application for a private business is not such a neat procedure. Golovna - tse zdіysnyuvati povniy dokudoobіg and properly maintain personnel form. And the timely completion of all forms of practice will give a chance to overcome unacceptable problems with the controlling state bodies and the spivrobitniks themselves.

If you look at the list above, you can always verify that all documents are in evidence. It is also possible to allow understanding, if only one of them can be taken away. Dosvіdcheni pіdpriєmtsі designate, scho navit to get your own folder of official documents of the individual pridіvєmtsya. Be sure to become a more handy tool for running your business and allow you to control the situation, whatever the situation, to clear up the relationship with the state authorities. In addition, deprive an hour for the implementation of powerful innovations as a businessman. Axis of yak_ documents may be at the IP.

When organizing a government business in the form of individual entrepreneurship, most of the IP is processed from the documents of the simplified taxation system.

Vedennya accounting styleІП on the simplified tax system in 2019 roci is reported in this article. For whom should we understand that such a simplification of the form, see the specifics of its zastosuvannya.

Understanding the USN, її perevagi and subject

STS - ce water-reinforced succumbing regime, which can be zastosuvat to medium and small light business. Allows you to minimize the amount of the package of documents that are submitted for recognition, as well as to simplify the completion. In other ways to control income, the accounting form of IP on the simplified tax system is viewed on the positive side as change IP:

  1. Type of subsidy income physical features;
  2. Vіd narahuvannya tax dodatkovu vartіst;
  3. In view of the stability of the amount of money introduced by the legislation (before the PFR and the FSS);
  4. If necessary, carry out a collapsible cleaning.

Okremo slid to look at the mind, for the obviousness of such a subject, the granting of the right to conduct an accounting of IP on the basis of 2019 roci. Tse vipadki, for yaky:

  • For the additional bags of the river star of the tax period, the income limit of IP does not exceed the amount of 79,740,000 rubles;
  • The state of registered practitioners is less than 100 osib;
  • The amount of underlying assets is selected from 100 million rubles;
  • Other organizations may often be less than 25%.

Pіdpriєmets, which is the accounting form of IP on the simplified tax system, can be practiced without narahuvan:

  • PDFO;
  • MPE (Crimea for export);
  • Main tax (as tax base is not the same as the cadastral listing).

In order to understand how to keep the accounting form of IP on a simple note, look at the tax rates of the system in a report.

See objects with USN

Accounting form of IP on the simplified tax system in 2019.

Por_vnyalnі characteristics reach Come minus witrati
Supplementary vіdsotok 6% 15 %
The right to withdraw from the tax of contributions paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the FSS

Є. Yakscho IP:

  • May of practitioners - 50%;
  • There are no practitioners - 100%.
DO NOT wobble.
The right to change the tax rate by regional regulations You can change up to 1% Fast up to 5%
Rozrahunok sumi taxable contributions and їх payment Rozrahunok vіdbuvaєtsya accruing pіdbag quarterly. The allowance is calculated depending on the deduction of income, and the paid advance taxes are paid. If you overpay, you will switch to the next period of stardom. Surcharge for the required period will be carried out until 30 April. When calculating, the amount of income is taken, but the amount of money spent is deducted from it. Rozrahunok v_dbuvaetsya in advance, quarterly. Filing declaration ІП may be filed at lines up to 30 April.

It is unambiguous that it is necessary to conduct an accounting of IP on the USN in 2019, it is impossible. Legislative subjects of the system do not need to keep accounts. appearance However, when organizing any kind of activity, maintaining accompanying documentation is still necessary

See documentation pid hour USN

In order to report on the accounting of the IP on the simplified tax system in 2019, you need the following types of documentation:

  1. KUDir. The main document for the appearance of financial needs up to cash, or electronic accounts. Qi revenues are taken as the basis for the payment. With the simplified taxation system - 6%, the registration of the graph will not go through. Є obov'yazkom present to you for help osіb, provіdnih buh. appearance of IP with USN in 2019 roci.
  2. Book of cash registers. It is folded in the form of KO - 4. With the electronic version, it is sent out daily and booked. Retrieve data about all types of cash-flow operations, including data about the owner or payer.
  3. Kasovі orders, pributkovі and vidatkovі. Vykoristovuyutsya in the form of documents and cash transactions (narahuvannya salary, payment for the services of a post-employee, the building of a trainee).
  4. Cashier's checks. Seen to clients, pіd hour of packing please. They can be replaced with the forms of the surcharge.
  5. Client agreements. Obov'yazkovі before folding just like the documents that close (consignment notes, acts of delivery work). Zakrіplyuyut rights and obov'yazki storіn є guarantor of security vіd shahraystvo.
  6. Documentation about hiring recruiters. Includes:
    • Labor contracts;
    • Staff list, which is compiled for the form for No. T-3;
    • Punish about the reception of that call;
    • Regulations on work with special tributes, bonuses and fines.

Register documents under the simplified tax system - 15% of the same, how to keep accounting for IP under the simplified tax system, income is 6% in 2019. The term for the collection of such documents is stored for 4 years.

Accounting form for IP on the USN with practitioners

What's up, yak keep a record of IP on the simplified tax system, income and income minus vitrati, for the presence of practitioners, then the term is subdivided into:

  1. Nadannya 2-PDFO - it’s just the same, how to keep the appearance of IP on the simplified tax system in 2019 without workers, so up to 30 April of the previous year;
  2. Submission of 6-PDFO - no later than the end of the coming month for the stellar period.

Such boo. the appearance of the transmission of the presence of the IP novichok narakhuvannya:

  • koshtіv for the payment of practitioners (dvіchі for a month);
  • Insurance contributions;
  • Admissions and maternity allowances.

It is necessary for the mother of the navika, or for the management of accounting to be transferred to a staff accountant or an outsourcing company.

Also, the robot provider is required to submit statements to:

  1. FIU.
    • Vіdomostі about osіb, yakі pіdlyagayut insured (zgіdno іz law 385-FZ). Shhomyachno (form С3В-М);
    • Quarterly zvіtnіst (RSV-1 form).
  2. Rosstat. Reporting on the internal regulations for admission (form 1-ІП). Schop'yat rokiv, or for an individual request.

Exchange for the lines and penalties for the stars

Under the hour of discussion of the time frame for submitting a tax return, there is no difference in how to conduct an IP form on the simplified tax system, income minus a return in 2019, and how to conduct a simplified form with a rate of 6%. Zate іstotno vіdіznyаієєє іn vіpadkah, іn є є є prаtsіvniki hired. by the rule of thumb it is installed, that the rіchny zvіt zdaєtsya at lines up to 30 kvіtnya of the streaming period.

For the destruction of the tax regime, the organizers of the business bear the same responsibility. IFTS, appealing articles 119 and 76 PC, impose fines for:

  • Violation of the term oblіkovogo period, for the mind pay a tribute - 1000 rubles;
  • Borrowing from tax - from 20% to 40% from sumi borg.

Also, a fine can be imposed by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for unscheduled filing or the creation of data from zvіtnostі for the forms:

  • 2-PDFO. The fine varies from 100 to 1000 rubles;
  • 6-PDFO. The stitching for 1 month is estimated at 1000 rubles. Whether it is not given, the document is estimated at 500 rubles;
  • RSV-1. Punishable by a fine of 500 rubles for the worker, who is called upon.
For nonconformity, Rosstat could impose a fine of 10 to 20 thousand rubles on the date of 2019.

Regardless of the clumsy rules of accounting for the appearance of IP, so as not to increase your expenses, it is necessary to trust accounting to competent persons.

Video: how to keep an IP on USN

A lot of businessmen, who run their own business, do not attach sufficient respect to accounting, tax, personnel management. Be aware of the serious consequences of wrong paperwork at the enterprise. Fiscal authorities can charge large fines, penalties for the number of necessary papers and declarations. In order to avoid such a situation, it is necessary to know how to organize an accounting system in the form of a deposit in the form of a selected taxation scheme, how to store documents for the Federal Tax Service (hereinafter - FNP).

Bookkeeping IP

Vіdpovіdno to position federal law dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ "On the Accounting Form", for individual entrepreneurs (hereinafter - IP), it is allowed not to stop fold the system document processing and bookkeeping from the most unreasonable operations and postings. A lot of merchants interpret this decree pomilkovo, as they allowed not to engage in the familiar buhoblik, interspersed with regular updates of the Book of the Form of Income and Vitrat (hereinafter - KUDir). Tim, by the hour, give a tax return to the reception, but for what you need primary documentation.

The registration of the accounting appearance of the IP, the nuances and peculiarities of business management are directly related to the businessman by the system of subsidies. Yakshcho pіdpriєmets vіddavu win one of the pіlgovyh special regimes, then it's easier to do the paperwork. If the main taxation system (hereinafter - OSNO) is established, then it is impossible to do without qualified specialists, if they can pay a tax on the additional payment (hereinafter - MPE), so that they cry.

Schob competently and accurately to secure the tax base and pay the collections of the powers, deposit from the federal fund, and need to constantly secure the primary documentation. As soon as you hire practitioners, then the accounting form for an individual entrepreneur becomes more complicated, it is necessary to collect taxes for practitioners, pay their FNP, make declarations and voicings to the authorities, which are reviewed.

Features of the accounting form

Before the obov'yazkіv, whether it be any kind of acceptance, enter the KUDіR vedennya from the paper or electronic version. If a businessman wants to fold a book by hand, then it is necessary to number all the sides, sew them, creak with a signet. The document has information about all government operations that are carried out by the company - the arrival of cooking and non-cooking costs, incurring costs. KUDіR is the object of re-verification of the tax service. The literacy and correctness of the buhoblik can be distorted by three years after the official closing of the company.

Zvіlneno vіd vіdnya KUDіR lische pіdpriєmtsі, yakі zastosovuyt Single tax on the provision of income (further - UTII), reshta biznesmenіv zobov'yazana submit tax service of the whole document. If you want to “sit” on the OSNO, then you will have to keep the form of the initial documents, accounting invoices from the VAT, zdiyasnyuvati accounting conducted, owing to arrahuvannyam and virahuvannyam tsgogo tax. The main system of subsidy is transferring the payment of subsidies for income, if you happen to be able to pay off the money, devising the basis for the calculation of fees.

Submissive appearance and folding of zvіtnostі

Keeping documentation, necessary for the calculation and payment of the necessary fees, is called a taxable form. In most cases, the business unites the accounting and taxable appearance, the fragments of internal business management without intermediation are due to the payment of fees and payments to the budgets of the current budgets. In order to take care of the calculations and the payment of the necessary fees, it is necessary to thoroughly check, as the soundness is necessary for the system of subsidy, which is to be settled.

If a businessman unwrittenly folds official papers, it is maliciously and unfavorably to introduce the FNP into the oman, inadvertently voicing the wrong number, underestimating the base for calculating taxes, then you have to bear the burden. Legislation transfers suvori come in early for business, if they incorrectly organized buhoblіk in the organization, right up to criminal reinvestigation, as a result of evidence of arrears in payment of taxes for over 600 tr. Court officers can confiscate like mine companies, and the special authority of the ruler.

Organization of the appearance of IP

Oskіlki competently organizing accounting can be of great importance, then immediately after the registration procedure has been carried out and the choice of the taxation system (further - SN), the businessman should be appointed, as a fault of the zdiisnyuvatime document processing, stezhiti for the correct taxation. Є three options for leading a businessman to a bukhoblіku:

  • Self-supporting. If one of the special regimes has been selected, then it is possible to organize the document processing in a special way.
  • Іz zaluchennyam hired practitioner. This option is to be chosen, as it shows the lack of competence in the nutrition of booze.
  • A contract from an outsourcing company that is engaged in consultations, services, accounting and tax purposes. Such an organization of documentation for the undertaking is the simplest, but it is more expensive.

Self-management of booze on special regimes

Pilgovі SN provide easier documentation management. To change the vitrate, you can conduct business. Conducting accounting of IP on the simplified tax system transferring the subsequent and planned completion of KUDIR, fixing the primary rate. If a businessman zastosovuє UTII, then buhoblіk asks. It is not necessary to conduct KUDіR, it is possible to use only the fixation of documentation, as a basis for calculating the main tax.

Self-management of official papers is visible from the financial point of view - a businessman does not spend money on hiring practitioners, which can be entrusted to such a business. The transition to the services of online accounting will greatly simplify the accounting of the company. The selected system is cheaper, lower the services of a spivrobitnik, who should come or work regularly in the state of the organization, and then firmly put themselves up to their ability to conduct business of the company. Self-management of bookkeeping for an individual labor worker, you can bring to pardon when collecting taxes.

For the help of a hired accountant

Yakshcho the master of business does not want or does not have the time to make the company’s booze yourself, then hire qualified specialist who is aware of all the nuances and intricacies of the SN businessman, who is guided by the rest of the changes in legislation, who knows the terms of payment recovery from collections and taxes. Getting a qualified accountant to work to help the robotic provider save pennies of resources, the skills of the spivpraci with one person are richly lower, the transfer of business management to outsourcing.

Prior to the choice of a spіvrobіtnik, which vouches for buhoblik for IP, it is necessary to pіdіti vіdpovіdally, vrakhovuuchi all slіdkі vіd nekіsnoї і nepismennoї ї rabota. The number of employees of a hired accountant in Russia is no more than 40-60 thousand. ruble It is possible to do homework about the writing of obov'yazkiv, for example, the folding of the zvіtnostі at the established terms, and at the great hour to conduct the accounting independently.

Contract with an outsourcing company

The simplest way to conduct accounting for an individual business is to completely transfer business management “for sale” to a company, as it is purposefully engaged in tax and accounting management. Such a method is acceptable, as if the lords did not have to deal with documentary work, if they wanted to spend their time on the accomplishment of the most important lord's financial matters. Specialized firms know the appearance of "from scratch" that fold the soundness of the tax inspection is good with the established terms.

The transfer of the spіvpratsi z outsourcing company є є those that businessmen do not need to worry about those, how to fill in the tax returns and the payments to the budget of the usіh rivnіv. Vidpovіdalnіst for buhoblіk for IP bere special organization. Not much of such a form of official paperwork is those that the clerk of the enterprise is completely “turned off” in the process of forming official papers. In addition, the cost of services to outsourcing is expensive for hiring an accountant. For outside the vedennya, the buhoblik will have to pay close to 100 tr. from Moscow.

How to do bookkeeping on your own - Pokrokov's instruction

Proper organization of document management by firms is a guarantee of successful government and financial activities, which should be respectfully placed before the vedenniy bukhoblіku for ІП. After the registration procedure is completed, the businessman is given a month to select SN, otherwise the FNP will automatically transfer the admission to OSNO. Think over all the nuances and details of the administration of the buhobliku next, following the principles of the payment of taxes, extracurriculars. Children are needed in the following sequence:

  1. Estimate the size of the possible income and profit of the company in order to assess the possibility of choosing a system of subsidies.
  2. Select the special mode SN, as such a possibility. Less than 4: UTII, the taxation system is simplified (hereinafter - USN), or "sproschenka", the Single Sіlgospodatok (ESHN), the patent taxation system (hereinafter - PSN). Select the special regime required for the type of work and services that IP will be engaged in. Rozmіr poddkovyh poddkovy vіdrakhuvan without intermediary lie down in the vіd pіdbor SN. If an individual cannot choose a special regime on his own, you can consult with the facsimiles.
  3. Recognition, how it is necessary to fold the FNP zvіtnіst when processing SN, how to organize the accounting for IP, fix the primary documentation.
  4. Appreciate obsyag robit, which vikonuvatime the future firm, understand what it is necessary to victorize the hired work. Vіd tsogo to lay the foundation of the personnel appearance, to increase the salaries of the workers from the payment of contributions from the fondi, pіlgi, and other moments, connected with the document processing.
  5. Recognition of the terms established by the FNP for the recovery of taxes and extras.
  6. It is important to know who we know for the IP - hiring a practitioner, an outsourcing company or a businessman himself. Increase the possibility of using Internet accounting.
  7. Save all primary documents, sorting them out by category. Contract with post-employees, assistants, contractors, keep the forms of suvoro zvіtnostі (BSO), koshtorisnu documentation that confirms the type of duty, incurring vitratiy and otrimaniy vytorg.

Selection of the taxation system and the taxation of taxation

In order to correctly select the need for SN, the tax payer needs to be assigned to the main elements. Vіdpovіdno before legislation, the following factors are insured:

  • Object of subsidy - income tax, income, other result depending on the activity of the organization, if necessary, make payments to the budget.
  • The basis for the calculation of taxes is the fee for penny units of the object of taxation.
  • The period for the payment of taxes is an hour, by which time the base is determined, the sum of the collection is calculated.
  • The order of calculation of that line is to pay a tax.

To select SN, it is necessary to focus on the following criteria:

  • directly the activities of the enterprise;
  • average number of hired practitioners;
  • the size of the transferred surplus;
  • the price of the main benefits, the establishment of enterprises;
  • average monthly turnover of the firm; regularity of spending pennies from contractors, buyers;
  • regional specialties, which are responsible for the types of duties for special regimes of UTII and PSN.

The appearance of current government operations at KUDir

Sovereign normative decrees transfer the KUDir's order to the paper's electronic view. It is necessary to carry out documentation on any SN goiter, fixing the need for that vitrati, roblolyachi notes about the first surplus and other orders, rahunka invoices, waybills that tell about the purchase, ruh koshtіv on the rose rahunka rahunka. Krіm tsgogo, obov'yazki merchant put in the guilt of an analytical form of profits and zabitkіv, necessary for the correct narahuvannya tax payments.

In order to conduct accounting from the OSNO blockages, then, KUDIR, it is necessary to vrakhovuvat all the primary documentation from the tax on the additional payment, analyze the accounting invoices, what to find and write off, de mortgaged MPE, register with the journal. The security of the KUDIR is even more important - on the basis of the statements found in the book, the merchant submits a tax declaration 3-PDFO for the example of a sunny period. As a rule, it is necessary to keep a cash book with the corrections of the surplus and other orders.

Personnel image of the staff

If you want to hire practitioners, then, for the correct calculation of contributions from the fund and tax payments, you need to competently set up the personnel appearance of spivrobitnikiv. The labor legislation has passed the requirement for IP, as there is no need to maintain the necessary documentation. When accepting a hulk, take the following actions:

  • lay down with a physical special labor agreement to please;
  • to see the order about the acceptance of a giant for a robot, having entered the date of the cob of yogo robot and posada;
  • issue a special card, or to the right of the accepted spivrobitnik, from the assigned special data, information about education, qualifications, work experience, the presence of a person (friends), children, data of a military card (for people);
  • make entries to the work book for її presence or create a new one.

When hiring a worker, the individual needs to see his salary from the PDFO, contributing to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the PF RF), the Social Insurance Fund (hereinafter referred to as the FSS), the Fund for Obligatory Social Insurance (FOMS). Usі vypayti for narahovanimi zbora held shomіsyatsya, until the 15th day of the upcoming stellar period.

Vіdomosti about hiring practitioners with an eye on labor contracts, special cards, punishments for being admitted to a plantation, transferring, withdrawing, compensating for a debt of no less than 75 years. Copies and originals of work books, which were not needed by the workers, are saved 50 years. After the liquidation of businesses, the robotic goiter gave all the information about the people who were hired in the archives. The term saving data about robots is not obmezheniya.

Accounting and taxes

The merchant will have to keep a book and write once a few forms of zvіtnostі from the FNP, without forgetting to draw up a declaration at the line established by law. If there are practitioners in the IP, then the next thing to do is to give such official papers:

  • at the RF Pension Fund the form of SZVM, about pratsyyuchih hromada, yakі є є є oberzhuvachami majestic help, skin 3 days until the 15th day of the coming month;
  • quarterly calls for confirmation of reimbursement and paid contributions from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and for ZMS, which are expected by the Federal Tax Service for the month of registration of acceptance no later than the 30th day of the next month after the summer period;
  • at the FSS form 4-FSS about the calculation and paid insurance contributions for the previous quarter, not later than the 20th day of the month following the winter period;
  • dovidki 2-PDFO, 6-PDFO about the amount of tax paid for practitioners for the last month, not later than 20 April;
  • declarations of MPE for the quarter, until the 25th day of the coming month;
  • information about the payment of the main tax of the IP, according to the adopted SN and the vedennija bukhoblіku.

Online accounting and specialized software for IP

If you don’t want to spend money on hiring an office bookkeeper, or transfer documents to an outsourcing company, then you can entrust accounting and administration to electronic programs that help automate accounting. You can speed up with the online services "1C: Acceptance" or the system "My Right". Electronic technologies to proponuyut ІП advances іnstrumentarіy for vedennija buhoblіku:

  • operational rozrahunok sumi all podtkіv, borіv, derzhmita fallowly in the form of SN;
  • automatic filling, preparation submission declarations, vypisok, other types of zvіtnostі;
  • fixation of primary documentation;
  • issuing and issuing payment instructions to banking organizations;
  • blocking in case of unauthorized access;
  • control of payments, how to see through practitioners;
  • analytical appearance of vitrate, viruchka, buttkovost, zbitkiv

With all the availability of electronic services for accounting purposes, a merchant will have to incur costs - buy a program, pay for installation, regularly pay a subscription fee, and come up with an update. As soon as the purchase of a patent for UTII has been completed, it is possible to deal with business independently, without using automatic services. Appearance according to the basic folding, taking away a lot of time, then it will be more practical to win the practice of hiring practitioners or outsourcing companies, and not to create special programs.

Buhoblik IP on USN

Nearly 70% of entrepreneurs in Russia vvazhayut for better accounting form, corrosive USN. qia scheme the payment of fees is reminiscent of simplicity - as a businessman, it is necessary to draw up a KUDIR, competently fix the primary documentation, increase the earnings of workers with their own tax payments. The payment of a single fee from the simplified tax system replaces the VAT, taxes on surplus and mine.

There are two variants of the system - “Reach” and “Reach minus vitrati”. If the IP chooses the first scheme, then in KUDIR they are less likely to win trade, what to come, in view of which it is necessary to pay 6% of the state. If we saw another option, then the documentation is obliged to insure the viruchka, vitrati. Vіd raznitsi mizh tsimi dvoma pokazniki necessitate to pay 15%. It is necessary to respectfully follow the vrahuvannyam of vitrates, shards, according to the provisions of legislation, not all vitrats are brought to them.

Maintaining the accounting form of IP on UTII

A businessman, like a vikoristovu UTII, may not issue a KUDir. For the calculation of the main tribute, the state has to provide data to characterize the robotic servants, like a company. Before them lie a kind of fialnostі, zagalna ploshcha pribyshchennya, kolkіst hiring pracіvnіkіv, rozmir gadannogo pributku. Podatkova base vrakhovuє danі pozniki. The total amount of the payment is fixed, to deposit due to the stagnant regional and district promotional declining coefficients. It is necessary to call for UTII on a quarterly basis, until the 20th day of the next month.

Soundness of individual admission

The system of filing taxes was chosen, and the filing of declarations, other official documentation of the inspection of the federal tax service (DAF - IFTS) "for oneself" is done with the inserted terms. You can see the zonation, fallow in the adopted SN, you can check in the guidance table below:

Subscription scheme option

Declaration of the basic fee

Fixed IP payments for yourself

In 2019, the roci rіchny rozіr іn payments, yakі zobov'zaniya vіdrakhovuvat vіdrakhovuvat vіdrakhovuvat vіdrahovuvat vіdpієmets prієmets for tо the PF of the Russian Federation аnd Fund ob'іzkovogo medіdskogo insurovannya (hereinafter – FOMS), changing. The state has established a fixed amount of offensive value:

  • insurance for pension insurance - 26545 rubles;
  • pay for medical insurance - 5840 UAH.

Payments are paid on a lump sum basis, no later than 31 th day of the current solar period. Yakshcho, for the honorable tribute, the increase in the income of the merchant is more than 300 thousand rubles, the Pension Fund will have to pay an additional 1% of the amount to the Pension Fund, revisiting this show, starting from the fixation of the retail income. The maximum expansion of the PF of the Russian Federation can be revisited 186 thousand. ruble

Zvіtnіst schodo hiring spіvrobіtnikіv

As a businessman, he accepts the practice of physical skills, as a roboticist. Independently from the scheme of subsidies, it is necessary to apply for vouchers for practitioners in the IFTS and federal funds. You can see the declarations for the spіvrobіtnikіv you can check in the hover table below:

Tax calendar of individual admission

Correctly maintaining the accounting form of the recipient transfers his own advances and repayment of the installed fees. For cutaneous heart failure, there is a term for repayment of intake from vaping. You can find out the dates of repayment of payments and the submission of calls in the guidance table below:

CH name

6 months

9 months

12 months


Did you know a pardon from the text? See it, press Ctrl+Enter and we'll fix everything!

What are the documents of IP under the USN goiter to conduct such acts to normalize the importance of undertaking before the state control bodies? Most of the time, most of the time, they call out colloquially among young entrepreneurs, as they were called to try to earn a living on their own, and not like hiring a practitioner. It should be noted once that it is easy to file an IP for a simple system of filing, even if a declaration can be submitted more than 1 time per river. Insurance contributions to the Pension Fund are paid quarterly and monthly - for the consideration of the applicant himself.

Financial zvіtnіst before the state

If you are financially famous, then the won is the same for any forms of business, registration for the simplified tax system. So, regardless of the need to remove a license, a certified permit, the list of documents will be identical, like for quiet, whose activity is not going to goiter, for example, at the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Also, for the filing of accounting records, the following documents are required:

  1. Declaration (submitted promptly, before 30 April following the next day).
  2. Dovіdka about income / spending for the form 2-PDFO.
  3. A book about income / spending (do not submit to the public, but obov'yazkovo can be re-buyed for admission in the archives).
  4. Vіdomostі about spіvrobіtnikіv, yakscho stench є. The skin of them is registered with the Pension Fund, and the very application of goiter is confirmed for payment of insurance premiums.

The quarterly individual may submit a call for the form RSV1. In another case, you will be awarded a fine, and the Pension Fund may have the right to increase the maximum allowable rate on contributions, which may be 130 thousand rubles.

It should be respected that, behind a simple system of filing, such brilliance is only relevant for the so-called micro-enterprises, that in the state of them there are no more than 15 spivrobitnikiv, and the actual financial turnover is no more than 60 million rubles. Otherwise, UTII is victorious. A part of the fixed capital, as if it was transferred, is not guilty of overestimating 25% for legal issues. Otherwise, the organization must be registered already as a joint-stock company (publicly closed - it does not matter).

Turn to hell

Documents that can be carried out under the simplified tax system

Otherwise, how can documents be carried out IP on the simplified tax system, so that the mustache was considered legal, both from the side of tax control, and from the side of law enforcement agencies (how can they also take part in the control of the admission of that yoga activity)? Nasampered, as a businessman nada sing services, then the skin seal can end with the registration of the so-called act of vikonai robit. In the same place, a contract (instruction) is assigned, a list of given services, as well as guarantees for undertakings, as well as for violating goiters (and for example, the stench is transferred by the form of activity).

Follow the understanding that the deputy of the servants did not sign any documents. In order for everything to be legal, it is necessary to make a clause in the act that the client is required to sign, or simply do not want to work for any other reasons, it is important that the wine is fit for the appointed minds. That is why the signature is neobov'yazkovy, but the skin of such acts is respected by him. It is necessary to register it in accordance with the established legislative procedure. In the other case, the income is swindled in the form of gifts and the data is reliable information about the receipt of income.

Acts are allowed not to be carried out only in one way: as a client’s account and receipt, it is carried out through the bank. Todi simply take a hero from the new (a check that confirms the fact of a financial operation), which indicates the fact of the operation.

More leather pripriyemets goitre to see the rahunok for the most part - a list of natannyh servants, raspisuvannya conscripted payment. Such documents are no longer regulated by the Federal tax service. The rahunok itself can be given in a different form, but more companies can get a better receipt for their services and paid payments. Tse ask him to fold the calls with the accountant.

І stnє - tse book zvіtіv that vitrat (the rest are not indicated, as it was collected by the USN pіd 6%). Before the speech, if neobov'yazkovo okremiya zoshit, who needs information about the skin performed a financial operation. At the same time, they use special computer programs, which allow automating the process. I documents submitted in such a form are recognized as legitimate. The axis only needs to be downloaded from the current version of the program, which is supported by the FNP. In another way, you may have to convert the signed documents.

Documentation of IP USN, as it comes out of practice, is rarely revised. However, the need for goitre to keep them, save them in the archives (if you need to add folders). Sovereign control services can at any moment vimagati nada zvіt for the same period. If the documents do not show up, there will be a large fine, otherwise you will have to deal with the criminal responsibility for the fact of the assignment of activity. Also, there are no nekhtuvat tsimi legislative norms in the same time.

Turn to hell

Liability for a license or certification

If you accept services, if you qualify for certification, you need to be able to confirm your qualifications, if necessary. To such lie, for example, sales of specialty goods (zokrema import and export). Even if they hire practitioners, such certificates are necessary for them. Otherwise, the control services deduct the possibility of initiating re-examination of all organizations for compliance with the strict norms (they can be found in the Procedural Code).

It is necessary to protect the fact that the common woman is more important to win in trade. If there is a need for food products, then there it will be necessary to register in the sanitary and epidemiological station to control services and supplement the rules for products that are implemented. At the place of residence, there is no intermediary work, it is necessary to take the policy out of the fire safety. Even though such a place has not been transferred, the actual address of residence of the place of residence (or timchasova registration) is the main yogo contact data. At the time of changing the place of residence of the timchasovy dislocation, it is necessary to inform the FNP. Although the rule itself is often ignored, especially wake-up organizations, yakі give viznі services (for example, budіvnitstvo kotezhu chi dacha).

How do you document the IP under the USN, how do you give services, how do you not qualify for certification? Just enough registration data from the designated specialty code. No other documents have been handed over for this purpose. At the time of expanding the list of services, it is recommended to re-register, or simply to open additional business. Insurance contributions are all fixed for one sleeping person, and not for skin care, as a simple system has been installed for them.

Turn to hell

Validity of acceptance before the control authorities

Іsnuє shche y tak understand yak vіdpovіdalnіst pіdpriієmtsya before the state for the vedennya dokumentobigu. As if pardons were found in the course of the process, I suffered a reprimand. If the FNP wants to have a large number of vipadkivs, they are simply ahead of the curve.

With a simple system of subsidies, it is possible to apply for an account, which in turn gives a special financial signal to the conduct of activities. I don’t care about the fact that you have to pay the fixed insurance rate, you have to give money for all the thorough financial operations through the financial account. Until then, take the information about all the operations carried out for the next 3 years. The declaration can be submitted at the hour, zokrema and zazdalegid. Todi in nіy are assigned rozrahunkovі danі, so the sum of the obsessed surplus is planned. In that case, if it appears to be less than factual, the applicant can apply for the withdrawal of financial assistance from the established legislative procedure. The mustache of the moment can also be fixed.

It is necessary to guess what kind of documentation is being carried out in different countries, which is the actual activity singing period not conducted.

For whom the victors have such an understanding, like “zero zvіtnіst”. Tax contributions are paid in obov'yazkovuyu order, like insurance to the Pension Fund (skin protection cream). Before the speech, such a "prorіhu" is often victorious for businessmen-pochatkіvtsі, as they simply have not yet been sorted out with stellar documentation. The stench says that the activity was not actually carried out, but at the same time, the transfer of deposits is crying.

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