Turning the insurance bank back after paying the loan to the borrower. Chi you can turn pennies for insurance during the cooling period, and if you dostrokov_y pay off the loan. See insurance policies

Insurance of life, income, as well as the outpost of mine, which a person should lie down, as if he took a loan, it is one of the minds of the implementation of a credit program of numerical banking organizations. If you have a lot of money, it’s reasonable to call for a loan - you can turn the insurance for a loan after that hourly redemption and how to find out for it.

What is credit insurance?

Insurance, transferred in case of crediting, є additional service, as a kind of protection to the bank in the event of a possible risk of non-payment of credit costs due to the result of various life situations. Insurance is provided by the bank when a loan is issued that is an additional service, as it cannot be paid for the tariffing of a hundredth value for a total sum.

What is the law about insurance?

According to the law on insurance, the applicant can be considered under the contract for a period of 5 days after issuance. However, the bank often grants a loan, through which it is problematic to get insurance.

Also, insurance can often be shown as an obov'yazkov's mind when withdrawing a loan. At to this particular type The defendant defends the law on the rights of the guardian, forfeiting the right to defend the rights of the insurance contract for the decision of the court.

In case of this law, it is not possible to defy the guarantor, the oskilki of the agreement may have the same legal force and, having signed under the main clauses, especially if you have taken a loan, not all insurance premiums may turn around, but only a part of the cost.

How to return insurance for a loan after the loan is repaid?

The procedure for returning insurance after repaying the loan is to pay it back, but be it once in a while, the applicant may have the right to turn back, if he wants to, part of the total sum transferred under the contract. For the next repayment of the loan, it is necessary to return to the bank and write an application for a special form, in which case it is necessary to indicate about your name and return to the insurance contract. Before the main statement of the obov'yazkovo, an additional confirmation is added, as it confirms that the loan will be repaid.

If the applicant on the basis of the application will be blamed on the official vіdmova, he may have the right to file without intermediary before the court for the defense of his financial rights. The result is rich in why to lie in the position of the bank, there are occasional fluctuations, if the bank still proves its case and the return of the insurance money is not possible.

In case of filing a criminal complaint before the court, I will call you to submit the following documents:

  • A copy of the main loan agreement;
  • Dovіdka, scho pіdverdzhuє povne zakrittya borg in front of the bank;
  • A copy of the application form to be submitted to the bank upon request for the return of insurance costs;
  • A copy of the decision of the insurance company at the authority.

Varto signify that, before the main call, you can boldly include all legal fees that are connected with the folding procedure for returning insurance for a loan.

What kind of insurance can be returned?

The policy of basic insurance of applicants in case of withdrawal of pennies from a loan may be obov'yazkovym and neobov'yazkovym. For outpost credits, the procedure for insuring by obligatory mental insurance does not apply to such insurances. With voluntary insurance, it is necessary for such types of insurance as a loan preparation, a quick loan, credit card, The procedure for turning in a full obsyazі or often can be changed.

Return of insurance for early repayment

In addition, as credit cards have been turned back to the bank, you can immediately try to turn the insurance part of the premiums on a legal basis. For the first time after the procedure for closing the loan, it is necessary to return to the bank directly for advice. Until then, it is necessary to respectfully agree to an agreement and an inquiry about the possibility of returning the sum of money, which has been applied for the insurance procedure.

Warto indicate that the insurer may have the right to recover from the returned costs, as the agreement has a non-intermediate clause on the return of insurance in the event of an early repayment of the loan. Its own bank zdijsnyuє on the basis of the law - art. 958 Central Committee of Ukraine.

However, at the contract of appointments, this clause, in case of pre-term redemption, the contractor may have the right to take part of the cost. Ale, the payment is due by itself for that term, if the borrower, who took a loan, did not perform the main service, is transferred to the insurance.

At the same time, it is necessary for the bank to submit an application for the completion of the redemption and take the details of the wet account. After the completion of the procedure, it is necessary to inform the insurance company and write a statement about your need to return the stained coins for insurance.

Crimea declare to need the following documents:

  • recipient's passport;
  • provisions of the credit agreement;
  • vision of the hour of registration of the loan insurance policy;
  • documentary confirmation of the presence of any obstruction in front of the bank;
  • all checks must be paid to the main insurance contribution.

For this, it is important that the client needs to send this package of documents directly to the insurance company, and not to the bank. When submitting the main documents, it is necessary to check the decision of the insurance company, and if it will not be at the expense of the applicant, it is necessary to go to the courts to defend the rights of the authorities in order to return part of the insurance premiums.

Can you turn around at the turn of the hour without legal assistance?

When caused by an application for compensation for an insurance policy, it is necessary to seriously check the validity of the procedure. As all clauses of the contract provide for the rights of the applicant, you can do without legal assistance when submitting an application to the court. If there are some nuances in the transfer agreement, if you want to often cover the rights of the beneficiary and if you don’t transfer the payment of insurance costs, you can turn to a lawyer for help. Dosvіdcheny fahivets dopomozhe zіbrati povnі provnі vіdomostі about the presence of the possible rights of the claimant, which, if possible, to allow the court to win such a cat will be often turned.

In most cases, a loan is accompanied by an insurance bank, which the borrower has to pay. It is not uncommon for financial organizations to instruct the client to pay for the money, as they are not suitable for insuring the obtained loan. However, to inspire that, like a loan of insurance, it’s really possible to pay back the full amount of money paid for the supplementary service - for which it is only necessary to pay the debt in advance.

The legislator conveys the possibility of turning koshtіv in that case, as if the servant was not given, or the bula was not given in full obligation. How is the procedure for withdrawing insurance for repayment of a loan and what documents are required to be submitted to the applicant to the bank organization for issuing a return?

First, contact the insurance company for the return of the money paid, it is necessary to take into account all the credit agreement laid down at the stage of withdrawal of the position. In that case, as in one of the paragraphs of the signed agreement, please, there was information about those that insurance is not paid when the loan is repaid before the due date, turn the window back to the payment of the cost is not viide.

Well, food about the return of money is not regulated by the provisions of the contract, otherwise it transfers the possibility of redeeming a part of the pennies, arranging it to lie in the line, which is left until the end of the contract, the possibility of withdrawing the money for the service, I will give it not in the first place.

In order to return the money used to pay for the insurance policy issued when withdrawing a loan, it is necessary to pay such a fee.

Return to the insurance company, in which case the insurance policy was withdrawn

If it is necessary to prepare an application, in which case it is necessary to indicate the following statements:

  • the name of the bank, until which the applicant is sent;
  • P.I.B. the applicant and his contact details;
  • number and date of contract of position insurance;
  • description of the conditions of the contract;
  • date of filing the application and signature of the applicant.

Before the application, it is necessary to add the following package of documents:

  • passport holder of the loan (the person is guilty of being the applicant);
  • a loan agreement;
  • form, registrations with the withdrawal of funds from the bank;
  • payment documents confirming the fact of making payments for the loan, as well as a confirmation from the bank, as if confirming the debt of the borrower;
  • requisites of the bank account, on which the transfer of funds is carried out at the time of satisfaction of the debtor.

The application can be submitted to the insurance company by any of the following methods:

  • especially;
  • through a representative, having issued at the notary a deed of entrustment to you of the right to establish similar deeds in the name of the appointee;
  • we recommend a sheet of information about delivery.

In a month's time, the insurance company can praise the decision about the payment of expenses or about the payment of debts. At the first stage, the pennies will be transferred to the appointment at the time of submission of documents to the bank account. In another case, the insurer of goiter should see the applicant a letter of evidence about the payment of pennies, as it can be presented for.

Turn back to the heights

In order to solve the problem on the level of the insurance company, it didn’t go away, to prepare a claim or call a statement with a method of obtaining it before the Rosspozhivnaglyadu or the judicial authority. It is necessary to work for a stretch of three years from the moment the loan is repaid - the very same term of prescription in similar rights establishes the civil legislation of Russia. The calls will be considered within the framework of the court session, in the course of which an assessment of the legitimacy of the insurance company will be given and, on її substantiation, a decision will be made on the recognition of the payment of the posit or the debt of the debtor.

As a rule, do not reach the ship’s views on the right- Spivrobitniki insurance organization, bachachi in front of a stubborn client, vvazhayut for better not bring to the right to vtruchannya sovereign bodies she pays the amount of insurance, proportional to the time period, which is left until the end of the line loan agreement. To the very same, having repaid the loan in advance, do not say goodbye to the money, spent on paying for your insurance - you can turn the best of them, for a little bit of the situation, for which the contract is directly assigned otherwise.

Today, more banks, when providing loans, are intimidated by applicants for issuing insurance policies. In order not to violate the law (referring to Art. 343 of the Civil Code, obov'yazkovomu insurance is only taken out of the blue, transferred to the bank as a security for a loan), financiers go to other tricks. So, for prospective employees, if they bought a policy, they will be encouraged to take a loan, or they will include insurance in the package of supplementary services, which are provided by the bank. As a result, with an early repayment of the loan, the client of the credit institution faces a problem: far from being insurers, it will be possible to return the insurance premium, as the bula was paid in advance for the period of the loan agreement. How much of a rightful decision is made at the turned part of the paid contributions, and how to fix it in this situation? Let's try to get to know each other.

Wash the pre-term attachment to the insurance contract

Just as when you issued a loan, you added an insurance policy (depending on whether the bank acted vigodonally for it), with an early repayment of the position, you need to try to return part of the insurance premium that was paid to the insurer. For the first time after the repayment of all sums of the loan, it is necessary to return to the insurance company by applying:

  • a copy of the loan agreement;
  • the passport;
  • confirmation from the bank about repayment of the loan;
  • a statement, written in the name of the insurance company's clerk, about the completion of the insurance contract and the return of part of the insurance premium.

A lot of applicants are allowed to pardon that very same pardon: the stench does not go straight to the insurance company, but to the bank in which the policy was issued. Such things can be true in that case, as insurance was included in the package of banking services (for the time being, we can look at it). In other situations, if you want to take a quick look at the insurance company and increase your chances of returning the paid insurance premium, you can also contact the insurance company.

See in detail the additional line of attachment to the insurance contract described in Article 958 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

  1. The contract of insurance attaches its duty to the present term, for some reason, a bunch of provisions, in that case, as a result of yogo recruitment of rank, risks, the insurance situation arose, or for other reasons, including:
    • at the time of death of the insured lane;
    • at the time of the application of the pіdpriєmnitskoї dіyalnostі special, yak insured the pіdpriєmnitskiy rizik abo rizik of the civil viability, pov'yazanoї z provadzhennyam pіdpriєmnitskoi ї іyalnostі.
  2. The insurer or vigodonabuvach may have the right to act under the contract, having filed a declaration, if at any time, as at the time of entry, the possibility of the current insurance coverage did not fall behind the conditions described in clause 1.
  3. The insurer may have the right to withdraw part of the insurance premium in proportion to up to an hour, by stretching such an insurance policy, at the time of the additional insurance contract, at the link with the furnishings described in clause 1.

The insurer has the right not to reverse the insurance premium (as not otherwise transferred by the contract) to the insurance premium of the insurer (clause 2.).

Please pay attention to another paragraph of paragraph 3 of article 958: if the agreement on insurance is paid at the initiative of the beneficiary (including - for the early repayment of the loan), the insurer may not return the insurance premium paid earlier. However, regardless of the formula, lawyers, in case of an indemnification of the insurer, can turn over part of the insurance premium, they can win a sprat of “laszivok”, which allows them to take into account the interests of the employer. We will report more about them.

Mobility for maneuver: how to turn part of the insurance premium

Significantly, that you have filed an application with the bank and the insurance company to return a part of the insurance premium to you, after which they took away the allowances for paragraph 3 of Art. 958 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, you won’t be able to solve the problem with great independence. With any qualifications, a lawyer can know how to get out of the situation, victorious 2 possibilities:

  1. Having referred to the formulary of the loan agreement, with some inconsistency in the insurance agreement. So, most of the time, the loan agreement has a norm about “insurance laid down in the agreement for the entire term of the loan agreement” (the wording is often reviewed, the protest is left unchanged). Tobto yakscho term dії credit agreement pripinyaєtsya zv'yazku z dostrokovym vykonannyam zobov'yazan zalnik before the bank, then th goiter'yazannya insurer is also guilty pripinitisya.
  2. Having sent those scho, that the insurance risk has fallen at the expense of the ability to repay the loan at the time of the insurance crisis. Therefore, after the repayment of the position of the insurance risk, it is attached to the furnishing, which influences the insurance risk. Vіdpovіdno to paragraph 1 p. 3 Art. 958, as “a contract of insurance pripinyaє his duty to the present term, which vin was laid on the back, at times, as a result of this, the risks of the insurance situation have arisen”, the insurer of the goiter has been robbed and repaid and turned part of the insurance premium.

Important: there are less loopholes: as a rule, insurers are still required to return insurance, and even to be brought to court. I won't win any guarantees: ring out, correct the result and lay it in the position of a particular court.

However, regardless of everything, if the insurance contract is laid down without intermediary between the employer and the insurance company (for example, the bank acts as a viable agent for the contract), there is still a chance to turn part of the insurance premium from bank customers. A lot of insurance companies, to demonstrate their loyalty to the entire client, include clauses before the insurance contracts, which clearly regulate the procedure for returning the insurance premium at the time of the extension of the contract. Also, special minds can be registered in the official rules of insurance. Having seen the agreement and accompanying documents, you can assess your chances for success without the help of a lawyer.

Naigirsha situation in case of successful applicant to the so-called "Program insurance bank" and "Package services". In any case, the insurance contract is settled between the bank and the insurer, and turn back part of the paid sum (formally issued as a fee for the service package or connection to the program) even more smoothly.

What robiti, what insurance is included in the package of supplementary services to the bank

At certain vipadkas, banks are proposing to customers to become participants special programs insurance: although the credit organization itself acts as an insurer, there is no direct insurance contract between the insurer and the insurer. Henceforth, up to the norms of the Civil Code of the Civil Code, there can be no appeal against the pre-linear rozirvannya. The sum, repaid by the client to the bank within the framework of such programs, is insured as a commission income of a credit institution, which, in most cases, cannot be turned over at any time.

Another “suspicious option” is package services, like the bank sells to the client for an hour of the loan. The stench can include more than insurance (in case of this case, the bank again acts as an insurer), and additional services - sms-informuvannya, you see debit cards and etc. It’s possible to move less than a single package of services, and not like a small service, but a fee, as it is tied up with the receipt of a package, the bank, better for everything, will not turn back. Please allow yourself to pay for the cost of a monthly service in a package (as a fee is charged).

Of course, banks often return to customers sums paid for package services or connection to insurance programs. Before them enter Oschadbank with its own "Program of collective insurance of social workers-physical conditions". Zakrema, zgіdno z p. 4.2.1 "Insurance of the minds of the insured in-physical cases" for the full pre-term repayment of the loan, the beneficiary may have the right to return the money from the payment for the connection to the Insurance Program, re-insurance in proportion to the excess of the line of crediting. Vіdpovіdno to p. 4.3, if the client is involved in the program of insurance for the first 30 days after the connection to you, the entire sum paid for the connection is returned. For whom it is enough to get to the bank, in which you applied for a loan, then write an application in the appropriate form.

Significantly, it is significant that the basic umovoy pіd hour of laying down the insurance contract pіd the hour of registration of the position є non-refundable insurance premium at the time of the pre-term repayment of the loan. Possible faults from this rule: for which legal clauses may be entered before the insurance contract. You can also try to solve the problem with the court by turning to a lawyer. If you buy a package of banking services and join the program of voluntary banking insurance, the decision on the return of the commission is accepted by the creditor. Dodatkovo proponuєmo learn:

Today, literally everything is bought on credit: saws, cars, apartments, tours. It dawned on me that such a decision was made for a lack of pennies from the family budget. The proposition to the bank to take out insurance is to call for a potential beneficiary.

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Chi varto vytrachati dodatkovuu sum, schob shchob easier sobі that close repayment of the loan from different ailments chi raptovoi spend the work? Chi insurance for a loan - is it just a goddamn way for a bank to get you to become generous?

Can you turn insurance for a loan

Іsnuє kіlka types of credits, the main ones є:

  • mortgage;
  • calm down;
  • car loans.

For dermal z them, we have provided a variety of insurance schemes. The need for insurance coverage for skin care was discussed by various officials. When you take out insurance, remember that for the singing of the falls you can turn back a part of the pennies.

Possibility to turn stained coins to lie down in view of the signed loan agreement and insurance agreement, and also in view of the loan you have taken.

For example, the return of insurance for a quick loan is more real, as you were asked to insure your health, life and purchases of goods.

In some cases, the contracts include a clause that, for example, the insurance premium is paid one-time, and also does not pay for a turnaround.

You won’t be able to get away with the difference between full insurance and the sum that you need to lay down for an hour of actual corystuvannya with insurance services.

Chi legal insurance for a loan

About the need to insure the risk of ushkodzhennya chi spend the lane directly to speak of Article 31 of the Russian law "On Mortgage".

  • Mainova Zastava(an apartment, a house, or something else) to be insured for the full amount of money for money;
  • Car insurance when you take out a car loan (CASCO) - the world is completely correct, the service is given to you, don’t call out the foolish side of the employer.
  • For health insurance and that life it's all simple. Article 935 of the DC of the Russian Federation to say that it is impossible for the population to insure their lives and their health, you can prove it yourself that you need such insurance. For one thing, no bank can't get you to sign an insurance contract, so you should know.

On the other hand, there is an absolute majority of banks to contribute to the mind about the obligatory insurance of the credit agreement itself.

Having signed this, you, yourself, you will kindly wait to see everything written in the contract, including those that are related to the insurance of your lane, health or life.

Chapter 48 of the DC of the Russian Federation does not require banks to act as life insurers, mayna chi health and well-being with no wet money, no additional help for insuring osib.

Formally, you yourself virishuete, chi varto draw up insurance. In fact, if the bank has entered my mind into the loan agreement, you can either insure or look for another bank.

See the insurance boxes

The insurance case, which is the insurance claim, is accepted to name the legally fixed fact, after the date of which, according to the essence of the insurance contract, according to another legislative act, vindicates the insurer’s liability and pays the debt.

The sum insured is the maximum payment of the insurer to the injured person in case of a skin accident.

If you pay the insurance sum and pay the credit goiter, then you will take all the pennies from the bank, as well as the stench is less for the payment, the retail is taken by the employer.

The Russian legislation has secured a division of insurance for 3 large galleys:

  • Specialist;
  • minenov;
  • insurance coverage;

Insuring a loan is a service, as an insurance company is supposed to, as a goiter, to help the borrower with a cleared loan at the time of insurance claims.

Use 2 types of bank loan insurance:

  • loan default insurance- The bank, in its own name, lays down an agreement with the employer about the insurance of personal risks;
  • insurance of the liability of the borrower for the repayment of the loan- by the insurer - the insurance company, as a valid agreement with the bank for the provision of such services.

Contract insurance for a loan that fits today, transfer insurance:

  • the life of the beneficiary;
  • in the wake of unfortunate fluctuations;
  • the employer at the time spent the dzherel income;
  • spend the rights of power - a title;
  • tovar_v, where credit is issued;

If you have failed to take out insurance for a loan, remember that in this way you will reduce the risks to the bank by not paying your own loan. Moreover, it costs for the money of your cats. Especially this policy cannot help you in any way.

Life insurance

Assigned life insurance for the protection of the interests of the insured person for any life or death. Yogo social zavdannya polygaє at zbіlshennі protection of the insured person in case of spending it in the practice.

Financial responsibility of the insurer's penny interests at the time of the death of the insured individual.

May all insurance companies include this item to the mind of the contract. Transitional life insurance is the manifestation of an important chronic disease, non-working illness, the manifestation of a non-working disability group.

Obov'yazkovo life of the employer is insured for the hour of laying the contracts for a car loan, and for the hour of the mortgage loan.

Insurance against unfortunate events

Tse insurance poklikane zahistiti pozichalnikіv at razі nastannya chastkovoї chi povnoї spend praceszdatnostі, otrimannya І chi ІІ groups of disability. This term does not change the term of the loan agreement.

Insurance at the expense of time spent your income

The insured person's loss of income will increase when the insured person spends money on his income.

At the same time, the insurance company pays for a new loan for a single scheme for a period of 10 months. Then, the worker will be embarrassed to pay the loan on his own, so he won’t be able to work for the whole hour.

Insurance of goods, on which credit is issued

The most important type of insurance, and all goods purchased on credit, may be the first guarantee term.

Call the lines of insurance for the term of the guarantee. The insurance company, laying down such an agreement, practically does not risk anything, and the axis of the position pays money for free.

Chi can turn the insurance for a loan

In real life, the result can be achieved only by a path of retribution to the court.

Russian legislation protects the rights of applicants and supporters in a number of normative acts:

  • If you were given a loan for more than paying off obligatory insurance, then your rights were violated, transferred by the law “On the protection of the rights of citizens” and Article 11 of the law “On the protection of competition”;
  • If your loan agreement has a clause about those who are responsible for paying a fee for coming to the insurance program, as well as compensating the bank for expenses incurred to pay insurance premiums to the insurer, then this clause should be supervised by Articles 421, 422, 927 of the Central Committee of Ukraine.

As far as you can see if you can’t pay pennies through the court, it’s unlikely that the bank will be able to tell you that you knew about the possibility of taking out a loan without joining to an insurance contract.

How to turn the insurance, how to agree more

You can apply for insurance within 30 days from the moment you have signed the insurance contract. As more than 1 month has passed, having written a double declaration to the bank, you will take back pennies for virahuvannyam witrats incurred by the bank for your insurance contract.

Terms of return of insurance premiums should be deposited according to the regulations adopted by a particular bank. Sound the stench of the decision about the return of the money, that transfer of pennies to your account takes close to a month.

Chi you can turn the insurance, if the loan has already been paid

Turning insurance after paying off the loan is a complicated procedure, but for getting the money out of singing minds, it’s real to take back a part of the whole penny.

Once the loan has been repaid, and the insurance agreement has been agreed, it is necessary to return to the insurance company from the application, in which case you need to return the money. The insurance company will have to reclaim the sum, open the contract and return the pennies that you have lost.

If you made payments to the company, it is also necessary to write a statement about the opening of the contract and submit it to the insurance company. Three days after the day of submitting an application, you can no longer pay for insurance.

Ways to turn money

You can turn the pennies through a bank or through an insurance company (be sure to deposit it depending on how your insurance agreement was specially drawn up).

It is necessary to write an application, in which case you ask for the return of the amount of unprimed paid insurance to you (apparently, on your bank, or on your behalf of your company, for which the insurance contract was laid down).

You can hand it over in a special way, or send it by mail with a recommended sheet from the notice of delivery.

Yakshcho you otrimali v_dmova, the next step will be sent to Rossivnaglyady that before the court with a summons. If you happen to be paid by the courts, then kindly obscurate the need for such a crock.

Written application

Insurance today supports practically all credit products. Formally, the client insures his own risks related to insurance. In fact, the insurance is to serve as one’s own security for a loan, henceforth, arguing to lay down the insurance contract, the bank, in good faith, proponing the client to insure the risk of the bank with a high cost, insuring the nezdatnistyu chi of the government’s client to get his goiter for a loan. Today we will tell you how to turn the insurance back after you pay the loan.

Insurance is for all sides of the loan agreement efficient way zahistu, maybe, less for mortgages and car loans. Here an important role is played by the expansion of credit and this term. Ale for quick loans in most cases, insurance comes up on the door, often flocking with an inexhaustible bar on the way to the bright minds of lending. As a result, the client should be expected to sign the insurance agreement, but it doesn’t mean that if you want to pay for insurance costs, you won’t be able to return it to the future.

How to turn the insurance back after the pre-strokovo ї pay the loan

Dostrokove vikonannya zobov'yazan is a legal fact, which, with the absolute right, allows vimagati to the bank or the insurance company:

  1. Repayment and return of overpaid sumi - in case of one-time and repayment of insurance, which should be called immediately after the signing of the credit and insurance contracts, at the form of reimbursement of the deposited insurance sumi from the sumi loan, which is hoped for by the client.
  2. Pererakhunki and attached to the insurance agreement - at the same time, pay insurance with anuїtetnymi chi differential payments for the duration of the loan agreement.

If you are already repaid for a loan, and you can return part of the insurance:

  • Once again, it is important to check the credit and insurance contracts, clarifying for yourself the insurance and return of insurance. If the return is not forwarded (not specified in the contract), if it does not limit your rights, then it will be necessary to comply with the provisions of the laws. Hirshe, that the return of insurance is covered by the contract. In this case, you formally came in handy for such a mind and succumbed to her, so you can get ready to sue superechka from the court, because you won’t be able to voluntarily return the overpaid sumi.
  • Raise the insurance cover, as a way to get a windfall. It’s not obov’yazkovo, but allow more argumentatively to present claims and clearly understand why the fight is going on.
  • Prepare to the bank an insurance company - indebtedly, depending on who is the most profitable (having waived the payment), - claiming for the additional repayment of insurance and the return of the overpaid sum.
  • If a bank (insurance company) decides to return the insurance, you have the right to sue.

If the insurance premium was paid incrementally (at once from the repaid loan), then the chances of not overpaying the loan are more rich. The law (Article 958 of the RF DC) allows the insurer to carry out pre-term enforcement under the insurance contract. The truth is, as the contract has not been transferred otherwise, everything that has been paid to the insurer up to this point is not subject to return. The very same norm is called for by insurers, who charge back the repaid amount in situations of a new one-time payment of the insurance premium when withdrawing a loan. The court often stays on the bank of insurance companies, but there is a chance to win the process.

Chi can you turn the insurance over to repay the lines of the loan?

If you have repaid the loan at the lines, transferring the loan agreement, but if you think that the insurance was imposed by the bank, you can try to turn it back in full. In this way, writing claims to the bank (insurance company) is stupid, then analyze the facts, documents, prove and evaluate the judicial prospects.

Possible options:

  1. Vimagati vyznati nedіysnymi agreement zagalom insurance or okremi yogo position (without reference to the fact of imposing the contract as a loan). At times, the very contract of insurance is analyzed and the furnishing of its packing is determined, and it is submitted that it is not recognized by him. Such a variant is possible, but for the existence of serious arguments, proving that proving is practically unpromising.
  2. Please note that the agreement of insurance is not valid (otherwise, there are points) that the agreement is credited to the part that the insurance is worth. A rational option, but we won’t forgive you. Playing the process is more smoothly, as everything is correctly formulated in the contracts and it is possible to get to them at a stretch. To advance your chances, it is important to get a competent lawyer from such rights.

Similarly, you can declare it at the same time, as if you didn’t manage to turn the insurance over to pay off the loan. As an option, you can apply for a bank account to Rossovnaglyadu, but then you should understand that this authority cannot instruct the bank (insurance company) to turn the insurance. Vіn lizhivaє vzhivaє zahodіv administrative character. All one food is left to be judged by the court.

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