Leading program correspondent Andriy Medvedev. Andriy Medvedev (VGTRK). Tenis and injuries

The low “colourful revolutions” at the Close Descent, the war in Syria, the strengthening of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the burning arc of instability at the Close and Middle Descent, and also in Asia - just a continuation of history, as it began over 200 years ago, they called it a game.

Low "color revolutions" - the continuation of history, as it began over 200 years ago. In this case, TV journalist Andriy Medvedev is in charge.

At the festival "Eurasia.DOC" a documentary blockbuster titled "Great Gras" will be presented. The film tells about the baked struggle between Russia and Great Britain for control over strategic points in Asia.

"Official date on the cob Great game investigations, diplomats and military Russian and British empires, obviously, none. And yet, unofficially, one can lead from the vbibivstvo of Paul the First, who took the direct fate of the English ambassador in the preparation. Dali - all 200 years - one after another followed blows and counterattacks "- the author explains the theme of the film.

The history of Russian expansion to Central Asia Andriy Medvedev started in 2000, if he had spent it before Afghanistan.

“My interest in the last part of our history is growing and growing. Behind Afghanistan, there were Middle Asia, Pakistan, India, and everything gradually formed into a mosaic. Then I read the famous book by Peter Hopkirk "The Great Gras", which revealed a lot of what I already knew. If the opportunity arose, I learned about everything about the film, so, it’s true, in our country, not everyone is in the know about it”, - Andriy Medvedev spoke in one of his interviews.

The premiere screening of the film "Velika Gra" was shown on TV channel "Rosiya" in 2014. As you know, Andriy Medvedev - this is his debut in documentaries. The team worked on the project close to rock. Buli zyomki near Kabul and Great Britain.
“We started our first interviews at the spring of 2013. The babies flew to Kabul, then to Great Britain. We finished the film at the herb", - like Andriy Medvedev.
The film features politicians and diplomats, such as historians and experts. The stench explains how it was that the war was pursuing diplomatic favors, which Russia and Britain did, which they could not do.
The journalist is credited for supporting and uninterruptedly participating in the project of his mother, Said Medvedev, the leading television producer of Russia. Vaughn took over the production part of the film.
“My mother has been doing documentaries for a long time. For all the technical "bells and whistles" won out", - say Andriy.
The directors of the two-part film were Fedir Kudryashov and Andriy Garyanin.
Andriy Medvedev has been promoted for 11 years in the news program "Visti" on the TV channel "Russia 1".

Medvedev Andriy Andriyovich - professional journalist with a 20-year certificate of work (at the disposal of mass information - from 1996, at the structure of the All-Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Company - from 2000).
In 2000-2014 years. as a correspondent, special correspondent and political observer of the Directorate of Information Programs for the Rosiya TV channel, having prepared over 2000 reports for information and analytical programs.

Worked in the zones of violent conflicts in Chechnya (1999-2009), Serbia (1999-2001), Macedonia (2001), Afghanistan (2001-2014), and Iraq (2003-2011).
Repeatedly vykonuvav service obov'yazok for the minds of a direct risk of life. Have 2003 r. in the course of the storming of Baghdad by parts of the US army, having overcome the shell shock, showing special masculinity and heroism, pulling out of the blockages and trying to help colleagues from foreign news agencies, they suffered and became victims of shelling from tank armats.
Author of the documentary films "Great Gras" and "Project "Ukraine", as well as the book "Reference History of the Russian and Ukrainian Peoples".
From 2014 obіymaє posada of the intercessor of the Director of the Directorate of Information Programs of the TV channel "Russia 1". On this settlement Medvedev A.A. keruє іnformatsiynoy program "Vіsti - Moskva", as a result of the reformatting, it sharply improved its visual, informational and thematic content.

Since 2015, the leading program "Vedmezhiy Kut" on the radio station "Vesti FM" has also been the leading program.

Truthfully, I have already learned to stream my emotions both in life and on court.

leaf fall 2001

For days, the Ukrainian tennis player took a break after the second time, taking part in the Opening Championship of St. Petersburg, and in the first match, beating the famous German Tommy Haas

The rest of the day seemed to Andriy Medvedev even more abundant. In the aftermath of an injury, the strongest tennis player of Ukraine broke through an injury and took the fate of the champions and destroyed one of his favorite tournaments - the Opening Championship of St. Petersburg. Ale got to the other side with more benefits. Tu-154, on which Medvedev flew from the Moscow "Sheremetyevo" to St. Petersburg, after a few minutes of flight, it began to be so cowardly that the crew would turn to the Moscow airfield. What the passengers experienced for those squirts of whilin, it is important to remember. It’s better to navіt not to saturate. After what happened, Andriy judiciously took the place of recognition on the train. More than that, the next day Medvedev has created a right sensation and renewed it, so that it is still early to write off yoga from rakhunkiv. In the opening match, he defeated the strong German tennis player Tommy Haas, who was the first in St. Petersburg to become the champion of two prestigious tournaments.

"I was warmly received at Petersburg. Until then, I was with my friends, who I hadn’t known for a long time," Andriy, who, after another stake, had already, unfortunately, shriveled up his rackets Pivnichnu capital. On the fly!!! - I've been in the dark, for those nights are engraved. The match started late (about 11 pm - Auth.), I slept less than the second year and if I flew home like that, let’s say, I don’t feel like a healthy mind. We were “kidnapped” again, but the passions that we experienced when we moved to St. Petersburg were no longer there. We flew normally, everyone is alive and well.”

If, by the will of the share, you drink at the palette, you begin to sing in a rich speech in a different way. Axis mi and vyrishili recognized the abetka of life Andriy Medvedev.


"In cars, I feel comfort and safety. I'm already moving around in a black Mercedes jeep (all with the same brand name - the driver on the spare wheel. - Auth.). Not long ago, another Mercedes appeared in my garage" - light. and quicker in cars, just like in quiet cars. a lot of people, all marveling at you, at the whole car ... With a blast, a singing charge of adrenaline, I, stunned, otrimav.


"Penny give me independence. Ale stink at once and bring a lot of trouble. Not taking care of the accumulated pennies and not hiring anyone. I live on my own satisfaction."


"I'll be a good man. I'll be pragmatic until the next day. Don't have to go out, but I'm not in the image. Why do a lot of magazines for women present me as an unfortunate person, like a joking kohannya. I am the best person in Kiev! And everything is fine with me I love you, and I love them too. then I, like all normal people, want to see my soul mate and do it myself... Well, don't cry and don't joke today!


"I respect zrada with the greatest sin. Fortunately, I rarely had a chance to stick around with them. As if we were protecting people, we can save ourselves for the sake of it. It's a smut - to take people like that, like a stench, and not try to work out of them more or less." on your own, so b move, rozsud.) Filthy - means, filthy. Good means good. , no deceit, no harm ... In life, I often spoke good people. I don't want to believe that the people I associate with can be filthy. Knowing the stench didn’t hurt me anything.”


"Friends are everything for me. For their sake I live, for their sake I prepare for something rich. For the sake of my friends and this. These are the people who give me energy. for."


"I love everything home-made. You can only surprise me with deliciously cooked homemade food. If people cook at home, they stink from the soul. Even though I'm not a cook, but I know how to cook that other grass. It's true, unfortunately, I eat mainly in restaurants Practically I don’t recommend anything to myself, only I try not to eat too much fat. greased meat. I love potatoes, no matter how you look. I love selflessly, just like that coca cola". Salads befits olives. You won't smell any of the exotic names of the herbs. Obviously, I'm more like Japanese, and Italian cuisine..."

Life credo.

"It's important to say... Literally, it's not alone in me. It's the principles of life that I'm trying to follow. Stink is practically not different from the Bible: don't beat it, don't fool it, and so on. Nothing special. Live right and don't impersonate anyone ".

"Until spring I think in'hati in new booth. Court there will be less through my corpse"


"I'm not sticking out of my ass by any means. I respect that a skin person can concentrate on himself. So, as if there are some peaks in your backyard, you just won't be a sensation to piss others off. you will invariably become a star of journalism ... What kind of sensation will you cheer up, for example, businessmen, politicians, athletes, artists? I don’t know anything in me. Goofy - pratsyuvati, go forward, then you obov’yazkovo will reach a lot of things.


"My apartment, my house, is the same tank, with mimic and super armor. Tse are the place, where can I relax, mind you, forget about all the problems. For me, talking with friends, with my own - the most important in life. Now, I think to go to a new house - here, near Kiev. Garne Misce, lake entrusted Kort will be less there over my corpse.”


"Intelligibly, I am put negatively to nonsense. But still, deceive, as if you can allow people close to you. Well, let's say, let's change it in truth. Don't be pure nonsense. It’s easier for Aja to tell the truth, then we’ll get lost in what was true, and what I myself invented ... So that I can sleep peacefully, at night, I stop talking.


"I don’t believe it. I want to believe it earlier. 13 is my favorite number. I want to go buy a cat at once. It’s possible to get a black one. "Film". And that's all. I'm looking forward to zabobonny people I don't see myself. But zabobonny, maybe in the fact that I'm not zabobonny. I don't want to be stale. machines...

"I'll tell my friends in America what the Americans will get and they will have grief in the country"


"I hate evil. I hate it when people are driven in. I hate it when people lie. I'm not a scammer, but I'll tell my friends in America for sure that the Americans are reaching out and in them in the country there will be like grief, forward through their behavior, through their politics, through those that the stench instilled in themselves. sorry, it happened... Even more than me beat in those who at once irritate the Americans and the English. holy war. Help. Maybe I'll have mercy. Tse lish my special thought. I’m not a politician, I’m not an economist, but I can’t help but be absolutely blind and a bad person.”


"I love self-sufficiency. Navit if I'm talking about being a girl, and they've been doing it, as it seems, I've been beaten, I've always known the hour to be alone. Such is my character already. It’s sweet for harmony between two people. So I love selfishness, but not on a global scale.


"I really love shy gifts. But take them away - not much more. Then I feel like a wrestler. If all the stinks are dear to me, even if the stinks squirm in the soul. I value them. like... I’m more of a gifter. Yakshcho ї ї ї ї ї is able to give it to the road. I get the roads of one -time firmi, the vinima of one koleki - call 812 Ek -Zariv, rode in the same svitzi, de Vosogo 20 ekvarovo. Before the leather release of the collection, I change the shape of the inscription, and even if I close it, I will fill in the blank. mi. Often the stench is made from expensive materials - gold, platinum. Deyaki navit with diamonds. Keep the stench in my home safe in Monaco. Sometimes I take them out and wipe them off.


"I'm a jealous person. But without a jumble of plates and shots in the back. If I love a person, then I'm jealously jealous. Like, obviously, I give a kohana girl for that ghost. But if I love and love me, then I can do without jealousy. And It used to be that they just provoked me out of jealousy. Chantly, they wanted to marvel at what was going on. mass information - they wrote, they talked about natovpi chanuvalnitsa ... Then I had to explain kohaniy, that, having said, no one checks on me for a trip and does not hang on to shyu. "In the evenings, calling early on the phone and ahead of me, I'm going to bed. And I'm going to talk to my friends... I'm a home-grown man. Jealous of me?! If you wanted to, you couldn't."

"Schob bulo tsikavіshe, sparring with Kafelnikov and Safinim mi graєmo for pennies"


"Recently, a nephew was born to me. It's the most wonderful thing that happened on this day in my life. Help the little man, who was just born, - tse, sing-song, I don’t see anything. yogo. , reach quiet goals, how to set before yourself, and in that, if you become a tennis player, I don’t care about the necessary things. galuzi".

Tenis and injuries.

"Motivation in tennis has changed insanely for me. The most important thing has changed to tennis. To that, at the same time, I, as if, have a mind, that tennis gave me EVERYTHING in my life. Absolutely EVERYTHING that I can on this day. talk about tennis, it's nasty ... Well, before injuries, then so, the stench is present ... Like, vtim, and in a be-like profession ... I think you also have injuries, which are not physical, then moral It’s just that athletes have a stink in their eyes: we don’t have injuries to people, like they work for verst, or the coach’s torment, like he’s worried about his studies, like an injury he takes away from an athlete, everything is known about it. Fall Tournament at St. Petersburg will remain for me in this season, but I also want to be with you, but I don’t want to stay with my life. I'm rooting, the painkillers can beat me, I want it to be like it was out of the blue. , even more often during the rest of the hour I want to and do not want to play. I want to leave everything for an hour and take care of something else. But in my soul I am still an athlete. I cannot praise the first axis so easily. So, apply Agassi and Ivanishevich to breathe. I grafted Goran with yogo I won at Wimbledon. Even radium for new. In a first way, vin dovіv usomu svіtu, scho need to rahuvatissya with him, and differently, showing such graves, like me, that all the same, how to strain, how much you can reach.


"The love of the film is" The Barber of Siberia. "I was amazed by the actors, the very atmosphere of Tsarist Russia and the blueness between the officers. Yakby all the people were put one to one like this, like in every movie, at the same time they are in the world ... And the love of an officer is to the point of a girl! Grati - so grati! "Vin loving її with all his soul and for her sake, he was ready for everything. You marvel at this film and see something new for yourself."


"According to the horoscope, I am Diva. Primhlivy ... (Thinking.) But ... It's more short to write like this:" Diva - diva. horoscope. I didn’t believe in the price before. But after reading the horoscope, I lost it. My hair just stood up. They wrote off everything for me. I don't impose my thoughts on anyone, and I respect the thoughts of others. People just look at life differently."

Official of the ATP (Association of Tenist Professionals).

"In the ATP, I have changed my ranking to gravity and the setting of strong gravity to lower. At the same time, we just have to breed young boys, like they go in for sports and don't give anything to us. So I changed the ranking to the top. Sholoma "near Kiev".


"Don't make a vicarious chance, as it gives me a life. But I analyze the chances of taking a chance, and sometimes I don't know how, after spending yoga. And the chances of life give me a little. ... That's all, the chance has been spent... But in life I'm not a reckless person. sportswear- football, basketball, tennis, golf... There, I am aware of myself, ready to play. Ale, at any time, not in a casino - I don’t care about the mortgage. Well, I'm there boo. Brought with friends, with the company that, of course, robbing small rates. Alemen is a stranger to me. І hydro. With friends often laying a bet on pennies. Gramo mi z Kafelnikov or Safinim sparring and put on the line some pennies - dollars 50, sob tsikavish bulo".


"I respect myself as a generous person. And not only in pennies. Without a doubt, with everything. I can help people close to me."


"For the most part, I don't have any additions. I'll laugh at myself out of satisfaction, as if it's true, it's relevant and funny. I love every humor - and black, and pivnichny, and English and whatever you want ... I myself am a cheerful person."

"It doesn't suit me if the proposition is based on "I". What am I? Don't lie less. Believe yourself."

Facebook two blocked the account of the VTRK journalist Andriy Medvedev for his post about the performance at the Bundestag. The text is authoritative and in a good way Russian, I deserve it, because they read it.
- Shanovni deputies. Today, I'm wondering. And miraculously, Nimechchina is called. I have come to you and marveled at the beautiful streets of Berlin, at the people, at the miraculous monuments of architecture, and now I am standing here and marveling at you. I will understand that everything is wonderful. You were born in the world and live in Nimechchyna. Why do I think so? Because, calling on those that your soldiers slaughtered in us, on the territories that were being paid off, the soldiers of the Chervonoy Army were given the moral right to destroy the entire German people.
Leave in the city of Nimechchini a vipalen field, ruins and more than a paragraph of assistants would guess about those who had been such a country. You do not remember all the details of the occupation, but it is not necessary. I'll just tell you about those that the soldiers of the Wehrmacht and the SS were working with the Radian children. They shot them. Often in the eyes of the fathers. Abo, on the other hand, they shot the shoulder at the tata with his mother, and then at the children.
Your soldiers valued children. The children were burned alive. They ruled until the death camps. De stinks took the shelter, sob to work a sirovatka for your soldiers. Children were starved. Children were dying for the death of your vivcharki. Children were victorious as targets. Children were rolled like a beast just for the sake of roaring.
Abo axis you two butt. The officers of the Wehrmacht were obsessed with sleep, tying Yogo by the leg and breaking Yogo's head on the hood of the stove. Your pilots at the Lichkovo station bombed the echelon, on which they tried to take the children to the ground, and then your asi chased the scuttling little ones, shooting them at the bare field. Two thousand children were killed.
Only for those who worked with children, I repeat, the Chervona Army could protect the Nimechchina for all its inhabitants. small povne moral right. Ale didn't choke.
Chi shkoduyu I'm talking about tse? Obviously, no. I bow before the will of steel of my ancestors, as they knew in themselves such neimovirn forces, so as not to become as thin as the soldiers of the Wehrmacht were.
On the buckles of the German soldiers it was written "God is with us". Ale stinks were born to inferno, they carried inferno to our land. The soldiers of the Chervonoy Army were Komsomol members and communists, but the Radian people turned out to be significantly more Christians, lower inhabitants of the illuminated religious Europe. I did not take revenge. They learned to understand that you can’t overcome hell with hell.
You don’t have to ask for a probation, even if you’re especially guilty of nothing. You can't vouch for your successes and your greats. And then only the Lord forgives. Ale, I’ll tell you honestly - for me, the Nimtz will forever be someone else’s, someone else’s people. Not for the one that is especially bad. Tse in me to scream for the children burned by the Wehrmacht. And you happen to accept that at least my generation is - for some kind of memory of war on the heaps of the grandfather, yoga scars, yoga front-line friends - we will accept you like this.
What will we do, I don't know. It is possible, if we come mankurti, we will forget everything. And we did a lot for whom, we pissed away a lot ourselves, but I am convinced that not everything has been spent for Russia.
We, obviously, need spivpracyuvati. Russian and Germans. It is necessary to solve problems together. Fighting IDIL and budding gas pipelines. Ale, you happen to accept one fact: we do not repent for our Great War in any way. First of all, for Peremoga. I even more so in front of you. Accept, I repeat, my generation. To that scho my todі vryatulyali not only to themselves. We vryatulyali you vіd yourself. I don't know what is more important

Well, hello Facebook. Pereverimo, hto vpertiy.

- Shanovni deputies. Today, I'm wondering. And miraculously, Nimechchina is called. I have come to you and marveled at the beautiful streets of Berlin, at the people, at the miraculous monuments of architecture, and now I am standing here and marveling at you. I will understand that everything is wonderful. You were born in the world and live in Nimechchyna. Why do I think so?

Ale, they didn’t kill the stench. Chi shkoduyu I'm talking about tse? Obviously, no. How can you shkoduvati, so that blood has not been shed? How can you be foolish about those that our soldiers and officers have shown a similar humanism and mercy? I bow before the greater spirit and the steely will of my ancestors, as they knew in themselves such neimovirn forces, so as not to become as thin as the soldiers of the Wehrmacht were. On the buckles of the German soldiers it was written "God is with us". Ale stinks were born to inferno, they carried inferno to our land. The soldiers of the Chervonoy Army were Komsomol members and communists, but the Radian people turned out to be significantly more Christians, lower inhabitants of the illuminated religious Europe. I did not take revenge. Zumіli vіdchuti, zrozіti, scho inferno inferno can not overcome.
You don’t have to ask for a probation, even if you’re especially guilty of nothing. You can't vouch for your successes and your greats. And then only the Lord forgives. Ale, I’ll tell you honestly - for me, the Nimtz will forever be someone else’s, someone else’s people. Not for the one that is especially bad. Tse in me to scream for the children burned by the Wehrmacht. And you happen to accept that at least my generation is - for some kind of memory of war on the heaps of the grandfather, yoga scars, yoga front-line friends - we will accept you like this. What will we do, I don't know. It is possible, if we come mankurti, we will forget everything. And we did a lot for whom, we pissed away a lot ourselves, but I am convinced that not everything has been spent for Russia. We, obviously, need spivpracyuvati. Russian and Germans. It is necessary to solve problems together. Fighting IDIL and budding gas pipelines. Ale you happen to accept one fact: we should not repent for our qiu great war. First of all, for Peremoga. I even more so in front of you. Accept, I repeat, my generation. To that scho my todі vryatulyali not only to themselves. We vryatulyali you vіd yourself. I don't know what is more important.

Facebook knows "pornography" in the text of the journalist of the All-Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Company about the war against the Nazis
RIA News | 00:03 11/24/2017 (updated: 09:58 11/24/2017)

MOSCOW, 23 leaf fall - RIA Novini. The Social Network of Facebook dvіchi blocked the public record of the VTRK journalist Andriy Medvedev for those who blocked the post about the resonant speech at the Bundestaze of the Yamal schoolboy Mykoli Desyatnichenko. The journalist himself wrote about it in his own new side.

The Medvedevs, in turn, presented a reshaping version of the movie that sounded in the Bundestaze, speaking about the cruelty of the German soldiers at the hour of the Great Witches War. However, Facebook banned the side of the journalist "for the expansion of pornography." Medvedev re-published the settlement, a second time administration social measures Yogo rang out in "spelling hatred to the singing groups" (imovirno, to the Nazis) and again blocked the oblіkovy record.

The journalist, having re-created the Facebook page and published the post, will lose it, but then edited the variant. Behind yoga words, vіn "smoothed out the most zhorstki kuti", but the text was changed with only "trochs". In the rest of the editorial office of Medvedev, write about those, like German soldiers, who were fighting among the radian children during the hour of war.

Editorial office of RIA News new text povіdomlennya without edits.

"Well, Facebook is good. Let's check who is in.

Previously, the post was removed for the expansion of pornography (!).

Suddenly for rozpilyuvannya hatred to the singing groups.

Tse third try. I changed the text a little. Smoothing out the biggest misery. Let's see what will happen now. How long have you been hanging here?

"Yakby me had a chance to speak in the Bundestag, like the boy Kolya, then I, maybe, having said these words:

Shanovni deputies Today, I sighed marvelously. And miraculously, Nimechchina is called. I have come to you and marveled at the beautiful streets of Berlin, at the people, at the miraculous monuments of architecture, and now I am standing here and marveling at you. I will understand that everything is wonderful. You were born in the world and live in Nimechchyna. Why do I think so?

Because, looking at those that your soldiers slaughtered with us, in the territories that were covered, the soldiers of the Chervonoy Army could easily deprive the field of fire in the city of Nimechchini, the ruins and only the paragraphs of the assistants would tell about those who had such a bula. It's scary, but it could be so.

You do not remember all the details of the occupation, but it is not necessary. I'll just tell you about those that the soldiers of the Wehrmacht and the SS were working with the Radian children. They shot them. Often in the eyes of the fathers. Abo, on the other hand, they shot the shoulder at the tata with his mother, and then at the children. Your soldiers valued children. The children were burned alive. They ruled until the death camps. De stinks took the shelter, sob to work a sirovatka for your soldiers. Children were starved. Children were dying for the death of your vivcharki. Children were victorious as targets. Children were rolled like a beast just for the sake of roaring.

Give you two axles. The officers of the Wehrmacht were obsessed with sleep, tying Yogo by the leg and breaking Yogo's head on the hood of the stove. Your pilots at the Lichkovo station bombed the echelon, on which they tried to take the children to the ground, and then your asi chased the scuttling little ones, shooting them at the bare field. Two thousand children were killed.

The first axis is only for those that your soldiers fought with children, I repeat, the soldiers of the Chervonoy Army, who fought the endless crooked hillside from the Volga to the Zahidny Bug, could pretend, pretend to be merciless mesniks, and destroy the land of Niemechchina. Possibly, navіt іz її inhabitants. Aja stinks spoke and wrote from the front, not being afraid of censorship at the hour of the war, who want to take revenge on the Germans. Chi not fascists. Chi not Nazis. Himself.

Ale, they didn’t kill the stench. Chi shkoduyu I'm talking about tse? Obviously, no. How can you shkoduvati, so that blood has not been shed? How can you be foolish about those that our soldiers and officers have shown a similar humanism and mercy? I bow before the greater spirit and the steely will of my ancestors, as they knew in themselves such neimovirn forces, so as not to become as thin as the soldiers of the Wehrmacht were. On the buckles of the German soldiers it was written "God is with us". Ale stinks were born to inferno, they carried inferno to our land. The soldiers of the Chervonoy Army were Komsomol members and communists, but the Radian people turned out to be significantly more Christians, lower inhabitants of the illuminated religious Europe. I did not take revenge. Zumіli vіdchuti, zrozіti, scho inferno inferno can not overcome.

You don’t have to ask for a probation, even if you’re especially guilty of nothing. You can't vouch for your successes and your greats. And then only the Lord forgives. Ale, I’ll tell you honestly - for me, the Nimtz will forever be someone else’s, someone else’s people. Not for the one that is especially bad. Tse in me to scream for the children burned by the Wehrmacht. And you happen to accept that at least my generation is - for some kind of memory of war on the heaps of the grandfather, yoga scars, yoga front-line friends - we will accept you like this. What will we do, I don't know. It is possible, if we come mankurti, we will forget everything. And we did a lot for whom, we pissed away a lot ourselves, but I am convinced that not everything has been spent for Russia. We, obviously, need spivpracyuvati. Russian and Germans. It is necessary to solve problems together. Fight against IDIL and build gas pipelines. And yet you happen to accept one fact: we do not repent for our Great War in any way. First of all, for Peremoga. I even more so in front of you. Accept, I repeat, my generation. To that scho my todі vryatulyali not only to themselves. We vryatulyali you vіd yourself. I don't know what is more important.

At his speech in the Bundestaze, a video of which was published on Youtube, a schoolboy from Novy Urengoy told about a German soldier, who took part in the Battle of Stalingrad, whose biography he was given to learn and get information from the vodkrit dzherel. Behind the words of the lieutenant, the soldier, having eaten up to the camp for the military captives, did not turn back home, the shards "died full of important minds." A schoolboy, reading the soldier’s biography, having seen the “wehrmacht soldier buried” near Kopeysk in the Chelyabinsk region, de, in other words, “having treated the innocently dead people, among them there are a lot of people who want to live peacefully and not fight.”

*Terrorist organization has been suppressed in Russia

Facebook dvіchi blocking the account of the journalist of the All-Union Television and Radio Broadcasting Company after the post about the student’s speech at the Bundestag
RT Russian | 23 leaf fall 2017, 21:21

The social network of Facebook dvіchi blocked the account of the journalist of the All-Union Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Andriy Medvedev after his post about the resonant speech of the Bundesstas schoolboy Mykoli Desyatnichenko from Novy Urengoy. At the new Medvedev, having presented his own version of the speech, in a way he spoke about the German soldiers during the hour of the Great German War.

Medvedev told the newly created account that the former settlement was seen "for the expansion of pornography", and suddenly - "for spewing hatred to the singing groups." The journalist edited the text of his postal notice and spread it out in the third place. At the text of the Medvedev, point the butt, like the German soldiers were settling down with the radyansk children under the hour of the war.

“I’ll just tell you about those that the soldiers of the Wehrmacht and the SS robbed of Radian children. They shot them. Often in the eyes of the fathers. Abo, navpaki, they shot the shoulder at the father with his mother, and then at the children. Your soldiers valued children. The children were burned alive. They ruled until the death camps. De stinks took the shelter, sob to work a sirovatka for your soldiers. Children were starved. Children were dying for the death of your vivcharki. Children were victorious as targets. Children were rolled like a beast just for the sake of roaring, ”write Medvedev.

The journalist said that the Radian soldiers did not take revenge on the Germans, if they stumbled on the territory of Nimechchyn.

“I bow before the greater spirit with the will of steel of my ancestors, as they knew in themselves that they had strong powers, so as not to become as thin as the soldiers of the Wehrmacht were. On the buckles of the German soldiers it was written "God is with us". Ale stinks were born to inferno, they carried inferno to our land. The soldiers of the Red Army were Komsomol members and communists, but the Radian people turned out to be significantly more Christians, lower inhabitants of the illuminated religious Europe. I did not take revenge. You have learned, understood that you can’t overcome hell with hell, ”Medvedev wrote.

“But you happen to accept one fact: we don’t repent in any way for our Great War. First of all, for Peremoga. I even more so in front of you. Accept, I repeat, my generation. To that scho my todі vryatulyali not only to themselves. We vryatulyali you vіd yourself. I don’t know what is more important," - having said wine.

The German Bundesstasis was spoken to by the schoolboy Mikoli Desyatnichenko from Novy Urengoy, calling out the resonance in Russia through his words about the "innocently dead" soldiers of the Wehrmacht. A report about the reaction of the new one is in the material RT.

Andriy Medvedev, journalist of the All-Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, host of the “Special Correspondent” program, on his side in the social media, having published his version of the speech at the Bundestasis at the same time, yakby vin buv at the school of the schoolboy from Novy Urengoy Mikola Desyatnichenko.

Shanovni deputies Today, I sighed marvelously. And miraculously, Nimechchina is called. I have come to you and marveled at the beautiful streets of Berlin, at the people, at the miraculous monuments of architecture, and now I am standing here and marveling at you. I will understand that everything is wonderful. You were born in the world and live in Nimechchyna. Why do I think so?

Because, looking at those that your soldiers slaughtered with us, in the territories that were being paid off, the soldiers of the Chervonoy Army had no moral right to destroy the entire German people. Leave in the city of Nimechchini a vipalen field, ruins and more than a paragraph of assistants would guess about those who had been such a country.

You do not remember all the details of the occupation, but it is not necessary. I'll just tell you about those that the soldiers of the Wehrmacht and the SS were working with the Radian children. They shot them. Often in the eyes of the fathers. Abo, on the other hand, they shot the shoulder at the tata with his mother, and then at the children. Your soldiers valued children. The children were burned alive. They ruled until the death camps. De stinks took the shelter, sob to work a sirovatka for your soldiers. Children were starved. Children were dying for the death of your vivcharki. Children were victorious as targets. Children were rolled like a beast just for the sake of roaring.

Abo axis you two butt. The officers of the Wehrmacht were obsessed with sleep, tying Yogo by the leg and breaking Yogo's head on the hood of the stove. Your pilots at the Lichkovo station bombed the echelon, on which they tried to take the children to the ground, and then your asi chased the scuttling little ones, shooting them at the bare field. Two thousand children were killed.

Only for those who worked with children, I repeat, the Chervona Army could protect the Nimechchina for all its inhabitants. small povne moral right. Ale didn't choke. Chi shkoduyu I'm talking about tse? Obviously, no. I bow before the will of steel of my ancestors, as they knew in themselves such neimovirn forces, so as not to become as thin as the soldiers of the Wehrmacht were. On the buckles of the German soldiers it was written "God is with us". Ale stinks were born to inferno, they carried inferno to our land. The soldiers of the Chervonoy Army were Komsomol members and communists, but the Radian people turned out to be significantly more Christians, lower inhabitants of the illuminated religious Europe. I did not take revenge. They learned to understand that you can’t overcome hell with hell.

You don’t have to ask for a probation, even if you’re especially guilty of nothing. You can't vouch for your successes and your greats. And then only the Lord forgives. Ale, I’ll tell you honestly - for me, the Nimtz will forever be someone else’s, someone else’s people. Not for the one that is especially bad. Tse in me to scream for the children burned by the Wehrmacht. And you happen to accept that at least my generation is - for some kind of memory of war on the heaps of the grandfather, yoga scars, yoga front-line friends - we will accept you like this. What will we do, I don't know. It is possible, if we come mankurti, we will forget everything. I have squandered a lot for whom, we have spent a lot of money ourselves, but I am convinced that not everything has been ruined for Russia.

We, obviously, need spivpracyuvati. Russian and Germans. It is necessary to solve problems together. Fight against IDIL (the structure is fenced in the Russian Federation - ed.) and build gas pipelines. Ale, you happen to accept one fact: we do not repent for our Great War in any way. First of all, for Peremoga. I even more so in front of you. Accept, I repeat, my generation.

To that scho my todі vryatulyali not only to themselves. We vryatulyali you vіd yourself. I don't know what is more important.

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