New ledge of powder online. Poroshenko welcomed Ukrainians from New Rock. Video and new text. New text of Poroshenko's congratulations

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko greeted Ukrainians from the future of 2019 on December 31st. The video was published on the website of the head of state. Yogo was shown on all the great TV channels of the country.

Vitanny of the president from 2019 rock

Screensaver - a bravura march of Ukrainian nationalists from a handful of personnel from Poroshenko.

The President opened the new greetings to the creation of the OCU - the autocephalous church. I re-appointed the Tomos on September 6. "We have become farther from Moscow and closer to Europe. We will go on our own way," repeating the President's speech, it went out.

Poroshenko also predicted that the 2019 year is storichya to the act of Zluka. Year of wine grafted Ukrainian sailors, seamen, buried near Krim. After that Poroshenko accused the bagmen of the "LDNR" and Krim would turn to them "with the world".

He guarded "do not trample down the growth of the growth" in the frontier struggle.

New text of Poroshenko's congratulations

Dear spіvvіtchizniki!

One more time - and the chronicle of the two thousand eighteenth year lies in the archives of Ukrainian history. And the place is there for the new one especially. Vono is a commission from a thousand nine hundred and ninety first, if our sovereign independence has been voted.

On the 15th day of the month, here, the day of St. Sophia, the Annunciation Cathedral was born. Thousands of people, as they climbed on the square, were not shy of tears. And then there were tears of joy. The autocephalous Orthodox Church of Ukraine was born, nareshti, recognized by the Holy Orthodox.

The struggle for the independence of our church has thrived for hundreds of years, and has only now been crowned with success.
Tse is a real wonder!
Tse is a sign of God that we, Ukrainians, are sure everything will be fine.
For days at a time, out of the good news about the nation of the Savior, Ukraine takes away the finalization of the Tomos - a letter from the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Vaughn documented our spiritual independence.
We became farther from Moscow and closer to Europe. Tse is a clear strategy, which is unsufferingly achieved by stretching the remaining five years. Let's go on our way. Any obіtsyanki manny from heaven, аnі grains of znevіri, аnі zіlla razbrata - nothing is not guilty to turn us back.

“Unity has strength for the people, God, give us unity,” I wished that even these words became extinguished for the advancing fate for power, suspense and for the hulk of the skin. Tim is greater than two thousand nineteen years - the centenary of the Act of Evil, the centenary of our conciliarity.

Nothing is more pragmatic, lower light. And nothing is better than the world, lower than me. Also, allow me, in your name, first for all, to welcome Ukrainian soldiers. These stinks guarantee us silence and a calm new night.

Let our spirits and the warmth of our hearts be seen by the sailors, as if they were resting at the Russian full. I wounded among them - Andriy Eyder, Vasyl Soroka, Andriy Artemenko. І Ukrainian Politv'yaznі in Russian Prisons. And our hulks, yakі have become handcuffs in Timchas's paid off territories.

I turn to millions of spivvitchizniks at Krim and across that bek of Donbas. We will obov'yazkovo turn to you with the light, which would not be a road for a long time. Our family will always sit at the same table, at the same New River is ringing at the Kiev hour.

Dear Ukrainians!

The best is already past, and the best is already behind. In front - the progress of the growth of the economy and the renewal of equal life. This is the result of our hard work.
Golovna - at the front of the chase, do not trample on the growth of the growth, germinated at the cost of great sacrifices and colossal skin zusili for you. And then we will definitely get well.
I wish you all a happy New Rock!

So that our part of us did not scurry!

Glory to Ukraine!

Yak Poroshenko vіtav at the front rocky

At 2017 rock After a short video sequence, in some Ukrainians they showed the firebrands of fate, as well as Viktor Yanukovych and Volodymyr Putin in the company of Yulia Tymoshenko, Petro Poroshenko on the aphids of the Mikhailovsky Cathedral, turning up to the inhabitants of the country. Vіn grafted vіyskovopolonenikh, which managed to svіlniti until the new rock. What fate for r_k iz Russian v'yaznits Less than three Ukrainians were returned to Ukraine, and a video conference was scheduled for March 29, dedicated to the exchange of plenipotentiaries, but did not take place.

Also, inviting Ukrainian Ukrainians and Ukrainians to Crimea and Donbas, international partners, such as the United States and Canada, they promised to put up a defensive armor. Guessing Petro Poroshenko and about the absence of visas, as well as about the quiet, who wants to fire the houses in the middle.

At 2016 rock, Petro Poroshenko also turned to the Ukrainians to the battle of the walls of the Michael's Cathedral.

Petro Poroshenko stating that the country has been able to grow economically, and also that Ukraine did not buy an annual cubic meter of gas from Russia for the first time in history. The head of the state named the head of the head of the country - the change of defense, the course towards the EU and NATO.

At 2015 rock the shelling of Mariupol and the terrorist attack near Volnovakha, the signing of the Minsky pleasing and the starvation of Nadiya Savchenko were predicted to the new animal. The President welcomed the Ukrainian military, volunteers and diplomats and announced that in 2016 the EU will give Ukraine visa-free travel, what really happened in 2017. The President spoke about those who began to function fundamentally new and politically independent anti-corruption bodies, to which people came with new values. And also, you can say that a Ukrainian is skinny, that it’s farther behind and that Russia, as a hybrid war and closed the markets for Ukrainian goods, didn’t see anything. In animal wine, quoting Ivan Frank: "I pray that in health, in peace, with brotherly love, now a year has passed for us. May God help you! May God give you everything that is good!"

His first welcome as president 2014 rock Petro Poroshenko has also begun to narrate the fate that is passing. Sered cadre, sho migotili, Buv Maidan, slandering the Cossack Gavrilyuk, who later became a people’s deputy, Viktor Yanukovych’s intern, the court at the right about the state health of such a trivav and in 2018, the accident of the Malaysian Boeing, annexation of Krim, burning into the booth of the industrial complex in Odesa ". At that time, the volunteers of that army stood behind the back of the President of the Michael Cathedral. For example, quoting Taras Shevchenko: "There will be no enemy on the renewal of the earth, an adversary, but there will be sons, and there will be mothers, and there will be people on earth."

Kiev, 31 babies. The Ukrainians sighed at the novelty of welcoming their President Petro Poroshenko, who boasted of the “victories” of 2018. Cі reach, at the thought of koristuvachіv, just a profanity.

"Profanation. There is no suitable economic growth. Industrial production does not improve, everyday life chimes,” one of the koristuvachivs became dazed.

In other words, Ukraine is less likely to "on the serfs of the state and the services, on the foreign exchange allowances of the workers, on IMF loans."

Dmitro Adamov, asking Poroshenko "not to present Bazhane to the people for a day."

“The EU no longer knows what to work with the same marriage, equal to someone else who is not rich in any way. V - izgoy. Especially Vee, not the people of Ukraine”, - voicing the wines.

There were also those who, having pleased the guarantor, “didn’t wake up and drink away.”

The Ukrainians also got it, if the country is “replaced by migrants, like Europe has nowhere to go?”

"Borgs will need to pay the IMF," Maria Rudiuk respected.

Let's guess, Poroshenko and zatrimanih Ukrainian sailors, they were on board three ships of the Ukrainian Navy, they ruled the provocation in the Kerch protoci. All of them were arrested within the framework of the criminal inquiries about damage to the state cordon of the Russian Federation.

“Sailors, like you, Petre, having sent to the Kerch canal, zavdyaki you zastrіchayut New river at the v'aznitsa. Tse tobi, like a guess, maybe a drink in the gourds stuck, if you don’t want to, ”wrote Linnik.

Let's guess, Poroshenko said to his relative that if 2018 was important, then he “overcame again”. Calling autocephaly the main achievements of the vins, the ZSU and the turn of the nationalist voice “Glory to Ukraine!” to the Ukrainian army.

In addition, he did not forget about the observance of Ukraine to the EU, and he cheered up the Ukrainians for the support of the “European choice” of the country.

Fours, 31 breasts, rest hvilini fate, scho mina, President Petro Poroshenko, speaking to the Ukrainians with new greetings. The official text of the letter was posted on the website of the head of state.

"Dear, dear Ukrainians! The fifteenth century of the 21st century is going down in history. We stood up and saved the country. We became not only older, but wiser and stronger... no one’s shoulder is strongly visible, the battle of the heart and the head of thoughts. Light is calm, freedom is independence, kindness is that unity - the axis of the smut of the skin of Ukraine," the politician said.

At his home, the head of state did not forget to guess about the Ukrainian military servicemen who are kidnapping native land of militants in the Donetsk region.

"I for those who today have become sacredly capable, bow down, persh for everything, glorious to the Ukrainian soldiers. Like the sleepers of our Armed Forces, volunteers, practitioners of the "defense industry", diplomats and international partners, and the impossibly large-scale offensive of Russia we can be told: naigirshe - back," Poroshenko was nominated.

Poroshenko also guessed about the sprat of dolosnyh decisions of the European Union for Ukraine, the liberalization of the visa-free regime. With this wine, having designated that beginning on September 1, 2016, between Ukraine and the EU, that all-season zone of free trade was destroyed.

"For Kilka Rockiv Mi Composed Kolosalni Zbetka, Yaki took the uklazani. Ajet stuck to Moskvy Rinkiv for Ukrainian goods, the Ekononiye aggregation - one of the wires did not take the same time. I didn’t see anything in them!- saying wine.

As having mentioned the site earlier, the Prime Minister of Ukraine encouraged to support one another and win success.

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko greeted Ukrainians from the future of 2019 on December 31st. The video was published on the website of the head of state. Yogo was shown on all the great TV channels of the country.

Vitanny of the president from 2019 rock

Screensaver - a bravura march of Ukrainian nationalists from a handful of personnel from Poroshenko.

The President opened the new greetings to the creation of the OCU - the autocephalous church. I re-appointed the Tomos on September 6. "We have become farther from Moscow and closer to Europe. We will go on our own way," repeating the President's speech, it went out.

Poroshenko also predicted that the 2019 year is storichya to the act of Zluka. Year of wine grafted Ukrainian sailors, seamen, buried near Krim. After that Poroshenko accused the bagmen of the "LDNR" and Krim would turn to them "with the world".

He guarded "do not trample down the growth of the growth" in the frontier struggle.

New text of Poroshenko's congratulations

Dear spіvvіtchizniki!

One more time - and the chronicle of the two thousand eighteenth year lies in the archives of Ukrainian history. And the place is there for the new one especially. Vono - entrusted from a thousand nine hundred ninety first, if our sovereign independence was voted.

On the 15th day of the month, here, the day of St. Sophia, the Annunciation Cathedral was born. Thousands of people, as they climbed on the square, were not shy of tears. And then there were tears of joy. The autocephalous Orthodox Church of Ukraine was born, nareshti, recognized by the Holy Orthodox.

The struggle for the independence of our church has thrived for hundreds of years, and has only now been crowned with success.
Tse is a real wonder!
Tse is a sign of God that we, Ukrainians, will definitely be all right.
For days at a time, out of the good news about the nation of the Savior, Ukraine takes away the finalization of the Tomos - a letter to the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Vaughn documented our spiritual independence.
We became farther from Moscow and closer to Europe. Tse is a clear strategy, which is unsufferingly achieved by stretching the remaining five years. Let's go on our way. Any obіtsyanki manny from heaven, аnі grains of znevіri, аnі zіlla razbrata - it's not guilty to turn us back.

“Unity has strength for the people, God, give us unity,” I wished that even these words became extinguished for the advancing fate for power, suspense and for the hulk of the skin. Tim is greater than two thousand nineteen years - the centenary of the Act of Evil, the centenary of our conciliarity.

Nothing is more pragmatic, lower light. And nothing is better than the world, lower than me. Also, allow me, in your name, first for all, to welcome Ukrainian soldiers. These stinks guarantee us silence and a calm new night.

Let our spirits and the warmth of our hearts be seen by the sailors, as if they were resting at the Russian full. I wounded among them - Andriy Eyder, Vasyl Soroka, Andriy Artemenko. І Ukrainian Politv'yaznі in Russian Prisons. And our hulks, yakі have become handcuffs in Timchas's paid off territories.

I turn to millions of spivvitchizniks at Krim and across that bek of Donbas. We will obov'yazkovo turn to you with the light, which would not be a road for a long time. Our family will always sit at the same table, at the same New River is ringing at the Kiev hour.

Dear Ukrainians!

The best is already past, and the best is already behind. In front - the progress of the growth of the economy and the renewal of equal life. This is the result of our hard work.
Golovnya - at the front of the chase, do not trample on the growth of the growth, sprouting at the cost of great sacrifices and colossal skin zusili for you. And then we will definitely get well.
I wish you all a happy New Rock!

So that our part of us did not scurry!

Glory to Ukraine!

Yak Poroshenko vіtav at the front rocky

At 2017 rock After a short video sequence, in some Ukrainians they showed the firebrands of fate, as well as Viktor Yanukovych and Volodymyr Putin in the company of Yulia Tymoshenko, Petro Poroshenko on the aphids of the Mikhailovsky Cathedral, turning up to the inhabitants of the country. Vіn grafted vіyskovopolonenikh, which managed to svіlniti until the new rock. For the first time, only three Ukrainians were returned to Ukraine from Russian countries, and a videoconference was scheduled for March 29, dedicated to the exchange of plenipotentiaries, but did not come to fruition.

Also, inviting Ukrainian Ukrainians and Ukrainians to Crimea and Donbas, international partners, such as the United States and Canada, they promised to put up a defensive armor. Guessing Petro Poroshenko and about the absence of visas, as well as about the quiet, who wants to fire the houses in the middle.

At 2016 rock, Petro Poroshenko also turned to the Ukrainians to the battle of the walls of the Michael's Cathedral.

Petro Poroshenko stating that the country has been able to grow economically, and also that Ukraine did not buy an annual cubic meter of gas from Russia for the first time in history. The head of the state named the head of the head of the country - the change of defense, the course towards the EU and NATO.

At 2015 rock the shelling of Mariupol and the terrorist attack near Volnovakha, the signing of the Minsky pleasing and the starvation of Nadiya Savchenko were predicted to the new animal. The President welcomed the Ukrainian military, volunteers and diplomats and announced that in 2016 the EU will give Ukraine visa-free travel, what really happened in 2017. The President spoke about those who began to function fundamentally new and politically independent anti-corruption bodies, to which people came with new values. And also, you can say that a Ukrainian is skinny, that it’s farther behind and that Russia, as a hybrid war and closed the markets for Ukrainian goods, didn’t see anything. In animal wine, quoting Ivan Frank: "I pray that in health, in peace, with brotherly love, now a year has passed for us. May God help you! May God give you everything that is good!"

His first welcome as president 2014 rock Petro Poroshenko has also begun to narrate the fate that is passing. Sered cadre, sho migotili, Buv Maidan, slandering the Cossack Gavrilyuk, who later became a people’s deputy, Viktor Yanukovych’s intern, the court at the right about the state health of such a trivav and in 2018, the accident of the Malaysian Boeing, annexation of Krim, burning into the booth of the industrial complex in Odesa ". At that time, the volunteers of that army stood behind the back of the President of the Michael Cathedral. For example, quoting Taras Shevchenko: "There will be no enemy on the renewal of the earth, an adversary, but there will be sons, and there will be mothers, and there will be people on earth."

KYIV, September 1 - RIA News Ukraine. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko welcomed Ukrainian citizens from New Rock. Having declared to his head of state that Ukrainians have become "wiser and stronger and stood up - to overcome."

"Tim, who at once is not for warmth Christmas table, and cold winter trenches. Glory to the heroes! With new rock! To the world, happiness to prosperity! Glory to Ukraine!" the president said.

New text the innovative welcome of Petro Poroshenko, who was brought to the public by the press service, marvels lower.

"Dear, dear Ukrainians! The fifteenth century of the XXI century is going into history.

We stood up and saved the country. They became not only older, but also wiser and stronger... And the brandy - even more united as a people, the Ukrainian people. And it’s not like one’s shoulder is strongly felt by one, one’s heart is beaten and one’s mind is overwhelmed. Light and tranquility, freedom and independence, goodness and unity are the axis of the smut of skin Ukrainians. And for those who have become holy today, bowing to us before the glorious Ukrainian warriors. Tim, who at once not on a warm Christmas table, but in a cold winter trench. Who is not with a kelich at the hands, but with a machine gun at the ready.

Glory to the heroes!

As a result of the combined efforts of our Defensive Forces, volunteers, defense industry practitioners, diplomats and international partners, Russia's unbearably large-scale offensive ...; as it is not possible for the old enemy to piss us off in the middle with political chvars, then the advancing fate of the skin from us can be said: naigirshe - behind.

And it is symbolic that even before the day before, the saints chose the most important decisions for the European Union. The advancing fate fell between Ukraine and the European Union. The citizens of our state can freely promote Europe, both on the right, and for a change, a humanitarian exchange.

Rukh tsієyu road obov'yazkovo may be two-sided.

The association with Europe will require the substitution of corruption. Mustache changed their minds for such a struggle, we made sure. They opened fundamentally new and politically independent anti-corruption bodies. New people came for the competition with new values. They came to practice under the piercing gaze of the community of society.

From the first day of the beginning of the day, that all-season zone of free trade with the European Union was destroyed. For a few years, we compensate for colossal battles, like the leader of Ukraine, Russia. Even if Moscow closes the markets for Ukrainian goods and Ukrainian manufacturers, the economic aggression is strained - another warehouse of hybrid warfare is against us.

They didn’t take it by storm by storm - they try to strangle it economically and promote it socially. But don't see anything in them!

Dear Ukrainians! In the future, we marvel at hope and optimism.

I hope you are healthy

At the world, with brotherly love,

A year has passed for us.

Shiriy Pratsі God help!

God bless you all, goodness!

These words of Ivan Franko do not leave a doubt that everything will be good! Ukraine will be European, strong, united!

With new rock! To the world, happiness to prosperity! Glory to Ukraine!"

As mentioned, the TV channel of the oligarch Igor Kolomoisky "1 + 1".

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