What is death for people? What is a sensible person, if you die? Clinical death. Remain hvilini life. Feel like people at the moment of drowning

Why is the essence of the process of dying - tse pinnennya іsnuvannya or transition to new rіven buttya? What is death? Chi will end in a new way of human life at the moment of death? What is left after the death of a person's immortal soul? Over these nourishments, the people did not cease to roam with a stretch of earthly reason: all the thinking people were asked by such nourishments.

Philosophers attacked them at various times in different lands. The cities of philosophical schools have begun to recognize the acceptance of the teachings. Vcheni for all hours “fought” over the riddles of the butt. Sometimes theologians came up to these positions from other positions, as they also gave their own version of opinion. But why don't food stop licking people and today?

The famous philosopher of the 19th century, S. K'erkegaard, wrote about the moment of death as follows: , the most sacred for a person - uniting the power of specialness, one's own unity, what am I?

People grow up, grow up, grow up. At the skin stage, you know yourself that special world. An older person begins to consider himself special. Waiting for food: “Who am I?”, “Who am I in this world?”, “Now have I come to this world?” A person step by step osyagaє, that її appearance (narodzhennya) at the world is straightened out by setting a task, it is more correct to lie down in the presence of the individual himself. At once and inevitably blame and understand that if a person is a people, it means that if you die. Be someone who, having first seen the world's inescapability of the future, sees the all-gloomy zhah, that you have to understand that everything on earth is mortal and sooner or later recognizes its foundation, go to hell.

Why is death so sweet? The right thing is that a person does not understand his own people: you cannot see them, you can see through those who simply do not remember what they are. Deyakі vchenі vvazhayut, that a person is no longer the same as the world becomes a person, a total specialty, if you start to convince yourself, then if you start to remember yourself. How only people turn out to be so good, you can turn around to some extent, you can take special care.

First, let the people see themselves until the 1st or 2nd anniversary of their life, and becoming aware of that necessary world is getting richer. Prote people can already recognize their own maturity and understand those changes that are in your body. Natomist is transformed from the first stage to the necessary world, assessment of activity. However, it is impossible to see and understand the moment of death. A person cannot reconcile with the thought that it’s too early for him to end everything and he won’t stop living in his world. Even a lot of people, who survived the camp of clinical death, characterize their experience as it is impossible to describe. Even more richly someone who called his dosvіd "invincible." In front of him, the stench was loud: what happened to them cannot be described with the loudest earthly words.

People are so powerful that they are lying about their innocence. To frighten and death, oskіlki є chimos nevіdomim і, it is possible, scho pulling the songs of burdens behind you. What will happen if the person dies? What do you want to see and see if you leave the world of the living? For someone, the very thought is simply unbearable, that they will not be in this world anymore, the stench will be awakened by the sonorous sharpening, warmth home fire, the respect of relatives and loved ones and violate the “mandruvat” with unseen worlds.

Earlier, it was confirmed that no one was able to discern that moment of death. Epikur wrote in one of his days: “While we are, there is no death. If there is death, then we are dumb.”

“The fear of death transforms a person into a creature. Sob not to become like a creature, it is necessary to overcome the fear of death. This truth became the main one of the sects of the twelfth century, preaching new Buddhism.

Ascetic monks prayed with the help of prayers and fasting to overcome the fear of death. However, it is important for the noble people to do a little more. Skin from us, by the protyag of his life, accumulates a song about life and death. Mi bachimo, how people are dying and people are dying. But if the people - tse appearance at the world of a new person, then death - tse її logical sight.

The moment of death is forever hostile. For a person, the primordial order of speeches is broken, shards of death in front of us allow us to collide with a singing person. The rite of burial is taking place and the remains of the people are lowered into the ground. And in the skin, which is present at the same time, a picture is fleetingly vague: now one’s funerals are left alone in a cold, closed box, hooted by the beast with earth. Now, the human body is so rebuvatim under the earth in the grave, and worms eat it.

All these paintings, which are blamed on the skin of a person, cry out zhah before death, that guard, it is practically impossible to repair it. L. Tolstoy was already painfully experiencing the fear of death. And yet, more than turbulent, death was not in the power, vin turbuvavsya for their loved ones. So, he wrote, thinking about the life and death of his children: For that, I’ll break it down, which one I have, what for stupidity? Lovers of them, I can’t take the truth from them, - the skin of the eye knows them to the knowledge of the truth. And the truth is death.

Even a lot of people at the moment of death feel the voices of people, as if they were known at once to be instructed by them. І tі voice є remaining happy lanka, as if I were priming people in earthly life. But just like a human being ceases to have a sensitive voice, he enters the realm of absolutely new hostility and sensitivity.

However, thinking about death, showing what will happen human body If you lower the grave at the grave, we do not stop thinking about death every day, zastosovuchi life of the world to the first manifestation. Ale, death is the only reason for the bodily daily existence. Be-like an organic body that people will inevitably die. The Russian philosopher N. Strakhov wrote: “Old age and death are a necessary legacy of organic development. Adzhe yakbi, as an organism, the moment can be undone indefinitely, in no way has it reached the mature age; Vіn zavzhdi buv bi lily pіdlіtkom, іstotoyu, like constant growth, but yakіy so i was not judged by viciousness. I was like an organism in the epoch of its maturity, becoming an immutable rapt, then, showing little repetition of appearances, then a development stuck to a new one, nothing new could be seen in a new one, it could not have been a life. Death screams from the very understanding of development. Death is a miracle in its swedishness. Vaughn quickly start the body in the form of dialnost and strength to simple rot. Like a person grows and develops in a proper way - and like a fast, healthy, out there.

In Strakhov's thought, the reason for this lack of mobility is just the same for a high organization of people and for the transfer of their development. A highly organized society does not know any significant damage to its own administration. And if it comes out of the sky itself, then death is a boon.

But if you didn’t prove it well, it’s unlikely that the stench can reconcile the skin of a person with the inevitable death, it’s unlikely that people are worthy, that for a short life there will be an eternal nebuttya. І chi become a normal person, a person has grown up to accept death as a blessing? And as if the thought about those who are all mortal and that death is imminent, all the same people want to believe that, in the face of death, is still unbearable.

Religion helps to overcome the fear of death with a singing world. Come on, be it a religion, the idea of ​​the immortality of the human soul. Let the human body die, but the soul is immortal and at the moment of death it is deprived of material existence. We see ourselves not only bodily, but spiritually. The worldly body does not appear so terrible, as it is not accompanied by physical suffering. It turns out that the body of a person is falling asleep (not without reason, it seems, “eternal sleep”), the soul is being abandoned, but it is allowed to admit that life is taken with the help of information, one does not stick to one’s mind, it’s less likely to move on to another day.

Saints are all the apostles, associates of Jesus Christ, as well as 70 teachers who preached Christ's faith in different parts of the earth. Faith in Jesus helped them to work miracles, heal people and bring the dead back to life.

In religious manifestations, the soul of a person breaks into heaven, otherwise it reaches nirvana, it breaks into eternal bliss. But what is science to drive? Professor V. M. Bekhterev cited evidence in his article "Immortality of human specialty as a scientific problem."

An inexpressible fact is those that, if a person is in the world, the body begins to expand. All the atoms of that molecule, which until now have become a whole organism, step by step enter into a new stage and pass into a new camp. Matter, as it creates the body of a person, is practically reinvented in such a rite. But a person is not less than matter. Crimium of matter, the source of energy: nature has the law of conservation of energy and its law does not know blame. Energy cannot be raptly vindicated, and it can also appear, it is possible to pass from one form to another. Tsey law expands and all show neuro-psychic activities.

“It’s a human life, it’s a joy, it’s a thought, it’s expressed in words with a simple look, a gesture, a flash of mimicry, not knowing obscurity,” wrote Bekhterev. And oskolki people live among their kind, then they pour their psychic energy into the rest of the world, and then, I myself know such an injection from my own line. And all the neuro-psychic energy is formed in a seemingly aggravated social "necessary self-sufficiency". Ale, she is alive and well, back to the people, as a singing people, and yet she does not take her life and after her death.

Lyudina hіba scho “pours” her neuro-psychic energy into the deep neuro-psychic energy of people. V. Bekhterev also clarifies that the wine is not about immortality as a sane person, but about social immortality, shards of nerve-psychic energy, as to become the basis of human specialty, it is impossible.

V. Bekhterev at the article shows what to go about the immortality of the spirit. “This immortal spirit, by stretching its own individual life, mutually reinvents itself on a thousand sharp human features. The dignitarous of the dwelling of Zhitty in the science Sensі Buti Zveden, according to the soutine, before the understanding of the sinking of the people's specialty, for the mejs їndivine life at the form of the uninhabited people, the fascinum of the spiritual, in the Yakiye bums. already I went to the right world, and I live, not dying, but less indulging, in the spiritual life of the people.

Quite often in the death camp, people feel the rush. Let's face it, the stinks are collapsing with great swedishness through a dark expanse. Describe the stink of this expanse in a different way: dimar, well, valley, cylinder, tunnel, vacuum, cave, long corridor, vіdchinenі doors, road, stitch.

Ale tsі ideї V. Bekhterev is not an absolute truth: it’s better to try to explain in a scientific way, what is life, what is death and what is due to a person after death.

The fear of death is a skin person in its own way. Alone live, especially without thinking about death. Live, more live. Others are joking with feelings of happiness and marry for material goods. Їх death є pripinennya vsogo. Still others are trying to bring about a lucid death, as well as scientific and philosophical concepts that explain this phenomenon. Death can be interpreted as a transient and inevitable natural process, and it can be considered as a transition to eternity and harmonious anger with the life of the whole world of light, with the mind of light. For the fourth, it helps to overcome the fear of death, faith in the immortality of the soul, that religious image.

І zovsіm not obov'yazkovo shukati among them short version. As M. A. Bulgakov wrote to his famous work: “Leather can be life and death, then immortality, on the basis of merit.”

In our hour, if in time to shy away the razyuchі vіdkrittya and the taєmny pridelyaetsya less and less time in the life of modern homo sapiens, the interest in the problem of life and death is not weaker. And so the very person asks: “What is death?” Vrazhayuchі doslіdzhennya provіv kalifornіyskij vchenii Dr. R. Modі. Vіn zbirav raznі vіdomosti about those, scho surviving and vіdchuvav people stretching out that hour, if you've been on the line between life and death. The accomplishment of that vchenovki was razyuchі and turned to themselves great respect.

Respondents kept talking about the very same idea, which led to the following: don't be afraid of death anymore, don't hide the fear of death. At his book "Life after death" Moudi wrote: With a new look, that world is not a one-sided court, but rather the maximum self-development and development. The development of the soul, perfect love and recognition are not attached to the death of the body. Navpaki, stink from that side of the butt, it’s possible, forever, at times, for a long period of time, moreover, with such a state of destruction, as we can hardly guess. І vcheniya rob vysnovok, scho vіn can no longer be believed in those who, after the death of a person, rot away. "Life after death is true - and all the manifestations, about which I became known, are manifestations of this life."

However, not all of them are unfailingly successful with these vysnovkas: the successes of this galuzi are continued. Those vіdomostі, scho were given to Dr. Moudі by different people, gossip richly in what with these svіdchennyami, like the Swedish mystic Emmanuil Swedenborg. The blessings of teachings, having lost the practice of mathematics, mechanics, astronomy, having turned to religious and mystical themes in the 55th century, volodyuchi with a strained energy, bringing myself to the camp, if the soul fills the body.

Goodbye. This symbol is even more popular among Muslims. Like Christians place a cross on the makіvtsі of the church, so on the spiers of the mosque, the prayer is placed. Tse guessing about that day, if the prophet Muhammad left Mecca and went to Medina.

Behind the words of the expert, you could think of yourself in a pose: “A person does not die, she just swells in the presence of a physical body, as it is necessary, if she is interrupted by her world.” Swedenborg affirmed that at the moment of death a person would pass from one state to another. However, a person died without knowing, not understanding, that she died, that at that moment she was in the same “body”, as if by a singing world she guessed that there was a lot of physical body. The spirit of a person is the whole soul, as if after death I live in a right human image. At the same time, the spiritual camp is enriched with less obmezheniya, nizh yogo amount of bodily foundations. A person, if one ceases to be alive and goes out on a new rіven buttya, they become blessed, think and remember, and all spiritual gifts become perfect.

Believe in the qi of the firmness more easily. Tim is more, what is the rich position of knowing the confirmation of different religions. But why not once and for all not know the optimal diet for a meal? (Age philosophers in the old hours brought with the same conflict and the death of a person, and the immortality of their souls) The protégé of the single visnovok is so unbroken: it is for oneself to know for oneself an acceptable answer to the question of “Who checks for a person after death.”

Zvichayno well, a person is free to zovsim do not call on whether or not the proof of science and z usma current achievements. Whether any of us vzagali can ignore the scientific concept of life and death and try to take it from the first drive of this point of dawn, as it is the most powerful.

Undoubtedly, there is only one thing: the earthly life of a skin person will inevitably end. It’s too early to become a pizno - it’s impossible, but on the face of it, there will be death. At the moment of death, the unity of the spiritual and bodily shell will be destroyed. Soul that body stop being the only one. The body changes, disintegrates in warehouses. But what happens to the soul after death - the nobility is not given to a mortal. We can only believe, think or fantasize, but only our earthly thoughts about eternity. It is possible that a brilliant writer and skin can follow the faith of yoga. And if you believe in the law about Divine justice, then the skin will be punished for doing it. Some of them are heaven and eternal bliss, others are hell and eternal torment. And the third, perhaps, will be granted eternal peace. Ale death, just like a people, skin experiences individually and in no way can you tell about your people, or about your death. That's the way to get rid of the eternal mystery of the butt.

» writing that…

... the head of natural science stooped before the death vines. By the way, the appearance was foldable and unreasonable, that, it seemed, to be known beyond the borders of human knowledge. I’m less fearful, which are accumulating step by step, and trying to do the elementary things, try to revive the people and vipadkovі successes, with which they destroyed this unknown wall, to rob death “I’m rich in myself”.

The end of the 19th century, and especially the 20th century, brought the problem of death before the root changes. Death ceased to carry mysticism in itself, but the mystery was saved. Death, being a natural completion of life, has become such an object of scientific research, like life itself.

One of the founders of experimental pathology, who stood at the forefront of thanatology, the famous Frenchman Claude Bernard wrote in his Lectures on Experimental Pathology: "... To know how to live by the organisms of creatures, people, it is necessary to succumb, how richly they die, for the mechanisms of life can be revealed and revealed only to the knowledge of the mechanisms of death."

The change of the scientific setting to death, the reduction of death to the natural physiological process, which requires a qualified physiological analysis of that development, perhaps, it was especially prominent in Vislovlyuvanni I. P. Pavlova: “... Like a wide and flat field, the field was opened for physiological research, like a negligently following the viklikana ailment, or through the inevitable death, the experimenter shukav with full knowledge, do the best way to overcome that іnsha”(I. P. Pavlov, selected works, vol. 1, p. 364).

Among the current philosophers, for example, Shelley Kagan, who dedicated his course at the Yale University, is engaged in the nourishment of death.

Science understands death


Law Russian Federation dated December 22, 1992 No. 4180-1 “About transplantation of organs and (or) tissues of a person” in article 9 “Designated to the moment of death” to say: “Visnovka about death is given on the basis of ascertaining the irreversible death of the entire brain (death-brain), inserted in vіdpovіdno before the procedure, solidified federal body vikonavchoi vlady, scho zdіysnyuє z viroblennya state policy and legal regulation in the field of health protection and social development "(div. Instructions for ascertaining the death of a person on the basis of the diagnosis of death of the brain, confirmed by order" MOZ2 RF0 2004).


Mortality of a person has injected into human suspense, becoming one of the most important reasons for the emergence of that development of religions. Inevitably, death and death in the post-mortem life caused before the appearance of the problem of relieving the bodies of those who died or saving those bodies. Different religions in different epochs celebrated their food in different ways. Such manifestations were brought to the point of vindication of special territories, designated for burial - hoards. In rich religions, the body does not have such an important meaning, and other methods of resurrection are allowed, for example, sleeping - cremation. The faith in sweaty life gave rise to all kinds of collective rituals, calling for the escort of the dead in the rest of the world, so, like a burial place, a complaint that richly others.

Biology and medicine

See death. Terminal stations

There are two stages of death: the terminal stage, the stage of biological death. In the subcategory, death-brain is consumed.

The coming death will be remade by the terminal camps - the pre-agonal camp, agony and clinical death, - like in totality, they can take three hours, from dekilkoh hvilin until the year and navit dobi. Regardless of the pace of the present death, it will always be before the clinical death. Although resuscitation visits were not carried out, or they turned out to be unsuccessful, biological death sets in, as it is an irreversible cause of physiological processes in cells and tissues. nervous system shards of stench are the most critical to the point of breathlessness. As a result of the processes of spreading, the organism is destroyed further away, step by step lowering the structure of nerve connections, incapacitating the restoration of special features. This stage is called informational death (or “informational-theoretical death”, that is, death from the point of view of the theory of information). Until informational death, a person can theoretically be saved in the camp of suspended animation, for example, for the help of cryonics, which will save him from a distant ruin, and later, potentially, can be renewed.

Preagonal mill

This is a reflex response to the body's function of "reducing pain" before death, and call the viklikan important, or even more painful ushkodzhennya of the biological body, and may be zavzhdi po'yazana z in a viable psychological state. It is accompanied by a new or a private vtratoy svіdomosti, baiduzhіst to the point that it is necessary, and a second sensitivity to the pain.

In the preagonal state, there is a disruption in the functions of the central nervous system (sopor chi coma), a decrease in arterial pressure, and centralization of blood circulation. Dihannya breaks down, becomes shallow, irregular, or maybe partly. Lack of ventilation can cause sourness in the tissues (tissue acidosis), but the main type of speech exchange is oxidized. The trivality of the preagonal camp can be different: wine can be more daily (for example, with a severe mechanical injury to the heart), or it can save a trivaly hour, as the body can compensate for the decrease in life functions (blood loss).

Without jubilant visits, the process of the world progresses more often, and the preagonal camp begins to change terminal pause. Vaughn is characterized by the fact that after an accelerating gasp, it quickly rises outside. Also, past periods of asystole trivality are shown from 1-2 to 10-15 s.


Agony is a test for the body in the minds of strangling the life functions of important organs and victorious remaining opportunities for saving life. On the cob of agony, the pressure increases, the heart rhythm is restored, strong dyspnea rushes begin (although the legions are practically not ventilated - at the same time, dychalny m'yazi rushes, ventilating for breath and vision). May be briefed svіdomіst.

Through the sourness of the tissues, under-oxidized products of the exchange accumulate rapidly. The exchange of speech is even more important for the anaerobic regimen, during the hour of agony the body consumes 50-80 g of the mass of the rahunok ATP spalling in the tissues. Trivality of agony sounds small, trochs more than 5-6 quills (in some vipadkas - up to pivgodyny). Potim arterial vice you fall, your hearts twitch, your breath rumbles, and clinical death sets in.

clinical death

Clinical death continues from the moment of cardiac activity, respiratory distress and CNS function until the moment when irreversible pathological changes develop in the brain. In the hospital of clinical death, anaerobic exchange of speech in tissues has three rachunok accumulated in clitin reserves. As only a few reserves of nerve tissues run out, they die. In the event of an increase in the presence of sourness in the tissues, the necrosis of measles of the brain and cerebellum (the most sensitive to sour starvation of the cerebellum) is repaired after 2-2.5 minutes. After the death of measles, the restoration of the life functions of the body becomes impossible, so clinical death transforms into a biological one.

In times of successful active resuscitation visits for the triviality of clinical death, it’s time to take an hour, after passing the moment of the tooth of the heart to the cob of resuscitation (shards modern methods resuscitation, so as to relieve the minimally necessary arterial pressure, blood purification, piece ventilation of the leg, exchange of blood transfusion or piece donor blood circulation, allow to keep the life of the nerve tissue alive for a long time).

In great minds, the triviality of clinical death becomes more than 5-6 quills. The cause of death, wash, torment, age of the dying, rіven yogo wakefulness, body temperature pіd hour of death and other factors. In some cases, clinical death can last up to povgodini, for example, when drowned in cold water, if through a lower temperature the exchange processes in the body, including in the brain, are immediately improved. For additional piecewise preventive hypothermia, the incidence of clinical death can be reduced to 2 years. On the other side, the circumstances can greatly shorten the triviality of clinical death, for example, in times of death due to severe blood loss, pathological changes in the nerve tissue, which make life impossible, can rise even to the core of the heart.

Clinical death is reversible in principle - modern technology of resuscitation allows in some cases to restore the functioning of the life of important organs, after which the central nervous system “turns on”, the light turns. One of the people who have been named, yaki survived the Klinichna death without Sereyoznich Naslidkiv, is small: Pislya Klinnikiye death in the minds of the Medical Statziionar Vygishitu, 4-6% of ailments, Vyzhaznoye, Ale to Opera Vishasnoye. . In a number of cases, for the first time in resuscitation, or for their inefficiency, the patient's grave state of mind, the patient can go to the so-called "vegetative life". With whom it is necessary to separate two camps: the camp of new decortication and the camp of the death of the brain.

Diagnosis of death

Fear of mercy in diagnosing death shtovhav doctors for the development of methods for diagnosing death, the creation of special life samples or the creation of special minds of pohovannya. Thus, a tomb was built near Munich for over a hundred years, in which the hand of the dead was wrapped with a cord like a ring. The ringing sounded only once, and if the servants came, to give help to the patients, who, having leaned back in the lethargic, sleep, appeared, that it happened to cause cadaveric stiffness. Vodnochas s literature and medical practice in the case of delivery to the mortuary of living people, like doctors paromilkovo diagnosed death.

Rechecking the safety function of the breath. There are no reliable signs of the safety of the breath. In the fallow, in the minds of the old middle, you can vicorist coldly a mirror, a fluff, auscultation of the breath, or a test of Vinslov, as if it is true that a vessel with water should be placed on the patient’s chest, and by the knocking of the surface of the water, judge the presence of the chest wall. Having blown the wind, or stretching, increased moisture and temperature in the area, or the transport that is passing through, may be affected by the results of their stay, and the windings about the presence or the airiness of the breath will be inaccurate.

More informative for diagnosing death - tests that indicate savings cardiovascular function. Auscultation of the heart, palpation of the pulse on the central and peripheral vessels, palpation of the heart post - these findings cannot be considered reliable. Navіt in case of advanced function of the cardiovascular system in the minds of the clinic even weak heart twitching may not be marked by a doctor, but twitchy heart twitching will be assessed as the presence of such a function. Clinicians are encouraged to conduct auscultation of the heart and palpation of the pulse in short intervals, no more than one wheeze. Even tsіkava and proves to induce with minimal blood circulation the Magnus test, which lies in a tight constriction of the finger. With obvious blood circulation in the area of ​​the constriction, the skin becomes pale, and the peripheral one becomes cyanotic. After the constriction is lifted, the refilling is carried out. Pevnu іnformatsiyu can give a glance at the clearance of the lobe of the ear, as for the obvious blood flow, it has a reddish-erysipelas color, and the corpse has a gray-white color. In the 19th century, for the diagnosis of the safety of the function of the cardiovascular system, specific tests were performed, for example: Verne's test - arteriotomy of the scrotal artery, or Bush's test - a steel head, injected into the body, in a living person through pіvgodini vtrachaє blisk, the first test - internally fluorescein is given to shvidka, the skins of a living person are in a yellowish color, and the sclera is in greenery and other colors. Qi try may be less historical, but not practical interest. It is hardly reasonable to carry out an arteriotomy in a person who is in a state of shock and on the floor of the body, it is impossible to take asepsis and antisepsis into the minds, otherwise the children are still darkened with a steel head, and it is more important to introduce fluorescein, which is on the bright side of people.

Bezpeka functions of the central nervous system It is the most important indicator of life. It is impossible to ascertain the death of the brain on the mission. The function of the nervous system is changed to preserve or reduce the strength of the body, the passive state of the body, the relaxation of the muscles and the vitality of the tone, the sensitivity of the reaction to the most important substances - ammonia, weak bolovі vplivi(shaking the head, rubbing the lobes of the ear, beating on the cheeks and others). Valuable signs are the presence of the horn reflex, reactions of the light. In the 19th century, for the re-verification of the functions of the nervous system, victorious methods were used in an over-the-top, non-primary, and sometimes even more difficult way. So, the Josas test was passed, for which special forceps were patented. When pressing the folds of the shkіri in these tongs, the person felt a strong pain. Also, in a rozrahunka, a Desgrange test was established for a pain reaction - introducing a boiling olive into the nipple, or a Raze test - hit the heels, or prikannya pikannya that other women of the body with a baked salve. Tried even more svoєridnі, zhorstokі, yakі to some cunning reached the doctors in folding problems ascertaining the function of the central nervous system.

One of the earliest and greatest signs of impending death is the "cat's eye phenomenon", and other titles are the sign of Biloglazov. The shape of a person's chin is characterized by two parameters, but by itself: the tone of the ointment, the sound of the chin, and the inner vise. Moreover, the main official is the tone of m'yaz. For the presence of the function of the nervous system, the innervation of the tongue is attached, which sounds like a sound, and the tone of the day. When crushed with fingers in a straight or vertical direction, which must be carried out carefully, so as not to hurt the apple in the eyes, the swell of an oval shape. With a congenial moment, change the shape of the chin and the fall of the internal vice, which indicates the tone of the apple of the eye, and it, at its edge, lies in the arterial vice. In this manner, the sign of Beloglazov, or the “phenomenon of the cat's eye”, is a sign of the daily innervation of the tongue and the simultaneous fall of the internal pressure, as if due to the arterial.

Instructions for the appointment of criteria in the same order as the moment of death of a person, inflicting resuscitation, was approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia in 2003, transferring the statement of the death of a person or biological death on the basis of evidence of death, I can restore cadaveric In resuscitation, you can come in, but only when ascertaining the death of a person on the basis of brain death, or if they are ineffective, stretching 30 minutes. In case of resuscitation, visits are not carried out for a sign of biological death, and also in case of clinical death on aphids, the progression is reliably established of non-violent illnesses or non-serious chronic acute injuries, which are not irrelevant to life.

Classification of deaths

Regardless of the complexity of the problem of death, in medicine for a long time there has been a clear reading of a specific classification, as it allows the doctor to establish signs in the skin time of the present death, which indicate the category, rіd, type of death and the reason.

In medicine, two categories of death are seen - violent death and non-violent death.

Another qualifying sign of death is rd. I in the third, and in the second category, it is accepted to see three births of death. One can see the death of a non-violent death - the death is physiological, the death is pathological, that death is raptov. The curtains of violent death are driving in, self-destruction and death after an unfortunate fall.

The third qualification sign is the type of death. The established view of death is associated with the designation of a group of factors that called death, that united them for their adventures or influx on the body of a person. Zokrema, like an okremic type of death, which looks like a classic death with the primary blood circulation, examines the death of the brain.

One of the most complicated stages of the classification of death is the establishment of the cause of the present. Regardless of the category, type and type of death, the causes of the attack are divided into main, intermediaryі without middle ground. In this hour in medicine it is not allowed to use the term death in old age - it is necessary to establish a more specific cause of death. The main cause of death is considered to be nosological loneliness, which is up to the International classification of sickness: illness, or illness, as it itself became the cause of death, or it called the development of a pathological process (complication), which called to death.

Understanding death in religion

All the main religions have a vchennya that describes what happens to a person after death. Shards of greater religions affirm the foundation of an intangible soul, stench generally respects the death of a person, or rather the death of the body and describes different options a distant reason for specialness in looking at the spirit, or a distant rebirth in a new style, or eternal, or ending with the attainment of nirvana (in Buddhism), or life eternal (in Christianity).

Death of the Saints

  • In Christianity and other religions, it is evident that the death of the righteous, saints can be tied with special circumstances. For example, the death of Enoch that Іllі zgіdno z bіblієyu vіdstrochena i will be not long before the Last Judgment, and the stench themselves will be brought alive to heaven. Second example: St. Lazar, having died the two (in the past - resurrected by Jesus Christ in a few days after death). In addition, the remains of some saints - relics - can manifest undivided power(smell, myrrh-streaming, etc.).
    • The Ascension of Bahá'u'lláh is celebrated on the 29th herb Div. Baha'i calendar
    • The ascension of 'Abdu'l-Bahá is holy on the 28th leaf fall of Div. Bahá'í Calendar

Death is resurrection

Many religions describe the experiences of miraculous Sunday after death.

Template: * - Resurrection Eucharist Paul. (Dії.)

The Russian philosopher N. F. Fedorov propoved that the people themselves can learn how to resurrect all people, if they ever lived, zavdyaki a distant development scientific and technical progress [ ] .

The human nature itself has a legacy of eternity. Being the guarantor of this swedish material world, the person is the leader of pranaya eternity. Whoever listens to the inner voice, feels like I'm new and I'm talking about eternity.

Navit yakbi lyudinі buv talents Vsesvit - tse not b tamuval yogo spragi Eternal life, for such wine creations. The natural exercise of people until the end of happiness is mindful of the objective reality and that, which is the real life of eternity.

What is death?

The body is an instrument of the spirit, which manages and controls all the organs right up to the most important particles, from which cells are formed. At the appointment of the Lord, the hour of the people touches the ailment, and the body takes on its functions, which signifies the arrival of the Angel of Death.

Wanting death to come to people for the will of the Lord God, I put a binding on the angel Azrael to take away people's souls, which is a symbolic veil that resurrects death in the eyes of the people in the sight of Him Who sent it. Ailments, or different evils, also symbolize their own dependence, but even without a middle death that Azrael.

Appearance of the Angel of Death to the dying

Shards of the angel Azrael, like all angels, creatures of the world, they can appear and be present in many places at once. Those who are busy with the singing moment, however, do not mean that at this very hour of wine you cannot take the fate of the victors, be it any other rights.

So it is, as the sun gives warmth and light to the whole world at once, and, being present at the numerical seers of the world, the angel Azrael can take millions of souls at once, not creating with this swindler.

The skin of the angels is given in order similar to the new angel. If there is goodness in the world, a righteous person, a sprinkling of angels will come to her with softened appearances to shine.

They are followed by the angel Azrael, who can be accompanied by one or a few angels who have been sent to you - they are entrusted to take the souls of the righteous.

Angels that take away the souls of the righteous, like angels, like they take the souls of sinners. The souls of sinners, as if they are making death out of embittered, vile disguises, the stench "ruthlessly vibrate" from the body.

What does a person watch at his death hour?

In front of them, who, having believed in the Lord and in the righteous way of life, have opened the door to Paradise. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ having said that the souls of the righteous climb so softly and smoothly, like water flowing from a gleam.

Moreover, martyrs (martyrs who perished on the path of the Lord) do not feel the agony of death and do not know that they died. The stink of the stink is aware that they have moved to the best light, and enjoy eternal happiness.

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said to Jabir, the son of Abdallah ibn Amr (may Allah be pleased with him), who was martyred at the battle of Uhudi: “Do you know how the Lord sent your father? Vіn zustrіv yogo so that they didn’t suffocate their eyes, they didn’t cheat, they didn’t shy away from their mind. Your father said:

"O Vishishny! Turn me over to the world of the living, so that I can tell them in an instant, whom I have flooded there, miraculously cleared up after death!" Lord vіdpovіv: "There is no turning back. Life is given only once. However, I will tell them about your rebuking here."

І following the messages of the coming ayat:

وَلَا تَحْسَبَنَّ الَّذِينَ قُتِلُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ أَمْوَاتًا بَلْ أَحْيَاءٌ عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ يُرْزَقُونَ فَرِحِينَ بِمَا آتَاهُمُ اللَّهُ مِن فَضْلِهِ

“Do not take the dead quiet, who died on the path of Allah for the sake of Yogo religion. Verily, the stinks live with their Lord, and their souls will rise in price from the goiter of green birds in Paradise and take their share, eat the fruits of paradise and for the sake of what Allah bestowed on them from His mercy. (Sura Alu “Imran, ayat 169-170; “Tafsir al-Jalalayn”)

The person is dying like that, as if she were alive. The one who lives a righteous life, dies a hospitable death, just as the death of a sinner becomes painful and stingy. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, who praised the Lord God the most, for the sake of reciting special prayers at his dying hour.

It seems that the closest companions of the Prophet Muhammad, for example, 'Usman, 'Ali, Hamza and Mus'ab ibn 'Umar ta іnshi (May Allah be pleased with them), like they devoted themselves to the service of Islam, died martyrs.

Why is it necessary to be afraid of death?

For those who believe and strive for righteousness, death is not to blame, but terrible. Wanting to know that death is the extinguishing of light of life, that yogo has come, truly a relief from the heavy obsessions of worldly life. Tse change of place perebuvannya, move to another camp, but at the same time requested to Eternal life. It is for the purpose of the Lord, the light is constantly renewed, for the change of the perishable life, the eternal life will come.

If a fruit tassel falls on the ground, it’s good that there’s a guinea. You really know the biological process, go through the same stages of development, and grow a new tree from it. In this rank, the “death” of a brush is the cob of life of a new tree, a new, more thorough level of development.

Like death, roslyn, which is the simplest equal of life, is beautiful and may great value, then the death of a person, which is more than a high slab of life, is guilty of being more beautiful and more serious than a mother: a person, walking under the earth, is not sure about the future of Eternal life!

Death makes a person look like a burden of worldly life, like a century and misfortunes that touch a person, becomes more important. Death accepts yoga in the ring of Eternity and Love, de people can be blessed with the conscience of other people, that knows in the quiet of a happy Eternal life.

Soul in the middle world

After death, the soul stands before the Lord God. Like a person lived a righteous, rich life and reached perfection, angels, like escorting his soul to the Lord, transferring him to God.

Angels hover the soul everywhere, dey shed it, and ask: Whose soul is it? What a beautiful soul!” Angels, as they guide the soul, call them the most beautiful words and say: “This is the soul of the one who prayed, finished fasting, gave mercy and endured all the hardships of life in the name of the Lord!”.

Nareshti, Almighty Allah invigorates the soul and punishes the angels: “Take the soul back to the grave, where the body is buried, for there can be no answer to the nourishment of the angels Munkir and Nakir.”

From the soul of a sinner, everywhere to lead with znevago i literally zhurlyayut її back at the grave.

Be it the unacceptable things that come with people in our perishable world, blame through sins. Even if a person believes broadly, but sometimes one can’t shrink from sinful vchinkivs, God, out of mercy, sends her to her, to cleanse the sins.

The Lord can also give yoga a zhorstokіy mortal agony, so that you can piss off your sin, or call for a greater spiritual level, but the Lord takes his soul even more lowly and softly.

As if, unconcerned at all misfortune, endured by a person in the world, and unconcerned by the suffering of deathly agony, people still have unforgivable sins, they go to hell already in the grave, but get rid of punishment in Hell.

In addition to all that has been said, the skin of a person, resting in the grave, may be told by two angels about his worldly vchinki, moreover, the grave is the first stage in the transition of the soul to Eternal life, where the skin is celebrated for this day in this world.

As it is written in the books, the uncle of the Prophet ﷺ 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) even wanted to see the dream of another righteous caliph 'Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) after yoga ('Umar) death.

However, say “Umar, oh my dream, it was less than six months later, and even after sleeping:“ De ti buv i dosi? ". On scho "Umar vidpoviv:" Don't feed me about tse! I've only got the bag of my life ».

The grave bore the penitent punishment and vikonuє the role of purgatory against the sins. Tse arches of girki faces, prote behind him follow paradise clothes.

As it was already said, at the grave of the skin, the skin died, roaming with two angels, which sound Munkirі Nakir. The stinks ask: Who is your God? Who is your prophet? What religion did you speak?

Like a person for life believed in God and the mission of that prophet, for an hour she lived, and like that she chose the true faith, she could vouch for the nourishment of angels.

Vіdnosini mіzh soul that tіlom raznі - fallow in that, in which world the stench is known. In worldly life, the soul is placed in the "dungeon" of the body. It’s a sinful specialty and corporeal bazhannya to dominate spirituality, it’s not necessary to destroy the camp of the soul and signify the residual scourge, which is the person to blame.

Well, now, on the other hand, the soul can control specialness through faith, worship and correct behavior and build up from a full of corporeal bazhan, then it will be cleansed, become pure and endowed with good qualities. Tse to bring souls happiness in both worlds.

After the funeral, the soul breaks at the place of reconciliation - ( Barzakh). Wanting the body to unfold and go into the ground, none of the parts are unfolded.

It is not clear what part of the body can be compared to the human gene, but before some part of the body, this part was not placed, the soul interacted with the body through it. This part of the body is also the basis, for which Allah makes people on the Day of Judgment.

Possibly, this part, formed from warehouse particles or atoms of the body, among those silent, who have already wandered from the earth, will become a guide to Eternal life in the course of the final ruin and creation of the new All-world. The Lord victorious part for the resurrection of the people on the Day of Resurrection.

Why rob the soul of the worldly world?

Potoybіchny svіt (Barzakh) - the whole kingdom, where the soul sees "dihannya" Paradise with yogo blessings and Hell with yogo punishment. Like a person lived a righteous life, її righteous deeds - prayers, do well then. - Appear in front of him in the middle of the world at the sight of friendly comrades.

For the new one, windows are also opened with a view of the Garden of Eden, and, as it is said in the hadith, the grave for the new one is like the Garden of Eden. Tim is not less, as it has already been said, if sins have been lost in a person, then if it were a righteous life, there would be no guilt, there would be retributions from the worldly world for the purification of the soul from sins, so that she could spend before Paradise in the wake of the Resurrection.

How did a person lead a sinful way of life, yogo znevira with Almighty Allah and the filthy stuff, to appear before her in the form of unfaithful friends and such creatures, like scorpions and snakes. Win the stage of Hell, and the grave of Yogo became inferno.

Chi live parts of the body chi yoga cells after death?

Everyone knows that while a person is alive, the soul itself sees that joy. If the soul wants to see through the nervous system and victorious system for interaction with the body parts of the body, right up to the skin cells, for science it is still a mystery like this: how to interact between the soul and the body, including the brain of a person?

Be it a beat in a robot, be it a part of the body, some of the internal organs, which lead to death, can lead to a sharpening of the nervous system. Prote, as brought by science, the deacons of the brain continue to live the same hour after death.

Vcheni spend follow-up on the substantiation of signals, yakі otrimuyut in such cells of the brain after death. If the robot is stored away, and the stench can decipher these signals, it is even more important, especially in the hall of criminalistics, the shards can shed light on evil, the authors of which are unknown.

The Holy Qur'an reveals that during the hours of the Prophet Musi (peace be upon you) Allah resurrected the slain, and told him about his own death.

Boroshna, what to try in the grave and Hell

So, as the soul suffers and radiates, continues to interchange with the body and in the middle world through those particles, which do not fit into the layout, then there is no sense to discuss food: the soul is only a body, and the stench endure the grave flour at once?

Prote, as it was pointed out earlier, Allah will make people on the day of Resurrection from the very particles of their bodies, and resurrect at the dawn of Eternal life.

So, as the soul lives in this world together with the body, to share joys with it and that blessing, the Lord makes people both physically and spiritually. Muslims-sunnis are ready for hardships, that the soul and the body at once break down to Hell and Paradise.

The Lord will create bodies in the form that you see potoybichcha, de all will live:

وَمَا الْحَيَاةُ الدُّنْيَآ إِلاَّ لَعِبٌ وَلَهْوٌ وَلَلدَّارُ الآخِرَةُ خَيْرٌ لِّلَّذِينَ يَتَّقُونَ أَفَلاَ تَعْقِلُونَ

(sens): “Life on earth is nothing else, like play and fun, and the Abode of Eternity (Akhirat) is more beautiful for the God-fearing. If you do not understand the obvious truth and do not understand what is good for you and what is evil for you? (Sura Al-Anam: 32)

How do we give us the power to strengthen our souls after death?

The souls of the world of the world can touch and feel us, the Lord allows it. The Lord, at his will, can allow such people to sing their dreams, and sometimes their souls died in reality, feel them or talk to them.

After the death of a person, the book of yogo diyan closes, crim quiet diyan, who were beaten by her for life and continue to bring melancholy and after death. As if a person has deprived themselves of good, righteous children, books of that other recession, in view of which people can take care of mischief for a year, as if they were swaying people who are brown in conscience, making a contribution to their vihovannia, and renew themselves again and again.

If, nevertheless, a person became the cause of such evil, or if she created a sinful veneer, which others began to inherit, then the sins of yoga will accumulate doti, until the evil lives among people.

In such a rank, in order to be brown-haired people, as if they had entered the next world, we are to blame for their good decline. Helping us, living our righteous lives, and especially - vicorist, help us from the recession, deprived of dying on the propaganda of Islam, we can make more wine for the city of Allah.

Narodzhennya that death is the boundary frame of the life of the skin on the planet. Here are two sisters, like one complementing one, two halves of the whole, like constantly sticking together. The skin is the start of something new, one hour offending symbolizes the completion of one more cycle of butt. And as with the people, we are less associated with receiving those radio moments, then the end of life, which is approaching today, lyaking and lyaking innocence. What is human death? What will be given? Let's get it together.

What is death?

The world of power is so that all the things that live in a new place, go through a few stages: people (appearance, vinification), growth and development, rozkvit (zrіlіst), extinction (old), death. Representatives of inanimate nature pass through similar cycles: stars and galaxies, for example, as well as various social objects - organizations and powers. In a word, nothing in the physical world can be used forever: everything is a logical cob and no less than an early beginning. What can you say about living creatures: coma, birds, animals and people. The stench of power is so strong that the organism, having improved the time of the hour, begins to wear out and attaches its life.

Death is the final stage of life, which becomes a legacy of a deep, strong, irreversible damage to the life functions of important organs. If it comes through the natural wear of fabrics, old clothes, then it is called physiological, or natural. Lyudina, having lived a long and happy life, once fell asleep, and no longer flatten her eyes. Such a death is worthy of being blessed, it won’t bring the dying person neither pain nor suffering. If the end of life is the result of unfriendly circumstances and factors, then we can talk about pathological death. It comes through trauma, asphyxia or blood loss, before it causes infections and ailments. Sometimes death has a mass character. For example, in the XIV century, the whole of Europe and Asia was covered by a pandemic. What is black death? That same terrible pestilence, a pandemic, took the lives of 60 million people in two decades.

Different points of view

Atesti vvazhayut that the end of the life of a person, її transition at the outside of the nebutt - this is how death itself can be characterized. Tse, in my opinion, is the death of a physical body, and y svidomosti іndivіda. Do not believe the stench of the soul, vvazhayuchi with a peculiar form of activity of the brain. After this sir speech is no longer sour, that's why at the same time with other organs. Apparently, atheisty now includes eternal life

As far as science is concerned, I will look at death by this natural mechanism, which is protecting the planet from overpopulation. And it also ensures the change of the generations, the skin step from them reaches a greater development, lower in the front, which becomes the starting point for the development of innovation and progressive technologies in the various spheres of life.

Natomist religion in its own way explains what the death of a person is like. All vіdomі svіtovі vіrospovidannya gossip about the fact that the death of the physical body is not the end of the world. Aje vono is more than a shell for the eternal - inner light, soul. The skin to come to the whole world, to visconate your recognition, after which you turn to the Creator in heaven. Death is only a ruination of the bodily shell, after which the soul does not attach the foundation, but continues the yoga posture with the body. The skin religion has a statement about its sweaty life, moreover, all stinks are exactly one kind of one.

Death in Christianity

Let's do it for the sake of religion itself, the shards are nearer and more familiar to the Slavic people. Back in the distant hours, having realized that such a black death, grinning at its inexhaustible strength, people started talking about the rebirth of the soul. Sooner, through fear of death, trying to give yourself hope, the deacons of the Christians admitted that people were punished not alone, but a sprat of lives. If you have robbed yourself of a serious pardon, if you have sinned, but if you succeeded in repenting, then the Lord will obov'yazkovo give you a chance to correct your sin - granting one more rebirth, but even in a different body. Truly, true Christianity will deny the mythical doctrine of the soul's rebirth. Yet another Council of Constantinople, registered in the VI century, threatening with an anathema to those who expand similar stupidity to that absurd judgment.

At the thought of Christianity, there is no such thing as death. Our foundation on earth is nothing more than a preparation, a rehearsal before the life of the eternal order from the Lord. After the uninterrupted death of the bodily shell, the soul of a few days rests on a charge from it. If something is on the third doba, ring out if it is good, fly to heaven, otherwise you will break into the den of devils and bisiv.

What is the death of a person and what did the checks give on her? Christianity affirms that it is no more than the completion of an insignificant stage of the soul's foundation, if it continues to develop in paradise. Ale first, take a drink there, get out of the goiter to go through the Last Judgment: sinners, who did not repent, violate purgatory. The term perebuvannya at the new one to lie down, as if the villains of the dead, how to pray for the new one, to the native land.

Dumka of other religions

They interpret the understanding of death. On the back, let's understand what death is like from a glance of the philosophy of Muslims. In the first place, between Islam and Christianity is already richly sleepy. In the religions of the Asian lands, life is also considered a transitional stage. After the end, the soul is spent on the court, which Nakir and Munkar will be amazed by. Tell the stench yourself, tell you where to go straight: it baked to heaven. Let us see the future and fair judgment of Allah himself. The axis has only come to a head after the fact that the All-World is roaring and re-emerging. In another way, death itself, apparently under the hour of it, is very stale in the presence of sin and faith. It will be unmemorable and painless for true Muslims, trivial and painful for atheists and unbelievers.

What is worthy of Buddhism, then for the representatives of this faith, the nourishment of death is the life of others. In religion, there is no way to understand the soul as such, it is only possible to understand its main functions: knowledge, knowledge, observation of that manifestation. The same aspects characterize body plus body consumption. It’s true, Buddhists believe in reincarnation and respect that you will forever be reborn - I live honestly into a human being.

And the axis of Judaism does not attach any importance to explaining what death is. Tse, at the thought of yogo prikhilnikov, is not so important food. Pozavivshi in other religions different understandings, Judaism took away from itself a kaleidoscope of changes and adaptations of perekonan. To that, reincarnation is transferred to the new, as well as the appearance of paradise, that purgatory baked.

Conciliation of philosophers

Around the representatives of religious denominations, the nourishment of the end of earthly life loved to destroy and thinkers. What is death in terms of philosophy? For example, a representative of Antiquity, Plato, vvazhav, that it is the result of the resurrection of the soul in the form of a perishable physical shell. The thinker vvazhav, scho body - yaznitsa for the spirit. In their wines, you forget about your spiritual journey and pragmatically satisfied with the lower instincts.

The Roman Seneca sang that one should not be afraid of death. On the other hand, you’ll get out, if everything is the same for you, or resettlement, which means continuation. Seneca was inspired that nowhere would people be so crowded as on earth. Epikur at the same time vvazhav, that all the filthy things are obsessed with us in the sight of our children. Death is the end of feelings and emotions. There is nothing to be afraid of її.

What is death in the eyes of the philosophy of the Middle Ages? Early theologians - the God-bearer, Ignaty and Tatian - contrasted її life, and not to the bitterness of the rest. The cult again becomes a pragnennya to die for the faith of the Lord. In the 19th century, the order to the death of the body changed: some tried not to think about it, others, on the contrary, preached about the death, the stars of the vіvtar. Schopenhauer wrote: only a creature fully enjoys life with those blessings, to those who do not think about death. On one thought, only the mind is to blame for the fact that the end of earthly life seems to us to be so greedy. "The greatest fear is the fear of death," the thinker affirmed.

Main stages

The spiritual warehouse of the death of the people understood. Now let's try to figure out what the Doctors see as a few stages of the process of the world:

  1. Transitional mill. Trivaє vіd ten khvilin to kіlkoh years. The person is galvanized, the information is unclear. You may have a daily pulse on the peripheral arteries, your own can be felt less from the leg and carotid. Beware of the glare of the skinny curves, є buttocks. The peredagonal camp will end with a terminal pause.
  2. Agonal stage. Breathing can be pinched (for 30 seconds before the second whilin), arterial pressure drops to zero, reflexes fade, including full-time. In the cortex of the brain, galvanization is performed, the functions of simple speech are switched on step by step. Life becomes chaotic, the body ceases to function as one whole.
  3. Agony. Trivaє less than a sprat of whilin. Before clinical death. This is the last stage of the fight for life. All the functions of the body in case of any damage, they affected the central nervous system, rotting the brain behind the stovbur, repairing the galmuvati. Sometimes it appears to be deep, but it’s slightly dihanny, it’s different, but it’s a short time to move the vice. Svіdomіst and reflection vіdsutnі, wanting to be able to be refreshed for a while. It’s good to see that people become more beautiful, but such a camp is deceptive - the rest of life slept.

Potim next clinical death. Wanting the last stage of the world, vin werewolves. A person can be led out of the appointed place, otherwise she will independently turn to life. What is clinical death? A detailed description of the process is given below.

Clinical death and signs

This period is short. What is clinical death? І її signs yaki? Physicians give a clear indication: tse stage, which is now in the wake of the infliction of breathing and active blood circulation. In the central nervous system and other organs, changes are observed in clitins. If doctors competently support the work of the heart for help with additional devices, then it is possible to reinforce the life of the body.

The main signs of clinical death:

  • Reflection and svіdom_st vіdsutnі.
  • Cyanosis of the epidermis is suspected, with hemorrhagic shock and great blood loss - a sharp blіdіst.
  • Zіnitsi strongly expanded.
  • The hearts of the fast are pinning, the people are not dying.

The work of the heart is diagnosed if the pulsation on the carotid arteries and the shortness of the organ is not heard for 5 seconds. Like an ailing electrocardiogram, it is possible to induce fibrillation of the ducts, so that there will be a contraction of a few myocardial bundles, bradyarrhythmia, or a straight line will be recorded, which shows on the outside of the attached robotic m'yaza.

Vіdsutnіst dіhannya vyznaєetsya to dosit easily. It is diagnosed, because in 15 seconds the doctors cannot recognize obvious ruptures of the chest, do not smell the noise that is seen. In case of such irregular breathing, the breaths cannot provide ventilation to the leg, so it’s hard to call them equal breaths. If you want doctors, you know what they are trying to do at what stage of treating a patient. So the way the camp is is not a guarantee that a person will die obov'yazkovo.

What work?

We explained that clinical death is the last stage before the residual death of the physical body. Її trivality to lie down uninterruptedly due to the nature of ailments or injuries, as they have brought me to such a state, and also due to the overrun and folding of the steps, to change. So, as if the pre-agonal and agonal periods were accompanied by complications, for example, severe blood circulation disorders, the triviality of clinical death did not exceed 2 hvilin.

Do not worry about fixing the exact moment when it comes. Only in 15% of cases, doctors know if it has begun, and can name the hour for the transition of clinical death to biological death. That is why the patient has daily signs of the remains, for example, cadaveric phlegm, we can talk about the actual death of the physical body. In this mood, it is necessary to start nego- giously to piecework breathing and indirect massage of the heart. Doctors seem to have revealed a person who has daily signs of life, then the sequence of your actions may be like this:

  1. Ascertain the frequency of reactions to sub-razors.
  2. Call the shvidka to help.
  3. Lay the people on a flat hard surface and turn the passage of the wild ways.
  4. Like ailments, you don’t breathe on your own, build a piece of sickness in your mouth: two more deep breaths.
  5. Flip the presence of the pulse.
  6. As if there is no pulse, work on massage of the heart, drawing yoga with the ventilation of the leg.

Continue like this until the resuscitation team arrives on weekday. Qualified doctors to carry out the necessary procedures come in at random. Knowing in practice that this is the death of a person, stench is diagnosed only once, if all the ways are powerless, and the patient is not dihatima pevnu kіlkіst khvilin. After their completion, it is important that the cells of the brain began to die. Shards of this organ are in fact the only one indispensable in the body, doctors fix the hour of death.

Death in the eyes of a child

The theme of death has always been a favorite for children. Babies begin to be afraid of this sight in 4-5 years, if they are already slowly learning that it is so. Krykhitka is worried that his father and other close people did not die. If a tragedy has become, then how can you explain to a child what death is like? First of all, at any time, do not take this fact. It’s not necessary to lie, that the person went to the trivale of the nursery, or lay down to the liquor for the likuvannya. Malya realizes that it is not true, and feels more afraid in the new one. In the future, if the bullshit is hoarse, the little one can become very imaginative, hate you, take away a serious psychological trauma.

In a different way, you can take the baby to the church for a breather. And the axis at the funeral itself, youmu, for the time being, don’t be better. Psychologists say that the procedure will be important to accept the unmistakable child's psyche and lead to stress. As if some of the relatives close to the little one died, they can grow for the deceased: put a candle, write a farewell note.

How to explain to a child what death is close people? Tell me, now I’m leaning towards God in heaven, de pretending to be an angel, and now I’m protecting the little one. As an option, it is possible to tell about the transformation of the soul of the deceased into a blizzard, a dog, or a new-born non-mother. Why take the baby to the nursery after the funeral? For the next hour, protect yoga from such opinions: it’s more gloomy, and yoga negatively signifies on the child’s psyche. How do you want to “talk” to the sky, take him to the church. Tell me, what is the same place, where you can think of a voice to ask for it, whom we don’t already have.

How to stop being afraid of death?

It is not less than a child, but it is often grown up to chirp, so that such death is not afraid. Psychologists give impersonal recommendations that will help you to change inappropriate fears and make you merciful in front of the inevitability:

  • Engage in your beloved right. You just won't have time for filthy thoughts. It has been brought to the attention that the one who can be busy, who brings satisfaction, is richly happy. Age 99% of the sickness calls out to the very stressful situations, neurosis and negative thoughts.
  • Remember, nothing is death. Sounds like thoughts, why is she scary? Possibly, everything seems to be painless: the body is more likely to go through everything in the state of shock, which automatically indulges itself in sensitivity.
  • Give respect to sleep. Aje yoga is called the little death. Lyudina is resting at an unfamiliar station, nothing hurts her. If you die, you will fall asleep without a turbo and licorice. Go out, don't be afraid of warto.

And just live and enjoy the wonderful sights. You, like before, are praised, what is death like and how is it put before it? Philosophical. Vaughn is inevitable, but it’s not varto to get hung up on thoughts about her. It is necessary to take care of the skin, to let us share, to take in happiness, that joy to inspire in the most negative moments of life. Think about those, how good it is, that the dawn of a new day has come: to work in such a way that there will not be a shadow in the new one. Remember: my people, to live, not to die.

In view of the Great Radiansk Encyclopedia, it is read: “Death is the cause of the life of the organism and, as a result, it is the death of an individual as a water-kremlin living system. For the broadest sense, the exchange of speeches in living substances is irrevocably attached, which is accompanied by the laying of white bodies. It would be okay, what?

Between life and death

Accurately signify between them, de life ends and death begins, no one can. Aje death is a process, moreover, a more povіlny one. If a heartbeat was respected by death, today, as it seems, a person is definitely respected by a brain that is dead at the time of death. And the brain can die back to death, as if the body ceased to be wild. But what else can die in the brain? Stovbur. The same wine is the most recent part of the “other World”, which is called the “brain of the reptile”, the very one that made the whole brain of our great-grandfathers millions of years - it is the core of our brain.

For an hour of evolution, Stovbur appeared in the middle of folding structures, but still the basis of life. In control of the basic functions of our body: heart beat, breathlessness, blood pressure, body temperature ... To that, if the Stovbur brain is in the world, doctors can be stunned: the sick man has experienced at least a clinical death.

Statistics show that most people die of old age and ailments, such as cancer and stroke. However, "driven in number one" is heart disease, the worst of them is a heart attack. Approximately a quarter of the population of the western world die among them.

You will be dead

Doctors seem to think that I’ve become, if the person is “dead, dead,” and if he’s “dead, I’m dead.” Today, science knows that, with the protrusions of the heart, organs and tissues can stay in the so-called pseudo-dead camp with a sprat of years. And oskіlki death, as if to lie old, rokuє povilno, the moment її will come when you have a good, smut, operational medical help, you can often resurrect, and revive a person.

One of the effective benefits pozhvavlennya, as it is not surprising, є hypothermia - freezing. Truth, timchasov. Doctors dosi lamayut head over it, why hypothermia is so wild. It is possible, in view of the fact that, at even low temperatures, the cells cease to expand (between the cells under the cell - 50 times), and the life of those is strongly galvanized. The stench will require less food for living speeches and sourness, and the removal of shkidlivy products of metabolism.

German teachings Klaus Sames virishiv after death give your body a cryo-freeze. Zgidno with an agreement, signed by a 75-year-old scientist and the organization "Institute of Cryonics", as a matter of fact, we have learned from the museums of the Institute of Doti, docks people do not begin to revive the "frozen" clitin

For whom to ring

Two years ago, people asked the commandment before their funeral... to cut their heads off. Decal the fear of being buried by live bait, filling the character of mass hysteria.

Vaughn became the reason for the appearance of the so-called dead, the dead. If people doubted that this close person was truly dead, the stinks left his body in such a dead place and checked until the corpse was no longer buried. The process of laying out is the only superior method to prove that a person is dead. Up to the finger of such a “dubious” sky they tied a hank, rushing to the other room, hanging a bell and sitting a man. One-time dialer ringing. Ale tse bula pardon alarm, viklikana to the misplaced brushes at the tili, which was laid out. For all the years of the foundation of the deceased, the living person did not come to life.

"Early burial". Antoine Wirtz, 1854 rec

It is important that, having consumed a rush of sour with blood, the neurons die with the prolongation of the treatment of illness. In such supercritical moments, the brain can save less activity in quiet areas, which are absolutely important for survival.

Alive chi dead: how to signify?

Ale buli and more Swedish ways perekonatisya, chi dead people. Acts of them, no wonder, relevant dosі. Some of them are covered with a lot of doctors. You can’t name cunning ways: turbulent cough centers in legenia; conduct a test for the “symptom of baby eyes”, which means that people inject cold water into their ears: if a person is alive, they will react reflexively; Well, let's call it antediluvian - build a hairpin under the nail (or just push it on him), place a coma near the ear, shout loudly, pierce the foot with a climb for the leg ...

It’s all right, abi try to get some kind of reaction. If you can’t, then inspire your heart to beat, to talk about those people who are dead. From the juridical point of view of wine, it is the title of a corpse with a heart that beats (the heart in which way it can beat itself, or it can be supported by the apparatus). "Live corpses" are often organ donors for the living in a right way.

The cells of our body die a mustache of life. The stench will start to die more, if we are rebuked in the womb. Clitini is programmed for death even at the time of birth. Death allows new people to live that life.

Neither alive nor dead

But the dead are respected by those people, whose brains are still alive, but the stench themselves, when they are at the same time, are at the steady camp of the Komi. The food is ambiguous, and the legislators of the super-girls do not smell anything new. On the one hand, close may have the right to violate, chi include such a person in the form of devices that improve the life of the organism, and on the other hand - people who are trying to change their eyes, rarely, but still open their eyes.

The same new sign of death includes not only the death of the brain, but also the behavior, to bring the brain still alive. Aje specialty is nothing else, like "gathering" sensible, spogadіv, experience, powerful only tsіy specific people. And if you spend this “dial”, and you don’t have the ability to turn it, the person is considered dead. It doesn’t matter, what’s in the heart, what the organs are practicing - it’s important, what’s left in the new want at the head.

Dying is not scary

One of the largest post-mortem events of that kind was carried out in the 1960s of the last century. Cheruvav him American psychologist Karlis Osis (Karlis Osis). The investigation was based on the guards of doctors and nurses, who rejoice, as they watched the dying. Visnovki yogo is based on the dosvid 35540 watchdog for the process of the world.

The authors of the report stated that most of the dying did not feel fear. Most of all, I was afraid of discomfort, pain and discomfort. Approximately in odnієї z 20 osіb signs of sincere pіdёmu were observed.

Deyakі doslіdzhennya show that people of a frail age are less anxious when they think about death, they are more young. The experience of a great group of people of a frail age has shown that the question “Which are you afraid of dying?”. only 10% of them said “so”. It is important that people of a frail age think about death often, but with great calmness.

What do we care about death?

Osіs and yogo colleagues attached special respect to the marvels and hallucinations of the dying. With whom it was said that there were “special” hallucinations. All the stench is able to see the character, like people see, like they talk at the witness and clearly understand those who are familiar. During this operation, the brain was not twisted by either sedatives or high body temperature. Meanwhile, just before their death, most people were already consuming their knowledge, although a year before their death, close to 10% of the dying still clearly perceived the light of the world.

The golovní vysnovkas of the dosledniks were similar to the fact that the towers of the dying often conformed to the traditional religious concepts – people dreamed of heaven, heaven, angels. Other visions were relieved of such a subtext, but they were also tied with beautiful images: beautiful landscapes, rare birds like birds. But most of all, at their posthumous sights, people succumbed to their earlier deceased relatives, as if they often urged to help the transition to the next world.

Naytsіkavіshe іnshe: Investigation showed that the nature of these cultures is weakly deposited in terms of physiological, cultural and special features, the type of illness, the level of enlightenment and the religiousness of the people. Such visnovkіv dіyshli аnd authors of other robots, yakі guarded people, yakі survived clinical death. The stench also meant that the descriptions of the bachelors of people, as if turned to life, are not associated with cultural features and often do not fit with the statements about death accepted in this court.

Vіm, podіbnu obstavina, maybe, the followers of the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung would easily explain. The clergyman himself has always attached special respect to the “collective unfamiliar” people. The essence of this doctrine can even be rudely called to the point that everyone on the earthly level is the beneficiaries of the deep human knowledge, which is the same with all the same, which is impossible to change, not to understand. Vіn can “break through” to our “I” only through dreams, neurotic symptoms and hallucinations. Therefore, it is possible, deeply in our psyche, the true “protection” is a phylogenetic background of the experience of the end, and the experience of all the same.

Tsіkavo, that the assistants of psychology (for example, the famous work of Arthur Rean “Psychology of people from the people to death”) often refer to the fact that they die, which are experienced by the dying, miraculously escape from it, which is described in ancient esoteric dzherel. With whom it is confirmed that the dzherela themselves were unknown to most people, as they described the post-mortem. You can carefully consider how to actually finish Jung's whiskers.

Etapi in the world

The most common periodization of the stages of this cumulative process was described by the American psychologist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross back in 1969. Tim is not less, there is the most victorious and dosi. Axis out.

1. Restriction. People are encouraged to praise the fact of Swedish death. Having learned about the terrible diagnosis, I sing to myself in the care of doctors.

2. Anger. The person is aware of the image, zadrіst and hatred of the completely otchuyuchy, putting themselves inquiring: “Why me myself?”

3. Bargaining. People are joking about ways to continue their lives and obіtsyaє everything that is always worth it in exchange for it (for doctors - throw drink and fire, for God - become a righteous man then).

4. Depression. Vmirayuchiy cherishing interest until life, vіdchuvaє povnu hopelessness, swearing about separation from relatives and loved ones.

5. Accept. This is the last stage, for which a person will be subdued by his share. Irrespective of those who do not become merry in the middle of the world, in his soul there is a panorama of peace and peace of mind.

Regardless of the wide popularity, this concept is not recognized by all fahivtsy, the shards do not have to go through all the stages, that blackness of them can be different. In the meantime, the most important periodizations of Kübler-Ros accurately describe those that are experienced.

moment of death

Other fahivts, vtim, completed the picture of the world. Thus, the American psychologist and doctor Raymond Moody, who developed 150 types of post-mortem experiences, prompted "a new model of death." Briefly її can be described as follows.

At the moment of death, a person starts a slightly unacceptable noise, a deep ringing, jigging. At the same hour, you can see that it’s already collapsing swiftly through a long dark tunnel. After whom I respect the person who leaned against the sound of the powerful body. Vin just swing yoga from the side. Then the spirits of dead relatives, friends and relatives appear, as if they want to see and help you.

Neither the phenomenon of the characteristic greatness of post-mortem experiences, nor the towering of the bright tunnel of the vein, it is impossible to explain the dos. However, the effect of the tunnel through the neurons of the brain is transmitted. Vmirayuchi, the stinks begin to chaotically zbudzhuvatisya, which creates a vision of a bright light, and without fail, the sourness of the destruction of the robots of the peripheral gap creates the effect of a tunnel. A little bit of euphoria can appear through those brain-violating endorphins, “internal opiates”, which reduce the perceived discomfort and pain. Tse call hallucinations in quiet parts of the brain, as if it were a reminder of that emotion. People feel happiness and bliss.

The same possibility, truth, and reversal process - physiology begins to turn on in the form of stimuli, created by psychological manifestations. Understand that it’s the first thing, it’s just impossible, like it’s the answer to food about the bitterness of the eggs and the trigger.

Nothing passed the bidi

As Bulgakov’s Woland said, “So, a person is mortal, but there would be more pіvbіdi. Poor those who are sometimes mortal." On this occasion, there is also a lot of work to be done. One of the most famous is the robot of the Norwegian psychologist Randy Noyes, who saw the stages for rapt death.

Support stage. The person is aware of the problem, feels the fear and tries to fight. As soon as we see the quality of such a support, fear arises, and people begin to become shy and calm.

A look at life. To pass at the sight of a panorama of spogadіv, like changing one another in a swedish sequence that stuns all the people passing by. Most often it is accompanied by positive emotions, more often by negative ones.

The stage of transcendence. The logical completion of looking back on life. People begin to embrace their past from the Daedalus to greater distances. Zreshtoy, the stench of the building I will reach, if all life is running around like a single whole. At the same time, the stench razyuche razrіznyayut skin detail. If you want to wind up this riven, and the miraculous hіba sho to go out between yourself. It is the same way to see the transcendental camp, which is sometimes called “cosmic wisdom”.

Fear of death and the uncertainty of life

No matter what, many healthy and young people are often afraid of death. Moreover, to shy away is richly nav'yazlivіshe, nizh usі іnshі. Why is it related? From such nourishment we turned to fakhіvtsіv.

Fear of death is an important "ceglinka" at the foundation of cultures, religions, the development of humankind, civilizations, great and small social groups that is a necessary element of such a “collective unfamiliar” - a psychoanalyst, fakhivets of the European Confederation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Lyubov Zayeva. - Alece of those, without which there is no development, the functioning of the skin of a healthy individual, a healthy psyche. Freud realized that the fear of death is engendered by the fear of castration: this is the deepest fear of wasting a part of yourself, the fear of ruining your bodily Self.

Sliding apart the normal presence of these by those in life and pathology. Under normal circumstances, understand the situation, if the fear of death, for example, helps to include the necessary protection of the regulation of behavior, life. Tse those who take care of us. If we understand that we can perish, if we don’t follow the rules of the road traffic, then we help us to save money and unique unsafe situations.

The global sensi has the fear of death to help the survival of whole peoples, stimulating migration, recognizing, the development of science and culture. Sob do not die, do not perish, continue life, improve yoga, it is necessary to read something elementary, to work, to remember, to know and to remember. That fear of death is a building shtovhat us to self-perfection and a new life.

The fear of death can be avenged by compensatory mechanisms, and even a person, defending himself on an unknown level, starts, for example, to take care of his health, to strive for a healthy way of life. You can become a creator, to bear fruit, “narodzhenim” in spite of death - even creativity in all kinds of yoga drowns out the fear of death. The very thought about those who should be left behind us (children, objects of mysticism, I’ll put them on, plant those foxes, ideas, business with us), don’t let death come from us, add to life “I’ll drop eternity”.

The pathological presence of those deaths in the life of a particular person manifests itself, for example, in the countries of freezing and fixation, depression, increased anxiety, phobias. Under the influence of unacceptable camps, traumatization in the arch is often early age zіtknennya with the theme of death, if there was no real death of the object (no one really died), then it was spent in the inner world (loves of the object, almost safe or dovira to the world). In the soul and in the psyche, with every need, dirka settles down, like once in a while I let myself know about myself with different anxious experiences.

The most visible, easiest and “violations” way to fight against the fear of death is a different kind of addiction, staleness. An alcoholic and a drug addict will always change under the control of the fear of death, but at the same time, everything will be shy, so that their buttya collapsed.

A strong fear of death is always blamed there and then, if the sense of life is involved, there are no ideas, mark, as a cry forward fantasy, then if the person is existentially disorientated. Then the music of life does not sound in your soul, and you feel the signals of the end, empty... Whose senses have more religions to pronounce their short response to the fear of death, speaking about the eternal life of the soul, and their presence in other lives. What a sense to be afraid of, like death, like there is no such thing?

As a matter of fact, religious concepts tell about the sluggishness of one and the immortality of the other in us, the most important. Lyudina, as pathologically tuned to the whine of the "radio station to the voice of death," always be afraid to say goodbye to him, who is alive in his soul, life, and do not bait, do not value his right distant way. Sometimes we are on the zvintary, but you need to go and call at once. Remembering death, we can significantly more remembering the value of life.

Fear of death becomes life

How do you cause fear of death? It is possible to admit a few options, such as Olena Sidorenko, a psychoanalytically-oriented psychologist, the head of that member of the board of the regional branch of the European Confederation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy RV ECPP-Russia-Samara. - Nasampered, tse fear of death as such, the fear of what it will come. One's own people are close, unknowingly on the streets too thin.

In this way, most of all, there is about the basis of fantasy, which rewrites the inner light of the subject, which splashes and turns into reality. Zgіdno z psihoanalіtichnym tlumachennyam, in tsomu vpadku verbally speak about the presence of such a bazhannya, how to live and develop the unfamiliar fantasy of a person. This psychic zmіst can be rooted in the depths of the distant past and carry the sound of the presence of a driving pull (to beat an unfamiliar bazhannya, blast it), which can be attributed to a person through socially unpraised (it’s not possible, not accepted, you can punish).

In another situation, the mother may have a fear, as anxiety is invisible. Without getting lost in the Freudian theory of fear, we can say that the German word angst has no unambiguous sense. This word can often have a contrasting meaning. On the face of fear, like a fear of something that may be a song object, almost anxiety, the very presence of such an object is characteristic. It’s a kind of “perception”, a perception of experiencing something like this.

І, nareshti, maє sense to be torn by the fear of death, like a special camp, the reaction of the subject in a traumatic situation with a stream of internal and external arousals, such as the subject is not in the grip of keruvati. This is an automatic reaction. About this, Freud wrote in his robot “Tampering, symptom, fear”. At to this particular type Mova Ide about the mental disorder of a person. Tse fear, which automatically blames death. Vіn є spontaneous response to the body on a traumatic situation or on її repetition. The prototype of this experience is the experience of ignorance as a legacy of biological bezporadnosti.

Death is the key to life

From psychoanalytic practice, we know that the fear of death is not a basic fear, - seems to be the St. Petersburg psychoanalyst Dmitro Olshansky. - Spend your life - not the ones that all people are afraid of without a blame. For someone life does not become a special value, for someone else it’s a hodless flooring that separates from it looks like a happy result, it’s a dream about life in heaven, that earthly reason is a heavy loader and vanity of vanities. A person is afraid to spend not life, more meaningfully, lower life on the surface.

To that, for example, to blindly zastosovuvaty death penalty for religious terrorists: stench and so mrіyut yaknaishvidshe virushit to heaven and tremble with your god. And for the wealthy evildoers, death would be a relief to the torments of conscience. Therefore, the exploitation of the fear of death for social regulation is not true: people do not fear death, but practice it. Freud tells us about pulling to death, as it is due to a decrease in the strength of the body to zero. Death is the point of absolute peace and absolute bliss.

For this sensi, from the glance of the unseen, death is an absolute pleasure, a complete discharge of all the sips. It is also not surprising that death is the method of all potyagiv. Death, the truth, can lie to a person, shards are connected with the second specialty of the powerful “I” - a privileged object, created by a look. To this, the neurotics ask a lot: what do you check for me after death? What should I be deprived of in my world? What part of me is mortal, but how can I be immortal? Indulging in fear, they create their own myth about the soul and about paradise, where specialty is not saved after death.

It’s not surprising that people who don’t think of that powerful “I”, don’t think of specialness, don’t be afraid of death, like, for example, psychotics. But the Japanese samurai, yakі є not by independent special features that they reflect, but rather by following the will of their master. Don't be afraid to spend your life on the battlefield, don't shy away from your specialty, don't hesitate.

In this way, we can grow visnovoks, so that the fear of death can be manifest in nature and is no longer rooted in the specialness of a person. Just like the rest of the registers of the psyche, there is no such fear. Come on, those pulls to pragat death. I can say that we are dying to the very one who has reached his goal and completed the earthly path.

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