Sent from that world, calls from the sweating world. A message from that world, or a call to the sweating world A message from that world

And the people who once again had a chance to talk to their dead relatives, and you not only conveyed that everything is good with them, but really showed how to be in this chi іnshіy situation. Have tsіy dobirtsі - naytsіkavіshі real stories people, who happened to think, take away the memory of that world.

Wait here

“One clear autumn early, my daughter Laura violated her brother’s snowboard, so that she could make a couple of wonderful pictures with him. Unfortunately, Josh died as a result of an unfortunate fallout on a motorcycle, and Laura, like a snowboarder, lied that her tongue could be present in future photos. The photographer knows the ideal place, where we pass the zjomka, - the majestic wall of the booth with graffiti on the whole wall was built. If you look up to the lens, to make a sign, it becomes zdivanim. Vin pointing his finger behind Lori's head, and on the wall it was written in great letters "Great Brother guard". I figured out that the messenger was like Josh. How nice to know that Laura can be her guardian angel.” – Lynn Elsner, Missua, Montana.

The sign of the nephew, which hid from tears

“My 21-year-old nephew of Mark died of cancer at the fierce fate of 2013. Broken by this novelty, I drove off the highway at my car home. Tears flowed from my eyes, and I began to speak from Mark about those who gave me a sign that everything is good with him, and I no longer feel the pain of that happy one. At the same time, I was talking about the Lexus, the license plate on some hundred hundred square meters converged with the brand's initials - MHR. I am happy, knowing that this is a sign of the sight of my beloved nephew. Like you, friend. I will always remember you and about those who are a man like you in your 21st century. I love you.” – Robin McCain, Plymouth, Massachusetts

Happiness on a plate

“Not long ago I wasted sin. My grief can only be understood by the one who is the same, like me, having spent those who are close to her. This is my first Mother's Day on its own. I, that my son, were even closer and navit іnоdі zhartu, that if one of us died (I added that I would be the first), then it would be obov'yazkovo zv'yazhetsya with the living, to say that everything is good. That day, late in the evening, I felt a deep, almost deafening noise below. Going downstairs, I saw that a bunch of Christmas plates, prepared before Mother's Day, were broken. When I took up the tidying up, I remembered with wonder that one plate was left with an unsweetened one, although it lay under the armour of the Ulamkiv. If її lifted, could not stream tears. On the boulder it says: "Happy Mother's Day." That's a sign. Dyakuyu, blue," - Karol Gavіgan, Illinois.

Missing call

“My man died at the age of 58 on December 9, 2014, and on the same day, 41 years ago, my mother died. At the beginning of death in 2015, I sent a wonderful message to the phone: “I think about you,” the words of that anonymous call to friends and relatives. At the other half of the same day, my phone rang the girls, and I was shocked by what was hanging on the screen. On my surprise, between the shock camp, on the screen of a mobile phone hung my name and the number of my person. On top of that, I didn’t take a look at a new link any more,” – Eva Dreuchchi, Washington, Pennsylvania.

Gift from mami

"Walking around shopping center, I knew credit card. Raising її and pіdіyshovshi to the nearest defense, I voiced my knowledge. Vіn vіdpovіv, scho zhіnka, yak missed qiu rіch, shed her ticket and went to the car to shukat the same qiu card. I scribbled її order with the guardian, and, if she came, I energized її the name of that іm'ya, so that I could look at the initials on credit cards. If I gave їy її rіch, she said that she prayed to her mother, as if she had recently died, so that she would help to know my loss. My little ones spoke to her, and I said that my name was Claire. Vaughn admitted that her mother's name was also Claire. Zbіg chi nі? - Claire Salem, New City, New York.

Tetyana Shatova from Moscow, a woman of the middle age, threw herself like a lie in a filthy mood through a nightmare. Having dreamed of Auntie, she had a dream of bright colors, a shriveled zmist. Bachila Tetyana in a nightmare, like a man drowning near the river. The dream was not like the foggy, dreamless dreams that had been in her before. Vіn virіznjavsya lakayuchoyu stoіvіrіnіstі zhittєvih realіy, and podії vіdbіvali suvorо logicalії sequencing. “Like a documentary film”, after the words of Shatov.
The axis of the dream.
An aunt's man with his friend lowers a chauvin into the water, sits by him and floats on the shore. The stench arrange the woods and start catching fish. Buddy, if you put the fisherman's tackle on the water, you must have overheard over the side ... Chauvin threw himself over, and the man Shatovy, who is not able to swim, drowned without a hitch.
Obmirkovuyuchi fatal dream, Tetyana raptom guessed - chi that yesterday, chi the day before її її chelovіk mittya guessing at her about those who are going fishing on the nearest holidays. Moreover, not alone, but with him as his friend, who, having unhandedly chiseled, turned over the choven of his dreamer! I Tetyana hastened to tell people about the terrible dream in all the details. And if you don’t go fishing for the first time – well, if you want to have the next weekend.

But the blessing was not felt. Cholovik, with a smile, having declared in his mind that, having said, do not believe in other people's dreams and that such dreams are stupid and stupid zaboboni, no more than that.
І once a friend of vin virushiv on a fishing trip. I drowned.
Until that day, the salary of the drowned man had become the greatest family income of the Shatovs. Tetyana and two children - son Valery and Donka Svitlana - were left without a year-old. The sons were nineteen years old, the daughters were fifteen. All the stench unfailingly became evidence of a whole cascade of stingy pods, as if they began to stay in their apartment for forty days after the tragic death of the head of the family. And all the stinks are broken in the fact that the spirit of the flooder has won, playing tricks at home for more than a month, giving news to himself. Having visited my apartment, I reportedly wrote down the reports of eyewitnesses without intermediary at the “contact point” section.
Rozpovidaє Valery:
- After the death of Tata, my mother put a photograph on the sideboard. The next day, after the funeral, we raptly revealed what was in the photograph ... the eyes came to life! The walls in them began to crumble, with a quick glance, for example, for me, it was for me to go through the room. I remember that Svitlana began to have a form of hysteria, if she remembered in the past, that the eyes on the photograph were destroyed from the month and they poured the anger to the right, and then we went straight ahead. Then my sister got up from the sofa, went to the TV, raised her voice and then straightened up again to the sofa.
We experienced this zhah for two or three days. Mom did not want to clean up the photograph. Tse buv is the best portrait sign of a tata, like a buv at the house. Ale nareshti and won’t see the “living look from that world.” I took a photograph from the sideboard and put it in the closet, under the old speech of the father.
- A lie, the next day we slapped, scho passed, maybe, in the night, htos degraded a plaster statue - I’m living a figurine, as if it was standing on that very sideboard. The hand of the statue was broken... On the same day, a natural gasp began to appear in our apartment!
Tetyana Shatova:
- Late in the evening, in the kitchen, it worked by itself and the doors of the wall shafka began to be fastened. I blocked the hour. Doors splashed through the skin 10 min. Ale, the headiest, having strongly pressed on the psyche the effect of someone else's presence at the booth. All three of us clearly realized that someone had entrusted us.
- Did you bachili yogo, which taєmnichigo "kogos"? - I asked Svitlana.
- So, - without the least call, she said out. Razpovidayuchi, the girl nervously clenched her fingers and chuckled her shoulders. On її disguise z'appeared to make a grimace, ogidi ta zhakhu.
- In the middle of the night, she threw herself, like a mail. I spit my eyes, I marvel, in the mountains, people’s standing, black, dimchasta, are falling down. You can clearly see it by the light of the moon, which is falling from the window ... I'll scream like that! From the graveyard, a brother came in, awakened by a cry: “What is rich? What do you voice? And then… if you want to get away, let the rozpovіst vin yourself.
- And then, - having said Valeriy, - I also swayed the ghost. Plive, show yourself, a tall black silhouette in the room. Nemov, having remembered me, changed the wind straight away and began to flow slowly to me.
- Did you sneer?
- Ni. I just zdivuvavsya. I wanted to take a closer look at Yogo, and I stretched out my hand to the wall vimikacha. A chandelier fell under the stele. Tієї Well, the seconds of the present appeared.
- Did the mayor wake up forever? Chi declaring before you at the coming night?
Valery Movchki laughed. The smile in the new one looked crooked. And Svitlana sighed noisily, and I remembered that the ruins trembled.
- The ghost came again, - she said, as soon as she broke into the hvilyuvannyam, out. - And then we will renew and renew.
– How often did it happen like this?
- That in that rіch, shchonochi!
- Tse bulo brought crooked dad? Abo, behind your warnings, that witness, so be moving, third-party mayor?
- It's important to be precise. From one side, mi vpevneni, tse come vin, deceased. Ale z іnshoy - the ghost of the call is not clearly similar to anything else. The new one had a similarity to a human being, I would say, vzagali. The wiry wild silhouette is the axis of the mustache, scho mi bachili.
Interrupting her daughter, Tetyana Shatova joined Rozmov.
- Come on, be a man! – categorically said won.
I raised my eyebrows and re-supplied:
– Cholovik? Why are you so impressed? Aje, following your daughter's words, the ghost threw herself on a misty, misty silhouette.
- Correctly. Foggy silhouette, - Tetyana did not start talking with me. – I used to practice yoga once. And then, after that, as we stumbled in the middle of the night light in the room, destined for a ghost, we showed up there on the wet trail. Tse buli followed nig.
Feeling this, I zdivuvavsya. What's more, I'm even zdivuvavsya. A bodyless spirit, a nevagoma of the wild primar, that you keep on hearing about it, you are not helpless... Rest of the Rocks dozens of descriptions of your life about nayriznomanіtnіshі windings. Wondering what was said, I specified:
- Why did you watch the bare feet?
- Ni. On the bottom one could see the boots of the soles of human laces. Understand, people! repeated Tetyana Shatova, raising her voice. - The lancet slid from wall to wall. Well, nіbi the one who, having drenched them, from one wall of viishov, strolled around the room, and then into the other wall pishov! Jah, right?
- Truth.
- I measured the vodbits. Dozhina skin wet trail zbigalas, mizh іnhim, іz rozmіrom vzuttya, as if wearing my man... On the fortieth day after his death, all my life was cut like a knife. The door of the wardrobe in the kitchen stopped periodically splashing by itself. Black silhouette no longer turbulent us at night. They stopped blaming wet, follow the pidloz. І effect of alien presence.
- In such a way ...
- In this rank, on the fortieth day, we definitely went overboard in the fact that the spirit of my man had turbulent us, but drowned. Adzhe, as a reminder of the people's belief, 40 days is the maximum term that attaches the soul of the dead to the residual and irreversible transition from the world of the living people to the world of the dead ...
The ghost of Svitlana reacted especially importantly to all the miracles. Vaughn was literally all over, she lost a lot of weight, she began to feel hotter and hotter. One of those quiet, dry days, when the ghost of a floodman scurried around the apartment, Valery took a photograph of his sister. Zbentezhennya took me, only a little, but I looked at the signs. At the same time, I have no doubt that my son had said that at the time of taking the wine, I didn’t care about having taken the camera.
On the sign one can clearly see the strum of such energy, as if the beast was down at the head of Svitlana, chi, on the contrary, merging from the bottom uphill from the girl.
Demonstrating a photograph of me, Tetyana Shatova said with grave zits:
- Well, Svіtlanya sharply lost her sense of self. And the trapilos was the result - I am entrusted with tsomu! - some mysterious interactions from the ghosts. Possibly, the camera looked at the same time? Spend your energy on a sign ... Chi is not a direct proof that the ghost of a drowned man has become, so to speak, "on a p_dsmoktuvannya" to Svіtlan? І right up to the 40th day after the tragedy on the river is alive, why did you have living people in the world for the rahunka of life energy, її bioenergetic "juices"?

Better food. Driving in the innocent and the guilty? I ce on the aphids of the "Creator", which is present in rich earthly religions that
looking at the "people" as if they were in love with a creature. Being reconciled not by an atheist, but I doubt that the axis of such a “loved” God is not simple. Light, for whom we know the Light,
promptings are actually on the inexorable driving in and violence. Huts, sacrifice,
the struggle for territory, for the female, for the dzherel, just drive. etc. I "person"
there is clearly no fault here. Moreover, the human population also
look through the singing sensation
huts and herbivores and scavengers, tobto. the same algorithm as i for the other
us a creaturely world. Trying to fix the rubbish for the rahunok of the story about the wickedness of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden
poetic, but even more perekonliva. Ale tse okrema topic. That foundation of the visible part of the All-World (about 5%) will also be on peoples (stars, galaxies),
їх deaths, inexhaustible "hut" black dіrah, that everything stinks
"reach out" that richly others. in. at the same soul. Tezh picture is far from friendly.
More and more often, statements about the possible “Creator” (Creators?) are reduced to the “matrix” (without scuffle, obviously). Tobto. deakom "machine", but close to new,
intellect. There are no moral and ethical problems for any. Vlasne to similar
visnovka to come from the author of the Holographic Principle
Ninі th deakі experimental proof. (
Light, and the "creator" (creators?) posture is a hologram. Extreme
hypothesis є "computer simulation" of our Holographic
Peace, zokrema. - as a result of the activity of our other distant blessings,
maybe we don’t call people ( In fantasy forms, it can be so.

What a wonderful thought.
The attacking bіk most often did not go to war "for the purpose of defending myself, my family, my Batkivshchyna." Obviously, the soldiers of the attacker do not drive in the wrong way. A contract for the immovability of death is even more wonderful. Imovirnіst to death in okremikh tilovyh officers and soldiers mensha, nizh among bandits, drug dealers and so on. (tens of їх), which are located in thousands of kilometers from the front line.

It is important that there are other forces in the region not to like handing in the programs they have stored. All the significant milestones in life (such as people, marriage, children, long-distance travel, death ...) are programmed for a long time, and only those that help them are given to the will of the people.

Okreme vbivstvo odnієї people іnshoy, so it's like self-destruction, destroying the planned programs, to be brought to slander namіchene.

If you win, then the stench is planned by greater forces. Vbivstvo there not destroy nayavnі plans.

I seem to know an esoteric answer to the question "why did God come up with such clues, like, for example, sleeping people near gas stoves for another hour of light ...". The conclusion was approximately the same - the souls of the future gave a year for such a death, it served their svidshy swipe in the rose, information about the future death was blocked for them in the infopoly (the stench under regression hypnosis cannot be guessed, there will be no stress). Negative dosvіd - tsezh dosvіd, i vіn maє vlasnu tsіnіst. Everything that does not eat, pours into the offending side, that sprya razvitku. Such are the features of the dual world, in which we live. Through the presence of negativity, we develop rapidly. Є light, de mute negativity. The development there is more abundant.

I will understand that everything sounds more and more wonderful, but the point of dawn is esoteric, so that you need to understand the need to be in those. Without anything else, if you want to grow up - twist your finger to the bіlya skronі.

Tse is not an esoteric thought. Tsіy dochtsі dawn, singsongly, style and rock, like the first religions. In samples, those who seem to be like God-Ville, are seen as "everything is wrong" and about "suffering in them for the most part." The headless driving of people was in the hours of Nebuchadnezzar, or even earlier. Like people, like all their lives, they talked about the almighty gods, to be warned of mass ailments, to bring them in, then food about the omnipotence of these gods from a person will be asked to meet. Vіdmіnniy butt - tse early mid-Europe, if on the abyss of a full house, which is composed of uninterrupted signs of a perishable body, the church strongly preached patience and navit deyakі positive sides of suffering, moving, tse perevіrka is like that; oskolki, like a person to waste all his hope, total anarchy will come. Okremi religious radicals in our time robbed terrible things, drove people and went to their death, for the very sake of the planned advancement of "their souls, which was a good thing ahead of time", for the sake of some mythical buns after death. In the hour the development of philosophical thought, in the yak, for an hour, the same marennia penetrated, which is between mysticism, this miraculous point of the dawn is filled with romantic zabarvlennya. The world has two wings: evil and good, someone who is happy, someone who suffers obov'yazkovo ... blah blah blah. It is noteworthy that people are mumbling about such demagogic idiocy of the big one, like sitting on the hollow more or less evenly. True, it’s easy to reach such an enlightenment, it’s easy to “be in the subject” of what food, if you are being punished, if you are being sold slavery, if you are hungry, and if you are dying in a miraculously painful way.

You are like a policeman - you spit for the people, as you were not worthy, and you start to beat. Your manner of discussion is approximately the same - attacks, ringing, expanse of vocabulary ...

What are you trying to bring? The skin has its own idea. Yours is about the same - everyone is so bad, I alone have a white coat! With ease, by a small trick, they could judge the whole architecture of life! You are bi in the presidency - the mittya would be shut up by the us company, who is not suitable for you. If you want to discuss, then you need to study the rules and study the rules of propriety.

Point vіdlіku - kakoї ї ї ї ї vy dotrimuєtes - evolyutsії chi kreatsіonіzmu. Like the first, then there is no sense to rule the discussion with me. Tse bude yak namagatisya podnati plus battery minus. Nothing, okrim іskor, do not see. :)

It doesn't matter what theories are. I repeat once again: there is no esotericism here. In one place, people are dying, and you can talk about it for sure, so that everything looked not so stingy. І z quiet thousands, who are dying, loneliness є right to the soul. You can look buti be-yaka. The death of an innocent person here and at once cannot be true by anything, not by a divine plan, nor by the soul, nor by any other lofty words.

Only who will take on himself the courage to stand firm, who is even innocent to death? Who will play the role of judge? There are no absolutely innocent people on Earth. And those who are more or less close to being named, became saints at the end of their lives. But there are not enough of them.

Є your thought, and є mine. Nema raciї namagatisya z'yasuvati, yak vyrnisha from them. Tse is unproductive.

That up to what here the point of dawn has risen? I will not bring my position, I will not block the duality of the world, God's providence, the soul is otherwise. I will deny the truth of these deaths of people. I spoke a little about mass deaths, those gas chambers, I write about mass deaths (it is written about the death of an innocent with an emphasis on "here and at once"), so people die today, I understand. It was about wars, about guilt, and everything else that created a mourning on a national scale. You can embellish with whatever you want: esoteric, ideological, special and not special vigoda and others, and others. But in the very mass death of people, there is nothing. Thousands of deaths, terrible and painful and sometimes dictated by them themselves by esotericism, ideology and others. Do not judge God's good thoughts of defilement, and for some reason, if you have foreseen the greater mind, dragging the souls themselves for the good. But it’s impossible not to judge whether it’s true that the embellishment of mass deaths is like such, to that one who is true and visvetly tsі death not those who thought of them and not those souls, like it was good for them, but outsiders live people.

Everything is tied up and intertwined in such a way that, having bumped into one detail, you pull a whole bunch of the next after you.

On the skin level, spriynyattya understands its own nuances. So, on equal earthly people there is no truth to the rich deaths of people, like your own BBB. And I, for example, I will not praise quietly with the same peace, who unleashed the war. It’s just that sometimes, not knowing the explanation in your own language, you want to get out of the new one for some hour and try to understand the mind of what you see.

The simplest example: our life is gr. People are pishaks at tsіy grі. The axis is our rіven. And tі, hto grє us - naiveschi forces - tse gravitsi. (And the Creator is a programmer who wrote the game.) Fuck set the rules. І tsі ruled the stench of mi Bachimo in a different way. We have our own goals - small, longevity in one life, and they have global ones - for the whole group. And those who respect the stench for the right thing, we can be unfair and greedy.

Soul - self-developing software (II). Vіn mає vysoku tsіnіst (oskіlki go from gri to gr), and tilo is just a timely high-tech suit with a quantum biochemical computer (needs for work on the material level). І etc.

So the axis, the reasons for what is being seen, can be understood differently, having tried the article on the riven of graves. Chi bude shkoda quiet, kim mi graєmo? I think no. There have never been many gamers who cried in front of computer monitors.

As the great Hermes Trismegistus said, "what is up, then down, what is down, then up". Less equal difference.

Lyudmila Mykolaivna RIKOVA, Udmurt Republic

Hello, shanovna editorial office of the newspaper “Go ahead. Secrets. Miracles"! My story began from the hour when my daughter died under the wheels of a car. I was so confused that, maybe, inadvertently, I went to the portal to the next world. Through the new spirit, my daughters sometimes call to me, give me signs from that world - so I realized that she didn’t go anywhere, but here, in order with me.

If my daughter perished, I only retired. I didn’t get busy with it - it’s less for handicrafts and the city - but in the face of gloomy thoughts there was nowhere to go. I was in power as a watchman for the market - I thought, I’ll catch up with an infection. The guards had a small room there, demi could take a nap on the couch. By spring, two days before my daughter's birthday, I lay down on a bed of newspaper, right above my head there was a lamp of daylight. I stared at the newspaper and felt a rattling over my head and a light clatter. Just like a chuv, like a thunderstorm, high-voltage lines of electric wires are buzzing, you can make your own sound. "The lamp is faulty," I thought, don't turn your head up... “Mother!” She called out, and after a few seconds I call again: Mom!

I glanced sharply up at the lamp, and jiggled - it raptly stopped jigging. I listened for a long time, but I didn’t smell anything. But from that hour my soul felt a little easier: I believed that my daughter had not died, but had simply passed into another world.

Dali rozpochalas fully mysticism. When I go to sleep, I always take a cross and put yoga in my wardrobe. I, like a lie, took out a cross - and I didn’t believe my eyes: a vuzol appeared on the lancet, although in the evening it definitely wasn’t. I lowered my shoulders and began to strip the cross lying on the dressing table. For an hour, nothing happened, but I found one wound on the lancet, already two vuzli. Then I didn’t suspect anything else unusual: I sang that I poked the koshenko with a lancet, and I scribbled far away to put the cross on my back, on the table by the bedroom.

To show my zdivuvannya, if I showed a lie, that the lancet was wrapped around the lower part of the cross, moreover, the edges of the lancet were so deeply sewn into the middle of the skein that I didn’t know how to wind them. I forcibly unwound the lancet - and I made two knots on the new one. Here I had a residual understanding that there was nothing to mow here - my soul, my little girl, is trying to contact me and give me a sign. But why the cross itself? Does that mean I should go to church more often?

Nezabar I changed my mind, that I myself was sent in the sight of my daughter. Be a special day - the day of remembrance of the dead. I went to my Olenka’s grave, cried, went to the church and lit a candle for the repose of my soul, and then I went to my sister to pray in the lamb. Before that, how to go to pray, at the presence of my sister, I took a cross and carefully lowered yoga into the swarming bag. After the lanyard, I so neatly removed the lancet - on a new day there were two woozles! My sister couldn't believe her eyes! And I understood: it means that my daughter followed me from the grave to the church, then she led me to my sister. Vaughn chula everything that I showed on the zvintar, and in such a rite I try to make me understand.

The same thing happened to me more than once. At the same time, I was very confused at the grave of my daughter, I said, as if I missed her - and I wondered at the lance, which I knew in front of the bath, two wolves appeared again. As soon as I sent a good message to my daughter, I felt better.

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