Now to dream about the death of the father, we live. Now I dream about the dead father of my son: the meaning of this vision. Dream Interpretation Tarot Yakshcho dream of Batko

Departure from the lives of loved ones is always a great shock for relatives. I be-like a guess about the deceased, wake up, tell me, provoking the songs of emotions that almost. Why dream of the dead father, we know from popular dream books.

The father died, uvі snі may є kіlka ambiguous tlumachen. Tse lie down in the sight of what provoked yoga in appearance. The reason may be mourning and grief about the deceased, important that famous podії in life, dreaming and not safe turning the share, about like a close relative hurrying ahead.

People with such stories can dream of accepting an important decision in advance, a business favor, a great favor, if there is a penny sum, an investment and a future profit. The closer it is to tato for life, the more often I will take part in it for business people, if they try to successfully inspire a career, stick out on the land and realize their professional plan. In this mood, the father can be ahead of the way about the “water stones” on the way, the different membranes and insecurity.

For the maiden, the father died, so he would come like a patron, transferring the future of special mutual relations. Such a bachelorette often comes before the zaruchins, the villages, the people of the children. In addition, in the image of a heavenly dream, your dream will be light, comfortable and sensible, to lay down a positive result of the transfer.

A healthy and life-radiant father, having given you a call to the young, is a good sign that you are happy and well-being. The sky was seen in the trunks at the funeral - a dream about future troubles. Shchob їh get away, not varto repeat the pardons of the past. Likewise, varto appears in the form of shkidlivih zvichok and lip likenesses.

Indulge the deceased tat in the medical ward - a dream shows on the filth of a healthy sleeper. An important illness can be touched raptovo. Just don’t turn around to the doctor, don’t get away with serious nasledkiv.

What more checks from the dead father uvі snі

  • for a daughter to dream of being alive and young - boldly go to the care, know the accommodating people and rob the right partner. Far away is the hour for zamіzhzhya. Shlyub obіtsyaє buti mіtsnim and happy;
  • to bark and weld with tatom - it means to choose the wrong way of your development, not to follow the arbitrarily accepted norms and rules, to ignore the thought of older relatives;
  • cuddle and pat on the head - check the difficult hours in front, if it is necessary to show impertinence, character and willpower;
  • sit on the knees of the deceased - see the turmoil, that self-sufficiency is tight. Take care of filthy emotions to help you talk in a family time, warmly tell me about the amount of hours for a living dad.

Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

The father died in dreams, Tim comes, who has sung an immoral band. Like a father for life, strict rules and principles, serious stoks If you are not shy until one-time sexual intrigues, then such a dream is a sign of condemnation and condemnation for you.

The father is present at the bedroom and turns to look at you - it’s a strain on those that your state of pulling can end with venereal diseases or human weakness, impotence. To get away, vin call the dreamer to start your sexual marathon and think about future offspring.

The girls should conduct a serious rozmov with the father, who has been in heaven for a long time - then, varto show caution in love affairs. Extreme addiction and one-time indulgence - not at once those that you need. Surprise to your partner, it is possible, intimate closeness with him will bring you to the position of a hundred girls.

Gustiv Miller

To quarrel at the table with a dead father - in reality, to change from a twisted situation, as if you need a negain cherry. Your disintegration and innocence in your own cause to roar and zmushu panіkuvati. The dream promises you to be a promoter, as if you remember what the sky said. After waking up, you can come up with a rapt idea, so that you become the right way to resolve problematic tasks.

The young person was born, like a dead tato pulling by the hand of a kokhan - a dream indicates those who want you to look over the candidacy of the betrothed. The role of a person is not suitable for our people, soon you will be able to victorious yoga in deceiving that health. Do not hasten to tighten yourself with family ties, look around for a long time and show respect at the look of the shanuvalniks.

I dreamed that my father died - a dream ahead of the need, as if I were talking ahead of you and your loved ones. Dilovim people in the period not varto show transcendental activity in the sphere of financial injections. Usі material nadkhodzhennia slid to the future prospects. Do not hurry with the return of those trips that are associated with taking away additional benefits and values. More expensive may end with an unfortunate fall or a catastrophe.


The father died to come to see us, who are going through great difficulties, going through a series of folding trials. Close stosunki z tatom for life can provoke clear pictures in dreams, which clearly indicate the turn of the situation.

It seemed like you were giving the deceased father an obityanka for life - an attack on those who had come the time to beat the obitsyane. To weld with a dead father, being a pidlet - a dream indicates a pardon of the past, as you need to correct.

Marveling at the sum of the appearances of the father, which has long been pishov from life - the very hour to tell the father and put a candle for the dead at the church. Possibly, the date of the first people's death is approaching. It’s all about talking about those who need to be guessed with a kind word by a person close to you.

David Loff

Father, scho pishov s life, you can come more sleepy to the sign of the advance of other situations. As for life, the father was your patron, all-knowing and all-seeing, instilling in you the inspiration of the power of opportunity and expanding the horizon of your bazhan, then you will increase the dream of the shoes of the shoes of the language in any way of your successful implementation, become a prophet of the future.

The late father dreamed of wudka and fish in his hands - a warm dream to one who zaishov at a deaf kut and not to get out of the furnishing, which were folded. It's time to relax that perchekati. Decision obov'yazkovo will come by itself at that moment, if you need it effectively. Watch out, like a father planting a worm on a hook, - in reality, it’s time to take care of your unkindness and competitors. Take a closer look at the conversation - it is possible, among friends, to hide the one who does not care about your glory and success.

In rich light cultures, dreams have long been given a special supranatural meaning. The mystical primaries of the dead often appeared to their relatives and friends, penetrating into sleep and passing on to dreams dashingly, suddenly, good luck. Do you ever dream of a dead father?

The appearance of a dead father in a dream was interpreted as an important sign, which cannot be left out of the posture of respect. So I myself tried to convey this to my beloved children from sweat, to lie richly in something like a superfluous sharpening, yoga words and diy, and also because the role of dreams was given to the dreamers themselves.

Tlumachennya dreams from the late father

  • Indulge in the sleep of a healthy, smiling dad in a new and clean dress- a good sign, the advancement of good health, family happiness and well-being. Such a dream evokes the realization of new ideas: his appearance as a father, like a bidshtovhuy child, to an important decision, on a vin no way can be called. Having dreamed of such a dream, you can boldly take it to the right, not being afraid of the failure of failure.
  • Hug the dead dad uvі snі- Transfer of polypshennia to relatives. Such a dream promises a dreamer a mіtsnu and a friendly homeland, weldings and conflicts, a calm and quiet family pobut.
As if the father appears to be unsatisfied with the dream, angry, he tries to cook, or to create a dream, such a dream is in front of me. It’s possible, a child, to behave recklessly, risk getting entangled in a mischievous adventure, or make friends with other people.
  • Yakshcho dead father dream daughter alive, girls should give more respect to their special life. Like a tato chuckles, wants a daughter, looking pleased and happy, it’s not a problem to check the receptions on her. Tse mozhe buti new prospective acquaintance with a young person, or to instill a proposition of a zamіzhzhya.
  • However, as if you were dreaming of tato laying the dreamer and dokoryaє її, the girls did not mindlessly trust their zalitsialnik. It’s quite possible that it’s almost as if a young man is not wide, and he tries to fool a girl.

The death of the funeral of a long-dead father is a bad sign. Such a dream is dreaming of great misfortunes and transitions, on the hem of which you happen to see a lot of strength and energy.

  • As if we were dreaming, the father is alive, but we are ill and we are weary, such a dream evokes the inner experience and languor of the dream itself. It’s better for everything, the usual bugger that bugs are very turbulent and vibrate out of a lot.
  • Take away the dead father pennies uvі snі- the transfer of financial problems of a number of failures of a special nature (), for the support of such dreamers, the dreamers will need the help of relatives and loved ones. Such a dream is about the danger of deceit for the sake of it, and also about the cursed reputation of an innocent person. Having dreamed of such a dream, we should add more respect to our family, and also be afraid of vague intrigues and little-known business partners.
  • Yakshcho the father appears as if he were drunk, bluntly clothed and angry, such a dream announces a discord among sim's and failures on a robot.
Let's die with the father at the car, if the father himself is sitting at the kerm, and the dreamer is on the passenger seat - a guard, moving a lot of bad luck. Having dreamed of such a dream, it is necessary to prepare morally for the first time, take it into your own hands and do not be afraid to get stuck with the problems of hiv-on-vіch.
  • Bachiti for kerm and to carry the deceased father on the passenger seat, scho post u vі snі live and be healthy, - navpaki, garny sign. Tse means that the dreamer has noticed that it’s not hard to see “other dihanna”, that new ideas are coming up.

Do not fall into a panic and pardon to accept the appearance of a dead relative, as a dream of moving a Swedish death. Most often it’s just a warning: a relative is trying to save close people vіd bіd, give yogo respect for the deedly important speech and help him to create mіtsna sim'yu, as if you live in prosperity that joy.

Batkiv's hands - our warmth is a colossus in childhood, that support for youth, our amulet for a grown-up life. Sometimes, after their death, the fathers continue to speak about us and instruct us on the true path, but to shy away through dreams.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Bachiti uvі dream of a dead dad є nagaduvannyam about the deceased. Calm your soul by lighting a candle in the church, distributing tsukerki and malt to your loved ones, go to the burial place. If the deceased has come to you from as an object in your hands, then this dream is gone. Come, I will need you rich and bring it to the tsvintar.

As if the late father dreamed of a young girl or a woman, he was warned about the possibility of a thoughtless decision on that filling. Also, tato can be a symbol of swedish respect for your life. The share will give you a chance, it is necessary to take a quick look at that vikoristati. Like a daughter to bachel the late tata uvі snі, it means that vin is trying to save її vіd possible difficulties that pardon.

If the father is dead, he is alive and healthy, which means that you are in control of success in all endeavors.

As soon as you see the dream you are talking about it, concentrate as much as possible on the essence of the word. Vіn vkazuє on important aspects of your life and future. If my father asks you to drink at once with him, you need to respect your health, you can seriously fall ill without a hitch.

Dream Interpretation of G. Miller

Psychologist G. Miller interprets the dead father in his dream book as a symbol of difficulties way of life people, the cherry of them will require a wise father for the sake of it. If you see a living father in a dream, it means that it will be more important for you to do the right thing and more often to look into the future.

Like a late father, if you dream of having a daughter, then it’s great humility, that your partner is protecting you, otherwise I’ll try to fool you soon.

Dream Interpretation of Z. Freud

Sigmund Freud explains why the dead father is dreaming, it is necessary to gloom, grounding on your feet from the father. To that, for you, tato is a symbol of turbot, masculinity and zakhist, which means that you have difficult times and you will in no way require a yoga shoulder. As if the dream of the father is not healthy - it is a symbol of unfinished important rights, as if you were left with a free word and vchinkiv.

Gypsy dream book

In the gypsy dream book, the father died alive and healthy, especially joy, positive feelings and emotions. Bachiti's death is a father - a fixer of hardships and problems.

Maliy Velesov dream book

A dream, in which the dead father appears to you, it is accepted as problems in this, discord and welding.

Dream Interpretation of Martin Zadeki

The father died of dreaming ahead of the day of the clash of chi zniknennya.

Dream Interpretation Fedorivsky

Do you ever dream about dead father alive? Tse vitlumacheno in the dream book of Fedorov as a warning sign about the possibility of rash thinking of that decision.

Bachiti uvі snі yak dies nі living father to mortal insecurity for the sleeper.

As if the dream of the late tato have fun and get hot, you can heal the ailment without a hitch. Like a dead sum and without a mood - the closest future one will check you for serious inaccuracies.

Decals near people leave us earlier, lower my eyes. Why do our beloved relatives act like they have died from life?

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

A dream, in which the dead father died, will tell the dreamer in the one who needs to give respect to the deceased: light a candle at the church, tell the family dialogue about the familiar zukerkas on the riddle about the new one.

If you dream that you are holding a singing object in your hands - you are trying to say about this need. Come and bring yoga to you in the place of yoga to rest.

Such a dream is blamed on a young daughter as if it were a song of moments, misunderstandings, welding and otherwise tormenting conscience. The hour has come to repent generously at the scoєny.

Bachiti yoga is alive again - an important warning about insecurity. Be careful with whether you choose and be careful with new acquaintances.

Other thlumachs interpret such a dream as an important sign before the day. Do not miss the chance to learn something new, even if you bring it to great success.

If you dream that your father hugs you - check the surplus in any way you can.

You can see the living image of the priest for you in new roses, just climb up the mountain.

Yakshto vin call you behind you - show respect for good health, it is possible that illness is unbearable.

Do you ever dream of Rozmov with a tatom? To the point where you have to pay attention to yoga propositions and ideas. True yoga tips will give you the right direction for your goals and objectives.

Bachiti of the dead father symbolizes the turbota and the protection of vchinkiv, about yaks you can fool around.

Autumn dream book

Bachiti of the rotten father we are alive again - to the deep kayatt, for the sake of it, you have been knocked down by you.

Summer dream book

Such a dream tells about the importance of remembering the people who went. Give them a sprat of praise to their hour, drinking tea with a zukerka, or perform another ritual.

Zhіnochiy tlumach

Why dream of a father in a woman's dream book? For the solution of important problems, you need someone who is wise to please.

If you dream about the death of your father - yours will be cool, be careful and easy on your own.

For the daughter of a young age, the bachiti of a dead father - to deceive your half. Be aware of your feelings and emotions.

Maliy Velesov Dream Interpretation

Bachiti uvі dream dad - for the joy, smiles and happiness.

Compete with the father - until the fall of strength and initiative, do not fall into apathy, trim your mood on high.

Bachiti of the ailing tata - to grief, like bring you a hell of a mess.

Let's die for yoga - to the bіdi and family discord. Be tolerant and unique of other welds.

Tlumachennya chaklunka Medea

Do you ever dream of a dead father, like turning back to Medea's dream book?

Tse is a symbol of the fact that you are always fooling the patron. You do not want to take serious decisions and take responsibility for yourself.

The super girl with the father symbolizes the stray on the right and the existence of a single correct solution.

Bachiti yoga is alive - you have new spirits. Nova hvila forces that zadumіv zabarvit your life.

Dream interpretation for all motherland

Such a dream evokes long-term stagnation in the eyes of your superiors. Your initiatives will be victorious, not giving you the growth of that distant slipping.

If we die, you will stand in a complicated life situation, in a way that you will be important without a side of the side of a known person.

Erotic Tlumach

Let's look at the erotic dream book: why dream of the late father?

In love novels, we should protect as much as possible. This symbolizes those that your special life is far from ideal.

As far as Rozmova is concerned, it’s possible that your inner half of you is not a Varta.

Interpretation of the esoteric Tsvetkov

Bachiti like a dream - on a swede of happiness: unstoppable gains, or a raging romance, like an overgrowth in my mother's hats.

Dead relative - to serious changes in your life; turn life around 180 degrees.

For the daughter of Bachiti, the father is a lucky slut for that great offspring.

Bachiti two batkіv - great luck in the usіh initiations.

Interpretation of mandrivnik

Do you ever dream of a dead father? Tse viyav own energy, htos need to control you pragne.

For a woman, such a dream speaks of a weak will, that strangulation on the side of a man in special stoks.

Like a dead relative of p'yany chi robes at lahmittya - threats from health to business reputation.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Miller

Bachiti sleep from the presence of a rotten father is difficult on the right, for those who can’t do without help. Why wonder, as you have called virishuvati problems with the wrong hands?

Yakshcho tato gyne uvі snі - a water stone on the right can bring a lot of inaccuracies.

Such a dream for a young girl is a love tie under a dubious one, and that other evil of a kokhan is possible.

Tlumachennya psychologist Loff

Bachiti tin of the bent father - you cannot know the authority of your midst dovkilla. You put yourself more for others, perhaps for your own reasons.

For other commemorations, there may be a lack of discipline in your life, a strict order and a designated path to your destination.

If there are other people in the dream, it’s not enough to talk about the warmth before them, otherwise, navpaki, it’s daily, as if you saw the sum’yattya, or it’s not exhaustive.

An ailing kinsman to dream of before us virishiti important category of food, as you see at the old screen.

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The one you see under the influence of the authority of the chi yourself pragnet as a patron.

Super girl with dad- Discord is right.

Bachiti yoga sick- To your ailment.

Bachiti live dead dad- Gain new strength.

Bachiti uvі snі dad- tse dream, which means that I will love you and will always be deeply attached to you.

Freud's dream book

The presence of the father in the dream- even about the presence of the dreamer of the edipov chi of the Batkiv complex.

How young people dream that their father swears, or he is convinced of his matir'yu chi be some other woman - a new one clearly has a complex of expressions. Vіn hate your dad and bachel at the new one your head sexual supernik. You can even get to the point where you can call your dad in your recent sexual history.

If a woman dreams that she is having sex with her father - she has become a victim of the father’s complex, so she cannot choose her own partner, so that everyone loves her father, but you cannot know anything similar.

How do you see your father- you will be tormented by a guilt complex, through those who do not attach or did not attach sufficient respect to you.

Dream Interpretation zakohanih

The maiden, who dreams of її dead father- in reality to fool the cohanies.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadiya Zimi

Suvoriy father uvі snі- a sign that you launched and threw some important help.

An ailment, father, like a dream is not a cover-up from a real ailment- є a sign of difficulties, yakі mozhut nasty sign on your well-being. Possibly, in reality, they didn’t give a damn, or a tragic pardon was launched, as if threatening to cross your plans.

Yakscho w father torment chi crying- such a dream indicates on the arc of filth, the passage of rights. If in reality you don’t see any particular reasons for worrying, then it’s possible, if your plans threaten to turn into a great bida.

Happy, happy father- I see success.

Jewish dream book

Bachiti dad- hard to get away from the right, you need a wise pleasure; talk to him, like he died- may remember; talk to dad- happy; sickness- to the bіdi chi povnі zmіni in life, spadshchina, prikrіst; romp with you- Shvidke happy; health- Klopoti; dead- ailment chi vtrata spadshchina; mutter- until bіdi chi povnі zmіni have zhittі; hang out with dad- Zanepad at the right.

Dream interpretation of D. Loff

Batko- Tsіkava to post dreams. Vіn z'yavljaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє sні at rіznіh іpostasyakh, vyklikayuchi its presence super-chlichly. How to show psychological achievements, in fact, how you are put up to your dad, how you take yoga, it’s rich in what to lie in good order, in yaki, it is possible, you believe. As a result, the dream of the appearance of the father is often put up to power, presence and love. As a rule, the power of that authority is understood, yakі in the first line po'yazuyut with the father.

Batko- a person is omniscient and all-seeing, and discipline is less than a trace of wise-knowing evils. Buvay, scho the father is an incomparable rank in your life. Such a dream can call out to you a little, that not everything in this world is well-bashed. When you see a dream, the father can symbolize the warmth, strength of chi, now, their appearance of many other characters in the dream. In addition, the father’s ailments sound to dream of some innocent food (Yakim? , your zvichaynі vіdnosinі s batkoy i vіdnosіnі vіdnosіnі vіdnosin zіvі snі.

Dream interpretation for all motherland

Bachiti uvі snі dad- from the same time, have a drink with the liege in the presence of the higher authorities.

Talk to dad- you will have a good situation, and you will need a wise pleasure to get comfortable.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Batko- Klopit and klopit.

Talk to dad- as if you were eating at a skunk camp, do not hesitate to ask for the sake of someone you can trust.

Father died- yoga is healthy in the first order, and you need to be careful and respectful.

New family dream book

Bachavsya uvі snі dad- I’m telling you that you scrambled to be a wise joy and solved the problems that you winicked.

Don't listen to dad- Zіtknetesya with great difficulties.

How did you dream that your dad died- Take good care of it, otherwise it will be very important for you.

A young woman patted the dream of her dead father- I am guilty of being ready to the point that I will deceive the kokhany, or it will not be easy to fool you.

Modern confusion dream book

Dream, yakomu V got a dad- let me know about those that you will spend at the scurvy camp, vibratisya for whom you are wiser to help.

Like you dreamed of a dead dad- Your commercial rights will be forced, and you will need to protect the hour of your business. Young woman like a dream- Perebachaє, її kokhany led an unfair game with her.

New dream book of G. Ivanov

To move with a living dad- before consumption at the material and moral support; let's die- Nastana repochinok, vikoristovyte її z koristyu.

Dream Interpretation of birthday grass, worm, lime, sickle

How do you dream of a long dead father- You need to guess yoga and put a candle in the church.

Inflicted by you in the dream of fatherhood- Up to the moral ob'yazku in front of their fathers.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of Spring, Zhovtnya, Breasts

Indulge in the dream of your dad- Sorry.

How do you see a dream to call the one who drove your dad- tse to the disobedience of the fathers.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of Sichnya, Fierce, Birch, Spring

Pray for the sleep of the father- On rozpach, beat the dead dad- Keep calm.

Yakshcho uvі snі vy drove your dad- go out, you will live for many years, for many years you have lived (or lived) your father.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Old man bachiti chi talk to him- happy; in the dying- Bad luck.

Father of the article- happy friend.

Batkom khreshcheny buti- New goiter; bachichi yoga- A present.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Sleep- live in happiness in this world, as if in real life, life is alive and well; well yogo in reality is already dumb in the living- then such a dream means that you will forcibly overcome the crossing on the right, having gone to the aid of friends and closest relatives.

Bachity of his healthy father we are ill- arguing over the embarrassment through witbulas, or else zustrich with a kokhan people.

Like having a dream, for whom your father died and you know how- it means that in reality you experience an unfortunate mood.

Father, who is alive- Unrequited gift.

Remembrance of your dreams with your father- feel the joy of seeing friends with friends who have not been married for a long time, hang out with dad- The right to stall and you happen to request a consultant to sort out the reasons for this.

Bachiti uvі dream of your damned dad- means that you are to be dressed in new shoes, so that you can move for low reasons of a special character. Dreaming of the holy father- means that your relatives will introduce you into Oman.

Woman's dream book

Bachiti uvі snі dad- means that you will forcibly overcome the difficulties on the right. You will need some wise pleasure, so that you can solve problems that winickly.

How do you dream that your dad died- it means that you can do it by force and you happen to be more protective of your future.

For a young woman, bachiti, uv_ dream of a dead father- means, її to fool, or to fool the cohanies without a bar.

Sleepy dream book

Like you dreaming about your dad, we live- Rizikuєte zrobiti bad vchinok.

Bachiti uvі snі dad is dead- To hell.

When you dream about your dad we have fun- You can get sick.

How did you dream that your dad is smart- Be on your guard, you can become unacceptable.

You dreamed that your dad walked like a chepurun- In the next hour you can spend your tenure.

Ovі snі your father walking at the rags- your homeland may have a discord.

How did you dream that your father was asking for mercy- Check it out.

Sleep, for which your father fell ill- Soon you will take away a lot of pennies.

Help uvі snі dad dying- To wealth.

Dream Interpretation Deniz Lin

Batko- This sign can symbolize God.

Heavenly Old Man- tse mozhe buti is a symbol of a zahisnik and a year-old. Do you require your defender, or can you defend yourself? This sign can also stand for your blessed father's feelings or your biological father. Remember other important signs.

English dream book

Well, your dad hasn’t been on earth for a long time- this dream is ahead of me: be respectful to the windows of the Share, so that you don’t slip!

Danil's middle dream book

Old man pobachiti- promise security.

We bearded our dad- Until multiplication.

Mythological dream book

Batko (yak archetype)- associations: intercession, professionalism, mastery, pride, significance, strength, rudeness, will, power, self-denial, zakhist.

Vedic dream book of Sri Swami Sivananda

Batko- svіdchennya that the father loves you.

Well, the old man is no longer alive- Tse sign of your turmoil.

Dream Interpretation of Martin Zadeki

The father of the dead bachiti- Zniknennya, beaten.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Batko- figure є intuitions of authoritarianism, law, order, social zvichaїv, patterns of behavior, connected with suspіlstvo, as well as human zahist.

Dream Interpretation Tlumachennya dream

Old man bachiti svogo- means great joy and satisfaction; bachiti yogo brings discord to the dead on the right side of the family.

Dream interpretation of Mandrivnik

Batko- Viyav vladnoї (karmic) strength and will, intercession. Zalezhno in view of that behavior: for people- success, recognition of failure, failure at the head office. For women- Special situation.

Illness, p'yany chi filthy clothes- Zrada; a threat to health and authority; the fall is right and life forces.

Garniy, pleasure, ohayny- dolenosnі pochinannya, blessed for happiness and health in a special; big change for better.

sex from dad- to serious illness; busy with black magic.

Noble dream book of N. Grishino

Old man bachiti- Boot.

Yogo sick chi let's die bachiti- ailments (heads).

Catch up with him- Discord is right.

Maliy Velesov Dream Interpretation

Batko- Joy, happiness, surplus; clash with him- Zanepad; ailments- Spadshchina / grief; let's die bachiti- bіda, nіy discord; dead bachiti- Rubbish, filthy, bad.

Old man bachiti let's die- ailment chi vtratu spadshchina; sick bachiti- Cover-up; let's die to say- may remember; clash with him- Zanepad right.

Erotic dream book of Danilova

How did you dream about your dear father- you should show caution in love affairs, father is also- a warning about those that your special life is not all right for.

Yakshcho uvі snі your father led you seriously rozmovu- more likely to be attracted to your partner, maybe, you are not a friend.

Esoteric dream book

Batko- Alive you need support, support. Your life does not have any hope, stability.

Yakshcho father gives joy, read- You need to listen to something.

Ukrainian dream book

Batko- Good luck.

Father is deceased- Do not be happy.

The dying father- Sorom.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Father roams with you- Shvidke happy; kill chi ailments, dead- to bіdi, povnі zmіni in life; for girls, bachiti dad chi matir- happy zamіzhzhya;
Turn on the faucet and tell the dream of running water that is flowing.

Wash yourself three times with the words “Where the water flows, go there and go to sleep.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a flask with water and say: “As the strength has risen, so my dream has gone, don’t bring shkoda.”

Wyvernet bed whiteness in front of you.

Don't tell anyone filthy dream until the end.

Write yoga on the paper and burn the arch.

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