Law on renting an apartment. Renting an apartment according to the law is in life. Please

Russia also has laws that regulate the procedure for renting apartments for rent, but far from all the subtleties are registered there, with which you can get stuck, renting (or vining) a living place. In addition, the rulers of apartments in Russia often, if they please, are surrounded by sleeping households. So, obviously, you sleep less peacefully, then you don’t pay tribute. Hirepers often swear by the "without intermediaries" option.

About laws, how to practice and not practice when hiring a dwelling, about the rights and obligations of participants to please, about the unacceptability of unacceptable officials and hired workers, and also about the trends in the current market for renting a dwelling to the agency "Interfax-Rozkikh Rypovіrhomіlst"

Rent and hire

Fahivtsі roses explained, yak vicious law regulates between the renter and the renter.

"Reasonably, it is necessary to sign up for legal terminology," Khaya Pleshchitka, a clerk of the legal department of the "MIAN-Agency of Non-Rockomost", "For a lease agreement, housing accommodation can be given to the Volodinnya and (or) corystuvannya only for legal persons and especially for living Vіdpovіdno up to article 30 of the Zhitlovsky Code of the Russian Federation, the sergeant may have the right to give from the volodinnya that (or) from the courtship, that you should lie with you on the right of power of the living quarters for the large man (on the basis of a contract of employment, a contract of free coronation), as well as a legal person z urahuvannyam vmog, vstanovlenyh civil legislation, Zhitlovym Code).

The contract for the rental of housing accommodation is regulated by Chapter 35 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, where one party - the head of the housing accommodation, or a person (renter) has been appointed by him - the goiter is obliged to give the other side (hiring) housing accommodation for a fee Central Committee of Ukraine).

Such an agreement is kept in a written form by the term three times more than 5 years. The object of the contract may be isolated living quarters, as an accessory for permanent living (apartment, living quarters, part of the apartment or living quarters). As if by extending the term of the contract, the Vlasnik is changed raptly, but it is not more difficult to change the contract for the hiring of housing accommodation. With whom, the new vlasnik becomes a renter on the minds of an earlier laid down contract of employment.

"Vidpovidno up to st. 607 of the Central Committee of Ukraine, the objects of rent can be land plots and other natural objects, enterprises and other main complexes, budіvlі, sporudi, possession, transport services and other speeches, as a matter of natural authorities їх vikoristannya (unspeakable speech), - roz'yasnyuє legal adviser corporation "BEST-Nerukhomіst" Olga Zapєvalіna. legal person. Physical individuals (hulks) at the hour of renting an apartment lay a contract for hire.

The defender of the rights of the renter and the renter are duly up to the dignified legislation and forwarded to the Central Committee of Ukraine. For the defense of their rights, the renter and the renter can go to court, but only in that case, as between them a contract of employment was laid down, in which everything is necessary mind hire."

"At this hour, the lease agreement is concluded in a simple letter form and does not require obligatory notarial confirmation and state registration," adds Maria Zhukova, intercessor of the director of the company "MIEL-Orenda." renter and renter are regulated according to the agreement".

Rights and bindings

Khaya Pleshchitka revoked respect for certain specific clauses of the law (Civil Code of the Russian Federation), as they stand for rights and obligations on both sides of the law:

The renter of goiter: transfer to the renter a free living accommodation at the camp, attached for living; zdіysnyuvaty proper operation of the living house, in which the building is located in the hiring of a living accommodation; nadavat chi to secure the salary of hired workers for the payment of the necessary utility services; ensure the repair of the sleepy lane bungalow that annex for the provision of public services, which is located at the residential premises (major repairs).

Naymach goiter: - vikoristovuvaty living quarters only for living; to take care of the saving of the living quarters and to take care of yoga at the lean camp; zdіysnyuvati in-line repairs (as the contract does not set otherwise); make payments for housing and, as a rule, utility bills; tell the hulks, as if they permanently live with the living quarters at the same time with him, with whom such hulks may be equal with him the rights of corystuvannya to the living quarters, and the hired man, fire rule, (as the agreement does not establish otherwise), vydpovidaє before the landlord for the children of the hulks, yakі destroy the agreement on the rental of residential premises.

Nymach May right: for the Zgoda Nedimodavzi that Bastard, Yaki post -the -person to live for the Dotriman Vimog Laws about the norm of the monastery of the lifting of the livestock for one person, instill in Zhitlov, the perishable yak residently resident. it is necessary and the norm is not covered; after the termination of the term of the contract for the rental of residential accommodation, the renter may override the right to lay down the contract for the rental of residential accommodation for a new term, build everything for the honor of the borrowed residential accommodation from the tenant, for the benefit of the renter.

The renter has no right to carry out the renovation and reconstruction of the living quarters without the help of the renter.

Non-acceptance for hiring

In Western countries, the rent of a dwelling is officially regulated, and, moreover, the Danish segment of the market has a long history of the practice that was formed, like Maria Zhukova.

We asked fahіvtsіv vіdznachiti osoblistiєі rosіyskogo dosvіdu and legislation in tsіy galuzі, rozpovisti about possible unacceptable surprises, with which you can shut up for a while please, yakshcho won't be carried out by professionals.

"Legislative base, What regulates the rent of a renter and the rent of apartments is small, - Olga Zapevalina is aware. - The main legislative act, which regulates the blueprints - the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. New employees are given legal positions for employment. If you make a contract for hire, then in the new one you can write down all the details of your mind. Due to the legal non-written nature of the parties to the contract, the stench may not be conveyed in this text all the necessary facts, after which you blame conflict situations they cannot steal their rights with a proper rank. In this hour, as a rule, the employment contracts are written in a written form, so that the articles 674 of the Central Committee of Ukraine are superimposed, but if the contract of employment is written in a written form, then all the employment contracts are often not described in a new way.

O.Zapєvalina stated that the hour of transfer of the apartment for rent by the legislation was not transferred to the act of transferring the residential accommodation to the acceptance certificate. "Practice has shown, the Pidpriseannya of such an act is non -chidnisty, I without the PIDSISTICAL ACTTE ONE VNININIKENNE SISIONAL SITUMENTS NOT WITH NIGHY PIDARDITITISTITITION, I knew the apartment before the buildings of hiring. ", - O.Zapevalina said.

"Living conditions are always to propagate the songs of correction for the best laws, - even Khaya Pleshchitskaya. - It is necessary to protect the current situation, like a sackmaster, so it is hired.

For example, the owner of the apartment, who rents out, rather take a part of the penny sum, which is paid by the renter (say 50-100%) as a deposit - at the renter’s office, we hire the lane, we take away from the possible space renter for a few hundred and other problems.

If the renters of the apartments do not pay the surplus tax for the life that is rented out, and the blame for the problems with the renters of the apartments, the renter, having gone to court for the defense of his right, will be fined for non-payment of the taxes. This fact may come as an unacceptable surprise for the Vlasniks, but it cannot be called a short legislature of legislation.

Another unacceptable surprise for the sergeant may be the very fact of the need for the sole legal possibility of defending one’s right to be deprived of the court order at times when renting an apartment by renters. Invite the Vlasniks, like paying tributes, do not know the zahist from the delnichny. Tsya situation is dictated by the position of the state, and it is legislatively fixed by the principle of defending the living rights of the inhabitants, if you are fed, tied up with hangings, it is less likely to be violated by the court order. It is not legal decisions to change the locks at the apartment with the upcoming "guilty" speeches of the hired man on the exit door. In this situation, the guilty may appear so the owner.

"In order not to get stuck with unacceptable surprises, it is necessary to work out in detail the contracts for hiring and fixing all the homeownership between the parties in a letter form, - for the sake of M. Zhukov. - For this risk of inaccuracies, connected with the lease of a dwelling, you can actually reduce it."

The opinions of the Interfax-Nerukhomist agency were based on thoughts about how to be safe in what to lie down and in the choice of a competent intermediary - an approved realtor or a lawyer, who would help to minimize the risks of laying the contract for employment.

Surpluses of colossal prudence

Maxim Katalov, director of the non-violent agency "Vidkrita Kompaniya", told us about current trends in the rental market near Moscow. On one thought, the situation is changing rapidly and the privatility of favors is falling.

"The remaining ten years of the apartment, which are rented out, have become stable for wealthy residents of great cities, and in most cases the only source of income," said M. Katalov. current office clerks.

The situation, unfortunately, is rapidly changing, and not better. On the other hand, the privatility of such investments is falling. Step on all directions. The growth of the "communal apartment", the need to pay taxes is becoming increasingly evident, falling drunk - more and more warrants for additional mortgages become the lords of the high-rise apartments. Until then, a person with a penny for an addition to bank deposits, who do not give up, are more efficient, less invested in the integrity of the cost of saving and multiplying capital - shares fondi, gra on the stock exchange.

In this rank, we become aware of the zbіlshennya apartments, zaproponovanih before the sale, as previously rented out.

Vtіm, if the vaga can again hit in the next bek "...

Renting (hiring) lived with leather rock gaining more and more popularity. But in order to secure yourself, the procedure for renting an apartment must be carried out according to the letter of the law. Otzhe, housing building for rent: law, thin, riziki

Renting a house without intermediaries

The majority of orendarives try to blame the dwelling without intermediaries. Vono and zrozumilo, even tyagar pay for the services of realtors for the slanderous rule, lie on your own shoulders. And costing such services is expensive. As if you were building your own life, not going to the services of specialists, it is necessary to show caution. Nasampered, with the choice of potential orendar. Remember: in order to effectively protect your rights, you need to register a building for renting an apartment in accordance with the law. Realtors take on the functions according to the agreement, as well as according to the needs of the registration. Ale, it’s true, everything is correct on your own, and it’s not neat.

Let's take a look at the contract. The agreement on the lease of a dwelling is laid down in a simple letter form, without requiring the participation of a notary. Shards can be found about housing accommodation, the agreement is called a contract for the hiring of housing accommodation. In order to agree on an agreement, we will put it in our minds, obov'yazkovo, but it is prescribed the subject of the agreement and the amount of rent. The subject of the rental agreement for a dwelling is that it is not the apartment itself, that it has a low sign, that it is possible to change any of the others (addresses, number of rooms). The rent may be registered with a firm sum, or the order of the rozrahunka is appointed. As practice shows, landlords vvazhayut for the best to pay a solid sum. Here it is necessary to pay more than one thing - the contract may have the right to rent no more than once for a period (for example: a quarter, 6 months or a river) to pay rent. It’s better to state the maximum distance between advances (for example: no more than 10% lower), so that for the hirer it wasn’t an unacceptable surprise for the future.

In addition, before the contract, you can include other important things. So, for example - the term for making a payment, or making a deposit by a renter, which will guarantee the saving of a life that is rented for a renter. At times, after opening the contract and transferring the apartment, everything is ready, the deposit is turned over to the renter, or you can win as a rent (or a part) for the rest of the month of living. It is necessary to write down the term, for which party is guilty, one should be reminded one by one about the completion of the contract (for the sake of the parties) or about the change of minds. Sound this term to become two days before the month, but for the good of the side, you can be like that. We will also not make a special arrangement for filing obov'yazkіv storіn shkodo utrimannya lane, which is transferred to the lease. Up to Art. 681 of the RF DC, major repairs are carried out by the forces and for the hirer's account, and the axis of the ongoing repairs is charged to the renter. At the contract, you can clarify the understanding of the overhaul of the in-line repair, supplement the obligations of the parties with specific actions to change the procedure for the payment of the living near the lean station to the authorities' court.

Do not forget about the binding details of the parties. At the agreement, the responsibility is assigned passport data, as well as contacts, for which the renter and renter can contact one with one. For bazhannyam, you can include before the contract whether you think otherwise, if you respect important and other.

Myths about registration and terms of order

The contract for the hiring of a living accommodation may be subject to regulations on the song term. This term can become from 1 month to 5 years. If the parties did not agree on the term, then the agreement will be laid down for 5 years. If you do not plan to rent your apartment for a long time, the term should be discussed more specifically.

Іsnuє dumka, scho razі ukladannya contract on the term more roku vimagaє obov'yazkovoї registration in Rosreєstrі. It's really not like that. Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 122-FZ, dated “21”, dated 1997. “About the registration of rights on a non-ruhome mine that pleases him” could not take revenge on the obligatory registration of an apartment rental agreement, that decision on the registration is accepted for the weather of the parties and as a whole voluntarily.

Need to register? Registration by the greater world is necessary for renters as a guarantee that the right to rent an apartment is protected by law. The mechanism of protection is simple: informing about those that the apartment is known to be in rent, to be paid to the EDRN and at the same time the vlasnik has decided to sell the apartment, you happen to: firstly: in advance: tell the hirer about the change of the vlasnik, in a different way: remind the potential purchase of an apartment . If such a state of speeches ruled all, then the purchase and sale of the land would be bought, and the new ruler of living quarters would re-arrange the contract for the hiring of a dwelling with the tenant, without changing the position of the rest. Respect: wash the unilateral pre-string rent to the contract by the landlord transferred to Art. 687 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and include: if a hirer is hired not for recognition, if I become a hired person, if I become a hired person, for any additional hire, if the rent is not paid, pay more than two times as early as possible terms of the contract over r_k). Tsei perelіk furnishes є vycherpnym. In other cases, the renter may, in court order, assert his right to live in an apartment.

For the renter, the registration of the contract does not attract the annual special guarantees, crime, hіba scho, additional evidence of the basis of the lease certificate with the hirer in case of a court dispute. Prior to the speech, the DC of the Russian Federation transfers the right of a tenant to a unilateral lease agreement for a residential accommodation, for understanding about the price of the renter, no less than three months before the transfer of the date of renting an apartment.

Do you not know your rights?

Finished installation please

p align="justify"> An important stage when laying down a tenancy agreement is the transfer of accommodation from the tenant to the tenant and the folding of the final act of acceptance and transfer. Why is it important? For such an act, you are guilty of imagining the in-line camp of your living quarters, and also describe how the pieces of furniture are transferred, what the renters are left with. by-butov technique And if so, then in whom you will know everything. You can also determine the functional integrity of systems (gas pipeline, ventilation, scorching), describe old look acceptance.

At the time of the expansion of the rental agreement, the hirer of the crops must turn the renter's apartment to a similar standard with the improvement of the normal rent. Tobto, as at your apartment it is possible to break, rose, signifi- cantly destroy the camp, You can demand money for the restoration of the normal state of the apartment and the objects of the situation, including through the court. For whom it is possible to also remove the outpost. At times, you can get more money for a bag, you can also get a sum of money.

In the act of acceptance and transfer of guilt, there are signatures of both parties, that it is a direct confirmation of the renter’s work with a description of the living area, also, it is confirmed that the obligations of the transfer were transferred under the contract of the mine in the otrimany camp. From the other side, the price and the guarantee for the hirer, the renter's shards cannot be used to blow the beats, there really weren't any.

Obov'yazok zі pay a tax

A skin renter needs to remember that he has to pay for renting a house with income, which is subject to income physical features at the expense of 13% of the taken sum. It is necessary to submit a declaration about such taxes independently. Pay PDFO vodpovidno up to Submissive Code The Russian Federation can shomіsyatsya chi at once to make the entire amount of the rock.

In order to change the tax allowance, a lot of renters were registered as individual entrepreneurs. How to write IP (pokrokov's instruction)? IP registration in 2017-2018). Tse allows you to change the tax up to 6% of the sum of income. Here it is important to note that the registration as an individual applicant is not obligatory, but if you still committed children in such a rank, then you will need to file and certify with a notary the application is established by the power of the form to the tax service, pay the passport appear before the appointment for a place of residence. Registration is completed within 5 days from the moment of submission of documents. For this reason, it is necessary to take the code in the statistical authorities and calmly conduct your activities.

Chapter 26.5 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation also transfers the patent filing system. Sensation of the simple system: an individual entrepreneur, having written an application before the tax service, gets a patent for the first type of activity, to this particular type for renting a living accommodation, so that you can lie on the right of authority, the taxation of the IP is subject to the payment of other taxes due from a similar work (for example, PDFO). With tsimu vіdsotkova the rate for a submissive patent becomes 6%. The term for a patent can become one month before the date, but not more than one calendar date. Payment for the patent should be made indefinitely according to the term, for which wine is withdrawn: if the term is not transferred to the payment, then the payment is transferred one-time with the whole amount, if the wine is more than 6 months - the total amount can be divided into two times.

It's no secret that the renters can blame the apartment without intermediary from the hairdresser, without the participation of intermediaries in the person of the agency of non-violence. Even the payment of commissions from Russia for the vikonan to the robot for the sake of living that laying down the contract of employment lays financial benefits on the renter.

On the vіdmіnu vіd єvropeiskih kraїn, de servitors of real estate offices pay for the landlord's accommodation: i pіd hour sale, i pіd hour stowage to the lease agreement.

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The specialist of the non-violent agency will help you competently lay down and put down the agreement, register it with the competent authorities, as it is such a necessity. But a typical document can be downloaded independently on our website, and when you fill it in, you won’t find any special folding. Golovna, to add to the document all the zazdalegіd obumovlenі umom orendi and the necessary information for nabuttya him legal force:

  • The contract may be revenged divided “Subject of the contract”. Until recently, data about the object of non-violence, which is offered for rent, is entered: addresses, surface area, number of living quarters, area.
  • Details of the renter and renter (PIB, passport details, contact telephone numbers).
  • The document has a rental fee and the order of payment. As a rule, it is fixed with a singing bag. But the Vlasnik can deprive himself of the right to change the rent, according to market trends. The order of such correction can also be changed at the contract: for example, not often less than 1 time (at pivroku, rіk) and the maximum increase is not guilty to revisit 10 or 20% of the first vartost.

As for the adventurous minds, if those two sides are right, then the most important will be the coming moments:

  1. We will not include the amount of money before the document, as it will either be turned over after the term of the lease is completed before the hirer, or it will be deducted from the vlasnik as payment for the remaining month (as the master does not blame the claims of the apartment);
  2. The minimum term is also fixed, by stretching which side is guilty in advance one at a time. As a rule, the price is 30 days, but for mutual benefit, there may be changes.
  3. The camp of living quarters, as well as the yogo filling (furniture, pobutova tehnіka) can be described at the addendum to the contract -. And wash the "dbaylivy stavlennya" to the apartment and її instead of fixing the contract as soon as possible. Vіdpovіdno up to Art. 681 of the DC of the Russian Federation, the sergeant has no right to exercise the right to revoke the timing of the mechanization of a major overhaul, as well as the elimination of in-line breakdowns as a whole can be included before the obov'yazkіv of the order. At the contract, you can understand the date of appointment: what can be included in the in-line repair (for the renter's account), and how the work is carried out by the clerk's purse.

What is the form of the lease agreement? The contract of employment is sufficient to be signed in writing, with signatures of 2 parties, additional notarization is not required.

What is the need for state registration of the lease agreement?

Document refers to singing period: minimum term - 1 month, maximum - 5 years. If there is no point, then the agreement is automatically entered into 5-fold.

On this day of registration, the contract of employment is not necessary, it is not necessary to go about the dovgostrokov (over 1 date) or (before the date). The whole right of the parties is enshrined in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and federal law No. 122-FZ "On the registration of rights to non-ruhoma mine that pleases him."

Chi pіdlyagaє agree orendi state registration?

Need to register a lease agreement? Dobrovіlna registration of the agreement vidnіsha orendar, oskіlki won legislator zakriplyuє yogo right koristuvatisya zhitlovym pіshchennyam sevny termіn, navitat razі yogo sale.

Information about the lease is fixed in the EDRP. So the apartment is actually rebuying under obtyazhennyam for the entire term of the lease agreement. Vlasnik is guilty of not only a warrant, but also a potential purchase: the rest will have to pay a job in a salary (at such a station) until the end of the period specified in the hiring document.

Behind the legislation (referring to Art. 687 of the Central Committee), the Vlasnik has the right to complete the contract only for such minds:

  • As a matter of fact, vicorists are not accepted for recognition.
  • In case of arrears, pay for rent: more than 2 times - for a short-term lease and more than 6 times - for the presence of a long-term lease agreement.
  • With the appointment of a significant poshkodzhennu, taken from the court.

Since there are no precedents described above, then the orendar may have the right to file before the court, if the vlasnik asks him to call the apartment dostrokovo. And the hirer himself can unilaterally open an agreement. It is enough for you to tell the renter about your name three months in advance.

For a renter, you need to register at the register. Navit at the time of the court's review of the signatures of the two parties, the agreement itself, by its own proof, gives the right to give a certificate.

Chi obov'yazkovo fold the act of acceptance and transfer of the apartment?

The signing of this document is not obov'yazkovym, but it is unanimous to rave about the stack of fahivts: from realtors to lawyers.

  1. Pererahovyuchi all items of furniture and equipment, their correctness and repair, the vlasnik protects himself from significant stains at the time of laying the lane. The act of acceptance and transfer of the apartment to serve as a stand-in for the new court of compensation for the head of the court, otherwise it gives the right to win as a blow to the sum. Obviously, as a language, don’t go about the cost of repair, communication is too much.
  2. At the same time, for the issuer of this document, it is a guarantee that no false claims will be made before the new one, the fragments of the description of a skin object (like a yogo stan) are recorded in the act.

In order for the document to gain legal force, it must be signed as a special one, if it is given for rent, then it is accepted.

Application for renting an apartment

A sum, as a rule, otrimuє vlasnik of an apartment in її zdachi in rent, є income. Rozmіr tax for renting an apartment warehouse 13% for fіzosіb. The declaration to the tax service for payment of the PDFO can be submitted by the landlord independently or on a selective basis. (div.)

You can change the cost of the building for renting an individual property (IP). Vіn is guilty of paying less than 6 vіdsotkіv pributka.

ІП can choose another scheme for paying taxes - granting a patent for that chinese type of activity is valid up to chapter 26.5 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. For example, for renting an apartment, which is in the possession of yoga power. In this vein:

  • Vіn vіlnyaєtsya vіd vysіh іnshih podtkіv pov'yazanih іz assigned to the application for a patent diyalnistyu.
  • Giving - the interest rate for a patent at a rozmіrі 6%.
  • The minimum term for a patent is 1 month, the maximum is 1 rec.
  • Payment for the patent is carried out in one sum (for example, in the terms of the term up to 6 months), in other cases it is possible to split the sum into 2 payments.

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Tse shvidko that bezkoshtovno!

But for all the different people, please don’t get lost. I will help you in our current article.

How to blame the apartment, so that they didn’t cheat?

Algorithms of Shakhrai's actions, like from the side, what you know, so from the side, what you create life, the side is impersonal, and to protect yourself from them, you need to remember your steps:

  1. If you ask for a deposit for a great term, then you may be on your guard, even if the law prepays, it may be more for regular non-timely payment and may override a two-month payment.
  2. As a subject, who builds a dwelling, cannot document the right of power, moreover, the original of a certificate of authority cannot be laid down an agreement. Be it an inaccuracy in the appointed roztashuvannya that the right of power to the apartment to rob it is unrealistic.
  3. If the variant of the building is smaller, lower in the upper area in the area for apartments with equal characteristics - you may be wary, shards can be a bait.
  4. As if the person who is building, swindle in the form of a written note, it’s impossible not to pay a tax, and proponing to lower the price, it’s unacceptable to work. There won’t be any Shakhrai deeds, maybe you’ll be punished for avoiding the payment of obov’s language fees to the greed of the state.
  5. After looking around the apartment, you can walk through the courts and, presenting yourself as a potential buyer, hatefully show off the apartment, as if you were building and її vlasnik. The judges from below will be especially corny in this situation.
  6. In order to provide an agency proposition, a passport and a document that establishes the right to show an apartment in a special way, or trust, as it is not the sergeant who is engaged in the building.

The next video is also to seek advice from a professional realtor so as not to let yourself be fooled when renting an apartment:

It's time to talk about it, how to make a law about the rent to work at the sphere of the building of the dwelling.

Law on renting a dwelling

Legislative process is mutually exclusive, which creates its own neruhoma mineo and special, which you know, is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates everything significant moments such insights. Let's look at important moments, like the text of the DC of the Russian Federation and what are worth renting.

  1. All the products of the life of the subject, possessed by him at the borders of a rented, indestructible lane, belong to one you, as otherwise not declared by the order of payment, or not fenced by law:
    • a small part of the withdrawal of products from the range of the order in natural chi pennies may be charged for payment;
    • unruliness, which is known, is guilty of victoriousness for confessions, so it is impossible to possess virobnitstvo either in the office of a residential or to live in a non-residential area.
  2. However, the information that describes the scope of the object, which is rented and the rights of power to a new one, does not allow it to be unambiguously determined, about which an agreement is to be negotiated. That is, if the address is incorrect or inaccurate, or if the record in the Certificate of registration of the right to power, please, it will be recognized as invalid.
  3. It is not only the master, but also the person, who may be on the basis of trust, who can draw up the unruliness in the lease.
  4. In the letter form of legal rights, the hiring is to blame for the obov'yazkovo registrations with the trivality of the vіdnosin more than the fate, or as one of the parties is a legal person.
  5. When transferring at once from an indestructible lane, whether objects and objects (furniture, equipment, etc.), at the same time, technical and supporting documentation can be transferred with them. For її vіdsutnostі the hiring man can act in іd pіd аbо vіmagati kompensії, relying on the impossibility of exploitation of the lane, which is rented, in the world.
  6. A person who rents an apartment, vouches for the law for all the shortfalls that appeared during the operation of the dwelling, for the mind of dishonesty to the second order. Moreover, the vіdpovіdalіst came all the same knowing the guilt about the number of defects until the moment of issuing the vіdnosin nі.
  7. Yakshcho є zamezhennya schodo volodinnya object, scho daetsya, tsey fact is guilty of buti appointments zazdalegіd. In a different way, on the base of the furnishing, which were cut, with the help of blowing beats.

You can find out about the rules for renting out living quarters from the following video:

Particularly see the hiring

Municipal apartment

There is no official right of power to an apartment and if you live on the basis of a social contract of employment, then even if you are in the order of the local administration, you can rent a house, but for the sake of your mind you can add a dozen of obov'yazykovyh minds:

  1. Draw up a lease agreement (sublease), which may have the following particularities:
  2. Take into account the year of the actual sergeant, that the city administration in the special case of the clerk, to the Department or the management of the housing policy of the major district of the territorial unit (settlement, place toshcho), for which:
    • draw up a standardized application with a request for the possibility of hiring a house, signed by all parties, as included before the warrant or a contract for social hiring of housing;
    • dochekatisya vіdpovіdі zap іz zagoda аbo reasoned vіdmovoi, the reason for that may be the lack of living space for the placement of the ordinance, coming from the approved normatives.
  3. the agreement is drawn up in a letter form, as for a direct lease;
    • registration of the document with a notary is not required;
    • the number of conciliators depends on the number of parties and is transferred: to the municipality, hired and hired;
    • pidnіmach does not have the right to live independently;
    • if the period of hiring is not assigned, the wine becomes one river.

Guess what about those documents you need for or you can find out about special material.

Service dwelling

Service appointment is seen by a specific employee who is serviced by a robotic provider. Legislating the fence for renting out, renting out a living space, which is in the service as a service, establishes Article 100 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. And if so, they will be laid down, navit for mind to draw up a contract, they will be recognized as invalid, and all paid coins will need to be returned voluntarily or in court order.

Specifier Termin, consuming iz the hiring of the Service Zhitl, є Dovidka about the building of the service purge (set, Vіsysovo services), Yak for his submission of the Document, Vidini Services for the fact of the building of the Zhitli yogo Zvilnnnya service or for other reasons.

This document is seen by specialized bodies that confirm the actual release of the rented apartment, which will be the reason for giving another service life to the hire.

Rent of indestructibility with the upcoming redemption

The practice of civil reciprocity, in part of the building of a living accommodation, in the case of hiring from the next step by step, є, but is characterized by a high degree of folding documentation goiter of the parties and mutual risks.

Folding moments, as you can know, in the context of the text of the contract, are similar to the offensive:

  1. Nothing clear legislative regulation similar favors to unruliness, stinks of stink in a hybrid form between hiring and buying and selling.
  2. At the link with the trivial character of the vіdnosin, the foldedness of the field near the designated selling apartment, without any agreement is not a matter of legal force. At the link, with the possibility of changing the vartosti at a long-term perspective, and the stitching is drawn up in a line up to 5 years, the sum of the sum is set higher for the line price, which does not lead to a clear order.
  3. For an hour of rent with a ransom, the life could be tighter, so that at the time of laying down the land was not there, after which the transfer of the right to power would become impossible through the presence of a savior of good fortune, which did not give. This point can be clearly regulated in order to eliminate the conflict of interests of the parties.
  4. Until that moment, when the sum is paid in full, it is clear that the nature of the lease is clear, and when the contract for the rent of one of the subjects is opened on legal bases, all paid pennies will be deducted from the owner of the apartment and cannot be turned back, the chips are equal to the rent.
  5. For an hour of zdіysnennya viplat Vlasnik can change make a decision about the transfer of the right to power, the next transfer.

No less important is this problem, like a fine for illegally building a dwelling and the possibility of renting an apartment for another apartment without paying taxes, about which we will talk further.

tributes and fines

So, why is it possible to talk about PDFO for renting an apartment (another accommodation) from a physical individual? Income, which is taken from the building of an apartment for rent, is the income of a physical person and pays 13% of the income from the taken sum. The interest rate of the tribute may be changed if you are a person, you rent it, you act as a business owner, you do not establish a legal entity, or simply PBOYuL. As a rule, such a trick, then the contribution from the surplus becomes less than 6%, but it will also require an additional payment of 1% on income to the Social Insurance Fund.

A tribute is not paid by the subject, who rents an apartment in that moment, as a warrantor is a legal person, as he can independently collect the necessary payments from the FNP.

The landlord is liable to pay the income tax until April 30, 2015, so the tax for 2015 must be paid before April 30, 2016. but no more than 30% or more stitching.

After 181 days have been exceeded from the tax collection, the penalty will be calculated at 10% of the amount not paid from the FNP and so on. The minimum amount of the fine is 1,000 rubles, and the maximum is no fouling. Just as if the sum of the fine becomes immeasurably great, then come criminal liability from the line of punishment at the sight of free will up to three years.

Remember, the rent of non-violence will require increased respect, both from the side of the renter, and from the side of the renter. It is important to lie all the nuances, especially if you are talking about either

About those who check people, if they don’t pay taxes for renting a house, you know, marveling at the video:

It would have been possible, there is nothing simple, to rent an apartment (or, more precisely, from a renter) - let those who are willing to take it away and timchasov live, I want to row the gati. However, in practice, the landlords blamed for asking: how to draw up documents, how to set up a monthly payment for a living, and how to take a penny for a long period of building an apartment, and, nareshti, how to insure yourself in a country without living with shahrai, if you can’t pay for it . , ale th bring an apartment near the zhahlivy camp.

How to rent an apartment correctly according to the law - put a contract for rent with potential bags. You can work independently. A notarial certification of such a document is not necessary for that person, as the term “yogo dii” does not outweigh one fate.

The procedure for formalizing the hiring of housing accommodation is clear before legislation may look like this:

1. Storage and arrangement of the contract of employment

This procedure does not lead to difficulties in finding the renters, as in the past they got stuck with the procedure for the official registration of the transfer of the dwelling from the timchasov to the contract of employment.

The contract of hiring, arrangements between the renter and the renter, is guilty of vengeance like this:

  • passport data of both parties to the contract that fit;
  • lines and order of payment for accommodation;
  • the amount of the monthly payment;
  • the procedure for paying utility bills;
  • the order of blowing the beats at times, so that you can blame the hired man;
  • a large number of Meshkantsiv, the residence of which is settled on a permanent basis
  • if the apartment is being built with a lane, so that the sackmaster should have a place, it is necessary to put together an updated description;
  • information about the Vlasniks living and relevant legal documents;
  • other additions to domesticity, as suttivimi for whether or not from the parties (for example, the possibility of living near the apartment of domestic creatures).

As an addendum to the contract, there may be a deed of acceptance and transfer of the apartment, which should be cleared about the camp of the dwelling of that lane, which was known at the time of the settlement of Timchasovyh meshkantsiv. You can from our site.

Documents required for laying the contract of employment

In order to give residence in the apartment of Timchasovykh meshkantsiv of official status, it is necessary to sign a contract of employment. Transfer of documents required for the designated procedure, including the following official papers:

  • a certificate of the right of power to rent a dwelling (it can be a contract of purchase and sale, a contract of gift only);
  • dovidka, scho to avenge information about osib, registered with the housing occupant, scho rented;
  • for that person, like the life of a Vlasnik’s kilka, they will need a notarized skin test for renting an apartment.

2. Transfer of pennies

Most of the time you pay, the renter for the building of an apartment for living, you get paid. For them, you can speed up one of the following ways:

  • Transfer of the preparation, if the hirer pays pennies without intermediary renter for an hour of special service. І here it is recommended to fix the skin payment documented by way of folding the receipt;
  • An unprepared rozrahunok, which zdіysnyuєtsya by way of redevelopment of pennies for rent from a bank. The fact of paying the rent at the time can be confirmed by valid receipts and bank statements from the bank account.

3. Payment of taxes

Koshti, earned by the renter as a payment for the rent of a tenant, are calculated from the look of the legislation as income, and apply for a bribe to the arrears. On this day, the contribution to the income of physical assets is 13%. To pay the renter, you need to fold tax return according to the form 3-PDFO and tax її to the tax authority no later than the 30th quarter of the year, coming after the rock of income. On the basis of the declaration of practitioners tax service form a receipt, as the renters will need to pay.

The rent of a dwelling for a contract of employment is connected with low difficulties, connected both with the execution of documents, and with the help of well-meaning bagmen. You can insure yourself in case of possible non-payment of hire, and also other Shakhray workers, by making a contract, from the assigned passport data of hired workers.

To collect the rent as much as possible, without checking the stitching and zatrimok, yakі, you may not be paid by the year. keruyuchis tsimi simple rules when renting a house for a lease, you can avoid a great number of problems and unacceptable situations.

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