What is the agency for choosing borgiv. TzOV "national agency for the selection of borghivs". Legislative regulation nutrition

The market of collection services in Moscow represents the great number of firms and vibivannya borgiv. The specialization of such companies is the provision of services due to the contraction of recruitment from neobov'yazkovyh zachalnikiv. The concept of the collection service came to Russia from the USA. The role of such a company can be served as an intermediary between the creditor and the beneficiary, who did not pay the position to him a penny. The collection organization is sorting out the obligations to secure the payment to the bank, after which the debtor (bank-creditor) owes money.

Legislative regulation nutrition

The loan to the population does not cease to grow, but at the same time it grows and the failures to pay the bills. Turn pennies to help special organizations. For example, in 2012, nearly 45% of the stitched bills of applicants were sold for the purpose of joining collection agencies. The qi digits i have not changed in 2013 roci.

How do collection agencies work

The work of the collection company with people or with the organization, as if it was making money, as a rule, follows one and the same scenario.

The main tool, which is to stop the practitioners of the organization, is psychological pressure, which can be manifested both in the lungs and in severe forms. The robot with a barber can be mentally divided into two stages:

  • Pratsіvniki firms call on yoga home and work numbers, force SMS-alerts and leaf-alerts, despite turning to Borg. Tsі dії zastosovuyutsya at an early stage of work and are characterized by more soft arguments.
  • And after a non-trivial term, the company’s spivrobitniks come to the home address of the applicant and demand to pay the loan, with which zastosovuyuchi zhorstkishі arguments, it’s time to go to the threat. Zvichayno, zapodіyannya physical shkoda not maє mіsce, ale main task Undertakings - bridging to the borg without sending to the ship's bodies - are successfully implemented.

Zakhist of the supporter

As a rule, between the credit institution and the office of the bank’s return, a contract is drawn up, which can be like a contract for the purchase and sale of crops, so is an agency contract. The employer may have the right to vimagati on this document.

It is necessary to get a professional lawyer, who will help to improve the legality of the documentation given by the agency, as well as the legality of the organization itself. There is a large number of laws that allow you to protect the interests of the injured party (bargainer). Thus, article 857 of the DC of the Russian Federation shows that the bank does not have the right to transfer the personal data of the client to a third person, which can be done by different agencies of the collection company.

, 1,317 look back

It’s sing-song, someone’s got to know about you from the office, well, or I want to know about something new. And a little bit of something could have done for the Russian Standard Bank, if the leader of a quick loan.

So the axis, given the collection agency, was created as a third-party organization, like nothing less than a year before the Bank itself. Directly from the Bank Russian Standard and from Agencies for the collection of borgiv there was only one bowel on the cob. It’s just that legally, the stench of the nachebto didn’t bring anything to the table.

It was too hard. Bank for a few hours transferring Agency for the collection of borgs problematic contracts for work. Bozhnik bachiv, what other people would start to take care of him (everything started at the dawn of the collector's swaville) and having hastened to have a chat with the Borg, not knowing what he could bring to.

The Bank itself, for some time now, has removed problematic assets from the balance sheet and looked in the eyes of the Central Bank and foreign partners as an unsinkable financial monster, which is supposed to take the top of banking ratings.

Years later, having accumulated enough knowledge, it began to take into the work the fencing of other banks. Pratsyuvali stench for the pleasure of the agency. Tobto the bank vіddavav їm zagovanіnі not for ever, but so, for the next hour, to improve. And the stench took away hundreds of bundled sums. The bank, while not exercising the right to extort under the loan agreement.

The last hour of the day was not to take the Borg for the next hour, but to bathe them with the name. The bank throws off the ballast for itself, and if you buy a borg for a penny, you can earn more money already. It's cool, I'll buy problematic contracts Agency take a loan from the same bank from which you buy.

I tell you everything so that you know how to behave, how to get in touch with the representatives of this nice office. They knew what they want, and what you can grow.

Rozpovіm on the wet butt.

On the eve of this, a recommended sheet from Moscow itself sent me a message from Agencies for the collection of borgiv. Movlyav, mav I Bank Russian Standard pennies and not vіddav hourly, but now stink, tobto Agency, bought my shoes, and now I'm guilty of it. Signed by the director's intercessor himself Agencies for the collection of borgiv z operative work, Karamnovim G.A. Tsikavo, who allowed collection agencies to deal with operational work!? Ale tse mi shche z'yasuemo!

I'm starting to sort out with my own obov'yazkom. It appears that after my call from the Bank I was repaid as if I had to pay, and now I am out of wine. After five years, everything turned into 20 thousand rubles. The sum is not astronomical, but I’m not planning to use the family budget to bring mischief not to the bank, but Agencies for the collection of borgiv.

Therefore, I sent all my righteous anger to fixing the furnishing. Nasampered nalashtuvav malyukovі tsiom Karamnov himself with prohannyam confirm me your right to help me change the binding itself. And yourself, send me certified copies loan agreement, the contract of cession, the structure of the billing (the main bill, bills, fines), as well as the schedule for paying off the rent for my special account. Yakshto Vіn is true vlasnik of my obstruction, all information is in the new may buti.

Vodnochas sent a sheet to the Prosecutor of the Moscow City (for the legal address Agencies for the collection of borgiv) for the sake of giving a legal assessment to the bank, which did not try to get a hold on me for a long period, so that I would rewrite the lines of the old prescription. And also to overturn the legitimacy of the translation of the third person, tobto Agency for the collection of borgs.

I have not checked yet, but I have checked the call from the regional representative office Agencies for the collection of borgiv. They asked for a message to clarify my intentions about how to pay off the debt.

I was more than happy that they would be naїzdi (they are penniless for moral mischief, we would not take it). An unintelligent young man, having grown up with a cry to the conscience, and gladly go to the bank, sort out the reasons for blaming the blocking.

I know at miraculous stosunkas with my mustache colleagues, with whom I have worked here. In addition, I have a lot of friends who work and dossi in the Russian Standard, but not a lot of people and the office. Well, I’m not guilty of it, that my borg bank was under a great sumniv. Tom, in to this particular type I do not accept daily oral negotiations, but rather official opinions on official requests.

Podbag my vzaєmin z Agency for the collection of borgiv, maybe, razumiliy. The stench will not be filed against me before the court, the shards of the stench do not care about the future of the ship. Until then, the power is strong for the hour, for which stink you can talk more pliable customers (these are business).

Food, what will I give before the court? To lay everything in sight of what I will work as a zachіpka, so that I can earn money on it. Spend an hour on simple Skoda nonsense. Wanting an option to expel illegal activity through the court Agencies for the collection of borgiv in principle to set a precedent. For an idea, no effort, no time.

Ale, I'll tell you in a secret, at the same time I'm occupied with arranging with another bank. The result will not be quick, but in a few months we will send you a letter of encouragement, as if we were pulling morale from the bank, as if you were encouraged to get a loan. For the perfection of food, in a peaceful way, I’ll immediately proponuyut a six-figure sum, but I plan to increase it by an order of magnitude.

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Banks, financial organizations and private individuals and others are struggling with the impossibility of pulling a fixed amount. The POSITION of the Znitka, not on the telephone of the junk, but the Yakshcho did not go up to the contact, they are important to the surgery of the submarine to turn out to turn the position. The Agency for the collection of bills "Center for Effective Contraction" will help you turn the whole amount into a short term, without going into the court's calls. Mi vikoristovuemo less legal methods!

How do we get through the contraction? Fakhіvtsі agencies zі zbor borgіv vyvchat dokumenty razroblyat strategіyu dіy. We know the non-payer and we'll talk to him, motivating him to rebuild from the creditor. The skin healer is taught a few options for resolving the conflict, and the process of turning the bones is also controlled.

Terminova Collector help in Moscow

Our agency collects borgіv proponuє vygіdnі іnі іn kolektorskі servіs v Moskvі. The rozrahunok will be paid only after the return of the money to you, as the keeper. Mi diemo within the framework of the law, in addition to helping to tighten the burden on private companies, financial companies, banks and corporate clients. Winickly food? Make a sound call!

The agency for the collection of borghivs is an organization that provides intermediary services between a creditor and a debtor with a method of foreclosing money, as a lien on the contract.

Why does it look like collection services? Remaining more focused on the pressure on the barber, they discredited themselves. The agency for the selection of borgiv provides a wide range of services. Vono dіє at the legal field. For no reason, until now, the creditor has no problems with the law.

The services of the service of constriction, which are hoped for

The agency with the return of the debt to the creditor is practical at all stages of the return of the debt. Vono is ready to call for such services:

  • Additional assistance in legal matters;
  • Trying to regulate the financial conflict in the way of blocking the path of negotiations;
  • Conducted stage;
  • Representing the creditor's interests before the court;
  • Dopomoga with the help of a vikonavchemu;
  • The fate of the oskarzhenny decisions taken by the landowner, as if they violate the rights of the creditor.

The agency for the collection of borgіv proponuє povny perelіk services, juridical support of all stages of contraction of goitre. The services of the office are used by the banking establishments, offices that give loans, private institutions. Tse demanded a job, even in the 21st century, a redkishna person did not run into loans and problems with their payments.

Service payment options

The borg contraction service offers two options for paying for your work, leather for some of its pluses and minuses:

  • Singing vіdsotok іz favour. The interest rate to become approximately 20% at a time, like a sum of borg from two hundred thousand karboventsiv to one million. If there is a change in the amount of the obligation, the interest rate is negotiated by the two parties individually.
    This option is viable for both the creditor and the debtor. The first one is possible to take away the greater part of the goiter. On the borzhnik, you will be m'yakshe infusion. Be-yakoy mitі vіn zmozhe domovitysya z creditor about m'yaki vymіvat vіplat. Banks often follow their clients' orders, increasing payment lines, forgiving fines;
  • Sales to the agency. This variant zastosovuєtsya sound with problematic Borg, shards of wines do not seem to be particularly vigilant. In any case, the bank or credit institution transfers the goiter of the client to a third-party organization. Tobto vydbuvaetsya zmina creditor.
    Tse is not visible to banks, stink shards spend a large sum. Tse not himself short version and for a borzhnik, shards from a third-party office fold more house about compromise. Tsej sposіb vykoristovuєtsya odі, if the bank knows little chance of turning the koshtіv i magaєє luchiti wanting to їhnyu part.

Select the method of payment for the services to lie down depending on the specifics of the specific situation.

Features of working with the agency for the return of borg

In the organization of the contraction of congestion, the following groups of errors are heard:

  • banking set;
  • Credit institutions that give positions with high risks (sweet and fast loans);
  • Great financial organizations, the activities of which are responsible for the need for lending;
  • Trading houses;
  • Private individuals, as if they gave a position for a receipt.

The most effective robot with the Borg is seen at an early stage. To that varto turn back to the agency at once. The first hour is the period of the most intense recovery. This stage includes the selection of information about the person, telephone calls, and information. More than half of the goiters are cured by themselves during this period.

Who controls the activity of spivrobitnikiv agencies?

The agency for the collection of borgivs is a legally registered person who exercises her activity on legal bases. Obviously, the activity of practitioners can be legal. In the Russian Federation, it is necessary to read the law on the drive of collectors and similar fahivtsiv, but it is also the responsibility of the robot to work in the legal field.

When the agents of the agency go beyond the legal field, the barman may have the right to turn to the law enforcement agencies for the fact of swindling health.

Illegal є so dії:

  • Dzvinki at night doby;
  • Threat;
  • Expansion of confidential information;
  • Illegal penetration of the agency's spivrobitniks at the dwelling.

To increase their activity, the practitioners may have the right to lose the right for the obviousness of the laid down agreement with the bank and another organization. Since there is no such paper, the employer has the right to unique contacts from the office. As an agreement that legalizes activity, you can act:

  • Paper about the service;
  • Agency agreement;
  • The document was bought by the agency.

For the presence of the contract, the employees of the service become representatives of the bank. On this basis, the stench wins its activity.

What work, if your goiter is transferred to a third-party office, how is the choice of the borg? If the creditor works in the service of the interest rate and the debt is due to him, for the agreement on the payment of debts, he should do it himself from the debtor. Yakshcho Well goiter pridbali agency, conduct negotiations to bring him. Another option is rather problematic.

As long as the bank is in charge of the blocking, it is recommended to contact him, explain the reasons for the delay in payments and negotiate about the options for paying on a compromise basis. As you still don’t have enough money, you can set the stitching. Be careful with collectors. How do you see the vibe of the borg? physical features, . Deyakі organіzаtsії can request re-crediting in another bank with bank statements.

The most effective robot with the Borg is seen at an early stage.

  1. Do not varto hovatisya vіd fahivtsіv. It's better to make the situation worse. If you are actively cooperating with them, there is more flexibility, so that you continue the term of the turn, and pay fines;
  2. Exercise your rights. Navit such an office can zastosuvat surplus pouring on people. In order to secure yourself in the light of which, it is necessary to learn, if the agency’s spokesperson is right. If it is not right, you can go to law enforcement agencies. In addition, call out to press on people, as if they do not know their rights. How a person is kindly oriented towards legislation, threatening to be afraid to start a collection;
  3. Turn the robot of the spivrobitnik on legality. The lawful activity of the office is less likely to happen, as it is an agreement between it and a creditor of a distinguished nature.

Since there are no annual contracts, the contracting service of the borg is working illegally. Tse privіd zvernutisya yogo zі skargoyu to pravohohronnyh organіv. If you are not dependent on the law, you can take the advice of a lawyer.

How does the agency help during the pre-trial and trial stages?

At the pre-sudovіy stage, the agency with the turn of the borgіv nadaє take:

  • conducting negotiations for food;
  • Informing the caregiver about the presence of goiter;
  • Trying to establish a call through telephone calls, informing about the presence of blocking, reminding.

Agency from the turn of the borg in support of the client and at the judicial stage. The ship's officers may be insufficiently victorious in their work. Spіvrobіtniki komertsіynoї organіzatsії on pіdstavі vykonavchogo sheet dopomozhut zdіisniti sbіr borgіv і short termіnі.

If the rights of the creditor were violated in the course of the judicial review, the lawyers of the service will help to denounce the decision to the court, send an application for bailiffs for idleness to other authorities.

Which types of women need the services of such a service? Call before them for a sufficient amount of fouling and її obvious problems. There is no sense to claim similar services for the small Borg, the shards of the robot collectors "z'ist" the greater part of the creditor's pennies.

Watch the video about the illegal visit of the agent to the borg by the agent and about the early warning:

Warto remembrance, that in return for illegally come in against the borzhnik, you lie not only on the collector, but on the person, as if he had taken over his servants. For such a violation of the law, I threaten criminal liability. In addition, ce psuvannya creditor's reputation.

  1. The date: 07.12.2009
    UAH: 1097746780460
    Submissive organ:
    Reason for the change: Creation of a legal entity
    - P11001 Application for the creation of a legal entity

    - LE Statute
    - Solution about the creation of a legal entity
    - Warranty sheet
    - COPY SET
    - Application for transition to a simplified system of filing
  2. The date: 07.12.2009
    UAH: 7097748968410
    Submissive organ: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal tax service No. 46, Moscow metro station, No. 7746
    Reason for the change:
  3. The date: 09.12.2009
    UAH: 8097748094799
    Submissive organ: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46, Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change:
  4. The date: 10.12.2009
    UAH: 8097748172240
    Submissive organ: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46, Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Submission of statements about the registration of a legal entity as an insurer with the official body of the Social Insurance Fund Russian Federation
  5. The date: 11.03.2011
    UAH: 6117746505651
    Submissive organ: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46, Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change:

    - LE Statute

  6. The date: 11.03.2011
    UAH: 6117746505662
    Submissive organ: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46, Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Submission of statements about the appearance of a legal entity to a taxable body
  7. The date: 11.03.2011
    UAH: 6117746505673
    Submissive organ: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46, Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Submission of statements about the appearance of a legal entity to a taxable body
  8. The date: 15.03.2011
    UAH: 6117746561894
    Submissive organ: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46, Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Submission of information about the registration of a legal entity as an insurer in the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
  9. The date: 16.03.2011
    UAH: 6117746615387
    Submissive organ: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46, Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Submission of information about the registration of a legal entity as an insurer in the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
  10. The date: 06.09.2012
    UAH: 6127747654919
    Submissive organ: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46, Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Submission of reports about the witness or the replacement of documents, which reveal the person of the huge man of Ukraine on the territory of Ukraine
    - Information about changing the passport data of the federal district (for the data of the Federal Migration Service of Russia)
  11. The date: 27.07.2016
    UAH: 2167748472351
    Submissive organ: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46, Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Sovereign registration of changes made to the establishing documents of a legal entity, related to the changes made to the statements about legal entity, which should be entered in the Unified State Register of Legal Objects, on the basis of an application
  12. The date: 23.12.2016
    UAH: 7167750923454
    Submissive organ: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46, Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Introduced to the Unified State Register of Legal Certificates of Certificates of Re-Vydotstva
  13. The date: 17.01.2017
    UAH: 2177746384363
    Submissive organ: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46, Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Sovereign registration of changes made to the establishing documents of a legal entity, related to the changes made to the statements about a legal entity, as to be entered in the Unified State Register of Legal Persons, on the basis of an application
  14. The date: 17.01.2017
    UAH: 2177746385782
    Submissive organ: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46, Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Submission of statements about the appearance of a legal entity to a taxable body
  15. The date: 17.01.2017
    UAH: 2177746385793
    Submissive organ: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46, Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Submission of statements about the appearance of a legal entity to a taxable body
  16. The date: 23.01.2017
    UAH: 2177746524393
    Submissive organ: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46, Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Submission of information about the registration of a legal entity as an insurer in the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
  17. The date: 23.01.2017
    UAH: 2177746525350
    Submissive organ: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46, Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Submission of information about the registration of a legal entity as an insurer in the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
  18. The date: 24.01.2017
    UAH: 2177746627551
    Submissive organ: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46, Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Sovereign registration of changes made to the establishing documents of a legal entity, related to the changes made to the statements about a legal entity, as to be entered in the Unified State Register of Legal Persons, on the basis of an application
    - DISCOVERY №11
  19. The date: 12.05.2017
    UAH: 2177747014949
    Submissive organ: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46, Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Submission of information about the registration of a legal entity as an insurer in the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
  20. The date: 10.10.2018
    UAH: 7187749612285
    Submissive organ: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46, Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Change of information about a legal person who is registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
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