Dovіdka about closing credit please. What can the bank see at the end of the loan closing time? Who can otrimati dovidku

In fact, that legally repaid loan is not the same. I will repay the loan repayments to the one who is applying for a loan agreement. Today we will talk about those how to properly close a loan after it has been repaid.

If you plan to pay and close the loan, then insure:

  1. The payment remaining behind the schedule can become even a small amount, literally a couple of rubles, or even a penny, which is especially common with an annuity system of payments for a loan. Sounding like an hour to pay the same amount, the clients often do not marvel at the schedule, as a result they miss the fact that the remaining payment itself can be a multiple of less than the largest sum of the monthly payment. As a result, blaming a small prostochennya, as if by chance you start to be accompanied by penalties, growing already into a serious borg.
  2. It is not uncommon for banks not to shy away from the holidays, in order to encourage the borrower to repay the small penny sum of the excess for a loan. The guardian is careful that everything is bad, and at the same time they continue to get fined. In less than a quarter of an hour, the bank will inform the client about the need to repay not only the surplus to the bank, but also all the extra bills and fines that they have accumulated.
  3. It is by no means possible to turn off pardons from the side of payment systems, banks at the hour of repayment and insurance of payments from accounts repaid the loan. The skin sum should be checked, and if you plan to repay the loan in full - find out about the exact amount of the debt.

It's a pity that all the debt for the vykonannya goiter for a loan can be paid by the bank to the borrower. Tom it is necessary with the utmost respect to pay off and close credits, so that you don’t have a problematic situation, if everything is already, nachebto, settled with the borg.

How to properly close a loan after paying

How did you get the rest of the payment:

  1. Check with the payment schedule and rewrite, you really have made all payments.
  2. Return to the bank, de bulo issued a loan (bazhano), or to the nearest bank. The visit is shorter and more special. Unfortunately, telephone calls and phone calls from specialists will not be legal confirmations of credit closing. It is necessary for the bank to ask for a loan and a loan request, so that you can confirm that all your needs are covered. As a result of a visit to the bank, there may be a letter and duly certified (druk to the bank, signature of a senior individual) proof that the loan has been repaid from the bank’s full obligation to the claimant.
  3. Krim otrimannya rozrahunkovyh documents and dovidki, importantly perekonatisya, scho closed pozichkovy (credit) rahunok. on the just wordsі obіtsyanki zrobiti ce from the side of bankіvskogo personnel is more likely not to go along. Write a letter of requisition, a copy of which you need to take to the bank about acceptance. Pozichkovy rahunok zakryvaetsya protyazhnya, and sometimes dovshe - tse lie in vіd vnutrishny banking regulations. As if it wasn’t there, it’s obov’yazkovo sled to the fact that the rahunok is closed after the end of the term assigned by the bank.
  4. As part of the visit to the bank, it is also necessary to reconsider the attached insurance contract, as well as wine, obviously, accompanying the credit agreement. If the insurance is being carried out, it is necessary to write a statement about the attachment to the contract for the withdrawal of the claims for the loan agreement. One hour you can revise, chi є pіdstavi that mozhlivіst turn overpaid sumi zі insurance. Who plans to lay everything in the minds of insurance and payment schemes from insurance.
  5. Reverse the presence and inclusion of data on banking services, zocrema, mobile - SMS-information, mobile client too. I would like to give special respect to paid services, but please turn everything on. Most often, for inclusion, it is necessary to write a declaration. The price of food can be checked with the bank.

As a result, you have documents in your hands, which will tell you:

  • about the redemption of the bank and the bank's claims;
  • about the closing of a per-item (credit) rahunka;
  • about attaching (rozirvannya) to the insurance contract and vidsutnosti claims about vikonannya goiter of insurance;
  • about the inclusion of all banking (mobile and other) services, given at the borders of the loan.

These documents, to be legally valid, may be properly executed, signed by a special person, and the date of that round to another bank (insurance company).

To pay attention to the fact that the closing of a loan on a credit card is sometimes carried out in the course of the deposited procedure. Okrimannya otrimannya all standard documents, it is necessary to officially review in the re-issuance of the card. About the following, please inform the letter of application, as if it is necessary to prepare a delay - 2-3 months before the end of the term of the card.

passing New river, the winter passed, the 8th birch was approaching. On the eve of the last day, Marina was telephoned from the creditor bank and, in an unloving tone, they told her that she had a two-thousand-year-old payment, as well as a fine of 1800 rubles. The pozichalnitsa did not believe her wows: even if she won, she paid everything back! In response to її claims, the bank's spivrobitnik pleased to look at the schedule of payments. Marina pulled out a credit agreement, didn’t think of it as a miracle, and babbled that the creditor ... maє ratio: it appears, the chest payment will not be stopped. On September 7, 2012, the fate needed to pay 7 rubles 63 kopecks - a ridiculous sum, the pro bank did not dare to forgive, and "like to lay down" fined the clerk for two thousand stitches.

Marina repaid the debt and paid the fine, but once again she did not take risks and went through the same procedure for closing the loan account.

Marini's history is not unique. The employers often miss the remaining copy payment at the payment schedule and ... spend on fines. And if they don’t let them through, if they are surrounded by the names of bank employees, that “everything is safe, the loan is repaid”, then de jure they are filled with “active” clients. Tobto, with an active credit score, which will improve banking statistics, but threaten the employer with various inaccuracies - in the form of debts, "vipadkovo" damages after repayment to the bank, to a "fake" loan, issued in your name by an unsustainable consultant.

Porada, as it can be given here, it’s as if it’s uzgodzhuetsya from the covenants of Kozma Prutkov: “Bidi!” Tobto vydpovidalnist for the correct exit from vіdnosin іz the bank as a whole and completely lie on you.

The loan has been repaid. What did you give?

Otzhe, you have paid the remaining payment and formally nothing else is guilty ... Ale schob separation from the creditor was right without embarrassment, it is necessary to reach the singing algorithm.

Virushay to the bank, bazhano before vіddіlennya, de issued a loan

In any case, you will need to go back to the operational operator. For the first time, ask for a letter from the credit card (the procedure for issuing a loan is only a small amount of credit) and the payment schedule. Respectfully, please, one by one, and change your mind, that they really took off all the payments according to the schedule, and the necessary transactions were taken at the clerk's office.

Navit krihitna underpayment for a loan - 5 rubles or 50 kopecks - all the same underpayment, as a bank can have the right to collect hundreds of dollars of that penalty.

Tell me about your account, close the credit account and ask to see a confirmation about the closing

Next, read the instructions of the operating operator. Ideally, you will be asked to write an application for the form to the bank and remind you, after a certain hour the account will be closed. The minimum term is 5–7 banking days, the maximum is 60 days.

At times, if you close not just a loan, but credit card, remember one more important nuance: the crime states about the closing of the rahunka, you are also obliged to write an application about the reissue of the card. If you don’t ask for anything else, the card will be reissued automatically, you will have to pay for it, the first card will be canceled. The axis of why close the credit card as soon as possible two or three months before the end of the actual term її dії.

Ale not including the option that the operator does not care about your decision and needs to be advised to close. More b pack, even if it actually means the client’s eyesight, and don’t stroke the banker’s head for “spreading kilims” at such vipadkas. You are able to redirect you to the chief of Viddіlennet abeduvati to the central office, the Operations of the operations of the Rahunkivs to be held there ... Singing Sensui at such calls: not a bazai, Kliynta, they just smeared with his hand, fuel with his head. he doesn't have more. Ale you need a rahunok, closing and de facto, and de jure, then, you can’t do without written confirmation. To that navіt akshcho happen to go where dodatkovo z'їzditi or talk about it, follow the rules of the bank. Ale, as a result of the discussions and negotiations, the bank may have to close the credit account and see the final conclusion. Specify when and where next to come for ready-made advice.

Close the client's account, having repaid the loan in full, and see the document, which confirms that the banks are legally legal, moreover, without guessing the debtor. But in practice, credit organizations often "forget" about it - do not try to tell fortunes and put pressure on your own.

Switch off all addendum services

A simple credit account can do without the connection of additional services: SMS alerts, electronic letters, Internet banking. Docks rahunok become active, for all these joys pennies can be written off. Please tell us about the opening of services, and at the stage of filing an application for closing the account (for some banks, it is necessary to write a complete application).

Rosirvati insurance contract

Banks more and more often proponuyut "on the vantage" before the main loan agreement to issue a contract of insurance. For a mortgage, we need obov'yazkovo. Ale nemaє rahunka - not guilty buti and insurance, that zayvі paid you nothing. Breaking the insurance contract, "so that the girls don't get up," bazhano vimagati at once, for the sake of closing the rahunka.

If you do not close the insurance agreement, you may be automatically prodovzheniya, obviously, you have no more goiter and how to pay the out-of-pocket. When opening the bag, take two documents in your hands: a copy of the contract and a statement about the opening.

Take away copies of all your applications

About the closing of the loan agreement, about the opening of the insurance agreement, the inclusion of services. Bazhano also take away the signature of the spivrobitnik, who has accepted the application.

Take away the conclusion about the closing of the positional rahunka

In case of appointments of the term (you will be told when submitting the application), it will be necessary to make a second visit to the bank and take the main letter of confirmation that you are no longer an active client of the bank, and the creditor does not have any claims to you: finalization of the closing of the positional (credit) account. Tse i will be “a right, factual papiret, armor!”, which is supposed to protect you from any illegal vimog.

To confirm your new, that unguarded "separation" from the creditor bank, the following documents may be required:

  1. Vityag z rahunka, which confirms the completion of the payment (with a round signet).
  2. A copy of the insurance contract (for evidence).
  3. A copy of the loan agreement with the payment schedule (about every change).
  4. Copies of statements: about the closing of a credit (positional) account, about the card re-issuance (as if closing a credit card), about the inclusion of services, “binding” to the account, about the opening of an insurance contract (as a vin buv).
  5. Statement on the closing of a credit (positional) account with a round “wet” seal and “live” with the signature of the head of the banking department or the credit management of the entire bank (not a facsimile).

God save the safe

Otzhe, you completed all the formalities, took away all the necessary papers. What can you do, like a rank of perekonatis, that you have done everything correctly, the rahunok is effectively closed, and no active borg is rahuetsya behind you? So, who can help you with credit bureaus.

You can look at your applicant’s dossier for help with the subject’s personal code credit history. Credit history will show you all active credit screens that you can use to work like a barber. There is nothing among them that you screamed at - cheers: everything went without a hitch, that bully, rahunok zakrity. And yet, if the dossi “flaunts” in the dossier, it means that you missed an important detail from the algorithm described above.

In order to reconsider your credit history, you can take it once in a row: it’s legal and bezkoshtovne the right of a beneficiary.

Anastasia Ivelich, expert editor

The rest of the problems of the applicants from Sovcombank and GE Money Bank showed that after paying off the loan, you can call the collector once for information about Borg. And the people didn’t lose their documents ... And how to prove their case. On the right, in the fact that when the loan is closed, it is necessary to obov'yazkovo otrimat dovidku about the existence of the fence and close the rozrahunkovy rahunok, the stars you paid the loan…

The procedure for closing a loan is not less important but foldable, lower formalized. However, the client is kindly reminded that the rest of the payment has been made and that all obligatory obligations have been paid to the bank. On the right, in the fact that the credit account continues to work, it is necessary to pay for the full repayment of debt. Banks for the time being zrobili procedure yogo zakrittya collapsible, so as not to waste good statistics for pozichkovy rahunkami. Let's take a look at the report, in which cases a loan is closed, what is the process of closing, how and if it is necessary to write an application for closing a loan?

Which types of credit can be closed?

Credit vvazhaєtsya zakrit only at that moment, if the borrower repaid all his borg and wrote an application for the closing of the credit account and the inclusion of various services. According to the rules, the bank is liable to automatically close the position of the accounts for the mind of the total violation of the obligations of the client and to see the conclusion about the appearance of the fence. Practice shows the opposite: the type of dovіdok is used for the folding mechanism, and the shells are covered with chinny doti, the client's docks do not independently write an application for their closing.

Loan closing process.

The procedure for repaying a loan and closing the account in the offensive:

  • The client makes the remaining payment (or repays the loan before the end of the loan).
    Read also:
  • On the next day, after the date of debiting the payment, the day the client should go to the bank and write a statement about the closing of the credit account and the conclusions about the full repayment of the debt. At the end of the day, it is stated that the creditor does not have material claims to the client, on the date XX.XX.XXXX the client will renew his claim before the bank, and the credit account on the basis of which will be closed.
  • Spivrobitnik to the bank checks the bank account for the presence of fouling, including services, if they were connected to the bank account (for example, SMS notifications about the deposit of pennies, the service of the bank account and other) and I need a check. If until the service is not included, then in a day's time the bank can show the client a bank account for a round sum. The result is deplorable - a credit history is written, navit for a properly paid loan.

Warto know about the following nuances:

  • The conclusion about the day of blocking can be seen only through the sing term, for example, three days after the closing of the bank account (deak banks establish this term at 30 and 45 days).
  • It is better for the client to be vimagati, so that on the new one, standing on the other side of the bank, install with the signatures of the upgrades. Deyakі banks robjachu such dovodki paid, for example, at VTB 24 won the cost of 300 rubles.
  • A credit card, which banks often see up to a point-by-point rahunka, is better to write and write an application for її closed.

The consequences of an incorrectly closed loan can be negative:

  • Navit repayments of credit vvazhatimetsya chinny, scho negatively in the decision about the appearance of a new position.
  • The second bank, when applying up to BKI, can tell you that the client can have a copy of the contracts. Vіn not z'yasovuvatime, why on the right and just instruct at the given loan.
  • You can blame the situation if the payment is accidentally overdue through a technical problem. Asking for additional information about repayment of debts can quickly solve this problem and get rid of fines and penalties.

If you care that you closed the loan correctly, it is important to review your credit history. Vaughn can be clean and it’s not your fault to pay off credits.

You can comment on your credit history below

Recognize chi not zіpsuvav bank Credit history (КІ)?

Details of how you close the loan.

  • Such an application shall be filled in hand by the client to the bank at the discretion. If the practitioners change the bank, if there is enough oral ordering, then it’s not a good idea.
  • An application for closing a credit account can use a standard form, deleting the client to fill in his/her personal data, or being processed by the manager of the program, where all the necessary fields are automatically filled in, including the number of the loan agreement, the number of the account and the reason for closing (the reason is the repayment of the loan).
  • It is enough for the client to verify the correctness of the filling and confirm it with a signature and date.
  • Spіvrobіtnik put a seal and a signature on the signed application.
  • One copy is forfeited from the bank, the other copy (or a certified copy of the first one) is the responsibility of the client to take it.
  • Ring out, already on the coming day, if the rahunok closes, you can go for a hint about the redemption.

Mortgage closing

If you look at a mortgage with a shareholding, then the crime of closing credit accounts is low in the procedures for removing power to an apartment.
On the right, until the repayment of the mortgage, your apartment will lie with the bank. Vіn maє I'll put on your apartment. Also at the registration chamber, an agreement was registered on a share participation with a burden. Tse means that you cannot sell the apartment to the bank for a good reason until you pay off the loan.
We will write the details, as it is necessary to grow, to close the mortgage agreement.

  1. Repay the bank - repay or repay the mortgage before the deadline
  2. Write an application and close the rozrahunkovy rahunok, for which the loan was paid
  3. Take documents from the bank that are necessary for the guardianship. Tse call a dovidka about the full completion of the repayment of the loan
  4. Return with these documents to the mortgage office (for example, at the VTB24 vpadka) and wait for the gate. You can write a sheet and add copies of documents.
  5. After that, as soon as the outpost is ready, take the outpost and turn back to the registration chamber. So there, it is possible, we need a statement about the full repayment, a copy of the loan agreement, the certificate of obtyazhennyam has passed. It is best to clarify what documents you need at the registration chamber.
  6. At the registry office, take the burden and take away the certificate of the right to power without tension.

In this rank, swear, be it a credit, it is necessary correctly. Varto are put up to qієї do so seriously, as if the loan was issued. Tse allow to hide a nasty credit history, and in case of vindication of claims from the side of the bank, you will be able to show evidence that you are right.

The opening of the loan agreement will be carried out in a legal manner and for mutual benefit.

However, it seems that the applicant simply does not know the underwater stone, so that he can understand the contract.

As a result, through the rіk after the “closed” zakrittya, the borg accumulate at the end of the great rozmіrі.

Here and come insight, if you suggest that the minds of the main loan agreement were opened bank account, and a card was issued.

Without a valid statement about the opening of the loan agreement, the bank will not close the loan when the bank is fully repaid, but on the card, for example, or on the bank account, as well as wine dossi pratsyuє, will be written off for vikoristannya services to the bank, moreover, only one of the applications.

Schob did not have a chance to call the bank, follow the report on all parties to the loan agreements.

Renewal of the loan agreement after repayment

As if you had a credit card, but you are not sure that if you write off the sum you will not get hurt, it’s better to break it to the bank.

Often establish a transfer service to the contract after the full return of the money, and also, you may be charged a sum of money, for example, for the day of repayment, you will be charged at the fence, a fine and a distant court, call, and the bank may appear right.

At this time, the credit agreement will become much more foldable.

Sob tsogo did not happen, find out the power of closing the rahunka.

As usual, write a statement about attaching a loan agreement.

Often the very same order and transfer of the contract, it’s easy for someone to figure it out himself.

After that, as the application is written, varto vimagati in the bank dovidku, as a certificate about the closing of the bank account.

Deyakі install just like that, you don’t see the proofs, trying to extort a penny sum from the client, the protege can be offended.

Renewal of a loan agreement for an outstanding loan

As soon as you agree on a few lines of limitation, that having already passed, it’s not necessary to agree, that it’s not necessary to turn the sum for a loan.

It’s best to ask the bank for the upcoming breakouts for a surplus of borg on a sprat of parts, like a pouchalnik b zmіg turn.

At any time, the return of the cost may be but, but it’s not possible to attach the contract to the price.

Rosirvannya loan agreement by the bank

Those who do not pay pennies for the contract will risk more. The reasons for this are:

  • as a bank pomіtiv systematic vіdsutnіst vіdsutnіst vіdsutnіst vіnіmalnyh pіzlіvіv, mozhe vmagati rozirvannya loan agreement, albeit only through the courts;
  • as a fact of prostrochennya є, the judicial body, more for everything, so i zrobit - rozirve agree goiter and praise and praise viplatiti at the appointments of the lines to the sum of the borg;
  • as the guardian cannot be roared behind the Borg, at the head of the mine, as the courts, put a whistleblower.

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The skin of another Russian taking a loan from his life, but he knows not the skin of them, how to close it correctly.

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Some people think that if you paid back the bank, it means that you won’t win any more than the previous claims. I have mercy.

It is not enough to pay your bank in front of the bank, it’s more important to draw up the contracted banknotes correctly. And the wine is confirmed by a document, which officially confirms the validity of your billing before the bank.

Such a conclusion is drawn up according to all the rules of documentary science, and to revenge:

  • departure number and date of sight;
  • signature of a viable individual;
  • other organization that saw the document.
  • confirmation of sumi positions;
  • give repayment;
  • ascertaining the fact of the validity of material claims to the claimant

It would be more logical to admit that after the completion of the payment of the debt from the position of the credit institution, it is automatically guilty to see and confirm that this fact is confirmed. However, practice shows that a lot of banks see only a small amount after a written request from a large debtor, and those with great inadequacies.

By car

On the arrival of the car, the banks are propagated, for the safety of such an outpost to be positioned, tobto. by car. The algorithm for closing the first kind of position is similar to the one described above for calmer positions.

After otrimannya dovidki about closing positions, it is necessary to control the bank, so that you can immediately remove the tightness from the car as if it were a subject.

By the term of prescription

The Bank can unilaterally open the agreement positions, even if it is valid until the end of the year, operations and ruh koshtiv for the account were not delayed for 2 roki and more.

If the banker does not win over the contract by stretching out for an hour, and the bank in the same rank can’t spit on the borzhnik, including the ship’s look, then the rahunok closes. After this term, the borrower can make a statement about the closing of the credit borg.

Closing a mortgage loan in Oschadbank and Alfa Bank

The peculiarities of early redemption to the bank Oschadbank are less than the repayment of sixty-sixth deposits. Todіyak change the term vіddаі borg not to go.

An application for your debt to pay off the position before the deadline may be filed no later than 1 day before the due date of the payment.

In case of a mortgage, the sum of the pre-term deposit may be less than 15 thousand. rubles. Identity such an operation is the entry of a larger part of the sum of the balances of the repayment of the body of the loan, but not the repayment of the debts.

After the completion of the procedure, the bank sees the person in charge of updating the payment schedule, the date for which it can be confirmed by the client's signature. The annual commissions and the fines of the bank are not unpaid.

And the axis of Alfa-Bank in case of pre-term closing of the mortgage will require a one-time deposit of funds. less than 3 yew. ruble

If you need to write an application no less than 5 days before the final payment of the 1000th payment. With whom, it is not obligatory to write a letter of declaration.

It is enough to call the bank and state clearly about your name and pay borg in express cash desks. With which write-off to the borg, it will be fixed on the same day.

Rows of data to be paid to the bank about the payment

Most banks have established the following procedure for pre-term closing of a credit card:

  1. At the lines up to 30 days before the scheduled closing date, the banker should arrive before the appointment of the bank, in which position is drawn up, and write a letter informing you about the closing date. A new one may have a sum of appointments, which will allow you to make a deposit on a credit account.
  2. The bank accepts notifications that at the lines up to 5 days to blame its profit or bad luck on the operation.
  3. The date of making the remaining payment is not important, the bank does not need to correct the schedule.
  4. As soon as a part of the repayment of the borg is expected, then the next day, after the song sum is brought into the borg's account, the head of the goiter will come to the bank, de you hand over a new schedule. The new one will have the change in the amount of outstanding loans and (or) change the term of the residual repayment of the bank.
  5. After the full repayment of the borrower, the borrower may take the act from the bank on the total closing of the credit card. Sound such a document seen on the letterhead of the bank and sealed with a signet and signature of a distinguished person.

Tsya scheme is the most typical for banks, they are tested according to the algorithm. Deyakim banks zdіysnennya razdіsnennuyu schedule can be zdіysnyuvatisya be-any day, to dostrokovo repaid by the banker can be at a good hour for a new one.

In addition, the renewal of the repayment schedule can be seen by the borrower before the deposit of the increased amount of the tranche payment tranche. Ale, in legal force, such a schedule will be more than enough after investing pennies on the account of the ward.

Deyakim organіzatsiyami, scho pozichki see, the process of pre-line redemption borg more than forgiveness. At the terminals, there is a special button “advance loan repayment”, you can make a large amount of the installed monthly payment amount, after which you can take a new schedule or return to an appointment for an update on the latest repayment.

What documents are required to be given to the employer

In order to close the credit account, the client submits the following documents to the bank:

  1. A letter statement about us rozіrvati ogovіr through vykonannya vsіh minds of the document.
  2. Agreement to see the position.
  3. Usі receipts about payment for the contract.
  4. Dovіdka zі insurance about the payment of sumi under the contract (as if there was insurance).

What can the deputy see the bank

After re-verification of all the documents of the borrower and the completion of the agreement on the payment of the position, the bank provides the client with a document on the repayment of the position

Chi is taken commission for the finalization

Ring out, the great banks don’t get paid commission for seeing the dovіdki about the total closing of the credit rahunka. Prote drіbnіshі banks will establish such a commission. For example, the bank "Zenit" has a commission for seeing such a document from the sum 50 rubles, and as a result of the need for a term, then 100 rubles.

For example, if you turn back to Probiznesbank at the monthly lines, after the full repayment of the position, the commission is not reduced. After the completion of this term, the bank will require payment for finalizing the settlement 500 rubles.

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