The celebration of the new rock at the collective. Games and contests with jokes for a corporate party. Have fun on New River with colleagues. With some kind of creature, slaughter a wife

Chi is chosen by a friendly working team to mark the coming river of the pig? Then we will help you and the ladies are happy with the ideas, the script for the new corporate party in 2019 is cool and not boring for colleagues. Marvel at the games, competitions and cliques of video rozvagi. Tse to crush your holy best podієyu, and all colleagues will be at the capture.

We will clean the ear of the holy one, and we will clean the troshka of the official. Let me save my words, tell the boss. And then tell your colleagues on arches to write your prayer for 2019 at the robot. After that, you take all the sheets, put them in an empty bowl, and seal it. Through rivers, you can pick up again at once and sing out the dance, to marvel at what you thought of and who did it.

Now it is very holy.

Let's have some fun with the miraculous chant. The host will read out his words, and the guests will shout in unison: Oink-Oink!

Competition - what is there?

Singingly, there are not many people in Russia, as if our lovers of modern comedy films would not marvel. To that end, we will hold a competition to guess new films and guess what is hidden behind the scenes.
The guests are shown a frame from the film, and something is buried behind a gift box. Whoever first guesses what is buried there, wins the prize.


Everyone sees the city, but all the same they play and rejoice, like children. Beforehand, prepare a side of cards on which to write a task. The guests, according to their will, win cards and win the task.
List of approximate zavdan:
- it is necessary to sell carrots at auctions, stverzhuyuchi, that the carrot itself is the same, as it is attached to a snowman
- take three spoonfuls of olive salad and after a skin spoonful of yogo
- put on a new mask and, without knowing її, take a selfie with ten colleagues
- welcome all colleagues from the new rock, vicarious at the welcomed offensive words: short, well, i.
- urochisto povidomlyat all schogodini and until the end of the holy day, skilki plashok wine and champagne already drunk

Scene from the frost

Another small chant, only її can be performed in the name of Father Frost.
Come out did frost and begin to inquire guests according to your will. And the guests say:

Gift in the day of frost

While the frost is still on the stage, you need to play around with it far away. Dіd Frost robs one guest and asks Yogo to the stage. Vіn it seems that having prepared a gift for the new one, but only to give him a chance, as a guest to get food for that frost of mind, that the gift to you will be needed.
And so, the gift is not shown and the frost begins to put power:
- Do you need a present?
- where do you put yoga at home?
- Do you swear at him?
- how often?
- What do you want to ask, do yoga?
- Can you do yoga for a long time?
- Chi can you do without a new one for an hour?
- Chi could b please friends pridbatitse to booth?
- who needs the most among colleagues?

After the food did frost virishu, that a gift can be given that you will take an enema from the bear!
They gave a new call to the people and put them back in food. Tilki already potim a gift will be better, for example, a phone case or a lighter, a floor fountain or more.

Verification for hardness

It is holy in the very fire and the time has come to reconsider, and chi all vitrimuyut tasks pace.
For whom give the guests to read comedy boxes. Hear and choose the most reliable one, to whom you will give a prize - a dance of wine.


If you have a corporate party, then you can play intellectual games. I tse bude gra - rebusi.
It's simple: show the puzzles to your colleagues and the stench will blow them away.


For the grill, you will need to divide the guests into two teams of chotiri individuals at the skin. The other team gives signs with numbers: 2, 0, 1 and 9. The leader reads the task, and the teams are responsible for the article so that the answer is correct.

Breasts bring wonderful charms, fairy tales and hopes, that life will soon come only with white swarms - now New river. If the family sacredly migrated to other spheres of life of a modern person. New corporate parties have become a fun tradition. Kindly, as the company prosvet, and ceramics, you can name a restaurant or an exotic kind of repair. And if not, then it’s miraculously possible to mark the New River in the office.

Bringing specialties, preparing to get ready to get the maximum number of practitioners to the setting of the Svyatkovo atmosphere. Collective brainstorming z rozrobki scenario remake the gatherings at the table on the unforgettable "Novorichny Ranok" for grown-ups.

In these articles:

We decorate the office to the New Rock: stylish, original, fun

The atmosphere of the new holy is already hovering in the window, but the work environment in the infants is unfazed. To that, the appearance of various embellishments is not comfy. And the axis of yalinkovі kulki of one, two or three colors (bazhano matt) and a small amount of tinsel in tone - those that are required.

Yalinka is the main attribute of New Rock. Zvichayno piece, so as not to celebrate the skin day of the head, then more colors of such beauty can be chosen, be it, to inspire the symbol of the firm. For the obviousness of fantasy, you can buy products that are traded or released by the company.

And if there is not enough time in the office, then you will become an exit. Such a yalinka creaks in a be-yakoy handy world and fights with the same bag, tinsel, garland, company business cards, badges, pens. You can create її navit іz kolorovogo paperu or stikerіv іz indulgence.

Brought beauty and looked around at all sides. It’s like a mess on the tables to enter into dissonance with a Christmas atmosphere, better than yoga. Aje general cleaning up before New Rock is on the right. And if the skin is working, you can decorate it with a small yalinka, a vase with tsukerkas and a figurine.

How to cook on the holy stele?

Dzherela, the appearance of new prosperity on the table can be different:

  • I take care of the job, I order for delivery,
  • one sees a penny sum, the defendants are guilty of ordering it to the ruling court,
  • the participants throw themselves off to the zagalnaya kasi, the sum of money is spent for housekeeping,
  • skin otrimu zavdannya to prepare the grass,
  • we bring it from home.

If they were appointed from the prayers of the prepared herbs, then the food was lost. It’s too much to talk about how much and how much to drink, but if the chef is engaged in a buffet table, then this is the order.

The remaining option may turn into quiet fear. It is not included, what would be the inserts with various plates and vases with olive salad and jelly, which tremt chi already rose in fear of buti denim.

The hairs of peas are laid on the stilts, they are covered with a newspaper, and pans sit on the beast. The head of the skin department - determine the number of peas under yourself.

People can play Russian roulette. The urochisto wines the stray with eggs, and it is remembered that all the boiled ones, but in the middle of them one sire was ruined. The smilie is guilty of breaking an egg on his cholo. The offensive hero to rob those herself. The pressure builds up, chekayuchi climax. But the secret is that orphan egg there is nothing.

And the dance of little swans will become the right color of the office saint. Especially hung in the vikonnі great ladies and cholovіkіv. Golovna, behave sharply and do not be afraid to make your colleagues laugh.

Fantasize, take an active part in the preparation and conduct of the corporate party. Just like you lie down, I’ll become a bright podієyu, about what a long time to think about all my colleagues, or a trivial hour spent.

Kindly, dear guests!

Literally yesterday, the radio was told that many companies had cut the budget for the celebration of New Rock, and the deacons voiced: if you want a new corporate party, work yourself and with your own money.

Of course, it's good, if the company itself is engaged in the organization of corporate events, it's even better if they hire professionals and don't think more about this topic. Ale sho vdієsh, crisis ...

So it happened to my robot, they didn’t give a penny to my friends. We, however, wanted to sacredly celebrate the team, we thought hard and decided to start a new corporate party in the office of self-employment.

They began to vvazhat, how could we get along and I’ll say that many people took up their heads - it’s a little expensive, it’s more expensive, that before the New Rock and so much to spend on gifts for loved ones and new parting. We knew such a thing: we’ll spend the night more, we’ll rejoice more sacredly for the joy of the roaming program.

I took the whole organization on myself, but with a mind, that all the supporters should help me, work with a mustache, what I say and do not move.

All people are different, they belong to one, to another, they start whims: I don’t eat, I don’t drink. And even worse, if it’s like this: I don’t pay for beer / їv - I don’t pay. For many years, we have expanded the rules for holding office corporate events:

- I buy alcohol for myself, I buy it myself, or I get together with the group after the view;
- If you don’t like a hedgehog on the table - don’t eat, but give a penny;
- Yakshto you all and all fighting - do not go in a hurry;
- It doesn’t suit you, how to go through the organization of the holy, just tell me, you yourself will work for the coming time.

The plan for organizing a new corporate party in the office is inexpensive and fun.

It is necessary to indicate the date of the event. I recommend corporate robiti for four, I'll explain why. If you work on Friday, then you can walk like that, so that we can lie down all weekend, and before the New Rock, you’ll be right at home right away. And even at Thursday, then everyone will understand that tomorrow they will have to work, then the bosses will be more loyal to be put in the early hours, otherwise you can give a day off. І as a good way to discuss all the details of the evening corporate party, smile, marvel at the pictures. Sweat, you need to get into the office, after all, it’s holy. Let me know what will be until Monday.

Carry out an interview among the spіvrobіtnikіv and signify z kіlkіstyu. Can you send an email for a corporate party on such a date, please give me a confirmation of such a term. If someone is not a sovereign date, marvel at the rules of paragraph 3.

Designate a place for holding a new corporate party in the office and decorate yoga. Ask spivrobitnikiv to bring garlands, yalinka, toys, masks, tinsel from home. All of them have enough goodness, as if they don’t need it, but they can’t get away with it. Choose spіvrobіtnikіv, yakі not too active, ask virіzati snizhinki z paper or schos to embellish the office.

Think over that appetizer for a new corporate style. Like it or not, it’s a working day and supper, you’re hungry. Tim more, we plan to drink my own alcoholic drinks. Ask spіvrobіtnikіv free of charge to bring from home some kind of conservation: pickles, tomatoes, sauerkraut, lecho, salads, mushrooms and more. Yakshcho є varennya - miraculous, you can dilute with water and do without expensive juice. At the extreme, you can buy syrup.

Salativ dosit 3 see, for example, you can sprout "Oseledets under a fur coat", from crab meat on the basis Chinese cabbage and traditional meat salad with cowbass. Yak bachite, inexpensive salads, ale sitni. Wonder, maybe you will know for yourself.

Fruits: apples, oranges with rosemary 1 piece per 3 individuals, lemons 2-3 pieces, pick tangerines, you will have more, with rosemary 2 pieces per person.

We warmed up hot at the nearest distance, they prepared for us a large piece of baked meat with boiled potatoes, which cost about 180 rubles. Tse Koshtuvalo (2013). They warmed at the micro-furnace.

I will say that there was no vishukuvan, but I didn’t lose anyone hungry. We got along well without caviar and expensive salads. No one can guess what was on the table of that New Rock, but from Sniguronka we will remember it for a long time.

We bought disposable tablecloths and utensils on the tables, do not forget to include them before the shopping list, as well as large bears for washing, servettes.

It is necessary to think over the musical design of a new corporate party. I spent a lot of time on the preparation of the musical accompaniment, everything is not smooth, but long time. And I really wanted to make you holy fun, music played an important role in this right. While the tables were collapsing, I turned on the folding of new songs, all the same I set the team in the right way, marveling, if you want to sleep, but if you want to learn to dance. In addition, as a lot of people are being transferred, as it was with us, then we need microphones.

I prepared the rozvazhalny program myself having enlisted the encouragement of people, about whom I knew that the stench should not inspire me. The first thing you need to do is get the costumes of Ded Moroz and Snіguronka. I was spared, in one spіvrobіtnik mother works nursery And we were given a Santa Claus suit for one evening, the very companion of Ded Moroz. But you can also make yourself out of an old velor dressing gown, sheath it with tinsel, and inexpensive hats with a beard are sold in stores again, make a club and dress up felt boots. I made Snow Maiden's costume myself and I conceived of dressing up in the new most active person, it turned out that Father Frost was shorter in height, Snow Maiden's shorter, that's funny. Until the last moment, I didn’t tell you that I myself would be Snow Maiden, I would immediately move, without respect for the obityanka, help me. Spratsyuval raptovist and drink it mіtsny alcohol, even though I conceived the approach - dress Yogo in kapron tights. The main suit is sewn from old tulle.

I asked one lady to prepare the role of a gypsy woman, she independently made her own costume, I knew that it was a funny fairy tale, it went even better.

Many years at the New Corporate Party, our team carried out such a lottery: we rewrite on the leaves of our spivrobnitniks and then leather on the basis of a twisted leaflet for the names of people, yakіy vіn give a gift. Whoever wins someone in secret, creates an intrigue. Let’s take care of it, that the gift of a gift cannot be lower, for example, 150 rubles, but more - be kind, as it seems the gentleman-master. Before the cob of the cob, it is carried out on the kshtalt of the urochist part, the director begins, vіtaє all and bestows a gift on the one whom the hero is. Let's keep this spivrobitnik in the same way and give a gift and so on. Come out, all with gifts, all happy, all garni moods, but it cost 150 rubles. It was a curiosity, one lady 3 years of sleep played one and the same person, and we have quite a few spivrobitniks ... well, why don’t you worry about cym, good, people are humorous. With us, all the spivrobitniks were mostly cheerful, friendly with each other. Corporate work with such people is one thing satisfied and even more embarrassed that our company closed.

So I voiced to everyone that there would be a “shapo contest”, so that everyone would come in headdresses, tse obov'yazkova umova. Vmora! Who's what! Ale had a lot of fun, beyond words.

Later, before the appointed hour, the nakritium was falling, they took off their hats, took their gifts, the part of the urochist was opened from the shelters. Because of this, I picked up three spivrobitnikiv, yak mali the most prikolnіshі droplets: a symbol of fate (our director), a rabbit from Alice in the Land of Wonders and Mr. Іks. The participant rose the skin, why they themselves put on such a hat of wine and then voted with splashes: to whom they splashed more, that one wins. And the win, no wonder, rabbit.

It’s time for yourself to sing, I sit down for everyone, I give the official word to the bosses on the lower, I’m 4 toasts. They drank, the trochs relaxed, I start getting ready for the competitions. Below I will write a list of what you need to prepare and buy.

I was enthralled that I wanted to come to the hat competition at the cowboy capelus, and I didn’t have mercy. I will conduct the first competition myself "Cowboys". Description to marvel. I was far away to know less than 2 pumps, but I had two participants, there were more people, then I would build it in stages, then. 2 times 2 times, I found out the possibilities in the skin pair, then the stench is again struck. I’m handing over the prize, some kind of program - lollipop.

After the competition, we sit at the table, and I'm ready to leave the gypsy. As soon as I'm ready, I'm going to play music from the film "Tabor Ide to Heaven". It is necessary to get ahead of the actress, so that she didn’t go out immediately, but after 15 seconds.

Let's go out of the gypsy. My colleague prepared herself, for me it was also a surprise її ledge. What work, if no one is fit to be a disguised guest? Prepare everything yourself, costume, words on paper (in large print) and simply choose the most active speaker in the process of corporate party. There are few people to inspire in a cheerful cheerful mood with a drunken foot-and-other.

With the upcoming competition, I will hold a competition from panchokhs, marvel. Music can not be turned on, її not a little through the Homeric register.

Let's prepare the ledge of Dida Frost and Snіguronka. As I wrote more, my assistant for the role of Dіda Frost, knowing the mustache is far ahead, to remember the words. The text of Snіguronka I drew up in a great font. I have selected a person for the role of Snіguronka bov by deceit vityagnuty s-at the table and redirected to the room for a change. If I’ve drunk some kind of suit I’ve prepared for a new one, wines, obviously, having once begun to doubt, it’s possible, I’m changing not with a healthy mind, pronouncing you like that. I, having guessed you about the obitsyanka in my family, help me, I developed my doubts about my intelligence with one phrase: “We will stop the coming fate with a salary!”. Vin, swearing and swearing, starting to pull on tights, and I, laughing at my distant fever, stuck a paprika with a text in you and went to get ready until the departure of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. It was required to put all the brothers in jail. For the whole hour, the spivrobitniks are already a good drink.

There are a lot of scenarios on the Internet, you can choose your own whatever you want, but I didn’t pay for a long time, the evening is short, it’s not enough for an hour, but I wanted to dance more. That's why I became obsessed with short verses of heroes, that and Snow Maiden's departure caused a sensation, everyone rushed to take pictures with her and Santa Claus.

I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you what I’m putting food on, and the backers are guilty in chorus saying “so” chi “ne”.

“Did Frost - a miracle man?
Chi vip'є pіvvіdra "Capital"?
Are you carrying a bear from the warehouse?
Looks like we pay two?
Like hot, jokes?
What about work Saturdays?
Did Frost sing parts?
Does Dida have girlfriends?

Cliche together with Dida Frost.

Did Frost come in, all confusion, ruination, sumny, nervousness.

"What should I do? The axis of the bida, so the Snow Maiden led,
Write an axis to the telegram, why don’t you come to the sacred
Chi, maybe, she has a bad job - Zustrich with Lelem at the restaurant
And don't give a damn! All at Spring, vigorous mother!
That, baby, tezh flirty, forever b їy at the kohanna purhati
Chi is not a master - grief is simple! Usyudi nonsense - and їy nachhati!
What should I do now? Without Snіguronka, what is on the right
Novyi rіk usіh has good news! Holy, Lord, vibach!
What should I do? How to get me? On the mobile phone, why call?

I confirm:

Well, having calmed down, old grandfather, why are you exhausted? I already have no strength?
We know Mi Snіguronka, we call together in chorus.

Cliche together with Snіguronka

The screen saver B'єnsі "crazy_in_love" and the axis of the won - Snіguronka will sound.

"Vitayu, my love,
Seeing that young
Noisy and empty
Happy and beautiful.
Friendly and unfriendly
Fox and Rudy,
Humble, shameless,
Tovsti, thin,
Forgive me,
Good and bad
Bagati and bіdnі,
Tі, scho drink and eat
Well, in the world you are, who knows.
With new rock!"

Then the dances begin. I wanted to hold a dance competition before the dances, I was preparing a dance for the new one, but I didn’t get far. To be honest, I myself was already exhausted at that hour, I wanted to do the same and have fun with us. I did yoga later on a person's birthday, you can marvel at it.

I prepared 55 musical hits for dancing, for every music you dance. If you want to take care of them, then sign up for the request below, you will get access to the indicated address in the dark mail, there you can look at that zavantazhit. In the same place, the first number was an idea for a dance competition held by me at the anniversary of a person.

At 22:00 I will ask everyone to go to the street to see the fireworks, which I bought from the hard money.

As if everything had not passed, obov'yazkovo required yakuvati for help, it seems, like all young people, like good help and so on.

My transfer is right for a corporate party in the office.

Find out how to pump for the Cowboy contest, prepare hostki, marvel at the photo.

Prepare musical intros

povitryany kuli before the competition;
found the cheapest tights, 3 pcs. smallest size, 1 pc. the largest expansion;
Chupa-Chups for the participants of the competition, which were played;
Souvenirs for Tsiganka, Father Frost, Snіguronka, as well as for the competitions of hat and cowboy competitions;

More important for holding corporate events in the office.

Check the dishes, and also ask the women to bring dosks, knives and like fabric servets (ganchirka) from the house. Everyone will be occupied with the right, and they will cook the soup more.

I plan to write a lot of articles, let's say we had themed parties with friends and colleagues, as if we were working in nature, subscribe, you know the first, like a cicavo, obviously.

Scenario for a small team (from 10 to 40 osib) This scenario is mainly for the quiet, who are all sacred to sit at a table with small 1, 2 or 3 break for a dance.


Leading start:

On your face, all gray from Beard

Stary rіk - old, old zovsіm,

Vіn іde vіd us, vin us waving hand

I wish good luck to everyone!

Ale htos priyshov - htos quietly cry,

Three white horses beating doors,

For the anniversary, it’s exactly opivnochi - then come new river.

Tee in kelihi champagne nali!

I lift the kelikh - I renew you,

My dears, with New Rock!

Vіk do good and grant love,

Never mind the weather!

And at the same time, dear friends about those who helped us in the old way and with words to guide us on the offensive, we should be our master’s cerivnik of the firm Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov !!!

(Ivan Ivanovich takes a short welcome, everyone sips and eats)


(Between the first and the other, the perevnik is small).

Dear friends, continue to eat, tobto. Wait and listen. All of a sudden, we all became evidence of farewell to the old rock. The new river, which is coming, brings for all of us a lot of the unknown and the unknown.

At new river behind the window quietly falling snow

Let there be joy and laughter at our table,

Let an enviable success check on you at your right, be it!

I see you without a change, happy with your light!

Let's drink for joy, good luck with that success for your skin health.

3 Charka


Bring on the silvery powder

We wish you all the best in your new rotation!

With such other favors, I want to welcome you (the intercessor of the firm's clerk, the head of the trade union committee, which is simply the oldest practitioner of the firm)

4 Charka


Ide get old river. Ide without turning,

There is a thread of turbot, which we do not need.

I can not fly those who bazhanim us,

Who's bub zakohany that bov kohany.

Unmatched - unmatched, names go,

Mitya, look, psni.

Hours pass, de bulo is so miraculous!

Goodbye, Old Rik, goodbye, no time for swearing!

Come to us New river and give obіtsyanka!

Dear colleagues, friends, Mrs. that gentleman, I pronounce to all the present zamsliti bajannya, associate it with the number of types 0 to 9 and win the leaflet from the number from my hands there will be more people, and more leaves will need to be prepared more, the size of the sheet is approximately 3 sirnikova box).

After that, as we have chosen, the presenter seems to be "Who has the number number 1 and read out the horoscope":

1- die today boldly, rizikovano. For the vikonannya of your bazhannya, you need boldness, boldness. You can do it, but for whom you have to fight.

2 - bajannya zdіysnitsya. Bring vtihu, vіchutya povnoti life. Nothing matters.

3 - deciphered as unambiguously "NI". Tse i porada vіdmovitysya vіd rіshuchih diy, do not try to hem up the furnishing. I didn’t see anything worthwhile.

4 - at once for our thoughts, the exercise has not yet come up. It is necessary to pokat, if it is possible to change the situation.

5 - talk about those who have all the chances to take Bazhan. This color instills hope, predicts success, promises wash your mind for the intended.

7 is the number of luck. Ale, do not interpret yoga as more precisely "SO" on your request. Vіn suggest that a wide range of opportunities will be given for the vikonnanny bazhannya, steal the friendly ones.

In them you speed up with the whole world, as if you show your will and stream your intelligence.

8 - those who you guess, you can dream, but think for yourself: for whom it is necessary to choose a rose, a decision. Domagyuchis bazhany, do not die strimgolov, spontaneously. It is accurate to give a voice to the mind.

Tiles and intrigues can serve as a challenge to the conceived.

9 - tse "SO", moreover, it is hidden without the usual zusil. The whole situation developed in such a way that there was no change to your idea.

TOAST: For success, to whom she laughed, let her share with us.

5 Charka


With New Rock I soar, I wish happiness for joy!

To all those who are not friends - make friends, to all who are in sympathy - reconcile,

About the image, forget everything, who is sick - become healthy,

Blossom, rejuvenate. To everyone who is thin - become comradely,

Too late - lose weight. Too reasonable - become simpler,

To those who are not far away - be reasonable. All sivim - they darkened,

So the fox's hair on the makіvtsі faded, like Siberian foxes!

Sob the song, sob the dances didn’t move at all.

With new rock! With new rock! That mine will beat us!

And now, dear friends, girlfriends, colleagues, let's talk a little bit. I sing on the table without leaving the table in one old-fashioned game, "FANTY". For all the rivers, all the mighty punished their uninterrupted bosses, and now be affectionate vikonat my, hot punishment.

Nareshti, I have found the ability to punish the very kerіvnik of the firm, from the new one, we will honor our grue. Forgive me, Fanti, I’ve already prepared (there are small sheets of paper with orders about vikonanny stink shown below, you can change them, or add your own :)

Succumb to the susid (susidkoy) and achieve yoga probation

Pozіlunok susіda (susіdku)

Sleep over the war song "The fox was born a yalinka"

Know in love before the inspection with gestures

Explain to the "blind" susidov (susidts) that you are already hungry

Picture from the susidom (susidom) Othello

Depict Chapaevtsya (Petka chi Anka)

Vipiy on brotherhood from a susidom (susidom)

Draw the polit of the eagle

Crow three times

Give (as much as you can) your judges a copy

Depict a child who died at the station

Picture the RTI inspector, who is sounding the car

Say a compliment to colleagues

Say the urochist phrase "I sit for the fourth dobu at the table and drink"

Depict the Svitanok near the village, after the blue

Depict like ti їzh torіshnіy breadcrumbs

Picture the President of Russia chi wanting to be a kerivnik Buro RTI

Explain the eyes or the mime of the guise in the kohann susida (susida)

Propose a toast and greet us with Yuvileyem

Depict the medal for special merit awarded with the order chi hocha

Try to wash the susida (susidka) drink a drink (wine, vodka)

How do you care who coped with the tasks, tobto. with vikonannyam to order the best. Mustache to rob the greatest colleague of yours. You are assigned the "RANK - the best in the company" and hope to be able to welcome everyone with New Rock!


The old river comes out to swindle the rest of the side.

Let it be the best, what was going on - not the best, but the best - it cannot be repeated!

Well, it's time for everyone to fall asleep. Ale, sleep well. Let's try to guess the verse by the verse, or I would like to call the song poo new river, about winter, snow, frost and frost.

At the table, a song contest is being held. Wash away the competition: For the year's arrow of leather, according to the devil, I begin to sleep, and I will name a song, who to promote the vibuvaє s gris, the docks will be deprived of one remembrance, and I hope to have a word for grafting.

7 Charka


I promise you that the Bear Frost will bring you joy,

The second bear - with laughter, and the third one - with success!

Your sum, put your tightness in a bear youma

Let's take it all away and take it all the way!

The hell of a hell of a competition has come. Competition POTIV. The skin of a person sings in the soul, it is impossible to invent something like this. Don't fight the world already built for you, you just have to come up with the last word, who will come up with the best prize for that.

1. Robiti modern make-up,

Pridbala krasunya ... (trillage)

2. Nudist club as an application

Take a throw ... (swimming trunks)

3. - Usikh girls zakohav at home if

Ribnikov at comedy ... (girls)

4. One can and a lot of glechiks

Happy thrush on ... (market)

5. Bursting a milk carton

Gulf of pants ta ... (jacket)

6. Vіdomo bulo navit dіtlakh

Under the mask of Fantômas - Jean ... (Mare)

7. Pissing one blond so for fun -

The county has a country of people ... (Angola)

8. Tell me, the road is through the door,

Chi bula from your side ... (Zrada)

9. Russians have a wide range of names.

He is Voroshilov - that for example, buv ... (Clement)

10. At Lukomor'ї whale virishiv

What is the mіstseviy… (Reketir, beshketnik, old-timer)

11. Grand estradi that screen -

Italian ... (Celentano)

12. Power stained glass miliardi

On the chase, badges that ... (Cocardi)

13. When the new wind is light

Having enlightened the Arabs... (Mohammed)

14. Scarier than that unsafe, lower mine

For mountain climbers ... (Peak)

15. For puritan erotic -

I sin, i right, i ... (Exotic)

17. Chi know figure katanna

To the people of the Kingdom ... (Great Britain)

18. Seeing the library.

And domino is that card ... (Igroteka)

19. Maybe the convict rushed to the god,

That circle is not passable ... (Taiga)

20. Che can nіn_ Russia choose

Will I go to the Olympics...? (Rati)

21. I, like a karateka, will not calm down,

so they won’t give me black ... (Belt)

22. Already the insults have ended,

And on the scoreboard like before ... (Zero)

23. Champion with sumo for vantage

Good mother is great ... (Belly)

24. In Salt Lake City, I'm afraid it's bad

They performed in equal measure ... (Noggano)

25. Sports elite is happy,

The Opening of the Chergov's Coming... (Olympiad)

26. Among sports legends,

Not every maє "hepi - ..." (End)

27. Vovk, marveling at football, virіshiv at the result:

"Like me, they yearn for them ... (Legs)

28. Bula mayzhe podkorena top,

Ale got snow… (Avalanche).


Let the kelikhs ring, let the wine sparkle,

Let the night fall until you knock at the windows.

This month's night is impossible without laughter,

Bіl ta prikroschi - get out! Happy new rock friends!

Let's all vip'emo for the New River, which has come, and we will have a small break.

For an hour break, you can hold 3, 4 ruhomі competitions.

9 Charka.

Spreading the wrinkle at the forehead, guessing at the holy share.

Forget it, be like a scoundrel, maybe it’s not true for nothing,

Before us come like a breast of gold, hope and happiness!

What does the rіk have for us? So get it all out!

Give us kelihi an hour - for our health, love and exercise!

So from Novim you rock friends! Hooray!


(sound after the tenth cup, you don’t hear the leader anymore, but for my conscience, for this hour, say goodbye and take off the leader’s shoes, or pass it on to someone else)

Sutsilnyh successes are not expected, I am convinced that New river

To relieve us from sadness and unforgiving turbot.

I am still rooting for something else, and I believe in it,

What on all of us is happy to check this way, there hasn’t been anything like that.

Veseliy New River.

A new axis on the porozі naybazhanіshe i nayulyublenіshe svyato — New rіk!


We got here this year,

To welcome everyone to the holy,

Reminds me to the brink of kelikha,

Empty buti їm just a sin.

Let's have some fun

Forget the special turboti,

Let's not get angry at the authorities,

What energizes us with a robot,

What did not raise our salary,

What promised to let the air in,

What kind of river is already so far away,

That scho already tell about tse!

Let's drink, let's laugh,

Aje is holy on the porozi - axis!

Hello everyone and laugh,

Adzhe є privіd, adzhe New river!

The leader takes the kelih with champagne and knocks over everyone who is at the table, starting with the administrator. Must sip, have a bite, relax. Start playing music quietly. Then the contests and quizzes start.

Today in our team is holy and not to sit at the tables and not to be bored, we were glad, and I believed that we needed a few things to grow up, for which I pronounce to hold contests and quizzes, in which you can show your knowledge, if you win schools, guess mathematics, Russian, geography and other subjects. Well, let's go?!

We will do a little warm-up at the back.


(for the correct answers, tsukerki are awarded, but no one tells one to one, take the fate of us)

De traplyatsya such, scho throw through the horse to re-string?

(At checks)

2. Two flowers fell near the water. What is the nickname of a Georgian?


3. Name the borrowers who take care of the waters on the road. (i-mi)

4. What are the best borrowers? (wee-mi-ti)

5. Name the words, like a hundred of the same letters. (hundred-n, hundred-p, hundred-th, hundred-l)

6. Guests came before you, and in the refrigerator - a dance of lemonade, a bag of pineapple juice that splash of mineral water. What do you see us in front of? (fridge)

7. Where do people pay for what they take from them?


8. What kind of creature is all life attached to one month? (coral)

9. Do some birds have kryla brightly? (for penguins)

10. You were let into the Kava kіltse. How far away, without wetting your hands, how can you not have anything, and you can’t drink chi?

(kava in beans)

11. The director of the school has a brother Mikola. Ale Mikola has no brothers. Chi can buti take? (So, the director of the school can be a woman)

12. From the bird start, swing with a star, what is the name of the place? (raven-zhak)

13. How can a man take down an elephant? (shahist)

14. Koshtuє rich dim and bіdniy. The stench is burning. Which house is extinguishing the police? (please do not extinguish the police, please extinguish the firemen)

15. Name the place, in which there is one boy and one hundred girls? (Siva-sto-Pol)

16. I laid the olive at the kіmnati so that no one could step over and cut Yogo. How did I screw up?

(laid the olive to the wall)

The Trochs rose, the victors heaped up. Well, let's continue!

Competition "Take the prize".

(you want to take the fate)

A package with a prize is placed on the table. Navkolo style - participants in the competition. I read the verse "One, two, three!". As a participant, you can get a prize every hour, vibuvaє from the competition. Let's do it!

Let me tell you.

Repeated dozens of times.

I'd rather say the word "three".

Take the prize!

Like we caught a pike,

Rozporoshili, and in the middle

Ribchikiv drіbnyh narahuvali.

I not one, but two or more.

Mriya lad zagartovany

Become an Olympic champion

Look, don't be cunning at the start,

And check the team one, two, CIM.

If you want to remember everything,

You don't bison until late night,

And repeat it to yourself

Once, іnshiy, but rather P'YAT!

Recently a train at the station

Meni THREE years had a chance to check.

But what a prize, friends, they didn’t take,

If there was a good time to take it?

The warm-up is over, pіdіb'єmo pіdbags: becoming a champion. Let's applaud. І it is significant to the right to celebrate the kelihiv. Vip'emo for the participant (iv) of the competition and a snack ...

For the duration of our evening, I would like to invite you to take part in competitions. I pronounce to you...

New language crossword puzzle.

(take the fate of usi)

I tell the dermal description of the word, and how many letters are added up. You show your thoughts and guess the whole word. Whoever says best, wins the prize, no one guesses one alone. Father:

  1. I'm that name of a man of a frail age. Vin - a woman's saint, clothes for fashion Winter 2014-2015 (8 letters). Suggestion: Did Frost.
  2. Dairy product, which raises the temperature in winter, but also gets used to the vletka (9 letters). Suggestion: frosty.
  3. Kazka. To the right is a charge. Head heroines - two girls. One of them is helped by a hero, for whom a fairy tale is named. Vіn gifted with gifts and kinda zamіzh (7 letters). Suggestion: "Morozko".
  4. A tree, the presence of a leaf in someone to talk about yoga especially recognition (4 letters). Suggestion: yalinka.
  5. A fashion model with a blond scythe, who forever takes the fate of the winter saints. Signed up with an accompanying summer sponsor (10 letters). Suggestion: Snіguronka.
  6. The place of accommodation of new-found joy for people who survived until winter. Zavzhd bulo symbol under a tree without a leaf (5 letters). Suggestion: bear.
  7. Motherland, which is victorious in the middle with great joy (10 letters). Suggestion: champagne.
  8. White cartoon medical doctor (4 letters). Suggestion: Umka.
  9. Before the new treasure gifts Santa Claus (5 letters). Suggestion: sock.
  10. The stench is on the birthday party and on the new table (5 letters). Suggestion: candles.

    Well, axis, you have guessed the whole crossword puzzle, and now I will pronounce the troch to hang out, let's dance ... (3 songs)

    And now let's play!

    Competition "Director ide".

    (you want to take the fate)

    Alcoholic drink to taste (wine, cognac, champagne) is poured into the bottles of the participants in the competition. Participants shouting "Director go!" guilty shvidko pohovatsya pіd stіl. Following the command “The director is already pishov,” we must again climb out of the table and sip. For the unsupported command of the leader, everyone is hovering. Those who are already unable to get off the table and shovatsya in the presence of the director have been scammed! Let's go!

    And now trohi vіdpochinemo that include logic. I preach to spend

    Contest "Fold the Word"

    (presents are given for the correct presentation, but no one tells one to one, take the fate of everyone)

    I hand out to the skin of the participants a leaflet with a “wonderful” word. In this word, it is necessary to rearrange the letters in such a rank, so that it ceases to be “wonderful”. Let's do it!

    Ople - (field), Rvanya - (sichen), Lautsi - (outdoor),

    Badus - (share), Kleroza - (mirror), Looyade - (kovdra),

    Sevіkong (snіgovik), Chmalki (boy), Roneskaguch (snіgurochka),

    Katiropiv (corporate).

    Peremozhtsі vyyavlenі, vіtaєmo їх, pіdnіmemo kelikh or what can anyone

    Chi not tired? Let's break down a little more.

    Propone to spend

    Competition "Prig-skok".

    (you want to take the fate)

    Participants of the competition form one line. At the word of the leading "land" everyone shoots forward, at the word "water" - back. The competition is held at a swedish pace. The leader may have the right to replace the word "water" with other words, for example: sea, river, inflow, ocean; substitute for the word "land" - coast, land, island. The participants do not fall out, the remaining gravestone becomes the most important one.

    Win the prize, welcome yoga (її)

    Posuvalsya, postribali, and now trochs think.

    Competition "Wrong opinions". Be respectful!(take the fate of usi)

    I put a variety of nourishment for skin gravel, on the basis of all the correct indications. Head of grave - vodpovisti NOT PROPERLY.

    For example: “Which place has the Hermitage Museum? - "at New York".

    Whoever says it right, that vibuvaє. Help the one who finds the best. Grass should be carried out at a swedish pace, so that the graves did not have an hour to think.

    1. The capital of Russia. (Moscow)

    2. What are your eyes? (on the head)

    3. What are the wheels of the car? (chotiri)

    4. Satellite of the planet Earth. (Month)

    5. Where is the Eiffel Tower located? (in Paris)

    6. How many fingers on one hand? (five)

    7. Friend of Winn the Pooh. (Piglet)

    8. Who is watching the song "Million of Red Trojans"? (Alla Pugachova)

    9. Skіlki vukh vіshki? (two)

    10. President of Russia. (Volodymyr Putin)

    11. Where is the Statue of Liberty? (at New York)

    12. What was the name of the cat from the cartoon Prostokvashino? (Matroskin)

    13. Why do we mix tsukor in the kitchen? (spoon)

    14. Leader of the secular proletariat. (Volodymyr Lenin)

    15. Land of the early sun. (Japan)

    16. Hanging a pear, you can't take it. (bulb)

    17. First planet from Sontsya. (Mercury)

    18. Why does the theater start? (3 hangers)

    19. What are the wheels of a motorcycle? (Two)

    20. How many degrees does it take to boil water? (100 degrees Celsius)

    21. Do you know the Tretyakov Gallery in your country? (in Russia)

    22. Will she be white and colored? (cabbage)

    23. Goat man. (goat)

    24. Team of a ram. (vіvtsya)

    25. Why is the bun crushed? (Z boroshna, z testa)

    26. What's on the Apple logo? (apple)

    27. Loved by Romeo. (Juliet)

    28. Smoog Russian ensign. (three)

    Well done! You know the correct opinion, otherwise you could not have answered my question.

    On this miraculous note, let's continue our meeting, preaching the rise of kelikha. And now let's dance (4 songs).

    Let's get some help, and I want to give you a sprat of encouragement and encouragement to start a new fate.

    Come to us, I will call New River,

    The first days of miracles will come!

    And thirty first pide:

    І at parting

    All our zustrіchі that turmoil.

    And the clergy understood

    For the first time alone.

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