Vorozhinnya on the 13th day of the year. Forgive that truthful fortune on the Old New River: on the future, zamіzhzhya, pennies, vikonannya bajannya. Witchcraft on bread and knives

Vorozhinnya on Stariy New river are inspired by simplicity and precision. At this sacred holy day, you can look in the future, find out about the share, tell fortunes about love and the betrothed, about the banishment of the bazhan. Whether any of the numerical methods can be easily created in the minds of the home. Also, in the period from 13 to 14 days, our ancestors finished impersonal traditions and performed ceremonies, as they helped to live in happiness and prosperity for the entire future river.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Lady Nina's fortune teller:"A penny forever will be above the world, like a pillow to lay down..." Read the report >>

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      Rite that tradition

      Generous evening - holy, as it is celebrated ahead of the Old New Rock (from the 13th to the 14th day). Behind him, sound impersonal examples and rituals, which allow you to reveal the mystery of the future. It's an hour for the roil of sweaty forces. That evening, after the sunset, until 12 midnight, the girls walked around the yards and were generous, inhaling unclean spirits with their spiv and bazhayuchi to the rulers of health, happiness and well-being at the new roci.

      • Night from 13 to 14 September - update hour. It is necessary to burn your wearing clothes and immediately put on new ones. This ancient rite was saved from wealthy villages, wines symbolize the beginning of a new life. And how it will be stocked up, they will help you to tell me the simple thing and the magician.

        For folk prikmets, the first to go to the Old Novy Rik is the man’s fault - to make happy all the members of the homeland of the advancing fate. And it’s impossible to save pennies all day long, so you can save your well-being in a booth.

        Vorozhinnya on the Old New River

        A simple variant of family fortune-telling on the Old New River. In the evening, you need to come over the door at the hour of the evening, and respectfully marvel at the vikna sudіdіv. If you can see the heads of all those present at the table, then relatives will be alive and well, if you are a little bit moved and with whom no one is visible, then it will become famously from your loved ones.

        In order to protect your budinok and this one in the face of misfortune, on September 14 it is necessary to go around all the stones for the year's arrow from three lit church candles. With whom, it is fast to be baptized. There is one more way to save the bad: early-vranci lightly tap the juice on the blow and say: “Life, health, bread.”

        With bread and water

        The rite of bread is the simplest way to find out about your future family on the nearest river. Vin polygaє in the offensive:

        • It is necessary to fill the bowl with divine water.
        • Nalamati the edge of bread at a price for the size of the piece for the number of households.
        • On the skin of them, guess someone from the relatives.
        • Throw the chips into a bowl.
        • Twisting the water with your finger, wash these words: “The bread is spinning that water, here is all my family. As if there will be a bida, separate the bread and water.
        • Zranka marvels: if all the little things come together, then the whole homeland will have a full warehouse of flowers. And as if we could swim among them, we’ll see others, then a person is conceived to have fun, to see or die.

        Become a child

        It is possible to know how to become a child of the future from a fortune teller. For the new one it is necessary:

        • Wet the kiltse with a bottle of water.
        • Hang yogo on a thread, or it will be hairy.
        • Gently bring yoga to the hand of a person, like a fortune teller. As soon as she begins to collapse on a stake, then a girl will be born, as if pendulum-like movements are created, a lad. Well, if you stand on the mission, then there will be no children.

        Z pivnem

        One of the most popular among the rural masses was an old-fashioned fairy tale:

        • rozsipali on kіmnati grain;
        • the nights of drinking were taken from the seat;
        • they brought yogo to the kіmnati, de throwing grain.

        Like a piven sklovuvav a mustache to the last grain - it was already a good sign that you say good luck. As if wine had been given a sprinkling of grains, it felt the insoles and the weight of the new roci. As if the pіven were beaked, it was about the misfortune of the future. Obviously, it is practically impossible to carry out this ritual in the minds of the city, and it is easy for the bagmen of the strong world to quickly find out in a reliable way about the nearest future.


        Knowing how to build up an offensive river, you can listen to someone else's words. It is necessary to concentrate on the back, and then respectfully listen to what you want to speak with perfection. If it’s a little bit flooding with smіh, then everything will be kind in the new group, crying like a laika will not be easy, if you drink people’s drink, you should beware of shkidlivih zvichok.

        3 egg

        Girls with a rich imagination can tell fortunes for the help of a fresh chicken egg:

        • late in the evening of the 13th of September, a fresh chicken egg;
        • make a small opening for him;
        • carefully pour a bottle of water into the gap at the opening;
        • bud, the docks of the whites will burn;
        • behind this form, one can judge the closest future.

        Like a figurine nagaduє kіltse - tse obіtsyaє vesіllya in a new roci, the church - vіnchannya, be it transport - a trip for a person or a turn of a person from vіdryadzhennya for a woman, a straight cut is a labor toshchoo. If the whites sink to the bottom, then the booth will be threatened by serious inaccuracies.

        Three bottles

        Tsikava, more cheerfully and more precisely, a new witch, to find out about future futures, - for additional bottles. Yoga can be spent with a cheerful company of friends. For whom you sing:

        • take chotiri bottles;
        • fill them up to half with water, or we will cover them with snow;
        • two of them sip on a small spoonful of salt and zucru, put a ring on the third, and leave the fourth flask without change;
        • then one of the fortune tellers is guilty of turning her back;
        • її friends it is necessary to point out with a finger on the skin of the bottles, doti, until the maiden that she has returned, її do not sound;
        • from the vibrated flask it is necessary to make a kovtok: if you smell the taste of salt, then in front of troubles and tears, if water is licorice - that joy is fun, if it is loud - then the river will be the same, if the rock is trapping the countryside - the girl is not a foreign country.

        Vorozhinnya at the holy table

        Another name for an old-fashioned saint is a rich holy evening, or a rich Vasily's evening, names so in honor of Basil the Great. For the first day, according to the old tradition, it was customary to generously cheat on the table. Particularly chastuvannya were vowed to stray zі pork, and lubricated pigs - a symbol of fertility and fertility - were the head color of the Christmas table, to which St. Basil was vvazhavsya patron of pigs. “That pig is a pig for Vasilyev’s evening”, “A pig’s animal is unclean, it doesn’t have anything unclean with God - sanctify winter Vasil! ”- our ancestors said to the attendants about the whole day. Another important grass in the holy place was generously squandering, yak, not stingy, seasoned with meat and lard, and then put it at the kut with icons.

        At the holy evening of September 13, you can win for the prophecies of the people's fortune telling. For one of them it is necessary:

        • put on Svyatkovy style a bowl of water;
        • cover it with a hard one;
        • the skin of the guests, present at the table, is guilty of taking some kind of accessory and putting yoga near the water;
        • under the hour of the traditional spivu from the bowl of navmannya, whether it be an object, yogo lord could judge from the text of the song about his future.

        In another way, the fortune-telling was a fortune-telling for additional dumplings. For new it is necessary:

        • pour dumplings from potatoes;
        • at the filling of the skin add a small object: a coin, a kіltse, a small piece of salted or fresh ogirk, be it for the malt, etc. (div. the little ones are lower);
        • at the supper, the guests pluck the skins one dumpling;
        • on the subject that you got, and judge your future.

        The coin declared wealth, the ring - weight, salted stump- tears, a piece of bread - prosperity, licorice filling- fun, cherry brush or kvassola - topping in the family, bay leaf - success with the robot, etc.

        Prophecy of the share

        You can speed up with this simple method. Freeze the water at the spoon in the evening, and the lie will wonder: if there are bulbs, then they promise a happy life. And if there is a hole in the ice, then it’s to great grief, bead and death.

        Another old-fashioned way to transfer the share of the field in the attack: on the evening of September 13, re-seat all the cloaks from the parkan and re-bind the sharp ninth. And the lie is surprised, like a wine is equal - that life is calm, without shock, like a crooked one - that share of the one who tells fortunes is unhappy.

        The offensive method of fortune telling to the independent girls. For new it is necessary:

        • Nasipati in a fabric bag, be it grains or fireplaces.
        • Put in a new pick of bread, a chick and a ring.
        • Do not be surprised by the distance, be it any of the objects.
        • Take the forecast. Like a maiden eating bread - it was a prosperous life, a chick had an important share, and a kіltse - a happy zamіzhzhya.

        No less popular is the method of divination by the shadow of a burnt paper. Slide:

        • crumple the great arkush paperu chi newspapers;
        • put yoga on flat grass;
        • subpality;
        • if the wines burn out, it is necessary to bring the grass to the wall, illuminated by candles, and by the shadows that have settled down, judge the future.

        You can find out about the share and wax of a church candle. Required:

        • remind, be it as if you were filled with water (because we’ll break it with snow);
        • light a candle;
        • melting whisk gently pour into cold water in the center of the bowl;
        • according to the figure that she has hid, and next to judge the future future.

        Divination for kokhannya and for the betrothed

        For the unmarried girls, the holy evening and night from Melanka (Sunday 13 is the day of St. Melanka) were always respected by Vasil midnight for the truthful fortune-tellers on the kohannya of that betrothed. On the basis of the ancient words of the Yang pagan rites, modern ciphering methods were formed, for the help of which one can find information about a future person or a bit like a kokhan people.

        Most of these witches are inspired by simplicity and precision. You can spend it independently in your home minds on your own or in the company of friends.

        Who will be the first to visit the new roci?

        To find out about it, it is necessary to make the intestines with dumplings. The one who will have the first marriage, and will marry earlier for the others. Even if you didn’t know dumplings under your hand, you can speed up with threads of the same dozhina. The first thing to make friends with is the girl, who is the most likely to burn a thread. Like a thread vipadkovo zagasne, tse filthy sign. How to tell fortunes for foreigners, you won’t see it, or else another check-time of fun.

        Nezamіzhnі dіvchatа аboїх mаmі саn tell fortunes on shvidka zamіzhzhya for the help of pea shells. Next to the bowl with water, lower two scales into the hairy pea. As if the stench rages - the maiden will not be barred outside, as if it rises at the side of the river - it’s far from fun.

        It is possible to vikoristovuvat that hoop for the witch, as if to place it in a container with water and put it on the frost. Vrantsі porahuvati a lot of humpbacks on the water, skins from which symbolize the future betrothed. If the water has become one great swelling - then it’s a wave in front, and if it’s on top of the river, it’s not yet an hour for the winter.

        More popular and vorozhinnya on kvasolіny. It is necessary to collect a small harvest of kvassoli and visipati її at the cup. Guess what will happen to the girl of this fate, for the help of two simple phrases, as if it is necessary to repeat every hour of the rite, for example: “there will be fun” and “the fun won’t be”. Uninterruptedly moving the guessing words, urgently shifting the kvass from one cup to the next. On a phrase like this, the stink will end, then it will become.

        Another new ritual for the betrothed is carried out behind the help of a towel. Required:

        • take a new towel of white color;
        • before going to bed, hang yoga for a night;
        • say magic words: “My names, my disguise, come better, wipe yourself with a towel”;
        • go to sleep;
        • vranci reach the embroidered towel.

        Yakshcho vono vologe - it means that at night he will be waving names and advancing rock will be fun. If it is dry, then the girls are more independent.

        What will the future person and family life be like?

        Divination by the groats is carried out together with girlfriends. For the new one it is necessary:

        • place small plates on the stake;
        • put groats into the skin: buckwheat, rice, millet, semolina, pearl barley, and pour water into the reshta;
        • the skin of the fortune-tellers is guilty of unwinding the egg in the center of the cola;
        • then let's marvel, in some kind of beck out of the way.

        If the egg pokotilos to buckwheat groats, then the future man will be rich and generous. Rice sags friendly person, it’s okay to talk about a light-haired person, a decoy called a betrothed from pivnochi, and pearl barley - a white one. Water means that the girl checks the transfer after the wedding. If the egg is lost in the mist, then the coming fate of the zamіzhzhya can not be checked.

        You can find out about the character of the condemned man and for the help of creatures and birds. On the late evening of September 13, it is necessary to go to the street. Yake the truth is alive the first to get on the road, with such a vdacha i will be a man. The gut looks like an affectionate and cunning person, a dog - a faithful one, but a bird - a creative and gifted person.

        Schob dіznatisya, how to fold family life You can tell fortunes in this order: on the Old New River, there were three purchases of grain. Lies wonder, chi won out on the mist chi kupka ruynovani. At the first vipad, you will be happy, at the other - unhappy.

        In the name of the condemned

        From the apple, the skin is neatly cut with a thin, uninterrupted line. As if the procession suddenly broke off - the witch did not come out. It is necessary to throw the slitted scruff over the right shoulder and marvel, as if guessing the letter, what you have done. Itself from it and start with the name of a future person.

        Another tsіkava that merry divination, like being carried out under the Old New River. The girls go out into the street and chime in on the first passers-by, feeding their names. Let me know first human name and incumbent squads.

        How to pamper the betrothed?

        You can marvel at the look of a future person in your dream. As a rule, dreamers for sleep are simple and safe, but when they do, they rejoice at truthfulness.

        In order to help the dream of the condemned, it is necessary on the 7th of September to put a little son at the right cherevik, which lay the white of the icons. And on the eve of the Old New Rock, put it on the pillow and say: “Whoever my names, that night I will dream of.” Uvі snі dіvchina to slap the future man.

        You can make a dream about a sound in this way: you need to hide a small mirror and a comb under your pillow and say: “Come, come. You scratch, you scratch. Marvel at me, show yourself." At night, about obov'yazkovo dream of a future man.

        For the sake of it, I use the method to guess on the cards. Under the pillow put four queens from the new grave deck. With whom it is necessary to move the call: "Who is my judgment, who is my order, dream of me." If you dreamed about the king of peaks, it means that the girls will have to marry a summer man, a club club with a divorced or a widower, a red-haired one of a possible redness, and a tambourine king - a bajan and a kokhan.

        For the most terrible witches, as it is possible to spend it in the night from 13 to 14 September and at the whole Christmas period, the ritual with mirrors and candles is important. With the help of yoga, you can woo the future man at the wit. It will be carried out opivnoch on your own. Required:

        • take two identical mirrors;
        • put them side by side one by one;
        • light two candles in the church and put them in order;
        • marvel at the illumination of the half-lights of the mirror tunnel;
        • for example, the devil will appear in the image of the future betrothed;
        • as soon as it becomes, it is necessary to say swiftly: "Be mindful of me."

        Zachurity is nasty necessary so that it does not penetrate into reality and does not sip the girl at the light of the mirror. Behind other beliefs, they use words that protect the traces, so that the names are not lost in life in the mirror, otherwise the maiden is not wise.

        What does the bazhane want to see?

        “Guess the maiden of the chervona under Vasil - everything will come true, but what will happen - do not miss!” - said the people's faith. Old witch on holy day on the bazhannya they are struck by simplicity and versatility. Axis of action from them:

    1. 1. Take a book, whether it’s a good idea and make a guess. Then let’s navmannya vіdkriti whether it’s a sideways and tick a finger at some paragraph, after which and next to judge, to cope with what you have planned.
    2. 2. Fill one bottle to the top with water, and fill the other with empty. Think about it and pour the water from one flask into another over the table. It is respectful to look at the surface, over which the ceremony was carried out: as if on the table dryly, trochs of water spilled - the bazhannya zdіysnitsya, as if rich - no.
    3. 3. Fill up a bowl of rice. Speak the magic words over her: “Tell me, share, what do I check: good or evil” and think about the ban. When you visipati, all the rice is on the table. Let's pick out the grains that have risen up, black or nasty and shatter them. Unpaired number of victorious dreams, and the guy to talk about those who are not conceived not to dream.
    4. 4. A ring without a stone, better than a hoop, throw a bottle with a flat bottom into the gap, filled with water. Light a candle and put it on the left side of the bottle. Exactly about the 12th anniversary of the night of the 13th of September, think about the bazhanya and stare at the center of the church. After a deaky hour, the water in the glass of the calamity camp and the image will appear, as if it were supposed to, it will come out of it.
    5. 5. To find out, what to think about what you have planned, you can lie on September 14th. At the entrance to the church it is necessary to guard the parathians. Fuck the first thirteen people. If there are more people, then the attitude is positive, if a woman is a woman, the bazhannya does not work.

    For the mischievous sacks, you should see the witches:

    1. 1. If there is an elevator in the booth at the gate, then you can ask about the vikonannya bazhan at the new one. In the evening on the Old New River, it is necessary to go to the Maidanchik, think about food and drink, docks and need a lift. If you go uphill - you can’t dream about it, down - you can’t dream about it.
    2. 2. You can tell fortunes even for help by phone. It is necessary to think about food, concentrate and look at the phone. As soon as the nearest hour comes, the sound of a man, then the bell will come, and the woman will not come. The next step is to indicate that on the call of the varto you should score no more than 13, and 14 of the day.
    3. 3. An offensive ceremony for lovers of licorice. Vin often wins for divination itself on the Old New River. Next, recall the kelih with champagne. At noon on the 14th of September, for the whilina before the beer night, think about whether it’s a banquet and ask: “What’s the bunting for?”. Let's throw a small piece of chocolate into the cell. Like wine in a potone - the bazhannya is invariably brewed, like champagne you need to drink it even quickly for 12 seconds. If not, then the second one is negative.

    Narodnі prikmeti on Stariy Novy Rіk

    On this holy day, a few examples were tied, some traces to finish, so that everything turned out well for the advancing roci:

    • It is not possible to sacredly remember the word "thirteen".
    • On the 14th of September, don’t overspend the rubbish, not to the point of tears.
    • Do not give pennies to the Borg on the old New River, otherwise the whole river can be spent at the villains.
    • Not recommended on September 14th, due to the guilt, so that happiness does not fill the houses.
    • The sky is clearer and dawner, giving a generous harvest of yagid.
    • On September 14, you can shake the fruits of the tree, so that St. Basil saves the garden from the shkidniks. It is necessary for the lie to walk around the garden, reading the call: “As I will crush (im'ya) fluffy snow, so will I chop off the worm-reptile of every spring, holy Vasil.”
    • The ancestors believed that a generous evening was stolen by the moon from heaven, but all the same they could not call for the coming of a growing day.
    • At the holy early vranci, it was customary to cook Vasilev's porridge and stitches for cooking. Like porridge “leaked” from pots, like a mountaineer, for someone who won’t cook, try it - buti bіdі. At the same time, the porridge was thrown out of the bowl at the same time at the bowl. Like it was brewed, like it was good, - they gave all the shoes.

Vіn is so himself, like all others: the zvichnі novіchі svyatoy check on us, and the girls themselves spend their winter evenings at the witches. Hiba can be schos cіkavіshe, lower look at the future? Tim more - on stick 13 and 14 September, if the whole world is ready to see secrets for us. It’s better to ask yoga correctly.

How to guess right?

Vorozhinnya on the Old Novy Rik is an exclusive occupation for women. More than that, it is a legacy of tradition, such ceremonies are performed by girls who are independent and in sight. If you choose to work in a company, be ready to help: if you don’t like balakanini, you’ll want to concentrate on the process, and you need to work all the more thoughtfully.

On the Old New River, there is a possibility to gaze at the future

Tell fortunes next to a quiet dark room. As a possibility, vikoristovyte for the uninhabitable place on the hilltop or komori. Clothes can be free. More shortly, if you dress up your dovga no shirt or a dress without a belt. Poyasіv on odyazі vzagalі but not guilty. Yak and vuzlіv i weave - neither on the decoration, nor on the deinde. That hair is also the next to dissolve. Znіmіt embellish, wimite hands and start.

Top 7 fortune-telling on the Old New River

Vorozhinnya No. 1: on the grain

Vorozhinnya will help you to know the advice on important food.

You need a jar or a flask, where you can collect grains or grains. left hand place it over the emnist doloneya down. Concentrate and clearly pronounce food, if you want to pay attention to the yak. Vіn mає buti formulations unambiguously: schob bulo vіdpovisti either so, or not. Take the grain from the capacity and visipte on the table. Then pererakhuyte, skilki granulate or grains of viyshlo. Reading a kіlkіst? So, the outlook is positive. Neparne - negative.

Vorozhinnya No. 2: on frozen water

Vorozhinnya suggested that the number of little ones that I will give you a share.

Need a cup of water and a ring. Bazhano - a hoop, otherwise you wear it most often. Pour water into a glass, lower the embellishment and put a container on the ceiling - there, where the water can freeze. Robiti tse next evening 13 Sichnya, and a little more than a year before bedtime. Before that, how to go to sleep, take water from the pіdvіkonnya. Vivchit krizhanu surface. How many humpbacks and holes to tell about those, how many times you were destined to become a mother. The hollows mean girls, and the high ones mean boys.

Vorozhinnya No. 3: on the book

One of the simplest witches in the future. With the help of yoga, you can take a forecast on a matter-of-fact topic.

Tell fortunes as a minimum double. Choose a book of art from your own library. Set the food, what to call you, name your "assistant" number of the side and row. Let her read the writing. A new one is crying out for food, only one more needs to be guessed. For whom it is necessary to read it, it is necessary to interpret it according to the request.

Witchcraft from a mirror must be carried out with special care!

Vorozhinnya No. 4: on a mirror

The most terrible of the witches, the ale and the best. First, take on a new one, think carefully about what you are ready for before such a test. We can be as skeptical as possible, but it’s not enough ... With mirrors, fry the filth - the stench will evoke the world.

You need two candles and a large mirror. You can conduct the ceremony alone in a dark and absolutely quiet room. Sit opposite the mirror, put candles on the sides and light them. Half my mind paints a corridor. The new one needs to be respectfully surprised. Through a sprat of whilin, after an ear of witchcraft in the corridor, a disguise appears. Remember yoga - tse i є your names. For everything about everything, you literally have a few seconds. Shvidko say: “Chur me!”, turn on the light and extinguish the candles. The call may end badly: the day “from the other side” may materialize.

Vorozhinnya No. 5: on eggs

The fortune-teller will help you to understand, as if they will check the offensive fate on you.

You need a bottle of warm water for that egg. The best vicorist is not a store, but a homemade one. Before the witches, add an egg to the white and yellow, trying not to pierce the thin shell of the rest. For the rite, you need only pure protein. Pour yogo into a bottle of water and carefully look at the shape, like a wine. This fortune-telling is similar to a rite, which is carried out in the midst of a cave: turn on your fantasy and try to find figures in the white that are similar to real objects. Your interpretation will become a hint to the future.

Vorozhinnya No. 6: on bread

The fortune-teller suggests that everyone in this world will be alive and well, and that they will be deprived of offensive fate at once.

Prepare a bowl of water and bread crumbs - stilki skibochok, skolki members of the family. Put bread by the water and twist it with your finger. At this hour, cast a spell: “That water is spinning, here is all my family. It will be dashing, separate bread, water. After that, fill up the rest at peace and break sleep. Lies are turned over, what became zі skorinki. If all the stinks lie on the surface, keep order, order will be right. As if the shmatochki drowned, they blew a kill, something went somewhere in the other world.

Vorozhinnya No. 7: the white of the church

Vorozhinnya podkazhe, chi zdіysnya bazhannya.

On the vіdmіnu vіd priednіh svodіv v probachiti probavіtnє, yаkі it's necessary to victorate in the evening of 13 sіchnya, this rite is to be performed on the 14th bell of the church, where the parishioners came to the service. Stand up white gate, speak clearly to yourself bazhannya and cheer 13 people, as if they will lead you through. It’s even more important, skils will be women, and skils will be people. There are more than the first ones, which fate of the world will not dream of. Have mercy on people? І z bazhannyam talant!

On Holy Day, it’s important to keep up the tradition and don’t forget about prikmet

Prikmeti on Stariy Novy Rik

In these charming days, in order to find out about the future, do not start guessing obov'yazkovo. It’s enough just to look around for a long time and not make a spear of speeches. Tse "program" rik for good luck.

  • Sob at the house the whole river was well-off that prosperity, the first 14 September until the new May, a person will be born. Open the doors to the workers - there are boys among them.
  • On the 14th of September, shrug off in order to cry with dribnits, take the change with coins, or simply re-buy them. Copies are tears, and the one who is sorted out, the whole river is minted on inacceptability.
  • At the Old New River, not a penny, not a speech. Having won this year, you risk spending 12 months with the Borg.
  • On September 14, it is impossible to blame the smіttya. This day is the hour of renewal, if happiness comes to the booth, good luck is hopeful. It is important that at the same time you can inadvertently throw them away.
  • An unkind sign is to watch the word thirteen at the holy hour. Zim can call on yourself dashingly.

Rock falls on the winter Christmas time, as it is celebrated in advance of Christmas until Khreshchennya. It was important among the people that at this hour of the trash you could walk and play around, for the very same on holy days during the course there were various kinds of fun, including fortune-telling.

Among the girls, a little bit went, like a witch to the Old New River, not from 13 to 14 September, now.


Witchcraft on queens

At noon from 13 to 14 days before tim, how to go to bed, the girls need to put a pillow under gradient maps from images of queens. Lies, do not be surprised, varto draw one card. What kind of king the maiden will be, such a man will be: the king of spades is old and jealous, the king of clubs is the king of worms, the king of worms is young and rich, and the king of diamonds is rich.

Witchcraft on bread and knives

Zgіdno z povir'yam, as if before going to bed on the Old New River put bread and knives under the pillow, the girls will always dream of її judgments.

Witchcraft on a love dream

Before going to bed, girls, in order to tell fortunes, it is necessary to take something salty and at any time do not drink water. When you go to bed, it is necessary to say: "Names, mummers, come before me and give me a drink"! It’s safe to believe, whoever comes to give you a drink, for that you will come.

Witchcraft on the betrothed of panchohoy

The girls will have to get ready for fortune-telling ahead of time - to buy panchoks. Before going to bed, it is necessary to put on a new panchokha on one leg and lie down in a lizhko. With whom, the girl is obliged to use: "Names, mummers, come and call me."


It’s easy to put a small bowl of water on it, and put a small wooden stick on it and say before going to bed: “Come, come to me through the mistok to translate.” Whoever sees the dream through the place of translation - for that and vice versa.


Witchcraft on mirrors

Tsya fortune-telling is far from skin, but rather for those who like to tickle their nerves. Among the people, it is respected by one of the most secure.

For divination, two mirrors are taken (to make large ones and according to the possibility of equal size), one is installed opposite one and illuminated by two candles. It is best to place one mirror opposite the hung wall mirror, so that you see a long corridor, illuminated by fires. It is necessary to clean up all creatures and third-party people. It’s even more scary, you can lose a couple of modest osіb, but the stench is not to blame for not seeing the sound, not marveling in the mirror and not going to the gate.

In the end of the corridor, which, having settled between two mirrors, is guilty of judgments. Well, it’s true, sometimes it’s a long time to be amazed, but you can be more than just the named one, but the evil spirits ...

Vorozhinnya on the character of the betrothed that zamіzhzhya

And a bowl or a saucer is stacked with various objects, like girls, what to tell fortunes, don’t be surprised at your due diligence. Golovna umova - the subjects are guilty of clearly reflecting the character of the rice and the quality of life.

For example, tsukor - licorice life, garnily accommodating character of the betrothed, kіltse - zamіzhzhya, cup - more fun life, gold kіltse - wealth.

Vorozhinnya on sirniki

For this fortune teller, it is necessary to prepare a box of sirnikov and a sprat of sirnikov.

On the sides, the box is installed according to the siren: one is the girl, how to tell fortunes, and the other is the person, who is appropriate. Sirniki podpalyuemo and check, until the stench burns down. Like the heads of animals are one to one - it means that the lad and the girl will be at once.


One of the traditional gates on the Old New River.

Mrs. Budinka, when I ask the guests, cook dumplings with potatoes, and then put the stuffing in front of looking for small surprises. The essence of the fortune-telling lies in the fact that no one knows what to eat, and they themselves blame the stuffing of the dumpling, that they check the offensive fate for a person.

For example:

  • Llodianik - the life of the advancing fate will be licorice;
  • Paper bill - big pennies are being minted on you;
  • Thread - until the long road is more expensive;
  • Tsukerki type of dragee - replenishment of the family;
  • A pea of ​​black pepper - means life with pepper;
  • Gudzik - a lot of new clothes.


Witchcraft in the name of the betrothed

In order to recognize the name of a future person, it is enough for a girl to go to the street and ask the first animal to name his name.

Vorozhinnya on kiltsі

The fortune-telling girls roll on the blue on the hillside. It’s like it’s out to lean to the door, the girl is not barred outside the house.

Witchcraft on eggs

It is necessary to prepare a fresh egg ahead of time. At the new baby’s little darling, she carefully wilted in a bottle of water. After a certain hour, the whites will burn according to the shape of the wines, and judge the future.

For example, if you want to shake the church at the figure - buti vіnchannya, kіltse - zaruchini. The car, the ship chi litak - to the expensive, reconditioning, swedish cost.

Witch for a book

It is necessary to prepare a book with a good seal. Without opening the book, the girls guess the number of the side and the row to the beast from the bottom. Then we open the book on the required side and read the necessary row. It is stale in the light of the fact that the girl, how to tell fortunes, praises the most, and denigrate the obedience paragraph.


Curry on grains

This is one of the simplest things: at the jar, groats are piling up, put food, after which, with the capacity of the left hand, the groats are reaped, and the grains are refurbished.

The paired kіlkіst symbolizes the positive effect on the supply of food, and the unpaired symbolizes the negative, vidpovіdno.

Vorozhinnya on the water

Two identical flasks are being prepared. One of them is filled to the brim with water. Having guessed the bazhannya, girl, what to tell fortunes, you begin to pour the motherland from one bottle into another. Rob the whole kilka once. If it is necessary to marvel at the surface, where the flasks stood. As a matter of fact, no more than two or three streaks were left on it; There are more streaks - the instillation of them is important in life.

Witchcraft in the shadows

It is necessary to prepare a saucer or a flat plate, an arch of clean paper, a candle and sirniki. The sheet of paper needs to be folded and put on a plate, gently burn the breast. If the leaf burns down again, it is necessary for the help of a candle to make a candle on the wall. After another hour, turn on all your imagination - looking at the shadows, you can find out about your future.

Ahead of the New Fate, the skin of a person dreams of a miracle. So you want the fairy tale to become a dazzling and the most poignant bazhanya was created. Zgіdno z povir'yam, itself in newbie before us is the future. This hour is far away, to tell fortunes for the share of the betrothed, the kohannya that pennies. Ways to grow impersonal. We have chosen for you the truest predictions for the New Year 2019.

Vorozhinnya on Novyi Rik on Kokhannya

For a fortune teller, you need a yalinka. It is important that the beautiful fox was embellished and stood on all sides. Also, you need a helper, who is guilty of tying up your eyes and doing good. After that, go to the yalinka and take from it the first toy that you got. Having understood the po'yazku, give respect to the color of the toy:

  • bile - special life will be without changes;
  • black - in front of the unfortunate kohannya that break your heart;
  • chervona - show your friend half;
  • green - to boisterous passions, as you will survive in a new night;
  • violet - you can see the blue from the cohanim to get cold;
  • sriblyastogo - to zustrіchі with rich names;
  • gold - advancing fate wins the world;
  • rozheva - get to know a person who will become a friend for you;
  • blue - before welding and jealousy;
  • zhovta - until parting with cohanim.

Vorozhinnya on Novy Rik 2019 for the betrothed

In order to recognize who will become your man, it is necessary to tell fortunes on the betrothed to Novy Rik. Zrobiti tse duzhe simply. Take a small bowl of water and set it down gently. Put a wooden stick on top of it. Before going to sleep say:

“Instructions u sni come to me, transfer me through the city.”

After all, don’t open your mouth and go to sleep. In a dream, you are guilty of a future man.

Vorozhinnya on Novy Rik on the betrothed on the maps

Іsnuє kіlka ways to tell fortunes from the novice nіch on the cards. One of them is to put a pillow of the king of diamonds under the pillow, and before going to bed say:

“Names-dressings before me, see the dream.

Give me names-dressings.

What kind of lad you dance in the night dreams, that I will become your blessed.

Є vorozhinnya on kshtalt tsgogo, but in tsomu vpadka under a pillow to put a pillow once a couple of queens. It is necessary for the lie to put your hand under the pillow and, do not be surprised, draw the first card that was trapping. Axis sho means leather king:

  1. Bubnovy. A man is a young man, and you want to play in your role. Shlyub will be long and happy.
  2. Chervoniy. Your man will become a cohanie man, but for yoga prihilnist you will have to fight, shards on the way will become a supergirl. Є ymovіrnіst, that a future man walks with a levoruch.
  3. Khrestovy. A man became a dilova person, for example, a priest, a military service, or a man, who embraced the boss's quarters.
  4. Pikoviy. The meaning is twofold. A person can become a respectable person, which is either significantly older for you for a century, or he borrows a high camp in the court. Likewise, the King of Spades can incriminate a jealous person, or a scary one.

Vorozhinnya on Novy Rik for pennies

For which fortune-telling you need some flasks of water. In one put a spoonful of salt, in another way - zukra, in the third - kilce, in the quarters - bread. If you are a fortune teller with a helper, then ask him to tie your eyes and remember the bottles with your hands. If you happen to perform the ritual on your own, then tie your own eyes and turn around on your axis, then go to the table and take the first dish that you got.

Taste the water. The darkness of the witch to lie in the form of what she herself knew from the curse:

  1. Zukor. The whole coming river will be lucky for you. You will plydno practice and have fun.
  2. Strength. It will be important: the material camp will be stolen, there may be problems with health, welding with loved ones and discord with a kokhanoy people.
  3. Kiltse. The independent girls and the unfriendly lads are happy, the foreign ones are happy for the people of the child.
  4. Khlib. For the advancing rock, mark the material camp. It is possible to take away recession, or to win a big jackpot in gambling.

Vorozhinnya on the New River on the future

In order to find out that the offensive fate is on you, the witch will help you. One umova - it may be frosty on the street. A newcomer needs to douse a small mirror with water and go out into the street with it. Dock, if on the surface there are vіzerunki, which you will designate the future. Marvel, like figurines in a little one, they are moving:

  1. Cola. Rick will be kind. You are checked for success in a robot and in a special life, a penny reward.
  2. Square. It is difficult to blame problems and problems on the way.
  3. Yalino vizerunki. To bring rich pratsyuvati, to reach the bagan.
  4. Smugi. Life is about to have a stable period.
  5. Hvili. Unsolicited change and otrimannya news from afar.

Vorozhinnya on a new river on a zamіzhzhya on a tsibulya

In order to recognize you, you will find a place in the offensive, take a cibulin and put it in the water. As soon as you grow up to Christmas, then check your hands and hearts on propositions.

If you don’t name whoever is your share, then take two cibulins and sign them with the names of shanuvalniks. Plant a cybula by the water. For whose name is tsibulin more prorost, that one will become your man.

Video: New Year's Eve

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