Recipes of yalovichini from salted ogirkami. Recipes of yalovichini from salted ogirkami

I cooked with homemade chicken, but I think it would be delicious to cook with meat. Especially, I declare myself, it will be delicious from yalovichi. Remember the chicken, cut into portions of shmatki.

I cooked at the multicooker, but you can also cook at the oven on the stove.

The multicooker is switched on in the mode of oiling 5 quills. In a dry well, put the bowl of the multicooker into the bowl of the multicooker and brush it on both sides, 2 quills each.
Likewise, make it with a frying pan, as you will cook on the stove. Heat the frying pan for 3-5 hvilin and then put meat on it. Likewise, cook in the oven, put the meat on the bottom of the mold, mix the products and put them to the beast, and in this order, bake in the oven, mix once during the baking process.

Narizati tsibula, chasnik, tomatoes, carrots and ogirki. I cut everything large, so that the vegetables do not boil. Ale, you can use all the vegetables, krim ogirkiv, narizati dribno or grate it on a grated, then weide the same thick sauce.

Mix, add | add | water. My mood of the trigger is homely and it will be ready for a long time, I will add a bottle of water to that. Ale, if a trigger is bought, if it will be ready for 30 khvilin, enough is 1/2 bottle.

Bring to a boil and switch to the "milk porridge" mode. Cook the chickens until fully cooked.
My cock was prepared for 1.5 years.

Miraculously savory, soft and juice meat from salted cigars and sour cream. For cooking tsієї stravi, you can vicorate and yalovichina, veal and pork, fallow, depending on what you have. Relish kіntsevoi stravy lie in the relish of salted ogirkіv, so carefully choose ogіrochki.


  • M'yaso (yalovichina, veal and pork) - 700 g
  • Salted ogirki - 3-4 pcs. medium size
  • Cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.
  • Sour cream - 200 g (no matter how fat)
  • Boroshno - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Force for taste
  • Pepper - for gusto
  • Dried greens (krip and parsley) - for relish


Clean the cibula and fill it with small cubes. Play the Trochs dewy olive at the frying pan and lay the qibula. Coat the cibula until it becomes soft and lightly roamed in the proper fire for an hour of stirring.

While the cibula is being smeared, mash the meat and cut it into thin straws. Put the meat into the pan until the cibula is ready, add the fire to the maximum and brush it until the meat is ready light color. Tse trivatime approximately 3-5 whilins. Stir the meat obov'azkovo so that it doesn't burn.

Let's change the fire, pour water bottles to the meat, and cover the pan with a lid. Extinguish the meat on a full fire for 1 year.

While the meat is being stewed, prepare the sour cream sauce. For this cob, take the trochs of hot boiled water with a boar and mix it so that there is no breast. Add|Add| mix sour cream again.

Grate the salted cinders on the great third and add to the meat for 15 khvilin before readiness.

Pour in the sour cream sauce. Relatively mix meat with sauce and skewers.

Cover the frying pan with a lid and simmer the meat for another 15 quills. At the end of the preparation, salt the meat, pepper and add the dried herbs. Mix thoroughly and you can vimikati.

Meat with salted cigars is ready, serve it hot, as a side dish for choice.



  • 1 kg pork.
  • 3 cibulini medium size.
  • 500 ml sour cream.
  • 2 salted stumps of medium rosemary.
  • 1 tablespoon of borosna (without weights).
  • Black pepper chalking.
  • Red pepper is hot.
  • Fenugreek chalking (optional).

Part of the sour cream can be replaced with good tops. Tse ushlyakhetnite gusto and destroy yoga lower.

Yak cook

My respect

  • For the preparation of stravia, it is best to take a non-fat, non-greasy brisket, an edge, a shoulder blade.
  • You can always replace the water with low-fat broth.
  • For the bazhannya, add greens to the crop.
  • Adding spices, try it right away, for a harmonic relish.
  • Salted ogirka can be replaced by marinating, as well as when preparing meat pickled saltwort. Zamina is not equally strong, but it’s even more delicious to go out of pickled ogirkіv.
  • Tsyu grass is often called goulash for peace, although I don’t want anything to sleep between goulash and we don’t give grass (hiba scho offense - z m'yasa). For the Ugric classification of other stravtse, shvidshe, tokan (for ingredients). If you want to cut meat for the rest, like for beef stoganiv, but not in cubes.
  • Meat from salted ogirkami can be prepared at the miners. At the center of the sour cream, the mountaineers put the cibula with pivkiltsami (more often, pidzmazhenu), cut the meat, the beast - ogirki, then cut into cubes and often potatoes. Pour in sour cream or tops, put in the oven, put in the oven, rise to 180 ° C, for 1 year.

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Yalovychyna is good to eat with salted cinders. This day, we are giving us savory that sitna grass for the everyday Christmas time menu. How do you prepare yalovichina from salted ogirkami for different recipes?


Yalovychyna 0 kg Tsibulina 1 piece(s) Tomatoes 2 pieces) Chasnik 1 clove Oliya Sonyashnikova 80 ml

  • Number of servings: 1
  • Cooking hour: 1 whilina

Recipe for yalovichini with cucumbers

There is nothing zayvogo in this country, it is easy to do it in the preparation. Axis list of ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of yalovichini;
  • 3 small pickles;
  • 1 cibulin;
  • 2 large tomatoes;
  • 1 clove watchmaker;
  • 80 ml of sonyashnikova oil;

Freeze the yalovichina a little, so that it would be easier to cut cubes on the side, but don’t freeze the meat to a stone camp. Draw yogo on shmatochki zavtovshki approximately 1.5-2.5 div.

Kazan with bakery Sonyashnikova Oliya grease the meat on a strong fire about 20 min. As soon as the motherland boils, put at the cauldrons a sharply wounded cubula, a chopping watchmaker. Cook Strava 3 min.

Pour at the cauldrons about 0.5 tbsp. drive. After 20 quills, put there peeled skins and chopped tomatoes, chopped cinders. Salt the dish and stew it with a krishkoy close to the 20th century.

Yalovychyna with cucumbers and honey

A day in the same country of meat, salty ogirkiv and honey - it's just a vibe of our savory receptors. Live with the grass of your relatives. For yoga preparation you will need:

  • 800 g of yalovichini;
  • 4 medium salted fritters;
  • 3 art. l. honey;
  • 1 st. lean tops;
  • 3 art. l. wheat boroshn;
  • 40 g of butter;
  • 1 st. l. sonyashnikova olії;
  • 2 cibulini;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • sil.

Yalovichina and the cibula are cut into small pieces. In a deep frying pan, heat 2 types of olives, 4 minutes. lubricate the cibula, add meat and lubricate more 6 min. on the fire. Add to strain strength, bay leaf and honey. Pour 700 ml of water, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 1 year.

Take from the frying pan 1 opolonik of the broth made there. It's hard to tell the new one. Cut the cinders into thin straws. Put them in sumish with borosna and broth. Pour the blank with sturgeons into the pan. If everything boils, let youmu cook for another 5 minutes.

Pour the tops into the rest of the pan near the pan. Dock until the heat is very hot, but do not bring it to the boil again. Take the pan out of the fire and serve it to the table.

If you don’t like yalovichina anymore, you can beat pork in the descriptions of the recipes, you can also cut the meat. You get prepared a little less, so adjust the hour of preparation yourself. Like a side dish to yalovichini pіdіyde potatoes, or be it porridge.

Miraculously savory, soft and juice meat from salted cigars and sour cream. For cooking tsієї stravi, you can vicorate and yalovichina, veal and pork, fallow, depending on what you have. Relish kіntsevoi stravy lie in the relish of salted ogirkіv, so carefully choose ogіrochki.

  • M'yaso (yalovichina, veal and pork) - 700 g
  • Salted ogirki - 3-4 pcs. medium size
  • Cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.
  • Sour cream - 200 g (no matter how fat)
  • Boroshno - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Force for taste
  • Pepper - for gusto
  • Dried greens (krip and parsley) - for relish


Clean the cibula and fill it with small cubes. Roast the trochs of olives in a frying pan and lay the cibula. Coat the cibula until it becomes soft and lightly roamed in the proper fire for an hour of stirring.

While the cibula is being smeared, mash the meat and cut it into thin straws. Put the meat in the pan until the cibula is ready, increase the fire to the maximum and brush the meat until the color becomes more light. Tse trivatime approximately 3-5 whilins. Stir the meat obov'azkovo so that it doesn't burn.

Let's change the fire, pour water bottles to the meat, and cover the pan with a lid. Extinguish the meat on a full fire for 1 year.

While the meat is being stewed, prepare the sour cream sauce. For this cob, take the trochs of hot boiled water with a boar and mix it so that there is no breast. Add|Add| mix sour cream again.

Grate the salted cinders on the great third and add to the meat for 15 khvilin before readiness.

Pour in the sour cream sauce. Relatively mix meat with sauce and skewers.

Cover the frying pan with a lid and simmer the meat for another 15 quills. At the end of the preparation, salt the meat, pepper and add the dried herbs. Mix thoroughly and you can vimikati.

Meat with salted cigars is ready, serve it hot, as a side dish for choice.

M'yaso stewed with salted cigars

Note gentlemen:

Oversalted soup can be sprouted - as if dipped in new rice, covered with cheesecloth, rice will take strength. Rice potim need to be thrown away.

Stravi z m'yasa є impersonal and simple, foldable. After reading this article, you know how to cook meat from salted ogirkami, all the same simple fears ale with original relish.

Recipe for meat with salted ogirkami:

  • M'yaso (pork) - 800 g
  • Cibulya ripchasta - 120 g
  • Marinated fried fritters - 270 g
  • Sour cream 10% - 200 g
  • Clockmaker - 4 teeth.
  • Curry
  • Ground black pepper
  • Roslinna Oliya
  • Greens

Otzhe, we begin to cook meat stewed with salted cigars. It is necessary to cut the loin with meat in portions and brush it on a roasted frying pan with additional olive oil. M'yaso obov'yazkovo vykladat on a good frying pan! Then it is necessary to add the cibulus to the meat and also lubricate it. The whole process takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Let's add water to the meat (250-300 ml) and extinguish 20 quills. After 20 quills, salted stumps cut into cubes are added to the meat. І continue to quench the meat from salted ogirks for 20 more chills, stirring occasionally. Tobto. hot hour of cooking 50 quilin.

You, obviously, can reduce the hour of simmering, lay everything down, depending on how you have meat, young and old, and pork is thin. In the end, to stewed meat with salted cigars, we add sour cream, chasnik, salt and pepper, curry. Peremіshuєmo, quenching more 3-5 quills, adding greens (yakscho є) and wiping out the fire.

The meat stew with salted stumps is ready! Savory!

And what kind of grass from meat suits you the most? I will be glad to your comments.

Meat from salted ogirkami

If you want to cook pork in a new way, then hurry up with this recipe. In this recipe, pork is beaten, if you want for the bazhan, you can replace it with veal, yalovichi, lamb or chicken. It’s easy to get ready to finish the grass, and the meat comes out soft and savory. The sauce with its lower density envelops the skin of a piece of meat, and the crispy fritters, smacking on the teeth, burst in the mouth. All to fight against the unstoppable and piquant grass. You can prepare food in whatever way you like, but if we make it better for lubrication, that quenching is important. If you want to, you can vicorist, whether it’s pans and frying pans, which you can do with your hand, and learn modern technology, like a slow cooker.

  • Pork - 1.5 kg
  • Salted ogirki - 5 pcs.
  • Cibulya - 2 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Winter peppercorns - 4 pcs.
  • Strength - approximately 1 tsp. but for the taste
  • Black chalking pepper - pinch abo to relish
  • Roslinna oliya - for lubrication

Cooking meat from salted oysters

1. Salted stumps with calves of 3 mm each and soak in water for 15 strands, so that a little salt comes out. Then put it into a sieve and wash it with clean water.

2. Put the sturgeons in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add the cleaned cibulin, bay leaf, peppercorns and pour water, so that only the stumps will come out.

3. Boil the ingredients on a large half-moon, then increase the average temperature and boil the stumps for about 1 year.

4. Tim an hour while the ogirki boil, prepare the meat. Cleanse yoga from the veins, wash it, dry it and cut it with small pieces of medium size. It’s better not to cry, so that the meat does not become dry for an hour of lubrication.

5. Heat up a frying pan with olive oil, put meat in it and grease it on the great half-way, so that it is covered with a smear. Tse yogo seals the whole sik.

6. Let's transfer the meat to a saucepan with chucks, replace fresh cibulin, add spices and spices.

7. Pour the product with water, more for їх rіven per 1 finger and stew for about 1 year on the right fire after boiling. For 10 minutes before readiness, season the strawberry with pepper to taste.

8. Serve the finished grass to the table with a fresh look. Garnished with potato puree or boiled rice. With these products miraculously m'yaso with podlivoyu.

Obscenely savory pork with salted ogirkami

Date: 29 02 2016

Hello my dear readers! With all the number of recipes that are saved in my head, sometimes the head itself cannot be saved, why should I prepare such a thing for an insult? Not those schob fantasy was exhausted, but a simple set of products (abo product), which needs to be “utilized”. Today, food loomed before me, where I would put two salted stumps, a jar, floating in a stench, would not take up space in the refrigerator. Pork with salted ogirkami was given to me as a side option.

Zvichayno, salty ogirkam, and in a quantity of only two pieces, it is not obligatory to grow up in such luxurious apartments, like a three-liter jar. But rightly so, lovers of homemade food (for a short time) blow salted chicks with their hands and don’t “strengthen” them, moving to a dry container. To the point, salting ogirkіv in three-liter jars, a classy method for the presence of wet ice. Later, I, like a good woman, masterfully sang food - for the order of the refrigerator in the form of a three-liter jar, I needed more than a kilogram of pork garlic, a pinch of sour cream and one hour!

Pork recipe


  • 1 kg pork.
  • 3 cibulini medium size.
  • 500 ml sour cream.
  • 2 salted stumps of medium rosemary.
  • 1 tablespoon of borosna (without weights).
  • Black pepper chalking.
  • Red pepper is hot.
  • Fenugreek chalking (optional).

Part of the sour cream can be replaced with good tops. Tse ushlyakhetnite gusto and destroy yoga lower.

Yak cook

My respect

  • For the preparation of stravia, it is best to take a non-fat, non-greasy brisket, an edge, a shoulder blade.
  • You can always replace the water with low-fat broth.
  • For the bazhannya, add greens to the crop.
  • Adding spices, try it right away, for a harmonic relish.
  • Salted ogirka can be replaced by marinating, as well as when preparing meat pickled saltwort. Zamina is not equally strong, but it’s even more delicious to go out of pickled ogirkіv.
  • Tsyu grass is often called goulash for peace, although I don’t want anything to sleep between goulash and we don’t give grass (hiba scho offense - z m'yasa). For the Ugric classification of other stravtse, shvidshe, tokan (for ingredients). If you want to cut meat for the rest, like for beef stoganiv, but not in cubes.
  • Meat from salted ogirkami can be prepared at the miners. At the center of the sour cream, the mountaineers put the cibula with pivkiltsami (more often, pidzmazhenu), cut the meat, the beast - ogirka, then cut into cubes or sometimes potatoes. Pour in sour cream or tops, put in the oven, put in the oven, rise to 180 ° C, for 1 year.
  • From food, utensils with stone pokrittam, go to me in the comments, or through the form of a return link. I will have the best prices for you!

I'm glad I gave the recipe to you, my dear readers. Now I check, as always, for your comments. Share, be kind to the article in social measures- it’s possible, your friends will be the same for your friends. Subscribe to the blog post - everyone needs to check on us in advance. All for now and see you tomorrow!

Get your Irina.

I have been thinking for a long time how to prepare this year's music for you ahead of spring. I raptom tsya song. The heart trembled at the long-known beautiful voice. On yoga songs, my son is vivchiv chesku mov. I wish the "nightingale" to be healthy and long life.

Karel Gott - I make doors

Stewed yalovichina with pickled chickpeas. Pokrokovy recipe with photo

I remember skils, my mother often cooked delicious grass with meat with pickled chickpeas. You need to say that you pickle the pickles yourself, according to your proprietary recipe. And the stench comes out of her already savory, fragrant and crunchy.

Traplyayetsya, sho vіdkrі vіdkrіє trіlіtrovu jar z ogіrki, vіdat juicy іrіkіv і mіslivstvo, and trіshki zalishaєєє jar. І stand by the refrigerator. And then my mother prepares rosolnik from them, and buvay, scho th such savory stewed meat with ogirki.

Now I'm pickling the same fritters myself. Ale marina I'm assorted, to which one enters ogirki, tomatoes, cabbage and carrots. I will add small cibulini, or zucchini with patisson. So it’s easier and faster to get it, that’s not rich, that little bit, marveling at it, and the jar is already empty. Ale nі-nі, i again stagnant ogіrochki in the refrigerator.

But, why are you sitting, she thinks: What are you going to cook for the supper? And guess what you can cook savory meat with cistern. Take out a jar, and specially v_dkrivaєsh її for tskogo vpadku.

So it happened for the first time. I wanted to design a menu. M'yaso was bought. The deed for the malim was lost - take it to cook.

More importantly, it’s even easier to prepare yoga. I don't care about those who are m'yasoshchey to finish the shvidko. To understand what we see, I will approximately show. Strava is similar to the basics in Tatar and goulash. For the basics, we have more potatoes, we have pasta as a side dish today. And in the goulash, the vicorist is like a sauce more than the middle, we will have it thicker.

On the relish of meat prepared in such a way, one pours in the relish of ogirkiv. That is why it is necessary to choose savory fritters. I have little chicks with a sour-salty-licorice relish. Ale in the world, no relish does not interrupt one another - everything is balanced. That and m'yaso come out of such a balanced relish.

You know, you can tell a lot, or better yet, prepare it once and try it. Then you don’t need to tell more. In another hour, your household will ask you to cook the same meat again.

Before speech, meat can be as-yak, pid_yde and yalovichina, pork, and lamb. For such a recipe, I cooked chicken fillet. It’s just wonderful to come out of all the vipadkahs. So let's get ready!

Stewed yalovichina with pickled cocks

  • m'yaso - 600 gr.
  • qibulya - 2 pcs.
  • carrot - 1 piece
  • hourglass - 2 cloves
  • tomato - 1-2 pieces or tomato paste -4 tbsp. spoons
  • spices - coriander, paprika, cumin, thyme, rosemary, turmeric, dried ginger
  • sil, black pepper chalking
  • red chilli pepper
  • oliya roslinna -2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • bay leaf
  • fresh greens - for sipping

1. M'yaso remember, dry with a paper towel. Porіzati across the fibers of the sprout on the face, and then with sticks.

2. Cut the cibula with thin pivkiltsy. Sob not їlo ochі, nizh you can periodically lower the cold water.

3. Grate fresh tomatoes, peel, which is left out and not grated. Otherwise, scald the tomatoes in front with a sprinkle, take the skin off, and then rub it. At the winter hour, you can vicorate homemade tomato paste chi shop. Store pasta should be taken twice less, shards won't be concentrated, lower homemade.

4. Warm up the frying pan, pour the oil. Pochekati pokey|docks| the oil warms up well, and only a little after that, grease the meat. It is important that the meat be more crisply covered with a ruddy streak. In such a mood, all the sіk will be emptied of the middle, and the meat will be juicy. For whom a great fire is needed, dried out that unsalted meat.

5. If the meat is smeared, I will cut the cibula into a frying pan. Fire is changed to medium and smeared yogo to a golden color. I have less than 3-4 tbsp in my recipe. a spoonful of olive oil. For this reason, my cibula is practically covered with a dry frying pan. If you don’t move yourself in a fat country, then a little bit of olive oil can be saved.

6. After that, like a cibula was smeared, add half a bottle of hot water. Give the opportunity to boil the cibula for a little while, and then, if the water evaporates (it will become softer), lightly smear it again.

7. Now I’m pouring hot water again, so that only lightly covered the meat. І on the middle fire under the kryshkoy extinguish 20-30 quills, the docks in the frying pan are practically not left without water.

8. While the meat is being cooked, cut the stumps into cubes.

9. Grate carrots for Korean carrots. Refine the clock.

10. If the water from the meat was almost completely evaporated, add to the new tomato paste or trimmed tomatoes. Add all the spices and a piece of red hot pepper. Chervony pepper is used to taste according to the taste. To that add pepper to your taste. Lubricate 3 hvilini.

11. Add stumps of narizan, brush 5 quills.

12. Add a carrot. Lightly grease 2-3 quills. Add hot water. If you want more water, then you can add more water. But give me less water.

13. Let it boil, after 5 quills, taste the strength, salt as needed. Vityagnіt red pepper, vikinite yogo. Add bay leaf, teaspoon and lightly pepper.

14. Cover with a krishkoy and give 10-15 hvilin time to sweat the meat under the krishkoy. Then let's turn off the gas and do not open the lid, fill it in for 15 more strands. Yakshto in krishtsi є otvіr, more often cover it with a towel.

15. Garnish to tsієї stravi go absolutely be-someone. It’s even better to eat meat with rice, mashed potatoes or with cooked pasta bowls. Here whoever you want to cook. I'm ready to sip the grass with trimmed greenery.

Note that for a greater taste and aroma, you can add Bulgarian pepper to the herb. I didn’t have yoga this year, so I gave him more paprika and spices. And for the bajans, you can add the replacement of one water - a part of the rosemary and that water. Todі strava viyde trohi more sour for relish and deshcho piquant.

First of all, it is necessary to add to the skin grass - a piece of your soul. That same skin grass is not always seen not only savory, but still brown, filled with your love!

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