Zha z sochevitsі recipes are just delicious. Stravi z sochevitsі: the recipe is just delicious. Soup from green juice

Sochevitsa can be called a paradox of light scale. Previously, she was millionni, and now exotic. And all that many people simply do not know how to cook correctly.

  • green;
  • brown;
  • Zhovta;
  • chervona;
  • orange.

It’s more convenient to save green or brown cinnamon in the kitchen closet. Boil out hot, good for everyday life. Yellow, red, orange beans become soft when cooked, so it’s better not to cook them as independent grass. Prote ta ki fruit vіdmіnno pіdіdut for soups and sauces.

It is important to bring the most recent lentil beans, as you can know. Todі stinks can lie in the bars of a few months without zipsuvatsya. The old culture gets ready longer and, as a rule, cracks when thermal processing. You can also look at it with crying white patches - these are small parosts. Vaughn doesn’t waste her savored tastes, but psu old look dishes.

Before the cob is prepared, it is necessary to have all the necessary ingredients. For the importance of the order of the products, there are a few kitchen tools, necessary, to work the simple grass.

  • a bowl of medium roses;
  • a large sieve with fine grains;
  • small saucepan;
  • spoon-mixer.

Bobi should be thoroughly washed sprat once, sorted out. In the package you can eat small stones or small pieces of roslin. The stench can harm the chi zlamati tooth. Not too welcome.

Have a small saucepan with a sufficient amount of water, sizzle beans, bay leaf, peppercorns. To add a special flavor to the clay, you can add additional ingredients. Like this:

  • herbs;
  • spices;
  • watchmaker.

Cover the pot with a lid. Varity, don't boil the docks. After that, change the fire to the middle level. Cooking sochevitsky bean requires approximately 25 khvilin. Tse is an average indicator. Culture is to blame, but it is completely covered with water;

If the culture becomes soft, it's ready. Zvereni beans must be filtered through a sieve and salted before serving on the table. You can decorate the grass with herbs, such as pepper, rosemary, thyme and saffron.

Sochevitsa includes up to its warehouse more carbohydrates, which saturate the body with energy, but do not produce it to the fullest. That is why the popularity of this product is growing again.

It is not important for a modern gentleman to prepare a delicious evening with companions in a multivarce. A miracle-appliance allows you to cook zhu shvidko, stained with a minimum of zusil.

The principle of multicooker operation does not allow to burn the product. The procedure is carried out with an active bet. Culture shvidko becomes soft.

It is necessary to clean the bean's back of the head from the dry smittya, wash the sprat once. Sipat sira sochevitsa in a slow cooker and fill it with water. For one bowl of opium, call to take 2 flasks of water. The best vikoristovuvati hot water. This is how the bobs get ready for swedish.

As if the grass transfers other ingredients, it is necessary to put them on the cob. Bobi kindly sip the taste of meat, vegetables, spices.

Do not varto salt the grass on the cob. Tse zbіlshit hour of yoga preparation. It’s better to add strength for 5 minutes | minutes | until the multicooker is boiled, mix it up, let it brew.

Sochevitsya lie down to the family of legumes. There is a lot of brown power. Culture does not only take revenge on a rich protein, but it saves a little bit of sieve for a trivial hour, but it is also an antidepressant. Porridge from sochevitsa is indicated for diabetes, heart disease, and mucosal disorders. How to cook?

Boil water, sip bobi, cook 15-30 hvilin (leavened in appearance). Tim time lubricate on growing olive grated carrots, chopped chasnik, diced cibula. Then add spices, tomato sauce stir up, take out of the fire.

If the culture is ready to salt її, add | add | to the vegetable sum, mix it up, leave it on the fire for 3 hvilini.

Such porridge miraculously eats m'clear fearsі vegetable salads. This variant of the preparation of syllables is even simpler, but more accessible. Pidide to inspire gentlemen-pochatkivtsyam.

How to cook porridge with succulents? Sort the bobi, rinse, pour in boiling water, cook on a moderate fire until ready.

How much water do you need? Traditionally, 2 parts of the water for 1 part of the sochevitsa.

What do you need to soak? Obov'yazkovo. Vіd tsogo bezposeredno to lie down the relish of the finished stravi. In front of the soaked bobs, the lower ones come out.

When to add strength? Nasamkinets іnakshe the hour of preparation is getting bigger.

What products to eat? Vіdminno go with herbs, vegetables and meat.

What spices to add? Cloves, bay leaf, shawliya, mint add a special vishukaness to the porridge. Golovne do not overdo it and do not sip the grass.

At the shops you can find a list of how many colors. Don’t change, but that culture itself, ale different maturity.

  1. Zelena. Unseen. The culture is even more fragrant, as it kindly takes its form after cooking, so that it can be added to salads and other herbs, so that the beans are left with non-shocked ones. Cook 30 minutes|minutes|;
  2. Chervoniy. Shvidko get ready, but it becomes soft and does not take shape. The best vicory for mashed potatoes or sauces. Varity no more than 15 quills.

Vibirayuchi beans, it is necessary to respectfully look at the world and the presence of a small smitt. Yaksna culture can be 5 mm in diameter, without outlets, one color.

Obov'yazkovo є presence of hermetic packaging, shards of boby strongly absorb moisture.

What can you do with essays? The first thing that falls on a thought is soup. The riddle about this grass is to be found in the Bible, where one of the historical articles sold its birthright for a plate of Yushka from Chervonoy Sochevitsy.

  1. Sochevitsa needs to be put into a heat-resistant dish and poured with dill for 15 fibers. Water can be covered in water. Zavdyaks pari bobi become lower;
  2. Strain the opiate and sipat it into the pan. Let's pour in the broth and mix it up. After boiling, change the fire and cook more whilin 20;
  3. Prepare vegetables and spices. Pour in a large frying pan and heat the oil. Smear the cibula, chasnik, leek cibulus, carrot, sil, pepper, thyme and kmin. Prepare vegetables and spices for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Add tomato paste;
  4. If the beans are ready, add the lubrication and boil 5 quills. It's easy and simple. The hour of preparing the soup can be significantly changed by setting the opiate ahead of time.

At any time it is impossible to allow such cory product like an essay is undemanding. Tse is tasty, colorful, practical. You can vicorist as a side dish with the main herb. This article reveals a richly subtle and allow you to inspire misunderstood gentlemen to prepare from the compatriots simply miracles.

Delicious red wine with vegetables!

Have you tried pricking chervona syllables? Tse - groats of a bright-yellow-hot color, arc rozsipchasta (rich in starch), richly rozvaryuetsya in a rich mashed potatoes. Tse is one of the most delectable varieties of commensals. Yaku miraculously smells sour vegetables (otherwise citrus juices), tea leaves and cibula, pepper and fragrant herbs.

If you don’t know what kind of relish the Chervonoy sochevitsa has, if you like pea puree, then you will definitely like this tasty, sitna (hot and sweet) grass. I recommend.

Stravi Warehouse

for a saucepan of about 2-2.5 liters or a large deep frying pan

  • Sochevitsya red stab - 1 bottle;
  • Water - 2 bottles;
  • Leek (white part) - from 1 stalk (otherwise the main part - 1 head);
  • Selera (stem and leaves) - 1 piece;
  • Chasnik - 1-2 cloves;
  • Licorice pepper - 1 pod;
  • Creep, basil - behind the bajans;
  • Black pepper (chervony or spirit, you can - sumish peppers) chalking - 1 teaspoon;
  • Strength for relish;
  • Roslinna oliya - 3 tablespoons.

Yak cook

Immediately put on the brew and cook the vegetable dressing. If the compost is boiled (become soft), fill it with vegetables and extinguish 5 quills at once on a small fire, so that the stench is exchanged with juices.

How to cook chervona syllable

  • Rinse the chervona sochevitsa with cold water. Put in a saucepan, pour cold water (proportion: 2 bottles of water for 1 bottle of sovetch). Bring to a boil.
  • If the water boils, change the fire and cook the chives for 10-15 quills until cooked (periodically check, so that the cereal does not stick to the bottom - stir). DO NOT SALT (for example, sour peas, peas, kvass and other beans are salted on the cob, then it will cook and help the stink will be inexhaustible for a long time).
  • I'm ready (m'yaku) salt the sap. Season with pepper.

Prepare vegetable dressing for succulents

  • Narizati: leek cibulus - kiltsami (like you have ripchasta - thin pivkiltsami); tomatoes and licorice pepper - in small cubes; clean the stalk of celery into coarse skins and cut into small pieces; chasnik - drіbno narіzati. Leafing celery and krip - chop (ale, skin grass - okremo, to that selera - at the gas station, and krip - at the ready grass).
  • In a frying pan, add olive oil, put in it a cibula, a stalk of celery, licorice pepper. Grease the vegetables on a small fire until softened.
  • Add chasnik, tomatoes, greenery seleri. Mix it up. Salt. Extinguish everything at once until the vegetables are softened.

If all the vegetables are ready, put them together with compost and extinguish them all at once (with a stretch of 5 quills) on a weak fire.

To improve the taste, you can put krip and troch in the skin plate inches of butter(Yakscho, obviously, you don’t post).


Persian chervona stab sochevitsa of the company Mistral Add pepper to the sochevitsa. When cooked, it will light up to yellow
Narizka veggies for refueling chervonoy sochevitsa Tushio veggies for refueling chervonoy sochevitsa Even more tasty and sieve!

Skіlki іsnuіє lyudska tsivіlіzatsіya, stilkі people viroshchayut і vzhivayut їzhu sochevitsa. Tsya bean culture is thermophilic, which is not common among the Slavic peoples in folk cuisines. Natomista in the lands of the Mediterranean is victorious everywhere, both in honor as an inexpensive, brown and handy product. I, smut, even savory! Aja sama for a compatriot yushka, and not for honey gingerbread, having sold his birthright to Esau Yakov (Buttya: 25). We have fresh kvass, I go for peas, you can buy practically from all supermarkets. In these articles, we know about those, how to prepare a savory syllable, how secrets you need to know, so you can’t digest it, and what kind of variety you need to choose for different grasses.

Korist and caloric content of the product

Companions have little fat - only 2 g per 100 g of the product, then rich in protein and carbohydrates - 21 g and 49 g in total. Vodnocha tse dosit live product. Yogo energy value- 298 calories. To the warehouse of commensals enter protein, which is easily acquired in the body. The same species of legumes contains boron, iodine, potassium, calcium, cobalt, manganese and copper, zinc, cobalt and molybdenum. Rich syllables and isoflavones - speeches, yakі korisnі for the prevention of breast cancer. Folic acid, which is absorbed into the body, improves immunity, beneficially affects the exchange of speech, normalizes the work sechostate system. Sochevitsa is prescribed for juicy diets. Basically її zastosovuyut in case of ailments of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract, especially in case of viral infection. Brown product and a high warehouse of vitamins, especially PP, And that group B. Ale needed to know how to prepare opiate, so that the coris of authority did not differ in okrop and did not go with a couple.

What kind of vibrati

For a long time, there were two varieties of dry buds - red and brown. The stench grew in Egypt, Israel, Syria - the lands with a scorching climate. The French, like the glory of great gourmets, tried to create a variety of compost, like a bula would be stuck until the coldest winters, and it was far away. It's true, the opal veiled green color. Vaughn, like other types of legumes, will require more trival preparation.

Then, the taste is simply miraculous - lower, what can one guess fresh peas. Depending on what kind of vee you came up with, green French or red and brown Egyptian, think about how to cook syllables. The first grade does not grow, miraculously trims the shape and is suitable for garnishing. Brown buds, with an inaccurate occasion, can turn into porridge, for that it is necessary to keep it, so that it does not get overwhelmed. From the red ones come out the miracle puree.

The soft relish of the Egyptian compatriots harmonizes well with meat, poultry and mushrooms. In order to enhance the taste of the garnish and add a neutral flavor to the garnish, add spices and herbs when cooking. Before preparing її it is necessary to thoroughly sort out and wash it by cold water, having removed the smell. Deyakі recipes to encourage you to soak green opium before cooking. Dali її pour cold water at a ratio of 1: 2 and put it on a small fire. If the country boils, add some olive oil (about half a tablespoon) and various spices: rosemary, bay leaf, shawlia, selera. Boil the green juice under the prepared lid for about 40 quills, stirring regularly, so that it does not burn.

Throw brown and red chervona at the okrip and boil under the closed lid 25 and 20 fines. Salt the garnish at least 5 chills before the end of the cooking process.

Sochevitsa in multivartsi

Modern kitchen accessories for a call to make a cook's job easier. If you have a multicooker in your booth, you don’t need to turn on the stove, constantly stirring the chimney. Your garnish will not boil and not burn. It’s enough just to see if you need a lot of water, and the attachment itself will take care of the temperature regime. At the multicooker, you can cook soup with red sap, and the brown variety is better stewed at once with meat.

Axis is the basic recipe for how to prepare an opiate in a multicooker. Call the cybulin with pivkiltsy, and the average size of the carrot - with straws. Put them in the bowl of the machine. Pour the vegetables with a tablespoon of olive oil and set the unit to the "Speck" mode. Enter the hour 15 hvilin. Rinse the juice (one multi-glass) and add to the greased vegetables. Fill with cold water. As if the opium was soaked in front, you need two multi-flasks of rіdini, and if not - chotiri. Set the "buckwheat" mode. One hour with a side dish you can cook meat. Vikladaemo yogo shmatochki on ґrati, put the beast. In this mode, the “Steam cooking” mode is selected, and the timer is set to 40 minutes.

Spectacular food of India

Now let's take a look at the recipes. Otzhe, what can be prepared from commensals? Zvernemosya for natkhnennyam to the kitchen of quiet lands, where the species of bean vicory grows calmly. Prepare a popular Indian herb - dhansak. Yogo can be prepared with shrimp, chicken, lamb, and the base is formed by chervona sochevitsa. We wash 350 g of the main product, put it in a saucepan, salt, pepper (black and gostrim chervonim), fill it with water. Bring to a boil and cook on a small fire until soft. It’s like driving too rich, it’s necessary to anger, even if it’s not enough - add a twist. One hour in a frying pan, roast a spoon or two of dewy olives and brush close two whilins of offensive spices: 6 boxes of cardamom, 2 teaspoons of mustard, turmeric, cinnamon and chili powder. We add to them two finely shaky cibulini, a 10-centimeter root of ginger, 4 cloves of a watchmaker. Lubricate all chain p'yat whilin. Put the shrimp chi m'yaso in the pan. Lubricate, stir, until ready. Add pineapple chunks, 8 small chopped tomatoes and boiled succulent. Pour some hot water and quench under the lid close to five whilins. Before serving, sip green cilantro.

In a large pot, pour 3 liters of water, salt and pepper, put on fire. We drop there two cuts on the large part of the carrot and the minced large cibulin. If the vegetables are ready to be boiled, sip 150 g of brown chia and red seasonings (parsley, krip, chasnik, Provence herbs). Cook 20-25 quills until soft compost. Trochs cool the soup and brush it with a blender. We pour in a bottle of tops, bring it to a boil and serve it on a glass with toast.

Vegetarian meatballs

And the axis is the recipe for how to prepare essays like independent grass. For this, vykoristovyte її chervony grade at a quantity of 350 g. Vrantsі change the homeland and put the cook until ready. Refine to a puree like a blender or a food processor. It is necessary to try hard so that the porridge becomes thicker. For which we put mashed potatoes on a piece of cotton tissue and zayva homeland. We add to the compost with a teaspoon of red pepper, salt, cumin, chopped cilantro, black pepper. Dobre vimishuemo puree. Formed by the bottoms of meatballs, panuemo in breadcrumbs and smeared in melted butter until golden brown. 225 g of natural yoghurt made from the juice of one lemon is placed in an okremіy cup. Pour hot cue with cim sauce.


How to prepare an essay? On the back of the head, prepare the salad dressing. Zmіshuєmo hot pepper, three leaves of basil and a clove of tea leaves, rubbed with a mother and poured two spoons of olive oil. At the salad bowl krishima 10 cherry tomatoes, 2-3 green cibula feathers, three 50 g of hard syrup. Okremo varimo 100 g of green sesame. If there is okholone, add to the salad. Mix and fill with flavored oil.

The people of the rich are rich in thousands of victorious rations in their diet. A majestic success is found among vegetarians, and even sochevitsa - a replacement for the animal protein.

The leguminous plant has sprat varieties. It is true, not all gentlemen know how to cook syllables correctly, so that the greed and relish of the grains are not wasted. The time has come to recognize.

Preparation before the war

The first step is to proceed before preparing the stew, whether it be of any variety, it is necessary to wash the grains by cold water. After the washing of the smittya will be well seen on the surface, it is necessary to see it.

Bobby composts do not need to be soaked in front, as, for example, they come from kvass and peas.

It’s not long to boil the stink, so come in.

Deyakі lords cook succulents in salty chi sour water for an original relish. The hour of cooking at times will increase. That is recommended to salt the grass less at the final stage of preparation.

And the axis in order to prepare the grass from the compost correctly, juicy and not digest, it is necessary to lower it into boiling water.

After re-boiling, the fire needs to be changed to a minimum bottom and cooked, without raising the lid, from 10 to 40 quills. In a variety of bean cultures, it is also possible to fallow, to cook succulents exactly in an hour.

Different varieties dictate the coming hour of preparation:

  • red grains - pіvgodini;
  • brown bobs - 25 quills;
  • green varieties - 40 khvilin;
  • orange grains - 20 khvilin.

Variety of side dishes

The simplest garnish comes from green buds, even though the same variety takes its shape the best. Chervona can be rediscovered, and the grass will be too soft. If you want to properly sort out the hour, you can get lost in these shortcomings.

The garnish is prepared with a proportionate ratio of cereals with water 1:2. The smut in yogo prepared - cook on the right fire and salt for 5 quills until ready.

Another option for a side dish is with vegetables. Get ready for a long time. But the same is the most expensive for the body. That one is even more delicious.

For yoga preparation, you need to take:

  • sochevitsa - 1 bottle;
  • tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • cibulin - 1 pc.;
  • dry carrot - 2 pcs.;
  • a bunch of crop;
  • oliya - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • coriander;
  • pepper;
  • sil.

Tomato paste is used to replace tomatoes, so that they can’t appear under your hand.

It is not necessary to soak the opium before cooking, it is recommended to dip the product immediately in boiling water. While the garnish is being prepared, you can start working on vegetables: grate carrots, cut tomatoes, cibula and crepe. After obsmazhuvannya tsibuli, add vegetables to the frying pan and quench 5 whilins.

The offensive krok is to anger the water from the compatriots and viklasti її to the vegetables. Sip the dish with crop, coriander and pepper. In order to bring the side dish with vegetables to its logical conclusion, you need to get rid of some of the trochs and get stuck under the closed lid.

Ready for essay in multivartsi: tasty and tasty

For the preparation of legumes from the multicooker, you need to take simple products:

  • for 1 flask of sochevitsi - 2 flasks of water;
  • tsibuli - 1 head;
  • adjika-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • chasnik - 2 cloves;
  • strength;
  • spices.

The process consists of the following main steps:

  • grate the carrot
  • clean and cut the cibula,
  • grease the prepared products in the multicooker on the “Vipichka” mode,
  • see a watchmaker in the sheepskin, lubricate 10 khvilin,
  • wash the opium under a stream of running water, but do not soak it,
  • add the cereal to the greased vegetables at the multicooker,
  • add water, salt and pepper,
  • season with homemade adjika. For the bazhannya, you can victoriously replace it with tomato paste.

Set on the multicooker mode Porridge, Pilaf, Buckwheat or Fig. Orientation hour of preparation - close to the year. For the readiness of the stezhity, the stones set the exact hour smoothly.

The opiate is properly prepared - the grass is not only brown, but still savory.

It is good to evaluate the rest of your household. And if you know how to cook lentils, you can fantasize and find new wines of your own special and brown menu.

Bobby, zavdyaki ugly authorities, have long been included in the diet, especially popular are compost grains, from which garnishes and cereals are prepared. Looking back at those who have legumes of different varieties, rich people have no doubt the best food: “how to cook succulent properly”? There are no real everyday folds, the smut knows for sure how many leather varieties are brewed, and how special the preparation of wines is.

Not only savory porridge can be made from sochevitsky grains. No less popular are side dishes prepared on the basis of cich beans. The very technology of creating a strain is simple, it is only necessary to be appointed in advance, for whatever kind of compost will be prepared - red, brown, black or green. Tse dopomozhe shvidko robiti light low-calorie meal or supper.

It is important that red grains are not suitable for garnishing, shards of stink can be powerfully rediscovered, looking like mashed potatoes. Prote red variety can take a spicy relish, but it’s the most wise one in order to cook such grass with relish.


  • Chervona sochevitsa - 150 gr.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Meat broth - 100 gr.
  • Cibulya - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Chasnik - 1-2 teeth.
  • Roslinna Oliya - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Thybrets - 2 sprigs (vicorist only greens).

Spices for garnish(Stack for relish): black pepper, rosemary (drying), chili, paprika (chervona), sil, turmeric.

How to prepare a side dish

  1. Vegetables are clean and clean.
  2. Narizaemo tsibulyu pivkiltsami.
  3. Three carrots on a second (or middle) third.
  4. Sip it into a frying pan, water the vegetables with olive oil and cover it with no more than 2-3 strands until I become a light blush. We pass everything in the middle fire.
  5. Soak the red compost plates by the water on a sprat of fluff.
  6. On the surface of the tomatoes, robimo nap, after which the fruit is placed on a couple of quills in the okrip.
  7. Znіmaєmo z tomato rind and cut vegetables into small cubes.
  8. Tomatoes are transferred to a frying pan with cibulae and carrots and continue to sauté the vegetables for 3 hvilini on medium heat.
  9. Dodaёmo to saute strength, sauce and meat broth. Everything is mixed and stewed vegetables 2 hvilin.
  10. We pass the teapot through the press, then put it all together with greens and other spices as a garnish.
  11. Stew nasamkinets bobi with vegetables sche 5-7 khvilin on a povіlny fire, after which the grass can be vvazhat ready.

Let's serve a side dish from Chervonoy Sochevitsa hot. The best yogo tax at once with ribnimi chi meat grasses. Serve bagan beans with sauce or ketchup, you can add a dressing for garnish from the most popular succulent.


  • - 5 bottles + -
  • - 1.5 bottles + -
  • - 1 piece + -
  • - On the tip of a knife + -
  • - 1 piece + -
  • 1 tsp but for the taste + -
  • 0.5 tsp but for the taste + -
  • - 1-2 tablespoons + -
  • - 2 cloves + -
  • Thybrets - 2 rolls + -

How to deliciously call an essay

It is clumsy to prepare a tasty green variety, it is smutty to know, it is necessary to cook grains a lot, so that the stench does not lose its form.

Oskіlki z usіh popular species tsієї bean culture to cook green sochevitsa found, then the rich gentleman uniquely її when preparing a side dish. However, the green plates for the relish of antrohi are not more for the red and brown varieties, to which you can boldly add them to the vegetable or meat garnish.

  1. For a sprat of years before cooking, we soak the bean grains: we pour water into the saucepan and hang the juice in it. Water obov'yazkovo pіdsolyuєmo.
  2. At the frying pan we pour olive oil, then we add it to it for smearing, pressing under the press, a watchmaker. You can trim the private teeth that manually.
  3. If in 30 sec. the chasnik is simmered in rose oil - we change the fire to the minimum half-light and put a little piece of butter in the pan.
  4. If the oil is rose, then at the frying pan, I will finely chop the carrots and the cibula. Stewed narіzku doti, the docks won't get out the receiving softness and garnish transparent color.
  5. Sochevitsa, as if they had soaked it earlier, it’s far from the water, as soon as it breaks out and becomes soft. It is important not to overthink and not allow it to lose its form.
  6. Sochevychne grain is transferred to a frying pan, add thyme to it (vicory only leaves) and brush everything on a strong fire. Don't forget to mix it up with which side dish.

Serve the ready-made strain all the way hot. Before serving yogo, you can add freshly chopped greens or fragrant spices. For a long time, save boiled syllables, make a garnish like a warehouse, not varto. It’s better to have larger portions for the day of preparation.

With which variety of legumes it is easy to make a savory evening for the whole family for 30 minutes. Brown grains are cooked better for others, but in their preparations there are a lot of features, without knowing which ones you can’t do it. To that, about those, how to prepare the darkest sort of compost - it is reportedly rozpovіmo at the cover of the recipe.


  • Brown opium - 1 bottle;
  • Tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Jam rice (basmati) - 4 bottles;
  • Chasnik - 3 teeth;
  • Chervona tsibula - 2 bottles;
  • Sil - ¼ tsp;
  • Roslinna (abo olive) oliya - 2 tsp;
  • Kіnza (fresh) - ¼ bottle;
  • Vegetable broth - 3 bottles;
  • Spices - to the taste.


  1. Zadalegіd soak the grains of brown buds near the water.
  2. Miєmo and clean the vegetables.
  3. Narizaemo dribno tsibula, chasnik and cilantro.
  4. At the pot on a small fire, we burn olive oil.
  5. Add a cibula to the pottery and extinguish it, periodically stirring it up. The hour of quenching is 15 hvilin.
  6. If the cibula is in a pot of rosemary, we add a watchmaker to it, which is pasterable on the fire with a stretch of 5 strands.
  7. Filled with lubrication 3 tbsp. l. tomato pasture, and everything is attached to the beast with spices. Bazhano, so that the seasoning was good, you can beat the sum of spices, for example, Berbera. Gasimo the vegetables with seasoning and pasta and 1 whilin.
  8. Filled with vegetable broth and brought to a boil on a great fire.
  9. As soon as the grains are broken, transferred to a saucepan, covered with a lid and boiled 20-25 strands.
  10. Having brewed the opiate to readiness, we salt it to savor. After that, we cook beans with boiled rice - and serve a side dish to the table.
  11. Laying out the grass in portions, embellishing it with cilantro, or be some other green.

You can give a side dish not only with fresh vegetables, but with fresh or pickled mushrooms, stewed chicken, fish or yalovichina.


Soak it

Chi is required to soak the opium before cooking - the most extensive food among the great gentlemen. I have a thought that lentil grain is one of the poorest types of legumes, soaking it is not obov'yazkovo. It’s true, but the “bathing” near the water has not yet damaged the grain of the beans.

It is important not to forget that the lentil plates, which lie at home, become dry throughout the year, and that’s why it’s necessary to have a fresh bucket of water.

Time to soak the essay

Otherwise, not less important, nourishment, how to chirp a gift - how many hours will it take to soak an essay?

If we ripen the grains for the spawn of a month, then it will be enough for 8 years, but if the seedlings lie down, and then the river, then the hour of soaking can be increased to 12-24 years. The longer the product is to lie, the more wine is taken.

Prote next to designate that it is not obov'yazkovo soak the plates so long. Sometimes it is sufficient to lower the grains near the water into a sprat of quills, so that the stench of the troch has grown and swelled into a cob shape.

Calorie table and hourly cooking

It is not good for all gentlemen to know how to cook brown, red, green and black sochevitsa (its name is buluga sochevitsa). Dostemenno one can see that the stench of the stench may have a different hour of cooking and the presence of calories.

To prepare the bulo is simple and brought only satisfaction - koristaytes table, in which calorie is indicated in the form of comrades and an hour, for which stink it is boiled until ready.

Now you know how to prepare compost of different varieties. All the secrets of how to prepare are easy to put into practice. Cook from bean grains a variety of self-sufficient flavors, or add syllables as an additional ingredient for garnish. Let your preparation be far away, and lentil chastuvannya - superbly savory.


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