Sochevitsa її korisnі power. Correspondence of the power of the essays. Immature green opium

How are cereals and vicorists for home cooking? Buckwheat, rice, millet, rіdshe - vіvsyanu? It’s not enough to guess about the essay. Її the greed that Skoda for the greater part of us is filled with a riddle. Is it not an hour to look over your schedule to which product?

The opal looks like flat miniature coins, extending up to beans. The color can be changed. All fall in vіd grade. These savory characteristics can be a little different, but the ugliness of that Skoda is practically identical. It is a component of a dietary, healthy and vegetarian meal.

In the past, the sochevitsa replaced the impersonal products, including meat, shards of bagat won for growing protein. They cooked soup, cooked porridge and baked bread. He has to take revenge folding into carbohydrates, for a long time they are poisoned, so people do not feel hunger for a trivaly hour.

Sochevitsa includes cellulose, starch, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. You can find vitamins - A, E, group B, as well as a complex of minerals - potassium, zinc, manganese, calcium, chromium, phosphorus, boron, copper, selenium and others.

Powerful comrades, which are valued in medicine:

  • normalize the emotional and mental background, calm the nervous system (tryptophan triggers), increase resistance to stress;
  • improve immunity (through the presence of vitamin C);
  • clean the vessels of "bad" cholesterol, so that you can store nicotinic acid, preventing a heart attack, stroke;
  • pіdtremuє sertsevy m'yaz, to the fact that in the new є potassium and other mineral components;
  • promotes hemoglobin, which enters the body, and molybdenum, which is located in it, ensures its complete acquisition;
  • paint the camp of the judge;
  • bring to the norm pokazniki blood circulation;
  • easy to get used to in the body;
  • usuvaє pain syndrome with sechokamyanіy ailments;
  • positively pouring into the etching, shards to avenge a lot of cells;
  • maintain constipation;
  • help in healing wounds and opikiv;
  • greater practicality;
  • improve memory;
  • paint old look nigtiv, hairy;
  • repair protipuhlinnuyu dia, prinіchuє rіst і rozpovsyudzhennya cancer clitin (tsya important akіst obumovlena tim, shcho in sochevitsі є іzoflavoni);
  • important for the prevention of colorectal cancer.

How is the writing of the building better self-confident?

Mustache beans, including health. When such a product is used, it can cause bloating and discomfort in the abdomen in healthy people. But such an effect is less likely to be seen with the irrepressible calm of the comrades. To get rid of such inaccuracies, it is enough to win a little cunning - to the herbs prepared from the compost, to add a bunch of fresh greenery.

Important! The optimal rate of implantation of sochevitsі is 2-3 times per day.

Such a product does not cause illness, but the building can provoke acute chronic ailments. It is better to help patients with rheumatism, dysbacteriosis, gout, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome. If a person can be schilnist until the stone is set at nirkah, then it is impossible to choke on such beans.

Which variety is corisnish?

Krіm rehabilitated yakoste, leather variety vіdrіznyaєtsya її іkuvalnimi characteristics.

Chervoniy (yogo is called “Egyptian”) exults in anemia, to that in the newest place, it is rich in potassium. If you regularly get used to such a product, then the concentration of respect and memory will be brightened, as well as the “roiling” of the nerves will be streamlined. This variety of comrades is ready to be shvidshe for others.

Green variety (French Puy's compost) improves the camp with viral infections, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, hypertension, rheumatism. Tse beans, yakі did not reach maturity. The stench is rich in growing fibers, so the stench normalizes the activity of the intestines. Z tsієї Well cause їхнє to prepare a loan for more than an hour. This variety is better than vicorist as the basis for salad, soup, garnish, stewed herbs.

Zhovtiy - green bobs without upper shell. The stench is smeared by the very same roughness, which is not polished.

Chorna - najdorozhcha. The second name is “buluga”. Pigmented speech, which gives the commensals of this variety such a color, demonstrates a high antioxidant activity. Vaughn pleasantly pours into the work of the heart-vascular system, old-fashioned galmu.

Brown - more mature bobs. The stench may have therapeutic powers, like to become a good friend, who has ailments for tuberculosis and other ailments of the respiratory organs. The living of such comrades positively affects the quality of brushes. Tsey kind of shvidko rozvariuєtsya.

The maximum "corrosity" is found in sprouted Sochevitsky grains. They have more cellular tissue and water-resisting antioxidants, more vitamins and more vitamins. And instead of ascorbic acid, it grows 16 times!

What is a good essay for women and people?

Naydrіbnіshi representatives of legumes will help you to lose weight and lose weight. If they have a high calorie content - 280-310 Kcal, with a fibrous structure, the buds swell into the shell and suffocate almost hunger.

It practically has no fat, protein is rich in protein. Living in the middle of a diet, you can lose weight, and your skin does not look like ugly folds. These "coins" will help your own bowel movement, which is also acceptable in your vraty.

Influx of commensals on the female organism:

  • reducing the risk of the appearance of evil swelling in the breasts;
  • protects the development of good newborns in mothers;
  • relief of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome;
  • reduce the pain of menstruation;
  • helps to survive menopause (reduces the frequency of hot flashes, stabilizes the pressure, relieves mood swings), shards of bagat for phytoestrogen;
  • upovіlnyuє vіkovі change.

Sochevitsa is a record holder for folic acid. Usago 200 g of succulent porridge on a plate to fill in the additional norm of the component. Vaughn is shown as voluminous (at a quantity - 50 g per dobu), spriya correct molding that fetal growth, zmіtsnyuє іmunny zakhist mothers and її nemlyat, usuvaє rizik anemia, ensure normal hematopoiesis.

This product is suitable for human eating. Vіn dopomozhe to increase potency medical practices increase prostatitis, reduce the development of cardiac pathologies, as well as, in order with animal protein and milk proteins, increase your contribution to the right growth of m'yaziv.

Bobov's menu: the most popular dishes from the Soviet Union

It's easier to cook porridge from the compost. Її greed that Skoda is irreplaceable. Tsya strava to put in the body of anonymous healing speeches - vitamins and microelements. It will help to deal with nerve and heart ailments, “good luck” for patients with diabetes. Ale, all the contraindications are spreading on porridge, as in comrades.

Dietary that korisna for healthy porridge is prepared as follows: for 1 tbsp. beans - 2 tbsp. drive. Sochevitsa is washed, poured with water, brought to a boil, salted, boiled for 40-45 minutes. on povіlnomu fire, periodically pomіshuyuchi. Before serving add oliya.

Not less korisny and light soup from compost. Skoda, in the light of this, is small-moving, because you can’t face such an injury. The preparation of soup does not mean culinary mastery.

Classic spіvvіdnoshnennia іngredієntіv: 1 tbsp. up to 3 tbsp. rіdini (you can take broth). Bobby zazdalegіd next soak. Place them near the pan, fill them with motherland. Dock the boil, boil the beans until soft, about 30-40 min. Give me some finely narrated clockwork. Boil for 2-3 mins. You can add potatoes and carrots to the soup.

The melancholy of the soup with companions lies in the fact that wines are easy to conquer and live the body well, positively pouring into the intestinal organs. The whole mineral reserve of such beans is taken from the cooked one in a new way, so the heart is strengthened and the metabolism is regulated.

More than a century ago, on the territory of the Slavic powers, they knew nothing about potatoes, cabbage, and tomatoes. Natomist sochevitsa, from which they cooked porridge and yushki, baked bread, was considered one of the main products of eating.

Today the situation has changed: different kinds of grains can be found in the police of the great stores, the axis is only especially drunk, the stench is not coryza.

I for nothing: tsі bean - povnotsіnne dzherelo squirrel, dopomoga lіkuvanni tens of ailments. Smachni for mind the right preparation.

Let's take a look, what is the root of the syllable for the body and chim, like the shoddy and the meanness of the grains for the people and the women, what is possible for the thinner, and to whom it is contraindicated.

Korisn_ power croup for people and women

As a representative of the legume family, essay(24 g per 100 g of the product), fatty acids, a complex of water-soluble vitamins.

Ushogo 100 g porridge to provide 52% of the body's needs in non-amino acids, 66% - in, give a solid amount of manganese and a dozen other microelements.

For a long time, lentil beans were attributed medicinal powers. they rejoiced at various ailments - from tuberculosis to nervous disorders.

Gravi from which rich in proteins type of legumes- The best warehouse for the diet of a vegetarian, and through the minimum amount of fat, the syllables are an important component of sports eating for people, yakі bazhayut fast growth of m'yazova mass.

With a jubilant method Companion soups, cereals are indicated for:

This helps to overcome the premenstrual syndrome, it is easier to survive the menopause and overcome the problem of bezpredden.

Speech, scho to enter the warehouse of the product, help get ahead of breast cancer.

What kind of curvy

There are about a dozen varieties of this type of legumes. with different brown powers, color, relish.

Most often on the shelves of shops you can eat red, green and brown grains of cinnamon.

Yaka opus korisnish? About the purpose of the program "Control Purchase":

Chervona (Egyptian)

The easiest type of legumes to prepare– the type of hulled groats has been cleaned, as it does not require front soaking, and it should be cooked for a quarter of a year.

High calorie product - close to 310 kcal per 100 g ready stravy.

Perfectly suitable for soups and stews. Such fears are long overdue for a little bit more, so in small quantities you can get used to such a thing that is worse.

The peculiarity of such cereals is high room of the hall: sochevikovі stravy especially recommended to live in people with nedokriv'yam.


Mіtsnі unripe grain with husk yakі it is impossible to boil until I become mashed potatoes. When removing the hulls from such grains, the groats fill up with a yellow color.

When you see legumes, you need to cook no less than the second year. To speed up the hour of preparation, the grains can be soaked far ahead.

Green groats - especially adventitious variety for sprouting.

Product Feature - promotion with tryptophan, cellular tissue, zdatnіst reduce the rіven tsukru, regulate the robot of the ShKT.

Brown, or continental

popular variety with a pronounced pea relish. The grains are more mature, with a shell, they are well brewed, but it is not necessary to overpick them.

This type of legumes can be vicorated for addition to salads. m'yasnih fears, zapikanok, etc.

With a jubilant method, brown buds are victorious for the treatment of chronic diseases, including tuberculosis. Legumes also help swedish inspiration after fractures of the bones and m'yazovykh rosriviv.


To bring the maximum harm to the body of a bean, as if to germinate them. Sprouted parostki can be added to salads or eat okremo, seasoned with olive oil or lemon juice.

For sprouting, be it whole grains, it is necessary to soak for 3-5 days, wash the water every day. The Egyptian tract is growing faster than ever.

The measles of sprouted buds is that when the product is sprouted, it increases in the amount of living elements, including folic acid and nicotinic acid, then the calorie content of the product decreases in a sprat.

If and how best to live

Ideally step by step adding to the diet a small number of sprouted grains that can hold impersonal brown powers.

Enough 1-3 tablespoons of legumes, yakі you can eat at once from a small amount of dried fruits (rodzinok, prunes) or honey.

Sprouted grains in small quantities you can add to salads or in other countries.

In the daytime, you can eat no more, lower pivsklyanki comrades at any time you look. Children older than 3 years old can be given syrah or boiled succulent in a quantity of no more than half a teaspoon.

For making purees, soups, sauces and to add fillings for pirіzhkіv more suitable for red groats, it is not necessary to soak before cooking, prote salt can be already before serving on the table.

With brown cereals, you can cook porridge with a cherry pea aroma. Cook porridge with a lid no more than 20 quills.

Evil bean farming disorder of the intestines, boredom, headache.

Natomisty in such a way it is necessary to add spices to add gasification.(asafoetida, krip, ta in).

Diet for weight loss

What is the cost of the opium when losing weight? As a product that helps to improve health and stringency, it’s better to go. I do not care about the sutva calorie content - 332 kcal / 100 g dry cereal.

Complaints for weight loss is the reason for the popularity of the product among nutritionists significant vmіst klіtkovini, trivale enriched with amino acids

It will be enough to eat a small portion of the newspaper, so do not feel hunger for 4-5 years, but provide yourself with a daily dose of the necessary microelements and vitamins that are priceless for women.

Bonus - spending money on the savings of m'yazovoi masi, even white products are the main everyday material for our minds.

Navit with the most severe diet of lentils, you can not be afraid of sharp attacks of hunger or mood swings - due to the low glycemic index, the product does not get into the blood.

Which option of diet to choose is to lie down in view of the set goals and features of the body.

The best result is given by lentil mono-diet, when yakіy for 3-4 days as a single herb in the diet, there is a lot of porridge without olives.

For a day on such a meal, you can lose weight by 1-2 kg, but you can still take a diet for the mind and daily counter-indication and not more than a few days.

Mensh suvory option- vzhivannya sochevitsі or soup with this kind of cereals zamіst obіdu chi evenings.

In the future, you will have to follow the traditional recommendations of nutritionists: drinking alcohol and drinks, increasing the number of vegetables and fruits that live in the house, daily - at least two liters of clean water, etc.

The result of such eating will be less fluffy, then stable: to take care of the diet, to spare, you can 2-3 months and more.

Zmіshanі z lentil borosh kvіti potatoes- the basis for the tincture, yak vikoristovuetsya for exaltation of oncological diseases.

Vіdvar legumes I will become corisny for relief, eczema, nervous disorders.

Watery stalk of roslin and beans let's get to the scheme of treatment for ill for diabetes mellitus.

How to choose and save

Sochevitsa can be sold whole or chopped, but the sound of grains is not guilty, but the flames, but it’s bad.

Choose a different type of bean varto for relish: green varieties are more similar to buckwheat and are ready to be found, red groats - without a clearly pronounced relish and are brewed for 15 quills, and brown grains are the best trim shape, a strong pea smell.

For puree and sauces, it is better to take a red variety, for cereals, garnishes - brown, and for adding to salads - green juice.

You can save sochevitsky bobs in a fabric bag or a cardboard box in a cold ventilated room. With proper storage, the product will be left with an appendage for preparation for 9-10 months.

Sprouted grains of legumes you can be a pre-river additive in any salads, and simple sochevic porridge- vіdmіnny garnish to be-yakih meaty herbs.

Є th іnshі recipes for brown and savory herbs from the comunity.

Sleepy soup

Pistniy soup from the collaborators is prepared at once from the program "Control purchase":

Nearly 500 g of meat (or pork) roll in boroshni, put in a saucepan. Here, add a sprat of a chalet, add cibulin, 1.5 liters of broth.

Extinguish the strain with a stretch of the year. Put 250 g of brown pineapple near the pan, cut sprats of fresh slices and cut one carrot into small sticks.

Vmіst kastruli quenches sche 30 hvilin. Add spices, give the strains to infuse.

Vrakhovuyuchi great number of brown power comrades, simplicity in preparation, versatility cich legumes, the product is definitely included in your daily diet.

Sprouted parostki, spicy sap, sauce or more exotic stew with additions of commensals - be it from these straves bring mischief to the body, but not to forget about shkoda, as it can be given to the body if the grains are improperly implanted.

In contact with

The melancholy and Skoda comrades perebuvayut in innumerable proportions. Stravi z tsієї bean cultures give an invaluable service to the female organism. In lonely vipadkah, it may be contraindicated outside the camp of health. Ale zdebіlskogo sochevitsa - tse that product, which can be present on the table, if only once a day.

Since ancient times, the Asian peoples have cultivated compatriots not only like the kharchev culture, but also like the likar roslin. Vaughn zgaduetsya th Russian herbalists. Folk medicine long ago she lost respect for the її tsіlyuschi authorities.

They have a rich complex of vitamins and minerals, building health care for women.

It is important that the treatment of uterine cervix is ​​more likely to prevent cervical cancer. The active growth components of isoflavone percolate the development of the milky vine tufts.

Vitamins of group B, calcium and tryptophan take part in the nervous regulation. Sochevitsa may calm me down. It helps to get back with unacceptable symptoms during menopause.

A portion of the juice contains 90% of the additional requirements of the adult body in folic acid. This product is indispensable for women. Vіn dosit good will be conquered by the intestines. Rіdshe vyklkaє nepriemnі vіdchuttya, scho blame after the introduction of legumes. Sochevitsya spryaє correct shaping of the nervous and vascular systems of the fetus.

How sick are you?

  • nerve disorders;
  • nirkovo-kam'yanoї ailments;
  • constipation (which is especially important for women);
  • inflammation of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract.

Sochevitsa also helps to normalize carbohydrate metabolism, so it can be used to prevent circulatory diabetes.

Lowering the level of bad cholesterol helps to normalize the work of the reproductive system. Sochevitsya corysna with disruption of the menstrual cycle. Pleasantly vplivaє on the conception that the excess of vaginess.

Vikoristannya with weight loss

Sochevitsa to revenge the large amount of protein (24%) and rich in carbohydrates (49%). Ale is mostly needed in carbohydrates, which are transformed into energy step by step. After living in the country from the compatriots, people do not for a long time lose a little bit of wealth.

This product is safe for the body with good acquired protein. Therefore, in dietary purposes, it is possible to replace meat with syllables, reducing the amount of fat.

Legumes have rich growing fibers, which are necessary for normal etching. A healthy intestine is the key to the correct exchange of speech. Inclusion of herbs from the commensals to the diet of spray normalization of the vag.

Chim korisna red, green, yellow, black sochevitsa?

per chemical warehouse see different comrades don't stir much.

  • Chervona- One of the richest behind the hall. To that її often vikoristovuyut for the prevention of anemia.
  • Zelena sochevitsa Korisnishe for the intestines. She has more cloves. It seems to be the best way to prevent constipation. Green beans have the greatest amount of relish, that lovers of this type of product are often richer in giving pride to themselves.
  • Zhovta sochevitsa- Tse is not a special kind, but rather green, cleared of shells. At the same time, parts of mineral resources are released from the upper bobs. But this kind of compost is the best for preparing swedish herbs. Zhovtі bobi become more variegated, saving their savory taste.
  • Chorna sochevitsa most often vicorist for salads. So it’s too dark for a sprouted look. In її parostakh rich in ascorbic acid, її it is recommended to live for the prevention of colds.

Contraindication to congestion

Contraindications to stosuvannya sochevitsi can be ignited, ill with the intestines, associated with impaired motor skills. The cell tissue creates a friendly middle in the development of normal flora. But if there are problems with the passage, then swollen growing fibers can, on the contrary, provoke gas formation, blowing up those colics. To that bean is better than unikati for the hour of a diseased illness.

Sochevitsa provokes the promotion of the Zhovchootvorennya. Zhovch spryaє zavoєnnu їzhi. However, її nadlichkové vіddіlennya not bazhane on the aphids of the filthy conductivity of the highways, which is shown. Vzhivannya sochevitsі also varto surround for the presence of stones near the mukhuri.

Top 5 best recipes

Sochevytsya is richly faceted.

From it you can prepare a majestic number of herbs:

  • dietary side dish;
  • savory puree soup;
  • porridge;
  • pate;
  • cutlets and in.

Sochevitsa can be simply slaked with meat or vegetables, and also added to a cold salad.


The hour of preparation of grasses from the sochevitsa to fall in view of that expansion of beans. Therefore, we do not vkazuvatimemo specific promizhok. We carefully focus on the recommendations of the virobnik, as they sound written on the packaging.

Porridge from comrades is even richer and savory. It's over for a long time, almost like hunger. For її cooking, you need the least products.

Open a flask of commensals by salty water. For such a large number of beans, you need two more mothers. Bring the pot to the boil, then change the fire. Leave the essay to be forced on a full scale until the final preparation.

Pour into the bottom of the pan roslinna oliya for lubrication. Play yoga. Spread one grated carrot and diced cibula. Add a couple of fine cloves to the bowl, crumble and salt.

Put the vegetable pans on a paper towel. If excess fat drains, mix cibula with carrots and boiled cinnamon. Before serving, season the porridge for relish with butter.

Cutlets from sochevitsa

For the preparation of tsієї stravi, it is not necessary to cook the opiate for a long time. Її less than a trace of soaking for nothing, and an offensive wound can already be beaten.

Two bottles of prepared beans are passed through a meat grinder. This is how the head of the cibula itself is trimmed and added to the stuffing. For masu, for stickiness, one egg is broken. If the minced meat comes out too rare, you can add a little bit of boar.

Salt and pepper, sprinkle with favorite spices. Rozіvaєmo olіya in a frying pan. We form cutlets. Weaklaєmo їх at the heating of dishes and smeared from two sides until ready.


350 g of meat, pure meat without tassels and fat is needed for the grass. Narizaemo yoga cubes 2x2 cm. We smear the meat until the appearance of a crackle.

We pour 1.5 liters of water at the pan. We clean close to 1 kg of potatoes. Largely cut into cubes and put in a boiling bowl. We cook 10 hvilin under the lid.

We wash 350 g of cinnamon and put it in the fire dishes. On an okremіy frying pan, we smear two carrots and one carrot in oil. Visipaemo vegetables in boiling soup. There you can see three cloves of the watchmaker. We put three bay leaves and add strong pepper.

Cook until ready. I roast the yushka and decorate it with fresh greens.

Soup puree

In a deep frying pan, it is smeared on olive oil, quite chopped cibula and carrots (one piece each), three cloves of the hourglass and one tomato. Give them a spoonful of tomato paste.

Then we put in a pan two sliced ​​potatoes and a bottle of sochevitsa. Filled with water, so schob wiyshov thick soup. Cook until ready. Seasoned with spices and favorite spices. Fine-tune with a blender to a homogeneous puree-like mass.

Ragout from sochevitsa with chicken

Chudovo delicious grass wait close to the time of preparation. Near a saucepan with a thick bottom, it is necessary to pour olive oil for lubrication. Put 4 chicken homils into the new one until the golden streak is settled.

Vityagnuti meat and the deputy of the new one put three heads of the trimmed cybuli. Do good yogo pіdsmazhiti. Visipati up to the new 3 cuts of tomatoes. Fill the mass with half a liter chicken broth. Viklasti in her zadalegіd smeared chicken legs. All sizzle with a flask of commensals, season the sill and deprive yourself of needing on the right fire until the final preparation.

The melancholy of the sochevy soup is important to recount, is left alone, learn how to cook yoga. I will help you with our report recipe.
For the recipe:

In cookery books, it is possible to find a large number of recipes for soups from syllables, moreover, be it some kind of color. Cook soups like on vegetable, so on meat broth, and before laying the stews, soak it in front, you can not stop the procedure.

The green-brown color bud miraculously trims the shape, navіt yakscho thermal processing. Chervona sochevitsa, navpaki, may be rediscovered again, creating a creamy mass. As a result, a thick sieve with a heterogeneous receiving consistency may appear.

Smell soup

The shards in the comunity are rich in grassy protein, among other legumes, then the herbs prepared from it are easily conquered and miraculously revive the body. Also, a similar soup can be cooked on vegetable broth, which replaces m'yaso, and even in a new one, protein is close to 60%. Krіm tsgogo, nezaperechnoyu perevago corystі sochevitsі є practi- cally the same vіdsutnіst fat. The rozchinna klitkovina, which is found in the storage of collaterals, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestinal tract. For the reason that in 100 g of cochlea there may be 90% additional consumption of folic acid, such a soup is more brown for female women.

An important factor is that opiate in cooked food is taken away from everything crooks of authority m, like potassium, calcium, magnesium phosphorus, salt, sirka, zinc and manganese. So, among the compatriots, there is a speech - isoflavone, which can be uniquely known to discriminate against cancer of the mammary glands. It is also recommended to recommend victorious for the completion of the work of the heart, the renewal of spiritual equivalence and the exchange of speeches, the improvement of immunity and the walls of the vessels.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 51 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 4
  • Cooking hour - 40 quills up to 1 year old 20 quills


  • Potato - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Sochevitsa - 200 g
  • Greens - be it
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Winter peppercorns - 4 pcs.
  • Force for taste
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp.
  • Meat broth - 2 l

Cooking succulent soup

1. Peel potatoes and carrots, wash them and cut them into cubes. Vimite the tomato and por_zhte be-such a rosemіru.

2. Pour the meat broth into a saucepan, drop the potatoes, put the bay leaf, peppercorns and cook on the stove. The broth can be prepared ahead of time, it is also possible to freeze the broth in reserve, and then unfreeze and prepare the necessary herbs.

3. After potatoes, put carrots to cook.

4. Rinse the sochevitsa under running water, and cook the sprat at the pot. You can choose the variety of commensals to your liking. However, there is a next vrahuvati offensive factor. Green bud to cook 40 quills, brown - 25, red - 20. To that, if you want to cook green bud, then you should cook it first, and then put potatoes and all other products.

Sochevitsya - tse beans with a spicy relish, spicy aroma and brown power. Roslin takes revenge on his own rich in vitamins, micro-macroelements, and to that he gets used to the already prehistoric period. The new one has a healthy protein, which is necessary for vegetarians and athletes.

The dominance and the greed of the comrades

Wholesome protein, which is found among a great number of people in this product, is easy to conquer. That Arab grass majadar, which is made up of comrades and rice, is called meat for the poor. Beans are recommended to be grown by the baggers of the pivnіchny regions, shards of stench are warmed up, especially with different spices.

Korist opium

In Ancient Rome, roslin was stagnant not only for the preparation of food, but also for medicine. Sochevitsa has a positive impact on the human body:
  • Polypshuє metabolism;
  • Normalization of the activity of the intestinal tract;
  • Cleanse the intestines;
  • Fight against unfavorable puffs;
  • Vgamovuє bіl pіd hour of menstruation;
  • Increases the tone of the vessels;
  • Zapobіgaє development of liver disease and nirok;
  • Spray regeneration shkiri;
  • Upovіlnyuє old.
In addition, this product is recommended to be included in your diet by nutritionists. With the right vzhivannі qі beans spriyat shudnennya.

Skoda companions

Like and be-like a product, ts_ legumes may be contraindicated before implantation. Zokrema people, yakі suffer from gout, zahvoryuvan suglobіv and sechokislogo diathesis, may include coma from the diet. Also, contraindications to zastosuvannya can be buti ailments of the stool, intestines, subscapular, zhovchnoy michur, heart, vessels, skin twists. Through the possibility of development of the process of wandering, it is not possible for a slut to plant legumes in case of hemorrhoids.

Chemical storage and calorie content

The amount of protein in beans is rather high, with which the calorie content of compresses per 100 grams is total 295 kcal, of which:
  • Di-ta monosaccharides - 2.9 g;
  • Kharchovy fibers - 11.5 g;
  • Krokhmal - 43.4 g;
  • Vcarbohydrates - 46.3 g;
  • Bilkiv - 24 g;
  • Vodi - 14 g;
  • Zoli - 2.7 g;
  • Fat - 1.5 g;
  • The most fatty acids - 0.5 g.
The product does not avenge cholesterol and alcohol, the protein of bagata on vitamins:
  • PP (niacin equivalent) - 5.5 mg;
  • PP - 1.8 mg;
  • B1 - 0.5 mg;
  • E - 0.5 mg;
  • B2 - 0.21 mg;
  • A - 5 mcg.
In beans, macro- and microelements are hidden:
  • Potassium - 672 mg;
  • Silicon - 80 mg;
  • Sirka - 163 mg;
  • Calcium - 83 mg;
  • Magnesium - 80 mg;
  • Chlorine - 75 mg;
  • Sodium - 55 mg;
  • Zalizo - 11.8 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 390 mg;
  • Zinc - 2.42 mg;
  • Manganese - 1.19 mg;
  • Copper - 660 mcg;
  • Bir - 610 mcg;
  • Titanium - 300 mcg;
  • Aluminum - 170 mcg;
  • Nickel - 161 mcg;
  • Molybdenum - 77.5 mcg;
  • Fluorine - 25 mcg;
  • Selenium - 19.6 mcg;
  • Cobalt - 11.6 mcg;
  • Chromium - 10.8 mcg;
  • Iodine - 3.5 mcg.
Zavdyaks of such a warehouse include commensals to the diet of syroids and vegetarians, even if they can live in power, like bread, cereals and to the singing world of meat.

Korisn_ dominnost_ sprouted commensals

Sprouted beans are positively injected into the body. Zokrema, stink to heal and lower your vag, normalize the work nervous system that reduces the risk of development of evil cancerous puffs.

In order to germinate the budinka, we need the following instructions:

  1. Rinse the bobs and fill it with warm water until it is completely dull.
  2. On the coming day, I will again carefully wash that crooked capacity from the sochevitsa with a strong natural material. For these purposes, you can vikoristovuvat lyon or bavovna.
  3. We place a room in a cold place under a rose light (for example, on a pidvіkonnya).
  4. After a sprat of years, the cloth is brushed with warm water and the procedure is repeated by stretching it through the skin for two or three years.
  5. We leave the compost by the water until the parostki are needed. Periodically we wash them and zbrizkuemo.

During sprouting in the buds of the sprat, rhubarb develops instead of antioxidants. To that vzhivannya tsgogo product is dear to people of any age. Save those bobs by the fridge.

See the essays

Іsnuє kіlka raznovidіv tsієї roslini. The skin type of beans is breathtaking with its savory flavors and processing methods. To that, as you have tried to prepare grass with commensals, it is necessary to know a little, which kind is best to eat with other products.

Rozheva chi Chervona sochevitsa

Vaughn is also called Egyptian; Tsі bobi are swishy rozvaryuyuyutsya, to that vykoristovuyutsya for the preparation of porridges, pateіv, soup-purée. This type of naboo is very popular in India and Turkey, and it is destined to be considered a delicacy. Brought to readiness, the red buds turn golden.

Immature green opium

Tsі beans are cooked longer and take shape during thermal processing. You can not soak far too far. The stench will definitely eat meat, and fish and vicor will be used to prepare salads. Such an opium may have a cicada aroma, a soft shell and a marmurous smell.

brown continental pimple

The widest in culinary. The bobies are freshly brewed, which is why they are used mainly for preparing soups. Before cooking, soak the bagan in the water at room temperature in the summer. The brown bud is ready for the original mushroom or pea relish.

Chorna drіbna sochevitsa

This species is also called white through the ancient rosemary of beans, like eggs. You can cook soups and garnishes from such stews. It’s steamy to cook, there’s a specific smell and relish.

Cooking opiate

The history of the promotion of this product in cooking began in ancient times. On this day, congregations victorious in different kitchens of the world. Most of the common varieties in hedgehogs live in red, green and brown bobs.

Peculiarities of preparation of herbs from compost

The abundance of the essential species of growing and receptives allows the urgency of everyday life and Christmas menu. Sochevitsyu boil, dry, canned. It’s good to go for a relish with meat, fish, rice, various spices and greens.

The method of thermal processing of the skin type of compresses is being tested. Deyakі grades need to be washed before cooking, but deyakі is not necessary. Some bobs are brewed already after 15 weeks, others are cooked only after 15 years.

Legumes are often included in your vegetarian diet. Although compatriots do not deserve great popularity in Russian national cuisine, but vegetarians and syroids have known about it for a long time. And all the zavdyaki unique warehouse and original relish.

More and more, the master of the rest of the hour will have the will to prepare essays in multicookers. Tse allows you to quickly and deliciously create delicious culinary masterpieces. You can cook various side dishes, meatballs and soups in a multi-cooker.

How to cook soup from sochevitsa

For the preparation of puree soup with red sap we need: 300 g of red sap, 900 ml of chicken broth, one medium cibulin, sprat of cloves in a bowl, sour cream, bacon, spices and greens.

Get ready in this order:

  • Pour the soup with broth.
  • Dribno narizaemo chasnik and cibulin, dodaemo to the broth.
  • It is brought to a boil, we know that we beat it for the help of a blender.
  • Salim and re-cook sumish.
  • We smear bacon with spices.
  • Zmіshuєmo sour cream with hot pepper.
  • When the soup is ready, add bacon and sour cream.

Zelena sochevitsa z ovochami

Tsya strava - even more sitna that sustenance. For yoga, you need: 300 grams of zucchini and green buds, small cibulin, medium carrot, tomato, season that greens.

The technology of preparation is used in the offensive:

  1. Soak beans in warm water for 35-40 minutes.
  2. We rub the cibula and the carrot on the great third.
  3. Diced zucchini and tomato.
  4. Let the cibulus turn to a golden color and adjust the mustache to it.
  5. Pomishyuchi, lubricate 5-7 quills on medium fire.
  6. Dodaemo sochevitsa and pour in 0.5 liters of water.
  7. All seasoning and extinguishing 15-20 more chills.

After finishing the preparation of the grass, you can generously sip the trimmed greenery and mix it.

How to cook burgers with sausage?

This herb is prepared with brown beans, cibulae, carrots, tomato paste.

Cooking features:

  • As soon as possible, I soaked the opium in front of the water until fully ready.
  • We trim the cubula and carrots, extinguish them in a frying pan.
  • Zmіshuєmo stewed vegetables with cinnamon.
  • Add tomato paste to the sum.
  • Form small cutlets.
  • Vipkaєmo in the oven for about 30 hvilin|minutes| at 180 degrees.

Such cutlets can be served to any garnish.

Cooking dhansaku from compost

This is a traditional dish in Indian cuisine. For yoga, vicory is prepared with chicken meat, lamb or shrimp, red succulent, tomato, greens, chili pepper, teaspoon, pineapple, cibula, cardamom in boxes, hot sauce, chili powder, turmeric, pepper, cinnamon, sil, ginger, cilantro - for the taste.

Instructions for preparing the strain in the multicooker:

  1. We wash the beans by warm water and put them on the bottom of the bowl.
  2. Salt, pepper, fill them with water at the spіvіdnoshnіnі one to two.
  3. In the "Vipichka" mode, it is brought to a boil, minus the "Gushinnya" and quenched until soft beans are added.
  4. We put the stewed owl in an okrem єmnіst.
  5. Rozіvaєmo in a bowl roslinna oil і, pomіshyuchi, warming up on new all spices stretching two khvilin.
  6. Dodaemo to spices, cracked cibulin and chili peppers.
  7. Meat is cut into cubes and it is corrected to vegetables.
  8. Ready in the mode "Vipіchka" 10-15 quills.
  9. Add to sumish diced pineapple, boiled cinnamon, grated tomatoes and dill.
  10. Gasimo five-sim hvilin.

Serve strawberry warm. The plate can be decorated with a large amount of cilantro.

Hariri Recipe with Sauce

This exotic soup of Moroccan cuisine can be prepared at the multicooker. For what kind of offensive ingredients are needed: chervona sochevitsa, lamb, chickpeas, tomato, Vershkov oil, cibulya, shallot cibula, homemade lokshina, lemon, cinnamon, turmeric, cilantro, cilantro, pepper, parsley - for relish.

Cooking order:

  • Peeled from the skins of tomato freshly cut into small cubes.
  • Narizaemo meat is dry, mix yoga with chibula and spices, put it in a bowl.
  • Gotuyemo five khvilin at the Vipіchka regime.
  • Dodaemo tomati, mix it up and get 10 more whips.
  • We wash the opiate and correct it to the meat.
  • Add chickpeas, 400 ml of water, pepper, salt and bring to a boil.
  • The “Gasinnya” regime is getting ready for the year.
  • We add shallot cibulin and cook more pivgodin.
  • We put lokshina in the soup and continue to cook until fully cooked.

Strava will look more exotic, like embellishing it with lemon, cinnamon and fresh greens.

Recipe for parmigiani with zucchini and sycamore

For the preparation of vishukano sauce, you need: a couple of small zucchini, 100 g of cinnamon, hard cheese, chotiri tomato, half of the cibulini, spices for relish.

Ready for this recipe:

  1. I smeared the cibula to a golden color.
  2. Narizaemo tomato and stew with tsibuley 5-7 khvilin.
  3. Let's make a boiled syllable, salt and continue to quench 15 quills.
  4. Vikladaemo in okrem єmnist the first bowl of sour cream sauce.
  5. The other ball is wisted with hard grated sire.
  6. The third ball comes out of grilled zucchini.
  7. We repeat the balls of sprat once, the beast sips with orah.
  8. Take it to the oven for 15 minutes and bake at 180 degrees.

Grava can be served both hot and cold. Yogo can be served with olives, sour cream and garlic sauce, vegetable salad.

Couscous Recipe with Sauce

Tsі bobi kindly add couscous and give it a mild relish. For yoga, you need: 200 g of cinnamon, canned tomatoes, vegetable broth, halves of bell pepper, carrots and cibulini, a clove of chasnik, savory couscous, apple ocet, marjoram, chalking black pepper and other spices for relish.

Get ready in this order:

  • We heat oil in a frying pan and smear it with a finely cut cibul.
  • Narіzaєmo and vіdpravlyаєmo to the new carrot, pepper, selera, chasnik, tomato.
  • Mix it up, adjust it to all the ingredients and fill it with 300 ml of water.
  • On the biggest fire, bring to a boil and add spices.
  • Curve the krishko and on the minimum fire cook for six or seven years.
  • At the boiled sumish, add oliyu that estimate.
  • Before serving, it is necessary to mix with couscous and decorate with fresh selera.
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Sochevitsa - brown product, which exudes an original, spicy aroma, vishukami relish and ease of preparation. From a bunch of beans you can prepare svyatkovі and pisnі stravi, and a unique warehouse that in the place of a whole protein will transform savory food to the maximum for your body.
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