Why squirm in case of sony optics. Sleepyheads. Symptoms, prevention and treatment of sony opikiv. How and what do you like a sleepy opik for swedish inspiration

Otrimati sonyachny opik can be absolutely dermal. Through the influx of ultraviolet changes, the skins begin to turn black, zalyuvatisya and ailments. Sounds like puhiri, sverbіzh that liver. That is why it is necessary to know what to look for in the eyes of the sun.

Symptoms of sleepy opikіv

With sleepy optics, the skin of a person stuck. To endure a long time to sleep on the sun, after which the cover of the skin begins to turn red. With severe sunburn, the symptoms begin to appear in the first half of the year. By stretching, a new clinical picture develops, including:

  1. Chervoninnya shkiri. Shkіrniy pokriv near the city of defense is hot and dry.
  2. There is a transcendent sensitivity and pain in sight.
  3. Shkira begins to overwhelm.
  4. Utvorennya puhirіv different diameter.
  5. Body temperature rise.
  6. Curve infection.
  7. Headaches appear.
  8. Sposterіgaetsya znevodnennya organism. Mozhlivy showing shock will become.

Children become weak, they become super-worldly drowsiness.

Steps of sleepy optics

It is accepted to see 4 stages of opikiv:

  1. Blackening of the epidermis without the appearance of puffs.
  2. Pochervoninnya dermis with the adopted pukhirіv chi papules. I'm head bіl the temperature is moving.
  3. The structure of the skin's curve is being destroyed. Poshkodzhuєtsya close to 60% shkіri.
  4. Damage to the functions of nirok, water to the body. Possibly lethal kinets.

Inconspicuous help with sony opik

What is the appeal of opik in domestic minds? The first aid in case of burns is a cold compress. With the help of yoga, you can use a lot and significantly improve the dermis. Trimati such a compress on the front line needs 20 quills. It is recommended to take a bath at room temperature.

If a person is known under the bright sun, he or she will hide in the shadow or put on clothes, which does not let the ultraviolet change. You can dress up your robes, soak in cold water. It is even more important when trying to dress the clothes not to injure the skin covering.

To relieve the pain syndrome, the patient needs to drink painkillers. Analgin, aspirin, or ibuprofen come into contact with their tasks.

Mustaches come in straight on the merry go. It is also important to take care of the prevention of infection of the epidermis. It is necessary to get used to the right entrances, as they will be straightened out on the best clothes.

Exaltation of sleepy opikiv by folk methods

In the summer period, there is a lot of people who take away sleepy eyes. What is the delight of domestic minds? What recipes are most effective? The most demanded method for the treatment of such lesions is the stosuvannya folk medicine. It is necessary to know the technique itself and understand it, how to interpret the sleepy opik from pukhira correctly. And here you will be able to bury the unimportant heritage.

Sour cream, kefir and sour milk

Sour cream is one of the first products, which is recommended to be used at different times. Sour cream abo sour milk in pershu cherga, it will help to get into pain with the eyes of pain and sverbіny. The product has proteins, which make a special healing ball on the dermis. Tsei ball pereskodzhaє viparovuvannya vologi. The sour cream intensively revitalizes, calms it down, and spritzes it on a swishy corn.

Sik aloe

When it is necessary to perebuvanni under the sun, sonyachni opikas appear. Chem likuvati ta yaku I'll help the shvidka make sick? To help, the zvichaynisinka roslin aloe will come, as it practically grows into a skin booth.

The scorched dilyanki need to be soaked with pure roselin juice. You can also try diluting it with boiled water at a ratio of 1:1. For a more lasting effect, it is recommended to vicorate servettes. Die sick like this:

  • leak the servette from the rose juice;
  • vijati її;
  • put 15 strands of length on the damaged skin;
  • carry out the procedure for two days.

With the correct filling of the recipe, the skins are cured to finish the dough quickly.


Often people are talking who have taken away the sleepy opik in their faces. Why do you have to be happy that you don’t harm your health? For this problem, the potato will help. Є kіlka retseptіv іz zastosuvannyam ovochіv.

Recipe #1

Fresh potato sik - tse vіdmіnny protizapalny zasib. Who needs:

  1. Peel the potatoes from the skin.
  2. Grate the sheep on a dry tertz.
  3. Vytisnuti s_k through cheesecloth from otrimanoї masi.
  4. Let's take juice and smear the singed dermis.

So you can add oatmeal to the finished juice and put a mask on the face for 20 quills.

Recipe #2

Ovoch can be zastosovuvaty like a mask, which vіdnovlyuє, for denunciation. For this sprat, boil the potatoes at once from the skin, peel and potovkti. Add freshness to the puree homemade sour cream. dairy product add insoles so that the consistency of the cream comes out. Vikoristovuvati zasіb at the warm look. Apply on the surface of the skins with a stretch of 10 quills. After all, wipe the dermis with a cotton swab.

Recipe #3

Like ailments, distav opik in the sun on the floor, what can you do? Syrah potato will come to help. In special cases, after the beginning of the opikіv, fluffs appear on the tіlі. The stench does not just bring a mass of unhandledness, but also causes pain.

To lighten the gray potatoes, it is necessary to grate and apply to the damaged plot on the farm. Carrying out such a call will significantly ease the pain and help the appearance of new pimples.

Recipe #4

Potatoes can victoriously like a wholesome calming powder. As soon as the skin is reddened under the burning sun, then for the sake of teasing, you should powder the dermis with potato boar. You can speed up in this way even at the tip of the nose, which is burned.


Tea is borrowed especially from the likuvanni opikіv. On the poshkodzheniya epidermis, it is necessary to apply a cotton swab soaking, we will brew the sills for leaks. Such a lotion will help you to gamuvat bіl і usun vіdchuttya liver. Repeat this diu trichi for a day.

You can speed up with a wholesome tea leaves. For this, brew a teaspoon of tea in four bottles of dill. Insist brewing can not be less than pivgodini. Corystuvatisya required only natural yakіsnym tea.

Breeds from herbs

Before herbs, like zastosovuyutsya with sleepy opіka, lie down:

  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • Oak bark;
  • animal.

From them, they prepare healing infusions and infusions, which can be used to extract from looking compresses. There is a sufficient number of recipes from the planting of cich herbs.

Recipe #1

Pour 1 tablespoon of chamomile into 0.5 liters of dill and stop insisting on pivgodini. After which date, let the vіdvar cool down. Soak a cotton pad in the skin and wipe the wounded yard.

Recipe #2

Pour 1 tablespoon of herb with sturgeon into a bottle of okrop. The next date is to infuse 15 chills. After that, you can immediately wipe the affected dermis.

Recipe #3

Pour 3 tablespoons of oak bark with a bottle of water, bring to a boil and stop insisting for 30 minutes. After that, the healing zasіb protsіditi, give it a chill and beat the motherland for compresses. Compressors apply to the damaged curve with a stretch of the skin 10 strands.

Recipe #4

Pour a tablespoon of calendula leaves with 1 bottle of sprinkles. Get 25 whiplash out. Vykoristovuvati compresses per day for 15 quills.


Pour the fresh fruit with boiled water at the sp_v_dnoshennі 1:50. Strushuvati єmnіst stretch 5 strands. After all the deeds obov'yazkovo protsiditi. Let's take away the mucus infusion of the plant, we need to make two for production. Repeat all three trichs with an interval of 10 quills.

Taki simple recipes folk medicine to help significantly ease the camp of the sick and allow the unfortunate consequences to disappear after the opiku. In case of surgical therapy, you will not need medical treatment.

What is the opіk vіd sоntsya, you know all those who like to look at the beach. Varto just overdo it a little, and in the evening the skin is very red, you start to swerve, fluff may appear. It’s rich who cares that it’s safe, and, having smeared on nothing, vranz again run to the beach. Ale opik in the sun - not such an innocent camp. If yoga is wrong, the consequences for shkiri can be irreversible. And for certain categories of people, sleepy prominence is contraindicated. The stench can take a look not on the beach, but just walking along the street. In the rainforest regions, you can get burned in the shade, but you don’t lie in clothes, you don’t know by the water. Ale and the middle-aged smugglers need to know about the peculiarities of the sleepy opikiv, remember to take care of them and exuberance.

For whom is it not safe to use ultraviolet light?

The skin of a person is practically defenseless in front of direct sleepy promises. And only a little melanin pigment, which vibrates in it in the swell, may be a little bit better for the eyes of the sun. Therefore, people with a swaggering skin are easier to smear. The stench rarely earns opiks, only when they know the sun's tribal hour. And the axis t, who has little melanin in the skin, often after 15-20 minutes of rebuking on the beach, gains a sleepy opik. Especially safe before ultraviolet exposure are people with light hair and skin, ruddy hair and gussets, as well as children. The possibility of taking opiate growth in people with weak immunity, allergic and dermatological diseases. Moreover, such a camp is more important to endure. And for people from thin and sensitive skin, not safe sleepy eyes. Frequent burns can lead to the development of skin cancer. Especially not safe for small children. In addition, if a person spends only a few hours in the fresh air, or if you live in the Mist, there is little sun, you can also take an opik from the sun. What to work in such a time, it is necessary to know all the people from the risky group.

How can you take away the sleepy opik?

Neobov'yazkovo lie on the beach, to get burned. Ultraviolet viprominyuvannya pass navit krіz gloomy. You can take away the sleepy optics from the darkness of a gloomy day. A simple walk under the sun, or a robot in the country can cause damage to the shkir. This kind of opikiv may be affected not only by lovers of poking on the beach, but also by ordinary tourists. Especially people with thin white skin and light hair. On a spooky day, in the presence of a sleepy viper, it is not possible to wind up clothes and sleep by the water. You can get burned in the dark, as if blocking the sun with gloom, or in a car. It can also be in the period of maximum sleep activity - from 11 to 16 years. In the average smoothie, the trochs are similar. Ale, all the same, it is necessary to know how to exult opiki in the sun. Aje people, it’s not enough to spend sleepy days, more calm to the sloppy influx of ultraviolet vaping.


The effects of an overdose of sony cough do not appear immediately. Ring out through a sprat of years, a scarlet coat, becoming sick and hot. Most of all, you yourself will be separated. Such a camp will take 3-4 days, and it will be easy to follow the legacy with home methods. Ale buvaє and so, that lovers of pozamagati win an opіk from the sun of another step. In this mood, redness is accompanied by strong sickness, as it inspires the sleep of that normal life.

Often the temperature rises, chills and headache begin. A person can develop weakness, and more important fluctuations - znevodnennya. At the place of sleepy opikiv there are fluffy or nabryak shkiri. Such a mill can take more than 3 days. After this skin, it starts to swell, and in more important cases, it can suppurate and її deep ushkodennya. Ale, for goodness sake, it’s rare to finish it.

Opikki denunciation

The very part of the body of a person is the most graceful to the influx of ultraviolet changes. And to that, the opik of the veil of the sun can not be rebuffed. Ring out tse vіdbuvaєtsya todi, if it is necessary to seriously likuvannya. Aje shkira on the face is thin and thin. Vaughn suffers greatly from ultraviolet changes.

The traces of some sleepy opikiv - tse damaged pigmentation, dry skin and old age. Women, who spend a lot of time under the sun, suffer from the appearance of drowsiness and allergic reactions. It is recommended that you protect your identity before entering the street on a sunny day. For whom you need to wear capes with wide brim, large dark eyepieces. And before going to the beach, obov'yazkovo apply a cream like opikiv on sun to the face. Cosmetologists vzagali do not recommend presenting a guise to sleepy changes, scaling up before the appearance of a wrinkle. Pigmentation is broken, but on the face it’s commemorative. Oftentimes, sleepy changes to rob a rough skin and navit can lead to the development of cancer. Opіk is a disguise of an unsafe joint and tim, which in important situations can cause a strong snag and difficulty in breathing. For this person, negaine medical help is needed.

Why not a safe opik in the sun?

What to work with a light blackened shkіri, who knows a lot. Ale, the sleepy opik is not safe, which does not manifest itself immediately. And it’s so that they commemorate yoga less than once, if they blame the puhiri and the swollen shkiri. Without the right treatment, such a mill can lead to the appearance of scars, damaged pigmentation of the skin, or other dermatological diseases.

In important situations, tangles can cause problems with nirkami and damage to the eating of the skinny curve. Particularly unsafe trip to the sun is for people with light eyes and black eyes, as well as ore-haired people. Parts of sonyachni opiki can cause cancer of the skin. To that, do not let them go. Skіlki to pass opіk vіd sontsya, it is impossible to say. The redness falls off in 3-4 days, but then it didn’t happen, the fluff appeared, or the skin began to peel off a lot, it’s more likely to turn to the doctor, so as to prevent the development of serious dermatological diseases and other complications.

The sun is that child

Children are especially sensitive to sleepy changes. Sometimes 10 quills are sufficient, so that the skin of the child is burnt. It appears only for a few years, so the fathers can not remember the unsafe symptoms. Opik in the sun in a child causes a strong reaction, lower in a grown-up one: crimson redness and sickness of the skin, their temperature often rises, their behavior changes and weakness develops. Even greater is the need for the development of water, so it is important to give children more to drink. The skin of the little ones is sensitive to the sun, lower in the grown-up ones. Parts of sleepy eyes can lead to the development of cancer and other dermatological diseases. Especially strongly schile to this child with gossamer, black eyes and light hair. It’s important for the fathers to save the child from such nasledkiv. Alezovsіm protect the child from the sun - tse not vihіd. Sonyachny exchanges are even more important for zagartovuvannya and support for immunity. It is important for the development of the child vitamin D. And it is important to take the hour of rebuking the baby to sleep. In the dark days it is not possible to walk with a child from 11 to 16 days, at the right time you can wind up in the darkness you can take an opik. It is necessary to protect the baby's skin with clothes, and when looking at the beach - with sunscreen creams.

Persha helped the victim

Most of the time, there are no unacceptable nasledkiv not given by the sun. Likuvannya can be spent at home, and ringing the chervoninnya to pass in 3-4 days. Alas, sonyachni opiki is not safe, because most people do not respect them like that.

In addition, on the vіdmіnu vіd khіmіchnyh i termіchnyh opіkіv, їkh signs appear only for a couple of years. And in an hour you can greatly improve the situation by turning a light opik into a serious one. If the signs appeared already on the street, then the first one helped me in order to get the term into the place. The exuberance of the field is in order to calm the scorched skin, protect it from the penetration of microbes and take away the pain. In addition, it’s important to save the day of the water. As in the first year, after the cold weather chilled the blackened skin, then far away it will not become її vіdsharuvannya. It is possible to thrive, applying cold cloth to the vologer, or lit up the person in the wet. Ale robiti tse can not be more than 10 khvilin. You can also take a cold shower or a bath with additional herbs - chamomile, low, oak measles or calendula. Even though an hour has been spent and becoming an opik of another stage, the victim needs medical assistance. Negative yoga is necessary to put in the place or put it in the shade, the damage of the place needs to be protected from the penetration of bacteria. It is even more important to give the victim more to drink for the sake of the feast.

Why can't you work with sleepy eyes?

To smear the wound with cologne and other alcohol-based methods. Cream of additional teasing and pain stinks more to dry the airy skin.

Greater vvazha, scho to know whom to exult opiki in the sun. But, in spite of the obvious, among the wealthy of the Duma, it is not recommended to cover the wounded skin of the sonyashnikov, or vershkov oil whether it be fat or zasoba on the basis of vaseline.

Why do you enjoy the opika in the sun, rather be glad of the doctor. Even if it is not recognized for this, for example, an ointment with lidocaine or a cream like zasmagi, can help inflamed.

It is not possible to independently open the fluff and see the dead skin, so as not to allow infection.

After a few days of opik, the trochs will pass and the shelling of the shkir will begin. It is not recommended to take care of yourself at the same time with scrubs and scrubs, so as not to bring the infection.

Narodnі zasobi vіd opіkіv sotsya

All the inhabitants of the pvdennyh regions know that after a long time in the sun, I burnt my skin with kefir, sour milk or sour cream. It’s good to calm down the burning and zapobіgaє unacceptable insults.

Kindly help in this way cabbage porridge with beaten egg white. Tsey zasіb cools the skin, znimaє nabryak that bіl. You can also make a mask with protein or apply a cabbage leaf to the affected area.

It is rich for a woman to know that the potato is positively affected by the opium of the shkir in the sun. Can be applied to a scorched area warmer mashed potatoes with sour cream or porridge from an orphan sheep. To help also, skewers of potatoes, applied to the top. Take these compresses for the skin 15 times.

Bagatyoh to cry food: with what can you anoint the opik in the sun, if you can’t under the hand of everyday medical care? Here, the zvichayny kavun will come to help. Yogo sіk kindly calm the burning of that bіl. You can also squirt with orange juice, finely grated carrots, or we can brew tea.

Vіdminnimi protizapalnymi and regenerating power maє sіk aloe. It is possible to vikoristovuvat roslin, which should be on the vіknі, or the pharmaceutical preparation, which is mixed with water and looks like a compress, is superimposed on the wound.

Clay is a good zagoyuє and calm spirit of volody, diluted with water to a porridge-like state. Lotions with such a way do not only help to remove the fire from that fire, but also to get rid of the swedish regeneration shkіri.

In the period of conquest, it is good to make masks from fruits, for example, apricots, and also from oatmeal or vine plastics.

What faces can you zastosovuvat?

Be-yakі narodnі zasobi vіd opіkіv sоntsі good іn lеt іn lіkе їхнogo step. The stench is just helping to get in the way of the sickness of the shkіri and taking the chervoninnya. In more important cases, as well as when chills and bulbils appear, it is necessary to take medical precautions in the form of opiates in the sun. Doctors are aware that the best form for preparations in the form of sony opikiv is the spray.

For the treatment of opiku, doctors recommend using vicorist aerosols for a healthy injection of dexpanthenol, in order to promote anti-seizure medicine. Such a component to enter the warehouse medical care European quality - "Panthenolspray" aerosol for sour zastosuvannya. The drug may have an anti-seizure effect, improve tissue regeneration, and be easily absorbed (moistened) by the skin. There are no cold weather, individual intolerance is possible, stagnation in children in May is carried out under the supervision of grown-ups **

We need to be more respectful when buying the drug from an pharmacy, because on the market there are nameless analogues, the packaging of which is often visually similar to the packaging of the original medicinal product - "Panthenolspray" aerosol for good infusion.

The original medicinal preparation ("Panthenolspray") aerosol for cold soaking is sold in a package white color, with orange letters and an emoticon I entrusted with the name of the drug. On the new packaging (since 2017) є the sign “made in Europe”

A good ointment in the form of sleep opiates is "Liniment Dibunol". Vaughn quickly knows the influx of sleepy shifts and does not let the ears widen at the deep balls of the shkir.

In severe depressions, if the skin is inflamed and infected, the antibacterial ointment "Levosin" is needed. The cream of the infection can be reduced and has an analgesic effect.

For the restoration of shkir and regeneration of poshkogennyh klitins, you can vicorist ointments in the form of opikiv sun: "Solcoseryl", "Desitin", "Actovegin", "Eplan" and others.

Є sche іnshі zasobi vіd opіkіv on sontsі. The stench will help to cool and calm the scorched skin, to know the chervoninnya and sverbizh. Such preparations are more likely to vikoristovuvat at light steps of the opiku: "Fenistil", "Radevit", "Floceta gel", "Psilo balm" and others.

What else can help?

Kindly after a trivial perebuvannya in the sun, take a cold shower or a warm bath with herbs, soda or potato starch. Some people recommend adding a couple of bottles of natural apple juice to the water. After a bath, do not wipe the skin, but rather get wet with a soft cloth. Sound quickly to pass a light opik by the sun. Likuvannya is guilty of poking around at the sight of the fire on the shkirі for the help of special ointments or national benefits, protection from infection and air pollution

Even before the extreme manifestations of the opium, a chill comes, an increase in temperature or a head, you can’t do without pills. It is recommended to use "Ibuprofen", "Paracetomol", "Aspirin" or other non-steroidal antiseptic drugs. Have a good drink for a deaky hour of antihistamines, for example, Tavegil or Suprastin. The stench also help when it comes to squeezing on the skies. That sony opik is the same allergic reaction to ultraviolet vipromination. Kindly know the results of opiku for vitamins A and E in capsules. It is necessary to take a little less time. For an hour after the opium, it is necessary to protect the shkir from the influx of sleepy shifts, and it is better to wear loose-fitting clothes with a chi lion. To restore the water balance of the skin, it is recommended to drink more. Especially brown pomegranate sik.

Prevention of sleep opikiv

Dehto does not care for the unsafe, if the skin burns in the sun. Ale іnоdі lіkuvati naslіdki such stavlennja brought dovgo. And so that did not happen, it is necessary to finish a number of rules:

The greatest intensity of sleepy changes is observed from 11 to 16 years. At this hour it is not recommended to smear and spend a long time under the sun.

People who happen to spend a good hour on the streets, especially light-haired and light-haired, must be protected. Wide-brimmed droplets, large dark eyepieces and a strong cloak of clothes from the boletus of chi lion will help at tsom. And for the defense of the vіdkritih dіlyanok shkіrі need vikoristati cream vіd opіkіv on sontsі. It is necessary to make a choice in such a way, with a coefficient of defense less than 15.

Lovers of garnoi are guilty of nobility, that the first contact with sleepy exchanges can be short - no more than 10 minutes. You can step by step. And only a little shkir, which sounded before the sleepy shifts, may have seen their threefold infusion.

Dovgoochіkuvane summer gives you the opportunity to enjoy the warm weather, the clear sky, picnics in nature, and the good fortune to drive that richness with other attributes of the beauty of the rock. Alternately, the trip to the streets can cause sleepy spells, which are called out by the influx of ultraviolet lightening of sleepy changes.

You can burn your skin in the sun. How can you grow in the minds of your home that you can grow, so that you can change the legacy, how and what can you do at home?

Sleepy eye symptoms and causes

The main reason for sleepy opiku is a trip to the sun. As a result, the skin becomes red, hot on the bunker, it becomes bright. Sounds like a few years later, after a change under the influx of sleepy changes in UV or pieced dzherel, for example, in a solarium.

Intense re-burning, which leads to a sleepy opium, increases the risk of fluctuations in the skin and deacing illnesses. Before them one can see dry or wrinkled skin, dark patches, fluff, melanoma - a practically non-violent form of cancer.

Symptoms can be blamed not immediately, but in five or more years, if not in a day or more. No need to think about what you can get burned on the beach. You can take a sleepy opik on any kind of open spaces of the shkir: hands, nig, disguise, lobes of the vuh, none of them, like a long time to rest on the sun. Extremely sensitive to sony ultraviolet vision of the eye.

Sometimes it doesn’t open the light opening of the fabric, as if missing sleepy prominnya.

The first symptoms of sony opiku are:

Pochervoninnya shkiri;

Become hot on the dotik;

Bіl ta sverbіzh;


The appearance of small bulbs, like a year, crackle;

Head bіl;

Temperature, which is sometimes accompanied by fever;

Nudota and vomit (in severe depressions).

For a few days, the body can cope with such a problem, cleaning the upper ball of the skin.

Not all people, however, are able to perceive the sleepy eye. All fall in type and color shkiri. For pigmentation, melanin appears. People from dark skin have more yoga, lower light ones.

Under the influx of the sun, our body begins to vibrate more melanin, to protect the glibshi balls of the shkiri from the optics, to bring the color of the shkiri to change.

People with dark skin, as a rule, become even darker. I, on the other hand, among people with a bright skin, it becomes a red one, which is the first sign of an opium. Tse reddening comes through increased blood flow under the skin. So the organism is trying to fight against the screaming ushkodzhennya.

Krіm zasmagi, a lot of people otrimuyut nerіvnі dark plyami, gusset.

Chim likuvati opik at home minds

Home care - the first help with sleepy opіka, yakі help to change the pain and relieve inflammation. Independently of the type of shkir, after a certain hour the first signs of the guard of that step appeared, the exaltation was observed nevertheless.

The first thing you need to grow up is to put on a plethora of sleepy shifts, to tie the body with a scarf, a scarf, a robe, to dress the drops from the wide brim, to drink in the shade.

How to exult a light sleepy opik

Naym'yakіsha form of dormouse opіkіv looks like a black on a light skin, or її darkening by one or two tons in people from the dark. With not a strong burn, it is easy to burn the liver, hot skin on the dotik, which is due to increased blood circulation in the throat.

All that is needed at this stage is calming compresses and lotions or taking a bath, as you can take a liver and that bіl.

Dairy products

These are one of the most accessible remedies, which can be victorious for exaltation of weak sleepy opiums for the mind and presence of allergies to them. Fat, protein and pH of dairy products can calm the mind. The colder the stink, the more help the sound of blood-bearing judges and change the nabryak, softly blowing on the skin.

Apply cold, not cold milk, kefir, yogurt, sour cream or some other product to the body.

Before applying, wear disguise, or take a cold shower and lightly hang your skin.

Pour cold milk from the refrigerator into a bowl and fill it for 5 minutes by the room. You can add 3-5 drops of essential oil of lavender and mint. Resentment can dodatkovі crooked authorities but the stink is not є suttєvimi at the moment.

Soak a cotton swab in the milk and carefully apply it on the burnt wood. Leave until it gets into the skin and repeat the procedure once more.

It is best to use non-fat milk. But there’s no such thing as such, vikoristovyte be-yak.

Zmiyte milk plivka for a sprat of years and repeat the process.

You can also use other dairy products, applying them on the skin and pouring them into the skin until they are fully absorbed.

You can apply a milk compress to the affected area. For this, add a little milk or ice cubes. Soak a towel at the homeland and fabric. Lightly see and apply to the coat. Leave at least five quills, or until the servlet becomes warm. Repeat the trichi procedure.

Tea is another homemade zasib for first aid in case of sleep apnea. Fresh infusion and cooling to room temperature and lower, in the building to calm the skin, take out the liver.

Independently of the brand of that type of tea, all the stinks of polyphenol pollutants, such as tannins, catechins and epicatechins, as well as anti-oxidants and anti-saline agents. Until then, tsі spoluky may have anti-cancer power in dekіlkoh vidіv cancer, including melanoma. Tsya power to rob tea is especially brown, to the fact that under the sun's spleen, DNA is crushed, which is one of the main reasons for the development of cancer of the skin.

Bring 4 bottles of water to a boil. Add 5 tablespoons of tea leaves to the fire. You can take 5 tea bags. Let it brew for 30 hvilin and anger through a strainer.

You will have more concentrated tea leaves. Dilute її with 4 cups of krizhanoї water.

Moisten bavovnyanu or soft tissue, lightly press and apply on the plots that suffered. You can pour the tea leaves into a dance with a sawing and apply it on the body, in the most part.

At the tea leaves, you can add 10 drops of mint or lemon ethereal oil.

Tea bags that are left out, after cooling, you can put them on the poviki.

Work on such compressions every day for a decade of days, until the camp is painted.

Corn Starch

Corn or potato starch is another popular homemade snack. Wines are traditionally beaten up in case of various problems with a collar, including reddening and teasing the collars of a child.

When opіku nose or a lobe of the ear, make a paste, mixing 2 tablespoons of starch with a sufficient amount of water. Apply її with your fingers and fill it until it completely hangs.

If you have burnt the disguise, prepare a rare rozchin by rotting a cup of starch in 2 flasks of water. Apply a vicarious servlet to the afflicted lot, and let it dry.

In case of burnt back, sip the whole skin with starch and evenly spread it over all surfaces. At night you can sleep on it, you will feel like it.


Yogo can be vikoristovuvati s whether it’s a special way, we’ll show you more. Tomati is rich in lycopene and carotenoids, which can cause an intense antioxidant attack.

As it was already guessed earlier, the sleepy opik, which you see on the surface of the shkir, is the trace of a worn-out fabric, as if it was in the lower balls. It is accompanied by the adoption of certain highly reactive particles, which are called free radicals. If stinks are not neutralized by antioxidants, then they can lead to great health problems.

Drink more tomato juice until you pass sleepy opik. You can turn on your food at the same time tomato sauce and chili pepper. The greatest amount of lekopina is hidden and the wines are more likely to be conquered in salads with tomatoes and olive oil.

With a slight sony opik, the symptoms are even more pronounced, there is only a slight discomfort, but it is impossible to ignore it. Drink more water. at night smear the skin with a soothing cream.

Treatment of sleepy opium of moderate severity

Like a scarlet skin, you look up strong bill, liver, then in this moment you may need other help for exaltation and a change in discomfort.

Coconut milk chi oliya

Coconut milk is also soothing, like dairy products, but may also have additional benefits. It alone is not rich in lauric acid. Tse fatty acid, how to avenge in breast milk. In the body, it transforms into monolaurin, which has antimicrobial power. An important acid for the growth and renewal of cells.

Fresh coconut milk is a popular homemade food in tropical countries. Luckily, coconuts are available now tsiliy rik in the earthly world.

Soak fresh or frozen pulp of coconut peas for 5 minutes in warm water and puree. Pass through a sieve and see the motherland well. Take away the milk from the refrigerator.

With it, you can apply lotions, compress, or apply with a cotton swab on a soft skin.

Coconut oil - one shortest oliy to watch over the shkir, which is not the best. Crimea of ​​antimicrobial powers, there may be anti-painful and pain-reducing action.

After a cold shower, apply coconut oil directly to the burned skin. With a great sleepiness, you can add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to the bath with warm water, so that a thin layer of olive oil covers the whole body. She will win over the hanging shkiri.

Bath with vivsyanka and lavender

Another miraculous way to take relief from the sleepy opiums on the great trees of the body is to take a bath with lavender and lavender ethereal olive. In aromatherapy, lavender oliya is used as a calming agent in case of various problems. Vono may be anti-authority and easier bіl.

Treat the grapes to a fine powder and add yogo to the water at once with 10-15 drops of lavender olії. Take a bath no longer than ten minutes;

With the opiks of such a stage, you can zastosovuvat:

Puree from potatoes;

Tomato puree.

Put them on the skin until you know. Polishing the region suffered from the spread of apple otstu, mixed in proportion to pіvsklyanki otstu flask water, also to help remove the burning of that bіl.

Homemade in the presence of a strong sony opik

If you are suffering from pain, if you don’t hang around in the affected areas, you can admit that she is literally burned, like with thermal surgery 2nd stage. At such a stage, nevdovzі z'yavlyayutsya pukhirі. At the same time, you may need from 6 years to two years.

The stench settles down, if there is too much clitin at the dermal ball, the shkiri swell, waving the motherland in the middle of them. Tsya prozor the native land is taken between the outer sphere of the shkir, called the epidermis, and the dermis below it. The last symptoms of severe sony anxiety are fever and chills.

At this stage, home remedies mainly play an additional role, especially strong pain, febrile fever and a wider inflammation leading to the use of painkillers, for example, ibuprofen or corticosteroid ointments. For relief, you can speed up with such tricks.

Aloe Vera

Leaves of succulent growth garnimu zasobom I’ll watch over the shkiroy, if it’s not out of place. Tse room roslina a popular folk zasіb for relief of pain during opikakh 2nd and 3rd stage and vikoristovuvavsya a long time ago, as the present zasіb appeared for their jubilation.

Bezbarvny sіk zhelepodіbnіbnіbіbnіbіbnіbіbnіbіbіbnіy zdatniy pіdtrimuvati volozhennosti shkіri, and natuzhі phyto z'єdnannya її її.

Take an old sheet and remove a few rounded skins. I will refine it to a pasty-like texture and apply it on the skin. Fill until re-selected and re-apply.

Natural honey is another kind of home-made honey with strong care. A cream of antibacterial and anti-sample powers, good enough to allow the skin of the seed of its power to draw water from the deepest balls of the epidermis. Yogo can be taken in the best way go in with the fluffs and for the furrow of the shkiri.

You can apply pure honey or mix yoga with borosnym.

Folk recipes for the lubrication of sony opik

In the arsenal of folk remedies, there were many recipes for dealing with such a problem.

Kharchov soda

Kharchov soda is found in the skin booth. Її vykoristovuyut not only for the vipіchka, but also for watching the booth. Vaughn gives calmness to the bedchamber through her puddles of power.

In addition, there is antiseptic authority, which can change sverbіzh, tying from sleepy opik.

There are two ways to zastosuvannya sodi. The first one is the bath. When filling with water, add 1 bottle of soda and stir. Take a bath for 15 strands. To wipe the body with a soft towel, or just hang it up, without dressing up.

Take this bath once a day until you get a positive result.

Another way is to apply the paste on the skin. Mix 2 tablespoons of soda with water, so that a little pasta comes out. Apply її for the help of a cotton swab on the injured shkіri. Leave for 10-15 strands and rinse with cold water. Apply the paste once or twice a day for a few days, stalely in case of severity.


Vaughn can calm down the authorities, as if helping the shkirs to save the natural waters and change the teasing. You can take a bath or apply it directly on the skin with a change of white borosh.

When taking a bath, add 1 flask of borosna to the water. Take a bath for a long time. Let's sweat it with a soft towel. To take such a bath once a day, the docks will not pass the signs of opikiv.

In another option, prepare a creamy paste, or a little more, and apply it on a dry dish. Fill it with water on the pіvgodini. Such masks need to be worked up to the final rejuvenation 1-2 times a day.


It has already been described how it is possible to vicorate potato starch. If you don’t have yoga at once, you can speed up the orphan potato.

Add 1-2 bulbs to the blender and apply mashed potatoes to a small dish. As an emergency call - apply a skewer of potatoes or gently wipe the skin with it.


Ogіrki cool the skin and relieve discomfort. Peel them off the skins, cut them with thin strings and apply to the singed wood. You can change the sіk and protect them from the poshkodzhenі dilyanki.


Yak Bulo was appointed more, with a sony opіk, drink tomato sik. Apply chastochki tomato without intermediary on opіki.


If you want more often in recipes you can eat apple, albeit a great white table, just like that. Optic acid calm down and calm the skin. And tse those that are needed at such a moment. Until then, paint the building wine old look shkіri after that, like evil the shkir burned.

In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdiscoloration, it is necessary to apply it with a cotton swab or a disk. For the body, you can speed up with a puff from a saw.


Before overlays, it is necessary to trim cabbage for room temperature and lay no more, lower by 10-15 quills. Її principle dії yak u otstu. Such a splendour is suitable for small charred peasants.

Egg white

Vіn znіmaє chervonіnnya, swollen that swelling, usuvaє liver. Apply water-reinforced whites with a thin ball and drain until dry. Let's sweat carefully with cold water, or with a herbal tea, with tea brewing. Cover the skin with a soothing cream.

It is not possible to win for the obviousness of the puffs, which especially burst, and with other cracks, the shkir.

cold compress

To change the inflammation of that bil associated with sony opik, you can put cold compresses on the irritated space. The stench sounds of capillary judges that change the fire.

For whom, wrap a sprat of ice cubes with a watery cloth and apply it to the opik. Treat the compress and the wines do not heat up in the body.

Cold compresses can be used once a day. It is not possible to apply the krieg directly to the skin.

Herbs for sleep apnea

One of the widest herbs, yaki zastosovyvaetsya for lust, is calendula. Vykoristovuyut also chamomile, oak bark, low.

Prepare in a pot, brewing a tablespoon of dried herbs and 500 ml of dill. Let it brew and proceed. Let's cool down the weather and make compresses out of it, the lotions are washed in, if the face is burned.

Calendula growth is practically ubiquitous. Ale pick up on the flowerbeds of the road, all the same, not varto. Її you can come to the pharmacy, like looking at the herbs, and in sachets.

Vaughn may have anti-sabotage, anti-microbial power, kindly open the skin, know more and tease.

I’ll insist on cream, you can grow oliyu by pouring a tablespoon of flowers with 1 bottle dewy olive. Insist tizhden at the warm sleepy mist and protsiditi.

Oliya will speed up the epithelialization of the burnt skin and stimulate regeneration.

Sonyachny opіk disguise, chim likuvati

A person can get burnt with a 3-shafted rush of sun, as if she was not protected by a droplet. To ease the pain of that sverblyachka, changing the redness, you can put on masks.

For whom you can vikoristati:

Dairy and lactic acid products (smear the faces and snake through the sprat of fluff with cold water);

tea bags;

Lotions from herbs;

Ogirk mask;

Sic abo aloe vera gel;

Mashed potatoes

that іnshі zasobi, about yakі it was said more.

Kindly help such masks.

Mix 1 egg white with 1 tablespoon of olive or other cosmetic oil. Add 2 tablespoons of sour cream to qiu sumish. Put on a face and fill it with a sprat of quills.

Open the maple and understand it. Cool and put on a face.

Brew 4 table spoons of oatmeal 100 ml of okrop. Cool and apply for 15 minutes | minutes. After seeing it, cover it up with a healing cream.

On a wiki you can put:

Freshly brewed tea bags;

sachets of chamomile and calendula;

Parts of ogirka;

Potato scraps.

As if lips were burned, it is better to cover them with pharmacy vaseline or Aquaphor ointment.

How to cover the sleepy opik

After the sony opium, the skin becomes dry, burn and itch. For po'yakshennya that zlozhennya kindly smear with rosemary or cosmetic oil. Best for whoever suits:


Sea buckthorn;


Shi chi shea;

And from Sonyashnikova Oliya don't bother anymore. Vono more quickly climbs that sheds fat spitting on the body, as if it were making the shkirs “dihati”.

How not to burn yourself in the sun, come in for prevention

Chudova rivna zasmaga - best present that gives us summer. Sleepy lightly sprinkles vitamin D, which helps our body to absorb calcium and preserve healthy bones.

Ale, all is well in the world. Above the world, changing to the sun is so very shkidliva and unsafe, like yoga daytime. Above-the-world ultraviolet change, which is poured into the skin, destroys collagen fibers, which is responsible for its elasticity, spraying the appearance of a wrinkle. The skin becomes sensitive and dry. But there is only one problem.

Ultraviolet lowers immunity and can cause skin cancer. To get away from sleepy opikiv, enough to reach simple rules. Do not forget about them to wind up in cold, gloomy days.

Be especially protective of the water, the dog, the snow, the shards of the stench good to beat them. Injecting ultraviolet into the great heights.

Virishivshi pozamagati:

Unique infusion of sons from the 10th wound until the 16th day of the day. Itself at this hour is the most active.

Plan your visit to the show at a later hour. Even so impossibly, surround the hour of perebuvannya in the sun.

Unique zasmagi in the solarium vlіtku.

When you enter the street, put on a cape and a robe that curls your shoulders, arms and legs. Dark colors and rich fabrics ensure the great zakhist.

Whisk a sunscreen cream with SPF 15 and more, as well as a wide range of UV exposures. During sleepy days, it is recommended to use a cream with SPF 30 or more.

Apply yoga on the body no later than 15-30 minutes before going out. Repeatedly applied to the skin for 2 years or more often, as you bathe in water or sweat a lot.

When vikoristannі zabіv vіd coma, apply sunscreen cream. It is recommended to zastosovuvat products, yakі poddnuyu zahist vіd komakh that solntsya.

Children aged 6 months and older should also use sunscreen cream. The best products for them are є tі, scho to avenge physical blockers (titanium oxide or zinc oxide). For children up to 6 months of age, it is necessary to vicorate other forms of defense in the sun, such as darkness or clothes.

wear Sunglasses eyepieces on the street from the protected view of UVA and UVB. Be aware that darker lenses do not block UV light more effectively.

Protect that the deacons’ faces raise sensitivity to the sun. They include antihistamine drugs, ibuprofen, antibiotics, antidepressants, drugs that lower cholesterol levels and others. Consult a doctor if there are signs of side effects.

Navit as a home care to give relief to the deuce in case of symptoms of sony opikiv, in fact, the head of Skoda is more likely to overcome the deep balls of the shkir. Crimia risk to cancer, photoaging is the main negative result of the injection of ultraviolet therapy.

Antioxidant products, yakі vzhivayutsya at the same time, can additionally compensate for some of the damage, neutralizing free radicals.

The second way to grow a skin more impenetrable for ultraviolet changes is to step by step increase the ball of melanin. Sunbathe step by step, resting on the sun for a day.

Skilki pass sleepy opik

Through the skilki we passed the sleepy opik to fall in the number of factors:

Optical steps;

Type of shkiri;

Rozmir scorched dіlyanki;


health camp;

A look behind the scorched skin.

Booking can take 1-2 days or more. The average symptoms go on for 3-5 days. And the axis of inheritance can take a day or more. Especially, if there were fluff on the shkіrі and it began to climb.

An important role is played by the role of rozmir opіku and first live, come in and mіnіmіzаtsії naslіdkіv. On the right, in the fact that the symptoms of an opiku can manifest themselves not immediately, but through more.

Therefore, when you turn home from the beach or take walks, you should immediately take preventive measures.

You can take a bath after sleepy opik

So you can. Only the temperature of the water is to blame but the lower one, so as not to cause an increase in blood circulation, which can be brought before the appearance of puhirivs.

And the axis of vіd vіdvіduvannya sauna chi laznі, cedar barrels is better for every hour of vіdmovity.

About the sleep apnea in the program "Live healthy"

In the present summer, sleepy activity is becoming stronger, so it is necessary to protect the skin from the negative inflow. For a trivial perebuvannya on the bright sun, you can take away the sleepy eyes. Such a problem can be a mother of low negative consequences, and it is important to do so at the same time.

Why do people have different spontaneity to dim sleepy shifts?

Chantly, having richly mentioned someone, what for equal minds of sleepy activity can be different. Tse s tim, scho s svіy type shkіri. Also, at the onset of pronounced symptoms, the geographical spreading and the trivality of changing to the sun are added.

You can see everything light-sensitive shkiri. The first two are easily succumbing to the negative infusion, which leads to an optimism already for the first year. The third type is weak to drowsy activity, but it doesn't show up, and looks good. As for the fourth, then there are practically such manifestations, like bulbs that appear erosive. Lyudina maє garnu chocolate zasmagu, without any signs of shkіrnih poshkodzhen.

People with white coats suffer the most, as they may not be smeared, but reddened less. For representatives of the smart type, everything is simpler, the stench is good for smearing and practically not strong enough to a group of risks.

Nebezpeka and symptoms

Opiks from the sun are blamed after a trivial perebuvannya to the new one. As if the skin is not protected by special guards, it becomes inconsistent and succumbs to the negative influx of exchanges. The problem manifests itself in looking inflamed, which is accompanied by sickly feelings. The sleepy opik of the upper leg of the easy step does not clearly express negative impressions. At a difficult stage, there are signs of erosis, like a long time to fight.

Nebezpeka so in the fact that the stimulation of the development of nevuses and lentigo is strengthened. The stench rises to good-natured plumes, but for the influx of singing clerks, they can grow into evil. One of them is potentiated sony activity. People with such features should see a dermatologist regularly.

Sleepy opium has the following symptoms:

  • blackened shkіri that bіl at the dotik to it;
  • the appearance of a sverbly, dryness of the liver;
  • temperature;
  • at a serious stage, there are fluffy rashes;
  • you can watch for swelling of the epidermis;
  • beat in the head;
  • strong opik maє virazki and erozії;
  • unwell, chills and fever.

Having shown symptoms, lie down in the type of shkir and trevalosity perebuvannya. Opik vіd sontsya maє svoї famous rice. Symptoms, as a rule, do not appear immediately, but for a few years. Sometimes, having shown problems, it may come in 12-24 years. After 4-7 days, the epidermis begins to peel off.

It’s even more important to hovat shkіra under clothes, until it’s over again, so that there won’t be serious problems.

Since the person took off the sleepy opik, it is necessary to give the first help.

persha dopomoga

If the first symptoms appeared in a person, immediately post nutrition, what should be done in case of sleep apnea? It is necessary to give priority to the severity of the problem.

Before the transfer of the main events, enter:

  1. At the first developments, the reddish coats need to be shoved into the shade, so you don’t get a sign of zasmagi, but even the first step of the guard.
  2. It is necessary to carefully look at the surface of the epidermis. As soon as such symptoms appeared, like bіl, fluffy and elevated temperature, it was necessary to go to the doctor, so that there were no negative consequences.
  3. In order to change the sickly sights that fire, it is necessary to speed up with special methods. Categorically zamaschuvat pochervonilі lіlyanki olієyu, alcohol and different ointments, yakі not priznachenі for usunennya tsієї problems.
  4. It is even more respectful to put those bulbs on the faces until they are red, so that stinks can cause swelling and problems with the breath. As soon as you show up, you need to go back to the doctor.
  5. With a slight influx and not very pronounced symptoms, you can take a shower or a bath with cold water. Tse dopomozhe calm down the fire.
  6. It is necessary to regularly smear the epidermis with special techniques.
  7. When healing the skinny crooked lines, wear free speech with long sleeves and pants made of natural fabrics.
  8. Do not varto re-enter the sun, the docks will not go through peeling.

The first help in case of sleepy opiku can be obov'yazkovaya. If it is not carried out, then there may be negative consequences. After that, as a vikonan the first, come in whenever you have problems, you must go to jubilation.


The first aid in case of sleep apnea does not allow us to lose the last.

Independently vikonati lukuvannya is possible at the first and other stages of opik. Yakshto vіn reach the third and fourth, it is necessary to obov'yazkovo turn to fahіvtsya.

The warehouse of therapy includes the intake of medications, and the selection of the necessary costs. Before preparations for internal zastosuvannya, you can add:

  1. Vitamins and antioxidants, which speed up the process of regeneration and regenerate the dead cells, can be attributed to them A, E, C.
  2. Protizapalnі take care to ease the symptoms. The stinks also help with sleepy opikіv, and they themselves use the process of inflamed, white and swollen epidermis. Paracetamol and Ibuprofen should lie before such preparations.
  3. Preparations of antihistamine medicine, which will relieve the change in swelling, I will overthrow the liver. Also, stinks allow allergies to disappear. The stench is represented by such medications as Tavegil, Loratadin, Tsetrin.

Zasіb may be complex and usuvati manifestations of symptoms. Cream of vicorist tablets are various gels, creams and ointments.

To the greatest effective ways in the form of sleepy opikіv vіdnosjatsya:

Before him, how to choose, which exultant sleepy opik, it is necessary to mark his severity. At the first stage, you can speed up with all the help of Panthenol, which will help you to help the redness and calm the skin.

Likuvannya dormouse opikіv dutifully carried out vidpovidno to the doctor's recommendation. It’s worth the quiet vipadkіv, if already є puhirі ta puhirі. perhaps only for minor manifestations of the problem.

Folk methods

People's health in the case of sleepy opikiv zastosovuyutsya less at the same time, as if allowing the doctor. As a rule, the stench is less relevant for an insignificant manifestation of the problem. If the skin is taken away from the fourth stage opium, the exaltation of such a strong sleepy opium in home minds does not help and requires special preparations.

The most effective benefits can be attributed to:

  1. Sour milk chi sour cream. The most popular method, which allows you to suck the heat of the skin, calm it down.
  2. Aloe. Zastosuvannya juice aloe good znimaє inflamed. In order to look for help for scarlet, it is necessary to see sik and grow yogo 1: 1 with water from the leaves, then we will cover the damage of the village. It’s better to ooze out a servette and apply it її 2 times a day, 10 strands of length of the year.
  3. Potato. May be impersonal receptives, both in case of a weak one, and in case of a strong one. Yogo can be vikoristovuvaty at viglyadі juice, masks, powders. Zasіb maє protizapalnu diyu, vіdnovlyuє poshkodzhenі іlyanki and zdatny usunut bіl.
  4. Tea. Zastosovuetsya like compresses. For whom it is necessary to brew mitzny tea and leak gauze. Then we put її on problematic plots and vitrimati 15-20 quills. Thank you for good use of the ailing visibly that liver.
  5. Sauerkraut. Kind help to calm the skin and relieve the fever. For this product is applied at the beginning of the month for 20 quills 3-4 times a day.
  6. Ogirok and kavun. It is necessary to grind the sik kavuna and ogirka, and then zmіsha yogo in equal proportions. Wipe the skin with lotion.

Before that, how to treat sleepy ops independently, it is necessary to consult with a doctor. How to zastosovuvaty special preparations, vilіkuvati opіk veyde richer and more effective.

Sonyachnye opiky zayavlyayutsya in the wake of the invisible eye and the safest of the sony spectrum of ultraviolet changes. Such opikas are of a different degree - from a slight blackening and slight swelling to the settling of multiple and extensive puffy patches, which are filled with yellowing, we can see through them, and we start licking the skin (upper її ball - epidermis). In case of minor ailments, you may notice that the skin is tightening, you can feel dryness and swelling near the zone of injury, soreness with dotitis, chills. In case of strong sleepy opia, the pain is great, suffering and burning camp. Sounds like symptoms and they appear quietly in the bodies of the body, as if they were not protected by clothing.

At the early stage of sony opium, the shkir begins to turn black in 2-6 years after being rebuked under the sun, causing teasing. The peak of symptoms of burnout occurs in 12-24 years.

But you need to be aware that not every blackened shkir is a sign of a sleepy opik. For example, sometimes you can be afraid of such a picture: under the influence of ultraviolet and minor injuries on the skin of the hands and appearances, bulbs appear, erosis and wind on the surface of the coat. In this case, it is necessary to turn to the doctor, to turn off the life of skin porphyria - a specific illness, as it manifests itself after a lack of vitamin PP in the body. Porphyrins, which accumulate in the skin due to incorrect exchange of speech in the liver, are photosensitizers (speech, which enhance the sensitivity of the skin to sleepy changes). In diagnosing this disease, the analysis of the section helps (it is fashionable to wind up the wind with a simple visual look - in such people, the section of the erysipelas-red color for the large size of the chest in n_y uroporphyrins).

However, the descriptions of the illness are less frequent in all the number of symptoms typical for the average statistical sleep disorder of a different degree of severity. In the absolute majority of moods, we can rightly be the most traditional traces of evil from the sun. And even before such delusions, you need to get used to entering.

Persha dopomoga with sleepy opikakh

Let's talk about those, how to take a sleepy opik (virnish, relieve the inability to see if you get burnt and remove the first symptoms) right on the spot, vicorist, scho under your hand. Before the speech, if under the hand the most necessary appeared at the hour, fight about the need in advance.

If your shkira suffered from the sun, first, if the next podbat, so about ukrittya. Best - go to the reception. Even more impossibly - cover yourself with clothes, which minimally transmits ultraviolet. Deyak fakhіvtsi recommend dressing up the expanses of clothes from the bavovny, soaking in cold water, or shovatsya with a wet towel.

After that, to cool the skin and change the sickly mind, on the burnt place next to report. cold compress. If you take away the great sleepy opik (tobto you were burnt out), you can stand under a cold shower. And even better - lie down in a cold bath. A smut with tsoma - do not injure the skin over it with strong jets and a thick washcloth.

The most popular (i, perhaps, the most safe) tools of the first aid in case of mild opikami є: sour cream, kefir, sour milk, oak measles, chamomile or zvіroboyu, brew tea, potato syrup, sіk aloe and іn. But sometimes it is easier to get to the pharmacy, lower to the transfer of goods. And in especially difficult situations without a pharmacy, that visit to the doctor is simply not enough.

Really, first of all, rich in what to lie down in the degree of gravity of the skin. How to go about a strong burn, when you shiver, compel, cloudy knowledge, rather turn to a doctor or a homeopath. Although there are no such people in the reach zone, you can accept nonsteroidal antiseptic drugs(paracetamol, ibuprofen) and aspirin is a drug from the salicylates group. Ale tse for the quiet, who cares for the better solution of problems for the help of traditional medicine, taking into account all the consequences medicinal treatment. You can also add hydrocortisone ointment to this place, so that you can take a bite of whiteness and redness. Ale navazhuyuchis vikoristannya tsgogo chi yomu similar to the drug, scho to revenge the hormones, rather, in advance, take care of the doctor.

Even more effective in the case of lucid sleepy opikiv homeopathy. Choose homeopathic preparations and choose according to the individual characteristics of the skin of a particular person. The stench is quick to sing intoxication and skin reaction. Self-correcting in the morning, inducing in important moods, and on the 2nd-3rd day, the severe symptoms of the disease may become unrecognizable, the inflamed roofs will pass, and the upper balls will become unbearable for the victim.

W cosmetic products, which in this world know the symptoms of sony opium and help regenerate and renew the skin, you can call the spray and cream "Panthenol", aloe vera gel, cream Eveline S.O.S. in the form of sony opikiv, balms La Roche-Posay Cicaplast and "Ryatuvalnik". Advice on qiu cosmetics can be found at.

Examination of sony opik and restorative procedures

After that, as it is necessary to help the perch, I will give you food: how and by whom did the sleepy ops give? How to reinforce your own shkiri, so that the obsessions of the opik do not turn you "sideways"? But the whole thing is real: after deep opikiv shkira rottenly copes with its zahisnoy function and often in these places it becomes more and more sluggish and sluggish, expiring tone, on which you can almost tvoryuvatisya zmorshki. To that, I should respect the following procedures.

For good reason, scho opik in the sun, fallow in the stage of yogo heaviness and victory over you, you can pass from 2-3 to 5-10 days, passing more or less memorable for you and otochyuchih. Question: how and what can you get into?

First of all, for the trivality of sickly sighteds during that period of renewal, the shkir. About those, as they knew bіl, it was told more. Ale sloven, about the next memory: after taking away the sleepy sleeper, you happen to be unique, and when you go out onto the street, protect the shkir with all available means (closing clothes from natural fabrics, a parasol against the factor of sleepy changes, ). Always continue to heal the skin with natural antioxidants and vitamins, such as hyaluronic acid, cactus extract or aloe, witch hazel, sea buckthorn, green tea, ginkgo bilobo, rosemary and other. Vitamin C and retinol are suitable for vitamins.

In another way, on the steps and shvidkіst vіdluschuvannya shkiri. When vikoristannye, as well as cosmetic preparations and procedures, the skin is reduced and it is less noticeable. And for the harvesting of young shkіri vikoristovyte vіdvar chi nastіy ekhіnatseї.

Of course, in both overexposures, you can slow down the process, helping the body fight the free radicals in the middle. For this reason, take the preparations and products, yak vengeance of antioxidants for their sustenance. The most effective (and for someone - the most savory) - pomegranate sik that green tea. The stench of insults may have an anti-inflammatory effect and take revenge on oneself for a large number of antioxidants. Also, antioxidants in a sufficient amount are found in other fresh fruits and vegetables, peas and legumes.

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24 Lipnya 2019 Before the cob, it opened up the season of sleepy activity and showed on the police shops and pharmacies without the use of different brands, varying in the most accessible and to the contrary with their price, unique recipes and declared effects. It dawned on me that the naypriskіplivіshі vvchatimut the warehouse, knowing for sure that the stench will not be bathed. Others focus on the thoughts of sellers. Vіdpovidalnіst for your choice we take on ourselves is not risky. Let me tell you about the activities of the brand and their cosmetic SZ-lines...

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