This is the last hour of breastfeeding. Chi is possible for mothers who are yearning, smeared. How to bathe today and how to lubricate yourself

The sleepy period for the skin woman of spovnenie sumniviv - she is strongly encouraged to be the best mother for her little one and to rob for whom everything is possible.

Often food is given: what can mothers eat and what other products, that in this article we will try to figure out what you can do more with breastfeeding. Summing up the introduction of a new dermal product with a natural cycle, it’s worth it to use a pickle, so follow it, so you don’t get the stench of a newborn.

In our days, the watermelon roams practically in all countries of the world and at the same time, it has already been seen over nine hundred years. At the warehouse of garbuzovy stock of various amino acids, vitamins, fats and minerals.

Studies have shown that as little as 25 g of purified harmelon powder provides 20% additional norm of zinc.

Without zinc, metabolic processes in the body are impossible, and I take an active part in the synthesis of protein, embedding on the hairline, skin and immune system. The growing protein, which is hidden in the white of our days, invigorates the tissue and activates the work of immune cells.

The stinginess of a white ink for women during lactation.

Bagato who knows what garbuzov today edge brown for beauty woman's health. macro and microelements, which enter the warehouse of the present day, help to fight against the appearance of wrinkle.

The measles of the nasinnya for female organism difficult to overestimate. The body of a woman in the period of breastfeeding, as if she needs a call, and now in this season is one of the products that need to be filled.

Peculiarities of the living of the white nascent year

Like everything else, with harbuzov, or we have nasіnyam with breast vigodovuvanni it is necessary to know the world. Although stinks practically do not change the taste of breast milk, when superimposed, stinks can cause harm to the body.

  • Keep in mind that it’s necessary to clean with your hands for the present, because brushing teeth can damage tooth enamel.
  • Garbuzov today may have a great energy value and more than 100g per day can bring up to a set of zaykh kilograms.
  • Be it vitamins and minerals, they are to blame for coming to the world. Too much may be unsafe, lower the marriage of that rank of element.

The coryza of the authority of the garbuzovogo is colossal, but, not marveling at the price, the stench is one of the strongest allergens. In addition, constipation is attributed to this product in some children. The high content of fatty acids in the warehouse of this product will lead to active fermentation of milk, and it may also cause a violation of the defect in the absence of them, and as a superficial suffocation of them, it may induce hyperlactation.

Most of the time, I’m sorry, I’m in the middle of nowhere, to spend an hour, or maybe an hour of walking. On the basis of the process, it is a natural antidepressant, which helps to relieve and let go of negative emotions.

Ale sipped to a white nasіnnya with a whole bunch of minds. Our body knows what it needs, and it needs more vitamins and minerals during this period.

How to choose the right day for mami with GV

The greatest harm to the body is brought by products that do not call for doubts. Ideal variant, sti nasinnya z garbuza, which grows on your country house for її your relatives knew. Otherwise, you will have to buy a new one in the store or on the market.

Shchob do not have mercy when choosing, warto remember:

  • The appearance of the lubricated peeled crust is small.
  • Perekonaytes, that the seller resolutely washed and cleared the day before him, as if to pronounce him to the buyers.

Having made a purchase, we won’t go home again and wash it again under running water, after which you hang it in the oven.

We have tried the remedies for nutrition, what can be done with breastfeeding. However, for a skin mother, the ideal solution is not to confine yourself to a strict framework, but to introduce the skin product step by step and one at a time, so that you know exactly how a small organism reacts to these other products.

It is necessary to take a decision about the introduction of a white fresh watermelon at your own eating, mindful of all the powers that be. The number of minerals and vitamins of non-synthetic use is large, and it is unlikely that it is possible to use this product as a whole. The risk of allergy and other side effects cannot be underestimated. The golden mean was always a bail for success.

Adding to your menu the harbuzov step by step, you will be able to objectively assess the effect of the product on the child's body.

To improve your menu in the first month of a child’s life, you can replace it with more neutral products, for example, homemade crackers. Ale and them are evil not warto. Listen to yourself, trust your inner voice, even if you know what is necessary for you and your children.

Doctors respect the food chain even more ambiguous. And yet, more and more often, in their own ways, fahivtsy schilyayutsya to the point that in the world it is possible to have a real life.

What month?

Nasinnya can be introduced into the diet once a day especially as the mother of the newborn did not encourage herself to be satisfied with her during the period of pregnancy.

With the peaceful calming down of the sleepy plant, bring the body of a young mother more crusty, lower shkodi.

Korista is now falling in my warehouse.. The stench will take revenge on 20 brown vitamins, microelements and acids. With a miraculous antidepressant, helping the new mother to survive most of the blame stresses.

  1. Vitamins A, D, and E, which are found in us, help restore and improve the hair, thinness of a young woman, and make her skin stronger and stronger, and the skin more smooth and tight. In addition, vitamin E improves the process of aging and improves the balance of female hormones on the water level.
  2. More bagat for protein, rich in calcium. Here it is especially important to protect the rest of the rest, the stones of the very calcium from the great woman's obligation to share with her little one.

    I want to save the sweetness of nails and thicken the brushes, the very calcium is consumed by the mother in no less obsyas, lower the number of children. The great amount of protein helps to improve the work of the immune system, taking part in the accelerated regeneration of tissues.

  3. Kharchovі fibers and cellular tissue are included in the warehouse, as they allow normalization of the functioning of the intestinal tract.
  4. Dormouse is rich in fatty acids, which reduces cholesterol levels to a normal level. Oleic and linoleic acids, which are not metabolized by the human body on their own, are very important for proper functioning.
  5. Copper, selenium, iodine, fluorine, magnesium, zinc help to keep the body healthy, giving the “inner”, and the outer beauty of a woman.
  6. In addition, physicians are encouraged to contribute to the prevention of life for women, as they suffer from problems of the sechostatic and cardiovascular systems. Polypshuyut work of the liver and zhovchovivіdnyh duct.
  7. It is important that the sleepy plant stimulates lactation. Thoughts fakhіvtsіv have tsommu nutrition not zavzhd converge to a single vіdpovіdі, ale dosvіd rich porodil confirmed this fact.

Okrim іnshoy, nasіnnya - vіdmіnna psikhоlіchna razdelka, and navіt if a young mother wants to throw fire. The craving for nicotine should be replaced with small amounts of the oil product.

Also, it can be a wonderful snack. Shards seem to be that mothers do not always succeed in doing good and in full. And now, zavdyaks of their warehouse, can not only overcome hunger, but remember the correct components that are rejected.

Important! Bring as much freshness as possible, otherwise the crumbs are dried up, the shards of stench will regain their power.

Are you allowed to give a child?

Vykhodyachi z described more brown authorities, on the obov'yazkovo can be in the diet of a child, let them be in a small quantity.

What age?

Such rich vitamin warehouse, insanely, at the expense of the body, as it grows. Smut food, - from what age can you give a new child? There is only one thought of pediatricians - not earlier than 3 years. To that, there is a reasonable explanation:

  • earlier we are not dozіlne, oskolki are more drіbne, and the little ones can inhale them, but not safely;
  • up to 3 years of a child's mind, which needs to be cleaned;
  • grass system ready to innovation

Mustaches of life speech are not taken with mother's milk. And if a mother sometimes allows herself to click today, then all the greed, as it is embedded in them, will be transferred to the little ones. And the most friendly diya for a child:

  1. vitamin A to repair a calm baby;
  2. vitamin D helps the physical and rosal development of the baby;
  3. phosphorus, zalizo and iodine enrich the work of more systems of the child's body.

For an older child, today is a useful way to take vitamins, microelements and other colors of speech. Cream of that So, as it is necessary to clean it, then allow the varto to work the child himself.

Such activity allows to develop fine motor skills, which also positively affects the intellectual development of the little one.

Why is it unsafe for a mother that lack?

Ignorant of such a rich warehouse and high greed, now carry and deaky negative consequences through the transcendental healing(like for mami, so i for baby):

  • The last sleepyhead can call for an allergic reaction in a baby. It is important that the risk of allergy is decreasing, as it is now in the diet of a young mother under the hour of pregnancy.
  • The last one is the cause of colic in the stomach of a child.
  • With a worldless implantation, the core of a dormouse can cause constipation like a mother’s, and a baby’s.
  • It is even more caloric (100 grams of the product has about 600 kcal), so it is not recommended to include it in the diet for women who are slender to the point. If it’s impossible to look at any product, then it’s hard to separate yourself.
  • There is a large number of shkidlivih speeches to be put in a shell, it is not recommended for him to bathe the product in a ready-made one. Before that, how to beat yoga, it is necessary to thoroughly wash and dry it. For necessities, troch lubricate.
  • The clatter is negatively signified on the tooth enamel, so clean it with your hands, and after the clatter process is completed, rinse your mouth well.
  • Salone can now give breast milk an unacceptable relish.
  • May lead to hyperlactation. At zv'yazku z cym, with a sufficient amount of milk, varto zvesti spozhivannya nasіnnya up to 1-2 times per day.

In order for a new product not to stick to a small growing organism, it is necessary to comply with the existing rules.

What can you mother, what is your birthday today? Experts from the GW call the chain a manifestation of extremes. Don’t varto intervene with someone who doesn’t carry a potential risk for a child. However, the pediatrician does not change his mind.

If only for a dormouse, that harbuza is a sprat of cardinally opposite thoughts. It is recommended to include obov'yazkovo in the diet of mothers, if you are good enough, the stink of the building should be increased by the fat content of milk. Htos napolyagaє on їhnmu povnomu s razionu z ration during lactation, to the fact that they contain protein - a potential allergen.

Lactation consultants take up positions: if a child is not harsh, then it is possible for her mother.

Often they ask me: what can you do today, - Natalia Razakhatska, consultant from the GV, tells me. - On the basis of the inquiry, I answer: why not? How do you like a sleepy man or a hamelon like a snack, or just “click”, well, click in satisfaction. Tim is bigger, but the stench is more brown.

Product Features

The health of life during lactation increases the fat content of milk - no more than a lower myth. Studies have shown that the product is suitable for consumption, but cannot be added to the fat content of breast milk. Yak_st fat can be effectively cured, using milk or valuable fats sea ​​ribey, growing olives but that's the point. Abo trans fats, unsafe and shkidlivimi, from high-calorie confectionery varieties, lubricated.

Reproach to the goods polagaє zovsіm in іnshoma. Yogo warehouse has a large number of valuable speeches, to that harbuzov is best for breastfeeding or sleepyhead can be included in the mother's diet.

  • Bіlok. In a hundred grams of sonia sonia, there may be 40% of the additional norm of protein, a necessary person. The growing protein is freely acquired by the body and takes part in the exchange processes. Vіn necessary correct work of the immune system, tissue regeneration. We have less garbuza protein, only 14% of the pre-baked diet.
  • Oily olives. Nasinnya with HB coryza in the mist of cinnamic fatty acids. Analogous behind the warehouse include expensive varieties of red ribi or, for example, fish fat. We have oleic and linoleic acids in our seamelon - irreplaceable speech, which vibrates like our body cannot. Ale stinks are very important for the correct exchange of speech, normal functioning nervous system, lowering cholesterol
  • Vitamins. The number of vitamins in this product is great. Implantation of one hundred grams of sonyashnikovoy nasinnya will give 130% of the required amount of vitamin E for the production. A part of vitamin B5 stench is covered by 70%, and vitamin B6 - by 40%. We have a lot of vitamins in our garmelon, but there are also valuable components in them: vitamins K, C and B1.
  • Minerals. Virishyuchi nutrition, which is possible during breastfeeding, it is important to protect the significant amount of mineral speeches in your warehouse. For the rest of the dormouse, revenge 115% of the additional dose of phosphorus and 113% of the required amount of selenium. It covers 90% of the body's needs in midi and mayzha by 30% - in potassium, zinc and magnesium. Forage harbuza trohi less rich for minerals at your warehouse. They have 30% additional norms of magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, and three hundred more than twenty thousand millimeters of copper and zinc.

It is possible to take the maximum value of the product away from the product only if you live it in a fresh, lightly dried look. Lubricated today at the age of the newly born (harmelon or dormouse) is absolutely marne for the body. With thermal processing, they collapse over ninety thousand golden speeches. Lack of empty calories.

Rules for living during HB

“Everything is to blame for the health of the mind,” comments the nutritionist, what can be done for our good mother, consultant for breastfeeding Nataliya Tsarova. - Mami's menu is not guilty of intermingling with water and buckwheat. Vaughn may have the right to eat those products, as they should, but looking at the reaction of the little one. And to find out what kind of reaction it will be, it is possible only by a clear path. Therefore, be sure to try the leather product that you want.

Dorechnіst nasіnnya dormouse that harmelon in the diet is signified by its weight. Ale, it’s important to vrakhovuvati risiki.

  • Calorie content. Due to the high volume of fat, the number of calories in the product is large. We have 580 kcal per 100 grams. Garbuzov's last night to eat close to 440 kcal. Overworld peace provokes the recruitment of vag. At a small number of places, a trivale is shaped with great sieves.
  • Potential allergen. Zmist in the product of a foreign protein will require respectful attention before the reaction from the side of the child. It is possible to have an allergy that sounds like hanging on the skin.
  • Folding assimilated by the body. Fatty garbuzov and white dormouse are an important product. To that, for food, what can be a mother, who is a year old, nutritionists swear by protection. Vivation of the product in the great population can lead to constipation. However, in this case, the mother suffers the first time, after which the reaction is similar to the baby.

“Constipation in a child of the type of the present, obviously, maybe buti,” appoints a lactation consultant Natalia Razakhatska. - Ale schob vin trapivsya, you happen to z'isti, maybe not less than a kilo. And you yourself suffer from constipation.”

Vrakhovuyuchi mozhlivi risiki, dotremite impending rules of living in the present.

  • At the death kilkost. It’s small, if the reaction is to grow up in the little one, as if you’re crying for the love of the present hour of the walk. In a small quantity, the product is absolutely non-shkidlivy.
  • We introduce the new carefully. Protect the need for mothers, as they did not get used to the present hour of pregnancy. In this case, the child's body is not familiar with the product, and the risk of allergy is high. Follow the basic principle of introducing a new component to the diet. Try to get a small amount of usa, literally ten grains, and check for doba. Like a child, everything is in order, save a few more of us today and again marvel at the reaction. So step by step increase the number of us to the required norm.
  • Let's get it right. Lastly, bought at the market, wash the shoes with cold water. So, don't just get rid of the confusion, but let the enzymatic complex, which is hidden in them, open up. At the station of "calmness" now revenge the inhibitors of enzymes, as if to give them a savory relish. Water ruinuє tsi speech, zavdjaki why the relish of the product is revealed and in the organism of wines it will get better. After that, dry them at the oven. It is not possible to lubricate the present, for the hour of lubrication in them all the curly speeches are ruined. It is also unbearable to live from the sill, because the amount of salt in the diet is overworldly negatively signified on the work of the rich systems of the body.
  • We re-verify us from the packs. Ring out, virobniki wash the product before packaging. As if on the hands they lost their traces, it means that they missed this stage of the harvester, and it is not varto to bathe this product.
  • We buy only at shkirts. Today, when breastfeeding, you should bathe the unclean. Only in such a look of stink do they save fatty, non-essential acids. After znyattya lushpinnya this whole complex quickly collapses.
  • Better than a dream for a clean looker, lower desserts from them. For the sake of the old dormouse, seamelon, sesame, prepare similar malt: gozinaki, halva. Їsti їх mаі, sho yearє, tezh you can. Ale poddnannya fatty grains іz tsukrom rob їх bagatorazovo caloric. With such desserts, special care must be taken.

For nutrition, what is possible today with HB, lactation consultants say: it is possible, and the first month, and the next. If you live with a small number of fresh or dried-up looking, the stench will bring mischief to your body. It’s impossible to put a stench on the herb system. And the axis of the allergic reaction is ymovirn, it’s respectful to keep the shkiri behind the camp, if you try the real dormouse or the watermelon.


A tribute to a dormouse is one of the most favorite products of our women. A long time ago, it was respected not only by salmons, but by roses. However, young mothers are turbulent about those who can be a mother, who is now? Why don't the stench of Malyukov?

Qi hvilyuvannya is not marn, even if it’s a hedgehog, it’s taken by a woman in the whole period, she “gets” milk from the breast and pours it onto the child. Decals to inspire the most safe products call sumniv in young mothers: how stench is seen on a healthy baby, why don’t they call out rings? Fahіvtsі z chest vigodovuvannya give unambiguous evidence: so, today you can vicoristovuvat in їzhu pіd hour of the year. Aja nasinnya dormouse to avenge the mass of brown speeches not only for a woman, but for a small child. However, listen carefully to the doctors and take to respect a piece of their recommendations.

Zvichaine sonyashnikova nasіnnya - a krinitsa of brown speeches and even a living product

Korist nasinnya

This product should replace the mass of brown components, with the most significant vitamins D, A and E. Vitamin D helps to improve the bone system of children and prevent the appearance of rickets. Take less vitamin D from the cod liver, lower from our dormouse. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which is poured onto the body of the skin, nails and hair, which is significant for the beauty of a woman. Vitamin A hopes to calm down by pouring on a baby who has recently been born, and also improve his healthy apparatus.

In addition, the beloved lassies have a full growth protein, which, for its biological value, does not compromise the proteins of the creature's journey. Zgidno with the recommendations of fahivtsiv, it is not recommended to live a large number of meaty women, who are good, but now they can become an alternative to cutlets and stew. In the fruits of the dormouse, such an irreplaceable amino acid, like methionine, was found, which helps to restore liver cells and help fatty degeneration. Calcium, magnesium and zinc are positively injected into the nervous and cystic systems of the immune system.

Zayva vaga is a “wonderful beating of a medal”, don’t worry about it now, as if you’re talking about your figure

Shkіdlіvіst nasіnnya dormouse

This product has a large amount of fat, which makes it easy to drink breast milk, or it can cause constipation in a little man. However, the skin child reacts in its own way to any product. In some children, there is not a lot of squealing of problems with style or allergic hanging on the skin, and other little ones feel very good. Therefore, in the skin type of nutrition, which can be found in breastfeeding, it is violated in an individual order.

High calorie content for the set zavoi vaga That is why the whole product, although it may be without any troubles, is guilty of getting used to the colony.

Dear mother, who is old, you can, but the offal, respectfully guarding the reaction of the baby's body

How many can you have today?

As soon as you gradually introduce the whole product to the diet, you will have enough 20 g for the rest of the day. Forgive me for the reaction of your little one: why didn’t I blame you for constipation? Everything is safe, the quantity can be incrementally increased up to 100 grams per day

Prote fakhіvtsі not to please zmіshuvati їх іz іnshimi products. For now, today, there is a lot less bad reactions in the body. If you see a little brown nap in the breaks between meals, you should allow it to get ahead of the swollen stomach. The fruits of the dormouse will grow, maybe, only from the greens, the reshta of the products will live better.

If you don’t want to take a dose of “shudderiness” out of life speeches at once, wash your tongue before living

How is it possible with breastfeeding?

On the shkіrtsі nasіnnya dormouse can be unsafe bacteria, zdatnі viklіkatі kishkovі raslady. In order to secure the little one from shkidlivih speeches, hurry up with a lot of joys:

  • Dietologists recommend that this product should be washed in water before implantation, so that all vague speeches will be avoided, as they can be washed on their surfaces.
  • Not varto mum, who is old, їsti salty today, who are bathed in bags in supermarkets: a large amount of sodium chloride is used to spray on the cracks and increase the pressure. Moreover, the salty taste of milk may not be worthy of your little one.
  • The most valuable will be those ones, which have not been processed: they save all vitamins and mineral speech. In addition, sire now helps to prevent helminthic invasion. Ale bagatom stench zdudutsya not so savory. In order to give them crunchy powers, Sir, today you can dry a little in the oven or on the windowsill.
  • Definitely don’t bring salty product to melancholy, even if you eat a baby at the same time at the same time, and it’s not good enough to grow up.

Today, with breast vigodovuvannі arcane for a baby and yoga mami, ale, as if you were in the mood for some other product, it is important to know the world. Better than zhmenka nasinnya klatsat giblets protyag day, lower at one time z'isti great number of tsikh lasoshchiv.

Appearing in this child's life is often associated with singing incompetence for the newly-born mother. І nasampered, the need for dotrimannya singing diet.

The correct diet of eating is not only supplemented quickly and painlessly, but it also gives the child the opportunity to take all the necessary vitamins and microelements from the mother's body.

Natural Vigodovuvannya mother's milk there are great pluses for a healthy baby. Before that, in order to start living any product, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

Nasinnya and peas are popular among women who are yearning. However, before that, as to proceed before their due date, it is necessary to clearly know what can be done with breastfeeding.

The thought of modern medicine about stowing grains to a dormouse and a harmelon for an hour of breastfeeding is unequivocal. There are no direct contra-indications to their admission, you can be a young mother.

However, it’s very varto to reach the world, like, well, and in the mustache. When it’s raining, that pea is necessary with special care. Ce z tim, scho can alleviate constipation, contraindicated pіd hour after surgery.

First of all, let's figure it out, if you can start to get the love of the lasochi into a hedgehog. Due to the fact that the product does not lie down to hypoallergenic, during the first month it is introduced into the diet during breastfeeding, but it is still not varto, regardless of their unparalleled melancholy.

More shortly than this moment for a few months after the moment of gentleness, no less than three. Until this period, the etching system will become more adapted to rich products, and problems will not be blamed.

Start varto with a small amount of zow, enough for just a sprat of grains. Even though the negative reaction in krihti did not viniclo, it is possible to improve the product step by step. However, do not fanatically fit until this moment. Doctors recommend obmezhitsya 60 grams. In case of this, the frequency of implantation during the hour of breastfeeding is not guilty of revisiting three times for a day.

Important! If, nevertheless, the child had a slight allergic reaction to grains, then they should be treated, and repeat it not earlier, later in a few months.

Yake is more curvy

There is a large number of grains that get used to the hedgehog, and the leather look can be its own crooks of authority. In our latitudes, the most popular are the nascent garmelon and dormouse. Therefore, we focus on them the main respect.

The present dormouse when breastfeeding bears great retribution for the organism of the mother of that little one. Evidently, it is possible to live within the recommended framework.

Why is the melancholy of grains to a dormouse:

  • є korisnoy klіtkoviny;
  • to help improve the proper functioning of the mucosal-intestinal tract, which helps to clean up the life after a gentle slope;
  • zavdyaki high together with vitamin E, positively pour into the camp shkіri, as well as the body zahal;
  • reduce the level of cholesterol, which helps to prevent thrombosis;
  • normalize the work of the thyroid gland, as a result of hormonal regulation in the body;
  • to take revenge on the great quantity of protein - the main budive material for the clitin of the body;
  • m'yako and step by step lower arterial vice what to rob them with brown ones in case of hypertension;
  • to avenge enough sufficiency of the sun, that I take part in the process of sour blood.

Garbuzov's day when breastfeeding is not less corisne. However, the norm of their living is lower, lower in the grains of the dormouse.

Korist nasіnnya garmelon:

  • take vitamins of group B, as well as A, C, E and D;
  • to their warehouse include the most important microelements: magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, salt, zinc, copper, selenium, sodium and calcium;
  • to the warehouse to enter: up to 50% of growing fats, 25% of proteins, 15% of carbohydrates, as well as grub fibers;
  • zavdyaki instead of zinc and phosphorus are positively indicated on the brain, which is indicated in case of serious rozumovyh preoccupations;
  • vitamin C helps improve immunity;
  • are positively indicated on the psychological level, relieve post-slyapological depression;
  • zavdyaki in the place of vitamin A, improve the zir;
  • are positively indicated on the robotic nirok and the sieve-viding system with a flare, ahead of the development of ignition processes;
  • reduce the level of glucose in the blood;
  • regulate instead of cholesterol, repositioning plaques on the walls of arteries;
  • to spit out toxins and shkidlivih speeches, including lead and cadmium;
  • kukurbetin, which is avenged in us, may be anthelmintic;
  • spriyat soft cleansing of the liver in the form of fatty deposits;
  • are friendly to the skeletal system, zavdyaki together with vitamin D;
  • I will shed polypshennia shkiri and nigtiv;
  • help to get in trouble with boredom when you’re on the road and for an hour of sea walks;
  • to delay the appearance of a disrupted process of defecation, nadayuchi m'yak I will carry the day;
  • normalize the rіven of the arterial pressure;
  • may have a positive impact on the camp of suglobiv, which is ahead of the development of arthritis.

The third behind the popularity of the view is nasinnya lyon. Just like a harmelon and a dormouse tree, doctors can think of a single thought, then drive llyany nasinnya The information is super helpful.

Canadian veterinarians prove that they are living on the remaining months of pregnancy, as well as during lactation, they are not. On the right, in the fact that llana ol_ya pours into the hormonal body of a woman, which can provoke.

However, the widows of the widows succumb to the majestic melancholy of their congestion during breastfeeding. Let's take a look at what has obvious melancholy.

Llyana Oliya It is the leader in the field of polyunsaturated fats, especially Omega 3. Zvezdyaky yogo is positively signified in the mother's body, and also contributes to the development of cellular structures in the child's brain.

Llyana oliya is pleasantly indicated on the work of the mucosal-intestinal tract, the endocrine system, as well as nirok. Vzhivannya nasіnnya lion can significantly speed up. However, in their zastosuvanni it is also necessary to reach a clear world. It’s better to add a teaspoon to rank porridge or a vegetable salad.

To that, it’s unambiguous that you can breastfeed today, it’s easy to finish. The leathery look of the present bears an unparalleled melancholy, prote mozhliva skoda it is also necessary to be safe. Introduction to the diet of any product can be gradual. It is necessary to start with a small amount and to improve it step by step, so that not a negative reaction from the side will become a healthy baby.

Yaku threat during GV can be borne by us

Today, with breast vigodovuvanni, you can bring not only mischief, but also misfortune, before him, how to be appointed, you can do it, you need to know about possible traces I'll accept it.

Possibly negative infusion:

  • At the link with tim, be it now to take revenge on your own proteins, you can act like an allergen. Most often, it manifests itself in the appearance of severe reactions, which is the prote of the appearance of problems from the child's breath.
  • The baby may show damage to the herbal tract: diarrhea, bloating, colic and flatulence.
  • Instead of phosphorus in our bodies, it is the cause of the defecation of their living in women with impaired functions. This is due to the fact that this microelement can accumulate in the organisms and vibrate the stone in nirkah.
  • They can cause a set of masses of the body with irrepressible relief. Price for a high-calorie product.
  • Vivation of life in great cultures can lead to zatrimka rіdini in the body, like a legacy, promotion of arterial pressure.
  • Strength, which often reaches the oiled sunflower and the hamelon, also leads to the trap of the homeland.
  • Brood and microbes, which are found on the scales of our days, can lead to eating disorders.
  • Shkaralupa last can lead to the destruction of tooth enamel during the process. It’s better to get used to peeling them for the help of your hands, or to beat them already cleansed today.


Іsnuє a number of borders for the introduction of grains of dormouse and harmelon into the hedgehog during the period of breast breeding. It’s important to lie to him, how to start introducing Danish view product in your diet.

Nebazhane living with:

  • skhilnіst to sechokam'yanoї ailments;
  • increased weight of the body, and especially fat;
  • damage to the robotic herbal system, especially weakness to constipation;
  • earlier manifestations of allergic reactions to the introduction of products in the diet of the mother-year-old;
  • damage to the water-salt exchange and the presence of episodes of vindication of sagging.

How is it right now

More women need to drink food, which is possible with breastfeeding. There is no categorical fence. Ale needs to protect a little moment.

It is important to live the breast at the hour of the year colorful products. Now to take revenge on yourself for the greatness of vitamins and microelements, protea, most of them decrease in case of trivality thermal processing. Also, the products have less empty calories, but they are consumed Kharchova value. Tom it’s more correct to sire, otherwise it’s dried up now.

  • Before preparing the napkin, the dormouse should be thoroughly washed. Only after that, proceed until the middle of the preparation.
  • It is recommended to cook overnight in the oven for temperatures close to 190 degrees Celsius. You can dry them on frying pans, but for whom it is necessary to stir them fast, to prevent burning.

  • It’s better to live your life with a clean looking person, and not with a warehouse of malt. Halvah and kozinaki are irresistibly addictive in the culinary sensation. Ale їх vzhivannya guilty but dozovanim through the tsukra in them.
  • Harmelon grains must be cleared of pulp before cooking. You can wash them behind the bajans, even if the stench was in the middle of the vegetables. It takes more than an hour for them to bake in the oven. The readiness of the season is about thirty minutes after being placed in the roasting of the oven. The temperature regime at the same time is the same, like for the sonyashnikovoy nasіnnya.

  • It is important to consult with a pediatrician in front of him, as a matter of introducing this product into the diet of eating, to give recommendations to the wine itself.

Video about the reception of pregnancy and grief during breastfeeding

At the video you will find information about how the crusty grains of the dormouse and the harmelon grow during the period of breast growth. Why is it important to їsti, and why is the main responsibility in the mountains.

The period of lactation is even more important in the life of a woman, even in the case of milk, to lay the development of a child in the first river of life. What kind of diet did you take while breastfeeding? Chi implanted the grains of the sonyashnik for eating? Share your opinion with our readers.

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