What do new peoples kitty eat? Tsіkavі facts about whales. Chi only savtsiv є mother's milk

On the whole day, back in 1982, the International Whaling Commission (IWC - International Whaling Commission) voted for a new fence of whale fishing for commercial purposes, as if it had reached the rank of 1986.

Today, LifeGuide has prepared the most cіkavі facts about tsikh miraculous sea creatures.

Among whale-like whales, there are rich species, but there are 3 main classifications: ancient whales, wusat (or toothless) whales, and dolphins lie up to them.

1. The greatest creature in the world is the Blue Whale. Yogo dozhina can reach up to 33 meters, and the vaga can exceed 120 tons.

2. In one second, the whale breathes in and sees white two thousand liters repeat.

3. In all whales, females are larger than males.

4. Only one heart of the great Blue whale is important close to tons - it is the most among the creatures, like in the world.

5. Whale pays 150 to 230 kilos of ribi per day.

6. Kitty, like people, yearn for their children with milk from milk vaults, the star's name is savts.

7. The whale's baby is now weighing close to 100 kg, drinking close 380 l milk for good.

8. The sounds of whales and dolphins are similar to great ribs;

9. Whales can stay near the water for up to 40 hvilins, and sperm whales - up to 1.5 years.

10. Under the hour of seeing the great whales, the vishtovhuetsya will repeat with such force that the loud sound of the fountain will be pleasantly blowing on the great sight for the still, calm weather.

11. Whale-like maize has no smell. Dotik, on the vіdmіnu sniff, it's been blamed for the good. However, the most important way of transmitting information for whales is hearing. Toothy whales have especially keen hearing.

12. Kitty sleep. So-so, sounds, through yak stinks mingle, tell the human mind for their melody. The shortest "aria" threevaє 6 khvilin, found - close to 30 khvilin.

13. The followers suspect that the dolphins can also win their “vocal tributes” not only for echolocation, but also to make a noise and paralyze the victim for an hour of watering.

14. Sperm whales dare to kill with not safe whales. At the wounded camp, the stench can sink a whaleboat.

15. The teeth of sperm whales are most often found only on the lower slit. In female sperm whales, the teeth are smaller, lower in males.

16. Sperm whales grow all life, call the males may be bigger than the females.

17. Through those that whales, like dolphins, simply need to rise to the surface for breathing, only half of their brains can sleep at the singing moment of the hour.

18. The dolphin has a richer brain, lower in the chimpanzee. The brain of a grown-up representative is about 1 kg 700 g, while in humans it is 1 kg 200 g. In addition, the dolphin has more sounds. I explain everything J.

19. For the rest of the tribute to science, dolphins make a great vocabulary of words - up to 14,000 sounds of various signals, and also make self-confidence and speech, to help people.

20. Dolphins separate each other for "names", like stench can still be with the people. Experiments have brought, that there is a sound on the recordings, that signaling them, observing that very dolphin.

21. Kitty and dolphins build one by one.

22. Dolphins, as a rule, do not live on their own. The stench may have a foldable social structure and a wide range of emotions, including a touch of humor.

23. Sharks, even if they stink like husky boules, swear by the uniqueness of the dolphin's consortium.

24. The only sighting on the planet is the albino humpback whale of the note of Australia.

25. Dolphins help children with cerebral palsy syndrome and autism to help children with autism and cerebral palsy syndrome. Dolphins miraculously understand the camp of those ill with autism, and they can reach out to their information. This method of healing is called dolphin therapy.

26. Dolphins sometimes trap mass self-destruction. It is primed that dolphins are kind to the magnetic field of the earth, and other “sensors” give a hit and stench huddle along their route and turn ashore.

27. Investigate fighting dolphins. Їх vikoristovuyut in the military purposes, they begin to show submerged waters, ratuvat sailors after the sinking of their ship and navit, for unconfirmed tribute, subdue the submerged waters by the "kamikaze" method.

28. Women, like dolphins weeping, commemorated the cicada fact: male dolphins give gifts to their potential partners at the sight of “bouquets” of algae.

29. I, nareshti, the head horn of whale-like ones is a human being!

With what rank do whales relish their children's milk? and taking away the best vіdpovіd

Feedback from Lenzel[guru]
Tsiliy rіk female vinous ditincha. Wines are born under the surface of the sea. New peoples are born to be great - less than 2-3 times less than their mothers, sighted and crumbling. Vіn everywhere follows the mother, as if he was yearning for milk over pіvroku. Milk is half made up of fat; it is 8-10 times livelier, cow's milk is lower, so whales and grow so fast. The child has no soft lips, and the milk of wine is not wet. The child only chops the mother's nipple with a strong fist, and the mother squeezes the m'yazi on her own neck and blows the milk straight into the mouth.

Vzagali, whale-like ones do not have a protruding name, like cows. The milk burrows of a female whale are two long and milked with flat organs, ripped one to one by maturity under a small kut. Their nipples are located not far from the navel, and the size of the milk ridges in the female minke whale during the period of growth becomes 215x75x6 cubic meters. div. Under the hour of lactation, as in other cases, the growth of milk deposits is significantly increased. The thickness of the vines can be increased from 6 to 30 cm, and the color changes from erysipelas to golden brown. If you climb strongly, the nipples can become poignant from afar. Whalers had a chance to watch out, as from the nipples of a female whale, streams of milk appear - they themselves call such females "milk" stench - a true sign that she is fit for a child

Vidpovid vіd Olena[guru]
Children of all whales get wet under water, not far from the surface. “Smokchut” is the only word, but here it’s not very appropriate. For pissing, you need soft cheeks to draw in milk. And where are the whales? That and then we will tell the story - soak it up, and then you still need to virinati on the surface, breathe in. Milk bugs in whales are not for pissing. This is a cistern, in the yak there are numerical ducts, like milk cloves go up to it. This cistern is honed with bunches of m'yaziv, and, like a kitten, hooting its nipple and ticking its nose at its mother, this m'yazi squirms and a fountain of milk bursts into its mouth. The fountain will last for 15-20 seconds, then a break for the baby's breath and the filling of the cistern and the fountain will start again. For one year, sometimes up to nine catapult ejections.
Babies eat up to 30 times a day, and after six months, the number of years is shortened to seven - they are more right. The volume of the milk colony was close to a cubic meter, and if the whales begin to grow up with milk, then the colony grows up to half a cubic meter. That's the whole plant! Yogo productivity is close to 600 liters per harvest. Bottlenose dolphins have 12-20 liters.
Qiu child zhu less for the little one can be called milk. Fat content is 40-50 cm, and in humans - 2 cm, intestines - 4 cm, cows - 3-5 cm, dogs - 9 cm, deer - 17 cm.

Vidpovid vіd Rudaia Alina[guru]
prosto! pod bokovym plavnikom est" napodobie soskov!

Vidpovid vіd Koristuvacha has been seen[guru]
Female cetaceans wine chicks for 12 months. Babies are born under water and are similar to changed copies of their fathers.
Newly born children have soft swimmers and tails that will make it easier for me to appear in the world. Ring out the stench of the people with their tail ahead, they come wildly to the rest of the ward. Your vipadku ditincha will not suffocate. To help her head and rostrum, the female raises her baby above the water, so that she can breathe for a moment.
After a sprat of a year, after a half-moon, mothers begin to give birth to a child with milk. In female whales and dolphins, the milk is much fatter, so the little ones quickly accumulate a little ball of fat, which protects them from cooling.
In the first year after the birth, the children of dolphins and whales are weaker and closer to their mother, as if they were protecting them. While swimming with the people, sometimes they stink, having put their chest swimmer on their mother. So the little ones are less bothered.

With what rank do whales relish their children's milk? and taking away the best vіdpovіd

Feedback from Lenzel[guru]
Tsiliy rіk female vinous ditincha. Wines are born under the surface of the sea. New peoples are born to be great - less than 2-3 times less than their mothers, sighted and crumbling. Vіn everywhere follows the mother, as if he was yearning for milk over pіvroku. Milk is half made up of fat; it is 8-10 times livelier, cow's milk is lower, so whales and grow so fast. The child has no soft lips, and the milk of wine is not wet. The child only chops the mother's nipple with a strong fist, and the mother squeezes the m'yazi on her own neck and blows the milk straight into the mouth.

Vzagali, whale-like ones do not have a protruding name, like cows. The milk burrows of a female whale are two long and milked with flat organs, ripped one to one by maturity under a small kut. Their nipples are located not far from the navel, and the size of the milk ridges in the female minke whale during the period of growth becomes 215x75x6 cubic meters. div. Under the hour of lactation, as in other cases, the growth of milk deposits is significantly increased. The thickness of the vines can be increased from 6 to 30 cm, and the color changes from erysipelas to golden brown. If you climb strongly, the nipples can become poignant from afar. Whalers had a chance to watch out, as from the nipples of a female whale, streams of milk appear - they themselves call such females "milk" stench - a true sign that she is fit for a child

Vidpovid vіd Olena[guru]
Children of all whales get wet under water, not far from the surface. “Smokchut” is the only word, but here it’s not very appropriate. For pissing, you need soft cheeks to draw in milk. And where are the whales? That and then we will tell the story - soak it up, and then you still need to virinati on the surface, breathe in. Milk bugs in whales are not for pissing. This is a cistern, in the yak there are numerical ducts, like milk cloves go up to it. This cistern is honed with bunches of m'yaziv, and, like a kitten, hooting its nipple and ticking its nose at its mother, this m'yazi squirms and a fountain of milk bursts into its mouth. The fountain will last for 15-20 seconds, then a break for the baby's breath and the filling of the cistern and the fountain will start again. For one year, sometimes up to nine catapult ejections.
Babies eat up to 30 times a day, and after six months, the number of years is shortened to seven - they are more right. The volume of the milk colony was close to a cubic meter, and if the whales begin to grow up with milk, then the colony grows up to half a cubic meter. That's the whole plant! Yogo productivity is close to 600 liters per harvest. Bottlenose dolphins have 12-20 liters.
Qiu child zhu less for the little one can be called milk. Fat content is 40-50 cm, and in humans - 2 cm, intestines - 4 cm, cows - 3-5 cm, dogs - 9 cm, deer - 17 cm.

Vidpovid vіd Rudaia Alina[guru]
prosto! pod bokovym plavnikom est" napodobie soskov!

Vidpovid vіd Koristuvacha has been seen[guru]
Female cetaceans wine chicks for 12 months. Babies are born under water and are similar to changed copies of their fathers.
Newly born children have soft swimmers and tails that will make it easier for me to appear in the world. Ring out the stench of the people with their tail ahead, they come wildly to the rest of the ward. Your vipadku ditincha will not suffocate. To help her head and rostrum, the female raises her baby above the water, so that she can breathe for a moment.
After a sprat of a year, after a half-moon, mothers begin to give birth to a child with milk. In female whales and dolphins, the milk is much fatter, so the little ones quickly accumulate a little ball of fat, which protects them from cooling.
In the first year after the birth, the children of dolphins and whales are weaker and closer to their mother, as if they were protecting them. While swimming with the people, sometimes they stink, having put their chest swimmer on their mother. So the little ones are less bothered.

Kites are the largest (a grown-up individual can exceed 150 tons), found (approximately 30-35 meters tall).

Photos of whales cannot be baited to anyone.

Language of the blue whale weigh 4 tons. Tse approximately style. skіlki important elephant For butt: if I want to rise up people - then at once 50 of them to please their bajannya.

Already in the ancient times, it was seen - tse savts. The stench is warm-blooded and breathes again. Tsі nayvazhchi ssavtsі mаut let і zovsіm krіhіtnu, ale out. The stench yearns for children's milk. Tse - facts, everyone knows.

Kitty can go without sleep for 100 days. Can live without food for 8 months. Naivetrivalishі - up to 10 months.
Vcheni vvazhayut that all whale-like, mabut, secondary: their fathers, about 50 million years ago, left the ocean waters, but in the process of evolution they turned into the abyss of the oceans.

Vagity in females is three times 11 months. Children's whales are people with a length of about 8 meters and a caravan of 2-3 tons. Naytsіkavіshe, that the whale's ovum does not outweigh the ova of the common pole bear.

For the first time in life, the kitty eats mother's milk. Every day a child lives about 350-390 liters of milk. At its own pіvroku, a miracle-crown reaches a size of 15 meters and a vag of about 20-25 tons.

The roof of whale-like ones tarnish more sour, the lower roof of other savants.

The empty mouth of whales is not covered with legends. The stinks breathe in the air, rising above the surface of the ocean: their legends are filled with sour, like a year, under the water, they are filled with water and heat up. At that moment, if the creatures blame - the stench of the seers and hotter wind, sticking with the cold, making a miraculous fountain out of condensed steam.

2000 liters repeatedly inhale a whale in a second.

I see a fountain of curls up to 6 meters!

The largest whale is blue. Chomus on a number of resources on the Internet, I was "fortunate" by the word "blue whale". Ale tse so, vіdstup vіd those.

Tsikavo, that "blue" females are larger, lower males.

The heart of the blue whale is the biggest heart in the world! You can compare with the car for the size of the weight, and it is about 600 or 700 kg.
A whale has 8,000 liters of blood, and a vessel in diameter is about the same as the diameter of a water bucket.

A whale may not be dead for about 2 years, and in an hour they will make a colossal rise under the water!

"Nakaloriynishi" - 8 million calories per day - the axis of skilka can die one whale for one doba. And eating wine is more important than krill. A ton of krill per day. Plus, everything and everything that you can eat at the mouth at once from small crustaceans (krill).

Even small, adapted to life in the sea, the eyes of the summer see the high pressure when the creatures are bored on the great mud, from the mucous ducts, great fat tears are seen, which help to clear the water from the water, and protect the eyes from the die salt. Whales can't smell the smells, they smell the stench in the lower slit. In it, the sound goes with a special depression to the middle and inner ear. Kitty constantly listen, to the fact that they have no scent and weak excuses. The sound gives whales the ability to orientate themselves, communicate with each other and eat, although it is not clear if the sounds that are vibrated by whales are recognized. The whales suffer even more because of the noise at the ocean of light, which people make.

From us savtsіv, psnі spіvayut less people and whales.

Naybalakuchіshi and sleeping whales - bіli. People affectionately call them "sea canaries" for the great range of sounds that coo and chirp.

Songs of whales are long and sonorous. The shortest aria threevaє approximately 6 lengths. Vtіm, yakscho no one needs to sleep - the song of a whale can be played with a stretch of 30-40 hvilin. Ignorance of those who have voice calls from whales every day.

Dosit tsіkavy pіdvid, scho I'll call fіnval. Qi giants live together in groups of 5-8 individuals, and at the hour of migration, Finvals unite in a group of 200-250 individuals. Finval, maybe, the most visible of the marine savts. The speed of yoga at the time of insecurity may exceed 45 km/year. The fin-val can go down to the mud up to 250 meters and make 15 quills there. And the finvals can also see sounds of such a low frequency that the human ear is simply not able to catch it.

The tail of a whale is also individual, like a human being has fingertips. Two identical tails are impossible.

Scars and furrows, pores, lashes of brown algae "paint" on whale tails a unique design "graffiti".

The baby of the blue whale is called ... a calf. The bodies of the people are born after the fate of the vagity, it is important to weigh 2-3 tons and reach up to 7 meters at the dovzhin.

You know that a child of a whale begins to swim in the wake of the people. Having been born, he is guilty of growing indulgence, otherwise he will die, as if drinking water from his lungs, not resurrecting him. The female whale lowers its body over the water for an hour. Children, falling near the water, take in a deep breath. Lungs, which have recovered, help you buoyancy.

Anniversary of children is born under water, the trivality of skin anniversary is small (a few seconds). Birthing a kitten is no less easy to do: the little one has no lips at all. Vіn pіd water shools one of the two nipples of the mother, we will burn the tongue at the pipe. Youmu should not be smokted; Children drink up to 200 liters of thick cream colored milk per day.

Whale's milk is thicker, like sour cream: sperm whales have up to 53% fat content, while whales have close to 37% (good cow's milk may fat content 4%. It is 30 times more tight on the surface, lower near the water, which is especially important, healing under water (strumenev’s milk is not poured near the water). The life of whale milk is already high. Already after 7 months of the life of the "child" to weigh up to 25 tons! blue kitty the most growing creatures in the world

Wagers at blue whales are settled for a long time; it seems that the male always stays close to the female and does not fill any of the surroundings. Whales protect their offspring from killer whales and white sharks, which are especially unsafe for them, killing young animals in the middle of the game.

Hug mothers and children turn their noses up.

After the breeze, the whale is ready to be independent, but the mother does not come in, as she helps him. She's circling around like a bunch of plankton and eating food to her baby. Mama's fire - out and the ocean mama.

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