Nezrozumіli and tsіkavі facts about the earth. Magnetic field theory and facts about the earth's magnetic field 10 facts about the earth's magnetic field

The magnetic field of the Earth, one might say, is the cause of all living things, devastation, heaviness, the birth of that attachment, but it’s not wonderful to inspire it to illuminate anything today with reliable accuracy. There are no more bezlich ignorant theories. To the greatest extent of them, one can see the one that is created in the rare core of the Earth. So, as a matter of fact, the homeland is moving melting metal, with its own movement of wines, it gives rise to streams that people the magnetic field.


Everyday around the world is approximately 8 thousand earthworkers. But the greater part of them is unmemorable for a person. Earthquakes blame the tectonic plates for an hour. And those, with their blackness, are collapsing under the influx of volcanic activity in the surface of the earth. Tsya activity and є energy of the earth. As soon as this activity ends, it means that the energy has been exhausted. So, earthworkers squat, ale and life on the planet, better for everything, tezh. So the “three earths” don’t start badly.

The sound between the magnetic field, as if it were from above the earth and earth cowards, the sound is not transverse. Changes near the magnetic field reflect changes in the core. On this day, it was only unreasonable how to take a real advantage.

Every death valley in California has the same speeches. It has long been marked that the stone, which is found on the surface of a withered lake, moves in a mysterious order - a clear trace is visible behind it. The reason for the collapse was not established by dosi, regardless of those who are a manifestation of the richness of current opinions. This wind is even more povіlny, it seems less, that for 7 years the stench is about 200 meters and most of the time they add a narrow. One of the possible explanations can be the magnetic field of the earth, maybe the stone just attracts. But the theory is still incomplete.


The magnetic field of the earth flows like a life on earth, and it protects it from the flow of the open space. The greatest concern, as it can threaten the Earth, is radiation, which is like the Sun. Yakby did not have a magnetic field, everything alive would have long ago died down under the influx of a beloved luminary. The sleepy wind is the greatest source of radiation. The sun splashes yoga, and the magnetic field of the earth, like the dome, which protects the planet, does not let it go through the crisis. As a result, this wind is forged by a magnetic field, bending the whole earth, ale, not bad for people and nature.


The magnetic field is not constant, it changes the poles approximately once in 250,000 years. Pivnichniy ta Pivdenny Pole but they change hands. There is no exact explanation of this fact, but it is significant that the poles will change again in the next hour. At the same time, the thoughts of the vchenih from the first food differ greatly. Some people think that this natural change is normal, as antrohi are not in the line of life on earth. Other advances that such undertakings can lead to a catastrophe on a global scale and lead to the fact that civilization will be on a mezhі iznischennya. The stench is stupefying that dinosaurs, as they lived earlier on the planet, died out at the same time as the change of the poles.


Under the occasional attacks of sleepy activity in the earth's atmosphere, which is under the protection of the magnetic field, dirks appear. Tse even turbulence in the current world, even the sony radiation of the building will change the life of the planet. The problem lies in the fact that people are not able to change. And in the times of the increase of these diroks, a real threat to life on the planet can be blamed. Modern technology and people's knowledge about the All-World, the planet, the Sun can't help this situation in any way;

Field relaxation

At the pivdenniy part Atlantic Ocean The volume of the magnetic field has significantly decreased and become less than a third of the norm. This fact greatly alerts all scientists in the world, even if a breach can destroy the planet for a short term. For the rest of 150 years the field is here weakened by 10%.

Earth life

The surge of the magnetic field on earth is already great. Possibly, people don’t drink yoga, but they definitely drink yoga. So, for example, migrating birds know the way for help. One of the explanations for such a phenomenon lies in the fact that the birds don’t have to sing. Be it magnetic anomalies, or storms pour into the building you know the right way. Turtles and other creatures, for example, cows, are also oriented in a new way. Youmu zavdyaks are also polarized.


This is a rich sight for someone who is aware of himself, and more than a chuli about something. Strong magnetic storms damage the electronics, and weak and medium ones can greatly affect the health of people. Magnetic storms are the price of the last spalahs on the Sun. Energy, which is being wielded, will rush along the Earth for decades.

The field of the planet її vіdshtovhuє, that її vpliv vіdchuvaє schonay less than 15% of the population. Deyakі feel badly at the hour of the sleepy wikis themselves, at another hour of their dotik from the field of the earth, a third of a few days after that. This phenomenon is fully understood, even if people think of a special electric and magnetic field that takes away their own influx of calls.

  • The strongest magnets in the All-Sight are neutron stars. Such a field is a million million times thicker than the magnetic field of the Earth.
  • There is a theory that the same radiation from the Sun has spread on Mars, everything is alive, because there is no such magnetic field there, like on Earth.
  • Today, there is little real possibility to strengthen the magnetic field of the Earth and even more to protect the planet from the splendid infusion of the Sun. However, today it is necessary to stand on the path of “tweaking” the atmosphere and “patching up” in it for the help of the latest technologies that are being developed.

Vono ogortaє everything on the planet, starting from the smallest magnets and to all our Earth, and rushing towards the cosmos. Although we already knew about the magnetic field of our planet, it still holds a lot of mysteries and demonstrates wondrous things.

Recently, the observations showed us especially in advance how little is known about geomagnetism and about those, how to inject magnetic lines of force not only into our brains, but also to bring about the creation of the legendary wormholes. Somewhere far beyond the boundaries of the earth's atmosphere, magnetic fields create and then they themselves allow even more riddles.

10. Magnetic moths

Australian creatures are one of the most amazing creatures on the planet. And now the mainland power can add a magnetic mile to the list of its miracles. The marvelous species was called Agrotis infusa, or the Bogonian mill, and its beauty is unique, because it is the first night of the night, as it is the hour of migration of the victorious magnetic field of the Earth.

The wind was crushed in 2018, and until the new vcheni, the old hour could not be understood, as the very billion of such moths made a total of 1000 kilometers, and they turned into those same ovens in the Australian states of New Wales, Victoria and Victoria (New Wales) . At the result, the solution was found after the experiments were carried out on the kіlkom z tsikh comakhs in special insulated areas. It appeared that God's mole for navigation won the magnetic field itself, and it sounds like a song with oriental landmarks on the territory. As if one of the minds knows, the coma huddles along the path and does not understand where to follow it.

Even though the cicada was vidkrittya, although it didn’t help us to understand, like migratory birds and other creatures, like migrating on the great windstan, vicorist the magnetosphere of our planet. It is obvious to one cіkavoї theory of light changes to add the songs of birds on the quantum level. Imovirno, the birds are most orientated on the magnet, if their eyes catch the light. At the bright hour, finish the bird's brain on molecular equivalence vinikaє elektrichny signal, which helps creatures to recognize the magnetic field. However, God's prayers lead a nocturnal way of life, to that their way of navigation, it is easy, practicable otherwise.

9. Epicenter of change of poles of the geomagnetic field

Photo: Live Science

The magnetic field of the Earth is weaker and waning, and it is even thinner at the same time in the area between Pivdenny Africa and Chile, for which this zone was called the Pivdenny-Atlantic anomaly. The successors were more respectful of the entire region, hoping that there they could find a clue to food about those who caused the entire magnetic field of our planet to become weak.

In 2018, the experts revealed another anomaly, and for the first time the won was stretched from Pivdenny Africa to Botswana. If the people of the fair life were here their clay houses, when the fire was burning, they saved the magnetic minerals in the clay in such a way that behind these artifacts one could mark the camp of the geomagnetic field of the quiet rocks. For a stretch of 1500 years, the electromagnetic field in this part of the world either sank, then changed its direction more and more, then it squeezed, then it was called over the zagal scheme of power lines.

All these changes gave us an important clue that the Pivdenno-Atlantic anomaly had occurred earlier, and that it was the cause of the change in the poles of the Earth's magnetic field. As a matter of fact, even an unimportant region in the Pvdennoy Africa region can become the same place, where you can see the most important change.

Nine thinning of the magnetic field of our planet can bring up to two different scenarios. Otherwise, there will be a black polarity reversal, or the field will be strengthened again, in order to change the vectors. Another option is richly shortening, the shards of a weak magnetic field cannot protect us from the strong ultraviolet manifestation of a sufficient world. Everything can start from regular interruptions at the robotic electric meter, as if in times of stonshenya become too irritable in front of geomagnetic drills, and continue where as unacceptable heritage.

8. The riddle of the head drum

Photo: Live Science

The earth turns around the Sun at a speed of approximately 108 thousand kilometers per year. We call like a boat from a ship that cuts water on its way, the magnetic field of our planet lays a path for us, a super-hot sleepy wind, which constantly vibrates our star.

For a long time, the elders considered that the head of the shock whistle was near the Earth and was the reason that the sleepy wind began to ring out, reaching the surface of our native planet before the lower breeze, and not the elements that were sleeping. Without some mysterious process, our Earth would have been charred long ago. Vtіm, all the details of what is being seen, do not reach the end of the vvchenі.

2018 rock, ymovirno, it was smashed one more important note. It appears that the magnetic field of the Earth is destroying electronics. If you have analyzed the data from the satellites, taken in the zone of the geomagnetic field and the sleepy one, the stench was hostile, as the field is literally ripping apart the stellar wind.

If the sleepy wind on the supersonic wind reaches the head shock region of the Earth, the electrons will speed up so much that they simply fall apart. As a result, the ruinous energy of the sony wind is transformed into less unsafe warmth.

7. New magnetic core


The struggle between the sleepy wind and our magnetosphere does not destroy the Earth from the sleepy radiation of the whole world. The disintegration of the particles of the dawn wind is a great challenge for our magnetic field, and as a result of this power line, they periodically burst. If one of these lines is torn, energy vibrates, clayed by the field from the sony wind, which causes malfunctions in robotic electric lines, satellites and spaceships.

In 2018, we decided to conduct a round of research in order to learn more about the nature of this problem. At the result, the stench spoke about magnetic activity, which was something new and absolutely marvelous. Earlier in the day, it was already designated that between the sleepy wind and the magnetosphere there was a special cordon. Qiu zone was called a magnetosphere. However, the activity in this ball was too advanced, so that it would mean that the lines of our magnetic field would not be destroyed by infection in the same order with the sonny electrons. For the help of a number of new companions, they confirmed that the process of reconnection (transition) is also being carried out by each magnetosphere.

If there is a collapse of the links, the particles begin to collapse at 40 times faster, lower at a strong magnetic field. Previously, the followers showed that two super-important phenomena, connected with charged dormouse particles, appear in the very same place.

6. The magnetic field of the Earth is shifting towards Zahid

Photo: Live Science

Vcheni watch over the magnetic field of our planet for over 400 years. For the whole hour, the information was collected more and more santelichuval doslednikiv, yakі have long been wrestling with one great riddle. Because it is unreasonable for us, the cause of the geomagnetic field is shifting in the right direction.

In 2018, the successors have propagated a new and even unrecognized opinion on the chain of nutrition. Strumene's currents near the water, winds and winds of the core of the Earth create the so-called winds of Rossby. All that is the core of our planet is the core, which actually wraps itself around constantly, and at the same time it circulates a lot of sickness.

By their very nature, those wheezing that live, even vvazhayutsya to endure a wondrous sight, and the sickness of Rossby in the outer core and zovsim behave absolutely in the face of all other currents. Oceanic and atmospheric winds of Rossbі are collapsing at the bіk sunset, and the winds at the outer core are Skhіd. If you want something impossible to accurately calculate directly, for whom the whole world collapses through significant depths, these processes are deduced.

In the opinion of experts, in spite of the shifting orientation of the wind of Rossbі at the outermost core of the Earth, more of their energy is shifted towards the magnetic field behind it. In any event, the doslidniki do not have a clear explanation why the geomagnetic field is called for at a distance of 17 kilometers to the river.

5. Another magnetic field of the Earth


For the chergovy time of marriage, it was revealed more marvelously, which had been known for so long right in front of their nose. It appears that our planet has two magnetic fields. Most people know that our smut magnetic field is the basis of the goiter processes that are found in the core of the Earth. Another field was very clear when the European Space Agency launched three new satellites into orbit to test geomagnetism.

After collecting data, the investigators revealed that our planet has one more secret. Tsіlih 4 roki vcheni z ЄKA analyzed otrimana information, until in 2018 rotsі stinks nareshti voiced about their marvelous knowledge of the earthly world.

The news about another magnetic field has long been hyped about the fact that this tidal force is marginally insignificant or even unremarkable. How to compare it with the strength of the geomagnetic field that we have long known, it is weaker than the new one by as much as 20 thousand times.

For any kind of person, the value of this insight is great for those who are already great, especially for those who dedicate their lives to the mysteries of geomagnetism. The skin is a new detail to complete the picture, like a piece of a puzzle, and it can help us explain other things. For example, give evidence on nutrition about those to which the magnetic field of the Earth periodically changes its poles, otherwise, as an insult to the magnetic fields, one on one. Until then, new insights can help us better understand the electrical power of the lithosphere and the earth's measles.

4. Mystery Stovpiv


In 1995, the Hubble Space Telescope (Hubble) got the so-called "Stovpi Creation", as the floorings became famous, which began to be played on coasters for cups and shown in the cinema. The miraculous image of the columns, shimmering with different colors, from the interstellar gas and the saw is clearly reminiscent of gigantic stovpi, and, as you can see, here new stars are popping up.

The whole lot is known for 7 thousand bright rocks from the Earth in the Eagle Nebula, and the riddle of the solution of these columns remained unrevealed until 2018. The new warnings allowed us to see the polarized light, which came out of the one that saw the presence of a magnetic field there. If fakhіvtsі could create a map of their fields, the trip of the famous trio to the nareshti was guessed.

The magnetic forces caused the expansion of the interzonal gas and the cosmic saw in the midst of the nebula, and under them, in a rush, ts_ sign colonies settled down, leading the mayzhe in the mustache light. The great cosmic structure for a long time is left in its lowest form itself through the influx of magnetic fields, as it actually protects the stovpi from the ruin with its tidal force, the vector of the direct line of the outer magnetic forces of the cosmos, which excites this region. Vrakhovuchi the fact that in the middle of Stovpiv Creation new stars are gradually formed, understanding the nature of magnetism in different ways can change the manifestations of the knowledge about the process of illuminating the stars.

3. The magnetic field of Uranus is constantly collapsing


If you talk about the magnetic field, it is not easy for Uranus to come across. In 2017, a number of scientists wanted to capture the magnetosphere from a distant planet, and for this stench they won computer simulations of that data, which were removed in 1986 from the NASA spacecraft - Voyager-2 (Voyager 2). As a result, we found out that we didn’t know about it, and without that we could already achieve a wondrous planet for us.

Orientation of Uranus in the space is seen by the richness of the other planets of the Sonyachny system, which is why all the wrapping is not to lie on the side. Through this the magnetic field of the planet is stretched out to the geometrical center to reach an unimaginable order. A day on Uranus is three times 17.24 years, and the magnetosphere of the planet for її revolution on the axis of the sun is strongly shifted. In some places, the magnetic field practically collapses, the docks in others are reconnected. This post-balancing still explains the often blamed polar syaves.

Data from the Hubble telescope previously confirmed that Aurori settled on Uranus, even similar to our earthly ones. The magnetosphere, as a rule, creates a cold block, and її stonshuvannya yakraz i umovlyuє polyarne syyvo. It is similar that for such a reason the aurora on Uranus are often blamed for the very appearance of breaches in the magnetic field, and crisis or "breaks" of the part of the sleepy wind are sucked into the atmosphere of the planet, vibrating upon contact with the gases of the light show.

2. Magnetic molehill

Photo: Smithsonian Magazine

Physicists spend a lot of time even more wondrous events. In 2015, the stink rots created a new name, a magnetic wormhole. Wormhole is a popular topic among fans of science fiction, but once again you can go a little far behind theory and visionary films. According to the hypothesis, the wormhole is built to connect two different regions in the space-time continuum. Theoretically, mandrivnik for the help of such building wormholes will simply be repaired for a few seconds.

In 2015, the successors smashed the attachments, which with a metal sphere from decal balls into the metamaterial, which is unlikely to help us in the nearest possible future to help us run a space expedition to the last world of the World, but at the same time they created a magic wormhole.

The middle centers of the sphere of physics placed a bent magnetic tube, and then the whole appendage was attached to the other magnetosphere. For a moment, the cylinder was literally nowhere, and then it turned anew in its place. The sign of faults is not literally, but simply becoming invisible to magnetic sensors.

So in this experiment, during the manipulation of electromagnetic energy, a magnetic-invisible tunnel was created between the mutual poles of the magnet. This molehill created the illusion of the underside of the opposite poles and the winds appeared "monopoly", which nature simply does not have.

1. Brain control

Photo: Live Science

One of the most important unimaginable powers magnetic field - the ability to control the brain to help the robot. In 2017, a rotation of the ceremony was carried out, at the hour of which a new announcement was made. For the help of magnetic watering, the experts were able to remotely activate the cells of the brain of the last mice.

The swollen body became the head method of the infusion, it hit the head brain, like a blow for the creature's rush. Neimovirno, ale vcheni zmusili squinted bigati, caught in the mist and spinning on the mist. The main interest for the elders is the ability to understand how processes are going on in our head, which are indicative of the same behavior and emotions. Imovirno, tse podkazhe us, de znahodyatsya vedinkovі vіddіli in the human brain, and to help you become so, like Parkinson's ailment (trembling paralysis).

If you see yourself as a shanuvalnik in theory, move and worry that for the help of this authority, the power will take away control over us, you can see freely. Magnetic fields pass through biological tissues without traces. The fate of the conducted experiment was taken not by the zvichayny squints, but by the creatures with microscopic particles of magnets introduced into their brains. Numerous particles were attached to the brain cells, after which they were played for an additional simulation of the magnetic field, and small magnets disturbed the neurons to be activated in such a way that the mouse changed its behavior according to the given scenario.

You can find facts about the magnetic field from this article.

Facts about the magnetic field

Our planet is a stretch of millions of millions of rocks and a majestic magnet. The induction of the magnetic field of the Earth changes in the fallow coordinates. At the equator, it is about 3.1 times 10 minus the fifth Tesla stage. Until then, there are magnetic anomalies, which mean that the fields are directly observed in the dry areas. Alone from themselves great magnetic anomalies of the planet- Kursk and Brazilian magnetic anomalies.

Changes of the Earth's magnetic field dosi zalishaєtsya a riddle for vchenih. It is believed that the core of the field is a rare metal core of the Earth. The core is collapsing, hence, the melting of the cast-nickel alloy is collapsing, and the collapse of the charged particles is the whole electric stream, which generates a magnetic field. The problem is that this theory (geodinamo) does not explain how the field is kept stable.

The magnetic field of the Earth protects the planet from cosmic changes and sleepy wind.

Migrating birds know the way for the help of the magnetic field. Turtles and other creatures, for example, cows, are also oriented in a new way. Youmu zavdyaks are also polarized.

In the middle part of the Atlantic Ocean, the magnetic field strength has significantly decreased and become more than a third of the norm today. This fact greatly alerts all scientists in the world, even if a breach can destroy the planet for a short term. For the rest of 150 years, the tovshchina of the field here weakened by 10%.

The magnetic poles of the Earth are collapsing. The change is registered in 1885. For example, for the remaining one hundred years, the magnetic pole near the Pivdenniy pivkul, may have been 900 kilometers away, and at the same time it will travel near the Pivdenny ocean. The arctic pole is collapsing across the Pivnichniy Liodovitiy ocean to the Siberian-Skhidno-Siberian magnetic anomaly; Narazі posterіgaєtsya priskornnya rush poles - the average swidkіst grows by 3 kilometers per river.

Magnet and magnetism do not cease to amaze mankind. We have collected some facts about permanent magnets, which you probably don't know yet.

1. Why was the magnet called a magnet?

Іsnuє dvі ї versії vіdzhennya tsієї name: poetic and not narrower. Persha is a poetic legend about a shepherd named after Magnus (aka Magnes). The famous historian Pliny described that once a shepherd shaved his hair with his vines in a new place, standing on an incomparable black stone and raptom showing that he could not tear a club from his head and beat it with his flowers.

I think that everything was more prosaic: once in the Greek region of Magnesia they unearthed a layer of stone, building to attract the sun. Yogo was called so - "stone of Magnesia" or, more simply, apparently, a magnet. Vtіm, there are also trochs of lyricism here, even though the region otrimal its name in the tribe of magnets that live in it, and the stinks so named themselves in honor of the mythical hero, the son of Zeus.

2. Know, "Kokhayuchiy kamin"
The same romantic thing was given to the magnet by the wines of the Chinese. Representatives of one ancient cultures poetically described yoga in this way. Qi-shi (Russian “loving stone” or “stone of motherly love”), they said the stench, attracting the sun, like the mother’s warmth, attracting detlakhiv. Tsya force really expands and more metal, but less intensively.

It’s clear that the French also called the magnet the word “loving” - for both the meaning is the same word aimant.

3. How the magnetic board appeared

In 2008, three American students demonstrated their knowledge, but to show all the necessary information, they didn’t stick a place on the doshtsi, the stench virushili dodatkovo vykoristovuvaty arkusha great format, but the folding paperwork in the hands. And then he came up with a brilliant idea to build a part of the plate from the magnetic surface. This is how a new technology appeared for painting with markers, which can be easily erased with a dry sponge. Such markers were called dry-wash.

4. Who saw the first magnetic compass?

Even in the third century BC, the Chinese author described the compass at the sight of a spoon with a magnet, and the axis of attachments from a floating arrow appeared less at the XI century. Nabagato pіznіshe, at 1300 years of John Zhira, the first in Europe, having created a compass for mandrіvniki (magnіt buv zaveznіy more than 40 rokіv before that mandrіvnіm Marco Polo), chim suttєvo asking the life of sailors. And the Italian Flavio Gioia improved the design.

5. Trochs about magnetic storm

The days are passing by, if the compass needle is spinning madly, instead of that, to show on the pivnich. In some cases it lasts for years, and in others - for a whole year. The greatest compass is won by sailors - the stench and marked the first of all the appearance, having christened it with a magnetic storm.

It seems to be similar through the sleeps of sleepy activity, if in the magnetic field of our planet we consume more charged particles from the Sun. It is overwhelmed and caused by geomagnetic storms, which are injected into the human body, and into the work of technology.

6. How to improve the magnetic field?

Encourage the magnetic field as a whole is real, and they teach it in school physics lessons, proponuyuchi such a sequence:
- the magnet is curved with a glass plate;
- On top of the plate put arkush paper;
- papyrus sip with a smooth ball of saline tirsi;
- The tyrsus is magnetized, and if it streaks, then the stench is on the spot in the plate, and it is easy to turn, forming - folded curved lines, which diverge into the poles.

Otriman's picture looks like an approaching rank: the closer to the pole, the thicker and clearer the line from the tirsi, and the farther out it is to go in, the more it grows and loses its virility. The main example of how the magnetic forces are weakened through the air.

7. Why hang the trumpet of the Prophet Mohammed in the window?

For more than one hundred years, the minds of the drunkard have roared the story about the left hand of the prophet Mohammed. In 1600, a book about magnets was seen, de author William Hilbert conveyed a sense of history about the chapel of Mohammed. Її crypt to avenge the magnetic stone of great power, as if allowing a screen with the ashes of the prophet to hang in the window.

The Muslims themselves respected this wonder, and said that the reason was that the earth could not trim the corpse of such a person. In fact, such tricks were previously performed by magicians. Ale, you need to say what to encourage jealousy in to this particular type impossible. The magnet should be strong at this point, so that you can pick up the object, but you can’t get it on a stable surface without an additional thread.

8. Magnet and heating
Magneti may have special characteristics. Before them, one can see the working temperature with maximum indications, that Curie point, on the level of which ferromagnets expend their power. For skin metal, the parameters are individual. For example, for NdFeB-based magnetoplastics, the maximum operating temperature can be up to 120, or 220 ° C, the ferity can be vitrified at temperatures up to 250-300 ° C, and their Curie point becomes 450 ° C.

9. Why does a magnetic tomograph scan a person in the middle?

Our body is stored for 60-80% with H2O and the atoms of water in the formula of water with the help of a strained magnet begin to recover from ailments. The stench of the different, to the fact that there are a lot of fabrics, dezashovani atoms, and it looks like a change in our style. Encased in a magnetic field, a person vibrating the wheeze, and fixing the indications are transformed into a tricolor of the image.

10. How does the magnetic pillow work?

Shvidkіsne poїzdіvnja type "Maglіv" reach zavdyaki offensive technology. The wagons are fastened to a straight line, like a rail, or on the other side. In both options, the cars are trimmed over the rail to the vertical magnetic field, while keeping centering horizontally. Even more electromagnets are put on the rail, with which the robot of the motors is safe - so that galvanization is speeded up.

11. Petro Peregrine and "Message about the Magnet"

In the other half of the 13th century, P'єr Peregrin de Marricourt, having written a sheet-tract to a known man, in which he reported on the power of the magnet and navit propoponuvav yogo in the role of eternal dvigun (this idea was popular with France, in the fatherland). Nothing is known about the author, but he made a contribution for the first time in Europe so systematically it is highly valued even in our days.

In the treatise there is a description of the presence of poles in the wings of the stars, how they were victorious, the procedures of magnetization, the mutual modality of magnets and the impersonal other moments, caused by the power of magnets. Marrikur buv of the upliftment, that the stone after him was taken from his own likeness celestial sphere with її poles.

Let's think together about what a magnetic field is. Even a lot of people live in this field, all life and navit do not think about it. It's time to fix it!

magnetic field

magnetic field- A special kind of matter. It manifests itself in children on a dry electric charge and body, as if it were possible to have a powerful magnetic moment (permanent magneti).

Important: charge the magnetic field on a non-destructive one! The magnetic field is created by the same roaring electric charges, or by the electric field that changes in hours, or by the magnetic moments of electrons in atoms. Tobto be a kind of conductor, like a flowing strum, become like a magnet!

A body that can hold a magnetic field.

The magnet may have poles, called pivnichnym and pivdennym. The designations "pіvnіchny" and "pvdenny" are given only for clarity (like "plus" and "minus" in electricity).

The magnetic field is displayed for help power magnetic lines. The power lines are uninterruptedly closed, and they are directly driven by the direct forces of the field. As soon as a permanent magnet spreads metal shavings, particles of metal show a clear picture of the force lines of the magnetic field that emerges from the stump and enters the stump pole. Graphical characteristic of the magnetic field - lines of force.

Magnetic field characteristics

The main characteristics of the magnetic field є magnetic induction, magnetic potikі magnetic penetration. Let's talk about everything in order.

It is very significant that all the loners of the world are brought near the system CI.

Magnetic induction B - Vector physical quantity, which is the main power characteristic of the magnetic field. Signified by a letter B . Unit vimіru magnetic induction - Tesla (Tl).

Magnetic induction shows how much stronger the field is, indicating the force, for which there is a charge. This force is called by the Lorentz force.

Here q - charge, v - yoga swidkіst at the magnetic field, B - Induction, F - Lorentz force, with which field di charge.

F- a physical quantity that contributes to the addition of magnetic induction to the area of ​​the contour and the cosine between the vector of induction and the normal to the area of ​​the contour, through which the flow passes. Magnetic flux is a scalar characteristic of a magnetic field.

It can be said that the magnetic flux characterizes the number of linear magnetic induction that permeate a single area. Magnetic potik vimiryuetsya in Weberach (WB).

Magnetic penetration- Coefficient that indicates the magnetic power of the medium. One of the parameters, depending on the deposit, is the magnetic induction of the field, is the magnetic penetration.

Our planet is a stretch of millions of millions of rocks and a majestic magnet. The induction of the magnetic field of the Earth changes in the fallow coordinates. At the equator, it is about 3.1 times 10 minus the fifth Tesla stage. Until then, there are magnetic anomalies, which mean that the fields are directly observed in the dry areas. One of the largest magnetic anomalies on the planet Kurskі Brazilian magnetic anomalies.

The behavior of the magnetic field of the Earth is still a mystery for the scientists. It is believed that the core of the field is a rare metal core of the Earth. The core is collapsing, hence, the melting of the cast-nickel alloy is collapsing, and the collapse of the charged particles is the whole electric stream, which generates a magnetic field. The problem is that this theory ( geodynamo) does not explain how the field is kept stable.

Earth is a majestic magnetic dipole. The magnetic poles do not stray from the geographic ones, although they change at an uninterrupted proximity. Moreover, the Earth's magnetic poles are collapsing. The change is registered in 1885. For example, for the remaining one hundred years, the magnetic pole near the Pivdenniy pivkul, may have been 900 kilometers away, and at the same time it will travel near the Pivdenny ocean. The arctic pole is collapsing across the Pivnichniy Liodovitiy ocean to the Siberian-Skhidno-Siberian magnetic anomaly; Narazі posterіgaєtsya priskornnya rush poles - the average swidkіst grows by 3 kilometers per river.

What is the significance of the Earth's magnetic field for us? Nasampered by the magnetic field of the Earth, it is protecting the planet from cosmic changes and the sleepy wind. Charged particles of distant space do not fall directly to the ground, but are blown by a giant magnet and the power lines collapse. In this rank, everything is alive and protected from harmful radiation.

For the history of the Earth there was a sprat inversion(Change) magnetic poles. Pole reversal- Tse if the stench are minus the missions. Останній раз це явище сталося близько 800 тисяч років тому, а всього геомагнітних інверсій в історії Землі було більше 400. Деякі вчені вважають, що з урахуванням прискорення руху магнітних полюсів наступної інверсії полюсів, що спостерігається, слід очікувати в найближчі пару тисяч років.

Fortunately, our capital has not changed its poles yet. Then, you can think about accepting and enjoying life near the good old permanent field of the Earth, having looked at the main power and characteristics of the magnetic field. And so that you could work, our authors will prove that you can, with the help of success, entrust a part of the initial turbos! Course work of international and national law and other types of work you can ask for help.

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