Yaki processes dol_dzhuyut vcheni on the molecular. Molecular rіven: a key characteristic of Hypermarket knowledge. Yakі produkty kharchuvannya bagatі on fat

Question 1. What processes do they carry out on the molecular level?
On the molecular level, the most important processes of vitality of the organism are shown: growth and development, exchange of speech and transformation of energy, saving and transmission of decaying information, liviness. The elementary unit on the molecular level is the gene - a fragment of the nucleic acid molecule, in which the records of the same cissous and calcisous relationship are shared with biological information.

Supply 2. What elements are transported at the warehouse of living organisms?
At the warehouse of a living organism, there are over 70-80 chemical elements, proteo carry coal, sour, water, nitrogen and phosphorus.

Nutrition 3. Why are the molecules of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids seen as biopolymers less in clitin?
Molecules of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids and polymers, shards are composed of monomers that are repeated. But only in a living system (clitiny, organisms), speeches show their biological reality, volodyizing a number of specific powers and violating impersonalities the most important functions. Therefore, in living systems, such speeches are called biopolymers. The posture of a living system and speech expends its biological power and not biopolimers.

Power 4. What is the understanding of the universality of biopolymer molecules?
Regardless of the level of folding and victorious functions of the client, all biopolymers may have the following features:
their molecules have few long hairs, a lot of short ones;
polymeric lances of the mint do not break up mimicously into pieces;
to carry various functional groups and molecular fragments, which will ensure biochemical functional activity, so that the building can carry out the necessary biochemical reactions and transformation into the middle of the internal structure;
can be flexible, enough for the establishment of more foldable spacious structures, necessary for the development of biochemical functions, so that for robotic proteins like molecular machines, nucleic acids like programming molecules, etc.;
links between C-H and C-C biopolymers, regardless of the current age, at the same time with batteries of electronic energy.
The main power of biopolymers is the linearity of polymeric lances, fragments of only linear structures are easily encoded and “selected” from monomers. In addition, if a polymeric thread can be flexible, then just make it necessary to make a spacey structure, and then, as a molecular machine is induced by such a rank, it is depreciated, broken, and it is easy to sort out the warehouse elements to renew them. Poednannya tsikh domineering є less in polymers on a carbon basis. Useful biopolymers in living systems to win over the powers of power and win over the impersonal most important functions. The power of biopolymers to fall in number, warehouse and order of distribution of warehouse monomers. Possibility of changing the warehouse and sequence of monomers in the structure of the polymer allows for a great variety of options for biopolymers, regardless of the species belonging to the organism. In all living organisms, biopolymers are inspired by a single plan.

Linear side: 2 (the book has 16 sides in front) [accessible reading lines: 11 sides]


100% +

biology- The science of life is one of the oldest sciences. People accumulated knowledge about living organisms for thousands of years. With the acquisition of accumulated knowledge, the differentiation of biology into independent sciences (botany, zoology, microbiology, genetics and others.) The Daedals are greater than the growth of the significance of the cordon disciplines, they will force biology to be related to other sciences - physics, chemistry, mathematics and others. The result of the integration is called biophysics, biochemistry, cosmic biology and others.

Nini biology is a complex science, like the results of differentiation and integration of various disciplines.

In biology, there are different methods of research: caution, experiment, matching and others.

Biology living living organisms. The stench of є vіdkritimi biological systems, scho otrimuyut energy and life speech from dovkilla. Living organisms react to calls, avenge all the information that is necessary for them to develop and reproduce, and stick to the song of dowkill.

To all living systems, independently from the equal organization, pritamannye spilnі risi, and the systems themselves perebuvayut have uninterrupted vzaєmodії. Vcheni see such equal organizations of living nature: molecular, clitinous, organismic, population-species, ecosystemic and biospheric.

Section 1. Molecular rhubarb

Molecular rhubarb can be called the cob, the greatest equal of the organization of the living. The skin of a living organism is made up of molecules of organic speech - proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, fats (lipids), so they took away the name of biological molecules. Biologists continue the role of these most important biological factors in the growth and development of organisms, the preservation and transmission of decay information, the exchange of speech and converted energy in living cells and in other processes.

From which division you know

What are biopolymers;

Yaku Budova mayut biomolecules;

How do functions vibrate biomolecules;

What are the viruses and why are they special.

§ 4. Molecular rіven: Zagalna characteristic

1. What is a chemical element?

2. What is called an atom and a molecule?

3. What organic speech do you see?

Whether the system is alive, even if it is smoothly organized, it manifests itself only on the equal functioning of biological macromolecules.

Vivchayuchi alive organisms, you recognized that the stinks are formed from the very same chemical elements that are not alive. Nine appear to be over 100 elements, most of them are found in living organisms. Coal, sour, water and nitrogen can be found up to the widest elements in living nature. The very elements are made up of molecules (z'ednannya) of the so-called organic speeches.

The basis of all organic fields is coal. Vіn can enter into links with rich atoms of those groups, satisfying the lances, different chemical warehouse, Budov, dovzhina that form. Molecules are established from groups of atoms, and from the rest - the most folded molecules, they are divided according to everyday functions. Qi organic spoluky, scho to enter the warehouse of cells of living organisms, far from the name biological polymers or biopolymers.

Polymer(Type Greek. polys- numerical) - lanceg, which is made up of numerical lanok - monomers, Kozhen s of such powers is clearly visible. A polymer molecule can be made up of many thousands of monomers, which can be identical or different (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Scheme of monomers and polymers

The dominance of biopolymers depends on the nature of their molecules: on the number and diversity of monomeric layers that make up the polymer. Usі stinks are universal, oskolki budovanі for one plan in usіkh living organisms, regardless of species humidity.

For the dermal appearance of biopolymers, the functions are characteristic. Yes, the molecules bilkivє the main structural elements of cells and regulate the processes that flow in them. Nucleic acids take part in the transmission of genetic (decay) information from cell to cell, from organism to organism. Carbohydratesі fatє the most important sources of energy, necessary for the life of organisms.

On the molecular level itself, there is a transformation of all types of energy and the exchange of speech in the clitina. The mechanisms of these processes are also universal to all living organisms.

At the same time, it appeared that the different powers of the biopolymers, which enter the warehouse of all organisms, are equipped with different ones, only a few types of monomers, which establish the impersonal variants of other polymeric lances. This principle is the basis of life diversity on the planet.

The specific power of biopolymers is manifested less in living clitin. Seen by clitin molecules of biopolymers exhibit biological significance and are characterized by less physical and chemical powers of that class, to which one stinks.

Only by looking at the molecular scale, one can understand how the processes of the origin of that evolution of life on our planet proceeded, which are the molecular basis of the decline and the processes of exchange of speech in a living organism.

The decline between the molecular and subsequent clitinic equalities is ensured by the fact that biological molecules are cematerial, for which supramolecular - clitinic - structures are established.

Organic speech: proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, fats (lipids). Biopolymers. Monomery

Power supply

1. What processes do they carry out on the molecular level?

2. What elements are transported at the warehouse of living organisms?

3. Why are the molecules of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids seen as biopolymers less in clitin?

4. What is the understanding of the universality of biopolymer molecules?

5. What is the reach of the diversity of power of biopolymers, which enters the warehouse of living organisms?


What biological regularities can be formulated from the improved analysis of the text of the paragraph? Discuss them from the class.

§ 5. Carbohydrates

1. How do you know what to say about carbohydrates?

2. What role do carbohydrates play in a living organism?

3. After what process do carbohydrates settle in plants of green plants?

Carbohydrates, or saccharidi, - One of the main groups of organic crops. The stench enters the warehouse of cells of all living organisms.

Carbohydrates are folded into coal, water and sour. The name "carbohydrates" was taken away from the fact that most of them have the same water and acidity in the molecule as well as in the water molecule. The general formula for carbohydrates is C n (H 2 0) m.

Mustard carbohydrates are subdivided into simple, otherwise monosaccharides, i folding, chi polysaccharides(Fig. 5). 3 monosaccharides the most significant for living organisms ribose, deoxyribose, glucose, fructose, galactose.

Rice. 5. Budova molecules of simple and folding carbohydrates

Dі-і polysaccharides two and more molecules of monosaccharides are approved by the way of joining. So, sucrose(reed zukor), maltose(malt zukor), lactose(milk zukor) - disaccharides, which was created as a result of the anger of two molecules of monosaccharides Disaccharides for their power are close to monosaccharides. For example, and tі y іnshі bury rozchinyayutsya by the water and mayut licorice relish.

Polysaccharides are folded into great number monosaccharides. One can see them starch, glycogen, cellulose, chitin ta in (Fig. 6). Due to the increase in the number of monomers, the polysaccharide content changes and the licorice taste is known.

The main function of carbohydrates is energetic. When splitting that oxidized molecules into carbohydrates, energy is seen (with the breakdown of 1 g of carbohydrates - 17.6 kJ), which ensures the life of the body. In case of excess carbohydrates, stench accumulates in the cells as a reserve of speech (starch, glycogen) and, if necessary, vicarious, they are absorbed by the body as a source of energy. Stronger splitting of carbohydrates in clitins can be predicted, for example, during germination, intense malignant work, and trivial starvation.

Carbohydrates vicorate and yak wake-up material. So, cellulose is an important structural component of the clitin walls of the rich unicellular, mushrooms and roslins. Zavdyaki especially budovі cellulose is indistinguishable from water and may be high minerality. In the middle 20–40% of the material of the clinging walls of the roslin, cellulose becomes, and the fibers of the base may be pure cellulose, and the very same stench is vicarious for the preparation of fabrics.

Rice. 6. Scheme of polysaccharides

Khitіn enter the warehouse of clitin walls of some of the simplest and most fungi, grow in vіn and in a few groups of creatures, for example, in arthropods, as an important component of their zvnіshny skeleton.

There are also folding polysaccharides, which are made up of two types of simple tsukrіv, which are regularly drawn in long lances. Such polysaccharides win the structural functions of the supporting tissues of creatures. The stench enters to the warehouse of the interstitial speech of the skin, tendon, cartilage, giving them strength and elasticity.

Deyakі polysaccharides enter the warehouse of clitin membranes and є receptors, ensuring recognition by clitins of one and the same mutual interaction.

Carbohydrates, or saccharides. Monosaccharides. Disaccharides. Polysaccharides. Ribose. Deoxyribose. Glucose. Fructose. Galactose. Sucrose. Maltose. lactose. Starch. Glycogen. Khitin

Power supply

1. What kind of warehouse that budova can store molecules in carbohydrates?

2. Which carbohydrates are called mono-, di- and polysaccharides?

3. What are the functions of carbohydrates in living organisms?


Analyze the little ones 6 "Scheme of life of polysaccharides" and the text of the paragraph. What kind of allowance can you make on the basis of the alignment of the features of the molecules and functions that are starch, glycogen and cellulose in a living organism? Discuss food with classmates.

§ 6. Lipidi

1. What fat-like speech do you see?

2. What are the products of eating rich fat?

3. What is the role of fats in the body?

Lipidi(Type Greek. lipos- fat) - a large group of fat-like speeches, indistinct near the water. The majority of lipids are composed of high-molecular fatty acids and trichatomic alcohol glycerin (Fig. 7).

Lipids are present in all clitins without culpability, depending on specific biological functions.

Zhiri- the most simple and widely widened lips - play an important role as dzherelo energy. When oxidized stinks give more lower energy more energy against carbohydrates (38.9 kJ when splitting 1 r of fat).

Rice. 7. Budov triglyceride molecules

Fat in the main form storage of lipids in the klitz. The backbone creatures have about half the energy, as the clitins settle down in the calm, settle down for the oxidation of fats. Fats can be vikoristovuvatisya as well as dzherelo water (when oxidized 1 g of fat is absorbed more than 1 g of water). This is especially valuable for arctic and desert creatures that linger in the minds of a lack of free water.

Zavdyaki low thermal conductivity lipids save functions, i.e. serve for thermal insulation of organisms. For example, rich backbone creatures have good expressions with a fat ball, which allows them to live in the minds of a cold climate, and whale-like wines play an even more important role - buoyancy.

Lipidy win that wake-up function Shards of indistinctness in water are formed by the most important components of cellular membranes.

Bagato hormones(for example, measles of supra-nural ulcers, statives) є pokhіdnymi lipіdіv. Father, domineering lipids regulatory function.

Lipidi. Zhiri. hormones. Functions of lipids: energetic, reserve, zahisna, budive, regulatory

Power supply

1. How can speech lie down to lipids?

2. How can I get more lipids?

3. What are the functions of lipids?

4. What are the fabrics and fabrics the most rich in lipids?


After analyzing the text of the paragraph, explain why the creatures are rich before winter, and the ribs before spawning should accumulate more fat. Bring the butt of the creature and the roslin, for some of them the appearance is most clearly pronounced. Chi zavzhd surplus fat fat for the body? Discuss the problem with the class.

§ 7. Warehouse and budova bіlkіv

1. What is the role of proteins in the body?

2. What are the protein rich products?

Middle organic speeches proteins, or proteins, - The most, most diverse and possibly the most important biopolymers. 50–80% of the dry mass of clitins falls on a portion.

Molecules of proteins can great roses that's what they call macromolecules. Crimson coal, sour, water and nitrogen, sirka, phosphorus and flood can enter the warehouse of whites. Proteins are added one by one in number (from a hundred to dekilkoh thousand), a warehouse and a sequence of monomers. Protein monomers are amino acids (Fig. 8).

The inexhaustible diversity of proteins is created with a varying amount of a total of 20 amino acids. The skin amino acid has its own name, especially for its power. This formula can be presented in an offensive way:

An amino acid molecule is made up of two identical all amino acid parts, one of them is an amino group (-NH 2) with basic powers, and the other is a carboxyl group (-COOH) with acidic powers. A part of the molecule, as it is called a radical (R), in different amino acids can be different. The presence in one molecule of the amino acid of the main and acidic groups is highly reactive. Through qi groups, the consumption of amino acids is absorbed when the protein is established. When this happens, the water molecule vibrates, and the electrons, which vibrated, make peptide linkage. That's why proteins are called polypeptides.

Rice. 8. Apply budovi amino acids - monomers of protein molecules

Molecules of proteins can be mothers of different expanses of configurations. protein structure, and among the buds, they distinguish between chotiri equal to the structural organization (Fig. 9).

The sequence of amino acids in the warehouse of the polypeptide lancet to become primary structure protein. Vaughn is unique for any protein, and it determines its form, power and function.

More whites may look like spirals as a result of the establishment of water bonds between CO and NH groups of various amino acid residues in the polypeptide lancelet. Water links are weak, but in a complex stench, they can finish the structure of the mitzna. Tsya spiral - secondary structure protein.

Tretinna structure- Trivial expanses of "packaging" of the polypeptide lanciug. Through the war, the chimera, the ale of the skin protein, has a specific configuration - globule. The minerality of the tertiary structure is ensured by various links that are due to amino acid radicals.

Rice. 9. Scheme of a protein molecule: I, II, III, IV - primary, secondary, tertiary, quarter structures

Quaternary structure characteristic for all proteins. It is to blame for the result of the incorporation of several macromolecules from the tertiary structure of the folding complex. For example, human blood hemoglobin is a complex of several protein macromolecules (Fig. 10).

Such folding of the structure of protein molecules is due to the diversity of functions, the power of biopolymers.

Damage to the natural structure of the protein is called denaturation(Fig. 11). It can be affected by the influx of temperature, chemical speeches, changeable energy and other factors. With a weak infusion, only a quarter structure falls apart, with a strong one - a tertiary one, and then - a secondary one, and the protein is depleted in what looks like a polypeptide lancet.

Rice. 10. Scheme of the hemoglobin molecule

This process is often brutal: if the primary structure is not ruined, then the denaturation of building proteins restores its structure. It is clear that the specific features of the protein macromolecule are determined by its primary structure.

Crimea simple whites, What are added only from amino acids, more folding whites, Before the stock of which can be included in carbohydrates ( glycoproteins), fat ( lipoproteins), nucleic acids ( nucleoproteins) and in.

The role of whites in life is great. Modern biology has shown that the semblance and viability of organisms are attributed to the final rahunka by a set of proteins. The closer the organisms are one to one in a systematic way, the more similar are their proteins.

Rice. 11. Protein denaturation

Proteins or proteins. Forgive those folding whites. amino acids. Polypeptide. Primary, secondary, tertiary and quarter structures of proteins

Power supply

1. What kind of speech are called proteins or proteins?

2. What is the primary structure of the protein?

3. How are secondary, tertiary and quarter structures of protein established?

4. What is protein denaturation?

5. Behind what sign are whites folded into simple and folding?


You know what protein chicken egg folds over importantly with proteins. Think about how the change in the structure of the protein in a boiled egg is explained. Give other examples, if the structure of the protein can change.

§ 8. Functions of whites

1. What is the function of carbohydrates?

2. What are the functions of whites do you know?

Proteins win superimportant and different functions. It is possible for the meaningful world of the diversity of forms and the warehouse of the proteins themselves.

One of the most important functions of protein molecules weekday (plastic). Proteins enter the warehouse of all cellular membranes and organoids of cells. Importantly, the walls of the vessels, cartilage, tendon, hair and nails are formed from the protein.

Great value may catalytic, or enzymatic, protein function. Special proteins - the enzymes of the building speed up the biochemical reactions in the cells in tens and hundreds of millions of times. There are close to a thousand enzymes. The skin reaction is catalyzed by a special enzyme. Report you know about the price below.

Engine function win special short-lived proteins. The veins collapse in and out of the flagellum in the simplest, the chromosomes shift in case of rheumatism of the cells, the mucus in the rheumatic cells shriveles, and in other cases the rhu in living organisms is improved.

Important value may transport function bilkiv. For example, hemoglobin is able to carry oxygen from the leg to the cells of other tissues and organs. In m'yazakh krіm hemoglobin є one more gas-transport protein - myoglobin. Proteins of the blood serum protect the transfer of lipids and fatty acids, various biologically active speeches. Transport proteins in the outer membrane of clitin carry various speech from dovkil to the cytoplasm.

Specific proteins are concocted shut down the function. The stench protects the body from the invasion of foreign proteins and microorganism and from the ushkodzhennia. Thus, antibodies that are vibrated by lymphocytes block foreign proteins; fibrin and thrombin protect the body from blood loss.

Regulatory function domineering to whites - hormones. The stinks increase the constant concentration of speeches in the blood and clitins, take part in the growth, reproduction and other important life processes. For example, insulin regulates blood circulation.

Belkam is also powerful signaling function. At the membrane of the clitiny, proteins are introduced, which change their tretinous structure in the form of chinniks of dovkillya. So, it is necessary to receive signals from the outer environment and transfer information to the client.

Proteins can win energy function, being one of the energy sources of the client. With complete splitting of 1 g of protein to end products, 17.6 kJ of energy is seen. However, as dzherelo energії squirrels vykoryvayutsya very rarely. Amino acids, which vibrate when splitting protein molecules, vicorate for inducing new proteins.

Functions of proteins: wakefulness, circulation, transport, protection, regulatory, signaling, energy, catalytic. Hormone. Enzyme

Power supply

1. What explains the difference in the functions of proteins?

2. What functions of white do you see?

3. What role do hormone proteins play?

4. What is the function of protein-enzymes?

5. Why do whites rarely wink like they're full of energy?

§ 9. Nucleic acids

1. What is the role of the nucleus in clitin?

2. What organelles of cells are responsible for the transmission of recessive signs?

3. Which speeches are called acids?

Nucleic acids(Vid lat. Nucleus- Nucleus) were previously detected in the nuclei of leukocytes. It has been known for a year that nucleic acids are found in all clitins, and not only in the nucleus, but also in the cytoplasm and various organelles.

Distinguish two types of nucleic acids deoxyribonucleic acid(short DNA) that ribonucleic acid(short RNA). The importance of the names is explained by the fact that the DNA molecule is replaced by a carbohydrate deoxyribose, And the RNA molecule - ribose.

Nucleic acids are biopolymers that are made up of monomers - nucleotides. Monomeric nucleotides and DNA and RNA may be similar to those of the future.

A skin nucleotide is made up of three components linked together by multiple chemical bonds. Tse nitrogen base, carbohydrate(ribose or deoxyribose) ta excess phosphoric acid(Fig. 12).

To stock DNA molecules enter chotiri tipi of nitrogenous bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine or timin. The names of the most common nucleotides are named: adenilovium (A), guanylovium (G), cytidilovium (C) and thymidylovium (T) (Fig. 13).

Rice. 12. Scheme of nucleotides - monomers of DNA (A) and RNA (B)

The DNA lance is a polynucleotide, which is composed of ten thousand nucleotides.

The DNA molecule can be folded. It is made up of two spirally twisted lances, which, according to all dates, are one with one watery tie. Such a structure, more powerful than DNA molecules, is called under the spiral.

Rice. 13. DNA nucleotides

Rice. 14. Complementary combination of nucleotides

When the subvariant DNA helix is ​​established, the nitrogenous bases of one lancelet are spun in the same order against the nitrogenous bases of the other. In this case, an important law appears: against the adenine of one lancet, the timin of the second lancet will grow, against the guanine - cytosine, and navpaki. It is explained that the pairs of nucleotides adenine and thymine, as well as guanine and cytosine, are suvoro similar to one and the other complementary(Vid lat. complementum- Addendum), one to one. And the law itself can be called principle of complementarity. In this case, between adenine and thymine, two water bonds are always blamed, and between guanine and cytosine, three (Fig. 14).

Also, in the skin organism, the number of adenyl nucleotides is equal to the number of thymidyl ones, and the number of guanyl nucleotides is equal to the number of cytidyl ones. Knowing the sequence of nucleotides in one lance of DNA, the principle of complementarity can establish the order of nucleotides in the other lance.

For the help of several types of nucleotides, DNA contains all the information about the organism that is transmitted to the coming generations. In other words, DNA carries decay information.

DNA molecules are important to be found in the nuclei of clitins, but a small number of them are located in mitochondria and plastids.

An RNA molecule, similar to a DNA molecule, is a polymer, which from one lancet is significantly smaller in size.

RNA monomers are nucleotides, which are composed of ribose, an excess of phosphoric acid, and one of several nitrogenous bases. Three nitrogenous bases - adenine, guanine and cytosine - are the same as in DNA, and the fourth - uracil.

The RNA polymer is approved through covalent bonds between ribose and excess phosphoric acid and sucid nucleotides.

Three types of RNA are seen, which are distinguished by the structure, size of the molecules, differentiation in clitiny and viability of functions.

Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) enter the warehouse of ribosomes and take part in the formation of their active centers, devoting the process of protein biosynthesis.

Transport RNA (tRNA) - least of all - transport amino acids to the site of protein synthesis.

Informational, or matrix, RNA (iRNA) are synthesized at the distance of one of the lanciugs of the DNA molecule and transmit information about the structure of the protein from the clitin nucleus to the ribosomes, where the information is realized.

Thus, different types of RNA are a single functional system directed to the implementation of decay information through protein synthesis.

RNA molecules are found in the nucleus, cytoplasm, ribosomes, mitochondria and plastids of the clitin.

Nucleic acid. Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA. Ribonucleic acid or RNA. Nitrogen bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine, uracil, nucleotide. Suspended spiral. Complementarity. Transfer RNA (tRNA). Ribosomal RNA (RRNA). Informational RNA (iRNA)

Power supply

1. How can I get a nucleotide?

2. How can a DNA molecule be?

3. Why does the principle of complementarity apply?

4. What is the nature of DNA and RNA molecules in common?

5. What types of RNA molecules do you see? What are their functions?


1. Fold the outline of the paragraph.

2. It was found out that the fragment of the DNA lancet has an advancing warehouse: C-G G A A T T C Ts.

3. In the course of the study, it was established that in the DNA molecules, which are twisted, adenine becomes 26% of the savage number nitrogenous bases. Increase the number of other nitrogenous bases in this molecule.

Molecular rhubarb: a key characteristic

1. What is a chemical element?
2. What is called an atom and a molecule?
3. What organic speech do you see?

Whether the system is alive, even if it is smoothly organized, it manifests itself only on the equal functioning of biological macromolecules.

For the lesson lesson summary and supporting frame presentation to the lesson of accelerative methods and interactive technologies Practice the task is right, self-verification of workshops, laboratory, casey, rіven folding task: great, high, olympiad home task Illustrations illustrations: video clips, audio clips, photographs, graphics, tables, comics, multimedia abstracts for addictive cheat sheets humor Appendices novіshnіshnє nezalezhno tetuvannya (VNT) podruchniki osnovnі and dodatkovі tematichnі svja, slogan statti national features glossary of terms Tіlki for readers

/ Chapter 1. Molecular rіven Problem: §1.1. Molecular rhubarb characteristic

Insight Chapter 1. Molecular rye Problem: §1.1. Molecular rhubarb characteristic
Ready homework (GDZ) Biology Pasichnik, Kam'yansky Grade 9


Grade 9

Species: Bustard

Rick: 2007 - 2014

Question 1. What processes do they carry out on the molecular level?

On the molecular level, the most important processes of vitality of the organism are shown: growth and development, exchange of speech and transformation of energy, saving and transmission of decaying information, liviness.

Supply 2. What elements are transported at the warehouse of living organisms?

At the warehouse of a living organism, there are over 70-80 chemical elements, which carry coal, sour, water and nitrogen.

Nutrition 3. Why are the molecules of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids seen as biopolymers less in clitin?

Molecules of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids and polymers, shards are composed of monomers that are repeated. Albeit less in the living system (clitiny, organisms) and speech, they reveal their biological reality, looming low specific powers and looming impersonal most important functions. Therefore, in living systems, such speeches are called biopolymers. The posture of a living system and speech expend their biological powers and not biopolymers.

Power 4. What is the understanding of the universality of biopolymer molecules?

The power of biopolymers to fall in number, warehouse and order of distribution of warehouse monomers. Possibility of changing the warehouse and sequence of monomers in the structure of the polymer allows for a great variety of options for biopolymers, regardless of the species belonging to the organism. In all living organisms, biopolymers are inspired by a single plan.

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