Choloviki apostolic. Your life and creation. People apostolic and apologists


Manichaeism lie up to heretical very close to Gnosticism. Yogo was the patron of the Persian litigator Mani (lat. Manicheus), which is alive approximately in 216-270 pp. and resembling from the royal family. In India, yoga was respected for the author of a new religion.

In Manichaeism, Zoroastrian dualism was brought to a classic look. It is light and dark, like an underbow of an hourly divine and diabolical journey, between them there is a constant struggle. The human soul also understands dualistically, one part of the world is like the world, otherwise - with the birds. There, de є beauty, the soul overcomes matter, and, on the contrary, in a condescending way, matter prevails.

Manichaeism shows the path of evil. A person can be vryatovana, but it’s necessary for him, so that he won out to the most perfect asceticism, which is supposed to be Buddhist. "Knowing" people are punished with a richly rich fence (fence to live in meat, fence of sexual pleasures, to take the greatest physical practice), at the same time, it’s less than “hearing” (to the novice) of the fence, help me secular successors.

In the Christian church, Manichaeism is rooted in the Old Testament, dualistic stories about two kingdoms, and especially the idea of ​​peace, as if punishing people, with the guidance of Jesus, to realize your own peace. The Manikheysky Vechennya expanded in front of us at the Skhodі, near Pvdenniy Evropі that Pivnichniy Africa, de vono satisfied the independent religious community and at its own time it was not safe for Christianity. The Manichean masses were pacified by the stretch of the mustache of the middle class.

The writings of the Apostolic Fathers, closely associated with the stake of the manifestation of the New Testament, had only approximately outlined the main points of the future theorizing. Apologetics worked the first few steps to the point of encouraging Christian theory.

Apostolic men(Apostolic Fathers) - co-workers and confederates of the apostles, non-intermediate scholars. Create apostolic cholovіkіv pokazyvay stavlennâ early khristianskoj ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї yudaїzmu pozychnitstva, vengeance vіdomosti about liturgical rites and rites of the ancient church, and also about the life of the Christian community of that hour.

Pratsі cholovіkіv apostolic boules were folded with my Greek, and then translated with Syrian, Coptic, Ethiopian, Virmenian and Russian. Before the apostolic cholovіkіv vіdnosit: St. Apostle Barnabas; St. Clement of Rome; St. Ignaty the God-bearer; Polikarp Smyrnsky; Papy of Ierapolsky. So until the apostolic choloviks lie down anonymously create "Didache" and "Pastor Hermi".

Urivki z tvor Papiy, uchnya ap. John, perfectly correct; create more criticism for the greater or lesser sumniv. The messages of Barnavi are attributed to a different author; from the works of Clement of Rome, they are recognized as correct only before the messenger to the Corinthians. Tvіr Hermy "Pastor" is attributed to the wrong author, about whom the ap. Paul (Rom 16:14). The envoy of Polycarp of Smyrnsky to the Phoenicians is also recounted as the envoy of Ignaty of Antioch. Navpaki, the deacons of patrologists are stealing their justice. As if it wasn’t there, for every time you create, there may be great importance for recent history Christianity.

The activity of the early Christian apologists it was often prepared by Hellenistic Judaism (Philo of Oleksandriysky "Apology for the Zachists of the Jews", Josip Flavius ​​"About the antiquity of the Jewish people, against Apion"). Apologetic themes are present in the New Testament (div., for example, Di. 14.15-17; 17.22-31; Rom. 1.18-32) and in the works of apostolic people.

The purpose of apologetics was to demonstrate to the pagan world the acceptability of Christianity from different sides - the community, philosophical and theological, religious, cultural, etc., turning to philosophical terminology. The stench rage with their treatises to the rulers of those illumination of people, such stinks call out to protect the pervaga of the Christian faith.

Apologists were put in different ways before the ancient recession. The Greek apologist St. Justin (born in Syria, bl. 100 - bl. 164) explored ancient philosophy, especially Plato. Having brought to his mind that his best ideas (cosmogony, vchennya about free will) Plato, being in Egypt, having posited from Moses' veneration, and in such a rank, Plato appears in the singing world of the Christian thinker. Teachings of St. Justin Tatian (born in Mesopotamia, bl. 120 r.), navpak, having shown the Greek philosophy, which is often not corrupted by subversive arguments, but by condemnations of the "immoral" behavior of the Greek philosophers.

Apologists on the basis of the Gospel slandered the verses of philosophical nutrition. They were the first Christian philosophers, they wanted to stick to the Greek philosophical doctrine to the needs of their concepts. Їх activity of the II century, the name of the centuries of apologists - the only rightful philosophers. The interests of the apologists were different: some practiced theoretically the development of Christian science, others zdiisnyuali practical activity (like propagandists). Some argued with pagans, others - with heretics. Some were adherents of the spiritual culture of Hellenism, others were opponents, The Deyaks went into metaphysical speculations, others spiraled on the true judgment of a healthy mind.

Persh for everything, apologetics slandered and slandered the Christians, and give evidence to those who call the Church that they are a threat to the state. Reinforcing the high moral integrity of their dinovirtsiv, the stench sang that now the faith is calm and well-being like the emperor and the state, so the suspіlstva zagalom. In another way, the early Christian apologetics revealed the absurdity and immorality of paganism, its mythology and deities and affirmed that Christianity is the only true belief about God and the world. Vaughn did not just ask the arguments of the philosophers, but showed that philosophy itself, looming over the common human mind, cannot reach the truth. Indicative of the parallels between pagan philosophy and Christian thought, a lot of early Christian apologists at the same time represented philosophy as the front of Christianity, and Christianity as the blood of that which philosophy only imagined. In addition, the stench called out to the stingy malices (atheism, cannibalism, edipal bloodshed, etc.) to attack Christians, leading them to impossibility and absurdity. Nareshti, the stench roared in front of the pagan world of the Christian romanization of the Holy Letter, with which they looked at the "old Israel" - Judaism.

The most ancient of the Greek apologists are Kodratus and Aristides, who turned back with apologies for the defense of the Christian faith before Emperor Adrian (117-138) (Euseb. Hist. eccl. IV 3). OK. 140 letters of the records "Disputation of Jason with the Papiska about Christ", the author of which is respected by Ariston s Pelli. This verse, fragments of which have been preserved in the apology of Origen "Against Celsus", the most early of the works that have reached the present hour, a series of dedications to the anti-Jewish polemics. The most famous of the Greek early Christian apologists of the 2nd century - martyr. Justin Philosopher. Eusebius (Hist. eccl. IV 26.1; 27.1) has a note about St. Apollinaria, ep. Ієrapolsky, who turned away from the promo to the emperor Marcus Aurelius. Learn martyr. Justina Tatian (bl. 120-185), having written "Mova to the Hellenes" (after 165), pagan culture. The problem of the reciprocity of the Church and the power on the butt of the tie between the Roman Empire and Christianity was vindicated by St. Meliton, jp. Sardsky, in "Apology" (the other name is "The Book before Antonin", bl. 170, saved only in urivkah), addressed to Marcus Aurelius. A partner of Tatiana and Melitona buv Afinagoras, a Christian philosopher from Athens. You have to lay down "Prohannya about Christians" (bl. 177), directed to the emperors Commodus and Marcus Aurelius, in which he tried to bring to light that the repetition of Christians is unreasonable. At the government's imp. Commodus (180-192) St. Apollonius of Ephesus, having made an apologetic speech, which was saved in the acts of martyrdom.

Among the early Christian apologists were so, as if they were addressing their creations to private persons. From them we will consider the next guess of the rest of the Greek apologists II. St. Theophilus of Antioch, the author of 3 books "Before Autolycus" (bl. 182), written for the illuminated and spitting pagan who may be warned against Christianity. Anonymous "Message to Diognet" (bl. 200) is an apologia, folded in the form of a sheet for a noble pagan, who is supposed to learn about the Christian religion.

At III Art. apologies are written by Clement of Alexandria and Origen. In the light of the previous apologia "Protrentik" ("Intellect to the Hellenes", honor III Art.) by Clement of Oleksandriysky, it is no longer a style for the defense of Christianity in the form of attacks and reconsideration, but rather for educating the pagans to the true faith. Prior to the genre of "Protrentika" is close and saved by my Syrian "Word to Antonin" Pseudo-Meliton (pom. III Art.). The most important work of the early Christian Greek apologetics is Origen's tvir "Against Celsus" (ser. III century).

A. The first Christian writers wrote St. Apostles є Cholovіkami Apostolic, tobto uninterrupted teachings and intercessors of the Apostles. With such a sensation, having lived the term "The Apostolic Man" in his work "About prescriptions against heretics" (Tertull. De praescript. haer. // PL. T. 1. Col. 44C; to the writers of the І-ІІІ century, or persons, recognized by the present certificates of the Apostolic Retelling of Rome, [“Message”] Barnavi, St.

but be true only from a practical point of view, the shards of wine embrace all the things that stand for the nearest holy-apostolic hour.

In its own meaning, the words of the Apostolic Choloviks can only be called Sts. Clement, Ignaty and Polycarp, for the stench, really, they sided with the Apostles and were their intercessors in the management of the Church. Those that Polycarp [Smyrnsky] taught St. app. John the Theologian to speak without question to St. Irenaeus (Iren. Adv. haer. Ill, 4//PG. T. 7. Col. 851B; p. p.: p. 224), and those who are Sts. Clement (ibid. Ill, 3 // Col. 849B) and Ignaty were the companions of the Apostles, confirming the Church Transmissions (in the meantime, dosit pіznіm) and celebrating the early date of their death. Navpaki, for other authors, their closeness to the apostles is spirnoy (Yerm, for the so-called Mura-Toriev fragment 85, having written his “Pastor” under Pius, Pope of Rome, later, in the middle of the II century). They were not the same stench as uninterrupted intercessors of the Apostles and in the hierarchical service: the stench did not lie before the ierarchy (Єrm), but they were charismatics.

The ancient Christians with great honor were placed before the works of the Choloviks of the Apostles and other ancient works: they were chosen in one codex with the books of the Holy Letter: so insulting the Epistle of St. Clement were saved in the most recent Oleksandrinsky codex (V century), and the "Message of Barnavi" and "Pastor Yerma" - in the Codex Sinaiticus (IV century). Create qi cited like a Holy Letter (por.: “Pastor Yerma” by St. Irenaeus-Iren. Adv. haer. IV, 20.2 // PG. T. 7. Col. 1032C; p. p.: C. 269 ) and read during Divine Services (Euseb. Hist. eccl. Ill, 3, 6 // PG.T. 20. Col. 217B; p.p.: C. 96; Hieron. Devir. illustr., 10//PL . T. 23. Col. 625; p. n.: C. 271). Less at IV Art. tsі Messages were residually switched off z-pomіzh canon



Wash, for whom you created the Choloviks of the Apostles, you were, in fact, yourself, for the apostles. Like earlier, the mission and ordering of church vіdnosin became impudently needed by the hour, like earlier, believing evidence was praised by the food, hanging by the heretics of the apostolic hour. To that, the writings of the apostolic people are rich, in which the writings of the apostles are guessed. All the stinks are written in the epistolary form "in the eyes" of the Apostolic Epistles, with remarkable writings and inscriptions. All the stench was written by my simple, imperceptible mine, like the Messenger of the Apostles.

With whom, it is impossible not to remember that behind the stink of the stink to stand under the strong infusion of the apostolic Epistles, so the 1st Epistle of St. Clement to the Corinthians in his own voice the 1st Epistle to the Corinthians of St. app. Paul that Message to Hebrews; The message of St. Polycarp [before Philipyan] may well be composed of a set of quotations from various apostolic epistles (1 Pet., 1 In. and In). In addition, the Apostolic Choloviki constantly scoop, as if they were talking about those, from the oral apostolic transmission. It made sense: stink of their scholars.

Zreshtoy, and beyond the impassioned moral-practical nature of their works, the Apostolics are approaching the New Testament writing. All create them (like the writings of the Apostles) - [calls] - create furnishings and writings from vipadkovyh leads - for the adoption of church negativity and the affirmation of Christians in the world. All the stinks represent that may be sucily one mind. But with all the similarity of the Epistle of the Choloviks of the Apostles with the Epistles of the New Testament, the stench still stinks of its own sovereignty.

*People Apostolic acquiesce to the Apostles through the depths of penetration into the truths of Christianity; These powerful thoughts, like the stench of home until the transmission of the Apostolic Transmission, oppose their own arrogance and unsightliness. Yes, St. Clement of Rome seriously retells the tale about the [bird] Phoenix, as proof of Resurrection 86, to direct from the Holy Letter, which is not to be found by him. Acting to the Apostles in the depths of the understanding of Christianity, the Apostolic people stand lower and the writers followed them for the power of theological reflection: they have no scientific processing of theology, they don’t follow rational proofs, they simply don’t support the plan of that system authoritative evidence of the apostolic vchennya. In this manner, the writings of the Choloviks of the Apostles are rejoiced by their simplicity and innocence.

I don’t like a form, my own, I’ll change it, but I’m in the mood (the existence of a system of rational proofs).


For all the simplicity, the simplicity of their creations, the Apostolic Choloviki wield special authority for us: they have a special meaning in ancient times, that link with the Apostles. The stench is the evidence of the Apostolic Transmission. From the other side, for the historical science of their work - dzherelo for knowledge of the life of the Church of the First Christian dobi i, zokrem, church organization and vchennyam (history to the canon, a symbol toshcho).

In the age of the Choloviks of the Apostles, few creative works have been preserved before us. Let us explain, let us think, tim, that the old Christians lived in the atmosphere of the apostolic Retelling; the stench still blew and heard the Apostles themselves, little of their writings and that in the light of direct consumption in [other ecclesiastical] literature were not small. The sleep sermon of the primates of the Church and the charismatics gave them all the necessary spiritual energy. To this, the apostolic people wrote rarely, only on the basis of special circumstances (there weren’t many of them, because the Christians at that time did not enter into sharp conflict with paganism, nor into dogmatic superechki with heretics), but they wrote about it, they were vivacious vchennya navit for the second point, the scribblers are less than big-smaller suttievs, and they asked the believers themselves to guess the preaching of the truth, like a stink chuli like the Apostles; stench is important to speak with your writings after the Apostles and before the teachings of the Apostles (Ign. Er. ad Eph., 12 // PG. T. 5. Col. 656A; p. p.: S. 313). Another reason for the wretchedness of the apostolic literature was the low coverage of ancient Christians. Christianity was spreading more importantly among the lower classes of supremacy, among the poor, allowing for enlightenment. It dawned on me that the [early] Christians could not blame the need for a literary vir-

The era is characterized by a fierce theological insensitivity. For the wine of St. Ignatius scribes at this hour are few abstract minds, neither theologians nor mystics. At the works of this hour, the pastoral-moral note is overwhelmed. Tse zdebіlshogo message of a sovіschalnogo character. What to stand apart. to his original eschatological schemes "Pastor" Yermi, the start of his apocalypticism, cannot in his order theologize about the people. Some shvidshe prophesied or preached about the closeness of the sails, but they were philosophic. Simplicity and clarity of the Gospel were already common among writers at this hour, but the stench was not yet viable to the method and systematic theological promptings of the epoch. Їхні soteriologіchnі look far away vіdstayut vіd prozіnnya ap. Paul ta evang. Ivan, but they did not reach the mystical zukhvals of St. Gregory Nіskogo chi Maxim Spovidnik. They have a familiar daily philosophical synthesis, inspired by such an elementary world, like Justin the philosopher and Irenaeus. Not a lot of things, zvichayno, and convey the merry motives of Origen.

Christian theological thought is born on the crossroads of two lines: the Jewish tradition of the Old Testament and philosophical decline ancient light. In the Persian Christian literature, the main nourishment of anthropology was already destroyed: the soul, the image of God, the blueness of God, the resurrection and glorification of the whole people, that is not less than the spiritual substance, but the body.

In the sphere of psychology of the first Christians, the witness is even more unmistakably, navpomatically. Characteristic є tsієї epoch so sound. "Leaf to Diognet". At the new one, we are given such a soul alignment in the body when we become Christians in the world: (Ch. VI): “As the soul is in the body, then the world of Christ. The soul is expanded in all the members of the body... The soul, although it lingers in the body, is not corporeal... The soul, being invisible, is located near the visible body. our soul only hinders it and goes into contentment ... The soul loves its body and members, regardless of those who hate the stink її ... The soul is laid in the body, but it is to avenge the body itself ... The immortal soul lives in a mortal dwelling ... The soul knows hunger and help and becomes better…”317. The food about the journey of the soul and nature in the writings of the apostolic people is not destroyed in flames.

Image of God. The first, who from the early Christian writers stumbles to the bottom of food, St. Clement of Rome. Vіn kazhe (I ad. Corinth. c. XXXIII, 4-5):

“After all others, God, with His holy and immaculate hands, having created a human being, I will be the most beautiful and the greatest for my mind (istotu), as if baptized in His image; for God said: “Let us make a man after the image and likeness of ours”318.

The words “behind one's mind” are not mentioned in all the most recent editions, which is why the famous Funk-Bihlmeyer does not know them. From this trick you can make visnovok, which for Clement of Rome, the image of God in people is poked in their minds. Vin and Christianity itself is intelligible as “immortal knowledge”319 and “recognition of the glory of the name” of Christ”320.

Do not say that the image of God, about the new one is guessing and "message to Diognet"321.

The idea of ​​blueness is so clearly expressed in the prop. Paul and Ev. John, significantly darkened in the writings of the apostolic people. Yes, even St. Clement and calls God Father, but more in the sense of “Father, Creator and Creator of the world and of all people”, lower in the sense of adoption and unity at the totality of the secret body of the Church322.

It is said about Christians, like “the blue of God” in pseudo-Barnavi323, but also without revealing the idea.

We know more about Ignaty the God-bearer. If you want to avoid saying the very word “adopted”, “blue”, you know that you need to “reach God”324 or “reach Jesus Christ”325. It’s not only a matter of moral equivalence, it’s a mystic of an uninterrupted day with God326. Christians follow the messages to the Traliytsy of the "Helka of the Cross"327.

For St. Ignatiya tsya mystic bogospіlkuvannya. and also, deified in the fact that a Christian is the temple of Christ. Tse completed the tradition of ap. Pavlo. It is necessary that Christ “is alive with us, and that we had temples of Yogo, and that we have Vin, our God”328. So. arr., Christians become “God-bearers”329, and the stench partly hangs with God330. Reach for the onsets of the Holy Spirit, "so that it was bodily and spiritual"331.

About this camp of spiritual perfection to speak and pseudo-Barnabas332. Christians become "spiritual", "we will complete the temple of God." The incarnation of the Sin of God is understood by him exclusively soteriologically333.

Vzagali Well Dumka Ap. Paul about those that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit is repeated more than once in the monuments that are taken apart334.

The faith of Sunday that special immortality is clearly expressed in the monuments of the after-apostolic hour. "Didahi" to talk about immortality and the immortal cob335. Pseudo-Barnabas knows Sunday336. St. Clement whispers proofs of the “today Sunday” at the change of day and night, at the virostan’s growth from today, which has rotted, at the fallen Phoenix337. About Sunday write to St. Іgnatіy Trаlіtsyam338 i Ephesians, navchayuschie about those who “the Eucharist is the faces of immortality, as they not only protect in the presence of death, but also grant eternal life in Jesus Christ”339.

Adoption of the body, honored by ap. Paul at Yogo Provodіdі Resurrection hangs around and the writings of the apostolic cholovіkіv.

St. Clement of Rome writes: “let our body be saved in Christ”340. So sound. “friend of the messenger Clement” to read about the removal of payment from the flesh341. Tsya flesh can take away life until imperishable zavdyaki podednanny with it the Holy Spirit. At what point is "z'ednannya" signified by the word ??????????? vіd dієslova?????? - glue, glue342.

Tsya faith in glorified flesh may have a cicavia zv'yazok iz vchennyam about so zv. "Reinvention of the Church". From the ecclesiastical point of view, those can be crushed cicadas of visnovki for an article about people. The Church and Christ are seen as a woman and a man. “The whole body is a substitute for the image of the spirit. No one, who seeks to replace the image, can not partake of the right. As we say, the body is the Church, and the spirit is Christ, then the body, which you know, dishonor the Church. Such is not the clerk of the spirit that is Christ.

Tsіkave mіsce sіdає yоm vіdnoshnі “Pastor” Єrma, tvіr, as it was intended, more for a prophetic-apocalyptic, lower theological treatise. In a new man, not less, one can know even more clearly the recognition of the body of a person. T. to. “God lives in my flesh, then, so. arr., be glorified the Lord, who lives with you”345. The spirit is the core of human life346. I "all of our lives will live with God's Synom"347.

In his own Christology, the stone is expressed in the parable about the priest at the vineyard of God, Herm z_skovzuє in adoptionism, but the very nature of the people in the new Orthodox concept of the pіznіshih hours. Tse allow the great elders to work such a whisker: “human nature, as in its earthly foundation, was connected with the Spirit, after its resurrection and day, it reaches the same Spirit. Won to enter, so move, at the Divine Sym'yu and become the Synom of God"348.

It is necessary to recognize that in the writings of the post-apostolic century, their ardent mood significantly loomed over the mystical insights of the Apostle. Paul ta evang. John. “Mystical reverence for Christ in the sensual term is consistent with the reasonable and strict style of these writers. I want to sound in Ignatius and sound different sounds of mysticism ap. Paul, but in the main wine to stand on another support and in other mutual relations with him”349.


317 Patrum. apostel. opera, edit. Gebhargt-Harnack-Zahn, Lipsiae, 1894, pp. 81-82.

318 ibid. p. eighteen.
319 cap. XXXVI, 2.-p. twenty.
320 cap. LIX, 2.–p. 32.
321 cap. X, 2. - Patr. apostol. op. p. 84.
322 Clement, ad Corinth. XIX, 2; XXXV, 3; LXII, 2-pp. 12/19, 34.

323 cap. IV, 9, - p. 49.
324 ad Ephes. XII, 2.-p. 90. ad Magnes. XIV, p.96. ad Rom. I,2.p,100,

325 ad Rom. V, 3. - p. 102.
326 Gross "La divinisation du chretien d'apres les peres grecs", 124.

327 cap. XI, 2.-p. 99.
328 ad Ephes. XV, 3. - p. 91; ad Philadel. VII, 2.-p. 105.

329 ad Ephes. IX, 2.-p. 89.
330 ad Policarp. VI, 1. - p. 112.
331 ad Magnes. XIII. 2.-p. 96.
332 cap. IV, 11. - p. 49.
333 cap. V, 10. - p. 51.
334 2 Clement. IX, 3. - p. 39; ps.- Barnabae VI, 1.- p. 53; XVI. - p. 64; Ignat. ad Ephes. XV, 3. - p. 91; ad Philadelph. VII, 2.-p. 105.

335 cap. X, 2; IV, 8.
336 cap. XXI, l.-p. 67.
337 cap. XXIV-XXV. - pp. 14-15.

338 inscript.-p. 97.
339 Ephes. XX, 2. – p. 92.
340 cap. XXXVIII, 1.-p. 21.
341 2 Clement. IX, 5. - p. 39.
342 cap. XIV, 5.-" p. 42.
343 cap. XIV, 3-4.- p. 42.
344 Simil. V, 6, 7; 7, 1. - p. 176.
345 Mand. III, 1. - p 148.
346 Similit. V, 7, 2. - p. 176.
347 Similit. IX, 24, 4. - p. 208.
348 Gross, op. cit. p. 127.
349 W. Bousset, Kyrios Christos, Gottingen, 1921, S. 219.

(24 votes: 4.4 out of 5)

Apostolic men- a number of church writers who lived in the 1st c. - the first half of the II century, who were co-workers, self-evidents, scholars, spivrobitniks.

To the apostolic cholovіkіv we bring: Ignaty the God-bearer, the apostle of the 70 Barnabas, schmch. , schmch. , the author of "Message of Barnavi", the author of "Shepherd Jermi" and other church writers.

The most important of his works: First messenger (bl. 115 AD), First messenger of Clement of Rome (bl. 95 AD; this is the name of the Friend of the messenger of Clement є homily, which dates back to about 130 AD) and a series of sights, vіdomih pіd I'll call Pastir Ermi. In a series of sounds include the Vespers of the Twelve Apostles (Didahu), standing up for morality and liturgical practice; t.sound The message of Barnabas and the vitonized apology of the Christian faith, which I call. The Martyrdom of Polycarp (Bl. 155 AD) chirps the whole row.

Choloviki apostolic

Under the name of Cholovіkіv apostolic vіdomі in the history of the Church, the uninterrupted scholars of the apostles, as they were especially connected with them and often were the closest companions. Their creations have the character of the writings of the apostles, to rice. To lie before them:

Ap. Irpin. Im'ya yogo bulo Yosiya. The apostles called him Barnabas, which means "sin of the quiet." Vіn buv yudeyєm rozsіyannya from the island of Cyprus, laying down to the camp of Levitіv. Behind the orders of the mid-70s of the Savior. At Christian Church vin die on the first pores. Vіn having sold his land and repaid pennies for it, having laid down to the nіg of the apostles. Vin presenting Saul to the apostles, as if miraculously certain. Vіz Pavel fell asleep from the pagans in Antioch and was a zealous yoga practitioner, preaching to the middle Hebrews and the pagans. When the apostles rose to sermon, Barnabas formed Cyprus as the power of his duty, and he died a martyr's death, even after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 rotations. One message is attributed to Yomu, as from the most recent hours it was in the house under Yogo Im'yam. Win to bring what Old Zapovit is guilty of giving up the opportunity to the New and guarding the quiet, who, having believed in Christ in the face of being slaughtered by Judaism. Writing wine about the paths of life.

St. Born in Athens as noble fathers, mandulating for the well-being of the consecration, having embraced the settlement of a member of the Areopagus with a year. Screwing yoga up. Pavlo's preaching in areopasis (54 g). and appointing him the first bishop of Athens. Jealously dbav about the widening of the vіri, for which virushing at different countries. He died a martyr, but it is not known exactly, de same and if. About the heavenly hierarchy, About the ecclesiastical hierarchy, About the names of God, About the mystical theology and ten leaves to the verses. Create tsі characteristic pіdnesenimі і globokumnim theologians.

St. Clement, third bishop of Rome (92-101) Peter. Buv spіvrobіtnik ap. Paul at the broader Church, as a witness about Paul himself. Having portrayed his faith as a martyr's death at Trajan. His message to the Corinthians became a monument to yoga activity. The Corinthian knew, in the beginning of her own, podіlu, and instructed the Apostle. Pavlo. During the year there, the deacons deluded summation in the truth of the resurrection of the dead. Thoughtful and turned back to St. Clement, even more so, that the nevira was seen in her own hierarchy. St. Clement, pierced by the spirit of apostolic love and prudence, calling on the saints of Corinth to humble themselves, repent and bow down to their ієrarchії. Vikrivav vіn pardon їх shdo resurrection of the dead. The message of St. Clement was honored with great pomp in the old Church, so that it was read during liturgical parishes with the books of the apostles. St. Clement is credited with more deeds, but there is no firm conviction that the stench was written by him.

St., Bishop of Antioch, ed. John the Theologian, in 107 p. at the order of Trajan, throw yourself at Rome to be torn to pieces by the lions. Yes, this is a message, written at the hour of delivery of yoga to Rome on the stratum: a message to the Ephesians, Magnesians, Tralians, Romans (from Smyrna), to Polycarp, єp. Smirnsky, Smirnians and Philadelphians (from Troad). Vіn perekonuvav їh zberіgati right vіru, hearkening to the God-established ієrarchії, especially to the bishops. At the sight of St. Polycarp, messenger of St. Ignatius to take revenge on your own eyes, believe in yourself, be patient and insist on everything about the Lord.

St. Polycarp, Bishop of Smirnsky, ap. John the Theologian, appointing him Bishop of Smyrna. Vin having lived to a deep old age and martyrdom 167 r. under the hour of persecution under Marcus Aurelius. Vin wrote a rich epistle to the Christians of the holy Churches for the sake of their recognition in the pure and right faith. Saved less than a messenger to the Philipyans. Struggling with guilt against the heretic judgments, with the head rank of doctrines, saying that the one who does not witness the coming of Jesus Christ in the body, that is the Antichrist.

St. sche in olden times zіznavavsya tim Єrm, like ap. Pavlo sent a letter (message to the Romans). Originally a Greek, living near Rome in the other half of the 1st century. The book “Pastor” is indispensable to you, having been at home in ancient times and a small great trouble in the Church. Vaughn is subdivided into three smaller books: the first one had a vision of Yerma, the other had 12 commandments, taught to you by the shepherd: about mercy, repentance, then, the third had 10 parables and parables, directing to explain the various truths of Christian faith. Yerma was reassured by an angel who saw the shepherd.

St. Papy, Bishop of Iєrapolsky at Frigії, a student of Ap. John and friend of St. . For orders, he died as a martyr for Marcus Aurelius. Five works are attributed to Yom under the title “Explanation of the Lord's words”, among them only a small amount of urivkiv was saved. Vіn not obzhuvavsya vvchennyam sv. Written, ale and sbirav rospovidi about the help and resurrection of the Savior and the apostles, based on the unwritten retelling. In the end, do not start a sufficient re-verification of the material, inaccuracies are caught in it.

· Ignaty God-bearer.

“Why am I giving myself up to death, to fire, to a sword, to being torn to pieces by animals? No, not a gift! Whoever is white of the sword is the white of God, who is among the beasts is among God; abi tse bulo in the name of Jesus Christ. Sob to take the fate of Yogo suffering, I endure everything, and Vіn zmіtsnyuє me. He himself went through suffering, St. Ignaty to rob the whiskers: there is no right life, de no, accept, readiness to voluntarily die for the image of Yogo's suffering.

A retelling about those who are that child, as if Christ was lifted into his hands, was written down by Anastasius the librarian (IX century) and Simeon Metaphrastus (X century).

Yogo has no blessings in his messages. Ale God-bearer I call myself.

7th send us to know us with Bishop Antioch already on the path of death. Vin is no longer young, he is at the Church. Imovirno, this celebrity led Yogo to suffering for Christ.

Yevsevy Pamfil write that Ignaty was condemned to the cob II Art. and already 40 rokіv ocholiuv Antiokhіysk Church. John Chrysostom and Blessed Theodoret, certify that he was appointed to the bishopric by the apostles. John Chrysostom ("Praise of St. Ignaty"): "having closely connected with the apostles ... I have been swaying with them and knowing them in a close way ..."

Martyr's Acts and Blessed. ІєRONім: teaching of John the Theologian.

Ignaty is especially fond of sleep. Ввів antiphonal spіv in Antioch. You could see that the angels were praising the Trinity so.

To ask the Romans: “Don’t work for me anything more, as if I were God’s slaughter now, if the altar is already ready, and then put together a chorus of love and sing the song of praise of the Fathers at Christ Jesus…”

Boom rozіrvaniya animals in the Roman arena.

· Polycarp of Smirnsky.

The teaching of John the Theologian, especially the Smyrnian church is not far from Ephesus.

Mіzh Іgnatієm and Polikarp was blessed with friendship and special love from Christ Jesus. Ignatius write a messenger to Polycarp and hey, that he is handing over those camps near the Church, as he himself was.

In the specialty of Polycarp, it was especially pleasant. Ignaty: “I have been blessed to God, that I have been honored with the blessing of your immaculate disguise, as if I wanted to be forever blessed in God.

Build up the foes, as if they had beaten Polycarp in the first place, repented of holiness and simplicity and specialness. A passionate love was evoked in the details of one's life. Youmu was never allowed to speak out on his own. Not only a word, but on the move, a serene look, the whole way of one’s life, the beginning of one’s life, through rich fates, with love, one’s learning was predicted.

Collections at Smyrna with denunciation, visions at Rome and burnings.


Although the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire began with the hours of Nero, in the 1st century, the persecution may have been guessed. Then, the celebrations that commemorate the 2nd century allow us to reveal everything more clearly, due to the persecution and placement of Christians to the point of suffering and death for the faith. The greatest drama of the vicons of the "martyr's day" (martyrology), who speak about the arrest of the martyrs, the trial of them and their death. Deyakі from them avenge so rich legal details that deserve to be trusted, as a whole they could be positioned, accepted - chastkovo, from official ship protocols. Sometimes in these "diyanyah" it is said that the author was an eyewitness to the trial of the martyr of that yoga of death, that the historians of schilnі viriti, that on the right she herself saw it that way. From the other side, so many of the so-called "diyan martyrs" are clearly written in richly wrong and do not deserve to be especially trusted. Ale, so chi іnakshe, sprázhnі "dіyannya" can be seen to the most valuable and inspirational documents of early Christianity. In addition, the writing of Christians before martyrdom is known to us from other Christian writings. Of the greatest interest among them, perhaps, are the lists of Bishop Ignatius of Antioch about the path to martyrdom. Nareshti, dzherela of the II century, to give additional information about those, as before the new world, the Roman authorities were placed. Whose plan has a lot of brown papers to avenge the listing of Pliny and Trajan.

The very fact of belonging to the Christians is not yet a malice against the suspіlstva chi against the state. Therefore, the powers did not spend their energy on the pranks of the Christians. But if they call to them and the stench stand before the authorities, you need to silence them, bow to the gods of the empire, or punish. Otherwise, imperial judges should waste authority. In other words, Christians were punished not for evil deeds committed before the court, but for showing them disrepute before the Roman courts. Quiet, who was supposed to bow to the gods of that emperor, it was necessary to punish - in a first way, the one who needed the courts, and in another way, to the one who bowed to the emperor, in fact, it’s not enough on the street that the right to cherish the power is not enough.

Marcus Aurelius, who became emperor in 161 AD, was one of the most brilliant minds of his time. At the sight of Nero and Domitzian, vіn buv domineering and pihatiy. Lyudina is thinned, she lost her collection of "Razdumiv", as if she wrote for herself and as if recognized as a literary masterpiece of her hour.

It would have been given, for such an emperor for the Christians, a period of perceptible calm has arrived. Ale, spoviduyuchi nastіlki pіdnesіnі іdelaі administrіnnya, іt іmperator vіddavav іddavav nastіlki pro gonіnnya against christians.

This illumination is the emperor, like a child of his hour, a marvelous person. Vіn gradually turned for joy to the seers and before the acceptors, be it an important decision, robbed of sacrifice. In the first years of yoga, it was given that invasions, floods, epidemics and other misfortunes would not end. Nezabara would have known an explanation - all wine Christians, the stink itself, call out to the empire of the wrath of the gods. It is not possible to affirm with confidence that the emperor himself is so thoughtful, ale, even if it was there, he would have vindicated the persecution and adopted the revival of the old religion. Possibly, like Pliny, the biggest short-lived Christians in vіn vavav vpazhiv vpertіst.

Marcus Aurelius died at 180 AD, and having replaced Commodus, who began to rule with him for the greatest years until his death. Wanting Commodus, and not seeing the edicts of the day, they resisted the persecution, at the hour of the king's reign, the storm subsided and the number of martyrs was remarkably small. After the death of Commodus, the period has come hromada war, and Christians did not give respect through more naked meals. Nareshti, 193 A.D. Septimiy Pivnich became the ruler of the empire. For a while the life of Christians under yoga was calm.

In the course of the last century of the second century, the camp of Christians became overwhelmed with cunning and unsafe. The persecution was not without interruption. For an hour in some parts of the empire, the Christians were reexamined, but not chipped in others. Shards, as far as the zagalnoy line, appointed by Trajan, didn’t specially joke the Christians, but they were afraid of zrikatis or punished, if the stench stood before the authorities, the good will of the people played an important role. As if the stench lied to the filthy little ones from their rahunok, the ringing hung and the persecution began. To him, it was important to show the non-priming of these a bit and to give the pagans the correct, friendly statement about Christianity. Whom are the heads of apologists.

Martyrs: St. Fock, Ep. Sinopskiy; Rivnoapostolna Thekla, student of St. Paul; the famous Roman commander Evstafiy Plakida; Vira, Nadiya, Lyubov and Sophia, Flor and Lavr. Under the hour of persecution near Galii suffered єp. Lyons Pofin, Blond Lady.


About the podії at Smyrna, we know the name of the author, who is a stverdzhuє, scho was a witness. On the right, a group of Christians stood before the authorities, as if every one of them was inspired to worship the gods. Uncertainty on the nayzhorstokіshі tortury, the stench became hard at the vіrі - like praying in opovіdnі, "relying on Christ, the stink did not give respect to the pains of the world." If you became a Christian for years named Germanicus before the court, you were told that through this frail age of wine you were guilty of repentance, so that you could die tortur and painful death. On the basis of the wines, having proved that the wines can’t live any longer in the world, in which such unrighteous things are done. And to bring that yogo's word is not an empty sound, he himself asked to bring hizhakiv, so that the stench ripped yogo. Whose husband's voice, crying out even greater anger at the enemy, the wiguks lulled: "Death to the atheists!" (to that team, who do not have visible gods) and "Bring Polycarp!".

Knowing what to say, the old bishop listened for the sake of his flock and for a few days changed his mind. We'll sweat the wines by changing the headboards, but all the same, the manifestations are the same. Polikarp vyrishiv, scho yogo arrest - the will of God: he didn’t care anymore and calmly check, if you come for him.

The proconsul, like a head at the court, having persuaded him, is persistently radiant to think about his important age and magnify the praise of the emperor. If Polycarp moved, judging by punishing you, shout: "Get out of the atheists!" І Polycarp, pointing at the NATO, that he otochuvav yogo, saying: "So. Away with the atheists!" Judging by continuing to openly and declare that if you swear an oath to the names of the emperor and curse Christ, then you will get freedom. Ale Polikarp vіdpovіv: "I serve Yom for ten and sixty rokіv, and for many years Vіn did not slay me anything nasty. How can I curse the Tsar, who vryatuvav me?"

The dialogue continued. If, judging by threatening to burn him with live bait, Polikarp vydpoviv, what fire, ignited the judge, we burn less, but life does not end in any way. Nareshti, if Yogo was tied to the stovp, to burn on the fire, straightening his eyes to the corner and praying: "Vladiko God ... such a one, having respected me with your good tiєї mitі, so that I will break the cup of Christ with Your other martyrs ". "For the reason... I bless and glorify You. Amen" 7 .

Richly rokіv Іgnatіy Antiokhіyskiy instructing the young Bishop Polycarp to sing the episcopal shoes and buti reiterate at the vіrі. Now Polycarp confirmed that he had listened to the skin word of his teacher and had rightly heard his butt.

There is one important detail that was confirmed to him - if Polycarp found out that he was going to tell him, he would be rehabilitated. Thinking in the new and about those who Kvint, who himself had called for martyrdom, at the last moment showed weakness and moved in the face of faith. These details were of little importance for these first Christians, as they respected that a person does not rob himself of a martyr's death - її rob God. The chosen ones were commended by Christ, who suffered at the same time from them, and that they could endure trials. Their steadfastness appeared not in the sight of themselves, but in the sight of God. Those who showed urgency and themselves reproached themselves for martyrdom ("volunteers") were false martyrs, and Christ deprived them of them.


Pomіsnі cathedrals are chosen most often. Internal splits. The preaching of Christianity engulfed all Galiya, Spain, part of England, Nimechchina.

At the king's house Imp. Oleksandr Pivnochi was allowed to keep churches. All the great places had sporudzhenі temples. Land donations brought to the richness of okremy bishops. Roman ep. Flavian was one of the greatest lords in the capital. The Roman bulk bought the catacombs and began to rule there for worship.

Split at Rome. At 217 roci part of the bulk on the sp. the pulpit was appointed by the deacon Callistus, who was the dominator of the heresy of the monarchian. Another part of the community was robbed by the bishop of St. Ipolita. That. For 18 years, there were two ocholivts near the capital.


Christians pick up from specially built churches. Often these churches are rebuyed near the center of the city. For example, zruynovana at 303 p. church at Nikomidia; Cathedral near Neokesariy.


They appear at the II century. Apology to the Senate, emperors, against the attacks of pagan authors.

Kodrat the Athenian, Aristides, Justin Philosopher, Afinagoras, Tertullian, Tatian.

· Justin Philosopher.

Rid on the cob of the II century of Palestine in the presence of rich pagans. Otrimav good lighting. At early age addicted to science and philosophy. Rich rokіv shukaє іstu і raznyh philosophical schools. Nezabar to come rozcharuvannya.

One time, walking on the very seashore, Iustin sussed the people in summer, roaming with them, having first learned the basic provisions of Christianity.

Of the enemies of the Christian martyrs, Justin is christened. The price of that preach will rise involuntarily.

Opening a school near Rome. Continue to wear the mantle of the philosopher. Bagato competes with slanderous teachers.

Write an apology to Emperor Antonin. To ask not to punish Christians for only one name and call on the power to win their vchennya and life, so that they will perekonatisya in their goodness and high morality.

The use of a sword by the reign of Marcus Aurelius at 166 roci.

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