The Platonist theory of Krasnomovstvo was made by Dialoz. Plato's rhetoric is the oratorical art of ancient Greece. History of rhetoric and theory


The word "rhetoric" resembles the Greek rheo - "I say, I love, I flow." Pokhіdne vіd nyogo rhetor meant "rhetor, orator". Tse gave the name of science "rhetoric", tobto. maisternist (art) of oratorical movement. In the name of the most recent development of rhetoric, I want to take it as the main thing from the process of rhetoric of mine.

The faith of people at the word that yogo force goes far into the depths of hours. Rhetoric was born as a discipline in ancient Greece, although oratory was known in Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, India. This was the era of Athenian democracy, if the role of the state was to play the role of three establishments: the people's elections, the people's court, the Rada of five hundred. Publicly vyrishuvalis political food, administering the court. The objective basis for the birth of the oratorical art as a social phenomenon was the impudent need for a huge discussion and the perfection of food, which had a small supremacy. krasnomovstvo became a mysticism for the minds of the slave-haired way, which, having created the songs of the possibility of the uninterrupted infusion of the mind and the will of the spivgromads with the help of the speaker’s living word.

The cob of rhetoric was taken up to 460 BC. and evangelize the senior sophists Corax, Tisias, Protagoras (bl. 481-411 BC) and Gorgias (bl. 480-380 BC). Sophistry itself was conceived by the cultivation of the oral word, as, being the most prominent masters of redism, they started other mysticism.

On the basis of the oratorical art that is being developed, they began to try to theoretically comprehend the principles and methods of oratorical language. Thus was born the theory of Krasnomovstvo - rhetoric. The largest contribution to the theory of redism was made by Socrates (bl. 470-399 pp. e.), Plato (bl. 428-348 pp. e.) and Aristotle (384-322 pp. e.). ).

With the aims of this work, we will try to remember the rhetoric of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, and analyze why the rhetorical ideal of the significance of ancient Greek thinkers in the form of the rhetoric of sophists.

In this work, I will try to show it in such a way: why the rhetoric of Socrates is strong, how the peculiarities of Plato's rhetoric are, how the drawings are the same rhetoric of Aristotle, and why the rhetorical ideal of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle in sophistry.

1. Rhetoric of Socrates

Socrates is an ancient Greek philosopher who was born and lives in Athens in Bl. 469 - 399 rubles BC Tse people, whose name is tied up with turns of rhetorical culture. Tse vydatny master of besid-dialogues, a kind of vinaish of dialectics, like a mysticism to conduct a miraculous, super-chka, a rose of vikoristovuyuchi head rank of irony and maieutics. If so, you can’t find about those who can put your opponent in an invisible world and overcome in superechtsi, but with practical wisdom to know the truth. Such a method, for the sake of truth, having managed a stimulating injection not so much on traditional rhetoric, as on the development of a different style of argumentation, with such a misunderstanding and in a given hour, for example, in judicial dialogues, they blame that lawyer, with the activation of training at school, if the students are not just passively knowledge, but to enter into a lively dialogue with the teacher.

Socrates did not fill up the text he himself wrote. And yet, this system of light-gazing, yoga methods, still taught us the beginnings of yoga education - to Plato, who rozpovіv about those who Socrates stverdzhuvav new pіdkhіd until the recognition of that deepened activity. Ale robbing it more subtly, not speaking of his teachers, but speaking with them. About the marvelous mastery of Socrates, Plato spoke in the dialogue “Benket” through the mouth of the young Alcibiades: . I recognize at once those same people who are bitten by a viper... I am stronger than the bites, be something, and moreover, in the most sensitive place - in the heart, call it what you want, of bites and wounds with philosophical promos, like they get into young gifted souls strong ones, lower snakes, and they can work hard and say everything that’s right.”

Shorten it, put the food in short, listen to it and give it briefly, tell it. In this rank, the word of Socrates will hardly be biased towards sense, towards truth. Vіn navchau "to see the riddles, set people for permission, solve them, rozmirkovuyu voice, teach them to others, zaluchayu їх to tsієї zaplyuyuchoї roboti, matsuvati and show the meaning of the way from thought to the word."

2. Plato's rhetoric

Plato (bl. 428-348 pp. e.) - an old Greek philosopher, a student of Socrates.

The peculiarities of Plato's philosophical views were borne out by the theory of Krasnomovstvo. Vіn razrіznyає rіch і іdeyu speechі, tіlo tіlo soul. Soul, idea, knowledge, all human behavior is interpreted by yoga philosophical robots.

Ideas (things in the midst of them - the idea of ​​good) - eternal and unchanging shaleny prefigure speeches, the whole past and vague butt.

Speech is less like that kind of expression of ideas.

Before redness, Plato approaches the prism of his philosophical views: “The skin of language can be folded, the truth is alive, - She can have a body with a head and legs, moreover, the tulub and kіntsіvki are guilty one to one and match the whole.

Promotion is a very thin instrument, and to be cherished by it, according to Plato's thought, carefully, fairly, not evilly with its majestic abilities. “Eloquence is the master of reconciliation, which instills faith in the just and the unjust, but what does not speak, what is fair, what is dumb.”

Plato perfected the art of dialogue. Plato himself, being a student of Socrates, most adopted the development of that propaganda of dialogue as a new method of argumentation, like a great world inspiring the sly, creative spirit of ancient thought. As a matter of fact, yoma mi y zobov'yazanі znayomstvo s tsy method of argumentation, yakim widely koristuvsya Socrates. The Platonic dialogues are warm, logically motivated, seemingly enigmatic, aroused interest in the subject of supernatural or conversation. Plato, having enriched my life in public language with tricks and forms of controversy, for the help of allegory and metaphors, having created my language in a bright and vivacious manner. In the dialogue "Tetetet" there are different words about oratorical mysticism and a connection with food about wisdom and understanding of the truth. The philosopher, having condemned “emptiness”, is quiet, who has his promo before the people, without slacking off the truth. On the thought of Plato - rhetoric is right, I am sure, I am calm, how you can learn, develop in yourself. And you can apply such justice with different purposes - good and evil.

As in vvazha Plato (dialogue "Phaedrus"), the speaker is guilty not to harass other people's thoughts, but to touch and touch the truth of what wines are chosen to speak about.

To the thought of Plato, the orator’s art is rich in why to lie in the air, vmіnnya, hoarsely everything with a blatant glance, lead to a single common idea of ​​divergence of the objects of mov and podіlyat everything in sight, on the natural warehouse parts, and also leads to private otrimuvati privately.

Vіn vvazhaє, scho vikladach of oratorical art is guilty of good knowledge of the nature of skin speech and її ideї, and through the knowledge of the pragnetization of the knowledge of the soul, know її see and those, like mova and like pouring into the soul.

Hanging on the first plan, the emotional reconciliation of promotion, Plato respects important logical proofs, as they entered into another plan. That is the fault of reconciliation, because in the courts “it’s better for no one to correct it to the truth, it’s more necessary to reconcile.” The speaker is guilty, according to Plato’s thought, to say goodbye to the truth, but to induce his promo so that it sounds plausible to the hearers.

What we can see in Plato and in the dialogue "Gorgias". In the conversation, which vinikla between Socrates and Gorgias and their scholars, we see two kinds of reconciliation: one kind of invocations to the acknowledgment of faith without knowledge, the other - giving knowledge. Gorgias and Socrates to come at the dialos to the visnovka, that Krasnomovstvo can be corrupted by the first type of reconciliation, to instill faith, not giving knowledge, not coryding with objective evidence.

In such a rank, do not prove it by the basis of krasnomovstvo, but by an emotional infusion, emotional reconversion, emotional induction. І tse short story of Plato's theory.

Plato recognized the valuable relativism of the sophists and designated that the main thing for a rhetorician is not the copying of other people's thoughts, but the power of understanding the truth, the knowledge of the hairy path in the oratorical mysticism.

Ale the idea of ​​sophistivs to the fact that a good orator can practice a lot on self-perfections and promos, Plato encourages. Vvazhayuchi, scho rhetoric, like and be-like right mystectvo, є creative activity, won't induce emotions, passions to a systemic, orderly state, instilling high justice. Tsya creative activity, prote, require professional preparation of the speaker. The philosopher repeatedly speaks about the need for a speaker to go through a special school of oratorical art, so that he would learn yoga correctly, proportionately and effectively put together promotions.

Theoretical developments of Plato (bl. 427 - bl. 347 pp. e.) were, no doubt, ahead of the curve. You can already talk about a larger systemic theory of oratorical art, as it made a great influx on orators-practitioners and theorists in that hour, which seemed like a practical broken yoga theory, so I gave it a development. The great influx of this theory was also made by Cicero, who repeatedly refers to Plato in his theoretical studies. How do I respect A.F. Losev in front of the works of that philosopher, named after Plato, and not just remember, significant and great. With thin and mіtsnimi threads Plato's philosophy permeates like the philosophy of the world, and light culture. In the European history after Plato, there has not yet been a happy century, if they didn’t quarrel about Plato, then unrelentingly sighing, then strongly downplaying it, whether it’s in relation to the historical-religious, historical-literary, historical sociological chi.

The peculiarities of Plato's philosophical views were borne out by the theory of Krasnomovstvo. Vіn razrіznyає rіch і іdeyu speechі, tіlo tіlo soul. The soul, idea, knowledge, all human behavior is interpreted in his philosophical robots, in the dialosis "Phaedrus" (in some wines he also interprets the theory of krasnomism), in looking at the ideal prototype in the sky.

Ideas (things in the midst of them - the idea of ​​good) - eternal and unchanging shaleny prefigure speeches, the whole past and vague butt.

Speeches are only like that expression of ideas. The soul is bound in the dungeon of our body, after the death of such a person to cross the cosmos. At the same time, we are talking here about dialectics, as it is not only known as mystical spivbesidy, so that the mystical power is put on them, but also as a smart thing, you make everything solitary, so private, to a splendid idea, navpaki, make it impossible and single elements. At the same time, a bold idea, composed of particulars, is thought of as a whole, that it is a new quality, like a strong vinyl and did not vanish in the next few elements. Plato's vchennya about ideas is the cause of yoga aesthetics.

Before the redness, Plato approaches the prism of his philosophical views: “The skin of my mother can be folded, because the truth is alive, - she can be strong with her head and legs, moreover, the tulub and the cloaks are guilty, one to one and to confirm the whole.”

Otzhe, it was necessary for us before the clear filed the movie into parts so that it was clearly visible, de hot principle, dezokrema, as the whole principle, chi the principle of the principle of the idea, signifies all the principles, so that you can move in a rational way from the slanderous to the private and from the private to the slanderous.

Like Plato (dialogue "Phaedrus"), the speaker is guilty of not pursuing other people's thoughts, but he himself touches and touches the truth of what wines he chooses to speak about; new and catch, why is a sign of skin yoga diversity.

To the thought of Plato, the orator’s art is rich in why to lie in the air, vmіnnya, hoarsely everything with a blatant glance, lead to a single common idea of ​​divergence of the objects of mov and podіlyat everything in sight, on the natural warehouse parts, and also leads to private otrimuvati privately.

In the dialogue "Phaedrus" Plato propagates the composition of the promo: an introductory note, evidence, evidence, plausible vysnovki.

Acts of practice, behind the words of Plato, see more confirmation of that supplementary confirmation, maybe there is an affirmation of that supplementary affirmation (Theodore is also a side explanation of that indirect praise (the first one uttered Even).

Vіn vvazhaє, scho vikladach of oratorical art is guilty of good knowledge of the nature of skin speech and її ideї, and through the knowledge of the pragnetization of the knowledge of the soul, know її see and those, like mova and like pouring into the soul. Vіn is responsible for spіvvіdnіst vidi promіv i vidi sіvі і їsі їх stanіv, establish vіdpovіdnіst dermal type prіvіdnistі prіvіdnі prіvіdnі dermal prоvі. To know, like a soul with such promos and why it’s not necessary to change it, but not for a yak.

Hanging on the first plan, the emotional perturbation of promotion (injecting his soul), Plato respects important logical proofs, as if they entered another plan. To that fault of perekonaniye, scho in courts "it is better for no one to be fair to the truth, perekonlivost is needed only".

The speaker is guilty, according to Plato's thought, to say goodbye to the truth, but to encourage his promo in such a way that it sounds plausible to the hearers.

A. F. Losev substantiated: “The theory of oratorical art (Plato.) We can accept and natomist the essence of the Platonic aesthetics, taken in vain. And the Platonic aesthetics, taken as a whole, read about the creation of ideas and matter into one inseparable and inseparable wholeness. For whom there is sufficient material already and in the “Phaedra” itself. Therefore, that collection of the wild and the singular, about which we read in the “Phaedra”, it is necessary to understand it in no way abstractly, but rather platonic, but also that artistic analysis of the oratorical movement, which formally appears in the rhetorical part of the dialogue, popovnyuєy itself and play the first role, Plato’s ideas about ideas and in the concept of oratorical art are lost, in the light, on the first plane, without regard to hanging here on the moral-political, pedagogical logics. place”.

Acts of nourishment of krasnomovstvo, yoga of the day, yoga of the mind are seen in Plato and in the dialogue “Gorgiy”. I hang on to the ideas of Plato, respecting that Krasnomovstvo becomes the greatest good and gives people like freedom, so dominion over other people, it seems that rhetoric is the goal of rebuilding the building with a word and judgment from the court, and the people from the Radiation, and the people from the People. sborah, that and be-yakoy іnshomu zborah hulks ... Volodya with such strength, you and the doctor trimatimesh in slavery, and the teacher of gymnastics, but for our friend, to appear that you don’t earn pennies for yourself, but for others - for you , with a word that vminnyam change the natovp. " Plato, having hung in the power of his "razmirkovyuchy" manner, was very clear, in order to understand the constructiveness of the thought.

Promovistіst can rush us in, turn over. This thought is connected with yogo glances at knowledge, like, at Plato's thought, and an anamnesis (suggestion) of the soul about ideas. Aje soul before dawn її with the body looked at the cosmos deakі (sing) ideї. That is why it is not possible to know about sensible speeches and phenomena, but only a great and great thought. Zvіdsi Krasnomovstvo us before po'yazani z perekonannyam, infusion on the soul, on the thought. , sob to reconcile, what is fair and unfair, good and bad. In dialogue, however, there are two types of reconciliation: one type of engagement with support is without knowledge, the other is knowledge. may be the first type of reconciliation, to inspire faith, not giving knowledge, not coring with objective evidence. nі, ale less instills faith, and іlki".

Promotion is a very thin instrument, and to be cherished by it, according to Plato's thought, carefully, fairly, not evilly with its majestic abilities. "Eloquence is the master of reconciliation, which instills faith in the just and the unjust, but what does not tell, what is fair, what is not."

In such a rank, do not prove it by the basis of krasnomovstvo, but by an emotional infusion, emotional reconversion, emotional induction. І tse short story of Plato's theory. Pragnennya emotsiynogo navіyuvannya led to a free interpretation of the fact as a yogo emotional assessment, yak povnistyu lay in the mind of the speaker and the audience.

At the link with the emotional influx, Krasnomovstvo is compared with other arts: music, poetry, theatre. Zvіdsi shy vysnovki, scho rhetoric, obviously, can not be just spritnіst and wait for the attainment of satisfaction, but can be carried out by mysticism instilling good feelings. The rhetoric is guilty of creating “bud and order” in the soul, leading me to become fragmented in the camp of integrity, on which the thoroughness is grounded. And here, like Bachimo, the cosmic idea is repeated, moving from the private to the vulgar, from the open to the whole.

Krasnomovstvo is guilty of the mother of goodness (guess: the best idea is the idea of ​​the good), it will expel from the soul the filthy pleasures and injustice, purifying the soul. improve it.

Rhetoric, as if it were a right science, on Plato’s thought, creating activity, won’t induce emotions, passions in a systemic, ordering camp, instilling high justice. Tsya creative activity, prote, require professional preparation of the speaker. And here Plato promotes the idea of ​​sophists, as they also appreciated that a good orator can practice a lot on self-perfection and promos. The philosopher repeatedly speaks about the need for a speaker to go through a special school of oratorical art, so that he would learn yoga correctly, proportionately and effectively put together promotions.

Mirkuvannya Plato to speak about those; scho vіn having given great importance to the very technical side of the language, having thoroughly perfected the technique of promotion at the link with the improvement of the psychology of hearing, respecting the science of promotion to important philosophical and psychological phenomena.

Summing up the analysis of Plato's rhetorical glances, you can look up to A.F. Losevim, who wrote:

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Topic: Rhetorical activity of Socrates and Plato

Kartavtsev Sergiy Oleksandrovich


1. Rhetoric of Socrates

2. Plato's rhetoric


List of victorious literature


The word "rhetoric" resembles the Greek rheo - "I say, I love, I flow." Pokhіdne vіd nyogo rhetor meant "rhetor, orator". Tse gave the name of science "rhetoric", tobto. maisternist (art) of oratorical movement. In the name of the most recent development of rhetoric, I want to take it as the main thing from the process of rhetoric of mine.

The faith of people at the word that yogo force goes far into the depths of the hour. Rhetoric was born as a discipline in ancient Greece, although oratory was known in Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, India. This was the era of Athenian democracy, if the role of the state was to play the role of three establishments: the people's elections, the people's court, the Rada of five hundred. Publicly vyrishuvalis political food, administering the court. The objective basis for the birth of the oratorical art as a social phenomenon was the impudent need for a huge discussion and the perfection of food, which had a small supremacy. krasnomovstvo became a mysticism for the minds of the slave-haired way, which, having created the songs of the possibility of the uninterrupted infusion of the mind and the will of the spivgromads with the help of the speaker’s living word.

The cob of rhetoric was taken up to 460 BC. and pov'yazuvati z diyalnistyu senior sophistiv Sophisti (from other Greek. uptsyufYut - "wise man, winemaker, sage, knower") - ancient Greek paid vikladachi krasnomovstvo, representatives of the same philosophical directly, expanded in Greece in the 2nd - ііy halves -th half of the IV century to the star. e. Corax, Tisia, Protagora (bl. 481-411 BC) and Gorgia (bl. 480-380 BC). Sophistry itself was conceived by the cultivation of the oral word, as, being the most prominent masters of redism, they started other mysticism.

On the basis of the oratorical art that is being developed, they began to try to theoretically comprehend the principles and methods of oratorical language. Thus was born the theory of Krasnomovstvo - rhetoric. The largest contribution to the theory of redism was made by Socrates (bl. 470-399 pp. e.), Plato (bl. 428-348 pp. e.) and Aristotle (384-322 pp. e.). ).

With the aims of this work, we will try to remember the rhetoric of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, and analyze why the rhetorical ideal of the significance of ancient Greek thinkers in the form of the rhetoric of sophists.

In this work, I will try to show it in such a way: why the rhetoric of Socrates is strong, how the peculiarities of Plato's rhetoric are, how the drawings are the same rhetoric of Aristotle, and why the rhetorical ideal of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle in sophistry.

1. Rhetoric of Socrates

Socrates is an ancient Greek philosopher who was born and lives in Athens in Bl. 469 - 399 BC Tse people, whose name is tied up with turns of rhetorical culture. Tse vydatny master of besid-dialogues, a kind of vinaishov of dialectics, like a mysticism to lead a miraculous bath, a superchka, a rozmov vikoristovuyuchi head rank of irony irony (wreck eironeia -- vdavannya) - a method of critical staging to dogmatics, a trick of Socrates, pretending to be ignorant in order to wickedly and victorious his spy in ignorance. and maieutics Maieutika (Greek maieutike - midwife) is a metaphor, for the help of which Socrates clarifies the essence of his method of philosophizing, which is a specific abbreviated dialogue, persh for everything by definition to sophistical. . If so, you can’t find about those who can put your opponent in an invisible world and overcome in superechtsi, but with practical wisdom to know the truth. Such a method, for the sake of truth, having managed a stimulating injection not so much on traditional rhetoric, as on the development of a different style of argumentation, with such a misunderstanding and in a given hour, for example, in judicial dialogues, they blame that lawyer, with the activation of training at school, if the students are not just passively knowledge, but to enter into a lively dialogue with the teacher.

Socrates did not fill up the text he himself wrote. And yet, this system of light-gazing, yoga methods, still taught us the beginnings of yoga education - to Plato, who rozpovіv about those who Socrates stverdzhuvav new pіdkhіd until the recognition of that deepened activity. Ale robbing it more subtly, not speaking of his teachers, but speaking with them. About the marvelous mastery of Socrates, Plato spoke in the dialogue "Benket" in the words of the young Alcibiades: "Cei Marsius (an old deity who reached perfection in gr on the harp) often leading me to such a camp that I was given - you can’t live like this anymore, like I live ..." I see at once those same people who are bitten by a viper ... I'm biting stronger, lower, be it, and moreover, in the most sensitive place - at the heart, call it whatever you want, bites and wounds with philosophical promos, like they get in young gifted souls of the strong, the lower of the snake, and they can learn to work and say everything that is good.

Shorten it, put the food in short, listen to it and give it briefly, tell it. In this rank, the word of Socrates will hardly be biased towards sense, towards truth. Vin vchiv "foresee riddles, set people for permission, solve them, rozmirkovuyu in a voice, read them to others, lure them to the point of crying roboti, smear and show the meaning of the way from the thought to the word."

2. Plato's rhetoric

Plato (bl. 428-348 pp. e.) - an ancient Greek philosopher, a student of Socrates.

The peculiarities of Plato's philosophical views were borne out by the theory of Krasnomovstvo. Vіn razrіznyає rіch і іdeyu speechі, tіlo tіlo soul. Soul, idea, knowledge, all human behavior is interpreted by yoga philosophical robots.

Ideas (things in the midst of them - the idea of ​​good) - eternal and unchanging shaleny prefigure speeches, the whole past and vague butt.

Speech is less like that kind of expression of ideas.

Before the redness, Plato approaches the prism of his philosophical views: "The skin of the language can be folded, because the truth is alive, - it can be strong with the head and legs, moreover, the toulub and the kіntsіvki are guilty go one to one and agree with the whole."

Promotion is a very thin instrument, and to be cherished by it, according to Plato's thought, carefully, fairly, not evilly with its majestic abilities. "Eloquence is the master of reconciliation, which instills faith in the just and the unjust, but what does not tell, what is fair, what is not."

Plato perfected the art of dialogue. Plato himself, being a student of Socrates, most adopted the development of that propaganda of dialogue as a new method of argumentation, like a great world inspiring the sly, creative spirit of ancient thought. As a matter of fact, yoma mi y zobov'yazanі znayomstvo s tsy method of argumentation, yakim widely koristuvsya Socrates. The Platonic dialogues are warm, logically motivated, seemingly enigmatic, aroused interest in the subject of supernatural or conversation. Plato, having enriched my life in public language with tricks and forms of controversy, for the help of allegory and metaphors, having created my language in a bright and vivacious manner. In the dialogue "Teetet" there are various verses about oratorical mysticism and a connection with nutrition about wisdom and understanding of the truth. The philosopher, having condemned "emptiness" is quiet, who does his promo before the people, does not plead the truth. To Plato's thought - rhetoric is right, I'm sure, I'm calm, how you can learn, grow in yourself. And you can apply such justice with different purposes - good and evil.

As in vvazha Plato (dialogue "Phaedrus"), the speaker is guilty not to harass other people's thoughts, but to touch and touch the truth of what wines are chosen to speak about.

To the thought of Plato, the orator’s art is rich in why to lie in the air, vmіnnya, hoarsely everything with a blatant glance, lead to a single common idea of ​​divergence of the objects of mov and podіlyat everything in sight, on the natural warehouse parts, and also leads to private otrimuvati privately.

Vіn vvazhaє, scho vikladach of oratorical art is guilty of good knowledge of the nature of skin speech and її ideї, and through the knowledge of the pragnetization of the knowledge of the soul, know її see and those, like mova and like pouring into the soul.

Hanging on the first plan, the emotional reconciliation of promotion, Plato respects important logical proofs, as they entered into another plan. To that fault of perekonaniya, scho in the courts "it's better for no one to know right to the truth, you need only perekonlivist". The speaker is guilty, according to Plato's thought, to say goodbye to the truth, but to encourage his promo in such a way that it sounds plausible to the hearers.

What we can do is seen in Plato and in the dialogue "Gorgiy". In rosemary, which was named between Socrates and Gorgias and other scholars, two types of reconciliation are seen: one type of connection with the support of the faith without knowledge, the other - giving knowledge. Gorgias and Socrates come to the dialosis of the Visnovka, that the Krasnomovstvo can be corrupted by the first type of reconciliation, to instill faith, not giving knowledge, not corrupting with objective evidence. Hearing acknowledgment accept on faith what the speaker says to him from an emotionally moving speaker. "Otherwise, the speaker at the courts in those other gatherings does not say what is fair, but what is not, but only instills faith, and only."

In such a rank, do not prove it by the basis of krasnomovstvo, but by an emotional infusion, emotional reconversion, emotional induction. І tse short story of Plato's theory.

Plato recognized the valuable relativism of the sophists and designated that the main thing for a rhetorician is not the copying of other people's thoughts, but the power of understanding the truth, the knowledge of the hairy path in the oratorical mysticism.

Ale the idea of ​​sophistivs to the fact that a good orator can practice a lot on self-perfections and promos, Plato encourages. Vvazhayuchi, scho rhetoric, like and be-like right mystectvo, є creative activity, won't induce emotions, passions to a systemic, orderly state, instilling high justice. Tsya creative activity, prote, require professional preparation of the speaker. The philosopher repeatedly speaks about the need for a speaker to go through a special school of oratorical art, so that he would learn yoga correctly, proportionately and effectively put together promotions.

Mirkuvannya Plato to speak about those; scho vіn having given great importance to the very technical side of the language, having thoroughly perfected the technique of promotion at the link with the improvement of the psychology of hearing, respecting the science of promotion to important philosophical and psychological phenomena. Summing up the analysis of Plato's rhetorical glances, one can use A.F. Losevim, as he wrote: "Clearly vyplyvaet vysnovok about the majestic interest of Plato to the oratorical art, about his postiynoї schilnostі will be the theory of this art, even though the theory is in the new already unsystematic ".


Socrates, Plato and Aristotle are great people. Their names resound in the histories of rich sciences. Rhetoric lies before them.

Having analyzed my work, having looked at the supplies at my manager’s, I can make such visnovki.

Shorten it, put the food in short, listen to it and give it briefly, tell it. In this rank, the word of Socrates will hardly be biased towards sense, towards truth. Vin vchiv "foresee riddles, set people for permission, solve them, rozmirkovuyu voice, read them to others, lure them to the point of crying roboti, smear and show the meaning of the way from the thought to the word"

To Plato's thought - rhetoric is right, I'm sure, I'm calm, how you can learn, grow in yourself. And the basis of Krasnomovstvo is an emotional influx, an emotional reconversion and an emotional induction.

Aristotle appreciated that "rhetoric is a mysticism that reaffirms dialectics", that "it is good to know how to reconsider a particular skin subject." Aristotle's rhetoric is science and mastery of proof language.

Socrates, Plato and Aristotle are the people who contributed the most to the theory of redism. The founders of rhetoric and sophistry. “Less sophistry began to speak about the power of the word as a whole and systematically, first creating for whom it is also necessary to change your mind,” writes A.F. Losev. But the understanding of "sophisty" has two denominations, and, unfortunately, a negative assessment, due to the peculiarities of the sophist's svetoglyad, which robbed them with zatyaty interchangeables, as if they didn’t seem to be afraid of their opponent, it appeared as a head. To this, the rhetorical ideal of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle is compared with the rhetorical ideal of the sophists, but also their counterparts. speaker rhetoric Krasnomovstvo sophist

And yet, it didn’t exist there, and ti and іnshi could penetrate into the mysteries of the word, expand the boundaries of knowledge, draw out the theoretical and practical principles of the oratorical movement as a science, basing on the rich rich evidence on the analysis of the numerical brilliant promos of the speakers. In their robots, the floorings of cicavia and a deep analysis of the mysticism are reconsidered, which through rich capital, in our days, fahivtsy know there ideas, as if only a new hour reached the reach

List of victorious literature

1. Egorov P.A., Rudnev V.M. Fundamentals of ethics and aesthetics. Head. sat down M., 2010

2. Zaretska O.M. Rhetoric: theory and practice of modern communication. M., 2002

3. Kornikova O.M. Rhetoric is the art of reconciliation. Originality of publicistic antique doby. Head. sat down M., 1998

4. Kokhtev N.M. rhetoric. Head. sat down M., 1994

5. Kokhtev N.M., Rozental D.E. Mystetstvo gromadsky ledge. M., 1988

6. The culture of Russian language: an encyclopedic vocabulary-dovidnik. M., 2003

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Oratory of Ancient Greece



Rhetoric of Quintilian




Rhetoric to Plato



Antique theories of Krasnomovstvo enter the golden fund of rhetorical science. And, naturally, in order to understand the essence of Krasnomovism, it is very important for us to get to know the glances of ancient rhetors.

In the old rhetorical science, one can name the names of the successors, as they occupied a large place in the development of the theory of Krasnomovstvo. Tse Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Quintilian and others. The very theoretical investigations lay down that platform, on which further investigations were grounded.

Old-time Greece is respected by the Fatherland of Krasnomovism, although the oratorical art was known among Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, India. Ale same in ancient Greece it develops rapidly and For the first time, there are systematic works from the theory of oratorical mastery. The cob of molding rhetoric like science was laid by the sophists, yaki, being themselves prominent masters of redism, taught that other science. The stench fell asleep at schools, where for the price of a skin-bazhayuchy instant they learned the rules to encourage the language, The proper manner of language, the effective presentation of the material. Sophisti lay until formed in Athens in the other half of the 5th century. BC schools of philosophers and educators who created a non-working cult of the word and rhetoric. Sophistry maisterno volodili all forms of oratorical mov, laws of logic, mysticism superechka, vminnyam infuse on the audience. Mova (logos) becomes the object of education, and rhetoric - "the queen of all mysticisms", the beginning of which has become the greatest step in ancient enlightenment. І nevipadkovo, shards in the state of slave-power democrats, a special atmosphere was created for the development of Krasnomovism, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ became a hundredth moment of life and signs of political struggle. Volodya was respected by him with the utmost respect.

Step by step folded practical directly - folded promos for the needs of the people, they announced practices about the language and the style of speeches, as they served then Plato, Aristotle and other theorists as the basis for systematization. a distant development and the destruction of their judgment, the transformation of their theory.

Successes in Krasnomovstvo, on the thought of sophists, tied with a majestic work over the technique of movement, over the culture of movement. For each language, it is individual, may have its own signs, connected with the skills, talent, spiritual power of the speaker. Like a language, that strict composition was associated with the harmony of the people, and the semantics, the meaning of the word - with spiritual light.

If you want a logical argumentation and go to the storehouse for the sake of reconciliation, on the thought of sophists, prote neridko and gleaming paradox, inconsistent heuristic method (heuristics is the art of conducting a super-rechka, polemic), a rich instrumentation of the movie can effectively impress the audience. If only we would like to speak briefly about the orator's thoughts on the thoughts of the sophists, we would say: wine is guilty of hypnotizing the hearing.

Τᴀᴋᴎᴎᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, those main things look at the Krasnomovism, which were formed by the Sophists, inspired their philosophical look at the human reality. Tse created change of mind for the theories of Plato and Aristotle.

Theoretical developments of Plato (block 427 - block 347) boules, bezperechno, crochet ahead. You can already talk about a larger systemic theory of oratorical art, as it made a great influx on orators-practitioners and theorists in that hour, which seemed like a practical broken yoga theory, so I gave it a development.

The peculiarities of Plato's philosophical views were borne out by the theory of Krasnomovstvo. All human behavior is analyzed in some philosophical robots, and in the dialosis "Phaedrus" (in some wines it is also shown the theory of redism).

Before krasnomovstvo, Plato approaches the prism of his philosophical views: Whether language can be folded, why the istota is alive, - it can have a body with a head and legs, moreover, the tulub and kintsivki owe go one to one and confirm the whole ".

According to Plato's thought, the orator's mysticism is rich in why lie in the air, in the mind, hoovering everything with a stern glance, leading to a single common idea of ​​distributing objects and distributing everything in sight, in natural warehouses, and also to understand take private to vulgar and from primal take private(methods of induction and deduction).

In the dialogue "Phaedrus" Plato propagates the composition of the promo: an introductory note, evidence, evidence, plausible vysnovki.

Vіn vvazhav, that the vikladach of the oratorical art may be well known the nature of skin speech and її ideї, and through the knowledge of the pragmatic knowledge of the soul, the nobility її see and those, like language and like pouring into the soul. Vіn is guilty of spіvvіdnіst sіvvіdnіst vidіvіdnі prіvі і viіdі dіvі sіsі і slyuchacha, vіdpovіdnіst pіdpіdnіst dermal type prіvіdnistі prіvіdnі prіvі derzhі. To know, like a soul with such promos and why it’s not necessary to change it, but not for a yak.

Hanging on the first plan, the emotional reconciliation of promo (injecting his soul), Plato respects important logical proofs, as if they entered another plan. Because of the reasons for the faults of reconciliation, that in the courts "it is not possible for anyone to correct it to the truth, only reconciliation is necessary." The speaker is guilty, according to Plato's thought, to say goodbye to the truth, but to encourage his promo so that it sounds plausible to the listeners.

Acts of nourishment of krasnomism, yoga of day, yoga of life are seen in Plato and in the dialogue "Gorgiy". In the conversation, which vinykla between Socrates and Gorges and their teachings, a number of rhetoric signs are given as a process - from wide to narrow.

Gorgiy is the head of the dialogue person, who expresses the ideas of Plato, respects that Krasnomovism is the greatest good and gives people like freedom, so dominion over other people. Vіn kazhe, scho rhetoric - tse " zdatnіst reconciliation with the word i judged by the court, i gladnikіv by the Radi, and the people by the People’s congresses, the same by every other congregation of the people. Volodiyuchi with such strength, you and the doctor trimatimesh in slavery, and the teacher of gymnastics .... Otzhe, Krasnomovstvo us in front of po'yazane z perekonannyam, infusion into the soul, into the thought. The first principle of redism is like the art of reconciliation, according to Plato, in order to reconsider what is fair and unfair, good and bad. Dialosis, however, has two kinds of reconciliation: one type of dressings from accompaniment to faith without knowledge, the other - gives knowledge. Gorgias and Socrates come to the dialosis of the Visnovka, that the Krasnomovstvo can be corrupted by the first type of reconciliation, to instill faith, not giving knowledge, not corrupting with objective evidence. Hearing acknowledgment accept on faith what the speaker says to him from an emotionally moving speaker.
Placed on ref.
“Otherwise, the orator at the courts in those other gatherings does not say what is fair, but what is not, but only instills faith, and only.”

Rhetoric to Plato - you see. Classification and features of the category "Rhetoric to Plato" 2017, 2018.

Ticket number 8

Rhetorical ideal of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle

Plato's rhetoric

As you respect Plato, the speaker is guilty of not pursuing other people's thoughts, but himself touching and touching the truth of what he chooses to speak about; correct, true, accurate language may come from the reference designation of its object, the subject of the language.

On the thought of Plato, the orator’s art is rich in why to lie in the air, vminnya, with a hoarse glance, lead to a single wild idea of ​​​​dividing the object of promotion and sharing everything in sight, in natural warehouses, and also, in addition to taking away the overgrowth of privacy private.

In the dialogue "Phaedrus" Plato propagates the composition of the promo: an introductory note, evidence, evidence, plausible vysnovki.

Vіn vvazhaє, scho vikladach of oratorical art is guilty of good knowledge of the nature of skin speech and її ideї, and through the knowledge of the pragnetization of the knowledge of the soul, know її see and those, like mova and like pouring into the soul. Vіn is responsible for spіvvіdnіst vidi promіv i vidi sіvі і їsі їх stanіv, establish vіdpovіdnіst dermal type prіvіdnistі prіvіdnі prіvіdnі dermal prоvі. To know, like a soul with such promos and why it’s not necessary to change it, but not for a yak.

Hanging on the first plan, the emotional perturbation of promotion (injecting his soul), Plato respects important logical proofs, as if they entered another plan. To that fault of perekonaniye, scho in courts "it is better for no one to be fair to the truth, perekonlivost is needed only".

The speaker is guilty, according to Plato's thought, to say goodbye to the truth, but to encourage his promo in such a way that it sounds plausible to the hearers.

It means that we needed a clear promotion on the part so that it was clearly visible, the principle of the principle, dezokrema, as the whole principle, or the principle of the principle of the principle of the idea, signifying everything so that it is possible to pass in a rational way from the formal to the private and from the private to the collective .

Rhetoric of Aristotle

The appearance of Aristotle's "Rhetoric" (384-322 BC) was a great cultural and scientific development, which significantly raised Plato's conception of oratorical art. Aristotle, having criticized the Platonic theory of incorporeal forms (“ideas”), and even more to repair Platonic idealism did not succeed, wanting, after the words of V. I. Lenin, “Aristotle vpritul go to materialism”.

The composition of "Rhetorics" by Aristotle is even more readable. The first book tells about the scope of rhetoric of the middle sciences and canopies of promos are seen; another book is dedicated to passions, which are called wild methods of proof; the third book is about the problems of style and encourage the movie.

Aristotle knows that rhetoric is a mysticism, that it supports dialectic, for insulting the stench of such subjects, knowledge of which can be used to bannim us. Tse i zblizhuє insults of the art. Winning rhetoric is like a mysticism of pereconannya, like a victorious one, it’s possible and easy to change, if the authenticity is real, it appears to be insufficient.

Rhetoric is concerned with seeing methods of reconsideration, with theoretical understanding of these methods. How does Aristotle designate, to change the mind of a move to lie in three moments: the moral character of the move, the quality of the move, the mood of the listeners. Already in Aristotle's teachings, there is a triad: the leader of the mov - the mov - the master of the mov, so as to know your development in the current achievements.

Rhetoric of Socrates

Gromadske life of Ancient Greece of the V century BC. e. Bula is such that the hulks, for various reasons, had to speak publicly. To speak successfully, it was necessary to be able to speak. The reason itself caused it to the fact that paid teachers appeared in Greece - sophists (wise men), like they were able to change the superechists with the mystical system and could change the ears of the listeners, whatever, they respected the stench, that the speaker’s metaphor is wrong with the mysticism of the audience being correct - such judgments. In addition to understanding the metaphor of rhetoric Socrates. Vіn vvazhav, scho head managers right krasnomovstva є vstanovlennya istini, and chi not vminnya orator to change the audience from whom for good. Yogo theory of Krasnomovstvo was found in the dialosis "Phaedrus", written by Yogo teach Plato.

In this dialogue, Socrates, speaking about those that the speaker did not understand the essence of the subject, about which one wants to talk, the success of his own guilt is not within reach. Socrates began his studies, as if he were following the language. You need to start the beginning of the entry, then it is necessary to lay out the material, then we will establish evidence, and then we will develop plausible vysnovki. Cicavo, scho krasnomovstvo right, on the thought of the great Socrates, is more accessible to philosophers - less to the stench of building to know the truth like the world of all speeches.

Tsikavoy, the composition of abbreviated conversations. Sounded out it started from the diet of Socrates to the mind. Pochuta vіdpovіd was given to the sage inconsistency, that he brought guilt with his distant mirkuvannyami and offensive uneasy meals, like "misleading" his conspirator. But the system of nutrition, mirkuvan, arguments itself was such that it helped to know the truth, the only correct answer to the supply of food.

For him, the main philosophical food was the search for sense of reason, the recognition of people, the knowledge of nature and truth. The ideal of “sustainable life” broke up into two concepts: “life is more active” and “life is more contemplative”. The ideal of the first is a rhetorician, practitioner and politician, the ideal of the other is a philosopher, theorist and thinker. The spiritual life of antiquity satisfied two poles - rhetoric and philosophy. Philosophy, as її razumіє Socrates, є mystetstvo of life. Necessary warehousing of this science is to ensure that the priming is correct in the correctness of their judgments and vimagati in the presence of others of the same.

The rhetorical ideal of Socrates:

Dialogue (meta is not a manipulation, but prompting to a thought)

Harmonizing (meta dialogue, super girls - not a struggle, but succumbing to them to the point of falling asleep, only if you reach the reach between the participants of the controversy)

Smislovy (meta - reaching the truth)

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