Actor Oleksiy Panin having died in an accident. Oleksiy sir smiled at the reminder about the death of the wave. Help further development

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      Death of actor Andriy Panin

      On the 6th of June, the prominent actor Andriy Panin died. The body of the artist was revealed on the 7th of June near the apartment of the house, roztashovanogo at the address: Balaklavsky Prospekt, house 18. A craniocerebral injury was fixed at the bent one.

      Glyadach A.Panіn knows from numerous films and serials, from some wines he knew since 1992. Popularity to the new came after the line "Mom, don't scold", and in 2002, roci vin became the right people's favorite after the role in the TV series "Brigade".

      Panіn engraved in the series "Kam'yanska", "March of Turetsky", in the films "Vesillya" by Pavel Lungіn, "To the Lower Vіtsі" by Sergiy Solovyov, "Vodzіtsіlі dlya Vіra" by Pavel Chukhrai, "Burned by the Sun 2" by Mikita Mikhalkov.

      • "Actor Andriy Panin still killed the murders, take it off in such an early mood, in an unfortunate mood, or you can’t kill them yourself," MK cited dzherelo, close to the investigation. Such a vysnovka was done by experts, how they finished the body of a popular artist.

        An unfortunate fall, as the cause of the death of the actor Andriy Panin, is suggested by the capital's experts. Mayzhe two months after the death of the famous actor fakhivtsy could have made the first biggest vernacular about those that became a fatal night in the artist’s apartment on Balaklavsky Prospekt.

        At the TV show on the First Channel, the official representative of the TFR revealed details of the investigation into the death of the prominent actor Andriy Panin. Behind Markin's words, alcohol was revealed in the artist's blood, and Panin's death does not have a violent character.

        Actor Andriy Panin, not long before his death, having taken off injuries, not related to falls, made "MK" dzherelo, close to the medical ships of the capital.

        Second. Center of Moscow. Panahida for the Artist. Cherga is alive from Tverskaya to the main entrance to the Moscow Art Theater named after Chekhov near Kamergersky provulk. People come in small groups, five to ten people each, so as not to do the embossing. Spivrobitniki to the theater and the security service that came to them, how to ask them to show them their bags, take papers and polyethylene from tickets and go to another overhead - to the main stage. There, stomping in squares, honed by relatives and relatives - a majestic crowd of people - perpendicular to the hall for peeping people stand a string with Andriyem Paninim.

        On the same day, the wealthy of ZMI got information that the dancers of the leading artist ruled the beat (and navit beat) with the security service of the Moscow Art Theater, as they did not allow them to be left behind at the hall, that they proclaimed after the order of the ticket to enter the street, so as not to create traffic jams.

        The farewell ceremony for Andriyem Paninim ended at the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov. Arista saw her off in the rest of the way with splashes and cries of "Bravo".

        Today, Moscow is saying goodbye to Honored Artist of Russia Andriyem Paninim. The ceremony will take place at the Moscow Art Theater im. Chekhov, who served as an actor for over 10 years and played nearly a dozen roles.

        The second actor Andriy Panin is buried at the Troykurivsky Tsvintar. Yogo's grave is rebuffed on the alley of actors in the order of the honors of Vladislav Galkin (official name - litter box 6G).

        Andriy Panina is buried at the Troykurivsky Tsvintary at the vtorok. Yogo's grave is the same as the burial place of Vladislav Galkin.

        Dzherelo in the expert report told "MK" that the results of the ship's medical examination at the right about the death of actor Andriy Panin would be withdrawn in less than a month - on the cob of the day. While at the right, the violation by the Supervisory Committee for the article “foreign death of a serious injury to health, which caused the negligence of the death of the victim”, is left with an impersonal obscure food.

        The significance in the history of the mysterious death of the leading actor Andriy Panin was introduced in the week by the investigation. The most recent administration of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in Moscow violated the criminal right for the article "Navmisno zapodіyannya grievous ill health, which caused the death of the victim."

        The death of the leading actor Andriy Panin, perhaps, is of a small violent nature. SK having broken the criminal law for the article “zapodіyannya grievous shkodi zdorov'yu, which caused the death of the victim”. However, the evidence cannot be proved, as if they point to driving in.

        Previously, the forensic expert said that the death of the actor Andriy Panin could not have come after an unfortunate fall. І os new details - a phone was found at his apartment from traces of blood.

        "MK" became the details of the preparation of the ceremony of farewell to Andrey Paninim, as it will be the 12th of March at the Moscow Art Theater named after Chekhov. The portrait of Andriy and his body should be installed on the main stage of the theater, and the artist’s colleagues should stand at the honorable varti. According to the theatrical tradition, the actor is carried out in the rest of the way with splashes.

        According to the fahіvtsya, the death of Andriy Panіn came as a result of a severe craniocerebral injury. Obtain її in the fall of the wines not in a moment.

  • Theater and cinema. The popularity of both the elder and the younger generation is not unpopular. Numerical roles in cinema and theater were assigned to the master's actor's role. Andriy Panin in 1999 became the Volodar of the honorary title "Merited Artist of the Russian Federation". More than once, the actor was nominated for the Golden Eagle award. In 2001, Andriy Panin was awarded the status of a laureate for the honorary Sovereign Prize of Russia, and in 2003 and 2013, claiming the prize "Nika".

    Vіn not thinking about tomorrow

    The history of life and creativity of the actor was varied. І zavdyaki thorny that plaid path im'ya yogo became a guide to a wide zahal. Andriy Panin, speaking about those who do not think about tomorrow, live less than today. Having gained the glory of a charming villain in the cinema and a miracle man in real life, having earned an unforgettable ticket in the history of the Russian theater and cinema.

    The story about the death of the actor has not been revealed yet. Invisibly, they are left behind, as Andriy Panin himself died. The cause of the death of the actor, which is listed in official records, is considered implausible and false.

    Actor Andriy Panin: cause of death

    The biography of the actor, as a creative way, was filled with different sides. Andriy Panin had a chance to work a lot on the path of going to actor's glory. Before the Moscow Theatrical Institute, yoga was taken only after the fourth audition. Youmu was told that an acting career was not for him, that success was not in sight. Ale Andriya Panina didn’t sound at all. And navіt navpak - motivated! We want to bring to everyone that we will become known, that the public will be known! І vіn the reach of the set mark, without regard for those who pishov from life too early.

    Andriy Panin was less than 50 years old, if he left us. The body of the actor was found at his high-rise apartment on 03/07/2013. The medical examiner's got a yogo. The visnovok was crushed, which may have been a craniocerebral injury, for which Andriy Panin died. The exact cause of death was not yet named, but there were few examples of different versions, among them they were called like and vbivstvo. And at this year's dosi it is not known that Andriy Panin died. The actor, the cause of death of which is burnt out by the veil of mystery, having become the object of various TV shows and journalistic investigations. At the їhnomu goі were zroblenі raznі pripusnâ right cause death.

    Different versions of subdivisions

    In the course of investigations conducted by law enforcement agencies, journalists and psychics, all the most significant proofs of the version of what Andriy Panin spent the rest of his life were carried out. The causes of death of the actor were named:

    The forensic medical examiner put it on the cob that the actor had died, better for everything, due to a craniocerebral injury or blood loss. The first version, as it was voiced, is an unfortunate fall. According to the current version, the actor took off the craniocerebral injury after the fall from the height of the damp growth. However, in the course of a further investigation, another change came to the version. In addition, as the body was looked at in greater detail, on the face of the actor's sweatshirt, faceless saddens and wounds were marked, as they could not be taken away through the fall. Tobto actor buv zhorstoko beatings. Tse doslіdzhennya gave rise to a new version - driving in.

    The driving in of the actor - the vipadkovіst chi navmisnіst?

    The news about those who, having perished Andriy Panin for nevіdomih furnishings, caused to show increased interest to the crowd of rich people. By different methods and different fakes, food was brought to light: as if Andriy Panin, having perished himself, was the cause of death? Psychics took an active part from whom. Mediums told that the actor did not die his own death and his soul was restless.

    Psychics voiced various possible options. The deyakі stverdzhuvali, scho yogo close friend that colleague on the stage was guilty of the death of the actor, the deyakі zvonuvachuali native. Buli try to create a possible vbivtsi of a famous artist.

    Help further development

    At the hour of the spiritual séances of the investigation of law enforcement agencies, there were no houses at home either. Bulo was destroyed by the criminal law for the IV part of 111 Art. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. That was the main version of the driving in, hating the death of serious injuries for health, insane from life, as if they caused death through negligence. The forensic medical examiner's office made up stories about those who are an actor, better for everything, having repaired the operation and also caused injuries to the veins.

    On this day, on the right, about the death of an actor, it is considered closed, behind some kind of dzherel. However, it has not been taken away from the smut about those, as if Andriy Panin had died himself - the causes of the death of the actor are left unknown.

    May 28 Andriy Panin vipovnilos b 54 rocks, ale y 2013 p. Vіn pіshov іz zhittya zadkovyh obstavin. Food, which became the right cause of one's death, is left without food. From the moment of his death, three main versions appeared: an unfortunate fall, driving in and hating driving in. The reason, assigned in the official dzherelah, - an unfortunate fall - is richly implausible.

    The body of Andriy Panina was revealed on March 7, 2013. at yoga apartment. A craniocerebral injury was fixed in the bent one. Death has come for doba, 6 birch. From anonymous sources, the press received the following information: the doors to the apartment were mended, at the time of death the actor, after having rested in an unsteady state, had a head injury and a great blood loss, blood was traced throughout the apartment, no valuable objects were taken from the apartment.

    Anonymous dzherel at the right-hand protection authorities are stupefying that Panin's death does not have a criminal character - it was better for everything, the actors became nasty, he fell down and hit. In my mind, Panin otrimav trauma, falling from the heights of the damp growth, stumbled at the unsteady stand. Having broken his head, having started to panic and began to casually move around the apartment. And the rut and pressure of alcohol increased the pulsation of the blood, after which death came.

    After 2 years after the death of the actor, the criminal right behind the fact of his death was closed with the formulas “unfortunate fall”, and yet many friends of Panina’s colleagues continue to prove that it is not true. To get a drunken person at such a place, having tried bi-upinit blood, and then they would know, for example, a towel near the blood. Yakby vin ozumiv, that you can’t grow it on your own, then sing-song to someone calling bi. No prototyping was recorded.

    Admitters of the version of violent death are allowed, that there was a beat near the apartment, and Panin died after a carnal ear. There is a lot of persecution for someone who, like injuries, the actor could not take after a fall. On the merit of the version of the beaten to witness and appear in the new garden on the tassels of the fingers and blues on the knees. Ale, the followers of the biyki did not know, the Galas did not feel anyone. Before that, the doors were locked with a key. Otzhe, tse bov htos іz znayomih, who was let in to the apartment, and then vin pishov, having taken the keys?

    The version about those that the actor was driven into another city, and then brought to the apartment, also did not know the confirmation - there was no trace of blood in the elevator, and there was stink everywhere in the apartment. And in such a time, sing-songly, there were used certificates, as if they were chili chili, as if they were carrying a body at the pid'izd. And so is the imovirnіst of the fact that Panina was beaten, after whom he came home on his own, having fixed and repaired the doors with his own key, and then without worry and having died due to bloodshed and otrimanih injuries. Ale chi a moment vin at such a place to go home?

    Druzina Panina, actress Natalia Rogozhkina, knows that the cause of her death was the same deadly sound that ruined her hat - addiction to alcohol. Operatives are convinced that the actor had drunk a restful few days before his death, which confirms the judge. At his bachelor's apartment, Panin appeared periodically, if he wanted to walk on his own.

    Psychologist O. Orlova affirms that the actor has overcome depression: “People of creative professions, who live in such a rhythm like Panin, simply can’t stand it! In the minds of their robots, if there is practically no need to feel bad about themselves, for those close to them, it is necessary to be constantly in public - it’s not enough to lead to the syndrome of chronic automy. This is the syndrome of professional ignorance, if teasing, what has accumulated, unrepentant, trivaly emotional urge to simply break the people.
    Unfortunately, the actors can suffer no less than the emotional pressures:

    Oleksiy Panin is an outrageous Russian actor, a star of rich Russian films and television series. Most famous for roles in such films as "Blind Man's Bluff", "Navit Don't Think" and "DMB".

    Oleksiy was born and spent the main part of his life near Moscow. Yogo fathers were not small enough to film industry of the same age - father worked as an engineer at the scientific and advanced institute of defense industry, and his mother, a journalist for illumination, hugged the post of the editor of the periodical publication "Science".

    Vlasne, Panin himself did not forget the career of an actor, although he saw the youth theater studio of Vyacheslav Spesivtsev. Oleksiy’s golovnym zahoplenyam at pіdlіtkovu vіtsі was a water polo, and vіn seriously dreamed about the great sport. Ale, on the strength of his mother, yom had a chance to enter GITIS.

    On the vіm, as if showing the hour, tsey vish did not zmіg vplinut on the rebellious nature of Panіn, and vіn having left the walls of the alma mater richly earlier for the meaning of the term, without taking away the diploma of pro Vishchiy illuminating. Moreover, Oleksiy is always blatant, that he does not shred about it, the shards of none of his classmates, who graduated from the faculty, such success is not attainable. And the axis of the new career in the cinema looked like the cob, and the young actor himself and raised his respect.

    Oleksiy does not have the right attitude to another actor. Superwide miltsi, actors are just namesakes.


    On this day, the creative biography of Oleksiy Panina is revisiting a hundred robots. Yak and richly pochatkіvtsіv, a bunch of wines z'yavlyavsya in episodes and small roles. Tall (the size of Panina's warehouse is 187 cm) and a filthy actor, having worked in unimaginable roles, playing victims of the night, musicians, swindlers, and readers of those primus people. Popularity was brought to him by the army comedy television series "DMB" and the military drama "Zirka", starring sergeant Kostya Mamochkin.

    Oleksiy Panin at the film "Zirka"

    It also marks the youthful picture “Navit don’t think” and the romantic melodrama “About the Kokhannya for whatever the weather.” And the star's hour for the artist's career came after the appearance on the screen of the criminal black comedy "Blind Man's Bluff", de Panin interacting with the actor.

    Oleksiy Panin at the film "Zhmurki"

    Then the actor appeared in the lead roles in the handy comedy "Phenomenon" about a villain with telekinetic abilities, the crime action movie "Waterfall on Asphalt", which shows the end of the 90s, and the handy detective story "Kohanna and Gold", based on real names Gold of Bactria.

    Oleksiy Panin at the film "Moscow History"

    In 2006, the actor played the lead role in the crime film The Theater Trap, based on real stories. The actor of the youth theater, Gina, played in an erotic scene in front of young spectators. A young man succumbs to the actor, the role of such a person is Panin, who wins to know those responsible for the death of a girl. Why did the actor play the main role in the ironic detective story "Provincial passions".

    Oleksiy Panin at the film "Shpigun"

    In 2008, the role of Oleksiy Panin played the lead role in the crime drama “Voiced in Rozshuk”, in 2009 he became the lead hero of the series in the detective series “Court”. In 2010, Panin played the role of the main character of the operative Yashin in the ironic detective story "Sivy Merin" and played the main role of police captain Blok in the series "Once in the Police".

    Oleksiy Panin at the series "Once in the police"

    In 2011, Oleksiy played a major negative role in the melodrama “Payment for Kohannya” and played the role of Arkady Shcheglov in the tragicomedy “Varinnya z sakuri” about the opposition to the Japanese and Russian character in a well-taken office.

    Oleksiy Panin at the film "The Angel's Right"

    The rest of the rock of Oleksiy began to grow less. In 2015, the roles on the screen only saw the state-of-the-art film “Spigun’s Soul”, Panin starred in the Ukrainian mystical drama “Right of the Angel”, but the project was never completed. In 2016, the actor appeared in another role as a black police officer in the Oparina metro station in the two-part crime film “Captain of the Metro Police”.

    Life Specialist

    So it happened that Oleksiy Panin’s burbled special life, who never took any novels, lots of scandals, Postupovo began to zammaryuvati yogo career of the artist. We will take on more of the country's vidan and sites will tell you more about the new developments of the outrageous actor, and also about the new work in the cinema.

    Oleksiy Panin had a lot of romantic dreams. Among the most famous and best seen are the most popular girls from St. Petersburg actress Yuliya Yudintseva and gynecologist Tetyana Savina. Offended women gave birth to youma daughters. The eldest daughter Hanna was the cause of an even more blatant scandal, tied up with judicial review and tampering with the rights to the child. The young Mashenka lost her share through those who left Oleksiy from Tetyana Savina friendly friends, which cannot be said about the situation with Yuliya Yudintseva

    In 2011, the roci z'appeared a bit about Panina's novel with the actress. The actor gave Mary the trojans in the eyes of the chanuvalniks, appearing at the secular entrances at once from the damp donka and the son of Bersenev.

    The actress in the interview stated that she was afraid of the famous brawler, but, having speculated in a special way, she knew from Panina the clique and the ironic speaker. The press and the shanuvalniks did not believe in the novel, until Panin declared that he was talking about Mary already.

    Been in the actor and іnshі, less thick novels, and in 2013 the community was struck by the novelty: Panіn nareshti became friends. Lyudmila Grigor'eva became Yogo's guardian. Bagato shanuvalnikov Oleksiy was respected, that he won the peace of mind of his legendary vibukhovy character and became a bright Sim'yanin. Ale tsey slyub vitriav more than one river.


    Since that hour, the scandalous stories tied to the names of the actor Panin have not diminished. With skin rock, Panin knew and graves at the theater are less and less, rest of the news about the actor, there were only a few more scandalous incidents.

    Of the novelties, information from social measures is sharply seen: Oleksiy Viklav "Instagram" bedroom photographs from a large squad, grown up on a nudist beach. І tse on aphids beautiful words, like an actor, having written about his feelings to Lyudmila On the vіdmіnu in the form of offensive materials, the actor shared himself independently.

    Ale, shockingly at that moment, the reminder sounded earlier. On the air of the program "The Invisible Man", like appearing on the channel "TV-3", Oleksiy Panin recognized his bisexuality, which confirmed the detector of nonsense. The actor found out that he had homosexual sex at a swinger party. New dosvіd vouchsafed to the actor, and Panin, for yoga words, a few times repeating yoga already in the evening pose.

    So the person repeatedly bald, but not understanding the meaning of the phrase “non-traditional sexual orientation”, to that it is important for the new one, that the partners were happy, and it is unimportant, one stink of the other. Ale is also an actor knowing that he shouldn’t make romantic dreams for himself from people and look at those who have become less like a sexual dream.

    In 2014, the rock actor became the main hero of not a sexual, but a criminal scandal. The large squad of the actor Yuliya Yudintsev, after a thorny court process, brought Panina's sleeping daughter to justice. Julia took the girl to Peterhof. Actor dіznavsya, where to know colossal squad that donka, in sіchnі 2015 roku i vtіk.

    The woman with the child had a chance to change hands at the lawyer's office near the railway station. Panіn trimav at the flanks I'll wake up chotiri days, spending the night in the car. Potim Panіn vlastuvav biyku from the lawyer of the squad. Actor stverdzhuvav, scho zahisnik "beating" yogo. Oleksiy took a beating and wrote an application for a lawyer.

    Zreshtoy Yudintseva came in handy for the talks. For whom Yulia and her daughter were taken to St. Petersburg for protection. The actor dominated the pursuit of the police cortege. For repeated violations of the rules of the road traffic, that opir by the policemen Panina was hung up. The actor took ten decibels of administrative arrest.

    At the breast of 2015, Panin woke up a sleeping daughter, Hannah, from a large squad. The man took the girl after school and for a month without giving the child a lot of squads. After negotiations with Yuliya, in order, the conversation with the girl, that vtruchannya presi and the bulk of Panin, waited a while to turn the bottom.

    Panіn for a deaky hour sign from the sight of the presi. There were a few things that the actor was drunk on drugs. The journalists said that Panin was walking in a halas in a remote village. As ZMI said, the artist can't work and will run out of pennies.

    Zhartіvlive "vesіllya" Oleksiya Panіna

    And in April 2016, they started talking about the actor's new wedding. Moreover, the best friend of Tetyana's big squad became the image of nibito. At the social services, a photograph of the dead in hoops was posted. It’s true, Oleksiy Panin knew that that photo session was a hell of a fire.

    For example, in 2016, the actor shocked the country with a video recording from a richly marvelous sexual story, lower in the front lines. A video was posted on the Internet showing that the actor, or similar to Panina, was having sex with a dog.

    The actor stverzhuє, scho video substavne, created by the NTV channel, to denigrate the name of Panina and raise the voice. The TV channel dedicated a series of programs to the scandal, having discussed the videos on the shows “We Say It Shows”, “You Don't Believe It” and “New Russian Sensations”.

    Oleksiy stverzhuє, that the staff has no faults and influences the examination. Oleksiy Panina's friend, oligarch Andriy Kovalyov, having supported the actor and propagated a million rubles of people, as if he knew the original of the scandalous video. Zvernennya Kovalov was taken to the socialist organizations.

    Ale, the person in the video has the same tattoo - you can clearly see the tattoo with three symbols on the hands and the dolphin on the back - like an actor. In addition, Oleksiy Yuliya Yudintseva's huge squad confirmed the personality of the actor in an interview with NTV. Zhіnka called those that seem to be a nightmare. Yuliya is impressed that Panin is on the video. Yudintsev recognized as zovnіshnіst, so the actor's ruhi and not razumіє, on which Panіn and Kovalyov rely, relying on reverifications and examinations.

    Oleksiy Panin at once

    On the cob of earth 2017, another shocking video appeared in Merezh. Goliy and p'yany actor, clothes are scarcely in panchokhas and a part of a dress-leotard (a woman has an erotic back of whiteness), having called for an amateur spy on the street, like a coristuvachi social merezh, Ulyanovsk. The actor is not just walking around costume for the woman along the streets. In the video, you can see that the actor is masturbating on camera, commenting on the process and loudly chomping on it. The video was quickly removed from the social networks following the starry eyes.

    Journalists reached Oleksiy Panin with comments on some scandalous video. The actor said in an interview that he did not know how the video was spent to Merezh and to sleep access. Mr. Stverzhuє that the video was taken for the home collection, moreover, the actor of that young lady shot this video three years before the scandal. The artist knew that he was drunk and not funny jarting, looking at the video of Oleksiy, following the words of the actor, shamefully and unacceptably. So Panin, having spoken out the claims to the quiet, who bayed the video at social services.

    On this series of intimate scandals for the fate of Panina did not end. Also, in blacks on the Internet, they never angered a pornographic trihviline video, on which Panin is a person, like two drops of water is similar to an actor, engages in oral sex from a person.

    Internet-corestuvachi menaced Panin, badgered the actor of death, she paid a penny reward for them, who are the artists behind the physical shkodi.

    The actor commented on the attacks. From a glance, Panina, there are no strangers, as an artist leads an intimate life. Oleksiy, having pleased the "fighters for morality", put a special video of the actor on the Internet.

    On the 14th of June the actor came to the talk show "Let's not talk" on the "First Channel", dedicated to the scandalous video. The artist was vibacciated in front of TV viewers and Internet koristuvachs for good behavior on the recordings. But also Oleksiy Panіn stverdzhuvav, that the videos were taken a long time ago. Having begun a new life, the actor marvels and becomes overwhelmed by those who, unknown to him, continue to share the unacceptable details of the past artist.

    The protege squad of Panina Yuliya Yudintsev is convinced that the actor needs to be fenced off from her nine-year-old daughter. The woman is afraid of the negative infusion of the scandalous dad. In the middle of black 2017, the fate of the Internet, overwhelmed by the artist’s scandalous windings, began to massively expand and sign a petition for those who took away the father’s rights from the actor.

    Activists say that the scandalous scandal is not safe for children, and they should file a lawsuit against Panin before the court for robbing a young woman and conduct a primus psychological examination of the actor, and a part of the Internet-koristuvachiv has been condemned, that Panin is blessed. People, who signed the petition, are aware that the videos with the actor's immoral intrigues are freely expanding around Merezhi, enough to bring criminal justice to Panina for systematic hooliganism.


    • 2002 - Zirka
    • 2003 - Navit do not think
    • 2004 - About the kohannya for whatever it is
    • 2005 - Zhmurki
    • 2005 - Kohannya that gold
    • 2005 - Poluvannya on asphalt
    • 2005 - Phenomenon
    • 2006 - Provincial passions
    • 2007 - Stunned at the roses
    • 2010 - Sea Merin
    • 2010 - Yakos at the police
    • 2011 - Sakuri Varennea
    • 2011 - Payment for a kohanny
    • 2014 - Right Angel
    • 2015 - The soul of the spy
    • 2016 - Metro Police Captain

    The Russian actor Oleksiy Panin is known not only for his roles in films, but also for scandals, which will make him sick. By the greater world of guilt he himself becomes the culprit of inaccuracies and by the same rank not to be ashamed of his voice.


    The actor was born in Moscow 1977 to the year, 10 spring. Batko was an engineer, and his mother was an editor of the visual arts. From the childhood of the unheard Oleksiy Panin. The young man's biography was filled with various wondrous scrolls. The lads were running out of schools, they were depriving them of other fate, the fathers were frequent guests in the director's office.

    Panin in the 90s, having spent his hour on the streets, earning his authority as a rebel.

    The lad never dreamed and learned without thinking that his life would be shown in cinema. Here the mother played an important role. Vaughn hit on the fact that Oleksiy joined GITIS. Showing his character here Oleksiy Panin. The actor constantly otrimuvav dogani, mav іz vykladachami conflicts, through yakі і buv vіdrakhovaniya.

    First moments at the cinema

    In 2000, Panin first appeared on the screen at the film “The Romanovs. Empressive family." The very next picture of the painting became the home of Oleksiy Panin. The actor began to take the daedals more propositions, and ask him to play episodic roles.

    After the release of the film "Zirka" Panin took off the recognition of the peephole. Tse bula yogo spravzhnya dawn of the year, yak tried to finish the long hour.

    Yogo's rebellious character, no wonder, for sure, having helped you in life. In 2005, the actor played the main role in the painting "Blind Man's Buff" with D. Dyuzhov.

    Loving the full length, the serials were not given to you, although they worked in a number of wines, and your roles were not left unmarked. Zigrav at "Soldiers", "I still love" Oleksiy Panin.

    The biography of the actor has been added to the city in 2002. Winning the State Prize of the Russian Federation for the film "Zirka".

    Life Specialist

    Dosit v_domy Oleksiy Panin. The special life of the actor was always in full swing. Vіn mav i will have enough novels in my arsenal. Unfortunately, our love-story ended with grandiose scandals, well, we can't live without them.

    In 2006, the actor got to know the future squad - Yulia Yudintseva. The girl came to Moscow from Yalta and started at the institute. Vaughn, like and all yogo kolishnі pasії, the bula was slaughtered by the actor. Panin lived two years from her, a daughter was born to the slave. However, їх sleeping life didn’t work out, and with an invisible scandal, the stench rose up.

    After separation, Tetyana Savina appeared in my life, for I knew five fates. Behind yoga words, the girl vibrated with beauty and life. Panin did not begin to show his life to her with legal bonds of love, regardless of those that Tetyana gave birth to his daughter in 2011.

    Trohi shamenivshis, Panin all the same friends, ale tsylyub having recognized a fiasco. Yogo's team left and went to the next. Oleksiy had a hard time enduring the crisis, and needed help from psychiatrists.

    Fight for daughter

    Pilni fans know how Oleksiy, having chosen his daughter Anya, how the lawful squad gave birth to you. In 2008, the role of the actor together with his comrade created the birthday of a dear donka. Tse trapilos at St. Petersburg on the middle of a broad day of the school. After tsієї podії, as if Oleksiy Panіn was strong, the daughter was happy, she lived with her father and grandmother.

    The ex-druzhina fought for their little blood, sued the actor, but did not take everything to the point of respect. The man declared that the yogo team blessed that її place in the psychiatric hospital. But still, Yulia was far away from seeking justice, and her daughter was turned away.

    Regardless of those that Yudintseva took everything legal rights on Anya, Panin, you can’t calm down, and on the cob of 2015, having tasted the donka. How many times did Yulia get ready to get ahead of the police about Panin's name. Vіn buv arrests for 10 decibels and fines for 30 thousand rubles for the image of a policeman who got into the situation.

    Scandalous stories

    Can't live without scandals Oleksiy Panin. Films for Yogo's fate, perhaps, brought Yomu less glory, lower headless toppings. For the rest of the hour, I continue to shock my shanuvalniks.

    Not long ago, the actor declared that all yogo beshketnost and scandals go out of your hands, shards of wine are a lover of Putin himself. The President will not let Oleksiy Panin, an actor from the great literature, sit behind the gates.

    Having had a car accident at Krimu Panin, he was a lad of Tatar nationality who was a participant in an accident. In this situation, Oleksiy showed his unkind attitude to the Tatars. Vin saying that on the trees, that the bridles of the road grow, the Tatars may hang. Before that, I said with pride that Crimea did not lie in Ukraine at all.

    Seeing your lack of carnity Oleksiy Panin. The actor does not get caught up in one scandal, already dragging it to the next one. At the restaurant in the provincial town of wines, declaring that the hedgehog is not tasty, he loaded it with a drinker at the barmaid, having beaten dishes with it. Having left the place, the actor did not pay for his winding.

    Having taken a part in the talk show "The Detector of Lies", Panin simply driving us in on the spot with his knowledge of homosexual relationships. Until then, wine roses, which repeatedly took part in orgies. And most of all, it was better to know that you would allow yourself to walk naked in front of your young daughter.

    Chi deprive movie actor?

    Oleksiy Panin, not long ago declaring that the new one had come to life Infection of turbulence at the request of his daughter Nyuti, like a mother screeched at the new one. Until then, it’s important to transfer the separation from Yulia and if you want to turn around, but I don’t know how to tell you.

    The cinema moved to another plane, and while you want to change your mind, put your thoughts in order.

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